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[Info]  Kant Bibliography 2010  [2011]

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[top]Kant    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Editions and translations of the writings of Immanuel Kant

[See also the items listed under Collections]

Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (1764)

 ——.  Observaciones acerca del sentimiento de lo bello y de lo sublime. [Spanish] Edited and translated by Luis Jiménez Moreno. Madrid: Alianza, 2010. [119 p.]

 ——.  Güzellik ve yücelik duyguları üzerine gözlemler. [Turkish] Edited by Bahadir Vural; translated by Ahmet Fethi Yildirim. Istanbul: Hil Yayınları, 2010. [63 p.]

Versuch über die Krankheiten des Kopfes (1764)

 ——.  “Ensaio sobre as doenças da cabeça de 1764.” [Portuguese] Translated by Pedro Miguel Panarra. Revista Filosofica de Coimbra 19 (2010): 201-24.

Von den verschiedenen Racen der Menschen (1775)

 ——.  “Das Diferentes Raças Humanas.” [Portuguese] Translated with notes by Alexandre Hahn. Kant e-Prints (online journal) 5.5 (2010): 10-26. [online]

Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781/87)

 ——.  Zut banakanut`yan k`nnadatut`yun. [Armenian] Translated by Varazdat Teroyan. Erevan: HH GAA "Gitut`yan" hratarakch`ut`yun, 2010. [951 p.]

 ——.  純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan. [Japanese] 3 vols (of 5). Translated by Gen Nakayama. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 2010. [422, 423, 541 p.]

 ——.  De l’amphibologie des concepts de la réflexion. [French] Translated by Matthieu Haumesser. Paris: J. Vrin, 2010. [272 p.]


Prolegomena (1783)

 ——.  Prolegomena, do wszelkiej przyszlej metafizyki, która bedzie mogla wystapic jako nauka. [Polish] Translated by Benedykt Bornstein. Warsaw: Hachette Polska, 2010. [214 p.]

“Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?” (1784)

 ——.  ¿Qué es la ilustración? [Spanish] Translated by Eduardo García Belsunce and Sandra Giron. Buenos Aires: Prometio Libros, 2010. [75 p.]

Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (1785)

 ——.  Fundamentação da metafisica dos costumes. [Portguese] Translated with introduction and notes by Guido Antônio de Almeida. São Paulo: Editora Barcarolla, 2010. [501 p.]

 ——.  Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. [French]  Translated with notes and commentary by Pierrette Bonet. Paris: Nathan, 2010. [167 p.]

“Mutmasslicher Anfang der Menschengeschichte” (1786)

 ——.  “Início conjectural da história humana.” [Portuguese] Translated with notes by Joel Thiago Klein. Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 137-51. [online]

 ——.  Começo conjectural da história humana. [Portuguese] Translated with notes by Edmilson Menezes. São Paulo: Ed. UNESP, 2010. [131 p.]

Über eine Entdeckung, nach der alle neue Kritik der reinen Vernunft durch eine ältere entbehrlich gemacht werden soll (1790)

 ——.  Spór z Eberhardem. [Polish; Dispute with Eberhard] Translated by Artur Banaszkiewicz and Slawomir Stasikowski, edited by Banaszkiewicz. Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Slowo/Obraz Terytoria, 2010. [372 p.]


Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft (1793)

 ——.  De religie binnen de grenzen van de rede. [Dutch] Translated by Geert Van Eekert. Amsterdam: Boom, 2010.  [265 p.]

 ——.  Sur le mal radical dans la nature humaine = Über das radicale Böse in der menschlichen Natur. [French] French/German, translated with introduction and commentary by Frédéric Gain. Paris: Edition Rue d’Ulm, 2010. [175 p.]

Zum ewigen Frieden (1795)

 ——.  Pour la paix perpétuelle. [French] Translated, with introduction and notes, by Joël Lefebvre. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2010. [188 p.]

“Von einem neuerdings erhobenen vornehmen Ton in der Philosophie” (1796)

 ——.  “Sobre um recentemente enaltecido tom de distinção na Filosofia.” [Portuguese] Translated with notes by Valerio Rohden. Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 152-70. [online]

Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefaßt (1798)

 ——.  Antropología en sentido pragmático. [Spanish]  Translated by Mario Caimi. Buenos Aires: Losada, 2010. [352 p.]

 ——.  Antropología en sentido pragmático. [Spanish] Translated by José Gaos. Madrid: Alianza, 2010.  [287 p.]

 ——.  Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico. [Italian]  Translated by Mauro Bertani and Gianluca Garelli; introduction and notes by Michel Foucault. Torino: Einaudi, 2010. [ix, 365 p.]

 ——.  Antropologija pragmatiniu poziuriu. [Lithuanian] Translated by Romanas Pleckaitis. Vilnius: Margi Rastai, 2010. [305 p.]

 ——.  “Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (Excerpts).” [Lithuanian] Translated by Romanas Pleckaitis. Problemos: Mokslo darbai 77 (2010): 177-98.

Logik (1800)

 ——.  Lógica. [Spanish] Translated, and with an introduction, preface, and notes, by Carlos Correas. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 2010. [205 p.]

Lecture Notes

 ——.  “Introdução ao Direito Natural Feyerabend” [Portuguese; Introduction to the Natural Law Feyerabend] Translated by Fernando Costa Mattos. Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 15 (2010): 97-113.


 ——.  Opus postumum. [Polish; selection]   Translated by Tomasz Kupś. Studia z Historii Filozofii 1 (2010): 9-30.

 ——.  Kirjeenvaihtoa 1759-1799 [Finnish; Correspondence 1759-1799] Translated by Panu Turunen. Turku: Areopagus, 2010. [245 p.]


[Ingarden 2010] Krytyka czystego rozumu [Polish; Pre-Critical Writings]. Translated by Roman Ingarden. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2010. [396 p.]


[Kobe/Riha 2010] Predkritični spisi [Slovenian; Pre-Critical Writings]. Translated by Samo Tomšič and Zdravko Kobe, edited by Kobe and Rado Riha; introduction by Kobe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2010. [512 p.]


[Kupś/Jankowski 2010] Pisma przedkrytyczne [Polish; Pre-Critical Writings]. Translated by Tomasz Kupś and Marek Jankowski. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, 2010. [985 p.]


[Li 2010a] 邏輯學.自然地理學.教育學 / Luo ji xue. zi ran di li xue. jiao yu xue. [Chinese] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Renmin University Press, 2010. [510 p.]


[Li 2010b] 1781 年之后的论文 / 1781 nian zhi hou de lun wen. [Chinese; Papers after 1781] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Renmin University Press, 2010. [481 p.]


[Villacañas 2010] Obras Completas I: Crítica de la razón pura / Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura / Relato de la vida y el carácter de Immanuel Kant por Ludwig Ernst Borowski. [Spanish] Translated, edited, and with an introduction by José Luis Villacañas. Madrid: Gredos, 2010. [cxxvii, 882 p.]


[top]A    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Abaci, Uygar.  “Artistic Sublime Revisited: Reply to Robert Clewis.”  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2010): 170-73.


Abbate, Giampaolo.  “La critica kantiana alla dottrina etica di Aristotele, tra esplicite accuse e tacite convergenze.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  705-16.

Acerbi, Ariberto.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of the Self, by Arthur Melnick (2009).  Acta Philosophica: Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce 19 (2010): 388-91.

Adams, Nicholas.  “Kant.”  The Blackwell Companion to Nineteenth-Century Theology.  Ed. David Fergusson.  Chichester, U.K./Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.  3-30.

Adler, Hans.  “Metaschema und Aisthesis. Herders Gegenentwurf zu Kant.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  119-54.

Albers, Franz-Josef.  Praktische Philosophie zwischen Affirmation und Dissens: eine Gedankenreise.  Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2010.  [162 p.]

Allais, Lucy.  “Kant’s Argument for Transcendental Idealism in the Transcendental Aesthetic.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 110 (2010): 47-75.


 ——.  “Transcendental Idealism and Metaphysics: Kant’s Commitment to Things as They are In Themselves.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 1-32.


Allison, Henry E.  Custom and Reason in Hume: a Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [xi, 412 p.]

Allouche-Pourcel, Béatrice.  Kant et la Schwärmerei: Histoire d’une Fascination.  Paris: Harmattan, 2010.  [285 p.]


Almeida, Guido Antônio de.  “Kant et la bonne volonté.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  609-22.

Almond, Ian.  History of Islam in German Thought from Leibniz to Nietzsche.  New York: Routledge, 2010.  [vi, 208 p.]


Altman, Matthew C.  “Kant on Sex and Marriage: The Implications for the Same-Sex Marriage Debate.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 309-30.


Altmann, Sílvia.  “Rational Foundation of Freedom in Kant’s Groundwork.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  649-61.

Alves, Julius.  “Vollkommene Tugendpflichten: Zur Systematik der Pflichten in Kants Metaphysik der Sitten.”  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (2010): 520–45.

Alves, Pedro M. S.  “The concept of a transcendental logic.”  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 132-44. [online]


 ——.  “O Fenómeno-Vida. Kant e Darwin.” [Portuguese; "The Phenomenon of Life. Kant and Darwin"]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  443-56.

Aly, Aysun. See: Frey, Michael, and Aysun Aly.

Ameriks, Karl.  “Reality, Reason, and Religion in the Development of Kant’s Ethics.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  23-47.

Anderson, Abraham.  “The Objection of David Hume.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 81-120.

Anderson, Owen.  “Without Purpose: Modernity and the Loss of Final Causes.”  Heythrop Journal: A Bimonthly Review of Philosophy and Theology 51 (2010): 401-16.


Anderson, Pamela Sue.  “Pure Reason and Contemporary Philosophy of Religion: The Rational Striving in and for Truth.”  International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 68 (2010): 95-106.


 —— and Jordan Bell.  Kant and Theology.  London: T & T Clark International, 2010.  [x, 122 p.]


Anderson, R. Lanier.  “The Introduction to the Critique: Framing the Question.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  75-92.

Anderson-Gold, Sharon.  “Kant, Radical Evil, and Crimes against Humanity.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  195-214.

 ——.  “Kant’s Cosmopolitan Peace.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 205-21.

 ——.  “Privacy, Respect and the Virtues of Reticence in Kant.”  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 28-42.

 —— and Pablo Muchnik, eds.  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [xi, 251 p.] [review]


Andrade M. Oliveira, Érico.  “A crítica de Nietzsche à moral kantiana: por um moral mínima.” [Portuguese]  Cadernos Nietzsche 27 (2010): 169-89.


Andrei, Petre.  Opera omnia, Bk. 5, vol. 1: Prelegeri de istoria filosofiei de la Kant la Schopenhauer. [Romanian; Lectures on the History of Philosophy, from Kant to Schopenhauer]  Iaşi, Romania: Tipo Moldova, 2010.  [371 p.]

Araujo Figueiredo de, Virginia.  “L’art comme promesse de liberté.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  495-504.

Arens, Patrick E.  “Kant and the Understanding’s Role in Imaginative Synthesis.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 33-52.

Arnold, Denis G., Robert Audi, and Matt Zwolinski.  “Recent Work in Ethical Theory and Its Implications for Business Ethics.”  Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (2010): 559-81.


Askin, Zehragül.  “The Ontological Foundation of the Transcendental Deduction.” [Turkish]  Kaygi: Uludağ Universitesi Felsefe Dergisi (Bursa) 14 (2010): 11-26.

Atkins, Richard Kenneth.  “An ‘Entirely Different Series of Categories’: Peirce’s Material Categories.”  Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2010): 94-110.


Audi, Robert.  See: Arnold, Denis G., Robert Audi, and Matt Zwolinski.

Auteri, Giuseppe.  “Fenomenologia della singolarità: Sulla filosofia de Pietro Piovani tra struttura kantiana, complessità platonica e antihegelismo consapevole.” [Italian]  Archivio di Storia della Cultura 23 (2010): 387-404.


Axinn, Sidney.  Sacrifice and Value: A Kantian Interpretation.  Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2010.  [154 p.]


[top]B    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Baccarini, Emilio.  “La ragione s-confinata: A partire da Kant.”  [Italian] Hermeneutica: Annuario di filosofia e teologia (2010): 135-49.


Bacin, Stefano.  “The Meaning of the Critique of Practical Reason for Moral Beings: the Doctrine of Method of Pure Practical Reason.”  Kant’s ‘Critique of Practical Reason’: A Critical Guide.  Eds. Andrews Reath and Jens Timmermann (op cit.). 197-215.


 ——.  Rev. of The Form of Practical Knowledge: A Study of the Categorical Imperative, by Stephen P. Engstrom (2009). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 133-36. [online]

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Ethics of Virtue, by Monika Betzler (2008). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 151-54.

 —— and Dieter Schönecker.  “Zwei Konjekturvorschläge zur Tugendlehre, §9.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 247–52.

Baiasu, Sorin.  Kant and Sartre: Re-Discovering Critical Ethics.  Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire/New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.  [320 p.]


 ——.  “Kant’s Account of Motivation: A Sartrean Response to Some Hegelian Objections.”   Hegel Bulletin 31.1 (2010): 86-106.

Bailey, Tom.  “Analysing the Good Will: Kant’s Argument in the First Section of the Groundwork.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 635-62. [abstract]


Bambauer, Christoph.  Rev. of Kant’s Ethics of Virtue, edited by Monika Betzler (2008).  Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (2010): 203-9.

Banham, Gary.  “The Antimonies of Pure Practical Libertine Reason.”  Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 15 (2010): 13-27.


 ——.  “Perception, Justification, and Transcendental Philosophy.”  Deleuze and the Fold: A Critical Reader.  Eds. Sjoerd van Tuinen and Niamh McDonnell (London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan).  112-31.

 ——.  Rev. of Ethics Vindicated: Kant’s Transcendental Legitimation of Moral Discourse, by Ermanno Bencivenga (2007).  Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (2010): 111-12. [online]

 ——.  “Scepticism, Causation and Cognition.”  Rev. of Custom and Reason in Hume: A Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise, by Henry E. Allison (2008).  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 507-20.

Banton, Michael.  “Questions and Answers.”  Ethnicities 10 (2010): 148-49.


Barata-Moura, José.  “Kant ou le sens pragmatique d’une Anthropologie.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  15-42.

Barbagallo, Santi.  Paraffi: la questione del parergon da Kant a Derrida. [Italian]  Rome: Aracne, 2010.  [258 p.]

Barboza, Jair.  “Kann der Krieg erhaben sein?”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  237-46.

 ——. “A crítica de Schopenhauer às Críticas de Kant. Ou como reverenciar um mestre distanciando-se dele.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 75-85. [M]

Bardon, Adrian.  “Kant and the Conventionality of Simultaneity.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 845-56.


 ——.  “Time-awareness and Projection in Mellor and Kant.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 59–74.


Barth, Anna.  “Vom Ghetto nach Europa: Immanuel Kant und die Berliner Haskala.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  248-73.

Barth, Heinrich.  Philosophie der praktischen Vernunft.  Ed. and with an introduction by Armin Wildermuth.  Basel: Schwabe, 2010.  [xxxiv, 389 p.]

Basile, Pierfrancesco.  “Kant, Spinoza, and the Metaphysics of the Ontological Proof.”  Metaphysica: International Journal for Ontology and Metaphysics 11 (2010): 17-37.


Bassoli, Selma Aparecida.  “O mal radical segundo Kant e Schopenhauer.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  725-38.

Basta, Danilo.  “La imagen de Platón en la Crítica de la Razón Pura.” [Spanish]  Endoxa 25 (2010): 79-88.


Battaglia, Fiorella.  Il sistema antropologico: la posizione dell'uomo nella filosofia critica di Kant. [Italian]  Pisa: Ed. Plus-Pisa University Press, 2010.  [171 p.]

Bauer, Nathan.  “Kant’s Subjective Deduction.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 433-60.


Baum, Manfred.  “Subjekt und Person bei Kant.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  237-51.

Baumgarten, Alexander. Metaphysica = Metaphysik: historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Latin/German, translated, edited, and with an introduction by Günter Gawlick and Lothar Kreimendahl. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 2011. [lxxxvii, 634 p.] [data] [M]


Baxley, Anne Margaret.  Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [xvi, 189 p.] [online]


 ——.  “The Aesthetics of Morality: Schiller’s Critique of Kantian Rationalism.”  Philosophy Compass 5 (2010): 1084-95.

Bayne, Tim.  The Unity of Consciousness.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [256 p.]


Bazhanov, Valentin A. “О роли идей И. Канта в развитии логики и университетской философии в России.” [Russian; “On the role of Kant’s ideas in the development of logic and university philosophy in Russia”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 52-59. [M]


Bazzocchi, Luciano.  Rev. of On Scientific Representation: From Kant to a New Philosophy of Science, by Giovanni Boniolo (2007). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 143-46.

Beade, Ileana P.  “Acerca del carácter cosmológico-práctico de la ‘Tercera antinomia de la razón pura’.” [Spanish]  Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia 27 (2010): 189-216.


Beaulieu, Alain.  “Towards a Liberal Utopia: The Connection between Foucault’s Reporting on the Iranian Revolution and the Ethical Turn.”  Philosophy & Social Criticism 36 (2010): 801-18. [abstract]

 ——.  Rev. of Emmanuel Kant: Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique et Michel Foucault: Introduction à l’Anthropologie, edited by Daniel Defert, François Ewald, and François Gros (2008).  Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41 (2010): 221-22.

Beckenkamp, Joãosinho.  “Kant e a hermenêutica moderna.” [Portuguese]  Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia 51 (2010): 275-92. [online]


Beckert, Cristina.  “A dívida infinita. Kant e Lévinas.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  663-72.

Beckmann, Jan P.  “Die ‘ontologische Kantinterpretation’. Zum Beitrag Gottfried Martins (1901-1972).”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  9-27.

Beiner, Ronald.  Civil Religion: A Dialogue in the History of Political Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [448 p.]


 ——.  “Paradoxes in Kant’s Account of Citizenship.”  Responsibility in Context: Perspectives.  Ed. Gorana Ognjenovic (op cit.).  19-34.


Beisbart, Claus.  “Kants ‘mathematische Antinomie’ (I): Anfang und räumliche Grenzen der Welt.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  243-63.

Beiser, Frederick C.  Diotima’s Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing.  Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [x, 320 p.]

 ——.  “Mathematical Method in Kant, Schelling, and Hegel.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  243-58.

Belás, Ľubomír.  “Kant a dejiny filozofie.” [Slovakian; “Kant and the history of Philosophy”]  Dejiny filozofie ako filozofický problém [The History of Philosophy as a Philosophical Problem].  Eds. Vladimír Leško und Pavol Tholt (Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, 2010).  139–151.

 —— and Adriana Krausova.  “Kant an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Prešov.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 101-04.


Bell, Jordan.  See: Anderson, Pamela Sue and Jordan Bell.

Bencivenga, Ermanno.  L’etica di Kant: La Razionalità del Bene. [Italian] Milano: B. Mondadori, 2010.  [243 p.]

 ——.  “An Infinite ‘Given’ Magnitude.”  History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2010): 95-100.


Berlendis de Figueiredo, Vinicius.  “Crítica e antropologia em Kant.”[Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  125-38.

Bernasconi, Robert, “Defining Race Scientifically.”  Ethnicities 10 (2010): 141-48.


 ——.  “Globalization and World Hunger: Kant and Levinas.”  Radicalizing Levinas.  Eds. Peter Atterton and Matthew Calarco.  Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010.  69-86.

 ——.  “The Place of Race in Kant’s Physical Geography and in the Writings of the 1790s.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 274-90.

Bernauer, Thomas and Patrick M. Kuhn.  “Is there an Environmental Version of the Kantian Peace? Insights from Water Pollution in Europe.”  European Journal of International Relations 16 (2010): 77-102. [abstract]

Bernecker, Sven.  “Kant on Spatial Orientation.”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 6 Jul 2010). [abstract]

Bernstein, Alyssa R.  Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 531-32.

Bertani, Corrado.  “Was ist Rechtens? La giustizia tra diritto privato e idea del diritto pubblico. Lettura di Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre, §§36-40.” [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 23-55.

Bertani, Mauro, transl.  See: Immanuel Kant.  Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico.

Bertomeu, María Julia.  “Contra la teoría (de la Revolución Francesa).” [Spanish]  Res Publica: Revista de filosofía política 23 (2010): 57-79.


 ——.  “Issa se iactet in aula!” [Spanish]  Isegoria: Revista de Filosofia Moral y Politica 42 (2010): 73-90.


Besoli, Stefano, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli, eds.  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere. [Italian]  Macerata: Quodlibet, 2010.  [744 p.] [contents]

 ——.  “Fenomenologia.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  571-646.

Bianco, Michele.  Etica e Storia in Kant. [Italian] Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2010.  [144 p.]

Bickmann, Claudia.  “Kant’s Critical Concept of a Person: The Noumenal Sphere Grounding the Principle of Spirituality.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  194-204.

Bielskis, Andrius.  “A Philosophical Reflection on European Integration: Aristotelian Subsidiarity versus Kantian Universalism.”  Problemos: Mokslo darbai 77 (2010): 92-104.


Bird, Graham, ed.  A Companion to Kant.  Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.  [xv, 530 p.]


 ——.  “Another Puzzle about Kant's Idealism.”  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 11-22.

Bishop, Paul.  Rev. of Wahn und Wahrheit: Kants Auseninandersetzung mit dem Irrationalien, by Constantin Rauer (2007).  Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies 46 (2010): 180-81.

Bjerre, Henrik Jøker.  Kantian Deeds.  London, New York: Continuum, 2010.  [199 p.]

Black, Carola.  Eigentumsfreiheit und Besteuerung aus liberaler Perspektive: Eine Untersuchung der Steuerpolitik auf Grundlage der Eigentumstheorien von Locke und Kant. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2010.  [288 p.]


Blättler, Christine.  “Das Experiment im Spannungfeld von Freiheit und Zwang: Probierstein und Versuchkunst bei Kant.”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 873-88.


Bobko, Aleksander.  “The Unity of Human Personhood and the Problem of Evil.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  493-500.

Bocca, Francisco Verardi.  “Civilização, Finalidade com Exaustão.” [Portuguese; Civilization, purpose with exhaustion]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 89-117. [online]


Boisclair, Annie.  “Mou Zongsan’s Interpretation of the Kantian Summum Bonum in Relation to Perfect Teaching (Yuanjiao).”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  603-14.

Bonaccini, Juan A.  “Antropologia, ciência da natureza humana ‘por analogia’.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  273-88.

 ——.  “Antropologia, ciência da natureza humana ‘por analogia’.” [Portuguese; Anthropology, science of human nature “by analogy”]  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 145-61. [online]


Bondeli, Martin.  “Idee als System, Idee des Verstandes, System der Ideen. Bemerkungen zu Kants Ideenlehre.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  37-57.

Bonet, Pierrette, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs.

Bonghi, Brigida.  Il Kant di Martinetti: la fiaccola sotto il moggio della metafisica kantiana. [Italian]  Milano: Mimesis, 2010.  [185 p.]

Borges, Maria de Lourdes.  “Williams e Kant sobre motivação moral.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  673-80.

 ——.  “Kant on Woman and Morality.”  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 162-68. [online]


Borges-Duarte, Irene.  “Realidade e senso comum em Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  231-43.

Borges Meneses, Ramiro Delio.  See: Pinto Serrão, Daniel and Ramiro Delio Borges Meneses.

Borsche, Tilman.  “Bildworte. Vom Ursprung unserer Begriffe.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  55-70.

Botez, Angela.  “Mihai Eminescu între Kant şi Schopenhauer.” [Romanian; “Mihai Eminescu between Kant and Schopenhauer”]  Revista de Filosofie 57 (2010): 341-49.

Böttigheimer, Christoph.  “Trinitätstheologische Ansätze in der Philosophie Kants.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.). 180-98.

Boxill, Bernard R.  “The Duty to Seek Peace.”  Social Philosophy & Policy 27 (2010): 274-96.  Reprinted in: Moral Obligation.  Eds. Ellen Frankel Paul, et al. (op cit.).  274-96.


Bradley, Arthur, and Paul Fletcher, eds.  The Politics to Come: Power, Modernity and the Messianic.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  [xii, 225 p.]


Brandt, Reinhard.  Immanuel Kant - Was Bleibt?  Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2010.  [269 p.]

 ——.  “Woran ich doch gar nicht zweifle. Eine Miszelle zu §14 von Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  29-32.

 ——.  “Zwei Konjekturvorschläge zur Tugendlehre, §9.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 377-79.


Breazeale, Daniel.  “Doing Philosophy: Fichte vs. Kant on Transcendental Method.”  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  Eds. Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore (op cit.). 41-62.

 —— and Tom Rockmore, eds.  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  [Fichte-Studien-Supplementa, 24] Atlanta: Editions Rodopi, 2010.  [396 p.]


Bredlow, Luis Andrés.  Kant esencial. [Spanish]  Mataró: Montesinos, 2010.  [192 p.]

Breidbach, Olaf.  “Erfahrungsprotokolle — Vom Problem der Sicherung des Objektiven in den Naturwissenschaften.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  33-51.

Breitenbach, Angela.  Rev. of Purposiveness. Teleology between Nature and Mind, edited by Luca Illetterati and Francesca Michelini (2008). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 159-63.

Brito, Adriano Naves de.  “Freedom and Value in Kant’s Practical Philosophy.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  265-72.

Brjušinkin, Vladimir I., ed.  Klassičeskij razum i vyzovy sovremennoj civilizacii: 10. Kantovskie Čtenija; 22-24 aprelja 2009 g. Kaliningrad ; materily meždunarodnoj konferencii [Russian; “Classical Reason and the Challenges of Modern Civilization: Proceedings of the 10. International Kant Conference, 22-24 April 2009”].  2 vols. Kaliningrad: Izdat. Rossijskogo Gosudarst. Univ. im. Immanuila Kanta, 2010.

Brock, Stephen L.  “Metafisica ed etica: la riapertura della questione dell’ontologia del bene.” [Italian]  Acta Philosophica: Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce 19 (2010): 37-58.


Brodsky, Claudia.  “Doing without Knowing in Kant and Diderot: Experiments in Enlightenment.”  Formen des Nichtwissens der Aufklärung.  Eds. Hans Adler and Rainer Godel (München/Paderborn: Fink, 2010; 567 p.).  165-82.

 ——.  “‘Judgment’ and the Genesis of What We Lack: ‘Schema’, ‘Poetry’, and the ‘Monogram of the Imagination’ in Kant.”  Eighteenth Century: Theory & Interpretation 51 (2010): 317-40.


Brook, Andrew.  “Kant’s Attack on Leibniz’s and Locke’s Amphibolies.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  140-54.

Brown, Christopher A.  “Kantianism and Mere Means.”  Environmental Ethics 32 (2010): 267-84.


Brown, Garrett W.  “The Laws of Hospitality, Asylum Seekers and Cosmopolitan Right: A Kantian Response to Jacques Derrida.”  European Journal of Political Theory 9 (2010): 308-27.


Brownlee, Timothy.  Rev. of German Idealism and the Concept of Punishment, by Jean-Christophe Merle, transl. by Joseph J. Kominkiewicz with Jean-Christophe Merle and Frances Brown (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (February 2010, #18). [online]

Brum Torres, João Carlos.  “Kant et la notion de crime inexpiable.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  113-30.

Bruno, Paul W.  Kant’s Concept of Genius. Its Origin and Function in the Third Critique.  London: Continuum, 2010.  [ix, 162 p.] [review]

Brusa, Ana María. “Kant y el Neoconstitucionalismo.” [Spanish] Revista de la Facultad de Derecho 28 (2010): 33-43. [PW] [online]

Bruun, Hans Henrik.  “The Incompatibility of Values and the Importance of Consequences: Max Weber and the Kantian Legacy.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 51-67.


Buck-Morss, Susan.  “Reply to Bruun.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 69-72.


Budick, Sanford.  Kant and Milton.  Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010.  [xiii, 330 p.] [review] [review]


Bueno, Vera Cristina de Andrade.  “A razão humana e a fundamentação da concepção teleológica da natureza.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  565-76.

Buhren, Frank.  Kant und die Diskursethik: Antinomien der Moral bei Kant und Habermas.  Berlin: WVB, 2010.  [113 p.] [contents]

Bunch, Aaron.  “‘Objective Validity’ and ‘Objective Reality’ in Kant’s B-Deduction of the Categories.” Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 67-92.


 ——.  “The Resurrection of the Body as a ‘Practical Postulate’: Why Kant Is Committed to Belief in an Embodied Afterlife.”  Philosophia Christi 12 (2010): 46-60.


 ——.  Rev. of The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom, by Robert C. Clewis (2009).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 532-33.

Busche, Hubertus.  “Der Äther als materiales Apriori der Erfahrung. Kants Vollendung der Transzendentalphilosophie im Opus postumum.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  53-83.

 —— and Anton Schmitt, eds.  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens. Festschrift für Peter Baumanns Zum 75. Geburtstag.  Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010.  [389 p.] [contents]

Byrd, B. Sharon.  “Intelligible Possession of Objects of Choice.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 93-110.

 —— and Joachim Hruschka.  Kant’s Doctrine of Right: A Commentary.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [x, 336 p.] [review]

[top]C    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Caimi, Mario. “Lateinische Strukturen in Kants Stil. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erklärung des Begriffes vom Gegenstand in KrV A 104.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 109-22. [M]

 ——, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel, Antropología en sentido pragmático.

Calabrese, Alessio.  “A proposito del saggio di Giuliano Marini ‘La filosofia cosmopolitica di Kant’.”  [Italian] Archivio di Storia della Cultura 23 (2010): 249-70.


Calábria, Olavo. “Pela tradução mais literal que liberal e invariabilidade dos termos técnicos em Kant.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 123-40. [M]

Camera, Francesco.  “Ermeneutica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  529-70.

 ——.  Rev. of Virtù e felicità, by Daniela Tafani (2006). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 127-32.

Canals, Francisco.  “Criticismo trascendental.” [Spanish]  Anuario Filosófico 43.3 (2010): 477-503. [WC]


Candiotto, Maurizio.  Deduzione e critica: il trascendentale come necessità del possibile. [Italian]  Roma: Aracne, 2010.  [155 p.]

Capozzi, Mirella.  “Logica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  229-59.

Capps, Patrick, and Julian Rivers.  “Kant’s Concept of International Law.”  Legal Theory 16 (2010): 229-57.


Caranti, Luigi.  “Politica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  347-89.

Carbó, Mònica.  “Die Kantrezeption in Spanien.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  140-46.

Card, Claudia.  “Kant’s Moral Excluded Middle.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  74-92.

Carl, Maria.  Rev. of Kant on Beauty and Biology: An Interpretation of the Critique of Judgment, by Rachel Zuckert (2007).  Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1 (2010): 275-76.

Carman, Taylor.  “Heidegger’s Anti-Neo-Kantianism.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 131-42.

Carson, Thomas L.  Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice.  Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [xix, 280 p.]

Carvalho, Jairo Dias.  “A Conformidade a Fins Como Princípio Transcendental da Faculdade de Julgar Reflexiva em Kant.” [Portuguese; The conformity according to finality as a transcendental principle of the reflexive power of the judgment on Kant]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 66-80. [online]


Carvalho Chagas, Flávia. “A solução crítica do fato da razão na KpV.” [Portuguese] Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 51-72. [M][online]


Castillo, Monique.  “L’idée d’Europe chez Kant.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  183-98.

 ——.  “Kant’s Notion of Perfectibility: A Condition of World-Citizenship.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  438-46.

Casullo, Albert.  “A Priori Knowledge.”  A Companion to Epistemology, 2nd ed.  Eds. Jonathan Dancy and Ernest Sosa (op cit.). 43-55.


Caygill, Howard. “Kant, Immanuel.” A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory. 2nd ed. Eds. Michael Payne and Jessica Rae Barbera (Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010). 378-79.

Cavallar, Georg.  Rev. of Kant’s Doctrine of Right: A Commentary, by B. Sharon Byrd and Joachim Hruschka (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2010, #21). [online]

 ——.  Rev. of Embedded Cosmopolitanism. Duties to Strangers and Enemies in a World of ‘Dislocated Communities’, by Toni Erskine (2008).  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 153-55.

Cecchinato, Giorgia.  “Felicità come schema? Riflessioni sullo sviluppo della dottrina della felicità in Kant.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  681-90.

 ——.  “Form and Colour in Kant’s and Fichte’s Theory of Beauty.”  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  Eds. Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore (op cit.). 63-81.

Černov, Sergey A.  “O transcendentaľnom mističizme.” [Russian; “On transcendental mysticism”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 34-45. [pdf (English)]


Cesa, Claudio.  “Tra filosofia e scienza. Gli Scritti su Kant di Silvestro Marcucci.” [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 107-10.

Chalanouli, Christina.  Kant et Dworkin: de l'autonomie individuelle à l'autonomie privée et publique.  Paris: Harmattan, 2010.  [359 p.]

Cheetham, Mark A.  康德、艺术与艺术史: 学科的阶段 / Kang de, yi shu yu yi shu shi: Xue ke de jie duan.  Translation of Kant, Art, and Art History: Moments of Discipline into Chinese by Yadan Shen and Huifang Shuai.  Nanjing: Jiangsu mei shu chu ban she, 2010.  [257 p.]

Cheng, Chung-ying.  “Incorporating Kantian Good Will: On Confucian Ren as Perfect Duty.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  74-96.

Chepurin, Kirill.  “Kant on the Soul’s Intensity.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 75-94.


Chignell, Andrew.  “Causal Refutations of Idealism.”  Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2010): 487-507.


 ——.  “Kant between the Wars: A Reply to Hohendahl.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 41-49.

 ——.  “Real Repugnance and Belief about Things-in-Themselves: A Problem and Kant’s Three Solutions.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  177-209.

 —— and Colin McLear.  “Three Skeptics and the Critique: Critical Notice of Michael Forster’s Kant and Skepticism.”  Philosophical Books 51 (2010): 228-44.


 —— and Derk Pereboom.  “Kant’s Theory of Causation and its Eighteenth-Century German Background.”  Rev. of Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality and Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’: Background Source Materials, by Eric Watkins (2005 & 2009).  The Philosophical Review 119 (2010): 565-91. [online]


Cholbi, Michael.  “A Kantian Defense of Prudential Suicide.”  Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2010): 489-515.


Chong, Chaehyun.  “Confucianism and Things-in-themselves (Noumena): Reviewing the Interpretations by Mou Zongsan and Cheng Chung-ying.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  615-24.

Chotaš, Jiří.  “Das Ich als transzendentales Subjekt. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Rolf-Peter Horstmanns Interpretation von Kants Paralogismen.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  117-39.

 ——.  “Bibliographie: Neuere Literatur zur ‘Transzendentalen Dialektik’ der Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1992-2009).”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  283-308.

 ——.  “Kant a filosofující dějiny filosofie.” [Slovakian; “Kant and the Philosophical History of Philosophy”]  Dejiny filozofie ako filozofický problém [The History of Philosophy as a Philosophical Problem].  Eds. Vladimír Leško und Pavol Tholt (Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, 2010).  153-65.

 ——, Jindřich Karásek, and Jürgen Stolzenberg, eds.  Metaphysik und Kritik: Interpretationen zu der “Transzendentalen Dialektik” der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.  Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010.  [318 p.] [contents]

Chrisman, Matthew.  “Constructivism, Expressivism and Ethical Knowledge.”  International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2010): 331-53.


Cicovacki, Predrag.  “Respect for Persons as Respect for the Moral Law: Nicolai Hartmann’s Reinterpretation of Kant.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  485-92.

Ciomoş, Virgil.  “A Réduction et donation: de Kant à Husserl.”  Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai — Philosophia  2 (2010): 41-57.

Clark, David L.  “Unsocial Kant: The Philosopher and the Un-regarded War Dead.”  Wordsworth Circle 41 (2010): 60-68.


Clarke, Jean, and Robin Holt.  “Reflective Judgement: Understanding Entrepreneurship as Ethical Practice.”  Journal of Business Ethics 94 (2010): 317-31.


Clewis, Robert.  “A Case for Kantian Artistic Sublimity: A Response to Abaci.”  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2010): 167-70.


 ——.  “A Court Conversation.”  Tennis and Philosophy.  Ed. David Baggett.  Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2010.  142-163.


 ——.  Rev. of Ideal Embodiment: Kant’s Theory of Sensibility, by Angelica Nuzzo (2008).  Review of Metaphysics 63 (2010): 715-17.

Cobben, Paul.  Institutions of Education, Then and Today: The Legacy of German Idealism.  Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010.  [vi, 247 p.]

Cohen, Richard A.  “Franz Rosenzweig’s ‘Star of Redemption’ and Kant.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 73-98.


Cohnitz, Daniel.  “Orsteds ‘Gedankenexperiment’ und die kantianische Fundierung der Infinitesimalrechnung Ein Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte von ‘Gedankenexperiment’ und zur Mathematikgeschichte des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  162-88.

Colombo, Chiara.  “La dottrina kantiana dei giudizi analitici a priori nella Critica della ragion pura.” [Italian]  Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 102 (2010): 655-74.

Colombo, Enrico.  Rev. of Kants vergessener Rezensent. Die Kritik der theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie Kants in fünf frühen Rezensionen von Hermann Andreas Pistorius, ed. by Bernward Gesang (2007).  Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 65 (2010): 199-200.

Conceição, Jorge Vanderlei Costa da.  Rev. of Kant e o problema da significação, by Daniel Omar Perez (2008).  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 157-65. [online]

Cook Philip A.  Rev. of A Companion to Kant, ed. by Graham Bird (2006).  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 142-45.

Correia, Carlos João.  “Kant e o paralogismo da personalidade.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  371-82.

Costa Rego, Pedro.  “Ceticismo estético e dedução da Crítica do Juízo.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  485-94.

Cowling, Sam.  “Kantian Humility and Ontological Categories.”  Analysis 70 (2010): 659-65.

Cramer, Konrad.  “Ens necessarium.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  203-33.

Cramer, Wolfgang.  Gottesbeweise und ihre Kritik: Prüfung ihrer Beweiskraft.  2nd ed.  Frankfurt/Main: Klostermann, 2010.  [161 p.] [data]

Creath, Richard.  “The Construction of Reason: Kant, Carnap, Kuhn, and Beyond.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  493-509.

Crelier, Andrés.  Rev. of La comprensión del lenguaje en la Crítica de la razón pura de I. Kant, by Daniel Leserre (2008). [German]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 143-47. [online]


Croitoru, Rodica.  “Al IX-lea Congres Internaţional al Societăţii de Studii Kantiene de Limbă Franceză, Kant, ştiinţa şi ştiinţele.” [Romanian; “The IXth International Congress of the SKLF”].  Revista de Filosofie 57 (2010): 289-92.

 ——.  “Categoriile libertăţii la Kant.” [Romanian; “Kant’s Categories of Freedom”]  Studii de teoria categoriilor, vol. 2.  Ed. Sergiu Bălan (Bucureşti: Edit. Acad. Române, 2010). 115-23.

Crotti, Ornella.  La bellezza del bene: il debito di Hannah Arendt nei confronti di Immanuel Kant. [Italian]  Milano: Mimesis, 2010.  [189 p.]

Crowe, Benjamin D.  “Fichte’s Transcendental Theology.”  Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (2010): 68-88.


Crowther, Paul.  The Kantian Aesthetic. From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [224 p.] [review] [review]

Cubo Ugarte, Óscar.  “Corporalidad y vida en la filosofía crítica de Kant.” [Spanish]  Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofia 59 (2010): 109-22. [online]


 ——.  “Kant y Marx: el problema de las colonias.” [Spanish]  Daimon, Revista de Filosofia 3 (2010): 87-96. [online]


 ——.  Rev. of Subjective Universality in Kant’s Aesthetics, by Ross Wilson (2007).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 253-56.

Cuffaro, Michael.  “The Kantian Framework of Complementarity.”  Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (2010): 309-17.


Cummiskey, David.  “Competing Conceptions of the Self in Kantian and Buddhist Moral Theories.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  664-77.

Cunico, Gerardo.  “Metafisica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  315-45.

[top]D    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Dahlstrom, Daniel.  “The Critique of Pure Reason and Continental Philosophy: Heidegger’s Interpretation of Transcendental Imagination.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  380-400.

d’Allonnes, Myriam Revault.  “Kant, Arendt et la faculté de juger politique.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  169-80.

Dancy, Jonathan, and Ernest Sosa, eds.  A Companion to Epistemology, 2nd ed.  Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.  [560 p.]

d’Anjou, Philippe.  “Beyond Duty and Virtue in Design Ethics.”  Design Issues 26 (2010): 95-105.


Da Silva Wellausen, Saly.  “Foucault Leitor De Kant: Was Ist Aufklärung?” [Portuguese; Foucault’s reading of Kant: “Was ist Aufklärung?”]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 15-30. [online]


De Boer, Karin.  Kants ‘Kritiek van de zuivere rede’: een leeswijzer. [Dutch]  Amsterdam: Boom, 2010.  [160 p.]

 ——.  “Hegel’s Account of Contradiction in the Science of Logic Reconsidered.”  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 345-73.


 ——.  “Pure Reason’s Enlightenment: Transcendental Reflection in Kant’s first Critique.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 53-74.

 ——.  “Kant, Reichenbach, and the Fate of A Priori Principles.”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 18 Feb 2010). [abstract]

Debona, Vilmar.  “Tra Determinismo e Libertà: Aspetti del Concetto di “Carattere” in Kant e Schopenhauer.” [Portuguese]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 49-59. [online]


 ——.  Rev. of Il giro fangoso dell’umana destinazione: Friedrich Schiller dall’illuminismo al criticismo, by Laura Anna Macor (2008). [Portuguese]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 149-56. [online]

 ——.  Rev. of Kant e o problema da significação, by Daniel Omar Perez (2008). [German]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 157-65. [online]

De Jong, Willem R.  “The Analytic-Synthetic Distinction and the Classical Model of Science: Kant, Bolzano and Frege.”  Synthese 174 (2010): 237-61. [online]


Dekens, Olivier.  Comprendre Kant.  Paris: A. Colin, 2010.  [191 p.]

Delaney, Neil.  “What Romance Could Not Be.”  American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2010): 589-98.


Delfosse, Heinrich, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, eds.  Kant-Index. Section 2. Vol. 30.1: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum “Naturrecht Feyerabend”. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 2010.

Deligiorgi, Katerina.  Rev. of The Founding Act of Modern Ethical Life. Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Moral and Political Philosophy, by Ido Geiger (2007).  Hegel Bulletin 31.1 (2010): 137-41.

Den Uyl, Douglas J.  See: Rasmussen, Douglas B. and Douglas J. Den Uyl.

Denis, Lara, ed.  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [xiii, 270 p.] [review]


 ——.  “Freedom, Primacy, and Perfect Duties to Oneself.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 170-91.

 ——.  “Humanity, Obligation, and the Good Will: An Argument against Dean’s Interpretation of Humanity.”  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 118-41.


 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Action, by Richard McCarty (2009).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 533-35.

De Pablos Escalante, Raúl E.  Rev. of Teoría y crítica de la razón: Kant y Ortega y Gasset, edited by Sergio Rábade Romeo, Antonio M. López Molina, Mariana Urquijo Reguera, et al. (2009).  Endoxa 25 (2010): 381-91.

De Rocha, Munira Gottardello.  “A filosofia política de Kant, segundo Heiner Klemme.” [Portuguese; The political philosophy of Kant, according to Heiner Klemme]  Kant e-Prints 5.4 (2010): 1-6. [online]

De Sá, Alexandre Franco.  “Kant, a imaginação e o futuro. Considerações a partir da confrontação de Heidegger com Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  577-86.

de Vleeschouwer, Gregory.  “Getekend door het lichaam: De rol van het lichaam bij de totstandkoming van persoonsidentiteit.” [Dutch]  Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 273-307.


deVries, Willem.  “Kant, Rosenberg, and the Mirror of Philosophy.”  Self, Language, and World.  Eds. James R. O'Shea and Eric M. Rubenstein (op cit.).  17-27.

Dewalque, Arnaud.  “La critique néokantienne de Kant et l’instauration d’une théorie conceptualiste de la perception.”  Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie 49 (2010): 413-33.


Dicker, George.  Rev. of Kant and Skepticism, by Michael N. Forster (2010).  European Journal of Philosophy 18 (2010): 609-15.

Dickson, Michael, ed.  See: Domski, Mary and Michael Dickson, eds.

Dietzsch, Steffen.  “Immanuel Kant im Europa der Aufklärung.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  32-48.

 ——, Lorenz Grimoni, and David Kozlowski, eds., in collaboration with David Kozlowski.  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Husum: Husum, 2010.  [309 p.]


di Giovanni, George.  Rev. of K. L. Reinhold’s Briefe über die Kantische Philosophie, ed. by Martin Bondeli (2007).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 251-52.

Dimitrov, Stefan.  “The Heteronomy of Conscience and Reason in Man.” [Bulgarian]  Philosophical Alternative (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 19 (2010): 15-24.


DiSalle, Robert.  “Synthesis, the Synthetic a priori, and the Origins of Modern Space-time Theory.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  523-51.

Dlugach, Tamara Borisovna.  От Канта к Фихте: сравнительно-исторический анализ / Ot Kanta k Fikhte: sravnitel’no-istoricheskii analiz. [Russian]  Moscow: Kanon+, 2010.  [367 p.]

Dobbyn, Chris.  See: Stuart, Susan A. J., and Chris Dobbyn.

Dobe, Jennifer Kirchmyer.  “Kant’s Common Sense and the Strategy for a Deduction.”  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2010): 47-60.


Dobko, Taras.  “Happiness and Moral Autonomy of the Human Person: A Critical Reflection on Kant and von Hildebrand.”  Topos: Journal for Philosophical and Cultural Studies 2 (2010): 108-21.


Dolins, Francine L.  See: Mitchell, Robert W. and Francine L. Dolins.

Domingo Moratalla, Tomás.  Rev. of Teoría y crítica de la razón: Kant y Ortega y Gasset, edited by Sergio Rábade Romeo, Antonio M. López Molina, Mariana Urquijo Reguera, et al. (2009).  Revista de Estudios Orteguianos 20 (2010): 223-27.

Domski, Mary.  “Kant on the Imagination and Geometrical Certainty.”  Perspectives on Science 18 (2010): 409-31.


 ——.  Rev. of Kant and the Early Moderns, edited by Daniel Garber and Béatrice Longuenesse (2008).  Mind 119 (2010): 478-81.

  —— and Michael Dickson, eds.  Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science.  Chicago: Open Court, 2010.  [x, 852 p.] [review]


Dörflinger, Bernd.  “A via teleológica e a via ética para a ideia de Deus.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  291-302.


 ——.  “Kant über das Defizit der Physikotheologie und die Notwendigkeit der Idee einer Ethikotheologie.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.).  72-84.

 ——.  “Kants Jesus.”  Klassičeskij razum i vyzovy sovremennoj civilizacii.  Ed. V. I. Brjušinkin (op cit.).  I, 34-45.

 ——.  “Zum Begriff des Raums in Kants Vernunftkritik. Von der Form der Anschauung zur formalen Anschauung.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  65-78.

 ——. “Иисус в трактовке Канта.” Translated from the German by A. N. Salikov. [Russian; “Kant’s Jesus”] Kantovskij Sbornik 31 (2010): 15-23. [M]


Dorussen, Han.  “Trade Networks and the Kantian Peace.”  Journal of Peace Research 47 (2010): 29-42. [abstract]

Dowling, Christopher.  “The Aesthetics of Daily Life.”  British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (2010): 225-42. [abstract]

 ——.  “Zangwill, Moderate Formalism, and Another Look at Kant’s Aesthetic.”  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 90-117.

Doyle, Thomas E. “Kantian Nonideal Theory and Nuclear Proliferation.” International Theory 2.1 (2010): 87-112. [PW]


Drăghici, Marius Augustin.  Experimentul raţiunii pure. Deducţia kantiană a categoriilor. [Romanian; “The Experiment of Pure Reason. The Kantian Deduction of Categories”]  Cluj-Napoca: Editura Grinta, 2010.  [275 p.]

 ——.  “Aspecte privind distincţia ştiinţă-ştiinţe în Critica raţiunii pure.” [Romanian; “Aspects concerning the distinction science-sciences in the Critique of Pure Reason”]  Filosofie şi cultură.  Eds. Ana Bazac and Vasile Morar (Bucharest: Edit. Universitară, 2010).  158-67.

 ——.  “Despre firul conducător transcendental în Critica raţiunii pure.” [Romanian; “On the Guide of the Transcendental Deduction in the Critique of Pure Reason”]  Studii de teoria categoriilor, vol. 2.  Ed. Sergiu Bălan (Bucureşti: Edit. Acad. Române, 2010). 143-62.

 ——.  “Eul kantian şi conştiinţa artificială.” [Romanian; “The Kantian I and the Artificial Consciousness”]  Metafizică şi hermeneutică.  Ed. Gheorghe Vladutescu (Craiova: Edit AIUS, 2010).  308-13.

Duran, Xavier, and Patrick McNutt.  “Kantian Ethics within Transaction Cost Economics.”  International Journal of Social Economics 37 (2010): 755-63.


Durão, Aylton Barbieri.  “O direito real de Kant.” [Portuguese; “Kant’s Real Right”]  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 77-93. [online]


Duro, Paul.  “‘Great and Noble Ideas of the Moral Kind’: Wright of Derby and the Scientific Sublime.”  Art History 33 (2010): 660-79.


Düsing, Klaus.  “Apperzeption und Selbstaffektion in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Das Kernstück der ‘transzendentalen Deduktion’ der Kategorien.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  139-53.

 ——.  “Kritik der Theologie und Gottespostulat bei Kant.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.). 57-71.

Dutra, Delamar José Volpato. “Um novo Kant: homenagem a Valério Rohden.” [Portuguese] ethic@ 9.2 (2010): 157-62. [M] [online]

Dwyer, Philip.  Rev. of Necessity and Possibility: The Logical Strategy of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, by Kurt Mosser (2008).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 402-3.

Dyck, Corey W.  “The Aeneas Argument: Personality and Immortality in Kant’s Third Paralogism.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 95-122.


[top]E    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ebert, Theodor.  “Michael Wolff über Beweise für vollkommene Syllogismen bei Aristoteles.”  Journal for the General Philosophy of Science 41 (2010): 215-31.

 ——.  “Michael Wolff über Kant als Logiker. Eine Stellungnahme zu Wolffs Metakritik.”  Journal for the General Philosophy of Science 41 (2010): 373-82.


Edel, Geert.  Von der Vernunftkritik zur Erkenntnislogik die Entwicklung der theoretischen Philosophie Hermann Cohens. 2nd fully revised ed.  Waldkirch: Ed. Gorz, 2010.  [422 p.] [contents]


Edgar, Scott.  “The Explanatory Structure of the Transcendental Deduction and a Cognitive Interpretation of the First Critique.”  Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (2010): 285-314.


Edlin, Douglas E.  “Kant and the Common Law: Intersubjectivity in Aesthetic and Legal Judgment.”  Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 23 (2010): 429-60.


Edmundson, William A.  Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009).  Ethics 120 (2010): 869-73. [online]

Elsenhans, Theodor.  Fries und Kant: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und zur systematischen Grundlegung der Erkenntnistheorie.  Hamburg: Severus-Verlag, 2010.  [xxviii, 347 p.] [contents]


Emundts, Dina.  “The Refutation of Idealism and the Distinction between Phenomena and Noumena.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  168-89.

Enchev, Kristiyan.  “Capacity for Metaphysics?” [Bulgarian]  Philosophical Alternative (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 19 (2010): 73-79.


Engelhardt, Jr., H. Tristam.  “Kant, Hegel, and Habermas: Reflections on ‘Glauben und Wissen’.”  Review of Metaphysics 63 (2010): 871-903.


 ——.  “Moral Obligation After the Death of God: Critical Reflections on Concerns From Immanuel Kant, G. W. F. Hegel, and Elizabeth Anscombe.”  Social Philosophy & Policy 27 (2010): 317-40.  Reprinted in: Moral Obligation.  Eds. Ellen Frankel Paul, et al. (op cit.).  317-40.


Engelland, Chad.  “The Phenomenological Kant: Heidegger’s Interest in Transcendental Philosophy.”  Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41 (2010): 150-69.


Engstrom, Stephen.  “Reason, Desire, and the Will.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 28-50.

 ——.  “The Triebfeder of Pure Practical Reason.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  90-118.


Enns, Phil.  “Kant and the Possibility of the Religious Citizen.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  455-62.

Enskat, Rainer.  “The Cognitive Dimension of Freedom as Autonomy.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  233-46.

Erlewine, Robert.  Monotheism and Tolerance: Recovering a Religion of Reason.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.  [x, 246 p.]


Ertl, Wolfgang.  “Persons as Causes in Kant.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  217-30.

Escamilla-Castillo, Manuel.  “The Purposes of Legal Punishment.”  Ratio Juris 23 (2010): 460-78.


Escudero Pérez, Alejandro.  “Darwin y el posthumanismo.” [Spanish]  Eikasia: Revista de Filosofía 30 (2010): 171-201.


Esposito, Costantino. “Un pensiero al lavoro: tradurre (in italiano) la Critica della ragion pura di Kant.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 35-51. [M]

Essen, Georg, and Magnus Striet.  Kant e a teologia. [Portuguese]  São Paulo: Ediçoes Loyola, 2010.  [352 p.]

Esser, Andrea.  “Schwerpunkt: Kants kritische Metaphysik –— Substanz, Freiheit und System.”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 576-78.

Estes, Yolanda.  “Intellectual Intuition: Reconsidering Continuity in Kant, Fichte, and Schelling.”  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  Eds. Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore (op cit.). 165-77.

Esteves, Julio.  “Uma análise semântica da Boa Vontade.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  691-704.

 ——, and Candice Glenday.  “Kant, Chomsky e Rawls: sobre o método de A Theory of Justice.” [Portuguese; Kant, Chomsky and Rawls: on the method of A Theory of JusticeKant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 66-92. [online]


Etxeberria, Arantza.  See: Nuño de la Rosa, Laura, and Arantza Etxeberria.

[top]F    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Faggion, Andrea.  “Apontamentos sobre a necessidade de um princípio teleológico para o conhecimento humana da causalidade.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  395-406.

Fahmy, Melissa Seymour.  “Kantian Practical Love.”  Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91 (2010): 313-31.


Falkenburg, Brigitte.  “Kants ‘mathematische Antinomie’ (II): Teilbarkeit der Materie als Elementarsubstanzen.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  265-84.

Federicis, Nico de.  Rev. of La pace e la ragione. Kant e le relazioni internazionali: diritto, politica, storia, by Massimo Mori (2008). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 137-42.

Feger, Hans.  “Kant’s Idea of Autonomy as the Basis for Schelling’s Theology of Freedom.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  511-22.

Feldmeijer, F. R.  In de ban van noodzakelijkheid: Kants ethiek als weerspiegeling van zijn tijd. [Dutch]  Leiderdorp: [Feldmeijer], 2010.  [305 p.]

Fenves, Peter D.  Der späte Kant für ein anderes Gesetz der Erde.  Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2010.  [355 p.] [contents]

Fernandes, Paulo Cezar.  “Direito penal e justiça social em Kant. O problema da pena de morte.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  777-94.

Fernández Agis, Domingo.  “Juicio político, juicio moral y poder.” [Spanish]  Areté: revista de filosofía 22 (2010): 289-300. [online]

Fernández-Labastida, Francisco.  Rev. of Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie, by Ulrich L. Lehner (2007).  Acta Philosophica: Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce 19 (2010): 226-29.

Ferrari, Massimo.  “Filosofia analitica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  647-707.

Ferrer, Diogo.  “Sobre o significado antinómico do prazer em Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  505-14.

Ferron, Isabella.  “La determinazione dell’uomo nell’Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht di Kant.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  165-78.

Ferry, Jean-Marc.  La religion réflexive.  Paris: Cerf, 2010.  [296 p.]

Fetscher, Justus.  “Vielleicht.  Über eine Minimalfigur kosmologischer Imagination zwischen Milton und Kant.”  MLN 125 (2010): 511-35.

Ficarrotta, J. Carl.  Kantian Thinking about Military Ethics.  Farnham, Surrey/Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate Publishing, 2010.  [ix, 135 p.]


Figal, Günter.  “At the Limit: A Commentary on John Sallis, ‘Transfigurements’.”  Research in Phenomenology 40 (2010): 97-103.

Filho, Sílvio Rosa.  O eclipse da moral. Kant, Hegel e o nascimento do cinismo contemporâneo. [Portuguese; “Eclipse of Morals. Kant, Hegel and the birth of modern cynicism”]  São Paulo: Barcarolla, 2010.  [682 p.]

Fincham, Richard.  “Kant’s Early Critics: Jacobi, Reinhold, Maimon.”  Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism.  Ed. Thomas Nenon (op cit.).  49-82.

Finke, Ståle.  “Political Autonomy and Moral Self-understanding: Kant’s Justification of ‘Substantive Freedom’.”  Responsibility in Context: Perspectives.  Ed. Gorana Ognjenovic (op cit.).  35-52.


Fioraso, Nazzareno.  “Il Kant di Miguel de Unamuno.” [Italian; "The Kant of Miguel de Unamuno"]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  555-64.

Fisch, Menachem.  “Toward a History and Philosophy of Scientific Agency.”  Monist 93 (2010): 518-44.


Fischer, Norbert, ed.  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik. Einführung in die Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Hamburg: Meiner, 2010.  [xv, 431 p.]

 ——.  “Die Zeit als Thema der Kritik der reinen Vernunft und der kritischen Metaphysik. Ihre Bedeutung als Anschauungsform des inneren Sinnes und als metaphysisches Problem.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  79-100.

 ——.  “Zur Aufgabe der ‘transzendentalen Analytik’ der Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Mit einem Blick auf die ‘metaphysische’ und die ‘transzendentale Deduktion’ der Kategorien.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  121-38.

 ——.  “Kants Reflexion der Vernunfterkenntnis im ‘Anhang zur transzendentalen Dialektik’.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  323-40.

 ——.  “Vom Rang und vom Sinn der Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Kants.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.). 1-16.

 ——.  “Kants Philosophie und der Gottesglaube der biblischen Offenbarung. Vorüberlegungen zu einem gründlichen Bedenken des Themas.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.). 131-54.

 ——.  Rev. of Kants System der transzendentalen Ideen, by Nikolai F. Klimmek (2005).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 131-34.

 —— and Maximilian Forschner, eds.  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 2010.  [xi, 216 p.] [data]

Fistioc, Mihaela C.  “Mou Zongsan and Kant on Intellectual Intuition: A Reconciliation.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  585-91.

Flannery, Kelly.  “Theoretical Byplay: Arendt’s Use of Kant in Political Judgment.”  Dialogue: Journal of Phi Sigma Tau 52 (2010): 110-24.


Fletcher, Paul.  “Towards Perpetual Revolution: Kant on Freedom and Authority.”  The Politics to Come: Power, Modernity and the Messianic.  Eds. Arthur Bradley and Paul Fletcher (op cit.).  57-77.

——, ed.  See: Bradley, Arthur and Paul Fletcher, eds.

Flikschuh, Katrin.  “Justice without Virtue.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 51-70.

 ——.  “Kant’s Sovereignty Dilemma: A Contemporary Analysis.”  Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (2010): 469-93.


Foessel, Michaël.  Le scandale de la raison: Kant et le problème du mal.  Paris: Champion, 2010.  [192 p.]

 —— and Fabien Lamouche, eds.  Kant.  Paris: Éditions Points, 2010.  [295 p.]

 —— and Pierre Osmo, eds.  Kant.  Paris: Ellipses, 2010.  [299 p.]

Fonnesu, Luca.  Per una moralità concreta: studi sulla filosofia classica tedesca. [Italian]  Bologna: Il Mulino, 2010.  [274 p.] [content]

 ——.  “Etica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  147-87.

Foreman, Elizabeth.  Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide, ed. by Jens Timmerman (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2010, #23).

Formosa, Paul.  “Kant on the Highest Moral-Physical Good: The Social Aspect of Kant’s Moral Philosophy.”  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 1-36.


Forrester, Stefan.  Rev. of The Problem of Free Harmony in Kant’s Aesthetics, by Kenneth F. Rogerson (2008).  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2010): 425-27.

Forschner, Maximilian.  “Homo naturaliter metaphysicus. Zu Kants ‘Einleitung’ in die Kritik der reinen Vernunft.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  33-48.

 ——.  “Das Wesen der Erfahrungserkenntnis. Anmerkungen zu Kants Grundsätzen des Verstandes.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  167-83.

 ——.  “Zur Antinomie der dynamischen Ideen.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  285-311.

 ——.  “Die Stufen des Fürwahrhaltens: ‘Vom Meinen, Wissen und Glauben’. Mit einem Blick auf Kants Auslegung des Verhältnisses von Glaube und Kirche.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  391-407.

 ——.  “Kants Gottesbild in der Religionsschrift.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.). 109-30.

 ——, ed.  See: Fischer, Norbert and Maximilian Forschner, eds.

Forster, Michael N.  Kant and Skepticism.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.  [x, 154 p.]


Förster, Eckart.  “What is the ‘Highest Point’ of Transcendental Philosophy?”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 257-71.

 ——.  “The Significance of §§76 and 77 of the Critique of Judgment for the Development of Post-Kantian Philosophy.” (part two)  Translated from the German by Karen Ng and Matthew Congdon.  Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2010): 323-47.


Foucault, Michel.  Einführung in Kants Anthropologie.  Translation of Introduction à l’Anthropologie into German by Ute Frietsch, afterword by Andrea Hemminger.  Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2010.  [141 p.]


 ——.  カントの人間学 / Kanto no ningengaku.  Translation of Introduction à l’Anthropologie into Japanese by Kenta Oji.  Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 2010.  [225 p.]

 ——.  See: Immanuel Kant.  Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico.

Fraisopi, Fausto.  Theoria: il soggetto kantiano e la complessità del suo esperire. [Italian]  Macerata: EUM, 2010.  [254 p.]

Franceschet, Antonio.  “Kant, International Law, and the Problem of Humanitarian Intervention.”  Journal of International Political Theory 6 (2010): 1-22.


Frank, Martin.  “Kant und das Recht nach dem Krieg.”  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (2010): 498-519.

Frey, Michael, and Aysun Aly. “Kant auf Arabisch: Übersetzungsprobleme und deren Lösungen durch die Übersetzer der Schriften ‘Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?’ und Kritik der reinen Vernunft.” Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft 64.3 (2010): 535-79. [M]


Frey, R. G.  “Goals, Luck, and Moral Obligation.”  Social Philosophy & Policy 27 (2010): 297-316.  Reprinted in: Moral Obligation.  Eds. Ellen Frankel Paul, et al. (op cit.).  297-316.


Friedman, Michael.  “A Post-Kuhnian Approach to the History and Philosophy of Science.”  Monist 93 (2010): 497-517.


 ——.  “Synthetic History Reconsidered.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  571-813.

Frierson, Patrick.  “Kantian Moral Pessimism.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  33-56.

 ——.  “Two Standpoints and the Problem of Moral Anthropology.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  84-110.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Action, by Richard McCarty (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (June 2010, #27). [online]

 —— and Ido Geiger.  Rev. of Immanuel Kant: Anthropology, History, and Education, edited and translated by Zöller and Louden, et al. (2007).  American Philosophical Association Newsletters: Teaching and Philosophy 9 (2010): 9-20.

Fues, Wolfram Malte.  “The Foe: The Radical Evil: Political Theology in Immanuel Kant and Carl Schmitt.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 181-204.


Fugate, Courtney David.  “Moral Individuality and Moral Subjectivity in Leibniz, Crusius, and Kant.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  273-84.

Fujimoto, Kazushi.  カントの義務思想 / Kanto no gimu shiso. [Japanese]  Tokyo: Hokujushuppan, 2010.  [202 p.]

Fulda, Hans Friedrich.  “Nécessité du droit sous présupposition de l'impératif catégorique de l’éthique.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  13-54.

Fulkerson-Smith, Brett A.  “On the Apodictic Proof and Validation of Kant’s Revolutionary Hypothesis.”  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 37-56.

Fullinwider, Robert K.  “Philosophy, Casuistry, and Moral Development.”  Theory and Research in Education 8 (2010): 173-85.


[top]G    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Gable, Justin C.  Rev. of Metaphor and Continental Philosophy: From Kant to Derrida, by Clive Cazeaux (2007).  Review of Metaphysics 63 (2010): 911-13.

Gabriel, Markus.  “O mal radical como problema epistemológico.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  347-56.

Gaier, Ulrich, and Ralf Simon, eds.  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2010.  [254 p.] [contents]

 ——.  “Metaschematisieren? Hieroglyphe und Periodus.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  55-69.

Gain, Frédéric, transl.  See: Immanuel Kant. Sur le mal radical dans la nature humaine = Über das radicale Böse in der menschlichen Natur

Gallois, Laurent.  “L’esprit de la philosophie transcendantale chez Kant. Vers une philosophie de l’esprit?”  Archives de Philosophie 73 (2010): 229-248.


Gambriani, Sourénto.  La place de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans la philosophie kantienne de l'éducation.  Paris: Éditions de l'Onde, 2011.  [102 p.]

Gao, Guoxi.  “Kant’s Virtue Theory.”  Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (2010): 266-79.


Garcia-Borreguero, Diego.  See: Miranda, Marcelo, Andrea Slachevsky, and Diego Garcia-Borreguero.

Gardner, Sebastian.  Rev. of Freedom and Religion in Kant and His Immediate Successors: The Vocation of Humankind, 1774-1800, by George di Giovanni (2005).  Hegel Bulletin 31.1 (2010): 132-37.

Garelli, Gianluca.  “Teleologie als Autonomie: Die Bedeutung der Kritik der teleologischen Urteilskraft für die italienische Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  190-210.

 ——, transl.  See: Immanuel Kant.  Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico.

Garthoff, Jon.  “Mimicking Korsgaard.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 122-55.

 ——.  “Structuring Ends.”  Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 38 (2010): 691-713.


Gasché, Rodolphe.  “A Material ‘a priori’? On Max Scheler’s Critique of Kant’s Formal Ethics.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 113-26.


Gauthier, Yvon.  “L’observateur local, ‘sa’ perspective et le point à l’infini.”  Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie 49 (2010): 287-94.

Gebharter, Alexander, and Alexander G. Mirnig. “From a Mereotopological Point of View: Putting the Scienti􏰀fic Magnifying Glass on Kant’s First Antinomy.” Kriterion 23.1 (2010): 78-90. [PW] [online]


Geiger, Ido.  “What is the Use of the Universal Law Formula of the Categorical Imperative?”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 271-95.


 ——.  See: Frierson, Patrick and Ido Geiger.

Geismann, Georg.  Kant und kein Ende, vol 2: Studien zur Rechtsphilosophie.  Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010.  [327 p.] [data]


 ——.  Rev. of La pace e la ragione: Kant e le relazioni internazionali: diritto, politica, storia, by Massimo Mori (2008).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 397-401.

Gelfert, Axel.  “Kant and the Enlightenment’s Contribution to Social Epistemology.”  Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology 7 (2010): 79-99.


Gentile, Andrea.  Rev. of Modalität und Existenz: Von der Kritik der reinen Vernunft zur Kritik der hermeneutischen Vernunft: Kant, Husserl, Heidegger, by Gaetano Chiurazzi (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 277-80.

Gentili, Carlo.  “Kants ‘kindischer’ Anthropomorphismus. Nietzsches Kritik der ‘objektiven’ Teleologie.”  Nietzsche-Studien 39 (2010): 100-19.

Gerardi, Giovanni.  Rev. of La pace e la ragione: Kant e le relazioni internazionali: diritto, politica, storia, by Massimo Mori (2008).  Filosofia Politica 24 (2010): 161-65.

Gerlach, Hans-Martin.  “Kant u berlinskoe prosveščenie.” [Russian; “Kant and the Berlin enlightenment”]  Translated from the German by A. Ju. Šačina und S. V. Šačin.  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 13-20.

Gerlach, Stefan.  Wie ist Freiheit möglich?: eine Untersuchung über das Lösungspotential zum Determinismusproblem in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.  Tübingen: Francke, 2010.  [368 p.] [content]


Gheller, Frantz.  “The Sociopolitical Context of Emmanuel Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace.”  Études internationales 41 (2010): 341-59.


Giesen, Klaus-Gerd.  “Asian Hospitality in Kant’s Cosmopolitan Law.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  753-63.

Gigliotti, Gianna.  “Neokantismo.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  709-44.

Gilabert, Pablo.  “Kant and the Claims of the Poor.”  Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 81 (2010): 382-418.


Gilgen, Peter.  “Introduction: On Going Back to Kant, Again.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 1-15.


 ——.  “Rosenzweig’s Thinking after Kant: A Reply to Richard A. Cohen.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 99-111.


Gilmanov, Vladimir H. “Кант в дискурсе «технологий надежды». Посвящается 5-й годовщине присвоения Калининградскому университету имени Канта.” [Russian; “Kant in the discourse of the ‘technique of hope’. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of naming the Kaliningrad University after Kant”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 80-87. [M]


Giovanelli, Marco.  “Urbild und Abbild. Leibniz, Kant und Hausdorff über das Raumproblem.”  Journal for General Philosophy of Science 41 (2010): 283-313. [abstract]

Giuspoli, Paolo.  “Sviluppi del concetto kantiano di idealità in Hegel.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  431-42.

Glenday, Candice.  See: Esteves, Julio and Candice Glenday.

Glouberman, Mark.  “Transcendental Idealism: What Jerusalem Has To Say to Königsberg.”  Dialogue 49 (2010): 25-51.


Gluchman, Vasil.  “Kant and Virtuous Action: A Case of Humanity.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  256-64.

Goldman, Avery.  “An Antinomy of Political Judgment: Kant, Arendt, and the Role of Purposiveness in Reflective Judgment.”  Continental Philosophy Review 43 (2010): 331-52.


 ——.  “Kant, Heidegger, and the Circularity of Transcendental Inquiry.”  Epoche: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (2010): 107-20.


Goldstein, Jürgen.  “Die Höllenfahrt der Selbsterkenntnis und der Weg zur Vergötterung bei Hamann und Kant.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 189–216.


Gomes, Anil.  “Is Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Categories Fit of Purpose?”  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 118−37.


Gómez Caffarena, José.  Diez lecciones sobre Kant. [Spanish]  Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 2010.  [124 p.]

Gómez Haro, Enrique.  Kant y Hegel: ¿Principio o fin de la ciencia? Con apuntes de Friedrich Nietzsche. [Spanish]  Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 2010.  [192 p.]

Goodwin, William Mark.  “Coffa's Kant and the Evolution of Accounts of Mathematical Necessity.”  Synthese 172 (2010): 361-79.


Gorodeisky, Keren.  “A New Look at Kant’s View of Aesthetic Testimony.”  British Journal of Aesthetics 50.1 (2010): 53-70.


 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Aesthetic Theory: The Beautiful and Agreeable, by David Berger (2009).  British Journal of Aesthetics 50.3 (2010): 317-20.

Gowans, Christopher W.  Rev. of An Introduction to Kant’s Moral Philosophy, by Jennifer K. Uleman (2010).  International Philosophical Quarterly 50 (2010): 513-18.

Goy, Ina.  “Immanuel Kant on the Moral Feeling of Respect.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 156-79.

Grandjean, Antoine.  “Téléologie juridique et téléologie historique chez Kant.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 40–58.


Granja, Dulce María.  Lecciones de Kant para hoy. [Spanish]  Rubí: Anthropos, 2010.  [336 p.]

Grapotte, Sophie.  Rev. of Kant et le problème du transcendantalisme, by Pascal Gaudet (2006).  Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger 200 (2010): 271-73.

 ——.  Rev. of Le problème de l’architectonique dans la philosophie critique de Kant, by Pascal Gaudet (2009).  Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger 200 (2010): 271-73.

Green, Garth.  The Aporia of Inner Sense: The Self-Knowledge of Reason and the Critique of Metaphysics in Kant.  Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010.  [vi, 352 p.]

Green, Leslie.  “Two Worries about Respect for Persons.”  Ethics 120 (2010): 212-31.

Green, Ronald M.  “Is There a Kantian Perspective on Human Embryonic Stem Cells?”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  349-57.

Greenberg, Robert.  “A Neglected Proposition of Identity.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  109-17.

Greenspan, Patricia.  “Making Room for Options: Moral Reasons, Imperfect Duties, and Choice.”  Social Philosophy & Policy 27 (2010): 181-205.  Reprinted in: Moral Obligation.  Eds. Ellen Frankel Paul, et al. (op cit.).  181-205.


Grenberg, Jeanine.  Kant and the Ethics of Humility: A Story of Dependence, Corruption and Virtue.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. [xi, 269 p.]


 ——.  “In Search of the Phenomenal Face of Freedom.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  111-30.

 ——.  “Social Dimensions of Kant’s Conception of Radical Evil.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  173-94.

 ——.  “What is the Enemy of Virtue?”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 152-69.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Action, by Richard McCarty (2009).  Mind 119 (2010): 1198-1205.

Gressis, Rob.  “How To Be a Good Person Who Does Bad Things.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  501-08.

 ——.  “Recent Work on Kantian Maxims I: Established Approaches.”  Philosophy Compass 5 (2010): 216-27.


 ——.  “Recent Work on Kantian Maxims II.”  Philosophy Compass 5 (2010): 228-39.


 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Anatomy of Evil, ed. by Sharon Anderson-Gold and Pablo Muchnik (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (July 2010, #15). [online]

Grier, Michelle.  “The Ideal of Pure Reason.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  266-89.

Griffith, Aaron M.  “Perception and the Categories: A Conceptualist Reading of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 4 Apr 2010). [abstract]

Griftsovoi, I. N., and N. A. Dmitrievoi, eds.  Неокантианство немецкое и русское: между теорией познания и критикой культуры / Neokantianstvo nemetskoe i russkoe: mezhdu teoriei poznaniia i kritikoi kul’tury. [Russian]  Moscow: Rosspen, 2010.  [567 p.]

Grimoni, Lorenz.  “Immanuel Kant und die europäische Metropole Königsberg.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  18-30.

 ——, ed.  See: Dietzsch, Steffen, Lorenz Grimoni, and David Kozlowski, eds.

Gruber, Natascha.  “When Is a Person a Person – When Does the “Person” Begin?”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  358-69.

Gruenwald, Oskar.  “Progress in Science: A Copernican Revolution in Evolution?”  Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 22 (2010): 1-31. [abstract]

Grünewald, Bernward.  “Gesinnung oder Verantwortung? Über den Widersinn der Entgegensetzung von Gesinnungs- und Verantwortungsethik.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  85-100.

 ——. “Kant e os fundamentos das ciências humanas.” [Portuguese] Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 113-24. [M][online]


Grupillo, Arthur.  “O problema fundamental do solipsismo metodólogico.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  421−30.

Guenova, Ludmila L.  Rev. of Kant’s Aesthetic Epistemology: Form and World, by Fiona Hughes (2007).  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 155-58.

Guilherme, Alexandre.  “Fichte: Kantian or Spinozian? Three Interpretations of the Absolute I.”  South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (2010): 1-16.

Guyer, Paul.  “The Deduction of the Categories: The Metaphysical and Transcendental Deductions.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  118-50.

 ——.  “Moral Feelings in the Metaphysics of Morals.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 130-51.

 ——.  “The Obligation to be Virtuous: Kant’s Conception of the Tugendverpflichtung.”  Social Philosophy & Policy 27 (2010): 206-32.  Reprinted in: Moral Obligation.  Eds. Ellen Frankel Paul, et al. (op cit.).  206-32.


 ——, ed.  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [xiv, 461 p.] [review]

 ——.  Rev. of Kant and the Limits of Autonomy, by Susan Meld Shell (2009).  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 138-47.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, edited by Karl Ameriks and Otfried Höffe, transl. by Nicholas Walker (2009).  Ethics 120 (2010): 820-26.

Guzzardi, Luca.  Lo sguardo muto delle cose: oggettività e scienza nell'età della crisi. [Italian]  Milano: R. Cortina, 2010.  [xix, 164 p.]

[top]H    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Haas, Bruno.  “Les catégories de la liberté selon Kant.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  55-87.

Habermas, Jürgen.  “The Concept of Human Dignity and the Realistic Utopia of Human Rights.”  Metaphilosophy 41 (2010): 464-80.


Hache, Émilie, and Bruno Latour.  “Morality or Moralism?”  Common Knowledge 16 (2010): 311-20.


Hahmann, Andree.  “Kant und die Dinge an sich — Was leistet die ontologische Version der Zwei-Aspekte-Theorie?”  Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (2010): 123-44.


 ——.  “Wozu braucht Kant die Kategorie der Substanz? Dingheit und Einheit der Zeitvorstellung”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 579-94.


 ——.  Rev. of Kants Theorie der Freiheit: Rekonstruktion und Rehabilitierung, by Jochen Bojanowski (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 124-27.

Hahn, Alexandre.  “Acerca da solução crítica do problema da possibilidade da ideia transcendental de liberdade em Kan.” [Portuguese; On Kant’s critical solution for the possibility problem of the transcendental idea of freedom]  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 93-108. [online]


 ——.  “Estudo e Tradução: Immanuel Kant, Das Diferentes Raças Humanas.” [Portuguese]  Kant e-Prints 5.5 (2010): 4-9. [online]

 ——, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  “Das Diferentes Raças Humanas.”

Hall, Bryan.  “Appearances and the Problem of Affection in Kant.”  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 38-66.


Hamilton, Andy.  Rev. of Knowledge, Reason and Taste: Kant’s Response to Hume, by Paul Guyer (2008).  Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (2010): 737-39.

Hamm, Christian.  “Ideias estéticas e o jogo das faculdades do ânimo.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  477-84.

 ——. “A fusão de campos semânticos: o exemplo de einsehen - verstehen - begreifen.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 53-74. [M]

Han, Suh-Reen.  “When Theory Meets the World: Kant’s Post-Revolutionary Renegotiation of the Cosmopolitan Ideal.”  European Romantic Review 21 (2010): 673-92. [abstract]

Hanly, Peter.  “Strange Lands: Hölderlin, Kant, and the Language of the Beautiful.”  Epoche: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2010): 321-34. [abstract]

Hanna, Robert.  “Kantian Minds and Humean Minds: How to Read the Analogies of Experience in Reverse.”  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 27-48. [online]


Hansen, Ejvind.  “Kantian Antinomies in Digital Communications Media.”  Telos: A Quarterly Journal of Critical Thought 150 (2010): 137-42.


Hardy, Lee.  “Kant’s Reidianism: The Role of Common Sense in Kant’s Epistemology of Religious Belief.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  233-54.

Harrelson, Kevin J.  Rev. of Kant and the Early Moderns, ed. by Daniel Garber and Béatrice Longuenesse (2008).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 111-12.

Harries, Karsten.  “‘Let No One Ignorant of Geometry Enter Here’: Ontology and Mathematics in the Thought of Martin Heidegger.”  International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2010): 269-79.

Harrington, Katie.  Rev. of Kant and the Scandal of Philosophy, by Luigi Caranti (2007).  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 168-71.

Harrison, Ewan.  “The Democratic Peace Research Program and System-level Analysis.”  Journal of Peace Research 47 (2010): 155-65. [abstract]

Hart, Keith.  “Kant, ‘Anthropology’ and the New Human Universal.”  Social Anthropology 18 (2010): 441-47.

Hasker, William.  “Persons and the Unity of Consciousness.”  The Waning of Materialism.  Eds. Robert C. Koons and George Bealer (Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, 2010).  175-90.


Hattrup, Dieter.  “Das Schicksal des babylonischen Turms. Zur ‘Disziplin der reinen Vernunft’.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  355-74.

Haumesser, Matthieu.  “Que signifie pour Kant l’erreur de Leibniz? Autour de l’«Amphibologie des concepts de la réflexion».”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 1–21.


 ——, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  De l’amphibologie des concepts de la réflexion.

Hauswald, Rico.  “Umfangslogik und analytisches Urteil bei Kant.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 238-308.


Heck, José N.  “Responsabilidade, Irresponsabilidade ou Autoconsciência moral.” [Portuguese; Responsibility, irresponsibility, or moral self-consciousness]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 31-43. [online]


Heidemann, Dietmar H., ed.  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics.  Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2010. [198 p.]


Heinrichs, Bert.  “Single-Principle versus Multi-Principles Approaches in Bioethics.”  Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2010): 72-83.


Helfrich, E. Regina.  Rev. of Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context, by Elisabeth Ellis (2008).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 249-50.

Hengstermann, Christian.  Rev. of Kants Lösung des Theodizeeproblems: Eine Rekonstruktion, by Volker Dieringer (2009).  European Journal for Philosophy of Religion: Journal of the Central European Society for Philosophy of Religion 2 (2010):209-14.

Henning, Tim.  “Kant und die Logik des ‘Ich denke’.”  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (2010): 331-56.

Hernandez, Jill.  “Impermissibility and Kantian Moral Worth.”  Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (2010): 403-19. [abstract]

Herrera, Hugo Eduardo.  “Salomon Maimon’s Commentary on the Subject of the Given in Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.”  Review of Metaphysics 63 (2010): 593-613.


 ——.  “La discusión de Salomon Maimon con el intento de vinculación de sensibilidad y entendimiento en la Critica de la Razón Pura de Immanuel Kant.” [Spanish]  Anuario Filosofico 43 (2010): 561-87.


Herrera Noguera, Mónica. “El arte ejemplar kantiano: uma filosofia del arte más allá de reglas.” [Spanish] Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 125-36. [M][online]


Herrmann, Friedrich-Wilhelm von.  “Kants ‘Vorreden’ zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft als Wegweisung zu einer neuen Wesensbestimmung der Metaphysik.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  23-32.

 ——.  “Kants ‘transzendentaler Schematismus der reinen Verstandesbegriffe’.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  155-65.

Hill, Jr., Thomas E.  “Kant.”  The Routledge Companion to Ethics.  Ed. John Skorupski.  Abingdon, Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2010.  156-67.

 ——.  “Kant’s Tugendlehre as Normative Ethics.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 234-55.

 ——.  “Moral Responsibilities of Bystanders.”  Journal of Social Philosophy 41.1 (2010): 28-39.


Hilmer, Brigitte.  “Form und Schema der Vernunft. Zu Herders Metakritik an Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  191-206.

 ——.  “Kunst als reflexive Form und als reflektierende Bewegung.”  Zeitschrift für Aesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 55 (2010): 235-46.


Hiltscher, Reinhard.  Rev. of Kants Neutralismus, by Lydia Mechtenberg (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 264-68.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant, Science, and Human Nature, by Robert Hanna (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 269-74.

Himi, Kiyoshi.  “Kant’s Philosophy of Religion as the Basis for Albert Schweitzer’s Humanitarian Awareness.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  550-62.

Hinske, Norbert.  “Die Rolle des Methodenproblems im Denken Kants. Zum Zusammenhang von dogmatischer, polemischer, skeptischer und kritischer Methode.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  343-54.

 ——, ed.  See: Delfosse, Heinrich, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, eds.

Ho, Anita.  “Personhood and Assisted Death.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  370-81.

Hoche, Hans-Ulrich, and Michael Knoop.  “Logical Relations between Kant’s Categorical Imperative and the Two Golden Rules.”  Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics 18 (2010): 483-518.

Hodge, Joanna.  “‘Something Unique is Moot in Europe’: Derrida Reading Kant.”  The Politics to Come: Power, Modernity and the Messianic.  Eds. Arthur Bradley and Paul Fletcher (op cit.).  161-73.

Hodgson, Louis‐Philippe.  “Kant on the Right to Freedom: A Defense.” Ethics 120 (2010): 791-819.


 ——.  “Kant on Property Rights and the State.”  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 57-87.

Höffe, Otfried.  Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: The Foundation of Modern Philosophy.  Dordrecht/New York: Springer, 2010.  [xviii, 449 p.]


 ——, ed.  Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten: Ein Kooperativer Kommentar.  4th, expanded edition.  Frankfurt/Main: Klostermann, 2010.  [339 p.] [data]

 ——.  “Kant’s Innate Right as a Rational Criterion for Human Rights.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 71-92.

 ——.  Rev. of Immanuel Kant – Was bleibt?, by Reinhard Brandt (2010).  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (2010): 604-608.

Hoffmann, Thomas Sören.  “‘Darstellung des Begriffs’. Zu einem Grundmotiv neueren Philosophierens im Ausgang von Kant.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  101-18.

Hogan, Desmond.  “Kant’s Copernican Turn and the Rationalist Tradition.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  21-40.

Hohendahl, Peter Uwe.  “The Crisis of Neo-Kantianism and the Reassessment of Kant after World War I: Preliminary Remark.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 17-39.


Holt, Robin.  See: Clarke, Jean and Robin Holt.

Holzhey, Helmut, and Vilem Mudroch.  The A to Z of Kant and Kantianism.  Lanham. Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2010.  [xv, 374 p.]

Hongladarom, Soraj.  “Kant and Vasubandhu on the ‘Transcendent Self’.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  709-14.

Horneffer, Ernst, and Klaus Horneffer.  Kant und der Gottesgedanke: eine Interpretation.  2 vols.  Hildesheim/New York: Olms, 2010.

Horneffer, Klaus.  See: Horneffer, Ernst, and Klaus Horneffer.

Horstmann, Rolf-Peter.  “The Reception of the Critique of Pure Reason in German Idealism.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  329-45.

Hruschka, Joachim.  See: Byrd, B. Sharon, and Joachim Hruschka.

Hsüeh-chu, Maria Chang.  “Concept and Being — Kant and Hegel on Unknowability or Knowability of God.” [Chinese]  Philosophical Review (Taiwan) 39 (2010): 51-94.


Huggler, Jorgen.  “Cosmopolitanism and Peace in Kant’s Essay on ‘Perpetual Peace’.” Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (2010): 129-40.


Hughes, Fiona.  Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgement: A Reader’s Guide.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  [viii, 196 p.]

Hughes, Joe.  Rev. of Immanence and the Vertigo of Philosophy: From Kant to Deleuze, by Christian Kerslake (2009).  Radical Philosophy: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy 162 (2010): 61-62.

Hunt, Gayle.  See: Rice, Stephen, David Trafimow, Gayle Hunt, and Joshua Sandry.

Hunter, Ian.  “Kant’s Regional Cosmopolitanism.”  Journal of the History of International Law 12 (2010): 165-88.


Hutchens, Benjamin.  Rev. of Enthusiasm: The Kantian Critique of History, by Jean François Lyotard (2009).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 408-11. [online]

[top]I    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ifergan, Pini.  “Kant on the Political.” [Hebrew]  Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2010): 52-70.

Ihne, Hartmut.  “Moralische Vernunft und ökonomische Rationalität.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  119-31.

Illetterati, Luca.  “Biologia.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  53-96.

 ——.  “Conoscenza del limite e struttura dell’umano.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  315-30.

Irit, Samet.  “The Form of Evil.”  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 93-117.

Irrlitz, Gerd.  Kant-Handbuch: Leben und Werk.  2nd rev. and expanded ed. Stuttgart: Weimar Metzler, 2010.  [xxxiii, 540 p.] [contents]

Iwasaki, Takeo.  カント「純粋理性批判」の研究 / Kanto junsui risei hihan no kenkyu. [Japanese]  Tokyo: Keisoshobo, 2010.  [513 p.]

[top]J    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Jablonski, Pawel, and Anna Jablonski-Musial (transl).  “The Relation Between Kant’s Theoretical and Practical Philosophy in the Light of the First Two Critiques.” [Polish]  Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 38 (2010): 133-54.


Jackson, W. T.  Seneca and Kant; or, an exposition of stoic and rationalistic ethics, with a comparison and criticism of the two systems.  LaVergne, Tenn.: Kessinger, 2010.  [vi, 109 p.]

Jacob, Jan.  Ausschliesslichkeitsrechte an immateriellen Gütern: eine kantische Rechtfertigung des Urheberrecht.  Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.  [xiv, 232 p.] [data]


Jacob, Thomas.  Das Individuum im Spannungsverhaltnis von staatlicher Souveränität und Internationalisierung: Uberstaatliche Zwangsgewalt in der Rechtsphilosophie Immanuel Kants.  Bonn: Bonn University Press, 2010.  [259 p.]


Jacobs, Wilhelm G.  Rev. of Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Briefe über die Kantische Philosophie, ed. by Martin Bondeli (2007).  Philosophisches Jahrbuch 117 (2010): 366-67.

Jahromi, Mohammad Raayat.  “Moral Theology or Theological Morality?”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  523-35.

Jakl, Bernhard.  “Human Dignity and the Innate Right to Freedom in National and International Law.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  382-90.

James, David.  “Fichte’s Reappraisal of Kant’s Theory of Cosmopolitan Right.”  History of European Ideas 36 (2010): 61-70.


 ——.  Rev. of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation, edited and translated by Gregory Moore (2008).  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 148-50.

Jamme, Christoph.  “‘Wahrheit für die Phantasie’. Der junge Hegel und Herder.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  237-50.

Jaran, François.  “Heidegger’s Kantian Reading of Aristotle’s Theologike Episteme.”  Review of Metaphysics 63 (2010): 567-91.

Javadi, Mohsen.  “The Idea of Moral Autonomy in Kant’s Ethics and its Rejection in Islamic Literature.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  732-38.

Jenkins, Scott.  “Hegel on Space: A Critique of Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy.”  Inquiry 53 (2010): 326-55.


Jesus, Paulo.  “Le Je pense comme facteur de vérité: adéquation, cohérence et communauté sémantique.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 167–88.


 ——.  “Moralization and humanization. Man as an epigenetic process in Kant.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  739-50.

Johnson, Robert N.  “Duties to and Regarding Others.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 192-209.

Jurkowitz, Edward.  “Helmholtz’s Early Empiricism and the Erhaltung der Kraft.”  Annals of Science 67 (2010): 39-78. [abstract]

Jütten, Timo.  “Adorno on Kant, Freedom and Determinism.”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 22 Aug 2010). [abstract]

[top]K    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Kain, Patrick.  “Duties Regarding Animals.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 210-33.


 ——.  “Practical Cognition, Intuition, and the Fact of Reason.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  211-30.


 ——.  Rev. of Kantian Ethics, by Allen W. Wood (2008).  The Philosophical Review 119 (2010): 104-8.

 ——.  Rev. of The Form of Practical Knowledge: A Study of the Categorical Imperative, by Stephen Engstrom (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (November 2010, #11). [online]

Kaiser, Volker.  Rev. of Passions of the Sign. Revolution and Language in Kant, Goethe, and Kleist, by Andreas Gailus (2006).  Goethe Yearbook 17 (2010): 387-89.

Kalinnikov, Leonard A. “О предшественнике пуделя Понто, а заодно и кота Мурра, или О кантианстве естественном и сверхъестественном.” [Russian; “On the predecessor of the poodle Ponto, along with the tomcat Murr, or on natural and supernatural Kantianism”] Kantovskij Sbornik 31 (2010): 24-40. [M]


 ——. “Кантианские мотивы в «Медном всаднике» А. С. Пушкина. Посвящается 75-летию Б. В. Емельянова, историка русской философии.” [Russian; “Kantian Themes in "The Bronze Horseman" by A. S. Pushkin. In celebration of the 75th birthday of the historian of Russian philosophy, B. W. Emeljanow”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 17-38. [M]


 ——.  “Kantiancu Vladimiru Aleksandroviču Žučkovu – 70.” [Russian; “The Kantian Valadimir Zhuchkov is 70”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 7-9.

 ——.  “O nravocentričnosti transcendentaľ noj antropologii Kanta, nan o roli morali b prirode čeloveka.” [Russian; “On the morals-centrism of Kant’s transcendental anthropology and on the role of morals in human nature”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 21-33. [pdf (English)]


 ——.  “Voprosy poëta A. S. Kušnera k filosofu I. Kantu o problemach potustoronnich.” [Russian; “The questions of the poet A. S. Kushner to the philosopher I. Kant regarding the otherworldly”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 33 (2010): 33-51. [online]


Kalyniuk, Gregory.  Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated by Robert B. Louden (2006).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 98-100. [online]

Kannisto, Toni.  “Three Problems in Westphal’s Transcendental Proof of Realism.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 227–46.


Kanzian, Christian.  “The Immateriality of the Human Soul — An Argument of Ayatullah Misbah, Its Roots in Mulla Sadra, and Its Correspondence in Western Philosophy.”  Soul: A Comparative Approach.  Eds. Christian Kanzian and Muhammad Legenhausen (Heusenstamm bei Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2010). 85-95.

Kaplow, Ian.  “Nursi’s Compassion and Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Justice and Ethics in Building a Better World.”  Theodicy and Justice in Modern Islamic Thought: The Case of Said Nursi.  Ed. Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi (Farnham, Surrey/Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2010; xiii, 282 p.).  241-55.

Karásek, Jindřich.  “Der Selbstbezug der Vernunft. Zur Logik der Kantischen Ideendeduktion.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  59-71.

 ——, ed.  See: Chotaš, Jirí, Jindřich Karásek, and Jürgen Stolzenberg, eds.

Karatani, Kojin.  トランスクリティーク: カントとマルクス / Toransu kuritiku: Kanto to Marukusu. [Japanese]  Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2010.  [vi, 511 p.]

Kaufmann, Matthias.  “Le droit à la guerre et l’ennemi injuste dans la Métaphysique des mœurs de Kant.”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  55-70.

Kawamura, Katsutoshi.  “Die Person als gesetzgebendes Wesen.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  415-23.

 ——.  “Bericht über «Japanische Kant-Studien».”  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 117-23.

Keller, Pierre.  “Two Conceptions of Compatibilism in the Critical Elucidation.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  119-44.

Kersting, Wolfgang.  “‘Ein beharrliches Ganzes unter wiedersinnischen Köpfen’: Kants Gemeinschaftsphilosophie.”  Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 4 (2010): 79-93.

Kerszberg, Pierre.  “Fisica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  189-228.

Kervégan, Jean-François, ed., with the collaboration of Caroline Guibet-Lafaye.  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Lyon: ENS, 2010.  [250 p.]


 ——.  “La théorie kantienne de la normativité.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  89-109.

Kim, Alan.  Plato in Germany: Kant - Natorp - Heidegger.  Sankt Augustin: Academia, 2010.  [312 p.] [review]


Kim, Soo Bae.  “Menschliche Autonomie als Aufgabe – der Autonomiebegriff in der Geschichtsphilosophie Kants.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  791-98.

Kisaka, Takayuki.  “Human Personhood at the Interface between Moral Law and Cultural Values.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  724-31.

Kiss, Endre.  “Das Kant’sche Europa.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  50-68.

Kitcher, Patricia.  Kant’s Thinker.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [xiv, 312 p.]

 ——.  “Kant’s Spontaneous Thinker and (More) Spontaneous Agent.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  36-52.

Klaudat, André. “‘Necessary Sentiment’ and Moral Sensibility in Kant.” Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 7-26. [M][online]


 —— “Os princípios de aplicação da Metafísica dos costumes de Kant.” [Portuguese; The principles of application of Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals] ethic@ 9.1 (2010): 77-87. [M] [online]


Klein, Joel Thiago. “Consideracões em torno da traducão de Bedürfnis na obra kantiana.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 87-108. [M]

Klein, Tillmann.  Rev. of Das Spiel in der Ästhetik: Systematische Überlegungen zu Kants ‘Kritik der Urteilskraft’, by Alexander Wachter (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 263-64.

Kleingeld, Pauline.  “Moral Consciousness and the ‘Fact of Reason’.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  55-72.


Klemme, Heiner F.  “The Origin and Aim of Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  11-30.


 ——.  “Filosofia política de Kant - Moral e Direito na perspectiva histórica e futura.” [Portuguese; Political philosophy of Kant - morality and law in the historical and the future perspective]  Transl. from the German by Clélia Aparecida Martins.  Kant e-Prints 5.4 (2010): 7-61. [online]

 ——.  “Ponjatie antropologii v filosofii I. Kanta.” [Russian; “The notion of anthropology in Kant’s philosophy”]  Transl. from the German by A. Ju. Šačina und S. V. Šačin.  Kantovskij Sbornik 33 (2010): 24-32.


 ——.  “Die rationalistische Interpretation von Kants ‘Paralogismen der reinen Vernunft’. Eine Kritik.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  141-61.

 ——.  See: Kuehn, Manfred and Heiner Klemme, eds.

Konhardt, Klaus.  “‘...was man sein muss, um ein Mensch zu sein’. Kant und dieneuerlich wiederentdeckte Frage nach dem ‘guten Leben’.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  133-54.

Koptsev, Ivan D. “К субъектно-речевой структуре аксиологического дискурса И. Канта.” [Russian; “On the author’s speech structure of Kant’s axiological discourse”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 60-68. [M][pdf (English)]


Kosch, Michelle.  Freedom and Reason in Kant, Schelling, and Kierkegaard.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [x, 236 p.]


 ——.  “Gasché on Scheler.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 127-30.


Kozlowski, David.  “Swedenborg bei Kant und in Europa. Auf den Spuren riskanter Interpretationen der Träume eines Geistersehers im 19. Jahrhundert.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  228-46.

 ——, ed.  See: Dietzsch, Steffen, Lorenz Grimoni, and David Kozlowski, eds.

Krause, Julia.  “The Doctrine of Subjective Space as a Precondition for the Distinction between Sensibility and Understanding.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 26-53.

Krausova, Adriana.  See: Belás, Ľubomír and Adriana Krausova.

Krkút, Ján.  “Lonergan’s Transcendental Thomism.” [Slovak]  Filozofia 65 (2010): 600-608.


Krouglov, Alexei N.  “Kant und die kantische Philosophie in Russland zu den Lebzeiten des Königsberger Philosophen.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  212-26.

 ——.  “Das Problem des Friedens bei I. Kant und L. N. Tolstoj.”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  257-64.

 ——. “Раннее кантианство в России: И. В. Л. Мельман и И. Г. Буле.” [Russian; “Early Kantianism in Russia: J. W. L. Melmann and J. G. Buhle”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 39-51. [M] [pdf (English)]


 ——. “Nemeckaja dokantovskaja filosofija: beloe, seroe nan raznocvetnoe pjatno?” [Russian; “German pre-Kantian philosophy: a blank, grey, or multicolored spot?”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 10-12.

Krueger, James.  “Duties, Ends and the Divine Corporation.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  149-73.

 ——, ed.  See: Lipscomb, Benjamin J. Bruxvoort and James Krueger, eds.

Kubalica, Tomasz “Относительная истинность теории отражения в интерпретации Генриха Риккерта.” Translated by W. Prochorow and W. Below. [Russian; “The relative truth of the theory of reflection in the interpretation of H. Rickert”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 69-79. [M]


Kuehn, Manfred.  “Interpreting Kant Correctly: On the Kant of the Neo-Kantians.”  Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy.  Eds. Makkreel and Luft (op cit.).  113-31.

 ——.  “Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: The History and Significance of its Deferral.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 9-27.

 ——.  “Kant, Immanuel.”  The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers.  Eds. Manfred Kuehn and Heiner Klemme (op cit.).  611-17 (v2).

 —— and Heiner Klemme, eds.  The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers.  3 vols.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  [xxx, 1344 p.]

Kuhn, Patrick M.  See: Bernauer, Thomas and Patrick M. Kuhn.

Kumamoto, Yasuhiro.  Philosophische Pädagogik bei Kant und Fichte Erziehung im Dienst der Freiheit.  Saldenburg: Verlag Senging, 2010.  [164 p.] [contents]

Kumano, Sumihiko.  埴谷雄高-- 夢みるカント / Haniya Yutaka yumemiru Kanto. [Japanese]  Tokyo: Kodansha, 2010.  [298 p.]

Kumar, Apaar.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Self, by Arthur Melnick (2009).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 535-36.

Kuneš, Jan.  “Kants Kritik der rationalen Psychologie.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  75-98.

Kuperus, Gerard.  “The Development of the Role of the Spectator in Kant’s Thinking: The Evolution of the Copernican Revolution.”  Idealistic Studies 40 (2010): 65-82. [abstract]

Küpper, Joachim.  “Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft und die Philosophie der Aufklärung.”  Zeitschrift für Aesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 55 (2010): 9-23.


Kuzin, Ivan V.  “I. Kant: Svoboda, grech, proščenie.” [Russian; “I. Kant: freedom, sin, forgiveness”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 33 (2010): 96-110. [online]


[top]L    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

LaCapra, Dominick.  “Kant, Benjamin, Pensky and the Historical Sublime.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 175-79.


Lacour, Claudia Brodsky.  “‘Judgement’ and the Genesis of What we Lack: ‘Schema’, ‘Poetry’, and the ‘Monogram of the Imagination’ in Kant.”  The Eighteenth Century 51 (2010): 317-40.

 ——.  “Doing Without Knowing in Kant and Diderot: Experiments in Enlightenment.”  Formen des Nichtwissens der Aufklärung.  Eds. Hans adler and Rainer Godel (München: Fink, 2010; 567 p.).  165-82.

Lammert, Norbert.  “Kant und Europa Vorbemerkungen zu einer Ausstellung.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  11-16.

Landucci, Sergio.  La Critica della ragion pratica di Kant: introduzione alla lettura. [Italian]  Rome: Carocci, 2010.  [191p.]

Lang, Anthony F.  “Kant and the Supreme Propietor: A Response.”  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 78-89.

Lange, Berthold, ed.  Menschenrechte und ihre Grundlagen im 21. Jahrhundert — auf dem Wege zu Kants Weltbürgerrecht.  Beiträge anlässlich der Verleihung des Kant-Weltbürger-Preises an Bischof Dom Luiz Cappio (Brasilien) und Prof. Jeff Halper (Israel).  Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag, 2010.  [212 p.] [data]

Lange-Bertalot, Nils.  Weltbürgerliches Völkerrecht. Kantianische Brücke zwischen konstitutioneller Souveränität und humanitärer Intervention.  Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2010.  [606 p.]


Langston, Richard.  “Toward an Ethics of Fantasy: The Kantian Dialogues of Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge.”  The Germanic Review 85 (2010): 271-93. [abstract]

Langthaler, Rudolf.  “Zur Gottesthematik in der Preisschrift über die wirklichen Fortschritte in der Metaphysik. Das Gefüge der Ideen des ‘Übersinnlichen in uns, über uns und nach uns’.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.). 155-79.

La Rocca, Claudio.  “Prospettive su Kant e la psicologia.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  43-59.

 ——.  “Psicologia.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  391-435.

 ——, ed.  See: Besoli, Stefano, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli, eds.

LaRock, Eric.  “Cognition and Consciousness: Kantian Affinities with Contemporary Vision Research.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 445-64.


Laßwitz, Kurd.  Die Lehre Kants von der Idealität des Raumes und der Zeit, im Zusammenhange mit seiner Kritik des Erkennens allgemeinverständlich dargestellt.  Lüneburg: von Reeken, 2010.  [235 p.]


Latour, Bruno.  See: Hache, Émilie and Bruno Latour.

Lau, Chong-Fuk.  “Kant’s Epistemological Reorientation of Ontology.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 123-146.

 ——.  “Self-Cognition in Transcendental Philosophy.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  99-108.

Lauer, Christopher.  The Suspension of Reason in Hegel and Schelling.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  [viii, 206 p.]

Lauer, David.  Rev. of Having the World in View: Essays on Kant, Hegel, and Sellars, by John McDowell (2009).  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 492-98.

Lawler, James.  “The Spiritualist Trend in Modern Western Philosophy: From Descartes to Sartre.”  Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 39 (2010): 82-102.


Laywine, Alison.  “Kant and Lambert on Geometrical Postulates in the Reform of Metaphysics.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  113-33.

Lazos, Efraín.  “Devils with Understanding: Tensions in Kant’s Idea of Society.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 182-204.

Leach, Jessica.  “Kant’s Modalities of Judgment.”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 4 Apr 2010). [abstract]

Lee, Kyoo.  Rev. of The Body Problematic: Political Imagination in Kant and Foucault, by Laura Hangehold (2007).  Hypatia 25 (2010): 480-84.

Lefebvre, Joël, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Pour la paix perpétuelle.

Lehman, Robert S.  “Between the Science of the Sensible and the Philosophy of Art.”  Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 15 (2010): 171-85.


Lennon, K.  “Re-enchanting the World: The Role of Imagination in Perception.”  Philosophy 85 (2010): 375-89.


Levin, Yakir.  “Idealism and Relativism: Locke, Berkeley, Kant, and Wittgenstein.” [Hebrew]  Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2010): 128-42.

Levine, Joseph.  “Habermas, Kantian Pragmatism, and Truth.”  Philosophy & Social Criticism 36 (2010): 677-95.


Licht dos Santos, Paulo R.  “A unidade essencial e originária da intuição e o §26 da Dedução Transcendental.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  407-20.

Linhares, Orlando Bruno.  “O silêncio de Kant: o esboço da analítica transcendental na década de 1770.” [Portuguese; Kant’s silence: the sketch Of transcendental analytics in the decade of 1770]  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 14-35. [online]


Lipscomb, Benjamin J. Bruxvoort.  “Moral Imperfection and Moral Phenomenology in Kant.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  49-79.

 —— and James Krueger, eds.  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  New York/Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010.  [vii, 334 p.] [review]

[Note 1] [Note 2]

Longo, Mario.  “La varietà delle razze umane e la finalità della natura in Kant.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  101-14.

Loparic, Zeljko.  “Os Juízos de Gosto sobre a Arte na Terceira Crítica.” [Portuguese; Judgments of taste regarding art in the third critique]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 119-41. [online]


 ——.  “Os problemas da razão pura e a semântica transcendental.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  303-14.

Lopes, Christine.  “Truth, Falsehood and Dialectical Illusion: Kant’s Imagination.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  205-16.

Lord, Beth.  Kant and Spinozism: Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze.  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Loriaux, Sylvie.  Rev. of Agency and Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Theory: Selected Essays, by Andrews Reath (2006).  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 149-51.

Lotfi, Shidan.  “The ‘Purposiveness’ of Life: Kant’s Critique of Natural Teleology.”  Monist 93 (2010): 123-34.


Louden, Robert B.  “Evil Everywhere: The Ordinariness of Kantian Radical Evil.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  93-115.

Love, Brandon.  “Kant’s Religious Perspective on the Human Person.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  563-72.

Lozano, Valerio Rocco.  “La figura del guerriero in Kant e in Hegel.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  751-62.

Lu, Xuekun.  物自身與智思物: 康德的形而上學 / Wu zi shen yu zhi si wu: Kangde de xing er shang xue. [Chinese]  Taibei Shi: Li ren shu ju, 2010.  [537 p.]

Ludwig, Bernd.  “Die ‘consequente Denkungsart der speculativen Kritik’: Kants radikale Umgestaltung seiner Freiheitslehre im Jahre 1786 und die Folgen für die Kritische Philosophie als Ganze.”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 595-628.


Luft, Sebastian, ed.  See: Makkreel, Rudolf A., and Sebastian Luft, ed.

Lutskanov, Rosen.  “Hilbert’s Program: The Transcendental Roots of Mathematical Knowledge.”  Balkan Journal of Philosophy 2 (2010): 121-26.


Lynch, Gary.  See: Palmer, Linda and Gary Lynch.

Lyubenova, Vera.  “Transcendental Deduction in the First Edition of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” [Bulgarian]  Philosophical Alternative (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 19 (2010): 64-72.


[top]M    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

MacDougall, Margaret.  “Poincaréan Intuition Revisited: What Can We Learn from Kant and Parsons?”  Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 41 (2010): 138-47.


Machuca, Diego E.  Rev. of Kant and Skepticism, by Michael Forster (2008).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 186-88. [online]

Macor, Laura Anna.  Der morastige Zirkel der menschlichen Bestimmung. Friedrich Schillers Weg von der Aufklärung zu Kant.  Translation from Italian, by the author, and expanded.  Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010.  [192 p.] [contents]

 ——.  “Spalding e Kant. Illuminismo e criticismo a confronto.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  537-54.

Mäser, O.  “Medical Diagnoses and Psychiatric Diagnoses — The Difference and the Ensuing Consequences in the Light of Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy.”  European Psychiatry 25 (2010): 605. [abstract]

 ——.  “Probability in Medicine and in Psychiatry — in the Light of Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy.”  European Psychiatry 25 (2010): 606. [abstract]

Magee, Glenn Alexander.  “Quietism in German Mysticism and Philosophy.”  Common Knowledge 16 (2010): 457-73.


Maimon, Salomon.  Essay on Transcendental Philosophy [German: Versuch über die Transzendentalphilosophie].  Transl. by Nick Midgley.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  [lxvii, 282 p.]

Majumdar, Ruchira.  “Kant’s Moral Philosophy in Relation to Indian Moral Philosophy as Depicted in Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita 23.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  715-??.

Makkai, Katalin.  “Kant on Recognizing Beauty.”  European Journal of Philosophy 18 (2010): 385-413.


Makkreel, Rudolf A. and Sebastian Luft, eds.  Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.  [vi, 331 p.] [review]


Mallgrave, Harry Francis.  The Architect’s Brain: Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture.  Chichester, West Sussex/Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.  [viii, 273 p.]


Manchong, José M. Petterson.  Der Gottesbegriff in Kants theoretischer Philosophie.  Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2010.  [275 p.]

Mandle, Jon.  “Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy.”  Dialogue 49 (2010): 479-87.

Mansur Garda, Juan Carlos.  Kant: ontología y belleza. [Spanish]  Tehuantepec, Mexico: Herder, 2010.  [272 p.]


Maraguat, Edgar.  “Actuar bajo la idea de la libertad: Kant y la tesis de la incorporación.” [Spanish]  Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia 27 (2010): 217-42.


Marcolungo, Ferdinando Luigi.  “L’uomo e la storia dal punto di vista cosmopolitico in I. Kant.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  61-75.

Marcucci, Silvestro.  Scritti su Kant: scienza, teleologia, mondo. [Italian]  Ed. by Claudio La Rocca.  Pisa: ETS, 2010.  [255 p.]

Marey, Macarena.  “Humanidad como fin, justificación de principios kantianos de justicia y diferen- cia deontológica: una teoría kantiana de la acción para los fundamentos del argumento contractualista-constructivista político.” [Spanish]  Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 41 (2010): 99-128. [online]


 ——. “La ética kantiana como “sistema de los fines”: Algunas objeciones a las lecturas formalistas e procedimentalistas de la ética de Kant.” [Spanish] Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 73-112. [M][online]


Margolis, Joseph.  “The Point of Hegel’s Dissatisfaction with Kant.”  Hegel and the Analytic Tradition.  Ed. Angelica Nuzzo.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  12-39.

Markovits, Julia.  “Acting for the Right Reasons.”  The Philosophical Review 119 (2010): 201-42.


Marques, António.  “A primeira pessoa na Ética e na Filosofia do Direito de Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  623-34.

Marques, José Oscar de Almeida.  “Harmony and melody in Kant’s second analogy of experience.”  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 57-65. [online]


Marshall, Colin.  “Kant’s Metaphysics of the Self.”  Philosophers’ Imprint 10.8 (2010): 1-21. [online]


 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of the Self, by Arthur Melnick (2008).  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 950-52.

Marshall, David L.  “The Origin and Character of Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Judgment.”  Political Theory 38 (2010): 367-93.


Martín Jorge, Miguel Luis.  “Implicaciones epistemológicas de la noción de forma en la psicologa de la Gestalt.” [Spanish]  Revista de Historia de la Psicología 31 (2010): 37-50.


Martindale, Charles.  “Performance, Reception, Aesthetics: Or Why Reception Studies Need Kant.”  Theorising Performance: Greek Drama, Cultural History and Critical Practice.  Eds. Edith Hall and Stephe Harrop.  London: Duckworth, 2010.  71-84

Martinelli, Riccardo.  “Antropologia.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  13-52.

 ——, ed.  See: Besoli, Stefano, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli, eds.

Martins, Clelia Aparecida.  “O que é o homem? Um paralelismo entre a Anthropologie e a filosofia teórica de Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  77-100.

Marzolf, Hedwig.  “Entre guerre et paix, l’humanité comme communauté esthétique. Réflexions à partir de Kant et Bourdieu.”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  247-54.

Massimi, Michela.  “Galileo’s Mathematization of Nature at the Crossroad between the Empiricist and the Kantian Tradition.”  Perspectives on Science 18 (2010): 152-88.


Matthis, Michael J.  The Beautiful, the Sublime the Grotesque: The Subjective Turn in Aesthetics from the Enlightenment to the Present.  Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2010.  [x, 148 p.]

Mattos, Fernando Costa.  See: Kant, Immanuel. “Direito Natural Feyerabend”

Mazziotti, Arnaldo.  Immanuel Kant. [Italian]  Arezzo: Helicon, 2010.  [39 p.]

Mazzoni, Augusto.  Il gioco delle forme sonore: studi su Kant, Hanslick, Nietzsche e Stravinskij. [Italian]  Milano: Mimesis, 2010.  [117 p.]

McCall, Corey.  “The Art of Life: Foucault’s Reading of Baudelaire’s The Painter of Modern Life.”  Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (2010): 138-57.


McCarty, Richard.  “Kant’s Derivation of the Formula of Universal Law.”  Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie 49 (2010): 113-33.


McDonald, Fritz J.  “Agency and Responsibility.”  Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (2010): 199-207.


McKenna, Tony.  “Thoughts on Kant and Hegel.”  Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 38 (2010): 321-25.

McLear, Colin.  See: Chignell, Andrew and Colin McLear.

McMahon, Jenny.  “The Classical Trinity and Kant’s Aesthetic Formalism.”  Critical Horizons 11 (2010): 419-41.


McNutt, Patrick.  See: Duran, Xavier and Patrick McNutt.

McQuillan, Colin.  Rev. of Kant and the Human Sciences: Biology, Anthropology, and History, by Alix Cohen (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2010, #19). [online]

Melich, Julja B.  “Il superamento di Kant in Russia.” [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 91-106.

Mello, Cláudio Ari.  Kant e a dignidade da legislação. [Portuguese]  Porto Alegre: Livr. do Advodgado, 2010.  [183 p.]

Mendieta, Eduardo.  “Interspecies Cosmopolitanism.”  Philosophy Today 54 (2010): 208-16.


Menges, Karl.  See: Zammito, John H., Karl Menges, and Ernest A. Menze.

Menze, Ernest A.  See: Zammito, John H., Karl Menges, and Ernest A. Menze.

Merle, Jean-Christophe.  “Kooperation, Krieg und Frieden bei Kant und Rawls.”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  109-16.

Merritt, Melissa McBay.  “Kant on the Transcendental Deduction of Space and Time: An Essay on the Philosophical Resources of the Transcendental Aesthetic.”  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 1-37.


 ——.  Rev. of The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom, by Robert R. Clewis (2009).  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 528-31.

Metz, Thaddeus.  “Human Dignity, Capital Punishment, and an African Moral Theory: Toward a New Philosophy of Human Rights.”  Journal of Human Rights 9 (2010): 81-99. [abstract]

Meyer, Linda.  The Justice of Mercy.  Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 2010.  [x, 254 p.]


Meyer, Thomas.  “Immanuel Kant und Leo Strauss.”  Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 4 (2010): 111-29.

Michalson, Gordon E., Jr.  “Kant, the Bible, and the Recovery from Radical Evil.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  57-73.

Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.  “Testimony and Kant’s Idea of Public Reason.”  Res Publica: A Journal of Moral, Legal and Social Philosophy 16 (2010): 23-40. [online]


Miller, Fred Dycus, ed.  See: Paul, Ellen Frankel, Fred Dycus Miller, and Jeffrey Paul, eds.

Millstein, Brian.  “Kantian Cosmopolitanism beyond ‘Perpetual Peace’: Commercium, Critique, and the Cosmopolitan Problematic”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 11 Nov 2010). [abstract]


Miranda, Marcelo, Andrea Slachevsky, and Diego Garcia-Borreguero.  “Did Immanuel Kant have Dementia with Lewy Bodies and REM Behavior Disorder?”  Sleep Medicine 11 (2010): 586-88.

Mirnig, Alexander, G. See: Gebharter, Alexander, and Alexander G. Mirnig.

Mitchell, Robert W. and Francine L. Dolins.  “Psychology and the Philosophy of Spatial Perception: A History, or How the Idea of Spatial Cognition in Animals Developed.”  Spatial Cognition, Spatial Perception: Mapping the Self and Space.  Eds. Francine L. Dolins and Robert W. Mitchell (Cambridge/New York: Cambridge Univesity Press, 2010).  35-53.

Mohamed, Feisal G.  “Poignancy as Human Rights Aesthetic.”  Journal of Human Rights 9 (2010): 143-60. [abstract]

Mohr, Georg.  “Publicité de la raison, droit et cosmopolitisme chez Kant.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  213-41.

Molder, Maria Filomena.  “Variações sobre a metamorfose da crítica em doutrina.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  587-606.

Molina Cantó, Eduardo. “Kant and the Concept of Life.” CR: The New Centennial Review 10.3 (2010): 21-36.

Mongin, Jean-Paul, and Laurent Moreau.  La folle journée du professeur Kant: (d’après la vie et l’oeuvre d’Emmanuel Kant).  Paris: Les petits Platons, 2010.  [63 p.]

Moore, A. W.  “The Transcendental Doctrine of Method.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  310-26.


Moors, Martin.  “Religious Fictionalism in Kant’s Ethics of Autonomy.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  475-84.

Morais, Marceline.  Le souverain bien et la fin dernière de la philosophie: vers une interprétation téléologique de la philosophie kantienne.  Québec, Canada: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2010.  [x, 270 p.]

Moreau, Laurent.  See: Mongin, Jean-Paul and Laurent Moreau.

Moreno, Luis Jiménez, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Observaciones acerca del sentimiento de lo bello y de lo sublime.

Moretto, Antonio.  “Matematica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  261-313.

Mori, Massimo.  “Storia.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  465-92.

Morujão, Carlos.  “Kant e a Ideia de Europa: uma Interpretação do Opúsculo para a Paz Perpétua.” [Portuguese]  A ideia de Europa de Kant a Hegel [Portuguese; The Idea of Europe from Kant to Hegel].  Ed. Carlos Morujão and Claudia Oliveira (Lisbon: Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, 2010).  11-32[??]. [WC]

Motta, Giuseppe.  Rev. of Die neue Seinsbestimmung in der reinen theoretischen Philosophie Kants: Das Sein als Position, by Hardy Neumann (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 274-77.

Moyer, Dean. “The Political Theory of Kant, Fichte and Hegel.” The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy. Ed. Dean Moyer (New York: Routledge, 2010). pages??. [WC]

Muchnik, Pablo, ed.  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2010. [xiii, 293 p.]

 ——.  “Introduction.”  Rethinking Kant.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 1-23.

 ——.  “An Alternative Proof of the Universal Propensity to Evil.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  116-43.

 ——, ed.  See: Anderson-Gold, Sharon, and Pablo Muchnik, eds.

Mücke, Dorothea von.  “Authority, Authorship, and Audience: Enlightenment Models for a Critical Public.”  Representations 111 (2010): 60-87.


Mudroch, Vilem.  See: Holzhey, Helmut and Vilem Mudroch.

Muenzer, Clark S.  “Forms of Figuration in Goethe’s Faust.”  Goethe Yearbook 17 (2010): 133-52.

Muller, F. A.  See: Teunis, Thekla and F. A. Muller.

Mumburu Mora, Alex.  Rev. of Kant und das Problem der Sprache: Die historischen und systematischen Gründe für die Sprachlosigkeit der Transzendentalphilosophie, by Jürgen Villers (1997).  Pensamiento: Revista de Investigación e Información Filosofíca 66 (2010): 365-68.

Muñoz Fonnegra, Sergio.  “La elección ética: Sobre la crítica de Kierkegaard a la filosofía moral de Kant.” [Spanish]  Estudios de Filosofia 41 (2010): 81-109.


Mussenbrock, Andreas.  Termin mit Kant: philosophische Lebensberatung.  Munich: Deutsche-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 2010.  [220 p.]

[top]N    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Nakajima, Yoshimichi.  「純粋理性批判」を嚙み砕く / Junsui risei hihan o kamikudaku. [Japanese]  Tokyo: Kodansha, 2010.  [345 p.]

Nakano, Hirotaka.  La teoría de la autoafección de Kant: un estudio sobre la intuición sensible en la crítica de la razón pura. [Spanish]  Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2010.  [223 p.]

Nakayama, Gen, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan.

Naragon, Steve.  “‘A Good, Honest Watchmaker’: J. C. F. Schulz’s Portrait of Kant from 1791.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 217–26.


Nawrath, Thomas.  “Kant und die Sprachphilosophie. Eine systematologische Rekonstruktion der Möglichkeit von Sprache im kritischen Idealismus.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  207-35.

 ——.  “The Moral Laboratory: On Kant’s Notion of Pedagogy as a Science.”  Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (2010): 365-77.


Negt, Oskar.  Kant und Marx: ein Epochengespräch.  Göttingen: Steidl Taschenbuch, 2010.  [96 p.]

Nehring, Robert.  Kritik des Common Sense: Gesunder Menschenverstand, reflektierende Urteilskraft und Gemeinsinn — der Sensus communis bei Kant.  Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2010.  [294 p.]


Nelson, Eric S.  “China, Nature, and the Sublime in Kant.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  333-46.

Nelson, Scott G.  Sovereignty and the Limits of the Liberal Imagination.  London/New York: Routledge, 2010.  [xi, 191 p.]


Nenon, Thomas.  “Immanuel Kant’s Turn to Transcendental Philosophy.”  Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism.  Ed. Thomas Nenon (op cit.).  15-47.

 ——, ed.  Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism: The Origins of Continental Philosophy.  Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2010.  [xv, 343 p.] [online]


Neumann Soto, Hardy.  “Heidegger y la tesis de Kant sobre el ser: A propósito de la conferencia de 1961.” [Spanish]  Praxis Filosófica 30 (2010): 65-84.


Nicholson, Peter.  Rev. of International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought: Immanuel Kant, edited by Arthur Ripstein (2008).  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 151-52.

Nisbet, H. B., transl.  See: Immanuel Kant.  Political Writings.

Nitzan, Lior.  “The Thought of an Object and the Object of Thought: A Critique of Henry E. Allison’s ‘Two Aspect’ View.”  Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. 92 (2010): 175-98.


Nocentini, Lucia.  Prismi di identità. Alla ricerca dell’unità dell'esperienza tra analogia e analisi trascendentale. Saggio su Kant. [Italian]  Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2010.  [178 p.] [contents]

Nour, Soraya, and Olivier Remaud, eds.  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2010.  [290 p.]


Novac, Mihai.  “Kant şi fenomenologia captivă din Critica raţiunii pure.” [Romanian; “Kant and the Captive Phenomenology of the Critique of Pure Reason”]  Revista de Filosofie 57 (2010): 341-49.

Novakovic, Tomislav.  Cisto Ja i Atomika Kantove Kritike cistog uma: nacela prakticne logike. [Serbian]  Belgrade: Desire, 2010.  [997 p.]

Nuño de la Rosa, Laura, and Arantza Etxeberria.  “¿Fue Darwin el ‘Newton de la brizna de hierba’? La herencia de Kant en la teoría darwinista de la evolución.” [Spanish]  Endoxa 24 (2010): 185-216.


Nuyen, A. T.  “The Kantian Good Will and the Confucian Sincere Will: The Centrality of Cheng (‘Sincerity’) in Chinese Thought.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  627-38.

Nuzzo, Angelica.  “Analisi filosofica e coscienza storica: Kant e Hegel oggi.” [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 77-87.

 ——.  “Fichte’s Transcendental Logic of 1812 — Between Kant and Hegel.”  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  Eds. Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore (op cit.). 189-206.


 ——.  Rev. of Kant and the Limits of Autonomy, by Susan Meld Shell (2009).  Review of Metaphysics 63 (2010): 949-50.

[top]O    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Oberer, Hariolf.  “Noch einmal zu Kants Rechtsbegründung.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 380-93.


Ognjenovic, Gorana, ed.  Responsibility in Context: Perspectives.  Dordrecht/New York: Springer, 2010.  [xvii, 147 p.]

O’Hagan, Emer.  “Kant and the Buddha on Self-Knowledge.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  695-708.

Oittinen, Vesa.  “Zur frühen nordischen Kant-Rezeption.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  106-38.

Oliveira, Jelson Roberto De.  “Kant Para Nietzsche, Um Emblema da Modernidade: em Torno da Questão da Natureza.” [Portuguese; Kant to Nietzsche, an emblem of modernity: around the matter of nature.]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 101-17. [online]


Olson, Michael J.  “The Intuition of Simultaneity: Zugleichsein and the Constitution of Extensive Magnitudes.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 429-44.


O’Neill, Onora.  “Rights, Obligations, Priorities.”  Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (2010): 163-71. [abstract]

Onnasch, Ernst-Otto.  “Immanuel Kants Philosophie in den Niederlanden zwischen 1785 und 1804.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  70-96.

Onof, Christian.  “Kant’s Conception of Self as Subject and its Embodiment.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 147-74.

Osborne, Gregg.  “The Active Role of the Self in Kant’s First Analogy.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  129-39.

O’Shea, James R.  Rev. of Having the World in View: Essays on Kant, Hegel, and Sellars, by John McDowell (2009).  Philosophical Books 51 (2010): 63-82.

 —— and Eric M. Rubenstein, eds.  Self, Language, and World: Problems from Kant, Sellars, and Rosenberg.  Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 2010.  [288 p.]


Osmo, Pierre.  See: Foessel, Michaël and Pierre Osmo.

Ospald, Peter.  “Michael Friedmans Behandlung des Unterschiedes zwischen Arithmetik und Algebra bei Kant in Kant and the Exact Sciences.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 75–88.


Ostaric, Lara.  “Works of Genius as Sensible Exhibitions of the Idea of the Highest Good.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 22–39.


Oultram, Stuart.  “Does the Baby Selling Objection to Commercial Surrogacy Misuse Immanuel Kant?”  Arguments and Analysis in Bioethics.  Eds. Matti Häyry, et al. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010). 177-84.

Ozturk, Saniye, and Burkay Ozturk.  Rev. of Embodied Minds in Action, by Robert Hanna and Michelle Maiese (2010).  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 147-50.

[top]P    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Padial, Juan José.  “Tiempo de la presencia y presencia en el tiempo.” [Spanish]  Studia Poliana: Revista sobre el pensamiento de Leonardo Polo 12 (2010): 85-103.


Padui, Raoni.  “Homo Kantius: Sovereign Subject and Bare Thing.”  Philosophy Today 54 (2010): 121-31.


Pakalski, Dariusz.  Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Rozprawa filozoficzna o religii i moralnosci [German: Philosophische Abhandlung über Religion und Moral, translated into Polish by Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz], edited by Mirosław Żelazny (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 113-15.

Palermo, Sandra.  “La sintesi a priori nella lettura hegeliana di Kant.” [Italian]  Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana 89 (2010): 260-74.


Palkoska, Jan.  “Quasiantinomische Behauptungen und die dogmatische Metaphysik. Zur Gültigkeit der Beweise in der ersten Antinomie.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  185-99.

Pallikkathayil, Japa.  “Deriving Morality from Politics: Rethinking the Formula of Humanity.”  Ethics 121 (2010): 116-47.


Palmer, Linda, and Gary Lynch.  “A Kantian View of Space.”  Science 328 (2010): 1487-88.


Palmquist, Stephen, ed.  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2010.  [xvii, 845 p.] [data]


 ——.  “The Unity of Architectonic Reasoning in Kant and I Ching.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  811-21.

 ——.  “Kant’s Ethics of Grace: Perspectival Solutions to the Moral Difficulties with Divine Assistance.”  The Journal of Religion 90 (2010): 530-53.


 ——.  “The Kantian Grounding of Einstein’s Worldview: (I) The Early Influence of Kant’s System of Perspectives.”  Polish Journal of Philosophy 4.1 (2010): 45-64.


 ——.  Rev. of In Defense of Kant’s Religion, by Chris L. Firestone and Nathan Jacobs (2008).  The Journal of Religion 90 (2010): 267-69.

 ——.  Rev. of The Social Authority of Reason: Kant’s Critique, Radical Evil, and The Destiny of Humankind, by Philip J. Rossi (2005).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 127-31.

Palovicová, Zuzana.  “The Nature of Strong Evaluation.” (in Slovak) Filozofia 65 (2010): 564-73.


Panarra, Pedro Miguel, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  “Ensaio sobre as doenças da cabeça de 1764.”

Papadaki, Lina.  “Kantian Marriage and Beyond: Why It Is Worth Thinking About Kant on Marriage.”  Hypatia 25 (2010): 276-94.


 ——.  “What is Objectification?”  Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2010): 16-36. [abstract]

Papastephanou, Marianna.  “The Conflict of the Faculties: Educational Research, Inclusion, Philosophy and Boundary Discourses.”  Ethics and Education 5 (2010): 99-116.


Parellada, Ricardo.  “Ilustración, publicidad y capacidades humanas.” [Spanish]  Daimon, Revista de Filosofia 3 (2010): 339-46. [online]


Park, Chan-Goo.  “Self-Knowledge and God in the Philosophy of Kant and Wittgenstein.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  536-49.

Park, Peter K. J.  “The Exclusion of Asia and Africa from the History of Philosophy: Is Kant Responsible?”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  777-90.

Parrini, Paolo.  “Epistemologia.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  493-528.

Parsons, Charles.  “Gödel and Philosophical Idealism.”  Philosophia Mathematica 18 (2010): 166-92.


 ——.  “Two Studies in the Reception of Kant’s Philosophy of Arithmetic.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  135-53.

Pascale, Carla De.  “Le droit cosmopolitique comme synthèse du droit.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  199-211.

Pasternack, Lawrence.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Evil: An Essay on the Dangers of Self-Love and the Aprioricity of History, by Pablo Muchnik (2009).  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 150-55.

Patton, Lydia.  Rev. of The Determinate World: Kant and Helmholtz on the Physical Meaning of Geometry, by David Hyder (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (July 2010, #22). [online]

 ——.  Rev. of Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Rudolf A. Makkreel and Sebastian Luft (2010).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 280-82. [online]

Paul, Ellen Frankel, Fred Dycus Miller, and Jeffrey Paul, eds.  Moral Obligation.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [xv, 345 p.]  Reprint, with an introduction and index, of volume 27.2 of the journal Social Philosophy & Policy.


Paul, Jeffrey, ed.  See: Paul, Ellen Frankel, Fred Dycus Miller, and Jeffrey Paul, eds.

Pavão, Aguinaldo.  “O moralmente bom e o moralmente mau em Kant: uma discussão com Zeljko Loparic.” [Portuguese; The morally good and the morally bad in Kant: a discussion with Zeljko Loparic]  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 109-31. [online]


Pavón, Cecilia.  Swedenborg vs Kant. [Spanish]  Nuevo París, Uruguay: La Propria Cartonera, 2010.  [20 p.]

Paya, Ali, and Malakeh Shahi.  “The Reception of Kant and His Philosophy in Iran.”  Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies 3 (2010): 25-40.


Pekurovskaia, Asia.  Герметический мир Иммануила Канта: по ту сторону зрения и слуха / Germeticheskii mir Immanuila Kanta: po tu storonu zreniia i slukha. [Russian]  St Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2010.  [566 p.]

Penner, James.  “The State Duty to Support the Poor in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.”  British Journal of Politics & International Relations 12 (2010): 88-110. [abstract]

Pensky, Max.  “Contributions toward a Theory of Storms: Historical Knowing and Historical Progress in Kant and Benjamin.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 149-74.

Pereboom, Derk.  See: Chignell, Andrew and Derk Pereboom.

Perez, Daniel Omar.  “O Significado de Natureza Humana em Kant.” [Portuguese; The meaning of human nature in Kant]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 75-87. [online]


 ——.  “O significado de natureza humana em Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  207-17.

Perin, Adriano.  “A verdade como um problema fundamental em Kant.” [Portuguese; “Kant on Truth as a Fundamental Problem”]  Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 97-124. [online]


 ——.  “Por que Kant escreve duas introduções para a Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo?” [Portuguese; “Why did Kant write two introductions to the Critique of the Faculty of Judgment?”]  Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia 51 (2010): 129-47.


 ——. “Sobre a gênese da distinção crítica entre Schein e Erscheinung.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 11-34. [M]

Perovich, Anthony N. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason, transl. by Werner S. Pluhar (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (January 2010, #24). [online]

Perreau-Saussine, Amanda.  “Immanuel Kant on International Law.”  The Philosophy of International Law.  Eds. Samantha Besson and John Tasioulas (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). 53-75.

Peruzzi, Alberto.  Dialoghi della ragione impura. [Italian] Vol. 2.  Roma: Aracne, 2010.  [583 p.]

Petterson Manchong, José Manuel.  Der Gottesbegriff in Kants theoretischer Philosophie.  Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2010.  [275 p.] [data]


Pettoello, Renato.  “La geometria eterna: Nelson e le geometrie non-euclidee.” [Italian]  Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 65 (2010): 483-506.


Philonenko, Alexis.  Commentaire de la critique de la faculté de juger.  Paris: Vrin, 2010.  [202 p.]

Piaia, Gregorio.  “Né con Nietzsche né con Kant. La critica di Alfred Fouillée al ‘moralismo’ kantiano.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  635-48.

 ——, ed.  See: Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Gregorio Piaia, Marco Sgarbi, und Riccardo Pozzo, eds.

Pieper, Hans-Joachim.  “Das Problem der Todesstrafe in der Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  155-78.

Pietsch, Lutz-Henning.  Topik der Kritik: die Auseinandersetzung um die Kantische Philosophie (1781-1788) und ihre Metaphern.  Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010.  [vi, 351 p.] [online]


Pihlström, Sami.  “Pragmatic Aspects of Kantian Theism.”  The Pluralist 5 (2010): 110-39.


Pille, René-Marc.  “‘Einfach nicht zu inkantieren!’ Wilhelm von Humboldt als erfolgloser Vermittler der kritischen Philosophie bei den Franzosen.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  98-104.

Pimenta, Pedro.  “A ‘gramática saudával’ de Kant.” [Portuguese]  Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 15 (2010): 11-26.


Pinheiro, Letícia Machado.  “O Conceito Kantiano de Estado de Natureza Ético.” [Portuguese; Kant’s concept of the ethical state of nature]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 1-14. [online]


Pinkard, Terry.  “How to Move from Romanticism to Post-Romanticism: Schelling, Hegel, and Heine.”  European Romantic Review 21 (2010): 391-407. [abstract]

Pinto Serrão, Daniel, and Ramiro Delio Borges Meneses.  “Autonomia em Kant: pela crítica científica.” [Portuguese]  Revista de Filosofía (Spain) 35 (2010): 7-19.


Pinzani, Alessandro.  “L’animale che ha bisogno di un padrone. Antropologia e politica nel Kant degli anni Ottanta e degli anni Novanta.” [Italian; “The animal that needs a master. Kant’s anthropology and politics in the eighties and nineties.”]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  115-24.

 ——.  “Il II Colloquio Kantiano italo-luso-brasiliano (Lisbona, 15-; settembre 2009).” [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 111-15.

 ——, and Valério Rohden, eds. Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Florianópolis: Nefiponline, 2010. [173 p.] [M]


Pippin, Robert B.  “Le mien et le tien? L’État kantien.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  131-53.

Pizer, John.  “Skewering the Enlightenment: Alexander von Humboldt and Immanuel Kant as Fictional Characters.”  Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives 7 (2010): 127-42.

Plant, Daniel.  Rev. of In Defense of Kant’s Religion, by Chris L. Firestone and Nathan Jacobs (2008).  Modern Theology 26 (2010): 303-05.

Plata Pineda, Oswaldo.  “La antropología de la religión dentro de los límites de la mera razón.” [Spanish]  Areté: revista de filosofía 22 (2010): 259-85. [online]


Pleckaitis, Romanas.  “The Last Book Published by I. Kant.” [Lithuanian]  Problemos: Mokslo darbai 77 (2010): 174-76.

Plischka, Heinz.  Das transzendentale Gehirn: Ansichten von sich durch sich.  Münster: Verl.-Haus Monsenstein und Vannerdat, 2010.  [239 p.]

Poggi, Davide.  “Locke and Kant. From ‘internal sense I’ to Transcendental Apperception.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  383-94.

 ——.  Rev. of Philosophia transcendentalis. La questione antepredicativa e l’analogia tra la Scolastica e Kant, by Francesco Valerio Tommasi (2008).  Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 102 (2010): 201-04.

Pollok, Konstantin.  “The ‘Transcendental Method’: On the Reception of the Critique of Pure Reason in Neo-Kantianism.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  346-79.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant and Philosophy of Science Today, ed. by Michela Massimi (2008).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2010, #14). [online]

Položencev, Andrei N.  “Osnovnaja ideja Kanta.” [Russian; “Kant’s basic idea”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 33 (2010): 83-95. [online]


Ponchio, Alice.  Rev. of Etica e mondo in Kant, edited by Luca Fonnesu (2008). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 155-58.

Pong, Wen-Berng.  “On Allison’s Interpretation of Kant’s Theory of Freedom.” [Chinese]  Philosophical Review (Taiwan) 39 (2010): 149-208.


Porta, Mario Ariel González.  “De Newton a Maxwell. Un Aporte A La Comprensión Del Proyecto Cassireriano De Una Filosofía De Las Formas Simbólicas.” [Portuguese; From Newton to Maxwell. An approach to the understanding of the Cassirerian project of a philosophy of symbolic forms]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 44-65. [online]


Post, Werner.  “Mou Zongsan’s Critique of Kant’s Theory of Self-Consciousness in the First Critique.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  575-84.

 ——.  “Über das Naturschöne.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  179-91.

Posy, Carl.  “Man Is the Measure: Kantian Thoughts on the Unities of Self and World.”  Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2010): 115-41.

Pozzo, Riccardo.  “Tempo dei fenomeni e tempo delle opinioni in Kant.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  331-36.

 ——, ed.  See: Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Gregorio Piaia, Marco Sgarbi, und Riccardo Pozzo, eds.

Praeg, Leonhard.  “Of Evil and Other Figures of the Liminal.”  Theory, Culture and Society 27 (2010): 107-34.


Prauss, Gerold.  “Wilhelm von Humboldt als Kantianer über Sprache.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  193-205.

Prieto López, Leopoldo José.  “La persona en Kant.” [Spanish]  Espiritu: Cuadernos del Instituto Filosofico de Balmesiana 59 (2010): 117-42.


Proops, Ian.  “Kant’s First Paralogism.”  The Philosophical Review 119 (2010): 449-95. [online]


Puls, Heiko.  Rev. of Knowledge, Reason and Taste: Kant’s Response to Hume, by Paul Guyer (2008).  Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (2010): 210-14.

[top]Q    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Quinn, Timothy Sean.  Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment, by Fiona Hughes (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (July 2010, #12). [online]

[top]R    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Rademacher, Torsten.  Kants Antwort auf die Globalisierung: das kantsche Weltbürgerrecht als Prinzip einer normativen politischen Theorie des weltpolitischen Systems zur Steuerung der Globalisierung.  Berlin: Logos-Verlag, 2010.  [329 p.] [contents]

Raffoul, François.  The Origins of Responsibility.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.  [xiv, 341 p.]

Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Ubirajara.  “Kant e ‘aquisição originária’ em sentido especulativo. Ensaio de analogia musical.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  357-70.

 ——, ed.  See: Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Gregorio Piaia, Marco Sgarbi, und Riccardo Pozzo, eds.

Raseev, Daniil N. “Телеологический принцип познания в контексте «Критики способности суждения» Канта.” [Russian; “The teleological principle of cognition in the context of Kant’s Critique of Judgment”] Kantovskij Sbornik 31 (2010): 7-14. [M] [online]


Rasmussen, Douglas B., and Douglas J. Den Uyl.  “In Search of Universal Political Principles: Avoiding Some of Modernity’s Pitfalls and Discovering the Importance of Liberal Political Order.”  The Good Society 19 (2010): 79-86.

Rasmussen, James.  “Language and the Most Sublime in Kant’s Third Critique.”  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2010): 155-66.


Rauer, Constantin.  “Kant e a Loucura.” [Portuguese; Kant and madness]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 61-74. [online]


Raulet, Gérard.  “Die Rezeption von Kants Traktat Zum ewigen Frieden in der deutschen Romantik.”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  71-86.

Rauscher, Frederick.  “The Appendix to the Dialectic and the Canon of Pure Reason: The Positive Role of Reason.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  290-309.

Raymaekers, Bart.  Rev. of Kants Kritiek van de zuivere rede: Een leeswijzer, by Karin de Boer (2010).  Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 589-90.

 ——.  Rev. of Immanuel Kant: Kritiek van het oordeelsvermogen, edited and transl. by Jabik Veenbaas and Willem Visser (2009).  Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 335-37.

Rayman, Joshua.  Kant on Sublimity and Morality.  Cardiff: University Of Wales Press, 2010.  [160 p.]

Raymond, Claire.  Francesca Woodman and the Kantian Sublime.  Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010.  [viii, 156 p.]

Raynaud.  “Kant et le droit révolutionnaire.”  Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant: droit, politique et cosmopolitique.  Ed. Jean-François Kervégan (op cit.).  155-68.

Razeev, D. N.  Телеология Иммануила Канта / Teleologii︠a︡ Immanuila Kanta. [Russian; “Immanuel Kant’s Teleology”]  Saint-Petersburg: Nauka, 2010.  [307 p.]

Reath, Andrews.  “Contemporary Kantian Ethics.”  The Routledge Companion to Ethics.  Ed. John Skorupski.  Abingdon, Oxon/New York 2010.  456-66.

 ——.  “Formal Principles and the Form of a Law.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  31-54.


Reath, Andrews, and Jens Timmermann, eds.  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason. A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [xi, 226 p.] [review]

Recki, Birgit.  “Zwischen Kantischem Kompatibilismus und Naturalismus: Ernst Cassirers Begriff der Freiheit.”  Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 4 (2010): 95-110.

Redding, Paul.  “Two Directions for Analytic Kantianism: Naturalism and Idealism.”  Naturalism and Normativity.  Eds. Mario de Caro and David Macarthur (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010).  263-85. [online]


Reed, T. J.  “Kant and his German Literary Culture: Coincidences and Consequences.”  British Journal of Aesthetics 50.4 (2010): 343-56.


Rehbock, Theda.  “Moral und Sprache: Ist das Verbot der Lüge sprachphilosophisch begründbar?”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 105-25.


Reiss, Hans Siegbert, ed.  See: Immanuel Kant.  Political Writings.

Remaud, Olivier, ed.  See: Nour, Soraya, and Olivier Remaud, eds.

Rentmeester, Casey. “A Kantian Look at Climate Change.” Essays in Philosophy 10.1 (2010): 76-86. [M]

Rheindorf, Johann.  Kants Opus Postumum und das Ganze der Philosophie: Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft, Menschenbild.  Tübingen: Francke, 2010.  [viii, 175 p.]


Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel.  “A antropocosmologia do jovem Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  219-30.

 ——.  “A concepção kantiana da experiência estética: novidades, tensões e equilíbrios.” [Portuguese; “Kant’s Conception of Aesthetic Experience: Novelties, Tensions and Balances”]  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 35-75. [online]


 ——. “Kant: da reinvenção do Republicanismo à ideia de uma ‘República Mundial’.” [Portuguese] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 16 (2010): 13-54. [M] [online]


 ——, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Gregorio Piaia, Marco Sgarbi, und Riccardo Pozzo, eds.  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem? Antropologia, Estética e Teleologia em Kant.  Lisbon: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisbo, 2010.  [793 p.]

Riccardi, Mattia.  “Nietzsche’s Critique of Kant’s Thing in Itself.”  Nietzsche-Studien 39 (2010): 333-51.


Rice, Stephen, David Trafimow, Gayle Hunt, and Joshua Sandry.  “Generalizing Kant’s Distinction between Perfect and Imperfect Duties to Trust in Different Situations.”  Journal of General Psychology 137 (2010): 20-36. [abstract]

Richter, Gerhard.  “The Work of Art and Its Formal and Genealogical Determinations: Benjamin’s “Cool Place” between Kant and Nietzsche.”  Grey Room 39 (2010): 95-113.


Ricken, Friedo.  Warum moralisch sein? Beiträge zur gegenwärtigen Moralphilosophie.  Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 2010.  [160 p.]

 ——.  “Von der Unentbehrlichkeit der transzendentalen Theologie. Zum ‘Ideal der reinen Vernunft’.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  313-22.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant on God, by Peter Byrne (2007).  Theologie und Philosophie 85 (2010): 95-96.

Rieu, Alain-Marc.  “The Kantian Model: Confucianism and the Modern Divide.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  741-52.

Rind, Miles.  Rev. of The Kantian Aesthetic: From Knoweldge to the Avant-Garde, by Paul Crowther (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (December 2010, #10). [online]

Rinofner-Kreidl, Sonja.  “Husserl’s Categorical Imperative and His Related Critique of Kant.”  Epistemology, Archaeology, Ethics: Current Investigations of Husserl’s Corpus.  Eds. Pol Vandevelde and Sebastian Luft (London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010). 188-210.

Ripstein, Arthur.  “Kantian Legal Philosophy.”  A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, 2nd ed.  Ed. Dennis Patterson (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010).  392-405.

Risser, James.  “Introduction to Transfigurements: On the True Sense of Art by John Sallis.”  Research in Phenomenology 40 (2010): 95-96.

Rivers, Julian.  See: Capps, Patrick and Julian Rivers.

Rjabov, Pyotr V.  “Rossijskoe kantianstvo I neokantianstvo načala XX veka v neopublikovannych memuarach A. A. Borovogo.” [Russian; “Russian Kantianism and Neo-Kantianism at the beginning of the 20th century in the unpublished memoirs of A. A. Borovoi”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 97-103.

Roberts-Cady, Sarah.  “Against Retributive Justifications of the Death Penalty.”  Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (2010): 185-93.


Robinson, Daniel N.  “Kant’s (Seamless) Refutation of Idealism.”  Review of Metaphysics 64 (2010): 291-301.


Robinson, Henry Crabb.  Essays on Kant, Schelling, and German aesthetics.  Edited by James Vigus.  London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 2010.  [ix, 151 p.]


Robinson, Hoke. “Kant on Empirical Concept- and Intuition-Formation: A Discussion with Hannah Ginsborg.” Southwest Philosophy Journal 26.1 (2010): 131-40. [PDC]

Roche, Andrew.  “Kant’s Principle of Sense.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 663-91.


Rockmore, Tom.  “Dewey, Hegel, and Knowledge after Kant.”  John Dewey and Continental Philosophy.  Ed. Paul Fairfield (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2010). 26-43.

 ——.  “Fichte, German Idealism, and the Thing in Itself.”  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  Eds. Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore (op cit.). 9-20.

 ——.  在康德的唤醒下: 20世纪西方哲学 / Zai Kangde de huan xing xia: 20 shi ji xi fang zhe xue.  Translation into Chinese by Xiangdong Xu of In Kant’s Wake: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century (2006).  Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she, 2010.  [233 p.]

 ——, ed.  See: Breazeale, Daniel and Tom Rockmore, eds.

Roff, Heather M.  “Kantian Provisional Duties.”  Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics 18 (2010): 533-62.

Rohden, Valerio.  “As ideias como formas de vida da Razão.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  337-46.

 ——. “Jusificação das Ilusões da Metafísica consideraçóes sobre KrV B 294-95.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 161-75. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Pinzani, Alessandro, and Valério Rohden, eds.

Rohlf, Michael.  “The Ideas of Pure Reason.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  190-209.

Röller, Nils.  “Thinking with Instruments: The Example of Kant’s Compass.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  300-307.

Rölli, Marc.  “Person and Character in Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  447-54.

Romero Romeral, Pablo.  Rev. of Teoría y crítica de la razón: Kant y Ortega y Gasset, edited by Sergio Rábade Romeo, Antonio M. López Molina, Mariana Urquijo Reguera, et al. (2009).  Educación y futuro: Revista de investigación aplicada y experiencias educativas 22 (2010): 257-60.

Ronzoni, Miriam.  “Constructivism and Practical Reason: On Intersubjectivity, Abstraction, and Judgment.”  Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2010): 74-104.

Rosen-Carole, Adam.  “The Possibility of the New: Adornoian Lessons for Psychoanalysis.”  Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy 21 (2010): 62-87.

Rosenkoetter, Timothy.  “Absolute Positing, the Frege Anticipation Thesis, and Kant’s Definitions of Judgment.”  European Journal of Philosophy 18 (2010): 539-66. [abstract]

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, ed. by Karl Ameriks and Otfried Höffe (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (November 2010, #6). [online]

Rosillo Pelayo, María de las Viñas.  Rev. of Teoría y crítica de la razón: Kant y Ortega y Gasset, edited by Sergio Rábade Romeo, Antonio M. López Molina, Mariana Urquijo Reguera, et al. (2009).  Estudios Filosoficos 59 (2010): 191-93.

Ross, Alison.  “The Modern Concept of Aesthetic Experience: from Ascetic Pleasure to Social Criticism.”  Critical Horizons 11 (2010): 333-39.


 ——.  “The Moral Efficacy of Aesthetic Experience: Figures of Meaning in the Moral Field.”  Critical Horizons 11 (2010): 397-417.


Rossi, Philip J.  “Kant’s ‘Metaphysics of Permanent Rupture’.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  13-32.

 ——.  “Reading Kant from a Catholic Horizon: Ethics and the Anthropology of Grace.”  Theological Studies 71 (2010): 79-100. [abstract]

Rouanet, Luiz Paulo.  “A Filosofia da Natureza de Kant.” [Portuguese; Kant’s philosophy of nature]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 1-13. [online]


Rovira, Rogelio.  “¿Es una ‘falsa sutileza’ la división lógica de las figuras del silogismo? Sobre la crítica de Kant a la doctrina aristotélica del silogismo categórico.” [Spanish]  Teorema 29 (2010): 5-21.


Roy, Manuel.  Rev. of Est Deus in nobis: Die Identität von Gott und reiner praktischer Vernunft in Immanuel Kants ‘Kritik der praktischen Vernunft’, by Gerhard Schwarz (2004).  Philosophiques 37 (2010): 546-51.

Rubenstein, Eric M., ed.  See: O’Shea, James R. and Eric M. Rubenstein, eds.

Rüdiger, Axel.  “Produktive Nagativität: Die Rolle des Perfektionismus im deutschen Aufklärungsdenken zwischen Pufendorf und Kant.”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 721-40.


Ruffing, Margit.  “Sentiment moral et sentiment religieux chez Kant.”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  527-36.

 ——.  “Worauf Vernunft hinaussieht.  Kants regulative Ideen im Kontext von Teleologie und praktischer Philosophie.  Bericht zur Tagung am 4. und 5. September 2009 in Frankfurt am Main.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 105–09.

Rufinoni, Priscila Rossinetti.  “Julgar sem preceptivas, julgar pelo universal: glosas modernistas a Kant” [Portuguese; “To judge without preceptive, to judge by universal: modernist comments about Kant”]  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 95-111. [online]


Rühl, Ulli F. H.  Kants Deduktion des Rechts als intelligibler Besitz Kants “Privatrecht” zwischen vernunftrechtlicher Notwendigkeit und juristischer Kontingenz.  Paderborn: Mentis, 2010.  [135 p.] [contents]

 ——.  “Der intellegible Besitz – und nicht Eigentum – als rechtsmetaphysischer Fundamentalbegriff in Kants ‘Privatrecht’.”  Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics 18 (2010): 563-80.

Ruiz Sanjuán, César.  “La articulación de lo abstracto y lo concreto en el proceso de conocimiento teórico.” [Spanish]  Endoxa 25 (2010): 129-64.


Rukgaber, Matthew.  “Time and Metaphysics: Kant and McTaggart on the Reality of Time.”  Kant Yearbook: Metaphysics 2 (2010): 175-94.

Rumjantsewa, Tatyana G. “М. Мендельсон в эпистолярном наследии И. Канта.” [Russian; “M. Mendelssohn in the epistolary remains of I. Kant”] Kantovskij Sbornik 31 (2010): 41-47. [M]


Ruthenberg, Klaus.  “Das Kant’sche Echo in Paneths Philosophie der Chemie.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 465-79.


[top]S    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Saastamoinen, Kari.  “Pufendorf on Natural Equality, Human Dignity, and Self-Esteem.”  Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2010): 39-62.


Sabolius, Kristupas.  “Space and Imagination.” [Lithuanian]  Problemos: Mokslo darbai 77 (2010): 60-69.


Sadun Bordoni, Gianluca, ed.  See: Delfosse, Heinrich, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni, eds.

Sala, Giovanni.  Rev. of Kants Lösung des Theodizeeproblems. Eine Rekonstruktion, by Volker Dieringer (2009).  Philosophisches Jahrbuch 117 (2010): 362-66.

Salikov, Alexei N.  “Russkie v Kant-Študien.” [Russian; “Russians in Kant-Studien”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 87-96.

Sallis, John.  “On Shining Forth: Response to Günter Figal and Dennis Schmidt.”  Research in Phenomenology 40 (2010): 115-19.


Salzani, Carlo.  “Purity (Benjamin with Kant).”  History of European Ideas 36 (2010): 438-47.


Samet, Irit.  “The Form of Evil.”  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 93-117.

Sánchez Madrid, Nuria.  “Dos Obstáculos da Natureza aos Obstáculos da Razão. Uma Leitura das Preleções de Pedagogia de Kant em Seis Passos.” [Portuguese; From the obstacles of nature to the obstacles of reason. A reading of Kant’s Lectures of pedagogy in six steps]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 81-100. [online]


Sánchez Rodríguez, Manuel.  Sentimiento y reflexión en la filosofía de Kant: estudio histórico sobre el problema estético. [Spanish]  Hildesheim: Olms, 2010.  [xxviii, 319 p.] [data]

 ——.  “Prolegómenos a una edición crítica de los ‘Fragmentos sobre estética’ de Kant.” [Spanish]  Daimon, Revista de Filosofia 3 (2010): 75-84. [online]


 ——.  Rev. of Der Begriff der Welt bei Wolff, Baumgarten, Crusius und Kant: Eine Untersuchung zur Vorgeschichte von Kants Weltbegriff, by Chang Won Kim (2004).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 134-37.

Sandry, Joshua.  See: Rice, Stephen, David Trafimow, Gayle Hunt, and Joshua Sandry.

Sans, Georg.  “Gerold Prauss über Moral und Recht im Staat nach Kant und Hegel.”  Theologie und Philosophie 85 (2010): 185-202.


 ——.  Rev. of Kritische Metaphysik der Substanz: Kant im Widerspruch zu Leibniz, by Andree Hahmann (2009).  Theologie und Philosophie 85 (2010): 416-19.

Santos, José Henrique.  “De Kant a Schelling.” [Spanish]  Rev. of Nouvelles études sur l'idéalisme allemand, by Miklos Vetö (2009).  Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia 51 (2010): 328-35. [online]

Santos, Robinson dos. “O Conceito de Klugheit em Kant.” [Portuguese] Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 141-59. [M]

Sá Pereira, Roberto Horácio de. “Consciência e Autoconsciência em Kant.” [Portuguese; "Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Kant"] Revista Índice 2.2 (2010): 1-22. [M]


Sardinha, Diogo.  “L’humanité dans l’animalité: Kant et l’anthropologie du bien et du mal.”  War and Peace: the Role of Science and Art.  Eds. Soraya Nour and Olivier Remaud (op cit.).  11-23.

 ——.  “O paradoxo da antropologia.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  179-91.

Sautter, Frank Thomas.  “As Regras Supremas dos Silogismos.” [Portuguese; The supreme rules of the syllogism]  Kant e-Prints 5.1 (2010): 15-26. [online]


Schachina, Anna Ju. “Актуальность философско-педагогического наследия И. Канта.” [Russian; “The enduring relevance of the philosophical-pedagogical heritage of Kant”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 88-96. [M]


Schalowski, Stefan.  Erziehung, Selbstbestimmung und Zwang bei Immanuel Kant und Jean-Jacques Rousseau.  Zwei Philosophen mit identischen Ideen?  Munich: GRIN Verlag, 2010.  [18 p.]


Scherer, Fábio César.  “Teoria Kantiana dos Juízos a priori do Direito dos Estados Segundo o Método de Análise e Síntese.” [Portuguese; Kantian theory of the a priori judgments of the right of states according to the analytic and synthetic method]  Kant e-Prints 5.2 (2010): 118-34. [online]


 ——.  “Teoria dos juízos a priori do Direito do Estado conforme o método de análise e síntese.” [Portuguese; Theory of a priori judgments of the right of states according to the analytic and synthetic method]  Kant e-Prints 5.3 (2010): 36-56. [online]


Scherer, Günter Richard.  Kant, die Handschrift und das Bild: Roman über ein rätselhaftes Porträt des Königsberger Philosophen Immanuel Kant.  Husum: Husum, 2010.  [232 p.]

Schick, Friedrike.  Rev. of Moral und Recht im Staat nach Kant und Hegel, by Gerold Prauss (2009).  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (2010): 264-67.

Schilling, Christof.  Rev. of Von der Freiheit und ihrer Verkehrung: Eine Studie zu Kant und den Bedingungen der Möglichkeit einer kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft, by Till Streichert (2003).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 110-13.

Schliemann, Oliver.  Die Axiome der Anschauung in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.  Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2010.  [154 p.]


Schmidt, Claudia M.  Rev. of Kant and the Early Moderns, edited by Daniel Garber and Béatrice Longuenesse (2008).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 263-65. [online]

Schmidt, Dennis J.  “In Kant’s Wake: On John Sallis’ Transfigurements.”  Research in Phenomenology 40 (2010): 104-14.


Schmitt, Anton.  “Kuno Fischers Clavis Kantiana — Einführung und Übersetzung.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  207-33.

 ——, ed.  See: Busche, Hubertus, and Anton Schmitt, ed.

Schneewind, J. B.  Essays on the History of Moral Philosophy.  Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [xvii, 447 p.]


Schönecker, Dieter.  “Kant über Menschenliebe als moralische Gemütsanlage.”  Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. 92 (2010): 133-75.


 ——.  “Kant über die Möglichkeit von Pflichten gegen sich selbst (Tugendlehre, §§ 1-3). Eine Skizze.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  235-60.

 ——. “Kant, sobre a possibilidade de deveres para consigo mesmo (Tugendlehre §§ 1 – 3).” [Portuguese] Studia Kantiana (online) 8 (2010): 27-50. [M][online]

 ——.  See: Bacin, Stefano and Dieter Schönecker.

Schönfeld, Martin. “Wolffs Chinarede und ihre Bedeutung für Kant.” Christian Wolff und die europäische Aufklärung, Pt. 5 of the Akten des 1. Internationalen Christian-Wolff-Kongresses, Halle (Saale), 4.-8. April 2004. Eds. Jürgen Stolzenberg und Oliver-Pierre Rudolph (Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms, 2010). 377-95. [M]

Schönwälder-Kuntze, Tatjana.  Freiheit als Norm?: Moderne Theoriebildung und der Effekt Kantischer Moralphilosophie.  Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010.  [311 p.]


Schrag, Francis.  “Moral Education in the ‘Badlands’.”  Journal of Curriculum Studies 42 (2010): 149-63.


Schramm, Michael.  “Hermann und Kant: Philologie als (Kantische) Wissenschaft.”  Gottfried Hermann (1772-1848): Internationales Symposium in Leipzig 11.-13. Oktober 2007.  Eds. Kurt Sier and Eva Wöckener-Gade (Tübingen: Narr, 2010).  83-121. [data (anthology)]

Schröder, Peter.  “‘Irgend ein Vertrauen … muss … übrig bleiben’: The Idea of Trust in Kant’s Moral and Political Philosophy.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  391-98.

Schröder, Wolfgang M.  Rev. of Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie, by Ulrich L. Lehner (2007).  Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 64 (2010): 280-81.

Schüling, Hermann.  Kritik der Erkenntnislehre des transzendentalen Idealismus Immanuel Kants.  Hildesheim: Olms, 2010.  [195 p.]

Schulting, Dennis.  “Kant, non-conceptuele inhoud en synthese.” [Dutch]  Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 679-715.


Schwaiger, Clemens.  “Kants Apologie der Sinne. Die Erfindung der ‘transzendentalen Ästhetik’ im Kontext ihrer Zeit.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  51-64.

 ——.  Rev. of Il senso dell’etica: Kant e la costruzione di una teoria morale, by Stefano Bacin (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 141-43.

 ——.  Rev. of L’ordine delle idee: La genesi del concetto di rappresentazione in Kant attraverso le sue fonti wolffiane, by Paola Rumore (2007).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 394-96.

Schwartz, Jeremy.  “Do Hypothetical Imperatives Require Categorical Imperatives?”  European Journal of Philosophy 18 (2010): 84-107.


Schwarz, Anette.  “Reply to Taylor Carman: Heidegger’s Anti-Neo-Kantianism.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 143-47.


Schwarz, Gerhard, and Matthias Wunsch.  “Limitation als Erkenntnisfunktion der Einbildungskraft. Eine Strukturverwandtschaft zwischen reiner Vernunfterkenntnis und reiner sinnlicher Erkenntnis bei Kant.”  Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 52 (2010): 93-112.

Scraire, Mathieu.  Amour, utilité et dignité humaine: la distinction entre “jouir” et “user” chez Augustin, lue à travers l’impératif catégorique.  Saarbrucken, Germany: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2010.  [vii, 108 p.]


Scruton, Roger.  Kant: A Brief Insight.  New York: Sterling Pub., 2010.  [163 p.]

Scutt, Marie Zermatt.  “Kant’s Moral Theology.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 611-33.


Sedová, Tatiana.  Rev. of Kant v kontextoch Husserlovej a Heideggerovej filozofie, edited by V. Lesko and Z. Plasienková (2009).  Filozofia 65 (2010): 504-06.

Seeberg, Ulrich.  “Aesthetic Judgment and the Unity of Reason.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  287-99.

Segatto, Antonio Ianni.  “Transformação pragmatica da filosofia kantiana: Habermas, leitor de Humboldt.” [Portuguese]  Cadernos de filosofia alemã 15 (2010): 59-79.

Seidel, Roman. “Reading Kant in Teheran: Towards a Reception of the Iranian Reception of European Philosophy.” Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft 64.3 (2010): 681-705. [M]


Seidler, Victor J.  Kant, Respect and Injustice: The Limits of Liberal Moral Theory.  London: Routledge, 2010.  [xii, 244 p.]


Seif, Seyyed Masoud.  “The Possibility of Wrong Ethical Judgment in Kant’s Ethical Theory.” [Farsi]  Hekmat va Falsafeh 5 (2010): 7-15.


Semenov, Valery E.  “Čto takoe transcendentaľnaja logika?” [Russian; “What is transcendental logic?”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 33 (2010): 7-23. [online]


Senderowicz, Yaron M.  Controversies and the Metaphysics of Mind.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publ., 2010.  [235 p.] [review]


Sezeman, V. E.  “Teoretičeskaja filosofija Marburgskoj Školy.” [Russian; “The theoretical philosophy of the Marburg school”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 60-79.

Sgarbi, Marco.  La Kritik der reinen Vernunft nel contesto della tradizione logica aristotelica. [Italian]  Hildesheim: Olms, 2010.  [282 p.] [contents]


 ——.  Logica e metafisica nel Kant precritico: l’ambiente intellettuale di Königsberg e la formazione della filosofia kantiana. [Italian]  Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2010.  [252 p.]

 ——.  La logica dell'irrazionale: studio sul significato e sui problemi della Kritik der Urteilskraft. [Italian]  Milano: Mimesis, 2010.  [226 p.]

 ——.  “La genesi della fondazione della morale in Kant. Nota in margine a un recente commento alla Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.” [Italian]  Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 102 (2010): 179-93.

 ——.  “Metaphysics in Königsberg Prior to Kant (1703-1770).”  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 31-64. [online]


 ——.  “L’origine della connessione fra antropologia, estetica e morale in Kant (1763−1766).” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  515-26.

 ——, ed.  The Kant-Weymann Controversy: Two Polemical Writings on Optimism, with an introduction by Marco Sgarbi.  Verona: Aemme, 2010.  [xii, 33 p.]


 ——, ed.  See: Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Gregorio Piaia, Marco Sgarbi, und Riccardo Pozzo, eds.

Shabel, Lisa.  “The Transcendental Aesthetic.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  93-117.

Shahi, Malakeh.  See: Paya, Ali and Malakeh Shahi.

Shell, Susan.  “Autonomy and the Unity of the Person.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  465-74.

 ——.  “‘Nachschrift eines Freundes’: Kant on Language, Friendship and the Concept of a People.”  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 88-117.


Sherwin, Michael S.  “Happiness and Its Discontents.”  Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought & Culture 13 (2010): 35-59.


Shieber, Joseph.  “Between Autonomy and Authority: Kant on the Epistemic Status of Testimony.”  Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 80 (2010): 327-48.

Shim, Michael K.  Rev. of Ideal Embodiment: Kant’s Theory of Sensibility, by Angelica Nuzzo (2008).  Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2010): 248-49.

Showler, Ryan L.  Rev. of Kant and the Role of Pleasure in Moral Action, by Iain P. D. Morrisson (2008).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 286-88. [online]

 ——.  See: Wike, Victoria S. and Ryan L. Showler.

Siani, Alberto L.  “I limiti dell’umano. Osservazioni su Kant e l’intuizione intellettuale.” [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 57-75.

Siemens, Stephan.  “Nichts — Negation — Anderes. Eine Kritik an Henrichs Formen der Negation in Hegels Logik.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  261-79.

Simão, Jean Leison.  “Heidegger e a Doutrina da Personalidade em Kant.” [Portuguese]  Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 15 (2010): 41-58.


Simon, Josef.  “Ad melius esse. Zur Differenz im Verstehen.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  281-94.

 ——.  “Der transzendentale Grund der ‘Unterscheidung aller Gegenstände überhaupt in Phaenomena und Noumena’.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  185-96.

Simon, Ralf.  “Von den Kategorien zum Schematismus oder vom Bild zur Sprache? Versuch, einen Konflikt zwischen Kant und Herder zu verstehen.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  93-118.

 ——, ed.  See: Gaier, Ulrich and Ralf Simon, eds.

Sirovátka, Jakub.  “Kants langer Weg zur kritischen Metaphysik und zur Gottesfrage.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.).  43-56.

 ——.  “Die moralische ‘Endabsicht’ der Vernunft. Zum ‘Kanon der reinen Vernunft’.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  375-90.

Siskind, Mariano.  “The Globalization of the Novel and the Novelization of the Global. A Critique of World Literature.”  Comparative Literature 62 (2010): 336-60.


Skorupski, John.  “Moral Obligation, Blame, and Self-Governance.”  Social Philosophy & Policy 27 (2010): 158-80.  Reprinted in: Moral Obligation.  Eds. Ellen Frankel Paul, et al. (op cit.).  158-80.


Slachevsky, Andrea.  See: Miranda, Marcelo, Andrea Slachevsky, and Diego Garcia-Borreguero.

Slote, Michael.  Essays on the History of Ethics.  Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.  [165 p.]


Smith, M. B. E.  “Does Humanity Share a Common Moral Faculty?”  Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2010): 37-53.

Smith, M. Campbell, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Essay.

Smith, Nick.  “Kantian Restorative Justice?”  Criminal Justice Ethics 39 (2010): 54-69.


Smyth, Bryan.  “Merleau-Ponty and the ‘Naturalization’ of Phenomenology.”  Philosophy Today 54 (2010): 153-62.


Sng, Zachary.  The Rhetoric of Error from Locke to Kleist.  Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2010.  [x, 202 p.]


Sobotka, Milan.  “Kants zweifache Überwindung der traditionellen Metaphysik.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  271-81.

Sosa, Ernest, ed.  See: Dancy, Jonathan and Ernest Sosa, eds.

Soromenho-Marques, Viriato.  “Pensar a Vida. Notas para um diálogo entre Kant e Darwin.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  245-58.

Stabel, Jürgen.  “Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft im Lichte der modernen Physik. Einsteins Relativitätstheorie als empirisches Analogon zu Kants Raum- und Zeitverständnis.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  101-17.

Städtler, Michael.  “Selbstbestimmung zwischen Natur und Technik.”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 257-71.


 ——.  Rev. of Moral und Recht im Staat nach Kant und Hegel, by Gerold Prauss (2008).  Philosophisches Jahrbuch 117 (2010): 143-46.

Stang, Nicholas F.  “Kant’s Possibility Proof.”  History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2010): 275-99.

Stanguennec, André.  Rev. of Kant et les Lumières de l’Europe, by Lorenzo Bianchi and Jean Ferrari (2009).  Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger 200 (2010): 270-71.

Stapleford, Scott.  “A Refutation of Idealism from 1777.”  Idealistic Studies 40 (2010): 139-46. [abstract]

Stark, Werner.  “Was wußte Kant über Asien? Hinweise und Überlegungen zu Kant’s Interesse an Fragen der Geographie.”  Klassičeskij razum i vyzovy sovremennoj civilizacii.  Ed. V. I. Brjušinkin (op cit.).  I, 101-21.

 ——.  “Herder’s Kant-Papiere. Eine kurze Klarstellung.”  Herder Jahrbuch/Herder Yearbook, vol 10.  Eds. Karl Menges und Wulf Koepke (Heidelberg: Synchron, 2010).  13-24.

Stegmaier, Werner.  “Fröhliche Wissenschaft als Kunst der Philosophie.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  295-312.

Steigerwald, Joan.  “Natural Purposes and the Reflecting Power of Judgment: The Problem of the Organism in Kant’s Critical Philosophy.”  European Romantic Review 21 (2010): 291-308. [abstract]

Stepanenko, Pedro.  Rev. of Sentido interno y subjetividad: Un análisis del problema del auto-conocimiento en la filosofía trascendental de I. Kant, by Claudia Jáuregui (2008).  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 150-52.

Stern, Robert.  “Moral Scepticism and Agency: Kant and Korsgaard.”  Ratio 23 (2010): 453-74.


Stetter, Christian.  “Herder und Kant. Anmerkungen zu Herders Abhandlung Über Bild, Dichtung und Fabel.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  71-91.

Stingl, Alexander.  Between Discursivity and sensus communis: Kant, Kantianism and the Social Media Theory of Talcott Parsons.  Erlangen-Nürnberg, Univ. Diss., 2010.  [485 p.] [online]


Stoev, Hristo.  “The Meta-Concepts in Critique of Pure Reason.” [Bulgarian]  Philosophical Alternative (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 19 (2010): 44-63.


Stolz, Violetta.  Geschichtsphilosophie bei Kant und Reinhold.  Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010.  [336 p.]

Stolzenberg, Jürgen.  “Subjektivität und Freiheit. Zu Kants Theorie praktischer Selbstbestimmung.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  253-70.

 ——. “Кант и право на ложь.” Translated from the German by I.D. Koptsev and A. S. Silber. [Russian; “Kant and the right to lie”] Kantovskij Sbornik 32 (2010): 7-16. [M]


 ——, ed.  See: Chotaš, Jirí, Jindřich Karásek, and Jürgen Stolzenberg, eds.

Strawson, Galen.  “Fundamental Singleness: How to Turn the 2nd Paralogism into a Valid Argument.”  The Metaphysics of Consciousness.  Eds. Pierfrancesco Basile, Julian Kiverstein, Pauline Phemister [Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 67] (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010). 61-92.


Striet, Magnus.  See: Essen, Georg and Magnus Striet.

Stroud, Scott R.  “Desire and the Project of Moral Cultivation: Kant and Xunzi on the Inclinations.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  639-52.

Stuart, Susan A. J., and Chris Dobbyn.  “A Kantian Prescription for Artificial Conscious Experience.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  276-84.

Stuhlmann-Laeisz, Rainer.  “Beweisbare Wahrheiten.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  313-24.

Sturm, Thomas, and Falk Wunderlich.  “Kant and the Scientific Study of Consciousness.”  History of the Human Sciences 23 (2010): 48-71.


Sudan, Meghant. “Remarks on Tri-partition and the Structure of Kant’s Kritik der Urteilskraft: Comment on Sam Stoner’s ‘Critical Philosophy as Artistic Endeavor: On the Form of Kant’s ‘Critique of Aesthetic Judgment’ and its Implications’.” Southwest Philosophy Review 26.2 (2010): 55-59. [PDC]

Surprenant, Chris W.  “Kant’s Contribution to Moral Education: The Relevance of Catechistics.” Journal of Moral Education 39 (2010): 165-74.


 ——.  “Liberty, Autonomy, and Kant's Civil Society.”  History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2010): 79-94.


 ——.  “Minority Oppression and Justified Revolution.”  Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (2010):442-53.


Sussman, David.  “Something to Love: Kant and the Faith of Reason.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  133-48.

 ——.  “Unforgivable Sins?  Revolution and Reconciliation in Kant.”  Kant’s Anatomy of Evil.  Eds. Anderson-Gold and Muchnik (op cit.).  215-35.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Evil: An Essay on the Dangers of Self-Love and the Aprioricity of History, by Pablo Muchnik (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (July 2010, #19). [online]

Sutherland, Daniel.  “Philosophy, Geometry, and Logic in Leibniz, Wolff, and the Early Kant.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  155-92.

Suzuki, Makoto.  “Respect for Persons as the Unifying Moral Ideal.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  247-55.

Svendsen, Lars Fr. H.  A Philosophy of Evil. [Norwegian: Ondskapens filosofi]  Transl. by Kerri A. Peirce.  Champaign, Ill.: Dalkey Archive Press, 2010.  [306 p.]


Sweet, Kristi.  “Kant and the Culture of Discipline: Rethinking the Nature of Nature.”  Epoche: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (2010): 121-38.


 ——.  “The Moral Import of the Critique of Judgment.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 222-36.

Swindler, J. K.  “Autonomy and Accountability.”  Appraisal: A Journal of Constructive and Post-Critical Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (2010): 14-18.


Szendy, Peter.  Kant chez les extraterrestres: philosofictions cosmopolitiques.  Paris: Minuit, 2010.  [156 p.]

[top]T    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Tafani, Daniela.  “Stato e chiesa in Kant.” [Italian]  Filosofia Politica 24 (2010): 197-219.


Takeda, Seiji.  完全解読カント「純粋理性批判」/ Kanzen kaidoku kanto junsui risei hihan. [Japanese]  Tokyo: Kodansha, 2010.  [412 p.]

Taylor, Robert S.  “Kant’s Political Religion: The Transparency of Perpetual Peace and the Highest Good.”  Review of Politics 72 (2010): 1-24. [online]


 ——.  Rev. of Kant and the Limits of Autonomy, by Susan Meld Shell (2009).  Review of Politics 72 (2010): 740-42.

Teroyan, Varazdat, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Zut banakanut`yan k`nnadatut`yun.

Terra, Ricardo.  “Les observations de Kant sur les races affectent-elles l’universalisme de sa philosophie?”  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  139-49.

Teruel, Pedro Jesús.  “Das ‘Ich denke’ als der ‘alleinige Text der rationalen Psychologie’. Zur Destruktion der Seelenmetaphysik und zur Grundlegung der Postulatenlehre in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  215-41.

Teunis, Thekla, and F. A. Muller.  “Kant en Keus, Antinomie en axioma: een ontogenese van de paradox van Banach & Tarski.” [Dutch]  Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 102 (2010): 81-104.


Thacker, Eugene.  After Life.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.  [xvi, 295 p.] [contents]


Theis, Robert.  “Kants Ideenmetaphysik. Zur Einleitung und dem ersten Buch der transzendentalen Dialektik.”  Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik.  Ed. Norbert Fischer (op cit.).  199-214.

 ——.  “Du savoir, de la foi et de l’opinion de Wolff à Kant.”  Archives de Philosophie 73 (2010): 211-28.


 ——.  “Kants frühe Theologie und ihre Beziehungen zur Wolffschen Philosophie.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.).  17-42.

Thielke, Peter Graham.  “Who’s Who from Kant to Hegel I: In the Kantian Wake.”  Philosophy Compass 5 (2010): 385-97.


 ——.  “Who’s Who from Kant to Hegel II: Art and the Absolute.”  Philosophy Compass 5 (2010): 398-411.


Thöle, Bernhard.  “Kants Diagnose der Illusionen der rationalen Psychologie.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  99-116.

Thomas, Patrick.  Rev. of Early Notions of Global Governance: Selected Eighteenth-Century Proposals for ‘Perpetual Peace’: With Rousseau, Bentham and Kant Unabridged, edited by Esref Aksu (2008).  Kantian Review 15.1 (2010): 152-53.

Thompson, Michael.  “Antinomy of Identity.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  181-93.

Thorpe, Lucas.  The Kant Dictionary.  London: Continuum Pub. Co., 2010.  [240 p.]

 ——.  “Is Kant’s Realm of Ends a unum per se? Aquinas, Suárez, Leibniz and Kant on Composition.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 461-85.


Timmermann, Jens.  Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [234 p.] [review]

 ——.  “Reversal or Retreat? Kant’s Deductions of Freedom and Morality.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  73-89.


 ——, ed.  See: Reath, Andrews and Jens Timmermann, eds.

Tirado Navarro, Jorge.  “La pena en Kant: ¿Retribucionista en lo moral pero no en lo legal?” [Spanish]  Estudios de Derecho (Medellin) 67 (2010): 85-112.


Tokunaga, Kazuo.  自由論: 思想の結語へ / Jiyūron: shisō no ketsugo e. [Japanese]  Nagoya: Buitsūsoryūshon, 2010.  [243 p.]

Tomasi, Gabriele.  Un bicchiere con Hume e Kant: divertissement estetico-metafisico. [Italian]  Pisa: ETS, 2010.  [158 p.]

 ——.  “Estetica.” [Italian]  L’universo kantiano: filosofia, scienze, sapere.  Eds. Stefano Besoli, Claudio La Rocca, and Riccardo Martinelli (op cit.).  97-146.

 ——.  “Kant, la bellezza e l’autonomia del gusto.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  459-76.

Tommasi, Claudio.  “Civiltà delle armi: Guerra e tecnica nella Germania di primo Novecento.” [Italian]  Filosofia Politica 24 (2010): 111-42.


Tommasi, Francesco Valerio.  “Ein ‘Missing Link’ in der Geschichte der Transzendentalphilosophie: die ‘Longue Durée’ des akademischen Aristotelismus bei Kant.”  Der Aristotelismus an den europäischen Universitäten der frühen Neuzeit.  Ed. Rolf Darge (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2010).  315-31.

Tonetto, Milene Consenso. Direitos Humanos em Kant e Habermas. [Portuguese] Florianópolis: Insular, 2010. [248 p.] [WC]

Torra-Mattenklott, Caroline.  “Kreisfigur und Metaschematismus bei Karl Philipp Moritz.”  Zwischen Bild und Begriff. Kant und Herder zum Schema.  Eds. Ulrich Gaier and Ralf Simon (op cit.).  155-90.

Torriani, Tristan.  “From Transcendental to Practical Intersubjectivity: A Social Psychological Approach to Kant’s Musical Aesthetics.”  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 125-54. [online]


Tourinho Peres, Daniel.  “Kant, a natureza humana e os limites da ação.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  717-24.

Trafimow, David.  See: Rice, Stephen, David Trafimow, Gayle Hunt, and Joshua Sandry.

Treppiedi, Fabio.  Rev. of Metamorfosi del trascendentale: Percorsi filosofici tra Kant e Deleuze, edited by Gaetano Rametta (2008).  History and Philosophy of Logic 31 (2010): 388-92.

Trisokkas, Ioannis.  Rev. of Kant and the Early Moderns, edited by Daniel Garber and Béatrice Longuenesse (2008).  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 348-51.

Tunhas, Paulo.  “Kant e a política. Continuidade e dinâmica.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  763-76.

Tuppini, Tommaso.  “Critica o antropologia? Alcune considerazioni intorno all’Introduzione all’antropologia di Kant (1961) di Michel Foucault.” [Italian]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  259-72.

Turunen, Panu, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Kirjeenvaihtoa 1759 - 1799.

Twellmann, Marcus.  “Schwören nach Kant.”  The Germanic Review 85 (2010): 125-41. [abstract]

Tyler, Colin.  “The Liberal Hegelianism of Edward Caird: Or, How to Transcend the Social Economics of Kant and the Romantics.”  International Journal of Social Economics 37 (2010): 852-66.


[top]U    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Uleman, Jennifer K.  An Introduction to Kant’s Moral Philosophy.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.  [ix, 189 p.] [review]


Uyl, Douglas J. Den.  See: Rasmussen, Douglas B. and Douglas J. Den Uyl.

[top]V    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Vandenabeele, Bart.  “Common Sense and Community in Kant’s Theory of Taste.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  308-20.

 ——.  “Kant on the Universal Communicability of Judgments of Beauty.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 238-56.

 —— and Stijn Van Impe.  “Kant after Habermas and Searle. Towards a Pragmatics of Aesthetic Judgements.”  Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication.  Ed. Colin B. Grant.  Bern/New York: Peter Lang, 2010.  59-82.

Vanden Auweele, Dennis.  “Atheism, Radical Evil, and Kant.”  Philosophy & Theology 22 (2010): 155-76.

Van Eekert, Geert, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  De religie binnen de grenzen van de rede.

Van Gorkom, Joris.  “Kant, Kafka, Josef K.”  [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 41-78.


Van Impe, Stijn.  “Kant’s Realm of Ends: A Communal Moral Practice as Locus for the Unity of Moral Personhood.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  424-37.

 ——.  Rev. of Kants Kritiek van de zuivere rede: Een leeswijzer, by Karin de Boer (2010).  Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 102 (2010): 268-70.

 ——.  See: Vandenabeele, Bart and Stijn Van Impe.

Vanzo, Alberto.  “Kant on the Nominal Definition of Truth.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 147–66. [online]


 ——.  “Kant, Skepticism, and the Comparison Argument.”  Rethinking Kant, vol. 2.  Ed. Pablo Muchnik (op cit.). 54-80. [online]


Varden, Helga.  “Kant and Lying to the Murderer at the Door ... One More Time: Kant’s Legal Philosophy and Lies to Murderers and Nazis.”  Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (2010): 403-21.


 ——.  “Kant’s Non-Absolutist Conception of Political Legitimacy – How Public Right ‘Concludes’ Private Right in the Doctrine of Right.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 331-51.


 ——.  Rev. of The Blackwell Guide to Kant’s Ethics, edited by Thomas E. Hill (2009).  Ethics 120 (2010): 860-64.

Vaysse, Jean-Marie.  Le Vocabulaire de Kant.  Paris: Ellipses, 2010.  [120 p.]

Vázquez Lobeiras, María Jesús.  “Fines y razones. Elementos para una antropología filosófica en el pensiamento de Kant.” [Spanish]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  193-205.

 ——.  Rev. of Immanuel Kant: Crítica de la razón pura, translated and edited by Mario Caimi (2009).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 405-8.

Veillette, Claude.  Entre bonheur et liberté: commentaire sur l’éthique de Bentham, Mill et Kant.  Anjou, Québec: Éditions CEC: publisher, 2010.  [xvi, 207 p.]

Verhaegh, Marcus.  Critical Libertarianism: Kant, Austrian Economics, and the Night-Watchman State.  Dialectical Press, 2010.


Veríssimo Serrão, Adriana.  “‘Uma única família’. Género e raça na Antropologia de Kant.” [Portuguese]  Was ist der Mensch? Que é o homem?  Eds. Ribeiro dos Santos, et al. (op cit.).  151-63.

Verrucci, Gianluca.  Ragion pratica e normatività: il costruttivismo kantiano di Rawls, Korsgaard e O’Neill. [Italian]  Milano: Mimesis, 2010.  [294 p.] [contents]

 ——.  Rev. of L’autorità della morale, by Carla Bagnoli (2007). [Italian]  Studi Kantiani 23 (2010): 147-50.

Vigo, Alejandro G.  “Libertad como causa: Heidegger, Kant y el problema metafísico de la libertad.” [Spanish]  Anuario Filosofico 43 (2010): 161-81.


Vilhauer, Benjamin.  “The Scope of Responsibility in Kant’s Theory of Free Will.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 45-71.


Viliunas, Dalius.  “‘Res Admirabilae’: Lithuanian Reception of the Pre-Critical Philosophy of I. Kant (Part III).” [Lithuanian]  Logos: Religijos, filosofijos, komparatyvistikos ir meno zurnalas 62 (2010): 6-14.


Virvidakis, Stelios.  “The Allure of Hegelian Quietism.”  Teorema 29 (2010): 163-74.


 ——.  Rev. of Having the World in View: Essays on Kant, Hegel, and Sellars, by John McDowell (2009).  Teorema 29 (2010): 163-74.

Vollmann, Morris.  Freud gegen Kant? Moralkritik der Psychoanalyse und praktische Vernunft.  Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010.  [259 p.]

Vos, Rein.  “Doing Good or Right? Kant’s Critique on Confucius.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  764-76.

[top]W    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Waibel, Violetta L.  “With Respect to the Antinomies, Fichte Has a Remarkable Idea: Three Answers to Kant and Fichte — Hardenberg, Hölderlin, Hegel.”  Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism.  Eds. Daniel Breazeale and Tom Rockmore (op cit.). 301-26.

Waite, Geoffrey.  “Kant, Schmitt or Fues on Political Theology, Radical Evil and the Foe.”  Philosophical Forum 41 (2010): 205-27.


Walker, Ralph C. S.  “Kant on the Number of Worlds.”  British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2010): 821-43.


Walsh, Kate Padgett.  “Reasons Internalism, Hegelian Resources.”  Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (2010): 225-40.


Wandschneider, Dieter. “The Philosophy of Nature in Kant, Schelling and Hegel.” The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy. Ed. Dean Moyer (New York: Routledge, 2010). pages??. [WC]

Warren, Daniel.  “Kant on Attractive and Repulsive Force: The Balancing Argument.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  193-241.

Watkins, Brian.  Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason: A Critical Guide, ed. by Andrews Reath and Jens Timmerman (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (September 2010, #2). [online]

Watkins, Eric.  “The Antinomy of Practical Reason: Reason, the Unconditioned and the Highest Good.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  145-67.

 ——.  “Kant.”  A Companion to the Philosophy of Action.  Eds. Timothy O’Connor and Constantine Sandis (Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2010). 521-27.

 ——.  “Kant on the Hiddenness of God.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  255-90.


 ——.  “The System of Principles.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  151-67.

Waxman, Wayne.  Rev. of Custom and Reason in Hume: A Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise, by Henry Allison (2008).  Mind 119 (2010): 1135-38.

Weidemann, Christian.  “Von ‘bisweilen unvermeidlicher Geringschätzung’: Kant über Glaubensfreiheit, Toleranz und Religionskritik.”  Aufgeklärtes Christentum: Beiträge zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts.  Eds. Albrecht Beutel, Volker Leppin, Udo Sträter, and Markus Wriedt (Leipzig: Evang. Verl.-Anst., 2010).  233-56. [online]

Weigelt, Klaus.  “Immanuel Kant in Kaliningrad nach 1945.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  286-305.

Weinrib, Jacob.  “What Can Kant Teach Us about Legal Classification?”  Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence: An International Journal of Legal Thought 23 (2010): 203-31.


Weiper, Susanne.  “Die Suche nach dem ‘Stein der Weisen’. Zum Problem der sittlichen Triebfeder bei Kant.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  325-49.

Wellmon, Chad.  Becoming Human: Romantic Anthropology and the Embodiment of Freedom.  University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010.  [viii, 336 p.] [review]


Welter, Nelsi Kistemacher. “Vida, liberdade e propriedade: Rawls e Kant a partir da perspectiva de Paul Guyer.” [Portuguese; Life, Liberty and Property: Rawls and Kant from the Perspective of Paul Guyer] ethic@ 9.3 (2010): 155-68. [M] [online]


Wenning, Mario.  “Kant and Daoism on Nothingness.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  653-63.

Wenzel, Christian Helmut.  “On Wittgenstein’s Notion of Meaning-Blindness: Its Subjective, Objective and Aesthetic Aspects.”  Philosophical Investigations 33 (2010): 201-19.


 ——.  “Aesthetics and Morality in Kant and Confucius: A Second Step.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  321-32.

 ——.  Rev. of The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom, by Robert R. Clewis (2009).  Review of Metaphysics 64 (2010): 135-37.

Westphal, Kenneth R.  “From ‘Convention’ to ‘Ethical Life’: Hume’s Theory of Justice in Post-Kantian Perspective.”  Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (2010): 105-32.

 ——.  “Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Analytic Philosophy.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  401-30.

Wheeler, Samuel.  Rev. of Having the World in View: Essays on Kant, Hegel, and Sellars, by John McDowell (2009).  Review of Metaphysics 64 (2010): 155-57.

White, Mark D.  “Adam Smith and Immanuel Kant: On Markets, Duties, and Moral Sentiments.”  Forum for Social Economics 39 (2010): 53-60.


 ——.  “Behavioral Law and Economics: The Assault on Consent, Will, and Dignity.”  Essays on Philosophy, Politics & Economics: Integration & Common Research Projects.  Eds. Christi Favor, Gerald F. Gaus, and Julian Lamont (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010).  201-24.


 ——.  “Resisting Procrastination: Kantian Autonomy and the Role of the Will.”  The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination.  Ed. Chrisoula Andreou (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010). 216-32.

Wiegerling, Klaus.  Rev. of Kants Realismus und der Außenweltskeptizismus, by Vanderlei de Oliveira Farias (2006).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 258-60.

Wike, Victoria S., and Ryan L. Showler.  “Kant’s Concept of the Highest Good and the Archetype-Ectype Distinction.”  The Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (2010): 521-33.

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: An Introduction, by Sally Sedgwick (2008).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 227-29. [online]

Wilkerson, William.  “The Paradox of Time and the Will in Kant, Existentialism, and Derrida.”  Philosophy Today 54 (2010): 222-26.

Willaschek, Marcus.  “The Primacy of Practical Reason and the Idea of a Practical Postulate.”  Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.  Eds. Reath and Timmermann (op cit.).  168-96.

 ——.  “Die ‘Spontaneität des Erkenntnisses’. Über die Abhängigkeit der ‘Transzendentalen Analytik’ von der Auflösung der Dritten Antinomie.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  165-83.

Willat, Edward.  Kant, Deleuze, and Architectonics.  London/New York: Continuum, 2010.  [xi, 174 p.] [review]

 ——.  Rev. of Immanence and the Vertigo of Philosophy: From Kant to Deleuze, by Christian Kerslake (2009).  Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 101-04. [online]

Williams, Howard.  “The Torture Convention, Rendition and Kant’s Critique of ‘Pseudo-Politics’.”  Review of International Studies 36 (2010): 195-214. [abstract]

 ——.  “Towards a Kantian Theory of International Distributive Justice.”  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 43-77.

Wilson, Catherine.  “Leibniz’s Reputation in the Eighteenth Century: Kant and Herder.”  Insiders and Outsiders in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy.  Eds. G. A. J. Rogers, Tom Sorell, and Jill Kraye.  New York: Routledge, 2010.  294-308.

Wilson, Eric.  “The Ontological Argument Revisited: A Reply to Rowe.”  Forum Philosophicum: International Journal of Philosophy 15 (2010): 37-44. [abstract]

 ——.  “On the Nature of Judgment in Kant’s Transcendental Logic.”  Idealistic Studies 40 (2010): 43-63.


Wilson, Mark.  “Back to ‘Back to Kant’.”  Discourse on a New Method.  Eds. Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (op cit.).  553-68.

Winkler, Kenneth P.  “Kant, the Empiricists, and the Enterprise of Deduction.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  41-72.

Winkler, Tanja.  Die Freiheit im und vom Staate bei Immanuel Kant.  Munich: C. H. Beck, 2010.  [288 p.]

Winter, Aloysius.  “‘Es ist ein Gott denn es ist ein categorische Imperativ’. Versteckte Ansätze zur Gottesfrage in der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.).  85-108.

 ——.  “Die sittliche Pflicht und das biblische Liebesgebot.”  Die Gottesfrage in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants.  Eds. Norbert Fischer and Maximilian Forschner (op cit.).  199-202.

Witte, Egbert.  Zur Geschichte der Bildung. Eine philosophische Kritik.  Freiburg im Breisgau: Karl Alber Verlag, 2010.  [176 p.] [review]

Wodarzik, Ulrich Fritz.  “Kants Logik des Menschen – Duplizität der Subjektivität.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  167-80.

Wohlfart, Günter.  “Kantianism Versus Confucianism: From Kant’s Universalized Egocentrism to Kongzi’s Moral Reciprocity and Mengzi’s Compassion.”  Comparative and Continental Philosophy 2 (2010): 105-16.


 ——.  “Metacritique of Practical Reason: Back from Kant’s Universalized Egocentrism via Kongzi’s Moral Recprocity and Mengzi’s Compassion to Huainanzi’s Receprocal Resonance and Zhuangzi’s Ethos without Ego.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  53-73.

Wolff, Michael.  Der Begriff des Widerspruchs. Eine Studie zur Dialektik Kants und Hegels.  Expanded new ed.  Frankfurt/Main: Frankfurt Univ. Press, 2010.  [198 p.] [contents]

 ——.  “Logische und grammatische Form in der Prädikatenlogik – Anmerkungen zu einem ‘Gedanken’ Axel Bühlers.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 352-76.


 ——.  “Vollkommene Syllogismen und reine Vernunftschlüsse: Aristoteles und Kant. Eine Stellungnahme zu Theodor Eberts Gegeneinwänden. Teil 1.”  Journal for the General Philosophy of Science 41 (2010): 199-213.


 ——.  “Vollkommene Syllogismen und reine Vernunftschlüsse: Aristoteles und Kant. Eine Stellungnahme zu Theodor Eberts Gegeneinwänden. Teil 2.”  Journal for the General Philosophy of Science 41 (2010): 359-71.


Wolin, Richard.  “The Idea of Cosmopolitanism: From Kant to the Iraq War and Beyond.”  Ethics and Global Politics 3 (2010): 143-53.


Wong, Kwok Kui.  “Schelling’s Criticism of Kant’s Theory of Time.”  Idealistic Studies 40 (2010): 83-102.


 ——.  “Kant and the Reality of Time.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  118-28.

Wood, Allen W.  “The Antinomies of Pure Reason.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  245-65.

 ——.  “Punishment, Retribution, and the Coercive Enforcement of Right.”  Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide.  Ed. Lara Denis (op cit.). 111-29.

Wright, Patrick.  “A Timeless Sublime?”  Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 15 (2010): 85-100.


Wuerth, Julian.  “The Paralogisms of Pure Reason.”  The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.  Ed. Paul Guyer (op cit.).  210-44.

 ——.  “The First Paralogism, its Origin, and its Evolution: Kant on How the Soul Both Is and Is Not a Substance.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  157-66.

 ——.  “Sense and Sensibility in Kant’s Practical Agent: Against the Intellectualism of Korsgaard and Sidgwick.”  European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 26 Sep 2010). [abstract]

 ——.  Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials, ed. and tr. by Eric Watkins (2009).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2010, #26). [online]

Wunderlich, Falk.  See: Sturm, Thomas and Falk Wunderlich.

 ——.  Rev. of Die Seele und ihre Vermögen: Kants Metaphysik des Mentalen in der ‘Kritik der reinen Vernunft’, by Stefan Heßbrüggen (2004).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 256-58.

Wunsch, Matthias.  See: Schwarz, Gerhard and Matthias Wunsch.

Wyrebska, Ewa.  “The Idea of Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant.” (in Polish) Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy 23 (2010): 162-81. [online]


[top]X    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Xie, Sammy Xia-ling.  “On Kant’s Duality of Human Beings.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  592-602.

Xie, Simon Shengjian.  “Is Kant a Western Philosopher?”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  799-807.

Xu, Xiangdong, transl.  See: Rockmore, Tom.  在康德的唤醒下: 20世纪西方哲学 / Zai Kangde de huan xing xia: 20 shi ji xi fang zhe xue.

[top]Y    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Yamamoto, Michio.  カントとその時代: ドイツ啓蒙思想の一潮流 / Kanto to sono jidai: doitsu keimo shiso no ichi choryu. [Japanese]  Kyoto: Koyo Shobo, 2010.  [420 p.]

Yamane, Yuichiro.  “Eine Studie zum kritischen Begriff a priori als ein Sachverhalt, der ursprünglich erworben wird.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 413-28.


Yazdi, Mahdi Husseinzadeh.  “A New Approach to Comparing Kantian Categories with Secondary Intelligibles in Islamic Philosophy.” [Farsi]   Kheradname-ye Sadra Journal 15 (2010): 12-27.


Yazicioglu, Sanem.  “Arendt’s Hermeneutic Interpretation of Kantian reflective Judgment.”  Philosophy Today 54 (2010): 321-32.


Yermolaev, Vladimir K.  “Argumentacija Kanta v scholii v teoreme VI v Nova Dilucidatio: tradicionnaja interpretacija i svjazannye s neju problem.” [Russian; “Kant’s argumentation in the scholia to theorem VI in Nova Dilucidatio: the traditional interpretation and related problems”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 33 (2010): 52-63. [online]


 ——.  “Argumentacija Kanta v scholii v teoreme VI v Nova Dilucidatio: interpretacii T. Pindera i J. Šmukera.” [Russian; “Kant’s argumentation in the scholia to theorem VI in Nova Dilucidatio: T. Pinder and J. Schmucker’s interpretations”]  Kantovskij Sbornik 34 (2010): 46-59.

Yi, Xiaobo.  论康德的知性与理性 / Lun Kangde de zhi xing yu li xing. [Chinese]  Changsha Shi: Hu nan jiao yu chu ban she, 2010.  [193 p.]

Yildirim, Ahmet Fethi, transl.  See: Kant, Immanuel.  Güzellik ve yücelik duyguları üzerine gözlemler.

Yoshida, Hiroshi.  “The Status of Hearing in the Modern Philosophical Thought: In the Cases of Herder, Kant and Hegel.” [Japanese]  Bigaku: The Japanese Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2010): 25-36.


Yost, Benjamin S.  “Kant’s Justification of the Death Penalty Reconsidered.”  Kantian Review 15.2 (2010): 1-27.

Ypi, Lea.  “Natura Daedala Rerum? On the Justification of Historical Progress in Kant’s Guarantee of Perpetual Peace.”  Kantian Review 14.2 (2010): 118-48.


[top]Z    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Zacchini, Simone.  La collana di Armonia: Kant, Poincaré, Feyerabend e la Crisi dell’episteme. [Italian]  Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2010.  [191 p.]

Zahonero, Luis Alegre.  “La libertad civil como condición de posibilidad de la autonomía moral: Sobre la aportación de Freud al planteamiento práctico de Kant.” [Spanish]  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 155-82. [online]


Zammito, John H., Karl Menges, and Ernest A. Menze.  “Johann Gottfried Herder Revisited: The Revolution in Scholarship in the Last Quarter Century.”  Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2010): 661-84.


Zehetner, Cornelius.  “Das a priori kritischer Anthropologie. Zum Intelligiblen in Kants vierfachem Ansatz und seiner Weiterführung bei Benedikt.”  Transformationen der kritischen Anthropologie.  Eds. Cornelius Zehetner, Hermann Rauchenschwandtner, and Birgit Zehetmayer (Vienna: Löcker Verlag, 2010).  62-77.


Żelazny, Mirosław.  “Kant und Polen.”  Kant der Europäer: Europäer über Kant.  Eds. Dietzsch, Grimoni, and Kozlowski (op cit.).  148-60.

Zeuske, Michael.  “Alexander von Humboldt — ein Kantianer? Sein Verhältnis zu Sklaverei, Kolonialismus und Menschenrechten in Spanisch-Amerika.”  Menschenrechte und ihre Grundlagen im 21. Jahrhundert — auf dem Wege zu Kants Weltbürgerrecht.  Ed. Berthold Lange (op cit.).  85-92.

Zeyer, Kirstin.  “Wiederentdeckung eines vergessenen Kantianers Friedlaender/Mynona: Gesammelte Schriften.”  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 89–100.

Zhang, Ellen Y.  “What Is Personhood? Kant and Huayan Buddhism.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  678-91.

Zhang, Wei.  What Is Enlightenment: Can China Answer Kant’s Question?  Albany: State University of New York Press, 2010.  [x, 121 p.]


 ——.  “Kantische und phänomenologische Auffassungen des ‘Apriori’ in Bezug auf materiales ‘Apriori’ und formales ‘Apriori’.”  Topos: Journal for Philosophical and Cultural Studies 2 (2010): 122-35.


Ziegler, Rafael.  Rev. of Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment, by Katerina Deligiorgi (2005).  Kant-Studien 101 (2010): 115-19.

Zimmermann, Stephan.  “In Sachen Willensfreiheit: Kant und die Grenzstreitigkeiten zwischen Philosophie und Neurowissenschaft.”  Philosophische Rundschau 57 (2010): 272-90.

Zöller, Günter.  “Autocracy: Kant on the Psycho-Politics of Self-Rule.”  Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy.  Ed. Stephen R. Palmquist (op cit.).  401-14.

 ——.  “Autokratie. Die Psycho-Politik der Selbstherrschaft bei Platon und Kant.”  Kant als Bezugspunkt Philosophischen Denkens.  Eds. Hubertus Busche and Anton Schmitt (op cit.).  351-77.

 ——.  “Fichte und das Problem der Metaphysik.”  Fichte-Studien 35 (2010): 13-41.


 ——.  “In der Begrenzung zeigt sich der Meister. Der metaphysische Minimalismus der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.”  Metaphysik und Kritik.  Eds. Chotaš, Karásek, and Stolzenberg (op cit.).  19-33.

 ——.  “Of Empty Thoughts and Blind Intuitions Kant’s Answer to McDowell.”  Trans/Form/Acao: Revista de Filosofia 33.1 (2010): 65-96. [online]


Zovko, Marie-Élise.  “Der systematische Zusammenhang der Philosophie in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft: ‘Zweite Aufmerksamkeit’ und Analogie der ästhetischen und teleologischen Urteilskraft.”  Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010): 629-45.


Zuckert, Catherine, H.  Rev. of Plato in Germany: Kant — Natorp — Heidegger, by Alan Kim (2010).  The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2010, #28). [online]

Zuckert, Rachel.  Kant on Beauty and Biology: An Interpretation of the 'Critique of Judgment'.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

 ——.  “Kant’s Account of Practical Fanaticism.”  Kant’s Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality.  Eds. Lipscomb and Krueger (op cit.).  291-318.

Zwolinski, Matt.  See: Arnold, Denis G., Robert Audi, and Matt Zwolinski.

[top]Dissertations    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Atkin, Parasceve (Vivi).  Applying Kant’s Universality Test for the Morality of Actions.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Wisconsin/Madison, 2010.  [168 p.]  Advisor: Claudia Card.


Ballard, Leslie Roy.  Synthesis and Selfhood: A Comparative Study of Kierkegaard and Kant.  Ph.D. diss.  Boston College, 2010.  [480 p.]  Advisor: Vanessa P. Rumble.


Batra, Anupa.  Experience, Time, and the Subject: Deleuze’s Transformation of Kant’s Critical Philosophy.  Ph.D. diss.  Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2010.  [205 p.]  Advisor: Sara G. Beardsworth.


Benson, Carolyn Jane.  Autonomy and Purity in Kant’s Moral Theory.  Ph.D. diss.  St. Andrews University, 2010.  [203 p.]  Advisors: Jens Timmerman and Sarah Broadie. [online]


Brown, Gary Ronald.  The 1929 Davos Disputation Revisited.  Ph.D. diss.  The University of Texas at Dallas, 2010.  [380 p.]  Advisor: Charles Bambach.


Butterman, Ralf.  Die Fiktion eines Faktums: Kants Suche nach einer Rechtswissenschaft: Erwägungen zu Begründung und Reichweite der kantischen Rechtsphilosophie.  Ph.D. diss.  Universität-Potsdam, 2010.  [311 p.]  Advisor: Francesca Yardenit Albertini.

Choi, Andrew N.  On Kant, Arpaly and Practical Rationality.  Ph.D. diss.  Ohio State University, 2010.  [174 p.]  Advisor: Timothy Schroeder.


Cebolla Sanahuja, Lorena. El cosmopolitismo moral en Kant. Entre los límites del saber y la creencia. [Spanish] Ph.D. diss. Universitat de Valencia (philosophy of law, ethics and policy), 2010. [418 p.] Advisor: Adela Cortina Orts. [PQ]

Doherty, Megan Elizabeth.  Living with Understanding: Subjectivity and Metaphysics in Kant, Apel, and the Neoclassical Alternative.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Chicago, 2010.  [279 p.]  Advisor: Franklin Gamwell.


Elizondo, Epifanio Sonny. Happiness, Pleasure, and the Rational Will: An Essay on Kantian Moral Psychology. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Los Angeles, 2010. [125 p.] Advisor: Barbara Herman. [PQ]


Ercolini, Gina L.  Kant’s Enlightenment Legacy: Rhetoric through Ethics, Aesthetics, and Style.    Ph.D. diss.  Penn State University, 2010.  [262 p.]  Advisor: Stephen H. Browne. [online]


Erdelack, Wesley Lyons.  “A law unto themselves”: Religion and Autonomy in Modern Moral Thought.  Ph.D. diss.  Harvard University, 2010.  [242 p.]  Advisor: David Lamberth.


Eriksson, Jens. The Eloquence of Speechlessness: Hybridity, Sexed Bodies, and Astonishment in Kant’s Theory of Epigenesis. Master’s thesis. Uppsala Universitet, 2010. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Farzam-Kia, Arash.  Moral Responsibility and Preconditions of Moral Criticism.  Ph.D. diss.  Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario), 2010.  [172 p.]  Advisor: Rahul Kumar. [online]


Fremstedal, Roe.  Kierkegaard and Kant on Anthropology and Religion: Evil, Faith, and Hope.  Ph.D. diss.  Trondheim, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, 2010.  [224 p.]  Advisor: ??.

Frydrych, David Gershon. Taking Rights Way Too Seriously: Kant, Hohfeld, and Evaluating Conceptual Theories of Rights. Master’s thesis. University of Toronto (law), 2010. [66 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Garcia, John J.  Humanity in the Balance: The Relationship of the Moral Law to the Promotion of the Moral World in Kant’s Ethics.  Ph.D. diss.  Loyola University/Chicago, 2010.  [214 p.]  Advisor: Victoria Wike.


Goldman, Loren.  The Sources of Political Hope: Will, World and Democracy.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Chicago, 2010.  [252 p.]  Advisor: Patchen Markell.


Golob, S. Y. J. Intentionality, Freedom, Method: Theoretical and Practical Philosophy in Kant and Heidegger. Ph.D. diss. University of Cambridge, 2010. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Gomes e Silva, Sérgio.  As noções de Deus, moral e religião e sua função em a religião nos limites da simples razão de Immanuel Kant. [Portuguese]  Master’s thesis.  Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2010.  [116 p.]  Advisor: Estevão Chaves de Rezende Martins. [online] [WC]


Gursoy, A. Ozgur.  Experience without Subject: Rule-governed Practices and the Possibility of Critical Historiography in Foucault.  Ph.D. diss.  Emory University, 2010.  [300 p.]  Advisor: Thomas R. Flynn.


Hanson, Erik.  Kant and Kierkegaard: Radical Evil and the Ethics of Love.  Ph.D. diss.  Purdue University, 2010.  [148 p.]  Advisors: William McBride and Martin Matustik.


Heide, David C.  Kant’s Idealism: On the Character and Limits of Spatial Representation.  Ph.D. diss.  Ohio State University, 2010.  [208 p.]  Advisor: Lisa Shabel.


Herbert, Daniel Richard. Kant, Peirce and the Transcendental Deduction. Ph.D. diss. University of Sheffield, 2010. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Hilgers, Thomas.  On Aesthetic Disinterestedness.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Pennsylvania, 2010.  [363 p.]  Advisor: Paul Guyer.


Jirtle, James Vernon. Understanding Music’s Theological Significance: A Kantian Approach. Ph.D. diss. University of Durham (theology and religion), 2010. [210 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ] [online]


Kent, Tayler.  The Problem of Privilege: Temperament and Diversity in Kant’s “Beobachtungen ueber das Gefuehl des Schoenen und Erhabenen”.  Master’s thesis.  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010.  [54 p.]  Advisor: Jonathan Hess.


King, Martin.  Speculative Philosophy and the Grounding of Metaphysics.  Master’s thesis.  Concordia University (Canada), 2010.  [79 p.]  Advisor: ??.


Koch, William H.  From Husserl and the Neo-Kantians to Art: Heidegger’s Realist Historicist Answer to the Problem of the Origin of Meaning.  Ph.D. diss.  University of South Florida, 2010.  [247 p.]  Advisor: Charles Guignon. [online]


Kong, Camillia E.H. Beyond the Sub-Humean Model: Instrumental Reason in Aristotle, Hume and Kant. Ph.D. diss. London School of Economics and Political Science (government), 2010. [234 p.] Advisor: Katrin Flikschuh. [PQ]


Land, Thomas Christian.  Kant’s Theory of Synthesis.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Chicago, 2010.  [327 p.]  Advisor: James Conant.


Licht, Melissa Vera.  Warring Opinions: An Investigation into the Sublime Aesthetic Narratives of Contemporary Warfare.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Minnesota, 2010.  [296 p.]  Advisor: Thomas A. Pepper.


Lima, Márcio José Silveira.  Perspectivísmo e verdade em Nietzsche. Da apropriação de Kant ao confronto com o relativismo. [Portuguese]  Ph.D. diss.  University of São Paulo, 2010.  [# p.]  Advisor: Scarlett Zerbetto Marton.


Marshall, Colin.  Keeping our Selves Together: Kant’s Metaphysics of Selves and Objects.  Ph.D. diss.  New York University, 2010.  [160 p.]  Advisor: Béatrice Longuenesse.

McGuire, Steven Francis.  Freedom and the Moral Condition in F. W. J. Schelling’s Freiheitsschrift.  Ph.D. diss.  Catholic University of America, 2010.  [272 p.]  Advisor: David J. Walsh.


McKean, Benjamin Laing.  Political Dispositions and Global Justice: Understanding the Duties of Individuals in an Unjust World.  Ph.D. diss.  Princeton University, 2010.  [407 p.]  Advisor: Charles Beitz.


McQuillan, Colin.  Critical Philosophy: Immanuel Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason.  Ph.D. diss.  Emory University, 2010.  [288 p.]  Advisor: Rudolf A. Makkreel.


McTavish, Christopher Henry.  An Experiential Approach to Kant’s Moral Philosophy: A Reply to Dogmatism, Formalism and Rigorism.  Ph.D. diss.  Loyola University/Chicago, 2010.  [195 p.]  Advisor: Victoria Wike.


Meckstroth, Christopher Stephen.  Democracy in Progress: History, Paradox, and Constitutional Struggle.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Chicago, 2010.  [501 p.]  Advisor: Patchen Markell.


Miller, Joshua A.  Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Deliberative Judgment.  Ph.D. diss.  Pennsylvania State University, 2010.  [207 p.]  Advisor: John Cristman.


Moser, Anna Aloisia.  Performative Intentionality: On Performativity of Thought and Language in Kant and Wittgenstein.  Ph.D. diss.  New School University, 2010.  [173 p.]  Advisor: Alice M. Crary.


Muravnik, Constantine F.  Nabokov’s Philosophy of Art.  Ph.D. diss.  Yale University, 2010.  [505 p.]  Advisor: Vladimir Alexandrov.


Murphy, Jonathan William David.  Hawthorne’s Transcendental Turn.  Ph.D. diss.  State University of New York at Buffalo, 2010.  [309 p.]  Advisor: Rodolphe Gasche.


Newton, Alexandra Mary.  Kant on Logical Form.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Pittsburgh, 2010.  [196 p.]  Advisors: Stephen Engstrom and John McDowell.


Njoya, Wairimu R.  Dignity amidst Devastation: Politics, Aesthetics and the Slave Sublime.  Ph.D. diss.  Rutgers University, 2010.  [287 p.]  Advisors: Drucilla Cornell and Cynthia Daniels.


Paccacerqua, Cynthia Maria.  The Doctrine of Self-positing and Receptivity in Kant’s Late Philosophy.  Ph.D. diss.  State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2010.  [199 p.]  Advisor: Edward S. Casey.


Pathak, Krishna Mani.  The Universalizability of the Categorial Imperative: Re-examining Kant’s Maxim of Duty.  Ph.D. diss.  Heidelberg University, 2010.  [187 p.]  Advisor: Peter McLaughlin. [online]


Perold, Martin Ludwig.  Does Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative Commit Him to the View that Lying is Always Morally Wrong?  Master’s thesis.  University of the Witwatersrand, 2010.  [vi, 80 p.]  Advisor: Lucy Allais. [online][WC]

Poe, Andrew.  The Sources and Limits of Political Enthusiasm.  Ph.D. diss.  University of California, San Diego, 2010.  [327 p.]  Advisor: Tracy Strong.


Ponchio, Alice.  Il rapporto tra etica e diritto. Per un’interpretazione comprensiva della morale di Kant [Italian].  Ph.D. diss.  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, 2010.  [379 p.]  Advisors: Julian Nida-Rümelin and Antonio Da Re. [online]

Robinson, Robert.  A Critical Ontology of Ourselves: The Kantian Foundations of Michel Foucault’s Philosophy.  Ph.D. diss.  Purdue University, 2010.  [208 p.]  Advisor: Daniel Smith.


Roff Perkins, Heather M.  Provisional to Perfect: A Kantian Theory of Humanitarian Intervention.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010.  [260 p.]  Advisor: David R. Mapel.


Ruta, Marcello.  La deuxième voie du post-kantisme temporalité et éternité dans la philosophie de Schopenhauer et Schelling.  Ph.D. diss.  Université de Strasbourg, 2010.  [xiv, 377 p.]  Advisor: Gérard Bensussan. [online][WC]


Saman, Michael Joseph.  Goethe as a Reader of Kant, 1788-1832: Judgment, Grace, and the Most Desirable Calling.  Ph.D. diss.  Harvard University, 2010.  [288 p.]  Advisor: Peter Burgard.


Sanchez, Melvin Alexander.  A Defense of Kant’s Transcendental Idealism.  Ph.D. diss.  University of California, Irvine, 2010.  [171 p.]  Advisor: Ermanno Bencivenga.


Schulz, Joshua W.  Friendship and Fidelity: An Historical and Critical Examination.  Ph.D. diss.  Marquette University, 2010.  [288 p.]  Advisors: Michael Wreen and Richard Taylor.


Shuster, Arthur.  Ancient and Modern Approaches to the Question of Punishment: Hobbes, Kant and Plato.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Texas at Austin, 2010.  [vii, 179 p.]  Advisor: Thomas Pangle. [online]


Siyar, Jamsheed Alam.  Kant’s Conception of Practical Reason.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Pittsburgh, 2010.  [190 p.]  Advisor: Stephen Engstrom.


Southgate, Henry Michael.  Individuation and Opposition in Hegel’s “Doctrine of Essence”: The Importance of Kant’s “Amphiboly” to Hegel’s Metaphysics.  Ph.D. diss.  Northwestern University, 2010.  [268 p.]  Advisor: Rachel Zuckert.


Stockwell, Cory.  Open Secrets: Violence, Secrecy, Community.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Minnesota, 2010.  [281 p.]  Advisor: Thomas Pepper.


Sudan, Meghant.  Matter and Motion in Kant’s Philosophy of Science.  Ph.D. diss.  State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2010.  [261 p.]  Advisors: Edward Casey and Jeffrey Edwards.


Tagma, Halit Mustafa Emin.  That Dangerous Discipline: The Function and Place of the International Relations Discipline in the Modern University.  Ph.D. diss.  Arizona State University, 2010.  [312 p.]  Advisor: Roxanne L. Doty.


Tarantino, Giancarlo.  Reorientation through Interruption: On the Relation of Immanuel Kant’s Modes of Egoism to his Critical Philosophy.  Master’s thesis.  Loyola University/Chicago, 2010.  [117 p.]  Advisor: Andrew Cutrofello.


Tonetto, Milene Consenso. O direito humano à liberdade e a fundamentação do direito em Kant. [Portuguese] Ph.D. diss. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2010. [227 p.] Advisor: Delamar José Volpato Dutra. [WC] [online]


Trullinger, Joseph.  The Hidden Life of God: Kant and the German Idealists on Ethical Purity.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Kentucky, 2010.  [417 p.]  Advisor: Daniel Breazeale.

Tuna, Emine Hande.  Location, Location, Location: An Alternative View Concerning the Location of the Deduction in Kant’s Third Critique.  Master’s thesis.  University of Alberta, 2010.  [113 p.]  Advisor: Alex Rueger. [online]


Uzawa, Kazuhiko.  Einbildungskraft: philosophische Bildtheorie bei Leibniz, Hume und Kant.  Ph.D. diss.  Universität Münster (Westfalen), 2010 [viii, 243 p.]


Villaran Contavalli, Alonso Manuel.  An Overarching Defense of Kant’s Idea of the Highest Good.  Ph.D. diss.  Loyola University/Chicago, 2010.  [177 p.]  Advisor: Victoria Wike.


Ware, Owen.  Kant, Skepticism and Moral Sensibility.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Toronto, 2010.  [132 p.]  Advisor: Paul Franks. [online]


Wasser, Audrey Catherine.  The Work of Difference: Form and Formation in Twentieth-century Literature and Theory.  Ph.D. diss.  Cornell University, 2010.  [218 p.]  Advisor: Jonathan Culler.


Watkins, J. Brian.  Good Taste: Pleasure and Practice in Kant’s Critique of Aesthetic Judgment.  Ph.D. diss.  University of Notre Dame, 2010.  [266 p.]  Advisors: Karl Ameriks and Anja Jauernig. [online]


Wolever, Matthew L.  A Metaphysical Exploration.  Master’s thesis.  Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2010.  [97 p.]  Advisor: Thomas Alexander.


Worsnip, Alexander Liam. Kant, Constructivism, and 'Kantian Constructivism'. Master’s thesis. University of Oxford, 2010. [# p.] Advisor: Terence Irwin. [PQ]


Wretzel, Joshua.  Speaking with the Dead: The Philosophical Implications of Brandom’s Interpretive Oversights.  Ph.D. diss.  State University of New York at Binghamton, 2010.  [148 p.]  Advisor: Robert Guay.


Yoshikuni, Hiroki.  Kant with Melville: Freedom, Enthusiasm, and the Novel.  Ph.D. diss.  State University of New York at Buffalo, 2010.  [167 p.]  Advisor: Kenneth Dauber.
