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[2017]  Kant Bibliography 2018  [      ]

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[top]Kant    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Editions and translations of the writings of Immanuel Kant

[See also the items listed under Collections]

“Untersuchung der Frage, ob die Erde in ihrer Umdrehung um die Achse, wodurch sie die Abwechselung des Tages und der Nacht hervorbringt, einige Veränderung seit den ersten Zeiten ihres Ursprungs erlitten habe” (1754)

 ——. “Cercetarea chestiunii, dacă Pământul în rotaţia lui în jurul axei, prin care produce alternarea zilei şi a nopţii, a suferit vreo schimbare de la primele timpuri ale originii sale şi cum am putea fi siguri de aceasta, temă propusă de Academia Regală de Ştiinţe din Berlin pentru premiul anului în curs.” [Romanian]  Translated by Alexandru Boboc. Revista de Filosofie 65.1 (2018): 103-7. [PW] [online]

“Die Frage, ob die Erde veralte, psysikalisch erwogen” (1754)

 ——. “Chestiunea dacă Pământul îmbătrâneşte, considerată fizicalist.” [Romanian]  Translated by Alexandru Boboc. Revista de Filosofie 65.2 (2018): 191-203. [PW] [online]

Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (1785)

 ——. Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. [English] Translated by Allen W. Wood. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018. [xxxvii, 106 p.] [WC


Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft (1793)

 ——. Immanuel Kant, Religion and Rational Theology. Edited and translated by Allen W Wood and George Di Giovanni; revised and with an introduction by Robert Merrihew Adams. Revised second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxviii, 254 p.] [M]

Zum ewigen Frieden (1795)

 ——. Om den eviga freden. [Swedish] Translated by Alf W. Johansson. Second, revised edition. Göteborg: Bokförlaget Daidalos, 2018. [132 p.] [WC]


 ——. Die frühen Notate zu Baumgartens Metaphysica. Edited by Günter Gawlick, Lothar Kreimendahl, Werner Stark, Norbert Hinske, Oliver R. Scholz, and Meinolf Vielberg. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 2018. [580 p.] [WC]


Lecture Notes

 ——. “‘Sinais que substituem os conceitos das coisas, encontramo-los nos poetas’: Kant sobre a faculdade de designação.” Translated into Portuguese by Fernando M. F. Silva. Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 536-45. [M] [online]



[top]A    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ackeren, Marcel van, and Martin Sticker. “Kant and the Problem of Demandingness: Introduction.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 373-78. [PW]

 ——, and Martin Sticker. “Moral Rationalism and Demandingness in Kant.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 407-28. [PW]


Alberg, Jeremiah. “Reading Kant: From Rousseau to Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 7-12. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


al-Karaki, Balqis. “‘Striking Similarities’: Ibn Sina’s Takhyil and Kant’s Aesthetic Judgment.” Philosophy East & West 68.1 (2018): 1-22. [PI]


Allais, Lucy. “Evil and Practical Reason.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 83-101. [M]

Altman, Matthew C. Rev. of Kant's Theory of Normativity: Exploring the Space of Reason, by Konstantin Pollok (2017). Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.1 (2018): 177-78. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Philosophy of Mind: Perception, Reason, and the Self, edited by Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (2017). British Journal for the History of Philosophy (published online: 21 Aug 2018). [PW]

Alves Fernandes, Darley. “Kant e o sentimento moral.” [Portuguese; Kant and the moral feeling] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 488-510. [M] [online]


Alweiss, Lilian. “Embodiment and Self-Awareness – Evans, Cassam and Husserl.” Philosophy 93.1 (2018): 31-51. [PW]


Ameriks, Karl. “Once Again: The End of All Things.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 213-30. [M]

Androulidakis, Konstantinos. “Η καντιανή θεμελίωση της τελολογικής ηθικής.” [Greek; The Kantian foundation of teleological morality] Vol. 12 (Ethics): 425-30. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


[top] B[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Bacin, Stefano. “Kant and Feder on the Will, Happiness and the Aim of Moral Philosophy.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 232-49. [PW]

Bader, Ralf M. Rev. of Significance and System: Essays on Kant's Ethics, by Mark Timmons (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Feb 2018, #1). [M] [online]

Barker, Michael. “Kant’s Maxim for Judging Organisms.” Review of Metaphysics 72.2 (2018): 301-30. [PI]

Barquinero del Toro, Sara. Rev. of Kant et les empirismes, edited by Antoine Grandjean (2017). Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 586-91. [M] [online]

Basaglia, Federica.  “Kants Definition von Begehrungsvermögen und sein Verständnis vom tierischen Leben.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Begehren/Desire, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 13 (2018): 39-58. [PW]

Basile, Cassandra. “Dialettica della ragione, teleologia e idea di mondo in Kant Introduzione.” [Italian; Dialectic of Reason, Teleology and the Idea of World in Kant Introduction] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 386-91. [M] [online]

 ——. “Illusione e Inganno: parvenza trascendentale e critica come katharsis in Kant.” [Italian; Delusion and Deception: Transcendental Illusion and Critique as Katharsis in Kant] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 410-26. [M] [online]


Bauer, Katharina. “Cognitive Self‐Enhancement as a Duty to Oneself: A Kantian Perspective.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 56.1 (2018): 36-58. [PW]


Baxley, Anne Margaret. Rev. of Virtues of Freedom: Selected Essays on Kant, by Paul Guyer (2016). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2018, #2). [M] [online]

Beade, Ileana. “Kant en el debate contemporáneo acerca de los derechos humanos, el cosmopolitismo y la paz.” [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 103-9. [M] [online]

Behtash, Mohammadreza, and Ali Karbasizadeh. “The Role of 'Critique of Judgment' in the Explanation of Experiential Causality in Transcendental Idealism of Kant.” [Farsi] Metaphyzik 9.24 (2018): 15-32. [PI]


Bilgiç, Meriç. “New Transcendental Dialectics between Kant and Hegel.” Vol. 22 (Metaphilosophy): 5-12. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Bliss, Mavis. Rev. of Understanding Kant’s Ethics, by Michael Cholbi (2016). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 151-55. [PW]

Blöser, Claudia. “Human Fallibility and the Need for Forgiveness.” Philosophia (posted: 15 Feb 2018): 1-19. [PW]


Boros, Gabor. “Freedom in Nature, Freedom of the Mind in Spinoza.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 27-46. [PW]

Botwinick, Aryeh. “Moses Maimonides und Immanuel Kant – negative Theologie, Skeptizismus und die Rolle des Unendlichen.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66.1 (2018): 25-42. [PW]


Boudouris, Konstantinos, editor-in-chief. Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. 75 vols. Bowling Green: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2018. [PW]


Brady, Emily. Rev. of The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant, by Robert Doran (2015). Comparative Literature 70.1 (2018): 93-95. [PW]

Brandt, Reinhard. “Was ist Aufklärung? Beobachtungen zur Kantischen Antwort.” Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 147-69. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Wie aufgeklärt ist die Vernunft der Aufklärung? Eine Kritik aus aristotelischer Sicht, by Arbogast Schmitt (2016). Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 361-66. [PW]

Breckman, Warren. “Bootstrapping, Self-Binding, and Other Metaphors of Antifoundationalism.” History and Theory 57.3 (2018): 413-18. [PW]


Breitenbach, Angela. “The Beauty of Science with the Science of Beauty: Kant and the Rationalists on the Aesthetics of Cognition.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.2 (2018): 281-304. [M]


Brook, Andrew. “The Deduction: Some Suggestions for Future Work.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 89-97. [PW]


Bunte, Martin. “Absolute Spontaneity and Self-Determination: The Fact of Reason and the Categories of Freedom.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 123-36. [PW]

Bykova, Marina F. “Kant’s Problems with Freedom and Fichte’s Response to the Challenge.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 137-56. [PW]

[top] C[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Callanan, John J. “Methodological Conservativism in Kant and Strawson.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (online: 19 Jun 2018): pages. [PW]


Caranti, Luigi. “Reply to my critics.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 110-16. [M] [online]

Castillo, Monique. “How Does the Kantian Idea of History Anticipate, in 1784, Its Own Realization?” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (posted 15 Jun 2018): 1-9. [M] [online]

Cavallar, Georg. Rev. of Toward Kantian Cosmopolitanism, by Lorena Cebolla Sanahuja (2017). Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 343-46. [PW]

Cesar Martin, Pablo. “Freedom of Imagination as Foundation for Aesthetic Judgement and Teleological Judgement.” Vol. 1 (Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art): 187-92. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Champagne, Mark. “Kantian Schemata: A Critique Consistent with the Critique.” Philosophical Investigations 41.4 (2018): 436-45. [PW]


Chance, Brian A. “Wolff’s Empirical Psychology and the Structure of the Transcendental Logic.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 17-34. [PW]

Chiurazzi, Gaetano. “Kant’s Revolutionary Metaphysics as a New Policy of Reason.” Vol. 70 (Renaissance and Modern Philosophy): 5-9. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Choi, Yoon. “New Work on Kant (II): Kant and the Philosophy of Mind.” Critique (blog posted: 1 Jul 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Claussen, Tor. “Kant i lys av den «lingvistiske vending». Hva om Kant fortolkes alternativt?” [Norwegian] Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 53.1 (2018): 28-39. [PW]


Clem, Stewart. “Dropping the Debt: A New Conundrum in Kant’s Rational Religion.” Religious Studies 54.1 (2018): 131-45. [PW]


Clewis, Robert R. “Beauty and Utility in Kant’s Aesthetics: The Origins of Adherent Beauty.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.2 (2018): 305-36. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Physical Geography and the Critical Philosophy.” Epoche 22.2 (2018): 411-27. [PW]


 ——. “Nature, Religion, and Imagination: Comments on Images of History.” History and Theory 57.3 (2018): 419-25. [PI]


Coate, Matthew. “‘Nothing but Nonsense’: A Kantian Account of Ugliness.” The British Journal of Aesthetics 58.1 (2018): 51-70. [PW]


Cohen, Alix.  “Kant on Moral Feelings, Moral Desires and the Cultivation of Virtue.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Begehren/Desire, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 13 (2018): 3-18. [PW]

 ——. “Kant on science and normativity.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 6-12. [PI]


Conceição, Jorge Vanderlei Costa da. “O problema do mal na Religião nos limites da simples razão.” [Portuguese; The problem of evil in the Religion in the limits of the simple reason] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 252-74. [M] [online]


Cooper, Andrew. “Kants Theorie der Biologie: Ein Kommentar. Eine Lesart. Eine Historische Einordnung.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.3 (2018): 625-30. [PI]

Costantini, Marco. “Le patologie psichiche nel Versuch kantiano del 1764.” [Italian; Psychopathologies in Kant’s 1764 Versuch] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 234-51. [M] [online]


Crisp, Roger. “Moral Rationalism and Demandingness in Kant: A Response to van Ackeren and Sticker.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 429-33. [PW]


Croitoru, Rodica. “Platonic Idea and Transcendental Idea as Investigation and Opening to Life.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 19-23. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Cubo Ugarte, Oscar. Rev. of Kant und der Rechtsstaat und andere Essays zu Kants Rechtslehre und Ethik, by Joachim Hruschka (2015). Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 170-74. [PW]

Cunha, Bruno. “Kant e a sua Crítica a Hutcheson e à Doutrina do Sentimento Moral na Década de 1770.” [Portuguese] Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74.1 (2018): 309-26. [PW]

 ——. “Kant e Rousseau: religião e teodiceia nas Anotações nas Observações sobre o Sentimento do Belo e do Sublime.” [Portuguese; Kant and Rousseau: religion and theodicy in Remarks on the Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime] Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 5-23. [M] [online]


Cureton, Adam. “Reasonable Hope in Kant’s Ethics.” Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 181-203. [PW]


[top] D[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

da Costa, Rafaella Silveira Sucupira. “A teoria da educação de immanuel kant e o aperfeiçoamento moral.” [Portuguese; Immanuel Kant's Theory od Education and Moral Improvement] Intuitio 11.2 (2018): 66-86. [PI]


Dahan, Roit. “The Individual between Reason and Inclination: Marcuse’s Critique of Freud and Kant.” Vol. 12 (Ethics): 85-90. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Dahlstrom, Daniel O. “Truth, Knowledge, and “the Pretensions of Idealism”: A Critical Commentary on the First Part of Mendelssohn’s Morning Hours.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): pages. [PW]


Davis, Ryan W. “Frontier Kantianism: Autonomy and Authority in Ralph Waldo Emerson and Joseph Smith.” Journal of Religious Ethics 46.2 (2018): 332-59. [PI]


De Bianchi, Silvia. “Introduction to Kant’s philosophy of science: Bridging the gap between the natural and the human sciences.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 1-5. [PI]

 ——. “The stage on which our ingenious play is performed: Kant’s epistemology of Weltkenntnis.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 58-66. [PI]


de Boer, Karin. “Staking out the Terrain of Pure Reason: Kant’s Critique of Wolffian Metaphysics in Dreams of a Spirit-Seer.” Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus 14 (2018): pages??. [PW]


 ——. “Kants radicaliteit. Een reactie op Schultings Kant’s Radical Subjectivism.” [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie vol (2018): pages??. [PW]

 ——, and Stephen Howard. “A Ground Completely Overgrown: Heidegger, Kant, and the Problem of Metaphysics.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (published online: 16 Apr 2018). [PW]


De Federicis, Nico. “Kant and Political Philosophy.” Vol. 69 (Political Philosophy): 99-104. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Díaz Marsá, Marco. “Apariencia autónoma y corrección cultural. Kant ante el problema de la ilusión antropológica. [Spanish; Autonomous appearance and cultural correction. Kant and the problem of the anthropological illusion] [ Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 184-204. [M] [online]


D’Oro, Giuseppina. “Between ontological hubris and epistemic humility: Collingwood, Kant and the role of transcendental arguments.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (published online: 21 Jun 2018). [PW]


Dybel, Paweł. “Niebo gwiaździste nad Królewcem a prawo moralne. Dyskusja Gadamera z estetyką Kanta wokół kwestii doświadczenia piękna i jego odniesienia do etyki.” [Polish; The Starry Sky above Koenigsberg and the Moral Law. H.G. Gadamer’s Debate with I. Kant Concering the Experience of Beauty and Its Relatedness to Ethics] Diametros 55 (2018): 112-31. [PW] [online]


Dyck, Corey. “G. F. Meier and Kant on the Belief in the Immortality of the Soul.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 76-93. [PW]

 ——. “The Spinozan-Wolffian Philosophy? Mendelssohn’s Philosophical Dialogues of 1755.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 251-69. [PW]


 ——, and Falk Wunderlich. “Introduction.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 1-14. [PW]

 ——, and Falk Wunderlich, eds. Kant and His German Contemporaries. Volume 1: Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. [xiv, 294 p.] [PW] [review]


 ——, and Heiner F. Klemme. “Introduction: The Philosophy of Moses Mendelssohn - Die Philosophie von Moses Mendelssohn.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 249-50. [PW]

[top] E[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Edwards, Jeffrey. Autonomy, Moral Worth, and Right: Kant on Obligatory Ends, Respect for Law, and Original Acquisition. Berlin / Boston: DeGruyter, 2018. [xvi, 353 p.] [WC]


Eisinger Guimarães, Rômulo. “Onde (não) entram voz universal e sensus communis nos juízos-de-gosto?” [Portuguese; Where universal voice and sensus communis (don't) enter into judgments-of-taste?] Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 75-101. [M] [online]


Eldridge, Richard. “Précis Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom, and the Human Subject.” History and Theory 57.3 (2018): 408-12. [PI]


 ——. “Replies to Comments on Images of History by Warren Breckman, Robert R. Clewis, and Espen Hammer.” History and Theory 57.3 (2018): 431-37. [PI]


Elon, Daniel. “Gottlob Ernst Schulzes skeptizistische Kant-Kritik in ihrer Relevanz für Arthur Schopenhauers Systemkonstitution.” Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 124-46. [PW]


Engelhard, Kristina. “The problem of grounding natural modality in Kant’s account of empirical laws of nature.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 24-34. [PI]


Englert, Alexander T. Rev. of The Highest Good in Kant’s Philosophy, edited by Thomas Höwing (2016). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 168-73. [PW]

Engstrom, Stephen. “Understanding Autonomy: Form and Content of Practical Knowledge.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 44-60. [M]

Ertl, Wolfgang. Rev. of Kants Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit: Versuch einer anti-realistischen Interpretation der Kritik der reinen Vernunft, by Kiyoshi Chiba (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 218-21. [PW]

Everett, Jonathan. “A Kantian account of mathematical modelling and the rationality of scientific theory change: The role of the equivalence principle in the development of general relativity.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 45-57. [PI]


[top] F[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Falsafi, Hossein. “Studying and Evaluating Kant’s Attitude towards Plato’s Ideas.” Vol. 8 (Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy): 49-53. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Fan, Dahan. Die Problematik der Interesselosigkeit bei Kant. Eine Studie zur «Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft». Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. [160 p.??] [PW]


Feloj, Serena. “Dall’idea di mondo all’idea di organismo: lo schematismo dell’uso regolativo della ragione.” [Italian; From the Idea of World to the Idea of Organism: Schematism of the Regulative Use of Reason] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 473-87. [M] [online]


Ferrarin, Alfredo. “Reply to Magrì and Frilli.” Critique (blog posted: 19 Feb 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Ferreiro Lago, Sara. Rev. of Kant on Love, by Pärttyli Rinne (2018). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 579-85. [M] [online]

Ferrero Martínez, Carlos Javier. “Dynamics of the Sublime: A Way into the Wild.” Vol. 1 (Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art): 73-77. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Ferrini, Cinzia. “Descartes’s Legacy in Kant’s Notions of Physical Influx and Space-Filling: True Estimation and Physical Monadology.” Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 9-46. [PW]


Feuerhahn, Niels. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, translated by Mary Gregor (2015). Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 57.3 (2018): 646-48. [PW]

Filho, Edgard José Jorge. “Concerning the Proof of Freedom in Kant.” Vol. 12 (Ethics): 115-20. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Filieri, Luigi. “Natura e funzione delle idee trascendentali.” [Italian; Nature and Function of the Transcendental Ideas] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 392-409. [M] [online]


Fisher, Naomi. Rev. of I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant and Back Again, by Béatrice Longuenesse (2017). The Review of Metaphysics 71.4 (2018): 812-14. [PW]

Fleischacker, Samuel. Rev. of Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment, edited by Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Feb 2018, #14). [M] [online]

Forschler, Scott. “The ‘Necessity’ Fallacy in Kantian Ethics.” Vol. 12 (Ethics): 121-25. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Forster, Michael N. “Free Will in Antiquity and in Kant.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 10-26. [PW]

Franceschet, Antonio. Rev. of Kant’s Embedded Cosmopolitanism: History, Philosophy, and Education for World Citizens, by Georg Cavallar (2015). Canadian Journal of Political Science 51.1 (2018): 187-88. [PI]

Frilli, Guido. “On Alfredo Ferrarin’s Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant.” Critique (blog posted: 19 Feb 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Fozarova, Feruza. “Эстетическая Проблематика Иммануила Канта.” [Russian; Aesthetic Problems of Immanuel Kant] Vol. 1 (Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art): 421-26. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


[top] G[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

García Mills, Nicolás. “Realizing the Good: Hegel's Critique of Kantian Morality.” European Journal of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 195-212. [PW]


Gava, Gabriele. “C. I. Lewis, Kant, and the reflective method of philosophys.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (published online: 1 Mar 2018). [PW]


Geiger, Ido. See: Reiter, Aviv, and Ido Geiger.

Gironi, Fabio, ed. The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux: Analytic and Continental Kantianism. New York: Routledge, 2018. [vi, 239 p.] [WC]


Glezer, Tal. Kant on Reality, Cause, and Force: From the Early Modern Tradition to the Critical Philosophy. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. [xv, 225 p.] [WC]

Golob, Sacha. “On Dennis Schulting’s Kant’s Radical Subjectivism.” Critique (blog posted: 20 May 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Gomes, Anil. “Minding the Gap: Subjectivism and the Deduction.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 99-109. [PW]


Granja Castro, Dulce Maria. “El ingreso y la asimilación de la filosofía kantiana en México.” [Spanish; The entry and assimilation of Kantian philosophy in Mexico] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 14-45. [M] [online]


Greenberg, Robert. “Kant’s Causal Theory of Action and the Freedom of the Will.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 47-43. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Gregory, Michael. Rev. of Nation and Aesthetics: On Kant and Freud, by Kojin Karatani, transl. by Jonathan E. Abel (2017). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 500-4. [PW]

Gressis, Robert. “Kant’s Theodicy and its Role in the Development of Radical Evil.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100.1 (2018): 46-75. [PW]


Gurevich, Tatiana. “Thomas de Quincey as the Disseminator of Kantian Traditions.” Vol. 34 (Philosophical Traditions in Europe): 43-49. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Gutiérrez Aguilar, Ricardo. Virtud y Sistema. Juicio moral y filosofía de la Historia en Kant. [Spanish] Madrid: Ediciones Alamanda, 2018. [166 p.] [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment, edited by Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 559-64. [M] [online]

Gutiérrez-Xivillé, Ana-Carolina. Kants ethischer Autonomiebegriff. Eine genetische Rekonstruktion von 1762 bis 1785. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. [xx, 468 p.] [PW]


Guyer, Paul. “Mendelssohn, Kant and the Refutation of Idealism.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 134-54. [PW]

 ——. “Mendelssohn, Kant, and Religious Liberty.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 309-28. [PW]


 ——. “The Struggle for Freedom: Freedom of Will in Kant and Reinhold.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 120-37. [M]

 ——.  “Moral Worth and Moral Motivation: Kant’s Real View.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Begehren/Desire, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 13 (2018): 19-38. [PW]

[top] H[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Haiyan, Zhang. ““Good by Beauty” or “Unification of Beauty and Good”: Comparison of Aesthetic Status in Kant’s and Mou Zong-san’s Theory.” [Chinese] Vol. 9 (Confucian Philosophy): 115-20. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Hammer, Espen. “Reason, Agency, and History: Remarks on Kant and Benjamin.” History and Theory 57.3 (2018): 426-30. [PI]


Hanna, Robert. “Kant and Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered.” Critique (blog posted: 25 Feb 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Excessive Subjectivity — Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics, by Dominik Finkelde, transl. by Deva Kemmis and Astrid Weigert (2017). The Review of Metaphysics 71.4 (2018): 805-6. [M]

Hasan, Rafeeq. “The provisionality of property rights in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48.6 (2018): 850-76. [PI]


Head, Jonathan. Rev. of The Kantian Foundation of Schopenhauer’s Pessimism, by Dennis vanden Auweele (2017). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 173-78. [PW]

Hebbeler, James. Rev. of Karl Leonhard Reinhold: Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. 12: Vorlesungsnachschriften: Logik und Metaphysik, Darstellung der Kritik der reinen Vernunft, edited by Faustino Fabbianelli und Erich H. Fuchs (2015). Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 174-78. [PW]

Heidemann, Dietmar H. “Der Raum ist kein empirischer Begriff. Zu Kants erstem Raumargument.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 19-43. [M] [online]


Heintel, Peter. Rev. of Das Sollen und das Böse in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. Zum Zusammenhang zwischen kategorischem Imperativ und dem Hang zum Bösen, by Jakub Sirovátka (2015). Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 352-56. [PW]

Herbert, Gary B. “Bringing Morality to Justice: The Juridical Applicability of the Supreme Principle of Kantian Morality.” International Philosophical Quarterly 58.1 (2018): 61-78. [PW]


Hereza Modrego, David. Rev. of Conciencia y representación. Una introducción a Reinhold, by Juan Cruz Cruz (2017). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 117-18. [M] [online]

Herman, Barbara. “We Are Not Alone: A Place for Animals in Kant’s Ethics.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 174-91. [M]

Herrero Olivera, Laura. Rev. of Sincerity in Politics and International Relations, by Soren Baiasu and Sylvie Loraux (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 552-58. [M] [online]

Herszenbaun, Miguel Alejandro. La antinomia de la razón pura en Kant y Hegel. [Spanish] Madrid: Ediciones Alamanda, 2018. [603 p.] [M] [online]

 ——. “La lectura hegeliana de la apercepción trascendental kantiana como una crítica y reelaboración de la lógica trascendental de Kant.” [Spanish; Hegel’s Interpretation of the Kantian Transcendental Apperception as a Critique and Reelaboration of Kant’s Transcendental Logic] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 60-88. [M] [online]


 ——, and Luciana Martínez. Rev. of Kant’s Lectures / Kants Vorlesungen, edited by Bernd Dörflinger, Claudio La Rocca, Robert Louden, and Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (2015). [Portuguese] Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 155-62. [M] [online]

Heyd, Thomas. “Re-reading Kant on Free and Adherent Beauty.” Vol. 1 (Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art): 121-25. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Hodges, Margaret. “A Hybrid Approach to the Aesthetics of the Natural Environment.” Vol. 1 (Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art): 127-31. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Hoffmann, Thomas Soren. “Kants theoretischer Freiheitsbegriff und die Tadition der libertas spontaneitatis.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 47-67. [PW]

Howell, Robet. “Deduction Difficulties.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 111-21. [PW]


Hüning, Dieter. “Kant y la tesis acerca del doux commerce. Sobre la interconexión del espíritu comercial, el derecho y la paz en la filosofía de la historia de Kant.” [Spanish; Kant and the thesis of le doux commerce. On the relation of the spirit of commerce, law, and peace in Kant’s philosophy of history] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 375-85. [M] [online]


[top] I[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Indregard, Jonas Jervell. “Consciousness as Inner Sensation: Crusius and Kant.” Ergo 5.7 (2018): 173-201. [M] [online]


Israelsen, Andrew. “Imperatives of Right. The Essential Ambiguity in Kant’s Rechtslehre.” International Philosophical Quarterly 58.3 (2018): 311-29. [PW]


[top] J[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

James, David. “From Kant to Sade: A Fragment of the History of Philosophy in the Dialectic of Enlightenment.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.3 (2018): 557-77. [PI]


Jankowiac, Tim. Rev. of Kant’s Radical Subjectivism: Perspectives on the Transcendental Deduction, by Dennis Schulting (2017). [English] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 119-22. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Philosophy of Mind: Perception, Reason, and the Self, edited by Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (2017). Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): pages. [PW]

Jiménez Rodríguez, Alba. Rev. of Fonti e lessico dell’ontologia kantiana. I Corsi di Metafisica (1762-1795), by Lorini Gualtiero (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 592-99. [M] [online]

Johnson, David. Rev. of The Tragedy of Philosophy: Kant’s Critique of Judgment and the Project of Aesthetics by Andrew Cooper (2016). Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 76.1 (2018): 131-34. [PI]

[top] K[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Kabeshkin, Anton. Rev. of Kants Theorie der Biologie. Ein Kommentar. Eine Lesart. Eine historische Einordnung, by Ina Goy (2017). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 496-500. [PW]

Kaehler, Klaus Erich. “The Freedom of the Monad and the Subject of Freedo.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 68-76. [PW]

Kahn, Samuel. Rev. of Kant and the Foundations of Morality, by Halla Kim (2015). British Journal of the History of Philosophy 26.2 (2018): 403-5. [PW]

 ——. “A Kantian Responds to Santayana.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 87-89. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Kalar, Brent. “Subjectivity and Sociality in Kant’s Theory of Beauty.” Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 205-27. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics: Finding the World, by Joseph J. Tinguely (2018). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Mar 2018, #17). [M] [online]

Kannisto, Toni. “Transcendental Paralogisms as Formal Fallacies - Kant’s Refutation of Pure Rational Psychology.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 195-227. [PW]


Kanterian, Edward. Kant, God, and Metaphysics: The Secret Thorn. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2018. [xvii, 444 p.] [WC]

Karimi, Mirsaeid Mousavi. “Ibn Sina’s Solution to Kant’s Challenging View of Existence.” Philosophy East & West 68.1 (2018): 112-39. [PI]


Katrechko, Sergey. “Kant’s Appearance as an Objectual Representation.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 44-59. [M] [online]


 ——. “How is Metaphysics Possible: On the way to Transcendental Metaphysics.” Vol. 23 (Metaphysics): 53-57. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Kaya, Özlem Duva. “Kant’s Philosophical Anthropology and the Possibility of Living Together with Differences.” Vol. 28 (Philosophical Anthropology): 37-41. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Kaye, Lawrence J. Rev. of Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analytical-Historical Commentary, by Henry E. Allison (2015). Philosophical Review 127.1 (2018): 121-25. [PW]

Kim, Heesung. “The Significance of Subjective Materialistic Thought in Kant’s Philosophy.” Vol. 23 (Metaphysics): 65-69. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Kinlaw, C. Jeffery. Rev. of The Intolerable God: Kant’s Theological Journey, by Christopher J. Insole (2016). American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92.1 (2018): 183-87. [PW]

Klein, Joel Thiago. “Kant on Human Rights, Peace and Progress: a debate with Luigi Caranti.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 89-96. [M] [online]

Kleingeld, Pauline. “The Principle of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Theory: Its Rise and Fall.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 61-79. [M]

Klemme, Heiner F. “Der Grund der Verbindlichkeit. Mendelssohn und Kant über Evidenz in der Moralphilosophie (1762/64).” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 286-308. [PW]


 ——. “The Antithetic between Freedom and Natural Necessity: Garve’s Problem and Kant’s Solution.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 250-64. [PW]

 ——. “Das Problem der transzendentalen Freiheit und seine Losung: Kant versus Wolff.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 77-90. [PW]

 ——. See: Dyck, Corey W., and Heiner F. Klemme.

Kloc-Konkolowicz, Jakub. “Does Spontaneity have to be Naturalized? Freedom as Spontaneity – Today and in Kant.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 205-18. [PW]

Kobe, Zdravko. “Reason Reborn: Pietistic Motifs in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.” Problemi International 2.2 (2018): 57-88. [M] [online]

Kodelja, Zdenko. “title.” Vol. 50 (Philosophy of Education): 129-34. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Kohl, Markus. “Kant’s Standpoint Distinction.” Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 229-55. [PW]


 ——. “Kant’s Critique of Instrumental Reason.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99.3 (2018): 489-516. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of The Bounds of Freedom: Kant’s Causal Theory of Action, by Robert Greenberg (2016). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 158-63. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Begründung von Freiheit und Moral in Grundlegung III, edited by Dieter Schönecker (2015). Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Begehren/Desire, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 13 (2018): 259-64. [PW]

Kok, Arthur. “Hegel’s Concept of Recognition as the Solution to Kant’s Third Antinomy.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 188-204. [PW]

Krasnoff, Larry, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, and Paula Satne, eds. Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the Twenty-first Century. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2018. [ix, 244 p.] [WC]


Kraus, Katharina T. “The soul as the 'guiding idea' of psychology: Kant on scientific psychology, systematicity, and the idea of the soul.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 77-88. [PI]


Kravchenko, Andrey. “The Interpretations of Violence and Lie in the European Philosophical Tradition: Immanuel Kant.” [Russian] Vol. 44 (Philosophy of Action): 95-98. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Krijnen, Christian. “Introduction.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 1-9. [PW]

 ——. “Kant’s Conception of Cosmological Freedom and its Metaphysical Legacy.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 173-87. [PW]

 ——, ed. Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018. [pages p.] [WC]


Kumar, Apaar. “Kant and the Harmony of the Faculties: A Non-Cognitive Interpretation.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 1-26. [PW]


[top] L[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Łaciak, Piotr. “Irracj onalność j ako argument przeciwko idealizmowi. Transcendentalizm Kanta i Husserla w świetle rozumienia irracj onalności Hartmanna” [Polish; Transcendentalism of Kant and Husserl in the light of understanding Hartmann's irrationalism] Roczniki Filozoficzne. 66.1 (2018): 33-49. [PW]

Laiho, Hemmo. Rev. of Immanuel Kant: The Very Idea of a Critique of Pure Reason, by J. Colin McQuillan (2016). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.6 (2018): 1241-43. [PW/PI]

Laitinen, Arto, Erasmus Mayr, and Constantine Sandis. “Kant and Hegel on Purposive Action.” Philosophical Explorations 21.1 (2018): 90-107. [PI]


Land, Thomas. Rev. of Kant’s Deduction and Apperception: Explaining the Categories, by Dennis Schulting (2012). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 145-51. [PW]

Langton, Rae. “‘Real Grounds’ in Matter and Things in Themselves.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 435-48. [PW]


Laurence, Ben. “Kant on Strict Right.” Philosophers’ Imprint 18.4 (2018): 1-22. [M] [online]


Lazos, Efraín. “Reply to Edgar Valdez.” Critique (blog posted: 27 Jun 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Lee, Byeong D. “The Moral Law as a Fact of Reason and Correctness Conditions for the Moral Law.” Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 57.1 (2018): 47-66. [PW]


Lee, Wooram. “Willing the End Means Willing the Means: An Overlooked Reading of Kant.” Ergo 5.16 (2018): 419-44. [M] [online]


Leech, Jessica. “The Function of Modal Judgment and the Kantian Gap.” Synthese (posted online: 9 Jun 2018). [PW] [online]


 ——.  Rev. of Kant and the Laws of Nature, edited by Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Oct 2018, #30). [online] [M]

Leirfall, Anita. “Kant on Space and Directions – Some Comments in Light of the Negative Magnitudes.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 107-12. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Leland, Patrick R. “Unconscious Representations in Kant’s Early Writings.” Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 257-84. [PW]


Leserre, Daniel. “La cuestión del lenguaje en Kant: una observación en la Crítica de la razón pura.” [Spanish] Vol. 70 (Renaissance and Modern Philosophy): 81-85. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Levine, Steve. Rev. of The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux: Analytic and Continental Kantianism, edited by Fabio Gironi (2018). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jun 2018, #16). [M] [online]

Longuenesse, Béatrice. “Kant’s Multiple Concepts of Person.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 155-73. [M]

Look, Brandon C. “Maimon and Kant on the Nature of the Mind.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 94-110. [PW]

Lorini, Gualtiero. “‘Pegasus’ Shoulders’: Tetens’ Phantasie and Dichtkraft. On the Way of Kant’s Anthropology.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 205-33. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Reading Kant’s Lectures, edited by Robert R. Clewis (2015). Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 178-85. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of Transcendental Idealism, edited by Halla Kim and Steven Hoeltzel (2015). Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 356-61. [PW]

Louden, Robert B. Rev. of Kant’s Philosophy of Communication, by G. L. Ercolini (2016). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 155-58. [PW]

Lu-Adler, Huaping. “From Logical Calculus to Logical Formality: What Kant Did with Euler’s Circles.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 35-56. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Normativity, by Konstantin Pollok (2017). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 513-21. [PW]

Ludwig, Bernd. “Über drei Deduktionen in Kants Moralphilosophie - und über eine vierte, die man dort vergeblich sucht. Zur Rehabilitierung von Grundlegung III.” Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 47-71. [PW]


[top] M[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Magrì, Elisa. “On Alfredo Ferrarin’s Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant.” Critique (blog posted: 18 Feb 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Marshall, Colin. “Never Mind the Intuitive Intellect: Applying Kant’s Categories to Noumena.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 27-40. [PW]


Martinelli, Riccardo. “Metafisica e antropologia nella dottrina kantiana del carattere.” [Italian; Metaphysics and Anthropology in Kant’s doctrine of Character] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 458-72. [M] [online]


Martínez, Luciana. Rev. of Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the Twenty-first Century, edited by Larry Krasnoff, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, and Paula Satne (2018). Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 546-50. [M] [online]

 ——. See: Herszenbaun, Miguel Alejandro, and Luciana Martínez.

Martínez Fischer, María Guadalupe. “Reflexiones en torno a la cuestión de si es posible encontrar un fundamento moral del derecho en Kant que posibilite una teoría de los derechos humanos en la actualidad.” [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 97-102. [M] [online]

Martínez Matías, Paloma. “Kant más allá de Kant: Heidegger y lo no-pensado de la filosofía kantiana.” [Spanish; Kant beyond Kant: Heidegger and the Unthought of Kantian Philosophy] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 128-58. [M] [online]


Mattana Ereño, Leonardo. Rev. of Kant y el problema de una introducción a la lógica, by Riccardo Pozzo (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 565-72. [M] [online]

Mayr, Erasmus. See: Laitinen, Arto, Erasmus Mayr, and Constantine Sandis.

 ——. “Kantian Benevolence.” Aristotelian Soceity Supplementary Volume 92.1 (2018): 225-45. [PW]


McDaniel, Kris. “Nicholas Stang’s Kant’s Modal Metaphysics.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 461-72. [PW]


McLoud, Willem. “Kant, Noumena, and Quantum Physics.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (posted 15 Jun 2018): 1-94. [M] [online]

McNulty, Michael Bennett. Rev. of Kant and the Laws of Nature, edited by Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (2017). Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 338-43. [PW]

McQuillan, J. Colin. “Kant on Scholarship and the Public Use of Reason.” Idealistic Studies 48.1 (2018): pages. [PW]


 ——.  Rev. of Kant and His German Contemporaries, Volume 1: Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics, edited by Corey W. Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (2018). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Aug 2018, #34). [online] [M]

Mensch, Jennifer. “Kant and the Skull Collectors: German Anthropology from Blumenbach to Kant.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 192-210. [PW]

Messina, James Anthony. “Looking for laws in all the wrong spaces: Kant on laws, the understanding, and space.” European Journal of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 589-613. [PW]


Miles, Murray. “Kant’s ‘Five Ways’: Transcendental Idealism in Context.” Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 57.1 (2018):137-61 [PW]


Mom, Karel. “Another Scandal of Philosophy.” Vol. 22 (Metaphilosophy): 63-67. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Moore, Thomas. “Kant’s Deduction of the Sublime.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 349-72. [PW]


Morgan, Diane. Kant for Architects. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2018. [xvi, 145 p.] [WC]

Morris, Brian. “Kant & the Human Subject.” Philosophy Now 123 (2018): 26-30. [PW]

Mosayebi, Reza, ed. Kant und Menschenrechte. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. [vi, 320 p.] [PW]


Mueller, Laura J. “Pure Reason’s Autonomy. Sensus Communis in Reason’s Self-Critique.” Epoché 22.2 (2018): 389-409. [PW]


[top] N[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Newton, Alexandra. “Comments on Dennis Schulting: Kant’s Radical Subjectivism.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 123-30. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kantian Nonconceptualism, edited by Dennis Schulting (2016). Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 329-32. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of The Normativity of Nature: Essays on Kant’s Critique of Judgment, by Hannah Ginsborg (2015). The Review of Metaphysics 71.3 (2018): 576-77. [PW]

Nita, Adrian. “Réalité et actualité chez Kant.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 217-21. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


[top] O[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Oberst, Michael. “Kant, Epistemic Phenomenalism, and the Refutation of Idealism.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100.2 (2018): 172-201. [PW]


Ochoa, Efraín Lazos. “Unidad del espacio, mereología y geometría desde la Estética Trascendental.” [Spanish; Unity of Space, Mereology and Geometry from the Transcendental Aesthetics] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 46-68. [M] [online]


Olk, Carsten. “Ich, Selbstbewusstsein und der psychologische Paralogismus. Zur möglichen Bestimmung reflexiver Subjektivität und zur unmöglichen Bestimmung einer Ich-Substanz bei Kant.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 228-48. [PW]


Olson, Michael J. “On the Significance of the Copernican Revolution: Transcendental Philosophy and the Object of Metaphysics.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 89-127. [M] [online]


Osborne, Gregg. “A Crucial Passage in Kant’s First Analogy.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 131-35. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Ottaviani, Osvaldo. “Noumenorum non datur scientia. Kant e la nozione di mondo intelligibile: tra monadologia e platonismo.” [Italian; Noumenorum non datur scientia. Kant and the Notion of Intelligible World: Between Monadology and Platonism] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 427-57. [M] [online]


[top] P[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Palatnik, Nataliya. “Kantian Agents and their Significant Others.” Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 285-306. [PW]


Papish, Laura. Kant on Evil, Self-Deception, and Moral Reform. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. [#, # p.] [WC]

 ——. “Kant’s Revised Account of the Non-Moral Imperatives of Practical Reason.” Ergo 5.11 (2018): 289-317. [M] [online]

Patrone, Tatiana. “Is Paid Surrogacy a Form of Reproductive Prostitution? A Kantian Perspective.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27.1 (2018): 109-22. [PW]


Pellizzaro, Nilmar. See: Silva, Luciano Vorpagel da, and Nilmar Pellizzaro.

Pereira, Roberto. “The Refutation of Mendelssohnian Idealism.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (posted 15 Jun 2018): 1-35. [M] [online]

Peters, Julia. “Kant’s Gesinnung.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.3 (2018): 497-518. [M]


Pinheiro Walla, Alice. “Kant on Cosmopolitan Education for Peace.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 332-47. [M] [online]


Pippin, Robert. “The Dynamism of Reason in Kant and Hegel.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 192-210. [M]

Polias, Konstantinos. “Kant’s ‘Introduction of the Critique of Practical Judgment’.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 143-49. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Pollok, Anne. “Beautiful Perception and its Object. Mendelssohn’s theory of mixed sentiments reconsidered.” Kant-Studien 109.2 (2018): 270-85. [PW]


Pozzo, Riccardo. Rev. of Kantian Conceptual Geography, by Nathaniel Jason Goldberg (2015). Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 185-88. [PW]

Prunea-Bretonnet, Tinca. Rev. of Kant and Rational Psychology, by Corey Dyck (2014). Philosophical Review 127.2 (2018): 232-36. [PW]

Puls, Heiko. “Das unmittelbare Bewusstsein des Sittengesetzes: Achtung und moralisches Interesse in GMS III.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 159-83. [M] [online]


[top] Q[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

[top] R[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Râmbu, Nicolae. “Kant’s Aesthetic Ideas as Axiological Memory.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 321-31. [M] [online]


Rauscher, Frederick. Rev. of How Hume and Kant Reconstruct Natural Law: Justifying Strict Objectivity without Debating Moral Realism, by Kenneth Westphal (2016). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 491-96. [PW]

Reiter, Aviv. “Kant on Fine Art, Genius and the Threat of Private Meaning.” Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 307-23. [PW]


 ——, and Ido Geiger. “Natural Beauty, Fine Art and the Relation between Them.” Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 72-100. [PW]


Remhof, Justin. “A World Without a Past: New Challenges to Kant’s Refuation of Idealism.” Southwest Philosophy Review 34.1 (2018): 171-79. [PW]

Resende Júnior, José. “Kant e o direito das gentes: o problema da personalidade estatal e da estrutura soberana da República Mundial.” [Portuguese; Kant and the right of nations: the problem of state personality and the sovereign structure of the World Republic] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 348-74. [M] [online]


Rinne, Pärttyli. Kant on Love. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. [viii, 189 p.] [WC] [review]


Rocha, Leandro José. “A noção de ‘sentimento de vida’ em Kant.” [Portuguese; The notion of "feeling of life" in Kant] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 511-35. [M] [online]

Roche, Andrew F. “Kant’s Transcendental Deduction and the Unity of Space and Time.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 41-64. [PW]


Rödl, Sebastian. “Good, Evil, and the Necessity of an Act.” Ethical Theory & Moral Practice 21.1 (2018): 91-102. [PI]


Rojas Lizama, David. Rev. of Kant y los retos práctico-morales de la actualidad, edited by Daniela Alegría and Paula Órdenes (2017). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 123-26. [M] [online]

Roth, Klas. Rev. of Excessive Subjectivity — Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics, by Dominik Finkelde, transl. by Deva Kemmis and Astrid Weigert (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2018, #5). [M] [online]

Rueger, Alexander. “Pleasure and Purpose in Kant’s Theory of Taste.” Kant-Studien 109.1 (2018): 101-23. [PW]


Rumore, Paola. “Kant and Crusius on the Role of Immortality in Morality.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 213-31. [PW]

[top] S[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Salikov, Alexey. See: Zhavoronkov, Alexey, and Alexey Salikov.

Sánchez Madrid, Nuria. “Critical Disonances: On Efraín Lazos’s Disonancias de la Crítica.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 3 (posted 15 Jun 2018): 1-6. [M] [online]

Sandis, Constantine. See: Laitinen, Arto, Erasmus Mayr, and Constantine Sandis.

Santos, Robinson dos, and Elke Elisabeth Schmidt, eds. Realism and Antirealism in Kant’s Moral Philosophy: New Essays. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2016. [ix, 232 p.] [WC]


Saunders, John. Rev. of Virtues of Freedom: Selected Essays on Kant, by Paul Guyer (2016). Kantian Review 23.2 (2018): 325-28. [PW]

Šauers, Edijs. “Kantian Schematism and the Ethics of the Image (Remarks on J.L. Nancy).” Vol. 1 (Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art): 295-300. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Schepelmann, Maja. Der senile Kant? Zur Widerlegung einer populären These. Münster: Mentis, 2018. [287 p.] [WC]

Schmidt, Elke Elisabeth, ed. See: Santos, Robinson dos, and Elke Elisabeth Schmidt, eds.

Schulting, Dennis. “Gaps, Chasms and Things in Themselves: A Reply to My Critics.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 131-43. [PW]

 ——. “Why Kantian Nonconceptualists Can’t Have Their Cake and Eat It—Reply to Sacha Golob.” Critique (blog posted: 21 May 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “The current status of research on Kant´s Transcendental Deduction.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 69-88. [M] [online]


Sehnem, Claudio. “A imaginação e a construção doutrinária da Estética Transcendental.” [Portuguese; The imagination and the doctrinaire construction of Transcendental Aesthetic] Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 129-54. [M] [online]


Sérafin, Stéphane. “Transfer by Contract in Kant, Hegel, and Comparative Law.” Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 31.1 (2018): 151-76. [PW]


Sethi, Janum. Rev. of Kant and the Philosophy of Mind: Perception, Reason, and the Self, edited by Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (2017). Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.3 (2018): 568-69. [M]

Shaddock, Justin B. “Kant's Conceptualism: a New Reading of the Transcendental Deduction.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99.3 (2018): 464-88. [PI]


Shcheglova, Marya. “Immanuel Kant’s Criticism of the Proof of the Existence of God.” Vol. 61 (Philosophy of Religion): 145-47. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Shimony, Idan. “Kant’s First Antinomy and Modern Cosmology.” Vol. 60 (Philosophy of Physics): 31-36. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Siep, Ludwig.  “Begehren, Autonomie und Gerechtigkeit.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Begehren/Desire, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 13 (2018): 205-32. [PW]

Silva, Fernando M. F. “Kant, filósofo da linguagem?” [Portuguese; Kant, philosopher of language?] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 293-320. [M] [online]


Silva, Luciano Vorpagel da, and Nilmar Pellizzaro. “Seria Kant um determinista? Considerações acerca da solução da terceira antinomia.” [Portuguese; Was Kant a determinist? Considerations about the third antinomy] Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 103-28. [M] [online]


Simfa, Elvira. “Being Moral and Loving Oneself: Kant on Self-Love, Self-Conceit and Morality.” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 165-68. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Siyar, Jamsheed. “Against the Instrumental Principle: A Kantian Account.” Vol. 44 (Philosophy of Action): 71-76. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Skorupski, John. “Comment on Jens Timmermann, ‘Autonomy, Progress and Virtue: Why Kant Has Nothing to Fear from the Overdemandingness Objection’.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 399-405. [PW]


Sokolova, Tatiana D. “William Whewell’s philosophy of science and Immanuel Kant’s apriorism.” [Russian] Epistemology & Philosophy of Science 55.2 (2018): 180-85. [PW]


Sommerlatte, Curtis. Rev. of I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again, by Béatrice Longuenesse (2017). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 504-10. [PW]

Stang, Nicholas. “Replies to Critics.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 473-87. [PW]

Stephenson, Andrew. “How to Solve the Knowability Paradox with Transcendental Epistemology.” Synthese (posted online: 9 Jun 2018). [PW] [online]


Stern, Robert. “Kreines on the Problem of Metaphysics in Kant and Hegel.” Hegel Bulletin 39.1 (2018): 106-20. [PW]


Stevenson, Leslie. “A Neo-Kantian Account of Perception.” Philosophy 93.3 (2018): 411-31. [PW]


Sticker, Martin. See: Ackeren, Marcel van, and Martin Sticker.

Stratmann, Joe. “Kant, Grounding, and Things in Themselves.” Philosophers’ Imprint 18.7 (2018): 1-21. [M] [online]


 ——. “Kant’s Mathematical Antinomies and the Problem of Circular Conditioning.” The Philosophical Quarterly 68.273 (2018): 679-701. [PW/PI]


Sturm, Thomas. “Lambert and Kant on Truth.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 113-33. [PW]

Sturma, Dieter. “The Practice of Self-Consciousness: Kant on Nature, Freedom, and Morality.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 138-52. [M]

Šumah, Lidija. “Reason Inclined: Zones of Indifference in Schiller and Kant.” Problemi International 2.2 (2018): 119-42. [M] [online]

Suter, Rafael. “Transmitting the Sage's ‘Heart’ (I): Unsealing Moral Autonomy — Intellectual Intuition and Mou Zongsan’s Reconstruction of the Continuity of the Way (Daotong).” Philosophy East & West 68.1 (2018): 223-41. [PI]


Sutherland, Daniel. Rev. of The Poverty of Conceptual Truth: Kant’s Analytic/Synthetic Distinction and the Limits of Metaphysics, by R. Lanier Anderson (2015). Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Begehren/Desire, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 13 (2018): 265-70. [PW]

[top] T[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Thiel, Udo. “Kant and Tetens on the Unity of the Self.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 59-75. [PW]

Thorndike, Oliver. Kant’s Transition Project and Late Philosophy: Connecting the Opus Postumum and Metaphysics of Morals. London/New York: Bloomsbury, 2018. [xviii, 258 p.] [WC]

Timmermann, Jens. “Autonomy, Progress and Virtue: Why Kant has Nothing to Fear from the Overdemandingness Objection.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 379-97. [PW]


Tinguely, Joseph J. Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics: Finding the World. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2018. [233 p.] [WC]

Tizzard, Jessica. “Kant on space, time, and respect for the moral law as analogous formal elements of sensibility.” European Journal of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 630-46. [PW]


Tomassini, Fiorella. Rev. of Kant’s Political Legacy. Human Rights, Peace, Progress, by Luigi Caranti (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 573-78. [M] [online]

Tremblay, Frédéric. Rev. of Kant in Imperial Russia, by Thomas Nemeth (2017). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 510-13. [PW]

[top] U[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

[top] V[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Valdez, Edgar. “On Efraín Lazos’s Disonancias de la Crítica.” Critique (blog posted: 25 Jun 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

van den Berg, Hein. “Kant and the scope of analogy in the life sciences.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science. Part A. 72 (2018): 67-76. [PI]


Vanzo, Alberto. “Leibniz on Innate Ideas and Kant on the Origin of the Categories.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100.1 (2018): 19-45. [PW]


Van Cleve, James. “Logicism and Formal Necessity: Reflections on Kant’s Modal Metaphysics.” Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 449-59. [PW]


Varden, Helga. “Kant on Sex. Reconsidered. – A Kantian account of sexuality: sexual love, sexual identity, and sexual orientation.” Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4.1 (2018): 1-33. [PW]


Veneroni, Stefano. “Osservazioni fisico-teoriche attorno al primo scritto di Kant sulle forze vive del 1746 (1749).” Physis. Rivista internazionale di storia della scienza. 53 (2018): 143-73. [PW]


Vető, Miklós. Von Kant zu Schelling: Die beiden Wege des Deutschen Idealismus. Translated by Hans-Dieter Gondek. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018. [c.1100 p.] [WC]


Vogelmann, Rafael Graebin. “Can we make sense of free harmony?” Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 53-74. [M] [online]


[top] W[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Waibel, Violetta L. “Hölderlin’s Idea of ‘Bildungstrieb’: A Model from Yesteryear?” Educational Philosophy & Theory 50.6-7 (2018): 640-51. [PI]


Wang, Weijia. “Beauty as the Symbol of Morality: A Twofold Duty in Kant’s Theory of Taste.” Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review (20 March 2018): online. [PW]


 ——. “Three Necessities in Kant’s Theory of Taste: Necessary Universality, Necessary Judgment, and Necessary Free Harmony.” International Philosophical Quarterly 58.3 (2018): 255-73. [PW]


 ——. “Kant’s Argument for the Principle of Anticipations of Perception.” Philosophical Forum 49.1 (2018): 61-81. [PI]


Ward, Andrew. “Has Kant Answered Hume’s Causal Skepticism?” Vol. 14 (History of Philosophy): 193-98. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Ward, Ken. “Social networks, the 2016 US presidential election, and Kantian ethics: applying the categorical imperative to Cambridge Analytica’s behavioral microtargeting.” Journal of Media Ethics 33.3 (2018): 133-48. [PI]


Watkins, Eric. “Introduction.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 1-7. [M]

 ——. “The Unconditioned Goodness of the Good Will.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 11-28. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant on Persons and Agency. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. [xii, 242 p.] [M]


 ——. “Lambert and Kant on Cognition (Erkenntnis) and Science (Wissenschaft).” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 175-91. [PW]

Watt, Robert. “Kant’s Transcendental Deduction, Non-Conceptualism, and the Fitness-for-Purpose Objection.” Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 65-88. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Inferentialism: The Case Against Hume, by David Landy (2015). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 215-18. [PW]

Weinrib, Ernest J. “Ownership, Use, and Exclusivity: The Kantian Approach.” Ratio Juris 31.2 (2018): 123-38. [PW]


Werner, Andrew. “Hegel on Kant's Analytic–Synthetic Distinction.” European Journal of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 502-24. [PW]


Westphal, Kenneth R. Grounds of Pragmatic Realism: Hegel’s internal Critique and Reconstruction of Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018. [xvi, 546 p.] [WC]


Whiston, Amna. Rev. of Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century, edited by Larry Krasnoff, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, and Paula Satne (2018). Kantian Review 23.3 (2018): 521-26. [PW]

Wilford, Paul T. Rev. of A Short History of German Philosophy, by Vittorio Hösle (2016). Kantian Review 23.1 (2018): 163-68. [PW]

Willaschek, Marcus. “Freedom As a Postulate.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 102-19. [M]

Williams, Jessica J. “Kant on the original synthesis of understanding and sensibility.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26.1 (2018): 66-86. [PW]


 ——. “New Work on Kant (I): Kantian Nonconceptualism.” Critique (blog posted: 10 Jun 2018) n.p. [PW] [online]

Winegar, Reed. Rev. of Kant and the Laws of Nature, edited by Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (2017). Journal of the History of Philosophy 56.2 (2018): 377-78. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason, by Stephen R. Palmquist (2016). International Philosophical Quarterly 58.1 (2018): 113-15. [PW]

Wirtz, Markus. “Religiöser Pluralismus als philosophische Herausforderung. Erwägungen im Anschluss an John Hick und Immanuel Kant.” [German] Vol. 61 (Philosophy of Religion): 195-203. 2013 World Congress Proceedings. General editor: Konstantinos Boudouris (op cit.). [PW]


Wood, Allen. “Universal Law.” Kant on Persons and Agency. Ed. Eric Watkins (op cit.). 29-43. [M]

Wunderlich, Falk. “Platner on Kant: From Scepticism to Dogmatic Critique.” Kant and His German Contemporaries. Eds. Corey Dyck and Falk Wunderlich (op cit.). 155-72. [PW]

 ——. See: Dyck, Corey, and Falk Wunderlich.

 ——, ed. See: Dyck, Corey, and Falk Wunderlich, eds.

[top] X[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

[top] Y[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Yokoyama, Fernando Sposito. “Observações críticas acerca da prova kantiana da objetividade das representações na Dedução Transcendental das Categorias.” [Portuguese; Critical remarks regarding the Kantian proof of the objectivity of representations in the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories] Studia Kantiana 16.1 (2018): 25-51. [M] [online]


Yovel, Yirmiyahu. Kant’s Philosophical Revolution: A Short Guide to the Critique of Pure Reason. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018. [x, 113 p.] [PW]

[top] Z[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Zaiţev, Eugenia. “The Memory and the Ailing Imagination at Immanuel Kant.” Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 15.1 (2018): 115-24. [PW]


Zammito, John H. “Kant and the Medical Faculty: One ‘Conflict of the Faculties’.” Epoché 22.2 (2018): 429-51. [PW]


Zhavoronkov, Alexey, and Alexey Salikov. “The Concept of Race in Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7 (2018): 275-92. [M] [online]


Zimmermann, Stephan. “Kant on ‘Practical Freedom’ and its Transcendental Possibilit.” Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Ed. Chistian Krijnen (op cit.). 91-122. [PW]

Zöller, Günter. “Law and Liberty. Immanuel Kant and James Madison on the Modern Polity.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3.1 (2018): 1-13. [M] [online]


[top] Dissertations[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Aylsworth, Tim. Cracks in the Keystone: Kant on the Incomprehensibility of Freedom. Ph.D. diss. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018. [iii, 194 p.] Advisor: James Messina. [PQ]


Hovhannisyan, Garri. The Purposive Mind: Philosophical Foundations for a Theory of Teleology in the Sciences of Mind and Life. Master’s thesis. University of West Georgia (Psychology), 2018. [126 p.] Advisor: Lisa Osbeck. [PQ]


Mezini, Erjus. The Kantian Principle of Treating Humanity as an End. Master’s thesis. State University of New York at Albany, 2018. [69 p.] Advisor: Jon Mandle. [PQ]


Wellmann, G. The idea of a metaphysical system in Lambert, Kant, Reinhold, and Fichte. [English] Ph.D. diss. Leuven, 2015. [pages p.] Advisor: Karin de Boer. [WC]


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[MUSE] — Project Muse

[PI] — Philosopher’s Index

[PQ] — ProQuest

[PW] — publisher’s website

[RC] — Rodica Croitoru

[WC] — WorldCat