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> Bibliography

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[2016]  Kant Bibliography 2017  [2018]

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[top]Kant    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Editions and translations of the writings of Immanuel Kant

[See also the items listed under Collections]

Die falsche Spitzfindigkeit der vier syllogistischen Figuren erwiesen (1762)

 ——. “Falsa subtilitate a celor patru figuri silogistice.” [Romanian]  Translated by Alexandru Boboc. Revista de Filosofie 64.3 (2017): 413-24. [PW] [online]

Versuch den Begriff der negativen Gröβen in die Weltweisheit einzuführen (1763)

 ——. “Încercare de a introduce în filosofie conceptul de mărimi negative.” [Romanian] Translated by Alexandru Boboc. Revista de Filosofie 64.1 (2017): 149-60. [PW] [online]


 ——. “Încercare de a introduce în filosofie conceptul de mărimi negative.” [Romanian] Translated by Alexandru Boboc. Revista de Filosofie 64.2 (2017): 275-88. [PW] [online]


“Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht.” (1784)

 ——. Tankar kring en universell historieskrivning för en kosmopolitisk plan. [Swedish] Translated by Rolan Poirier Martinsson.  Stockholm: Timbro förlag, 2017. [40 p.]

“Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?” (1784)

 ——. En defensa de la Ilustración. [Spanish] Translated by Javier Alcoriza and Antonio Lastra; introduction by José Luis Villacañas.  Barcelona: Alba, 2017. [406 p.]

 ——. Che cos'è l'illuminismo? [Italian] Translated and edited by Nicolao Merker.  Rome: Editori riuniti, 2017. [196 p.]

Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (1788)

 ——.  Crítica de la razón práctica. [Spanish] Translated by Emilio Miñana y Villagrasa and Manuel García Morente; edited by Maximiliano Hernández Marcos.  Madrid: Tecnos, 2017. [357 p.]

“Erste Fassung der Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft” (1789)

 ——. Primera introducción de la Crítica del juicio. [Spanish/German] Translated and edited by Nuria Sánchez Madrid.  Madrid: Escolar y Mayo, 2017. [352 p.]

Kritik der Urteilskraft (1790)

 ——. 판단력비판: 부록: 판단력비판 제1서론. [Korean; Critique of Judgment, with appendix: first introduction] Translated by Seok-yoon Lee.  Seoul: Bagyeongsa, 2017. [509 p.]

Über eine Entdeckung, nach der alle neue Kritik der reinen Vernunft durch eine ältere entbehrlich gemacht werden soll” (1790)

 ——. E diénexe me ton Eberhard: Peri mia anakálypses sýmphona me ten opoía káthe néa kritike tu katharú lógu tha kathistatai peritte lógo mia palaióteres. [Greek] Translated and edited by Haris Tasakos.  Athens: Printa, 2017. [126 p.]

Metaphysics of Morals (1797)

 ——. The Metaphysics of Morals. [English] Translated and edited by Mary Gregor, introduction by Lara Denis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [xlii, 264 p.] [WC]

Lecture Notes

 ——. Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II. [Spanish] Translated by Alba Jiménez. Salamanca: Sígueme, 2017. [160 p.] [WC]



 ——. Benno Erdmann, Riflessioni sulla Critica della ragion pura: da annotazioni manoscritte. [Italian] Translated from the German by Raffaele Ciafardone. Naples/Salerno: Orthotes, 2017. [473 p.] [WC]


[Pelletier 2017] Principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature; suivi des Premiers articles sur la physique de la terre et du ciel. [French] Translated and edited by Arnaud Pelletier. Paris: Vrin, 2017. [403 p.] [WC]

[top]A    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Abaci, Uygar. “Kant, The Actualist Principle, and The Fate of the Only Possible Proof.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.2 (2017): 261-91. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Modal Metaphysics, by Nicholas F. Stang (2016). Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.1 (2017): 169-70. [M]

Abin, Esther. “Making sense: The possibility of truthfulness in politics.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 109-21. [M]

Alberg, Jeremiah. “Kant’s Republican Cosmopolitanism.” European Legacy 22.3 (2017): 335-38. [PI]

Alican, Necip Fikri. “Kant’s Neglected Alternative: Neither Neglected nor An Alternative.” Philosophical Forum 48.1 (2017): 69-90. [PI]


Allais, Lucy. “Transcendental Idealism and the Transcendental Aesthetic.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 46-63. [PW]

 ——. “Empirical Concepts, the Role of Intuition, and the Poverty of Conceptual Truth.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 99-114. [PW]

 ——. “Synthesis and Binding.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 25-45??. [WC]

Allessandro, Giuseppe d’. “L’histoire pour le philosophe et l’historien: Kant et Schlözer.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 139-47. [M]

Almeida, Pedro Jonas. “A razão e suas ideias.” [Portuguese; Reason and its Ideas]] Studia Kantiana 15.1 (2017): 123-52. [M] [online]


Altman, Matthew C. “The Limits of Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Theory, Practice, and the Crisis in Syria.” Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 179-204. [PW]


 ——. “Introduction: Kant the Revolutionary.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 1-17. [M]

 ——. “A Practical Account of Kantian Freedom.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 211-42. [M]

 ——. “Conclusion: Kant the Philosopher.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 815-21. [M]

 ——, ed. The Palgrave Kant Handbook. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. [xliv, 851 p.] [M]


Alves, Pedro M. S. “Kant’s Insight and Kant’s Concept of a Transcendental Logic.”  Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 295-304. [M] [online]


Amat, Matthieu. “La validité des idées régulatrices en histoire. La position de Georg Simmel entre néokantisme et «Philosophie du comme si».” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 237-46. [M]

Ameriks, Karl. “On Universality, Necessity, and Law in General in Kant.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 30-48. [M]

Anderson, John P. “Lw Beyond God and Kant: A Pragmatist Path.” Journal of Law and Religion 32.1 (2017): 98-122. [PW]


Anderson, Pamela Sue. “A Kantian rhetoric of sincerity: Politics, truth and truthfulness.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 92-108. [M]

Anderson, R. Lanier. Rev. of Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism, by Lucy Allais (2015). Philosophical Review 126.2 (2017): 277-81. [PI]

Ansell-Pearson, Keith, and Michael Ure. “Contra Kant: Experimental Ethics in Guyau and Nietzsche.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 257-89. [M]

Appelqvist, Hanne. “What Kind of Normativity is the Normativity of Grammar?” Metaphilosophy 48.1/2 (2017): 123-45. [PI]


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez. “Ideales platónicos y ensoñaciones rousseaunianas en el pensamiento político de Kant.” [Spanish; Platonic Ideals and Rousseauian Dreams in Kant’s Political Thought] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 236-60. [M] [online]


 ——. “A la búsqueda del sosiego interno: Una felicidad formal a priori e independiente de la fortuna Presentación a la Reflexión 7202 de Kant.” [Spanish; On Quest of Internal Appeasement: An a priori and Formal Happiness independent from Fortune Presentation of Kant’s Reflexion 7202] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 394-427. [M] [online]


 ——. “La perspective juridico-politique de l’usage pratique de la raison dans les opuscules kantiens de 1784.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 295-303. [M]

 ——. “El derecho como indicio de un quiliasmo filosófico: la libertad y su evolución en los opúsculos kantianos.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 173-88. [M] [online]

 ——, and Faviola Rivera Castro, eds. La filosofía práctica de Kant. [Spanish] Madrid: Ediciones Alamanda, 2017. [290 p.] [M] [online]


Arango, Rodolfo. “Kant y el colonialismo. Hacia un cosmopolitismo republicano.” [Spanish; Kant and colonialism. Toward a republican cosmopolitism] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 316-43. [M] [online]


Arias Albisu, Martín. “Acerca del alcance objetivo de las prescripciones metodológicas de la función regulativa de la razón teórica en la Crítica de la razón pura de Kant.” [Spanish; On the Objective Scope of the Methodological Prescriptions of the Regulative Function of Theoretical Reason in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 149-67. [M] [online]


 ——. “The Methodological Prescriptions of the “Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic” of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and the Foundations of Improper Science.” Studia Kantiana 15.2 (2017): 5-26. [M] [online]


 ——. “¿Por qué la psicología empírica no es una ciencia natural? Una lectura del ‘Prólogo’ a los Primeros principios metafísicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza de Kant.” [Spanish; Why is Empirical Psychology not a Natural Science? A Reading of the “Preface” to Kant’s Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 165-85. [M] [online]


Avci, Nil. “Inquiry into the Forms of Intersubjectivity in Kant’s Practical Philosophy with a View to the Cosmopolitan Ideal.” Dialogue and Universalism 27.1 (2017): 135-48. [PW]


[top] B    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Baciu, Claudiu. “The A priori as Bridge Between Kant’s Theoretical and Practical Philosophy.” Balkan Journal of Philosophy 9.2 (2017): 127-32. [PW]


Bader, Ralf M. “The Refutation of Idealism.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 205-222. [PW]

 ——. “Inner Sense and Time.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 124-37. [WC]

Bagnoli, Carla. “Kant in Metaethics: The Paradox of Autonomy, Solved by Publicity.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 355-77. [M]

Baiasu, Sorin. “Political dissimulation à la Kant: Two limits of the sincerity requirement.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 139-55. [M]

 ——, and Sylvie Loriaux, eds. Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. London/New York: Routledge, 2017. [ix, 210 p.] [M]


Bailey, Tom. See: Constâncio, João, and Tom Bailey.

Balanovskiy, Valentin. “I. Kant and C.G. Jung on the Prospects of Scientific Psychology.”  Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 375-89. [M] [online]


Barattero, Alberto. “Fabrian Analysis of the ‘Ich Denke überhaupt’ of Immanuel Kant.” The Incarnate Word 4.2 (2017): 15-30. [PW]

Barbieri Durão, Aylton. “A doutrina penal republicana de Kant.” [Portuguese; Kant’s republican criminal law] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 125-41. [M] [online]


Barnes, Adrian Darnell. “A Philosophy of Music Education according to Kant.” The Journal of Aesthetic Education 51.2 (2017): 33-39. [M]

Basile, Giovanni Pietro. “L’idée kantienne de l’Université et le progrès des Lumières.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 121-29. [M]

Bauch, Nicholas. “Practicing Spatial Epistemology with Immanuel Kant’s ‘Physical’ Classification.” International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 11.1 (2017): 55-67. [PI]


Baumann, Charlotte. “Kant, Neo‐Kantians, and Transcendental Subjectivity.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.3 (2017): 595-616. [PW]


Baumann, Lutz. “Qu’est-ce que les lumières? (1784) et la pensée transcendantale. Un petit tour d’horizon.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 131-38. [M]

Baxley, Anne Margaret. “Why Even Kantian Angels Need the State: Comments on Robert Hanna’s “Exiting the State and Debunking the State of Nature”.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 321-28. [M] [online]


Beade, Ileana P. “Conversación con Roberto R. Aramayo con motivo de su 60 cumpleaños.” [Spanish; Talking about Kant with… Roberto R. Aramayo] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 366-80. [M] [online]

 ——. “En torno a dos concepciones diversas de la libertad en la filosofía político-jurídica kantiana.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 137-72. [M] [online]

Beauron, Eric. “La fonction épistémologique du jugement réfléchissant chez Kant.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 186-206. [M] [online]


Beizaei, Banafsheh. “Kant on Perception, Experience and Judgements Thereof.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 347-71. [PW]


Benétreau-Dupin, Yann. See: Smeenk, Chris J., and Yann Benétreau-Dupin.

Bento, Silvia. “A interpretação heideggeriana da Crítica da Razão Pura: a questão da imaginação.” [Portuguese; A Heideggerian Interpretation of the “Critique of Pure Reason”: the Question of the Imagination] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 121-37. [M] [online]


Benvenuto, Rodrigo Miguel. “El concepto de fe racional (Vernunftglaube): su desarrollo desde la Crítica de la razón pura y su exposición en el contexto de la ‘polémica del spinozismo’.” [Portuguese; The concept of rational faith (Vernunftglaube): its development from the Critique of the pure reason and his exhibition in the context of the spinozism controversy] Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 67-77. [M] [online]


Berg-Sørensen, Anders. “The political rhetoric of administrative ethics: Obama vs. the cynics.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 77-91. [M]

Bertomeu, María Julia. “Kant sobre libros, autores, editores y público (entre 1785 y 1797).” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 261-83. [M] [online]

Biener, Zvi, and Eric Schliesser. “The Certainty, Modality, and Grounding of Newton’s Laws.” The Monist 100.3 (2017): 311-25. [M]


Bird, Graham. “The Antinomies.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 223-42. [PW]

 ——. “Henry Allison’s Survey of Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 171-90. [PW]

Birrer, Matthias. Kant und die Heterogeneität der Erkenntnisquellen. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. [ix, 327 p.] [WC]


Biss, Mavis. “Avoiding Vice and Pursuing Virtue: Kant on Perfect Duties and ‘Prudential latitude’.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98.4 (2017): 618-35. [PI]


Bjorndahl, Adam, Alex John London, and Kevin J.S. Zollman. “Kantian Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Dignity, Price, and Consistency.” Philosophers’ Imprint 17.7 (2017): 1-22. [M] [online]


Bocca, Francisco Verardi. “Das leis naturais ao entusiasmo pela República.” [Portuguese; From natural laws to the enthusiasm for the Republic]] Studia Kantiana 15.1 (2017): 87-121. [M] [online]


Boda, Zsolt. “Governing by trust: Sincerity as a procedural fairness norm.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 173-88. [M]

Boehm, Omri. “Reply to Sebastian Gardner and Nick Stang.” Critique (blog posted: 7 Jan 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Bojanowski, Jochen. “Kant on the Justification of Moral Principles.” Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 55-88. [M]


 ——. “Naturalism and Realism in Kant’s Ethics.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 463-74. [PW]

Bonaccini, Juan Adolfo. “Two Recent Accounts of Kant’s Conception of Miracles.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 155-68. [PW]

Boot, Eric. “Kant and the In(ter)dependence of Right and Virtue.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 395-422. [M] [online]


Borges, Maria de Lourdes Alves. “O mal e a coerência do sistema kantiano.” [Portuguese; The evil and the coherence of the kantian system] Studia Kantiana 15.1 (2017): 57-66. [M] [online]


 ——. “The Metaphysics of Morals: Between the a priori and a Practical Anthropology.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 423-36. [M] [online]


 ——. “Pleasure and motivation in Kant’s practical philosophy.”  Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 99-105. [M] [online]


Bornmüller, Falk. Rev. of Affektivität und Ethik bei Kant und in der Phänomenologie, edited by Inga Römer (2014). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 162-66. [PW]

Brady, Emily. Rev. of Duties Regarding Nature: A Kantian Environmental Ethic, by Toby Svoboda (2015). Ethics 127.4 (2017): 967-72. [PW]

Bragantini, Attilio. “«Une histoire de l’humanité dans le tout de sa destination»: Kant contre Herder.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 247-55. [M]

Bravo Zamora, Damián. “On Guido Kreis’s Negative Dialektik des Unendlichen.” Critique (blog posted: 29 Sep 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Breitenbach, Angela. “Laws in Biology and the Unity of Nature.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 237-55. [M]

 ——, and Yoon Choi. “Pluralism and the Unity of Science.” The Monist 100.3 (2017): 391-405. [M]


 ——,ed. See: Massimi, Michela, and Angela Breitenbach, eds.

Brielmann, Aenne A. “Beauty Requires Thought.” Current Biology 27.10 (2017): 1506-13. [PI]


Brun Bicalho, Vanessa. “Notas sobre a liberdade na Dialética e no Cânon: uma nova leitura.” [Portuguese; Notes on freedom in the Dialectic and the Canon: a new reading] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 263-83. [M] [online]


Brusotti, Marco. “Spontaneity and Sovereignty: Nietzsche’s Concepts and Kant’s Philosophy.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 219-56. [M]

 ——, and Herman Siemens. “Introduction.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 1-26. [M]

 ——, and Herman Siemens, eds. Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy. Volume I: Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. [xix, 298 p.] [M]


Bubbio, Paolo Diego. “Organicism and Perspectivism from Leibniz to Hegel: On Mensch’s Kant’s Organicism.” Philosophy Today 61.3 (2017): 785-91. [PW]

Buckman, Christopher. “A Kantian Analytic of the Ugly.” International Philosophical Quarterly 57.4 (2017): 365-80. [PW]


Buday, Maroš. Rev. of Poetic Force: Poetry after Kant, by Kevin McLaughlin (2014). [English] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.1 (2017): 54-56. [M] [online]

Burks, Deven. “Usage public normalisé ou anormal - Kant et les Lumières face à Jeffrey Stout.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 423-32. [M]

Buroker, Jill Vance. “Kant on Judging and the Will.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 189-203??. [WC]

[top] C    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Caimi, Mario. “Das Prinzip der Apperzeption und der Aufbau der Beweisführung der Deduktion B.” Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 378-400. [PW]


Calábria Pimenta, Olavo. “Intuições cegas são aparecimentos.” [Portuguese; Blind intuitions are appearances] Studia Kantiana 15.2 (2017): 63-85. [M] [online]


 ——. “Ensaio sobre a unidade sintética meramente sensível.” [Spanish; Essay on Merely Sensible Synthetic Unity] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 265-81. [M] [online]


 ——. “Os significados de “intuição”, suas subdivisões e objetos.” [Portuguese; The meanings of “intuition”, their subdivisions and objects] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 50-67. [M] [online]


Callanan, John J. “Kant on the Spontaneous Power of the Mind.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.3 (2017): 565-88. [PW]


 ——. “The Ideal of Reason.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 243-58. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of The Poverty of Conceptual Truth: Kant’s Analytic/Synthetic Distinction and the Limits of Metaphysics, by R. Lanier Anderson (2015). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 415-17. [PW]

Calori, François. “Des plaisirs et douleurs. Approche empirique et perspective transcendantale (Verri, Burke et Kant).” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 75-96. [M]

Calovi, Gustavo Ellwanger. Rev. of A civilização como destino: Kant e as formas da reflexão, by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2016). Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 113-16. [M] [online]

Caranti, Luigi. Kant’s Political Legacy: Human Rights, Peace, Progress. Cardiff: University of Wales, 2017. [xii, 303 p.] [WC] [review]

Cardani, Michele, and Marco Tamborini. “Italian New Realism and Transcendental Philosophy: A Critical Account.” Philosophy Today 61.3 (2017): 39-54. [PW]


Carl, Wolfgang. Rev. of Kant-Lexikon, 3 vols., edited by Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr and Stefano Bacin (2015). Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 295-99. [PW]

Carrano, Antonio. “À propos de l’origine de l’histoire: entre Kant et Schiller.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 257-65. [M]

Carson, Emily.  “Synthesis, Number and the Mathematical Model.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Logik/Logic, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 12 (2017): 53-74. [PW]

Casimiro Elena, César. Rev. of The Highest Good in Aristotle and Kant, edited by Joachim Aufderheide and Ralf M. Bader (2015). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 39096. [M] [online]

Castillo, Monique. “Comment l’Idée kantienne d’histoire prévoit-elle, en 1784, sa propre réalisation?” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 15-26. [M]

Chaly, Vadim. “Denying Liberty in Order to Make Room for Freedom: Liberalism, Conservatism, and Kant’s Political Philosophy.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 2 (2017): 55-66. [M] [online]


Chaouli, Michel. Thinking with Kant’s Critique of Judgment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017. [312 p.] [WC][review]

Charpenel, Eduardo E. Rev. of Duty, Virtue and Practical Reason in Kantʼs Metaphysics of Morals, by Vicente de Haro Romo (2015). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 93-95. [M] [online]

Cheli, Simone. “On doubt and otherness: Deconstructing power and dissent.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 122-36. [M]

Chignell, Andrew. “Kant on Cognition, Givenness, and Ignorance.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.1 (2017): 131-42. [M]


 ——. “Knowledge, Discipline, System, Hope.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 259-79. [PW]

 ——. “Can’t Kant Cognize Himself? Or, a Problem for (Almost) Every Interpretation of the Refutation of Idealism.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 138-57. [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Modal Metaphysics, by Nicholas F. Stang (2016). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Sep 2017, #6). [M] [online]

 ——. See: Naranjo Sandoval, Alejandro, and Andrew Chignell.

Choi, Yoon. See: Breitenbach, Angela, and Yoon Choi.

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Normativity: Exploring the Space of Reason, by Konstantin Pollok (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jul 2017, #20). [M] [online]

Cicatello, Angelo. “The Spherical Shape of Reason: Theoretical Implications in Kant’s Cosmopolitan Right.” Studia Kantiana 15.1 (2017): 7-26. [M] [online]


Clinger, James. “The Kantian Publicity Principle and the Transparency Presumption in Public Affairs: When Private Citizens’ Participation Becomes Public Knowledge.” Public Integrity 19.4 (2017): 394-403. [PI]


Cohen, Alix. “Kant on Emotions, Feelings, and Affectivity.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 665-81. [M]

Cohen-Halimi, Michèle. “La mutation du concept de moeurs dans la définition de la loi morale comme Sittengesetz.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 94-115. [M] [online]


Conant, James. “Kant’s Critique of the Layer-Cake Conception of Human Mindedness in the B Deduction.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 120-39. [PW]

Conceição, Jorge Vanderlei Costa da. “Geografia física e História natural em Kant: uma releitura semântica.” [Portuguese; Physical geography and history in Kant: a semantic rereading] Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 23-42. [M] [online]


Constâncio, João. “The Consequences of Kant’s First Critique: Nietzsche on Truth and the Thing in Itself.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 103-38. [M]

 ——. “‘Who is Right, Kant or Stendhal?’ On Nietzsche’s Kantian Critique of Kant’s Aesthetics.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 63-98. [M]

 ——, and Tom Bailey, eds. Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy. Volume II: Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. [xix, 329 p.] [M]


 ——, and Tom Bailey. “Introduction.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 1-18. [M]

Cooper, Andrew. “Kant and Experimental Philosophy.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 265-86. [PW]


 —— Rev. of Kants Theorie der Biologie: Ein Kommentar. Eine Lesart. Eine Historische Einordnung, by Ina Goy (2017). British Journal for the History of Philosophy (Online: 4 Sep 2017): 1-6. [PW]

 ——. “The Representation of an Action: Tragedy between Kant and Hegel.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.3 (2017): 573-94. [PW]


Corradetti, Claudio. “Constructivism in cosmopolitan law: Kant’s right to visit.” Global Constitutionalism 6.3 (2017): 412-41. [PW]


 ——. “Thinking with Kant beyond Kant: Actualizing Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Transnational Sphere.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 59-82. [PW]


Corradetti, Claudio. “Thinking with Kant ‘beyond’ Kant. Actualizing Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Transnational Sphere.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 59-82. [PW]


Cortina, Adela. “La conciencia moral en La metafísica de las costumbres. Entre el trascendentalismo y el naturalismo.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 105-35. [M] [online]

Costa Rego, Pedro. “O “eu penso” e o método da Dedução transcendental.” [Portuguese; The “I think” and the method of the Transcendental Deduction] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 193-217. [M] [online]


Cottingham, John. Rev. of The Intolerable God: Kant’s Theological Journey, by Christopher J. Insole (2016). Times Literary Supplement (20 Oct 2017): 33. [M]

Croitoru, Rodica. “Comment cette «langue morte et savante» nous a aidé dans la traduction de la Critique de la raison pure en langue roumaine.” Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 134-45. [PW]


 ——. “Al XIII-lea Congres internaţional al Societăţii de Studii Kantiene de Limba Franceză (SEKLF). Kant şi umanul: Geografie, Psihologie, Antropologie, Porto, 13–15 septembrie, 2017.” [Romanian] Revista de Filosofie 64.5 (2017): 759-62. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Les Lumières et l’insatisfaction sceptique de la raison pure.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 433-38. [M]

 ——. “Categoria de tranziție în Opus Postumum.” [Romanian] Studii de istoria filosofiei universale 25 (2017): pages. [PW]

Cubo Ugarte, Óscar. “Julius Ebbinghaus y la filosofía del derecho de Kant.” [Spanish; Julius Ebbinghaus´s interpretation of Kant´s philosophy of law] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 335-54. [M] [online]


Cunha, Bruno. “A demanda racional da ética de Kant no início de 1760.” [Portuguese; The rational demand of Kant’s ethics in the beginning of 1760] ethic@ 16.2 (2017): 219-42. [M] [online]


[top] D    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Dall'Agnol, Darlei. “Respect in Kant’s Tugendlehre and its place in contemporary ethics.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 437-58. [M] [online]


Danilkina, Natalia. “Nouvelles Lumières et néo-kantisme juridique en Russie.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 439-46. [M]

Danisch, Robert. “ Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 103.1/2 (2017): 195-98. [PI]

Danko, Christina. “Hume, Kant and Kierkegaard.” Philotheos 17 (2017): 84-88. [PW]


Dawson, Josh. Rev. of Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom, and the Human Subject, by Richard Eldridge (2016). Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie 56.3 (2017): 597-98. [PW]

De Oliveira, Carlos Moisés. Rev. of The Typic in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason: Moral Judgment and Symbolic Representation, by Adam Westra (2016). [Portuguese] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 471-79. [M] [online]

Deimling, Wiebke. “Hutcheson’s and Kant’s Critique of Sympathy.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 55-70. [M]

Deligiorgi, Katerina. “The Philosopher as Legislator: Kant on History.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 683-703. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant: The Very Idea of a Critique of Pure Reason, by Colin J. McQuillan (2016). Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 338-40. [PW]

Demiray, Mehmet Ruhi. “Public Religion & Secular State: A Kantian Approach.” [English] Diametros 54 (2017): 30-55. [PW] [online]


Dennis, Matthew. “On the Role of Maxims: Nietzsche’s Critique of Kant’s Philosophical Anthropology.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 251-72. [M]

Díaz, David Puche. “From Kant’s Critique of Judgement to The Birth of Tragedy: The Meaning of the ‘Aesthetic’ in Nietzsche.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 113-32. [M]

Dörflinger, Bernd. “Los deberes del amor en la doctrina kantiana de la virtud.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 125-34. [M] [online]


 ——. “Les aspects juridiques et éthiques de l’idée kantienne de la paix.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 27-39. [M]

Doude van Troostwijk, Chris. “L’herméneutique critique de Kant dans l’histoire universelle: entre sémiologie et théologie protestante.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 149-57. [M]

Doyle, Tsarina. “The Kantian Roots of Nietzsche’s Will to Power.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 205-32. [M]

Drogalis, Christina. “On Stephen Palmquist’s Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s «Religion».” Critique (blog posted: 13 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Duarte Fonseca, Renato. “Percepção objetiva, espaço egocêntrico e não-conceitualismo kantiano: uma primeira aproximação.” [Portuguese; Objective perception, egocentric space, and Kantian nonconceptualism: a first aproximation] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 104-30. [M] [online]


Duncan, Samuel. “Constructivism, Moral Realism, and the Possibility of Kant’s Rational Religion.” Religious Studies (Online: 24 Apr 2017). [PW]


Dunlop, Katherine. “Understanding Non-Conceptual Representation of Objects: Empirical Models of Sensibility’s Operation.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 46-66??. [WC]

Duque Acosta, Carlos Andrés. “¿Es la filosofía kantiana individualista?” [Spanish; Is Kant’s philosophy individualistic?] Kant e-Prints 12.1 (2017): 37-55. [M] [online]


Dutra, Delamar Volpato. “Criticar e obedecer versus mordaça e desobediência: críticas de Kant a Hobbes.” [Portuguese; Criticize and obey versus gag and disobedience: critiques of Kant to Hobbes] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 22.4 (2017): 43-61. [M] [online]


 ——, and Nythamar de Oliveira. “Moral Cognitivism and Legal Positivism in Habermas’s and Kant’s Philosophy of Law.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 533-46. [M] [online]


[top] E    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ebbinghaus, Julius. “La ley de la humanidad y los límites del poder estatal.” [Spanish; The Law of Humanity and the Limits of State Power] Translated from the German by Cristina Gómez Baggethun and Ócar Cubo Ugarte. Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 355-65. [M] [online]


Echarri, Javier. “¿Cuál es el dominio de una antropología pragmática? Un análisis de las propuestas de Daniel Omar Pérez en torno a la antropología kantiana.” [Spanish; What is the dominion of a pragmatic anthropology? An analysis of the Daniel Omar Pérez’s proposals about Kantian anthropology]Kant e-Prints 12.3 (2017): 31-53. [M] [online]


Ehrsam, Raphaël. “Approche épistémique vs approche génétique des connaissances a priori. Vers une relecture empiriste de la philosophie kantienne?” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 173-93. [M]

Eleonora Oggionni, Eva Marta. “Kantische Antworten auf Kants kasuistische Fragen, die vollkommenen Pflichten gegen sich selbst betreffend.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 38-57. [M] [online]


Ellis, Addison. “The Case for Absolute Spontaneity in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 138-64. [M] [online]


Engelland, Chad. Heidegger’s Shadow: Kant, Husserl and the Transcendental Turn. New York/London: Routledge, 2017. [xiv, 275 p.] [WC] [review]

Englert, Alexander T. “Dutifully Wishing: Kant’s Re-evaluation of a Strange Species of Desire.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 373-94. [PW]


Engstrom, Stephen. “Knowledge and Its Object.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 28-45. [PW]

Ertl, Wolfgang. “On Christopher Insole’s Kant and the Creation of Freedom.” Critique (blog posted: 28 Jun 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Evans, Mark. “Speaking on morality’s behalf: When one should be silent and why.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 46-59. [M]

[top] F    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Failla, Mariannina. Existencia, necesidad, libertad: En camino hacia la crítica. [Spanish] Translated from the Italian by Antonio José Antón Fernández, with a prologue by Nuria Sánchez Madrid. Madrid: Ediciones Alamanda, 2017. [208 p.] [M] [online]

Falcato, Ana. Rev. of Comparing Kant and Sartre, edited by Sorin Baiasu (2016). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 487-93. [PW]

Falduto, Antonio. “Los conceptos kantianos de “facultad” y de “mente” frente a la lectura epigenética.” [Spanish; Kant’s concepts of “faculty” and “mind” versus epigenetic reading] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 20-28. [M] [online]


 ——. “Nécessité partout? Kant et Ulrich sur la liberté de l’action et le déterminisme.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 267-72. [M]

Feldhaus, Charles. “Kant, Schiller, Obligation and Chimerical Ethics.” Studia Kantiana 15.2 (2017): 111-20. [M] [online]


Feloj, Serena. Rev. of The Powers of Pure Reason. Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy, by Alfredo Ferrarin (2015). [English] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 429-34. [M][online]

Fernández, José Luis. “Bridging the Gap of Kant’s ‘Historical Antinomy’.” Southwest Philosophy Review 33.1 (2017): 215-23. [PW]


Ferrari, Jean. “Ordre de la nature et désordres de l’histoire.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 41-58. [M]

Ferrarin, Alfredo. “A Reply to Serena Feloj on The Powers of Pure Reason.” [English]  Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 435-39. [M] [online]

Ferreira Perez, André Rodrigues. “Unidade e objetividade entre a Dedução transcendental e as Analogias da experiência.” [Portuguese; Unity and objectivity between the Transcendental Deduction and the Analogies of Experience] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 131-60. [M] [online]


Ferrer, Diogo. “Tornar-se Kant: a crítica da razão representativa em Diferença e Repetição de Deleuze.” [Portuguese; Becoming Kant: The Critique of Reason as Representation in Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 351-66. [M] [online]


Ferrera Da Silva, Fernando Manuek. “Um ‘secreto procedimento da alma dos homens’: Kant sobre o problema das representações obscuras.” [Portuguese; A ‘secret procedure of the soul of men’: Kant on the problem of obscure representations Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 190-215. [M] [online]


Ferry, Jean-Marc. “Pour une critique reconstructive de la raison historique.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 59-72. [M]

Filieri, Luigi. Rev. of Il pensare e l’io. Hegel e la critica di Kant, by Alfredo Ferrarin (2016). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 200-4. [M] [online]

 ——. See: Guyer, Paul, and Luigi Filieri.

Finkelde, Dominik, ed. Excessive Subjectivity — Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics., transl. by Deva Kemmis and Astrid Weigert. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017. [xv, 340 p.] [WC] [review]


Fisher, Naomi. “Kant on Animal Minds.” Ergo v.15 (2017): 441-62. [M] [online]


Flikschuh, Katrin. “Kant’s Nomads: Encountering Strangers.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 346-48. [M] [online]


Forgione, Luca. “Kant and the Simple Representation ‘I’.” International Philosophical Quarterly 57.2 (2017): 173-94. [PW]


 ——. “Kant on the Reflecting Power of Judgment and Nonconceptual Content.” Philosophical Inquiry 41.4 (2017): 35-53. [PW]

Forst, Rainer. “Noumenal Alienation: Rousseau, Kant and Marx on the Dialectics of Self-Determination.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 523-51. [PW]


 ——. “Political Liberalism: A Kantian View.” Ethics 128.1 (2017): 123-44. [PW]


Friebe, Cord. “Kant’s Rejection of Leibniz’s Principle and the Individuality of Quantum Objects.” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 1-18. [PW]


Friedlander, Eli. “On Common Sense, Communicability, and Community.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 407-24. [M]

Friedman, Michael. “Kant’s Conception of Causal Necessity and its Legacy.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 195-213. [M]

Frierson, Patrick R. “Denkungsart in Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 643-64. [M]

Fuentes González, Javier. “Conexiones entre Kant, Proclo y Euclides, a partir de una interpretación de Hintikka.” [Spanish; Connections Between Kant, Proclus and Euclid, from an Interpretation of Hintikka]  Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 261-77. [M] [online]


Furner, James. “Kant’s Contradiction in the Will Test: An Extravagant Imperfect Nature Interpretation.” Philosophical Forum 48.3 (2017): 307-23. [PI]


 ——. “Kant’s Contradiction in Conception Test: A Causal-Teleological Version of the Logical Contradiction Interpretation.” Theoria 64.152 (2012): 1-23. [PW]


[top] G    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

García Gómez del Valle, Jose María. “Arqueología filosófica y hermenéutica. Apuntes sobre la interpretación de la historia de la filosofía en Kant.” [Spanish; Philosophical Archaeology and Hermeneutics. Remarks on Kant’s Interpretation of the History of Philosophy] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 29-47. [M] [online]


Gardner, Sebastian. “The Metaphysics of Human Freedom: From Kant’s Transcendental Idealism to Schelling’s Freiheitsschrift.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.1 (2017): 133-56. [PW]


 ——. “Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology in the light of Kant’s Third Critique and Schelling’s Real-Idealismus.” Continental Philosophy Review 50.1 (2017): 5-25. [PI]


Garrett, Aaron. “Hutcheson on the Unity of Virtue and Right.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 19-35. [M]

Gatto, Alfredo. “La maschera cartesiana: René Descartes nella Critica della ragion pura di Kant.” [Italian; The Cartesian Mask: René Descartes in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 138-49. [M] [online]


Geiger, Ido. “Kant on the Analytic-Synthetic or Mechanistic Model of Causal Explanation.” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 19-42. [PW]


Gentili, Carlo. “Nietzsche and ‘the Great Chinese of Königsberg’.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 179-94. [M]

Geonget, Brigitte. “Progrès et perfectionnement dans l’Idée. Au-delà de la détermination naturaliste de l’humanité.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 159-68. [M]

Gerlach, Burkhard. Rev. of Kant’s Lectures on Ethics. A Critical Guide, edited by Lara Denis and Oliver Sensen (2015). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 477-80. [PW]

Giamario, Patrick T. “Making Reason Think More.” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 22.4 (2017): 161-76. [PI]


Gilabert, Pablo. “Kantian Dignity and Marxian Socialism.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 553-77. [PW]


Giladi, Paul. “On Schulting on Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Subjectivism in the Transcendental Deduction.” Critique (blog posted: 10 Nov 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Ginsborg, Hannah. “Why Must we Presuppose the Systematicity of Nature?” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 71-88. [M]

Gironi, Fabio, ed. The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux: Analytic and Continental Kantianism. London: Routledge, 2017. [248 p.] [WC][review]

Girotti, Marcio Tadeu. “Ilusão transcendental e ilusão de ótica: a genealogia da ilusão nas obras kantianas em 1766 e 1787.” [Portuguese; Transcendental illusion and optical illusion: the genealogy of illusion in the Kantian works in 1766 and 1787] Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 43-65. [M] [online]


Goldberg, Nathaniel. “Kant on Demarcation and Discovery.” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 43-62. [PW]


Goldberg, Zachary J. “Can Kant’s Theory of Radical Evil Be Saved?” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 395-419. [PW]


Golob, Sacha. “The Separability of Understanding and Sensibility: A Reply to James Conant.” Critique (blog posted: 18 Sep 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Transcendental Deduction, by Henry Allison (2015). Mind 126.501 (2017): 278-89. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Heidegger’s Shadow: Kant, Husserl and the Transcendental Turn, by Chad Engelland (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jul 2017, #14). [M] [online]

Gomes, Anil. “Naïve Realism In Kantian Phrase.” Mind 126.502 (2017): 529-78. [PW]


 ——. “Kant, the Philosophy of Mind, and Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 5-24??. [WC]

 ——, and Andrew Stephenson, eds. Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. [xiv, 283 p.] [WC]


 ——. “On David Landy’s Kant’s Inferentialism.” Critique (blog posted: 28 Feb 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

González, Catalina. “Secularización e infinito en Pascal y Kant.” [Spanish; Secularisation and Infinite in Pascal and Kant] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 296-315. [M] [online]


González Fisac, Jesús. “La libertad pragmática en Metaphysik der Sitten. Libertad y dependencia en el derecho personal de carácter real.” [Spanish; The pragmatic freedom in Metaphysik der Sitten. Freedom and dependence in the personal right of a real kind] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 116-37. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of The Bounds of Freedom: Kant’s Causal Theory of Action, by Robert Greenberg (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 497-502. [M] [online]

González Porta, Mario Ariel. “La crítica al psicologismo en Frege y Windelband: una contribución a la clarificación de las relaciones entre Frege y el neokantismo.” [Portuguese; The criticism to the psychologism in Frege and Windelband: a contribution to the clarification of the relationship between Frege and Neokantism] Studia Kantiana 15.1 (2017): 27-56. [M] [online]


Gottschlich, Max. “Pensar como operación – Acerca de los presupuestos e implicaciones de la lógica formal moderna.” [Spanish; Thinking as an Operation – About the Presupositions and Implications of Modern Formal Logic] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 9-19. [M] [online]


Goy, Ina. Kants Theorie der Biologie: Ein Kommentar. Eine Lesart. Eine Historische Einordnung. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. [xix, 420 p.] [WC]


Grandjean, Antoine. “La politique empiriste de la raison. Anarchisme ou despotisme?” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 15-38. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant et les empirismes. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2017. [223 p.] [M] [review]


Grapotte, Sophie. Rev. of Alexander Baumgarten: Metaphysics. A Critical Translation with Kant’s Elucidations. Selected Notes, and related Materials, edited and translated by Courtney D. Fugate and John Hymers (2013). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 152-55. [PW]

 ——. “La notion de «fin en soi» (Zweck an sich) en 1784.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 363-72. [M]

 ——, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds. L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Paris: J. Vrin, 2017. [469 p.] [M]


Green, Jonathan. “Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus: Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Gentz, and the Possibility of Prudential Enlightenment.” Modern Intellectual History 14.1 (2017): 35-65. [PW]


Green, Ronald. “On Stephen Palmquist’s Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s «Religion».” Critique (blog posted: 18 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Greer, Erin. “‘A Many-Sided Substance’: The Philosophy of Conversation in Woolf, Russell, and Kant.” Journal of Modern Literature 40.3 (2017): 1-17. [M]


Grenberg, Jeanine M. Rev. of Means, Ends, and Persons: The Meaning and Psychological Dimensions of Kant’s Humanity Formula, by Robert Audi (2015). Ethics 127.2 (2017): 466-70. [PW]

Gressis, Robert. “Why Is Kant Noncommittal About Grace?.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 272-84. [M] [online]


Grüne, Stefanie. “Givenness, Objective Reality, and A Priori Intuitions.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.1 (2017): 113-30. [M]


 ——. “Are Kantian Intuitions Object-Dependent?” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 67-85??. [WC]

Grusea, Dragoş. “Interpretarea transcendentală a artei la Kant şi Schelling. De la Critica facultăţii de judecare la Sistemul idealismului transcendental.” [Romanian] Studii de istoria filosofiei universale 25 (2017): pages. [PW]

Guay, Robert. “Kant, Nietzsche and the Discursive Availability of Action.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 91-108. [M]

Guisan, Catherine. “Truth-telling and right-speaking in European integration politics: From theory to practice and back.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 189-204. [M]

Guyer, Paul. “Alva Noë, Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature.” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 94.1 (2017): 230-37. [PI]


 ——. “Transcendental Idealism: What and Why?” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 71-90. [M]

 ——. “The Bounds of Sense and the Limits of Analysis.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.3 (2017): 365-82. [M]


 ——. “Taste, Morality, and Common Sense: Kant and the Scots.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 108-24. [M]

 ——. “What does the Transcendental Deduction prove, and when does it prove it? Henry Allison on Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.” Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 589-600. [PW]


 ——. “Imperfect Knowledge of Nature: Kant, Hume and Laws of Nature.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 49-67. [M]

 ——. “Seventy-Five Years of Kant ... and Counting.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75.4 (2017): 351-62. [WC]

 ——, and Luigi Filieri. “Kant and the Autonomy of Reason. An Interview by Luigi Filieri.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 9-26. [PW]

[top] H    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Haag, Johannes. “Analytic Kantianism: Sellars and McDowell on Sensory Consciousness.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 18-41. [M] [online]


Hakim, David. “Kant on Moral Illusion and Appraisal of Others.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 421-40. [PW]


Hall, Bryan. “Hume and Kant on Space, Divisibility, and Antinomical Conflict.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 212-29. [M]

Hämäläinen, Hasse. “Aristotle and the Dilemma of Kantian Autonomy.” International Philosophical Quarterly 57.3 (2017): 331-45. [PI]


Hamm, Christian. “‘Jogo livre’ e ‘sentido comum’ na teoria estética kantiana.” [Spanish; “Free play” and “common sense” in Kantian aesthetic theory] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 69-80. [M] [online]


Hanley, Ryan Patrick. “Rethinking Kant’s Debts to Rousseau.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 99.4 (2017): 380-404. [PW]


Hanna, Robert. “Kant, Radical Agnosticism, and Methodological Eliminativism about Things in Themselves.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 2 (2017): 38-54. [M] [online]


 ——. “Kant, the Copernican Devolution, and Real Metaphysics.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 761-89. [M]

 ——. “Richer Than You Think: Kant, Conceptual Truth, and the Discursive Structure of the Manifest World.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 115-22. [PW]

 ——. “Exiting the State and Debunking the State of Nature.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 167-89. [M] [online]


 ——. “Why The Better Angels of Our Nature Must Hate the State.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 329-34. [M] [online]


 ——. “Reply to David Landy.” Critique (blog posted: 6 Jan 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Dennis Schulting.” Critique (blog posted: 28 May 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Haumesser, Matthieu. “Le jeu du «Je pense» dans Locke et Kant. L’entrecroisement des facultés dans l’aperception empirique.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 57-73. [M]

Havana dos Reis Pasqualatto, Tamara. “Entre a oratória e a poesia: o gênio em Kant.” [Portuguese; Between oratory and poetry: the genius in Kant] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 249-62. [M] [online]


Hay, Katia. “Reason and Laughter in Kant and Nietzsche.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 197-217. [M]

 ——. See: Mayer Branco, Maria João, and Katia Hay.

 ——, ed. See: Mayer Branco, Maria João, and Katia Hay, eds.

Heidemann, Dietmar. “Finalité et historicité de la raison dans la philosophie de l’histoire de Kant.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 73-87. [M]

Heinz, Marion. Rev. of Die Bestimmung des Menschen (1748–1800). Eine Begriffsgeschichte, by Laura Anna Macor (2013). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 158-62. [PW]

Herrero Olivera, Laura. Rev. of Die Kategorien der Freiheit in Kants Praktischer Philosophie, edited by Stephan Zimmermann (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 404-9. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Der sensus communis bei Kant. Zwischen Erkenntnis, Moralität und Schönheit, by Zhengmi Zhouhuang (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 465-70. [M] [online]

Herszenbaun, Miguel. “La solución de la antinomia y el peligro del escepticismo.” [Spanish; The Solution of the Antinomy and the Danger of Skepticism] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 150-66. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Diccionario de la filosofía crítica kantiana, edited by Mario Caimi, Ileana Beade, José González Ríos, Macarena Marey, Fernando Moledo, Mariela Paolucci, Hernán Pringe, and Marcos Thisted (2017). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 205-9. [M] [online]

Hiltscher, Reinhard. Rev. of Kant zu Geschichte, Kultur und Recht, edited by Werner Flach (2015). Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 650-59. [PW]

Himmelmann, Beatrix. “On Teleological Judgement: A Debate between Kant and Nietzsche.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 167-79. [M]

Höntsch, Andeas. Rev. of Technische Vernunft. Kants Zweckbegriff und das Problem einer Philosophie der technischen Kultur, by Stefan Klingner (2013). Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 283-88. [PW]

Hoesch, Matthias. Rev. of Geschichte, Ethik und Religion im Anschluss an Kant. Philosophische Perspektiven „zwischen skeptischer Hoffnungslosigkeit und dogmatischem Trotz“, 2 vols., by Rudolf Langthaler (2014). Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 288-95. [PW]

Holberg, Erica A. “Kant, Oppression, and the Possibility of Nonculpable Failures to Respect Oneself.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 55.3 (2017): 285-305. [PI]


Holland, Ben. “The Perpetual Peace Puzzle.” Philosophy & Social Criticism 43.6 (2017): 599-620. [PI]


Hotes, Maria. “La face cachée du progrès: amitié et sociabilité chez Kant.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 373-81. [M]

Howard, Stephen. Rev. of Immanuel Kant: The Very Idea of a Critique of Pure Reason, by J. Colin McQuillan (2016). Continental Philosophy Review 50.3 (2017): 403-10. [PW]

Hoyos, Luis Eduardo. “Sobre el ideal kantiano del bien supremo y su significación moral.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 83-103. [M] [online]

Huber, Jakob. “Theorising from the Global Standpoint: Kant and Grotius on Original Common Possession of the Earth.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 231-49. [PW]


 ——. “Cosmopolitanism for Earth Dwellers: Kant on the Right to be Somewhere.” Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 1-25. [PW]


Hughes, Fiona. “Feeling the Life of the Mind: Mere Judging, Feeling, and Judgment.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 381-405. [M]

Hughes, Samuel. Rev. of The Possibility of Culture: Pleasure and Moral Development in Kant’s Aesthetics, by Bradley Murray (2015). The British Journal of Aesthetics 57.3 (2017): 334-37. [PW]

Hulshof, Monique. “Le concept de «souverain» dans les Fondements et les leçons Naturrecht Feyerabend.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 305-11. [M]

Huneman, Philippe. “Kant’s Concept of Organism Revisited: A Framework for a Possible Synthesis between Developmentalism and Adaptationism?” The Monist 100.3 (2017): 373-90. [M]


Hüning, Dieter. “Esprit de commerce, droit et paix dans la philosophie de l’histoire de Kant.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 169-76. [M]

Huseyinzadegan,Dilek. Rev. of Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom, and the Human Subject, by Richard Eldridge (2016). The Review of Metaphysics 70.4 (2017): 769-71. [PW]

[top] I    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Indregard, Jonas Jervell. “Kant’s Causal Power Argument Against Empirical Affection.” Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 27-51. [PW]


Insole, Christopher. “Reply to David Sussman.” Critique (blog posted: 20 Jun 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to David Sussman.” Critique (blog posted: 30 Jun 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Wolfgang Ertl.” Critique (blog posted: 29 Jun 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Israelsen, Andrew. Rev. of The Intolerable God: Kant’s Theological Journey, by Christopher Insole (2016). The Review of Metaphysics 71.2 (2017): 382-83. [PW]

Itaparica, André Luís Mota. “Nietzsche and the Thing in Itself.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 139-51. [M]

[top] J    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Jackson, Mark. “Knowledge, Education and Aesthetics.” Educational Philosophy & Theory 49.13 (2017): 1267-76. [PI]


Jacobsen, Mogens Chrom. “An Apparent Paradox: To Establish a Legal State is a Loose Duty.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 46-58. [PW]


James, David. “Practical Necessity and the Fulfilment of the Plan of Nature in Kant’s Idea for a Universal History.” Journal of the Philosophy of History (published online: Mar 2017). [PW]


Jankowiak, Tim. “Kantian Phenomenalism Without Berkeleyan Idealism.” Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 205-31. [PW]


 ——. “On David Landy’s Kant’s Inferentialism.” Critique (blog posted: 1 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Jensen, Anthony K. “Teleological Judgement and the End of History.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 157-78. [M]

Jesus, Paulo Renato. “La construction du «règne des fins»: épigénèse infinie de la liberté et de la justice.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 313-22. [M]

Jiménez, Alba. Rev. of Le problème du Langage chez Kant, by Raphaël Ehrsam (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 410-14. [M] [online]

Johnston, James Scott. “Recursive Justification and Kant’s Civil Condition: Some Comments on Flikschuh’s Account of Nomadic Rights.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 369-74. [M] [online]


Jorge Filho, Edgard José. “Kant e os Deveres para com as Gerações Futuras.” [Portuguese] Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73.1 (2017): 379-404. [PW]

Justo, José Miranda. “Hannah Arendt leitora de Kant: imaginação, comunicabilidade, sentido, linguagem.” [Portuguese;; Hannah Arendt reading Kant: imagination, communicability, sense, language] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 321-38. [M] [online]


[top] K    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Kahn, Samuel. “Defending Kant’s Conception of Matter from the Charge of Circularity.” Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 195-217. [PW]


Kannisto, Toni. “Kant on the Necessity of Causal Relations.” Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 495-516. [PW]


Karatani, Kojin. Nation and Aesthetics: On Kant and Freud. Translated by Jonathan E. Abel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. [xlii, 165 p.] [WC]

Kaśkiewicz, Kinga. “Fenomén vznešenosti u Kanta a Lyotardova estetika ‘po vznešenosti’.” [Slovak; The Phenomenon of Sublimeness in Kant and Lyotard’s Aesthetics “After the Sublimeness”] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.1 (2017): 19-28. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Klugheit bei Kant, by Claudia Graband (2015). [German] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 460-64. [M] [online]

Katsafanas, Paul. “The Problem of Normative Authority in Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 19-50. [M]

Kauark-Leite, Patricia. “On the Epistemic Status of Absolute Space: Kant’s Directions in Space Read from the Standpoint of his Critical Period.” Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 175-94. [PW]


 ——. “Kant, ciência e sensus communis.” [Spanish; Kant, science and sensus communis] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 283-94. [M] [online]


Keinert, Maurício. “L’Idée d’une histoire: les conflits de la raison.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 177-83. [M]

Kemp, R. S. “How to become an idealist: Fichte on the transition from dogmatism to idealism.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.6 (2017): 1161-79. [PI]


Kennett, Jeanette. “The Cost of Conscience: Kant on Conscience and Conscientious Objection.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26.1 (2017): 69-81. [PW]


Ketsemanian, Varak. Rev. of The Enlightenment: History of an Idea, by Vincenzo Ferrone, transl. by Elisabetta Tarantino (2015). Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 165-67. [PW]

Kisilevsky, Sari, and Martin J. Stone, eds. Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant’s Legal Philosophy. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017. [#, # p.] [WC]

Kitcher, Patricia. “A Kantian Argument for the Formula of Humanity.” Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 218-46. [PW]


 ——. “A Kantian Critique of Transparency.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 158-72??. [WC]

 ——. “Kant on the Faculty of Apperception.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.3 (2017): 589-616. [PW]


 ——. “The Critical and ‘Empty’ Representation ‘I Think’.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 140-62. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again, by Béatrice Longuenesse (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Oct 2017, #12). [M] [online]

Klein, Joel Thiago. “A questão da teleologia: Kant leitor de Rousseau.” [Portuguese; The question of teleology: Kant, a reader of Rousseau] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 22.1 (2017): 51=70. [M] [online]


 ——. “Prudência e moral na filosofia política de Kant.” [Portuguese; Prudence and Morality in Kant’s Political Philosophy] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 159-77. [M] [online]


 ——. “Kant’s Idea of a Universal History as an Answer to the Question of Hope.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.1 (2017): 3-18. [M] [online]


Kleingeld, Pauline. “Contradiction and Kant’s Formula of Universal Law.” Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 89-115. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Kant-Lexikon, edited by Markus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg Georg Mohr, and Stefano Bacin (2015). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65.2 (2017): 391-94. [PW]

Knappik, Franz, Damián. “On Guido Kreis’s Negative Dialektik des Unendlichen.” Critique (blog posted: 25 Sep 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Kohl, Markus. “Radical Evil as a Regulative Idea.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.4 (2017): 641-73. [M]


 ——. “The Normativity of Prudence.” Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 517-42. [PW]


Kraus, Katharina, and Thomas Sturm. “«An Attractive Alternative to Empirical Psychologies Both in His Day and Our Own»? A Critique of Frierson’s Kant’s Empirical Psychology.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 203-223. [PW]

Kravitz, Amit. “Geht die Physikotheologie der Ethikotheologie vorher? Ein Blick auf Kants Prioritätsthese.” Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 568-88. [PW]


Kreines, James. “Kant on the Laws of Nature: Restrictive Inflationism and Its Philosophical Advantages.” Monist 100.3 (2017): 326-41. [PI]


Krijnen, Christian. “Theology in Kant's Philosophy of Culture and History: A Problem for the Architectonic of Reason.” Value Inquiry Book Series 299 (2017): 115-32. [PI]


 ——. “Kants Konzeption kosmologischer Freiheit – ein metaphysischer Rest?” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 179-95. [M] [online]


Kryluk, Michael. “Gallows Pole: Is Kant’s Fact of Reason a Transcendental Argument?” The Review of Metaphysics 70.4 (2017): 695-725. [PW]


Kuehn, Manfred. “Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment: An Introduction.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 1-18. [M]

Kyslan, Peter. “Kantovo svetoobčianstvo ako výzva pre súčasnostˇ.” [Slovak; Kant’s Cosmopolitanism as a Challenge for Today] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.1 (2017): 29-39. [M] [online]


[top] L    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

La Caze, Marguerite. “Pretending peace: Provisional political trust and sincerity in Kant and Améry.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 156-72. [M]

Land, Thomas. Rev. of Kant’s B Deduction, by Mario Caimi (2014). Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 509-14. [PW]

Landy, David. “On Robert Hanna’s Cognition, Content, and the A Priori.” Critique (blog posted: 1 Jan 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Anil Gomes and Tim Jankowiak.” Critique (blog posted: 2 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Lang, Dimitri. “La Civitas Dei ou l’idéal d’une société au-delà du droit chez Kant.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 383-91. [M]

Lange, Marc. “Is Kantian Projectivism the Only Hope for Grounding the Principal Principle? (No.).” The Monist 100.3 (2017): 422-36. [M]


Lanier Anderson, R. “On the Two-Step Interpretation of Kant’s Dialectical Strategy in Theoretical Philosophy: Replies to Allais, Hanna, and Motta.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 129-51. [PW]

Lau, Chong-Fuk. “Kant’s Concept of Cognition and the Key to the Whole Secret of Metaphysics.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 117-37. [M]

Lazos, Efraín. “Contextos del cosmopolitismo kantiano.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 189-222. [M] [online]

Lee, Hoon. Rev. of Johann August Eberhard and Immanuel Kant, Preparation for Natural Theology: With Kant’s Notes and the Danzig Rational Theology Transcript, edited and translated by Courtney D. Fugate and John Hymers (2016). Reviews in Religion & Theology 24.1 (2017): 76-78. [PI]

Leech, Jessica. “On Nicholas Stang’s Kant’s Modal Metaphysics.” Critique (blog posted: 4 Jul 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Judging for Reasons: On Kant and the Modalities of Judgment.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 173-88??. [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Modal Metaphysics, by Nicholas F. Stang (2016). Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 341-46. [PW]

Lu-Adler, Huaping. “Kant and the Normativity of Logic.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 207-30. [PW]

Lefort, Élisabeth. “Penser un humanisme critique (vide) avec et contre Kant: lecture croisée de Kant et de Lefort.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 447-55. [M]

Lehtonen, Kelly. Rev. of The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant, by Robert Doran (2015). Comparative Literature Studies 54.1 (2017): 249-52. [M]

Lejeune, Guillaume. “L’immortalité de l’espèce peut-elle valoir comme postulat de la raison pure pratique?” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 185-93. [M]

Lemos, Joâo. Se e como poderá uma obra de arte ser bela. Acerca das condições de possibilidade da noção de bela arte na Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo de Immanuel Kant. [Portuguese] Madrid: Ediciones Alamanda, 2017. [286 p.] [M] [online]

 ——. “From Beautiful Art to Taste.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 216-35. [M] [online]


Lequan, Mai. “Empirie et expérience selon Kant. Une épistémologie de l’hypothèse à l’épreuve des écrits scientifiques.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 113-32. [WC]

 ——. “La critique kantienne de la fiction trompeuse des bergers d’Arcadie dans l’Idée de 1784.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 89-102. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Grapotte, Sophie, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds.

Lerussi, Natalia. “Continuidad y novedad en la concepción histórica de Kant en El conflicto de las facultades.” [Spanish; Continuity and Novelty in Kantʼs Historical Conception in The Conflict of the Faculties]Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 48-59. [M] [online]


Leyva, Gustavo. Rev. of Virtud, Felicidad y Religión en la Filosofía Moral de Kant, by Faviola Rivera Castro (2014).[Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 91-92. [M] [online]

Liang, Yibin. “Kant on Consciousness, Obscure Representations and Cognitive Availability.” Philosophical Forum 48.4 (2017): 345-68. [PI]


Lobeiras, Maria Xesús Vázquez. “Kant como interlocutor en el ámbito de la bioética y la biojurídica: el problema de la autonomía.” [Spanish; Kant as an interlocutor in the field of bioethics and biolaw: the problem of autonomy] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 179-97. [M] [online]


London, Alex John. See: Bjorndahl, Adam, Alex John London, and Kevin J.S. Zollman.

Longuenesse, Béatrice. I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. [xviii, 257 p.] [WC] [review]


 ——.  “Kant and Freud on Morality.”  Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 91 (2017): 215-30. [M]

Loriaux, Sylvie, Glen. “Introduction.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 1-14. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Baiasu, Sorin, and Sylvie Loriaux, eds.

Lories, Danielle. “De l’«insociable sociabilité» au sensus communis.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 323-31. [M]

Lorini, Gualtiero. Fonti e lessico dell’ontologia kantiana. I Corsi di Metafisica (1762-1795). Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2015. [270 p.] [WC] [review]

 ——. “Le dialogue entre droit et religion dans la conception kantienne de l’État. Un regard diachronique.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 333-42. [M]

 ——. “O papel da afinidade transcendental entre os fenômenos na teoria do conhecimento kantiana.” [Portuguese; The Role of the Transcendental Affinity between Phenomena in Kant’s Theory of Knowledge] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 215-29. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Zur Bedeutung des Begriffs Ontologie bei Kant. Eine entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, by Gabriel Rivero (2014). Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 659-64. [PW]

Louden, Robert B. “‘Wretched Subterfuge’? Comments on Frederick Rauscher’s Naturalism and Realism in Kant’s Ethics.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 475-81. [PW]

 ——. “Becoming Human: Kant’s Philosophy of Education and Human Nature.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 705-27. [M]

 ——. “A Writer More Excellent than Cicero: Hume’s Influence on Kant’s Anthropology.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 164-80. [M]

 ——. “Phantom Duty? Nietzsche versus Königsbergian Chinadom.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 193-218. [M]

Love, S. M. “Kant After Marx.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 579-98. [PW]


Lu, M. T. “Love, Freedom, and Morality in Kant and Dietrich von Hildebrand.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91.4 (2017): 703-17. [PW]


Lu-Adler, Huaping. “Kant and the Normativity of Logic.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 207-30. [PW]

Lueck, Bryan. “Contempt, Community, and the Interruption of Sense.” Critical Horizons 18.2 (2017): 154-67. [PI]


Lupo, Luca. “Nietzsche, Kant and Self-Observation: Dealing with the Risk of ‘Landing in Anticyra’.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 255-73. [M]

[top] M    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Machado, Lucas Nascimento. Rev. of Die Bestimmung des Menschen (1748-1800): Eine Begriffsgeschichte, by Laura Anna Macor (2013). [English] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 444-58. [M][online]

Madore, Joël. “A Discussion Around Katrin Flikschuh’s Kant’s Nomads: Encountering Strangers.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 344-45. [M] [online]

 ——. “Unsettling Encounters: A response to Katrin Flikschuh’s ‘Kant’s Nomads.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 375-83. [M] [online]


Malherbe, Michel. “Kant et le réel de la sensation.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 133-51. [M]

Mancuso, Giuliana. “Etica come guida per l'azione ed etica come conoscenza.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 45-62. [PW]

Marey, Macarena. “A Political Defence of Kant’s Aufklärung: An Essay.” Critical Horizons 18.2 (2017): 168-85. [PI]


 ——. See: Sánchez Madrid, Nuria, and Macarena Marey.

Mariña, Jacqueline. “Kant’s Robust Theory of Grace.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 302-20. [M] [online]


Marino, Stefano. “Adorno über Kant und das Verhältnis von Ästhetik und Metaphysik.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65.1 (2017): 67-88. [PW]


Marques, António. “Notas sobre figuras da mediação na terceira Crítica de Kant.” [Portuguese; Notes on Figures of Mediation in Kant’s Third Critique] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 59-68. [M] [online]


Marshall, Colin. “Kant on Impenetrability, Touch, and the Causal Content of Perception.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.4 (2017): 1411-33. [PW]


 ——. See: Simon, Jonathan, and Colin Marshall.

Martínez, Luciana. Rev. of Kant and Social Policies, edited by Andrea Faggion, Alessandro Pinzani, and Nuria Sánchez Madrid. (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 381-83. [M] [online]

 ——. “¿Por qué no es posible definir las categorías, de acuerdo con la Crítica de la Razón Pura?” [Spanish; Why isn’t it possible to define the categories, according to the Critique of Pure Reason?] Kant e-Prints 12.3 (2017): 6-18. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Anthropologie und Moral. Affekte, Leidenschaften und Mitgefühl in Kants Ethik, by Anna Wehofsits (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 452-56. [M] [online]

Martínez Neira, Tomás Z. Rev. of La Crítica de la razón pura de Kant, by Theodor W. Adorno (2015). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 439-47. [M] [online]

Massimi, Michela. “Kant on the Ideality of Space and the Argument from Spinozism.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 64-82. [PW]

 ——. “What is this Thing Called ‘Scientific Knowledge’? – Kant on Imaginary Standpoints And the Regulative Role of Reason.” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 63-84. [PW]


 ——. “Grounds, Modality, and Nomic Necessity in the Critical Kant.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 150-70. [M]

 —— and Angela Breitenbach, eds. Kant and the Laws of Nature. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [xii, 288 p.] [M]


Matherne, Samantha. Rev. of The Normativity of Nature: Essays on Kant’s Critique of Judgement, by Hannah Ginsborg (2015). Philosophical Review 126.2 (2017): 281-85. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Thinking with Kant’s Critique of Judgment, by Michel Chaouli (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 2017, #3). [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Art and Ethics in a Material World: Kant’s Pragmatist Legacy, by Jennifer A. McMahon (2014). The Philosophical Quarterly 67.266 (2017): 189-92. [PW]

Mattana Ereño, Leonardo. Rev. of Il fenomeno e il rimando. Sul fondamento kantiano della finitezza della ragione umana, by Giulio Goria (2014). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 415-20. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kant e la possibilità dell’etica. Lettura critico-sistematica dei Primi principi metafisici della dottrina della virtù, by Carmelo Alessio Meli (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 485-96. [M] [online]

Mattioli, William. “The Thought of Becoming and the Place of Philosophy: Some Aspects of Nietzsche’s Reception and Criticism of Transcendental Idealism via Afrikan Spir.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 71-102. [M]

Mayer Branco, Maria João. “‘jeder Geist hat seinen Klang’: Kant and Nietzsche on the Sense of Hearing.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 219-49. [M]

 ——, and Katia Hay. “Introduction.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 1-12. [M]

 ——, and Katia Hay, eds. Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy. Volume III: Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. London: Bloomsbury, 2017. [xvii, 286 p.] [M]


McHugh, John. “Adam Smith’s Kantian Phenomenology of Moral Motivation.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 286-303. [M]

McLear, Colin. “Intuition and Presence.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 86-103??. [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analytical-Historical Commentary, by Henry Allison (2015). European Journal of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 546-54. [PW]

McMahon, Jennifer A. “Immediate Judgment and Non-Cognitive Ideas: The Pervasive and Persistent in the Misreading of Kant’s Aesthetic Formalism.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 425-46. [M]

McNulty, Michael Bennett. “What is Chemistry, for Kant?” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 85-112. [PW]


 ——, and Marius Stan. “From General to Special Metaphysics of Nature.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 493-511. [M]

McQuillan, J. Colin. “Outer Sense, Inner Sense, and Feeling: Hutcheson and Kant on Aesthetic Pleasure.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 90-107. [M]

 ——. “Kant on the Science of Aesthetics and the Critique of Taste.” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 113-32. [PW]


 ——. “Response to Jose Luis Fernandez, ‘Bridging the Gap of Kant’s Historical Antinomy’.” Southwest Philosophy Review 33.2 (2017): 103-6. [PW]

Mello e Oliveira Cacciola, Maria Lúcia. “Les limites des Lumières: politique et liberté chez Kant.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 343-50. [M]

Mensch, Jennifer. “Neither Ghost Nor Machine: Kant, Epigenesis, and the Life of the Mind.” Philosophy Today 61.3 (2017): 811-14. [PW]

Merritt, Melissa McBay. “Practical Reason and Respect for Persons.” Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 53-79. [PW]


 ——. “Love, Respect, and Individuals: Murdoch as a Guide to Kantian Ethics.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.4 (2017): 1844-63. [PW]


 ——. “Sublimity and Joy: Kant on the Aesthetic Constitution of Virtue.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 447-67. [M]

 —— and Markos Valaris. “Attention and Synthesis in Kant’s Conception of Experience.” Philosophical Quarterly 67 (2017): 571-92. [PI]


Mertens, Thomas. “Emergencies and Criminal Law in Kant’s Legal Philosophy.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 459-92. [M] [online]


Messina, James. “The Relationship Between Space and Mutual Interaction: Kant contra Newton and Leibniz.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47.1 (2017): 43-65. [PI]


 ——. “Kant’s Necessitation Account of Laws and the Nature of Natures.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 131-49. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide, edited by James R. O’Shea (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Nov 2017, #18). [M] [online]

Messina, JP. “Kant, Smith, and the Place of Virtue in Political and Economic Organization.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 267-85. [M]

Miguens, Sofia. “Apperception or Environment. J. McDowell and Ch.Travis on the nature of perceptual judgement.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 79-92. [M] [online]


Mihina, František. Rev. of Theories of Dynamic Cosmopolitanism in Modern European History, by Georg Cavallar (2017). [Slovak] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.2 (2017): 78-82. [M] [online]

Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch. “No Cosmopolitan Morality Without State Sovereignty.” Philosophy & Social Criticism 43.10 (2017): 1072-94. [PI]


Miller, Elaine P. “Aesthetic Quantity, Aesthetic Acts and Willed Necessity in Nietzsche’s Engagement with Kant’s Critique of Judgement.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 133-55. [M]

Mills, Charles W. “Black Radical Kantianism.” Res Philosophica 95.1 (2017): 1-33. [PW]


Milstein, Brian. “Perpetual Peace and Cosmopolitical Method. The Systematic Grounds of Kant’s Cosmopolitan Vision.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 107-31. [PW]


Miner de Oliveira, Danilo Fernando. “Espaço, intuição e fenômeno na Estética transcendental.” [Portuguese; Space, intuition and phenomenon in Transcendental aesthetics] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 28-49. [M] [online]


Monyer, Hannah. See: Schwarzkopf, Grit, and Hannah Monyer.

Moors, Martin. “The Fate of Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 539-64. [M]

Moran, Kate A. “Neither Justice Nor Charity? Kant on ‘General Injustice’.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47.4 (2017): 477-98. [PI]


 ——. “Demandingness, Indebtedness, and Charity: Kant on Imperfect Duties to Others.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 307-29. [M]

Moscón, Pablo. “La pregunta por la posibilidad de los juicios sintéticos a priori prácticos y el ‘factum de la razón’ en la interpretación semántica de Kant.” [Spanish; The question about the possibility of practical synthetic a priori judgments and the ‘factum of reason’ in Kant's semantic interpretation] Kant e-Prints 12.3 (2017): 54-70. [M] [online]


Motorina, Lyubov E. “Kant’s Anthropology as a Coherent Doctrine of Man.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.2 (2017): 20-29. [M] [online]


Motta, Giuseppe. “One Step? Two Steps? Reflections on R. L. Anderson’s The Poverty of Conceptual Truth.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 123-28. [PW]

Muchnik, Pablo, and Lawrence Pasternack. “A Guide to Kant’s Treatment of Grace.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 256-71. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric, by Scott R. Stroud (2014). Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 665-71. [PW]

Mudd, Sasha. “The Demand for Systematicity and the Authority of Theoretical Reason in Kant.” Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 81-106. [PW]


[top] N    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Nahra, Cinara. “A atualidade de Kant: um diálogo com Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.” [Portuguese; The philosophy of Kant nowadays: a dialogue with Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos]  Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 13-24. [M] [online]

Naragon, Steve. “Kant’s Life.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 21-47. [M]

Naranjo Sandoval, Alejandro, and Andrew Chignell. “Noumenal Ignorance: Why, for Kant, Can’t We Know Things in Themselves?” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 91-116. [M]

Nassar, Dalia. “The Critical Function of the Epigenesis of Reason and Its Relation to Post-Kantian Intellectual Intuition.” Philosophy Today 61.3 (2017): 801-9. [PW]

Navot, Doron. “What can we learn about political corruption from Kant’s conceptions of honesty, publicity and truthfulness?” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 60-73. [M]

Nemeth, Thomas. Kant in Imperial Russia. Cham: Springer, 2017. [ix, 389 p.] [WC]

Neuhouser, Frederick. “Autonomy, Spiritual Illness and Theodicy in Kant and Nietzsche.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 159-91. [M]

Newey, Glen. “Political deception: Lowering the bar.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 17-31. [M]

Newton, Alexandra. “Kant on Animal and Human Pleasure.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47.4 (2017): 518-40. [PI]


 ——. “The Analytic Proposition Underlying Kantian Hypothetical Imperatives.” Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 543-67. [PW]


Nielsen, Carsten Fogh. “Kant and the Practical Man. Reinterpreting the Appendix to Toward Perpetual Peace.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 132-56. [PW]


Niesen, Peter. “What Kant Would Have Said in the Refugee Crisis.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 83-106. [PW]


Noller, Jörg. Rev. of Willensstruktur und Handlungsorganisation in Kants Theorie der praktischen Freiheit, by Saša Josifović (2014). Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 280-83. [PW]

Nyholm, Sven. “Do We Always Act on Maxims?” Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 233-55. [PW]


[top] O    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Oberst, Michael. “Kant über Substanzen in der Erscheinung.” Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 1-18. [M]


Olivares, Cristóbal. Rev. of Forzados a ser libres. Kant y la teoría republicana del derecho, edited by Juan Ormeño Karzulovic and Miguel Vatter (2017). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 212-14. [M] [online]

Oliveira, Nythamar de. See: Dutra, Delamar José Volpato, and Nythamar de Oliveira.

Olson, Michael J. “The Metaphysics of the Epigenesis of Reason: On Jennifer Mensch’s Kant’s Organicism.” Philosophy Today 61.3 (2017): 793-99. [PW]

O'Neill, Onora. “Warum nach dreihundert Jahren immer noch Kant lesen?” Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 270-79. [PW]


Ormeño Karzulovic, Juan, and Miguel Vatter, eds. Forzados a ser libres: Kant y la teoría republicana del derecho. [Spanish] Santiago: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2014. [243 p.] [WC]

Oroño, Matías Hernán. “Lo sublime dinámico en la tercera crítica de Kant.” [Spanish; The Dynamic Sublime in Kant’s Third Critique] Eidos 27 (2017): 199-223. [PI] [online]


 ——. “El (no)-conceptualismo de Kant y los juicios de gusto.” [Spanish; Kant’s (Non)-conceptualism and judgments of taste] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 93-105. [M] [online]


 ——. “Formas de autoconciencia en la ‘Reflexión de Leningrado’.” [Spanish; Forms of self-awareness in the “Leningrad Reflection”] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 168-78. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Kants Theorie der Biologie. Ein Kommentar. Eine Lesart. Eine historische Einordnung, by Ina Goy (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 421-26. [M] [online]

Osborne, Nicolas. “Kant on Modalities and Justification.” Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 315-37. [PW]


O’Shea, James R., ed. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [297 p.] [PW][review]


Ostaric, Lara. “The Free Harmony of the Faculties and the Primacy of Imagination in Kant's Aesthetic Judgment.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.4 (2017): 1376-1410. [PW]


Owen, David. “Freedom as Independence: Kant and Nietzsche on Non-Domination, Self-Love and the Rivalrous Emotions.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 137-57. [M]

[top] P    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Palmer, Eric. See: Sweet, Alec Stone, and Eric Palmer.

Palmquist, Stephen. “Reply to Green, Drogalis, Shell & Rossi.” Critique (blog posted: 18 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Trinta e cinco anos de pesquisas sobre Kant: uma panorâmica em retrospectiva.” [Portuguese; Thirty-five Years of Research on Kant: A Retrospective Overview] Kant e-Prints 12.1 (2017): 56-73. [M] [online]

 ——. “Kant’s Model for Building the True Church: Transcending “Might Makes Right” and “Should Makes Good” through the Idea of a Non-Coercive Theocracy.” [English] Diametros 54 (2017): 76-94. [PW] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant on Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: An Interpretation and Defense, by Lawrence R. Pasternack (2014). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 467-71. [PW]

Panknin-Schappert, Helke. “Le spectateur de la grande scène du monde. Fil conducteur a priori et preuve historique.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 195-203. [M]

Parmigiani, Matías. “Is it ‘impossible to will to be punished’? Exploring a consensual way out of the kantian dilemma.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 60-88. [M] [online]


Parra, Lisímaco. “Filosofía versus barroco en la Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres de kant 19 faviola rivera castro, la primera fórmula del imperativo categórico.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 19-54. [M] [online]

Pascoe, Jordan. “Working Women and Monstrous Mothers: Kant, Marx, and the Valuation of Domestic Labour.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 599-618. [PW]


Pasternack, Lawrence. “Restoring Kant’s Conception of the Highest Good.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.3 (2017): 435-68. [M]


 ——. “The ‘Two Experiments’ of Kant’s Religion: Dismantling the Conundrum.” Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 107-31. [PW]


 ——. “Kant on Faith: Religious Assent and the Limits to Knowlege.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 515-38. [M]

 ——. “Hume’s Principle and Kant’s Pure Rational System of Religion: Grace, Providence, and the Highest Good.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 142-63. [M]

 ——. Rev. of The Intolerable God: Kant’s Theological Journey, by Christopher J. Insole (2016). Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 518-22. [PW]

Patton, Lydia. “Kantian Essentialism in the Metaphysical Foundations.” The Monist 100.3 (2017): 342-56. [M]


Pavão, Aquinaldo. “Filosofia moral sem antropologia.” [Portuguese; Moral philosophy without anthropology] Kant e-Prints 12.3 (2017): 19-30. [M] [online]


Paytas, Tyler. “God’s Awful Majesty Before Our Eyes: Kant’s Moral Justification for Divine Hiddenness.” Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 133-57. [PW]


 ——. See: Muchnik, Pablo, and Lawrence Pasternack.

Pearce, Kenneth L. “What Descartes Doubted, Berkeley Denied, and Kant Endorsed.” Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review (Online: 19 Dec 2017): 1-33. [PW]


Pendlebury, Michael. “A Kantian Account of Animal Cognition.” Philosophical Forum 48.4 (2017): 369-93. [PI]


Peres, Daniel Tourinho. “Reflexão e normativismo em Kant.” [Portuguese; Reflection and Normativism in Kant] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 22.4 (2017): 103-13. [M] [online]


Perez, Daniel Omar. “Los límites de la psicología como ciencia y la posibilidad de su uso en la antropología en Kant.” [Portuguese; The limits of psychology as science and the possibility of its use in Kant’s anthropology] Studia Kantiana 15.2 (2017): 51-61. [M] [online]


Perin, Adriano. “Sobre a metáfora da liberdade como ‘pedra angular’ (Schlußstein) do sistema da razão pura.” [Portuguese; On the metaphor of freedom as the ‘keystone’ (Schlußstein) of the system of pure reason] Studia Kantiana 15.2 (2017): 87-109. [M] [online]


Piché, Claude. “La philosophie kantienne de l’histoire et la ruse des Lumières.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 205-14. [M]

Pichler, Axel. “‘Kant: or cant as intelligible character’: Meaning and Function of the Type ‘Kant’ and his Philosophy in Twilight of the Idols.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 233-54. [M]

Pickering, Mark. “Hume and Kant on Identity and Substance.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 230-44. [M]

Pinheiro Walla, Alice. Rev. of Kant’s Politics in Context, by Reidar Maliks (2014). The Philosophical Quarterly 67.266 (2017): 207-9. [PW]

Pinto Freire, Jesús, and Adrián Santamaría Pérez. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II, translated and edited by Alba Jiménez Rodríguez (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 448-51. [M] [online]

Pinzani, Alessandro. “Beati Possidentes? Kant on Posssession and Inequality.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 475-92. [M] [online]


 ——. “Honra e honestidade na Metafísica dos Costumes.” [Spanish; Honour and Honesty in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 107-23. [M] [online]


Pissis, Jannis. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Metaphysiki ton ithon [Metaphysics of Morals], edited and translated into Greek by Kostas Androulidakis (2013). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 155-58. [PW]

Placencia, Luis. “Descartes y Kant sobre la conciencia. Observaciones sobre un olvidado punto de contacto sistemático entre Kant y Descartes.” [Spanish; Descartes and Kant on conscientia. Observations on a Forgotten Systematic Contact Point Between Kant and Descartes Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 278-95. [M] [online]


Poljakova, Ekaterina. “Art beyond Truth and Lie in a Moral Sense.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 43-62. [M]

Pollok, Anne. Rev. of Kant and Rational Psychology, by Corey w. Dyck (2014). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 454-57. [PW]

Pollok, Konstantin. Kant’s Theory of Normativity: Exploring the Space of Reason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [xv, 326 p.] [WC] [review]


 ——. “Is Kant’s Ethics Metaphysically Naturalistic? Comments on Frederick Rauscher’s Naturalism and Realism in Kant’s Ethics.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 483-94. [PW]

Porcheddu, Rocco. Rev. of Kants Begründung von Freiheit und Moral in Grundlegung III. Neue Interpretationen, edited by Dieter Schönecker (2015). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 473-77. [PW]

Posesorski, Ezequiel L. “Maimon’s Late Ethical Skepticism and the Rejection of Kant’s Notion of the Moral Law.” International Philosophical Quarterly 57.2 (2017): 141-54. [PW]


Pozzo, Riccardo. “Ein grosses Beinhaus. La biblioteca dei filosofi.” [Italian; Ein grosses Beinhaus. The Library of Philosophers] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 367-74. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Embedded Cosmopolitanism: History, Philosophy, and Education for World Citizens, by Georg Cavallar (2015). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 457-59. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy, by Alfredo Ferrarin (2015). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 471-72. [PW]

Prunea-Bretonnet, Tinca. “Kant et Mendelssohn sur la question «Qu’est-ce que les Lumières?»” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 393-400. [M]

[top] Q    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

[top] R    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Rainsborough, Marita. “Freiheit, Natur und Geschichte. Zum Verhältnis von Natur und Geschichte bei Kant und Foucault.” [German; Freedom, Nature and History. The Relationship between Nature and History in Kant and Foucault] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 339-50. [M] [online]


Raiva, Suma. “The Value of Difference: Kantian Hospitality and Flikschuh’s Rethinking of Nomadic Encounters.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 384-93. [M] [online]


Ramos de Souza, Luís Eduardo. “Notas sobre a Estética transcendental de Kant: intuição e aparecimento, forma e matéria.” [Portuguese; Notes on Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetic: intuition and appearance, form and matter] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 68-103. [M] [online]


Rampazzo Bazzan, Marco. “Sapere aude et Doctrine de la science. Les résurgences de la devise kantienne des Lumières dans les cours de Fichte à l’Université de Berlin.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 273-81. [M]

Rauscher, Frederick. “Human Morality: Replies to Pollok, Bojanowski and Louden.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 495-507. [PW]

Rego, Pedro Costa. “Kant contra o silogismo da idealidade: notas sobre a Refutação de 1781.” [Portuguese; Kant against the Syllogism of Ideality: Notes on the Refutation of 1781] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 305-19. [M] [online]


Reider, Patrick J. “Does Philosophy Require a Weak Transcendental Approach?” Metaphilosophy 48.4 (2017): 550-71. [PI]


Rennó Ribeiro Santos, Leonardo. “À propos d’une source négligée de la notion kantienne des Lumières: la Leçon Menschenkunde sur l’anthropologie.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 457-64. [M]

Rescher, Nicholas. “Kant’s Platonism.” Philosophical Inquiry 41.1 (2017): 2-10. [PW]

Ribeiro Vollet, Lucas. “Foundationalist or Fallibilist: the epistemological ambiguity of Kant’s theory and an answer against fallibilist oppositions to Kant.” Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 97-112. [M] [online]


Riccardi, Mattia. “Nietzsche on Kant’s Distinction between Knowledge (Wissen) and Belief (Glaube).” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 153-66. [M]

Richardson, John. “Nietzsche, Transcendental Argument and the Subject.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 27-44. [M]

Rimkus, Edvardas. “Some Remarks on the Criticism of Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy in the Vilnius Epistemological School.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.2 (2017): 3-19. [M] [online]


Rivera Castro, Faviola. “Introducción.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 7-15. [M] [online]

 ——. “La primera fórmula del imperativo categórico.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 55-82. [M] [online]

 ——, ed. See: Aramayo, Roberto Rodriguez, and Faviola Rivera Castro, eds.

Rivera de Rosales, Jacinto. Rev. of The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism, edited by Matthew C. Altman (2014). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 172-74. [PW]

Robertson, Simon. “Normativity and Moral Psychology: Nietzsche’s Critique of Kantian Universality.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 51-89. [M]

Robinson, Elizabeth. “Kant and Hume on Marriage.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 181-96. [M]

 ——, and Chris W. Surprenant, eds. Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. New York/London: Routledge, 2017. [xiv, 367 p.] [M] [review] [review]


Rockmore, Tom. “Hegel and Husserl: Two Phenomenological Reactions to Kant.” Hegel Bulletin 38.1 (2017): 67-84. [PW]


Rodríguez Duplá, Leonardo. “El Cristo de Kant.” [Spanish] Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 75-95. [PW]

Rohlf, Michael. “Contemporary Kantian Moral Philosophy.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 791-813. [M]

Rojek, Tim. Rev. of Vernunft und Vorsehung. Säkularisierte Eschatologie in Kants Religions- und Geschichtsphilosophie, by Matthias Hoesch (2014). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 459-63. [PW]

Rollmann, Veit Justus. Rev. of The Post-Critical Kant. Understanding the Critical Philosophy through the Opus postumum, by Bryan Wesley Hall (2014). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 166-70. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Biology, edited by Ina Goy and Eric Watkins (2014). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 171-72. [PW]

Rosales, Jacinto Rivera de. “Attempt to introduce the concept of body into the Critique of Pure Reason.”  Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 231-49. [M] [online]


Rosales Sánchez, Juan José. “La epistemología kantiana y el contenido no conceptual.” [Spanish; Kantian Epistemology and Non-Conceptual Content] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 106-20. [M] [online]


Rosenkoetter, Timothy.  “The Logical Home of Kant’s Table of Functions.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Logik/Logic, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 12 (2017): 29-52. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Inferentialism: The Case Against Hume, by David Landy (2015). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jul 2017, #12). [M] [online]

Ros Velasco, Josefa. Rev. of A civilização como destino. Kant e as formas da reflexão, by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2016). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 100-2. [M] [online]

Rosefeldt, Tobias. “Subjects of Kant’s First Paralogism.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 221-44??. [WC]

Rossi, Philip J., SJ. “On Stephen Palmquist’s Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s «Religion».” Critique (blog posted: 17 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Rovira, Rogelio. “Mendelssohn’s Refutation of Kant’s Critique of the Ontological Proof.” Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 401-26. [PW]


Ruffing, Margit. “Kant-Bibliographie 2015.” Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 601-49. [PW]

 ——, ed. See: Grapotte, Sophie, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds.

[top] S    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Sabourin, Charlotte. “Les critiques au service du progrès: Kant et l’usage public de la raison en politique.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 401-9. [M]

Sadun Bordoni, Gianluca. “1784 - l’année fatidique.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 103-18. [M]

Sánchez Madrid, Nuria. “Huyendo de la nada. finitud y formas de sociabilidad en la antropología kantiana.” [Spanish] La filosofía práctica de Kant. Eds. Roberto Rodriguez Aramayo and Faviola Rivera Castro (op cit.). 223-59. [M] [online]

 ——, and Macarena Marey. “Kant et le droit en 1784: la formation de l’obligation juridique dans le cours Naturrecht Feyerabend.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 215-23. [M]

 ——. “La Primera Introducción de la Crítica del Juicio: las bases emocionales de la teoría en Kant.” [Spanish; The First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment: the Emotional Basis of Theory in Kant] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 25-42. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Politics in Context, by Reidar Maliks (2014). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 427-30. [M] [online]

Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel. “Kant and His Philosophical Context: The Reception and Critical Transformation of the Leibnizian-Wolffian Philosophy.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 49-68. [M]

Sandford, Stella. Rev. of Kant’s Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy, by Jennifer Mensch (2013). Critical Philosophy of Race 3.1 (2015): 167-70. [MUSE]

Santamaría Pérez, Adrián. See: Freire, Jesús Pinto, and Adrián Santamaría Pérez.

Santos, Robinson dos. “Kant e a metaética contemporânea.” [Portuguese; [Kant and the contemporary metaethics] Studia Kantiana 15.1 (2017): 67-86. [M] [online]


Sá Pereira, Roberto de. “A Non-Dual Epistemic Phenomenalist Reading of Kant’s Idealism.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 2 (2017): 1-22. [M] [online]


Sardinha, Diogo. “Nature, action et émancipation dans la Réponse à la question: Qu’est-ce que les Lumières?” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 225-33. [M]

Sassen, Brigitte. “Kant’s Heuristic Methods: Feeling and Common Sense in Orientation and Taste.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 342-60. [M]

Savino, Daniele. Rev. of Kant e la scienza (1755-1760), by Paolo Grillenzoni (2016). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 96-99. [M] [online]

Scaglia, Lara. Rev. of Erkenntnis und Funktion. Zur Vollstandigkeit der Urteilstafel und Einheit des Kantischen Systems, by Martin Bunte (2016). [English] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 401-3. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Versinnlichung. Kants transzendentaler Schematismus und seine Revision in der Nachfolge – Actus et Imago, by Lidia Gasperoni (2016). [English] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 457-59. [M] [online]

Schaefer, Alexander. “An Alternative to Heteronomy and Anarchy: Kant’s Reformulation of the Social Contract.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 245-66. [M]

Schalow, Frank. “Hume and Kant on Imagination: Thematic and Methodological Differences.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 197-211. [M]

Scheerlinck, Ryan. “Enthusiasmus und Ekel: Ein posthumer Dialog zwischen Kant und Lyotard.” Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 427-53. [PW]


Schepelmann, Maja. Kants Gesamtwerk in neuer Perspektive. Münster: Mentis, 2017. [530 p.] [WC]

Scherer, Fábio César. “Da garantia do progresso do gênero humano no Kant tardio.” [Portuguese; The guarantee of human progress in late Kant] Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 5-21. [M] [online]


Schliesser, Eric. See: Biener, Zvi, and Eric Schliesser.

Schlüter, Stephan. “L’actualité du programme cosmopolitique de l’histoire de l’éducation de Kant et son lien avec la Stoa.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 411-19. [M]

Schönecker, Dieter. See: Smith, Elke Elizabeth, and Dieter Schönecker.

Schubbach, Arno. “Kants Konzeption der geometrischen Darstellung.” Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 19-54. [M]


Schulting, Dennis. Kant’s Radical Subjectivism: Perspectives on the Transcendental Deduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. [xvi, 442 p.] [M]

 ——. “Apperception, Self-Consciousness, and Self-Knowledge in Kant.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 139-61. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Idealism and Phenomenalism. Critical Notice of Lucy Allais’s Manifest Reality. Kant’s Idealism & His Realism.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 191-202. [PW]

 ——. “On Robert Hanna’s Cognition, Content, and the A Priori.” Critique (blog posted: 27 May 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “The Unity of Cognition and the Subjectivist vs. “Transformative” Approaches to the B-Deduction—Comments on James Conant.” Critique (blog posted: 4 Oct 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Watt: Epistemic Humility, Objective Validity, Logical Derivability.” Critique (blog posted: 11 Nov 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Schwab, Daniel. Rev. of Die Bestimmung des Menschen (1748-1800). Eine Begriffsgeschichte., by Laura Anna Macor (2013). [German] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 103-8. [M] [online]

Schwartz, Jeremy. “Was Kant a ‘Kantian Constructivist’?” Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 257-80. [PW]


Schwarzkopf, Grit, and Hannah Monyer. “Das kantische Raummodell in der Neurobiologie.” Kant-Studien 108.2 (2017): 247-69. [PW]


Sckell, Soraya Nour. “A Cosmopolitan Law Created by Cosmopolitan Citizens: The Kantian Project Today.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 593-615. [M]

 ——. “O cosmopolitismo de Kant: direito, política e natureza.” [Portuguese; Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Law, Politics, and Nature] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 199-213. [M] [online]


Seide, Ansgar. “How the Understanding Prescribes Form without Prescribing Content – Kant on Empirical Laws in the Second Analogy of Experience.” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 133-58. [PW]


Séguy-Duclot, Alain . “Derrida et le Parergon: une lecture critique.” Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 116-33. [PW]


Seneda, Marcos César. “Teoria crítica da sensibilidade e contrapartidas incongruentes em Kant.” [Portuguese; Kant’s critical theory of sensibility and incongruent counterparts] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 10-27. [M] [online]


Sensen, Oliver. “Duties to Oneself.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 285-306. [M]

 ——. “Kant and Hume on Feelings in Moral Philosophy.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 125-41. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kantian Ethics: Value, Agency, and Obligation, by Robert Stern (2015). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2017, #17). [M] [online]

Serban, Claudia. “A priori, nécessité, facticité, ego. Husserl critique de Kant.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 195-212. [M]

Seyler, Frédéric. “La médiation du droit: Le «modèle de 1784» (Kant) et le «modèle de 1806» (Fichte).” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 283-91. [M]

Shabel, Lisa. “Kant’s Mathematical Principles of Pure Understanding.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 163-83. [PW]

Shaddock, Justin B. “Recent Work on Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.2 (2017): 401-10. [PW]

Shell, Susan Meld. “On Stephen Palmquist’s Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s «Religion».” Critique (blog posted: 13 Mar 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Shepherdson, Charles. “Aesthetic ‘Sense’ in Kant and Nancy.” New Literary History 48.2 (2017): 197-221. [M]

Shields, Jon Kara. “The Intolerable God: Kant's Theological Journey.” Anglican Theological Review 99.2 (2017): 397-99. [PI]

Shimony, Idan. “What Was Kant’s Contribution to the Understanding of Biology?” Kant Yearbook 9 (2017): 159-78. [PW]


Siemens, Herman. “Kant’s ‘Respect for the Law’ as the ‘Feeling of Power’: On (the Illusion of) Sovereignty.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 109-36. [M]

 ——. “Nietzsche Contra Kant on Genius, Originality and Agonal Succession.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 15-42. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Brusotti, Marco, and Herman Siemens, eds.

Silva Cortes, Rafael da. “Looking for Kant: considerações sobre o sentimento de respeito kantiano do ponto de vista da neurociência contemporânea.” [Portuguese; Looking for Kant: considerations on the kantian feeling of respect from a contemporary neuroscience point of view] Studia Kantiana 15.3 (2017): 79-95. [M] [online]


Simon, Jonathan, and Colin Marshall. “Mendelssohn, Kant, and the Mereotopology of Immortality.” Ergo 4.29 (2017): 821-44. [M][online]


Sims, Stephen. “Political Philosophy and the Problems of International Order: Machiavelli, Kant, and Aristotle.” Perspectives on Political Science 46.2 (2017): 127-36. [PI]


Sirovátka, Jakub. Rev. of Kant on Emotion and Value, edited by Alix Cohen (2014). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 464-67. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Emotion. Emotional Universalism, by Diane Williamson (2015). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 484-87. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of The Faculties of the Human Mind and the Case of Moral Feeling in Kant’s Philosophy, by Antonino Falduto (2014). Kant-Studien 108.4 (2017): 672-75. [PW]

Skorupski, John. “Reply to Kurt Sylvan: Constructivism? Not Kant, not I.” Philosophical Quarterly 67.268 (2017): 593-605. [PI]


Slowik, Edward. “Kantian Absolute Space in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science from a Huygensian Frame.” Journal of Early Modern Studies 6.2 (2017): 119-41. [PW]


Smeenk, Chris J., and Yann Benétreau-Dupin. “The Cosmos as Involving Local Laws and Inconceivable without Them.” Monist 100.3 (2017): 357-72. [PI]


Smith, Elke Elizabeth, and Dieter Schönecker. “O amor em Kant e na filosofia analítica.” [Portuguese; Love According to Kant and the Analytic Philosophy] Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 75-93. [M] [online]


Smith, John. “You Are What You Will: Kant, Schopenhauer, Facial Expression of Emotion, and Affective Computing.” German Life & Letters 70.4 (2017): 466-77. [PI]


Smith, Steven G. “Meaningful Moral Freedom.” International Philosophical Quarterly 57.2 (2017): 155-72. [PW]


Smith, Suzanne E. “Before Hegel and Beyond Kant: Risto Saarinen’s Recognition and Religion.” Harvard Theological Review 110.2 (2017): 301-13. [PW]


Snowdon, Paul F. “The Lessons of Kant’s Paralogisms.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 245-61??. [WC]

Soboleva, Maja. “How we read Kant: an Empiricist and a Transcendental Reading of Kant’s Theory of Experience.” Philosophia 45.3 (2017): 1331-44. [PW]


Sørensen, Asger. “Introducing Theme and Articles.” Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50.1 (2017): 7-45. [PW]


Sorensen, Kelly, and Diane Williamson, eds. Kant and the Faculty of Feeling. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [x, 276 p.] [WC]

Sošková, Jana. “Kantovská estetika o perspektívach a „koncoch“ umenia alebo génius verzus remeselník.” [Slovak; Kantian Aesthetics on Perspectives and „Ends“ of Art or Genius versus Craftsman] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.2 (2017): 30-38. [M] [online]


Sperber, Peter. “Solving the Regress Puzzle: J. F. Fries’s Psychological Reconstruction of Kant’s Transcendental Methodology.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.4 (2017): 675-91. [M]


Stacho, Kristián. “Od Kantovej etiky k jeho praktickej filozofii.” [Slovak; From Kant’s Ethics to his Practical Philosophy] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.1 (2017): 40-53. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Kant and Social Policies, edited by Andrea Faggion, Nuria Sánchez Madrid,and Alessandro Pinzani (2016). [Slovak] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.1 (2017): 57-67. [M] [online]

Stachoň, Marek. “Kant a problém spoločnosti.” [Slovak; Kant and the Problem of Society] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2017.2 (2017): 39-60. [M] [online]


Stan, Marius. “Metaphysical Foundations of Neoclassical Mechanics.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 214-33. [M]

 ——. See: McNulty, Michael Bennett, and Marius Stan.

Stang, Nick. “On Omri Boehm’s Kant’s Critique of Spinoza.” Critique (blog posted: 2 Jan 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Stapleford, Scott. “Seeing a Flower in the Garden: Common Sense, Transcendental Idealism.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 326-41. [M]

Stegmaier, Werner. “‘Resolute Reversals’: Kant’s and Nietzsche’s Orienting Decisions Concerning the Distinction between Reason and Nature.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 181-204. [M]

Stepanenko, Pedro. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, La Deducción trascendental y sus inéditos, 1772-1788, edited and translated by Gonzalo Serrano (2014). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 215-19. [M] [online]

Stephenson, Andrew. “Imagination and Inner Intuition.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 104-23. [WC]

 ——. “On Nicholas Stang’s Kant’s Modal Metaphysics.” Critique (blog posted: 2 Jul 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——, ed. See: Gomes, Anil, and Andrew Stephenson, eds.

Sticker, Martin. “Kant’s Criticism of Common Moral Rational Cognition.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.1 (2017): 85-108. [PW]


Stiegler, Barbara. “Beyond the Beautiful and the Sublime? Nietzsche, Aesthetics and the Question about the Subject.” Nietzsche and Kant on Aesthetics and Anthropology. Eds. Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay (op cit.). 99-111. [M]

Stiening, Gideon. Rev. of Johann Nicolaus Tetens, Metaphysik, edited by Michael Sellhoff (2015). Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 480-84. [PW]

Stobbe, Emanuel Lanzini. “Pode um construtivismo moral justificar o respeito por seres humanos? Considerações kantianas.” [Portuguese; Can a moral constructivism justify the respect for human beings? Kantian remarks] Kant e-Prints 12.1 (2017): 6-36. [M] [online]


Stone, Martin J., ed. See: Kisilevsky, Sari, and Martin J. Stone, eds.

Stoner, Samuel. “Kant on the Power and Limits of Pathos: Toward a ‘Critique of Poetic Rhetoric’.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 50.1 (2017): 73-95. [M]


Stovall, Preston. Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: An Introduction and Interpretation, by James R. O’Shea (2014). Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 162-64. [PW]

Stroud, Barry. “Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 106-19. [PW]

Sturm, Thomas. See: Kraus, Katharina, and Thomas Sturm.

Summa, Michela. “Toward a Transcendental Account of Creativity. Kant and Merleau-Ponty on the Creative Power of Judgment and Creativity as Institution.” Continental Philosophy Review 50.1 (2017): 105-26. [PI]


Sussman, David. “On Christopher Insole’s Kant and the Creation of Freedom.” Critique (blog posted: 29 Jun 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Sutherland, Daniel. “Kant's Conception of Number.” Philosophical Review 126.2 (2017): 147-90. [PI]


Sweet, Alec Stone, and Eric Palmer. “A Kantian system of constitutional justice: Rights, trusteeship, balancing.” Global Constitutionalism 6.3 (2018): 377-411. [PW]


Sweet, Kristi. “What is Philosophical about Kant’s Anthropology?” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25.3 (2017): 336-47. [PI]


[top] T    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Tadeu Girotti, Marcio. “Dissertação de 1770: novidade ou pré-crítica da razão pura?” [Portuguese; Dissertation of 1770: novelty or pre-criticism of pure reason?] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 218-35. [M] [online]


Tamborini, Marco. See: Cardani, Michele, and Marco Tamborini.

Taranto, Pascal. “Kant et la défense de la «bonne cause». La «conséquence» de l'empirisme.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 39-56. [M]

Teles, Manuela. “Frege sobre Kant: uma motivação filosófica do logicismo.” [Portuguese; Frege on Kant: A Philosophical Grounding of Logicism] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 207-36. [M] [online]


Terra, Constanza. Rev. of Kant y el Criticismo: pasado, presente, y ¿futuro?, by Paula Órdenes Azúa and Daniela Alegría (2015). [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 210-11. [M] [online]

Teufel, Thomas. “Kant’s Transcendental Principle of Purposiveness and the ‘Maxim of the Lawfulness of Empirical Laws’.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 108-27. [M]

T ——. Rev. of The Normativity of Nature: Essays on Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, by Hannah Ginsborg (2015). Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Logik/Logic, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 12 (2017): 341-46. [PW]

Thiel, Detlef. Rev. of Kants „Opus postumum“ und seine Rezeption, by Giovanni Pietro Basile (2013). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 146-52. [PW]

Thisted, Marcos. Rev. of Kant und die Heterogeneität der Erkenntnisquellen, by Mathias Birrer (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 384-89. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of A civilizaçao como destino: Kant e as formas da reflexão, by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2016). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 503-7. [M] [online]

Thomason, Krista K. “A Good Enough Heart: Kant and the Cultivation of Emotions.” Kantian Review 22.3 (2017): 441-62. [PW]


Tinland, Olivier. “Hegel critique de Kant. Éléments pour la généalogie d’un empirisme de la raison.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 155-72. [M]

Tinnevelt, Ronald. “The Implications of Being Implicated. Individual Responsibility and Structural Injustice.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 493-518. [M] [online]


Tolley, Clinton. “The Place of Logic within Kant’s Philosophy.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 165-87. [M]

 ——. “Kant on the Place of Cognition in the Progression of our Representations.” Synthese (posted: 24 Nov 2017). [PW]


 ——.  “The Relation between Ontology and Logic in Kant.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Logik/Logic, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 12 (2017): 75-98. [PW]

Tomasi, Gabriele. “L’oggettivismo debole di Kant in estetica.” [Italian; Kant’s Weak Objectivism in Aesthetics] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 81-98. [M] [online]


Tomassini, Fiorella. Rev. of Forzados a ser libres. Kant y la teoría republicana del derecho, edited by Juan Ormeño Karzulovic and Miguel Vatter (2017). [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 397-400. [M] [online]

Tonetto, Milene Consenso. “Kant’s Concept of Indirect Duties and Environmental Ethics.” ethic@ 16.3 (2017): 519-32. [M] [online]


Tongeren, Paul van. “Question or Answer? Kant, Nietzsche and the Practical Commitment of Philosophy.” Nietzsche and Kantian Ethics. Eds. João Constâncio and Tom Bailey (op cit.). 291-311. [M]

Torres, João Carlos Brum. “Esquematismo e indexalidade. Uma nota de aproximação entre esses dois conceitosã.” [Portuguese; Schematism and Indexicality. A Note on the Approximation of these two Concepts] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 251-64. [M] [online]


Trevisan, Diego Kosbiau. “Volonté générale e a autonomia da vontade. A presença de Rousseau na origem político-jurídica da filosofia moral de Kant.” [Portuguese; 129Volonté générale e a autonomia da vontade. A presença de Rousseau na origem político-jurídica da filosofia moral de Kant] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 22.3 (2017): 129-42. [M] [online]


Tunhas, Paulo. “Da afinidade à acção.” [Portuguese; From Affinity to Action] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 237-55. [M] [online]


[top] U    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ure, Michael. See: Ansell-Pearson, Keith, and Michael Ure.

Utteich, Luciano Carlos. “A aparência (Schein) estética desde um estatuto crítico-transcendental.” [Portuguese; The aesthetic Appearance (Schein) since a transcendental and critical statute] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 161-92. [M] [online]


[top] V    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Vaha, Milla. Rev. of Manifest Reality: Kant’s Idealism and his Realism, by Lucy Allais (2015). [English] Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 480-84. [M] [online]

Valaris, Markos. See: Merritt, Melissa, and Markos Valaris.

Valdez, Inés. “It's Not about Race: Good Wars, Bad Wars, and the Origins of Kant’s Anti-Colonialism.” American Political Science Review 111.4 (2017): 819-34. [PI]


Valore, Paolo. “Ontologia e strategie di ordinamento: una soluzione kantiana.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 63-73. [PW]

Van Eekert, Geert. “Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Self-Expression, and Kant’s Public Use of Reason.” [English] Diametros 54 (2017): 118-37. [PW] [online]


Vanden Auweele, Dennis. The Kantian Foundation of Schopenhauer's Pessimism. New York/London: Routledge, 2017. [xiii, 242 p.] [WC] [review]

 ——. “Kantian Grace as Ethical Gymnastics.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 285-301. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Comprehensive Commentary on Kant’s Religion Within the Bounds of Bare Reason, by Stephen R. Palmquist (2016). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25.4 (2017): 841-44. [PW]

Varden, Helga. “Kant and Sexuality.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 331-53. [M]

 ——. “Kant and Women.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98.4 (2017): 653-94. [PI]


Vater, Michael. “Kant after Kant: The Indispensable Philosopher.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 731-60. [M]

Velkley, Richard. Rev. of Images of History: Kant, Benjamin, Freedom and the Human Subject, by Richard Eldridge (2016). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Feb 2017, #10). [M] [online]

Veraza Tonda, Pablo. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Lecciones de filosofía moral Mrongovius II, translated by Alba Jiménez (2016). Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 89-90. [M]

Veríssimo Serrão, Adriana. “Pensar a paisagem. Interpelações à estética de Kant.” [Portuguese; Thinking the Landscape interpellations to Kant’s Aesthetics] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 43-57. [M] [online]

Vidmar, Iris. Rev. of The Possibility of Culture: Pleasure and Moral Development in Kant’s Aesthetics, by Bradley Murray (2015).Croation Journal of Philosophy 17.3 (2017): 453-59. [PW]

Vilhauer, Benjamin. “Kant’s Mature Theory of Punishment, and a First Critique Ideal Abolitionist Alternative.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 617-40. [M]

Villarán, Alonso. “Kant’s Highest Good: The ‘Beck-Silber Controversy’ in the Spanish-Speaking World.” Faith and Philosophy 34.1 (2017): 57-81. [PW]


Villinger, Rahel. “Recovering the ‘True Meaning’ of the Pre-Established Harmony: On a Neglected Key to Kant’s Theory of Intuition.” Kant-Studien 108.3 (2017): 338-77. [PW]


Vinci, Thomas. Rev. of Kant’s Inferentialism: The Case Against Hume, by David Landy (2015). Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 331-38. [PW]

Volpato Dutra, Delamar José. “Críticas de Kant a Hobbes: fim real ou princípios a priori.” [Portuguese; Kant’s Criticisms to Hobbes: real end or a priori principles] Studia Kantiana 15.2 (2017): 27-49. [M] [online]


 ——. “Liberalismo, democracia e totalitarismo.” [Portuguese; Liberalism, Democracy, and Totalitarism] Estudos Kantianos 5.1 (2017): 143-58. [M] [online]

Vorpagel da Silva, Luciano. “Da causalidade segundo a natureza às pretensões dialéticas da razão para além da natureza.” [Portuguese; Of causality according to nature to dialectical pretensions of reason beyond nature] Kant e-Prints 12.2 (2017): 236-48. [M] [online]


[top] W    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Walker, Ralph C. S. “The Primacy of Practical Reason.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 191-209. [M]

name. “title.” Journal vol (2012): pages. [PW]


. “Self and Selves.” Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self. Eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (op cit.). 204-20??. [WC]

Walschots, Michael. “Kant on Moral Satisfaction.” Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 281-303. [PW]


 ——. “Hutcheson and Kant: Moral Sense and Moral Feeling.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 36-54. [M]

Ware, Owen. “Kant’s Deductions of Morality and Freedom.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47.1 (2017): 116-47. [PI]


Warren, Daniel. “Kant on Mathematical Force Laws.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 171-92. [M]

Watkins, Eric. “Kant on the Distinction between Sensibility and Understanding.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 9-27. [PW]

 ——. “Kant on the Unity and Diversity of Laws.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 11-29. [M]

 ——, and Marcus Willaschek. “Givenness and Cognition: Reply to Grüne and Chignell.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55.1 (2017): 143-52. [M]


 ——. See: Willaschek, Marcus, and Eric Watkins.

Watt, Robert. “The Location of Kant's Refutation of Idealism.” European Journal of Philosophy 25.4 (2017): 1640-59. [PW]


 ——. “On Dennis Schulting’s Kant’s Radical Subjectivism.” Critique (blog posted: 7 Nov 2017) n.p. [PW] [online]

Wehofsits, Anna. “Mitgefühl in Kants Ethik.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65.5 (2017): 830-50. [PW]


Weinstein, Jack Russell. “Kant and Smith on Imagination, Reason, and Personhood.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 304-25. [M]

Wellmann, Gesa. “Towards a new conception of metaphysics: Lambert’s criticism on Wolff’s mathematical method.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 135-48. [M] [online]


Westphal, Kenneth R. “Kant’s Dynamical Principles.” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 184-204. [PW]

 ——. “How Kant Justifies Freedom of Agency (without Transcendental Idealism).” European Journal of Philosophy 25.4 (2017): 1695-1717. [PW]


 ——. “Kant, Causal Judgment & Locating the Purloined Letter.” Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 42-78. [M] [online]


Wicks, Robert. Rev. of The Kantian Foundation of Schopenhauer’s Pessimism, by Dennis Vanden Auweele (2017). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Dec 2017, #12). [M] [online]

Willaschek, Marcus. “Kant on Real Conditioning.” Studi Kantiani 30 (2017): 29-44. [PW]

 ——, and Eric Watkins. “Kant on Cognition and Knowledge.” Synthese (posted: 29 Nov 2017). [PW]


 ——, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr, and Stefano Bacin, eds. Kant-Lexikon. Berlin / Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. [xi1, 745 p.] [PW]


 ——. See: Watkins, Eric, and Marcus Willaschek.

Williams, Howard. “The Political Philosophies of Kant and Marx.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 619-40. [PW]


 ——. “The Critical Legal and Political Philosophy of Immanuel Kant.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 567-91. [M]

 ——. “Kantian Human Rights or How the Individual Has Come to Matter in International Law.” Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice. Eds. Reidar Maliks and Johan Karlsson Schaffer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 125-54. [PW]

Wilson, Catherine. “The Building Forces of Nature and Kant’s Technology of the Living.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 256-74. [M]

Wilson, Donald. “Balancing Commitments: Own-Happiness and Beneficence.” Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 2 (2017): 23-37. [M] [online]


Wilson, Eric Entrican. Rev. of Kantian Ethics: Value, Agency, and Obligation, by Robert Stern (2015). Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 167-72. [PW]

Wilson, Holly. “Freedom and Klugheit in Kant’s Anthropology Lectures.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 26-37. [M] [online]


Wilson, Sue. “Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape: Remembering Kant, Forgetting Proust.” Modern Drama 60.1 (2017): 46-68. [M]


Winegar, Reed. “Kant on God’s Intuitive Understanding: Interpreting CJ §76’s Modal Claims.” Kantian Review 22.2 (2017): 305-29. [PW]


 ——. “Kant and Hutcheson on Aesthetics and Teleology.” Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Eds. Elizabeth Robinson and Chris W. Surprenant (op cit.). 71-89. [M]

Wolff, Michael. “How Precise Is Kant’s Table of Judgments?” Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide. Ed. James O’Shea (op cit.). 83-105. [PW]

Wood, Allen. Formulas of the Moral Law. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. [83 p.] [M]


 ——. “Marx and Kant on Capitalist Exploitation.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 641-59. [PW]


 ——. “How a Kantian Decides What to Do.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 263-84. [M]

Wunderlich, Falk. Rev. of Kant and Rational Psychology, by Corey W. Dyck (2014). Kantian Review 22.1 (2017): 159-61. [PW]

[top] X    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

[top] Y    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Yost, Benjamin S. “Kant’s Theory of Motivation: A Hybrid Approach.” Review of Metaphysics 71.2 (2017): 293-319. [PI]


Ypi, Lea. “From Revelation to Revolution: The Critique of Religion in Kant and Marx.” Kantian Review 22.4 (2017): 661-81. [PW]


 ——. “The Transcendental Deduction of Ideas in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117.2 (2017): 163-85. [PW]


[top] Z    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Zammito, John H. “‘Proper Science’ and Empirical Laws.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 471-92. [M]

Zapero, David. “Moral Skepticism and the Critique of Practical Reason.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (op cit.). 243-60. [M]

Zavatta, Benedetta. “From Pure Reason to Historical Knowledge: Nietzsche’s (Virtual) Objections to Kant’s First Critique.” Nietzsche, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Eds. Marco Brusotti and Herman Siemens (op cit.). 45-70. [M]

Zhouhuang, Zhengmi. “The Development of Kant’s Theory of Moral Feeling.” Con-Textos Kantianos 5 (2017): 58-74. [M] [online]


Zöller, Günter. “Possibiliser l’expérience. Kant sur la relation entre le transcendantal et l’empirique.” Kant et les empirismes. Ed. Antoine Grandjean (op cit.). 99-112. [M]

 ——.  “Conditions of Objectivity. Kant’s Critical Conception of Transcendental Logic.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Logik/Logic, eds. Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick. 12 (2017): 3-28. [PW]

 ——. “«Lois de la liberté». Autonomie et conformité à la loi dans le Naturrecht Feyerabend de Kant.” L’année 1784 – Kant. Droit et philosophie de l’histoire. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 351-59. [M]

Zoffoli, Enrico. “The role of public reason’s principle of sincerity.” Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Eds. Sorin Baiasu and Sylvie Loriaux (op cit.). 32-45. [M]

Zollman, Kevin J.S. See: Bjorndahl, Adam, Alex John London, and Kevin J.S. Zollman.

Zuckert, Rachel. “Empirical Scientific Investigation and the Ideas of Reason.” Kant and the Laws of Nature. Eds. Michela Massimi and Angela Breitenbach (op cit.). 89-107. [M]

[top] Dissertations    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Amoroso, Justin. Kant on the Beautiful. Master’s thesis. University of Maine, 2017. [152 p.] Advisor: Michael Howard. [PQ]


Arnecillo, Fidel A., Jr. Kant’s Refutation of the Ontological Proof. Ph.D. diss. The Claremont Graduate University, 2017. [201 p.] Advisor: Patricia Easton. [PQ]


Bardell, Dohrea. A Kantian Normative Model for Peace. Ph.D. diss. Fielding Graduate University (Human and Organization Development), 2017. [387 p.] Advisor: Dorothy Agger-Gupta. [PQ]


Berg, Anastasia Netta Artemyev. Freedom, Feeling and Character: The Unity of Reason and Sensibility in Kant's Practical Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. University of Chicago, 2017. [141 p.] Advisor: Robert B. Pippin. [PQ]


Bhardwaj, Kiran. Reason, Emotion, and Consequence: Moral Psychology and Kantian Ideals. Ph.D. diss. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017. [186 p.] Advisor: Thomas E. Hill, Jr. [PQ]


Cooper-Simpson, Franklin Charles Owen. The Idealism of Life: Hegel and Kant on the Ontology of Living Individuals. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2017. [243 p.] Advisor: Rebecca Comay. [PQ]


Cote, Sophie. Making ‘Cinnabar’: Kant on Made A Posteriori Concepts. Master’s thesis. University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 2017. [28 p.] Advisor: Willam Bristow. [PQ]


Cressotti, Josef. Reading Kant’s Third Critique: What the Beautiful Can Teach Us about Judgment. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Riverside, 2017. [249 p.] Advisor: Pierre Keller. [PQ]


Eleanor Davis, Karen. Aesthetic Play as Ethical Practice: Rethinking Moral Life Through Kant, Schiller, Gadamer, and Prison Theater. Ph.D. diss. Texas A&M University, 2017. [251 p.] Advisor: Kristi Sweet. [PQ]


Gungor, Tolga. Nothing: Kant’s Analysis and the Hegelian Critique. Ph.D. diss. University of Essex (Philosophy and Art History, 2017. [215 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ] [online]


Hoffer, Yaron Noam. Kant's Theoretical Conception of God. Ph.D. diss. Indiana University, 2017. [200 p.] Advisor: Allen W. Wood. [PQ]


Howard, Stephen. Kant and Force: Dynamics, Natural Science and Transcendental Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. Kingston University, 2017. [251 p.] Advisor: Howard Caygill. [PQ] [online]


Israelsen, Andrew. Kant and the Unity of Nature. Ph.D. diss. Purdue University, 2017. [217 p.] Advisor: Christopher Yeomans. [PQ]


Little, David H. Aristotle and Kant on the Noble and the Good. Ph.D. diss. Baylor University, 2017. [198 p.] Advisor: Dwight D. Allman. [PQ]


Moffat, Luke Robert. Subjects of the Unconditioned: Kant’s Critical Metaphysics and Aesthetics and their Reconstruction in Schelling’s Identity-Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. University of Kent at Canterbury, 2017. [vii, 256 p.] Advisor: Edward Kanterian. [PQ] [online]


Peng, Bo. Kant’s Theory of Duty and Conflict of Rights. Ph.D. diss. Rutgers University, 2017. [184 p.] Advisor: Stephen Eric Bronner. [PQ]


Pereira Di Salvo, Carlos. Reconstructing the Kantian Cosmopolitan Project. Ph.D. diss. Northwestern University, 2017. [328 p.] Advisor: Cristina Lafont. [PQ]


Perry Slavens, Jesse David. Tracking Kant's Bête Noire: The Significance of Hegel's Emptiness Critique for Contemporary Kantianism. Ph.D. diss. Rice University, 2017. [339 p.] Advisor: H. Tristam Engelhardt. [PQ]


Reckner, William Leland. The Form of Law: Practical Principles and the Foundations of Kant's Moral Theory. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Los Angeles, 2017. [340 p.] Advisor: Barbara Herman. [PQ]


Smith, Catherine Mary Mathie. Self-Respecting Animals: Three Papers on Kant’s View of Human Nature and Morality. Ph.D. diss. Cornell University, 2017. [121 p.] Advisor: Michelle Kosch. [PQ]


Tizzard, Jessica. Sense-Dependent Rationalism: Finding Unity in Kant’s Practical Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. The University of Chicago, 2017. [255 p.] Advisor: Robert B. Pippin. [PQ]


York, Thomas Paul. Kant's Philosophy of Religion and Climate Change. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2017. [466 p.] Advisor: James J. DiCenso. [PQ]


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[M] — material copy of the book or journal

[MUSE] — Project Muse

[PI] — Philosopher’s Index

[PQ] — ProQuest

[PW] — publisher’s website

[RC] — Rodica Croitoru

[WC] — WorldCat