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> Bibliography

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[2012]  Kant Bibliography 2013  [2014]

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[top]Kant    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Editions and translations of the writings of Immanuel Kant

[See also the items listed under Collections]

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels (1755)

 ——. Himlens allmänna naturhistoria och teori eller essä om beskaffenheten av och det mekaniska ursprunget till hela världsalltet, avhandlade enligt Newtonska grundsatser. [Swedish] Translated, and with an introduction and commentary, by Gunnar Welin. Möklinta: Gidlund, 2013. [159 p.] [WC]

Nachricht von der Einrichtung seiner Vorlesungen in dem Winterhalbenjahre von 1765-1766 (1765)

 ——. “Obavijest g. Immanuela Kanta o ustroju njegovih predavanja u zimskome polugodištu 1765.-1766.” [Croation] Translated by Ljudevit Fran Ježić. Čemu: časopis studenata filozofije 11.21 (2013): 241-46. [WC]

Träume eines Geistersehers, erläutert durch Träume der Metaphysik (1766)

 ——. カント「視霊者の夢」/ Kanto shireisha no yume. [Japanese] Translated by Seiya Kanamori. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2013. [173 p.] [WC]

 ——. Rêves d'un visionnaire. [French] Translated, and with an introduction and notes, by Francis Courtès. Paris: J. Vrin, 2013. [256 p.] [WC]

Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781)

 ——. Kritik av det rena förnuftet. [Swedish] Translated by Jeanette Emt; introduction by Markku Leppäkoski. Stockholm: Thales, 2013. [743 p.] [WC]

 ——. Puhtaan järjen kritiikki. [Finnish] Translated by Markus Nikkarla and Kreeta Ranki. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2013. [599 p.] [WC]

 ——. Crítica de la razón pura. [Spanish] Translated, with introduction and notes, by Pedro Ribas. Madrid: Taurus, 2013. [lxxvii, 688 p.] [WC]

 ——. ביקורת התבונה הטהורה / Biḳoret ha-tevunah ha-ṭehorah. [Hebrew] Translated by Yirmiyahu Yovel. Tel Aviv: ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad, 2013. [654 p.] [WC]

 ——. Krytyka czystego rozumu. [Polish] Translated by Mirosław Żelazny. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2013. [769 p.] [WC]

Prolegomena (1783)

 ——.  프롤레고메나. [Korean] Translated by Seung Jun. Publisher, 2013. [229 p.] [WC]

 ——.  未来形而上学导论: 注释本 / Wei lai xing er shang xue dao lun: Zhu shi ben. [Chinese] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue chu ban she, 2013. [119 p.] [WC]

“Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?” (1784)

 ——. Risposta alla domanda: che cos'è l'illuminismo? [Italian] Translated and edited by Matteo Bensi, afterword by Alfonso Iacono. Pisa: ETS, 2013. [67 p.] [WC]

 ——. Qu'est-ce que les Lumières? Traité de philosophie politique. [French] Translated by Anne-Laure Romeur. Paris: Larousse, 2013. [94 p.] [WC]

“Erinnerungen des Rezensenten der Herderschen Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit über ein im Februar des Teutschen Merkur gegen diese Rezension gerichtetes Schreiben” and “Rezension zu Johann Gottfried Herder, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (Zweiter Teil)” (1785)

 ——. “Kant e a segunda recensão a Herder: comentário, tradução e notas.” [Portuguese] Translated, with introduction and notes, by Joel Thiago Klein. Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 190-214. [M]

Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (1785)

 ——. Intemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Critica ratiunii practice. [Romanian] Translated by Rodica Croitoru. Bucarest: Antet XX Press, 2013. [264 p.] [WC]


Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (1788)

 ——. 実践理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan. [Japanese] Translated by Gen Nakayama. Tokyo: Kōbunsha, 2013. [362 p.] [WC]

“Über den Gebrauch teleologischer Principien in der Philosophie” (1788)

 ——. “Sobre o Uso de Princípios Teleológicos na Filosofia, de Kant.” [Portuguese] Translated, and with an introduction and notes, by Marcio Pires. Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 36.1 (2013): 211-38. [M]

Kritik der Urteilskraft (1790)

 ——. Crítica del juicio. [Spanish] Translated, edited, and with an introduction by Manuel García Morente. Barcelona: Espasa, 2013. [462 p.] [WC]

 ——. Kritika moći suđenja. Serbian Translation by Nikola Popović. Podgorica: Oktoih, 2013. [299 p.] [WC]

 ——. Critica del giudizio. [Italian] Translated by Francesco Valagussa. Brescia: La Scuola, 2013. [155 p.] [WC]

Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft (1793)

 ——. Nábozenství v hranicích pouhého rozumu. [Czech] Translated by Karel Sprunk, introduction and commentary by Stanislav Sousedík. Prague: Vysehrad, 2013. [285 p.] [WC]

Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte, die die Metaphysik seit Leibnitzens und Wolf’s Zeiten in Deutschland gemacht hat? (1793)

 ——. Les progrès de la métaphysique. [French] Translated, and with an introduction and notes by Antoine Grandjean. Paris: Flammarion, 2013. [274 p.] [WC]

“Über den Gemeinspruch: Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis” (1793)

 ——. Over de gemeenplaats: dat kan in theorie wel juist zijn, maar deugt niet voor de praktijk. [Dutch] Translated, and with an introduction, by Thomas Mertens. Amsterdam: Boom, 2013. [121 p.] [WC]

Zum ewigen Frieden (1795)

 ——. Vers la paix perpétuelle: texte intégral. [French] Translated by Michaël Foessel. Paris: Hatier, 2013. [159 p.] [WC]

Die Metaphysik der Sitten (1797)

 ——. Metafizica moravurilor. [Romanian] Translated by Rodica Croitoru. Bucarest: Antet XX Press, 2013. [317 p.] [WC]

 ——. Metaphysikḗ tōn ēthṓn. [Greek] Translated by Kōstas Andrulidakēs. Athens: Smílē, 2013. [421 p.] [WC]

Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefaßt (1798)

 ——. Antropologia din perspectiva pragmatica. [Romanian] Translated by Rodica Croitoru. Bucarest: Antet XX Press, 2013. [204 p.] [WC]

 ——. 实用人类学(外两种): 注释本 / Shi yong ren lei xue (wai liang zhong): Zhu shi ben. [Chinese] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue chu ban she, 2013. [250 p.] [WC]

Über Pädagogik (1803)

 ——. Pedagogika tugrisida. [Uzbek] Translated by Mirzli Akbarov, with an introduction by A. Ch. Saidov. Taschkent: Niso Poligraf, 2013. [232 p.] [WC]


 ——. 康德論教育 / Kang de lun jiao yu. [Chinese] Translated by Fuming Jia. Tai bei shi: Wu nan, 2013. [169 p.] [WC]


 ——. Riflessioni sul gusto. [Italian; Reflections on taste] Translated and with an introduction by Oscar Meo. Palermo: Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica, 2013. [89 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Opus postumum.” (selection) [Polish] Translated by Mirosław Żelazny. Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.1 (2013): 9-32. [WC]

 ——. “Opus postumum.” (selection) [Polish] Translated by Mirosław Żelazny. Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.2 (2013): 9-18. [WC]

 ——. “Opus postumum.” (selection) [Polish] Translated by Tomasz Kupś. Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.3 (2013): 9-31. [WC]

 ——.  “Opus postumum.” (selection) [Polish] Translated by Tomasz Kupś. Studia z Historii Filozofii 4 (2013): 9-25.

Lecture Notes

 ——. Metafizikai és teológiai előadásai. [Hungarian; Lectures on metaphysics and theology] Translated by Miklós Mesterházi. Budapest: Atlantisz, 2013. [523 p.] [WC] [contents]

[Note] .

 ——. “«Do carácter da humanidade em geral» [das “Lições sobre Antropologia” (1775/76)].” [Portuguese] Translated by Fernando M. F. Silva, with an introduction by Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos. Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 255-82. [M]


 ——. Studie k dějinám a politice [Czech; studies in history and politics]. Edited by Milan Sobotka and Karel Novotný; translated by Jaromír Loužil, Petra Stehlíková, and Karel Novotný. Prague: OIKOYMENH, 2013. [191 p.] [WC]


[Croitoru 2013] Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii; Lui Sömmerring. Despre organul sufletului; Despre puterea sufletului de a îşi stăpâni sentimentele maladive doar printr-o decizie; Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland. [Romanian] Translated by Rodica Croitoru. Bucarest: Antet XX Press, 2013. [116 p.] [WC]


[Jin 2013] 康德政治著作选 / Kang de zheng zhi zhu zuo xuan [Chinese; Kant: political writings]. Translated by Wei Jin, of Reiss/Nisbet 1991. Beijing: Zhong guo zheng fa da xue chu ban she, 2013. [371 p.] [WC]

[Kumano 2013] 実践理性批判; 倫理の形而上学の基礎づけ / Jissen risei hihan; rinri no keijijōgaku no kisozuke. [Japanese; Critique of Practical Reason; Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals] Translated by Sumihiko Kumano. Tokyo: Sakuhinsha, 2013. [iv, 386 p.] [WC]

[Li.M 2013] 康德歷史哲學論文集 (增訂版) / Kangde li shi zhe xue lun wen ji (zeng ding ban) [Chinese; Kant’s essays on the history of philosophy] Translated by Minghui Li. Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2013. [xlii, 316 p.] [WC]

[Li.Q 2013] 康德著作全集. 第1卷, 前批判时期著作I 1747-1756 [Chinese; Complete Works of Kant. Volume 1, Pre-critical Period Writings I 1747-1756] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she, 2013. [489 p.] [WC]

[Mikkelsen 2013] Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings. [English] Translated and edited by Jon M. Mikkelsen. Albany: SUNY Press, 2013. [x, 377 p.] [M] [review]


[Visser 2013] Het ontstaan van het heelal en de goede God. [Dutch] Translated by Willem Visser. Amsterdam: Sjibbolet, 2013. [240 p.][WC]


[top]A    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Abaci, Uygar. “The Coextensiveness Thesis and Kant’s Modal Agnosticism in the ‘Postulates’.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 27 Aug 2013). [PW]


 ——. “Leibniz and Kant on Existence and the Syntheticity of Existential Statements.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 297-307. [M]

Abela, Paul. Rev. of Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism, ed. by Joel Smith and Peter Sullivan (2011). Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 148-54. [M]

Acosta, Emiliano. “Forms of Intersubjectivity in Kant’s ‘An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?’.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 157-77. [M]

Agam-Segal, Reshef. “Is Self-Legislation Possible?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 3-13. [M]

 ——. “A Splitting ‘Mind-Ache’: Challenge to Kantian Self-Legislation.” Journal of Philosophical Research 38 (2013): 43-68. [PW]


Ahlhaus, Svenja. “The Democratic Paradox of International Human Rights Courts: A Kantian Solution?” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 113-29. [M]

Aichele, Alexander. “Was heisst "ein Prädikat sein"? Zu Kants Kritik des ontologischen Gottesbeweises.” Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Eds. Dietmar H. Weidemann and Raoul Weicker (op cit.). 1-17. [M]

Allais, Lucy. “Kitcher on the Deduction.” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 87.1 (2013): 229-36. [PI]

Allison, Henry E. “The Singleness of the Categorical Imperative.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 37-53. [M]

 ——. “Autonomy in Kant and German idealism.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 129-45. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Practical Justification of Freedom.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 284-99. [M]

Almeida, Guido Antonio de. “Zu Kants Widerlegung des Idealismus.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 131-52. [M]

Altman, Matthew C., and Cynthia D. Coe. The Fractured Self in Freud and German Philosophy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. [x, 247 p.] [WC]


Altmann, Sílvia. “Geometrie und objektive Realität der Idee der Sittlichkeit in der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 354-63. [M]

Altuner, Ilyas. “Conceptual Determination of the Criticism of Metaphysics in Kant’s Philosophy.” Beytulhikme: An International Journal of Philosophy 3.2 (2013): 13-24. [online] [M]


Ameriks, Karl. “Kant’s Ambivalent Cosmopolitanism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 55-72. [M]

 ——. “Vindicating Autonomy: Kant, Sartre, and O’Neill.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 53-70. [M]

 ——. “On ‘Kritik und Moral’.” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 59-80. [M]

 ——, ed. The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought, Volume I: Philosophy and Natural Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [447 p.] [WC] [review]

 ——. “Is Practical Justification in Kant Ultimately Dogmatic?” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 153-75. [M]

Amoroso, Leonardo. “Primat der ästhetischen Vernunft?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 3-11. [M]

 ——. “Schiller interprete di Kant.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 11-30. [M]

An, Yoon Ki. Transzendentale und empirische Subjektivität im Verhältnis: das reziproke Seinsverhältnis der beiden Subjektivitäten in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013. [204 p.] [WC]


Andaluz Romanillos, Ana María. Las armonías de la razón en Kant: libertad, sentimiento de lo bello y teleología de la naturaleza. [Spanish] Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2013. [368 p.] [WC]

Anderson, Abraham. “The Dreams of a Spirit Seer and the Method of Hypotheses.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 423-28. [M]

Anderson, Pamela Sue. “Immanuel Kant.” The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought. Eds. Chad Meister and James Beilby (London/New York: Routledge, 2013). 5-16. [M]

Anderson-Gold, Sharon. “Progress and Prophecy – The Case for a Cosmopolitan History.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 567-75. [M]

Andersson, E. Roland, Bjarne Jansson, and Jan Lundblad. “Immanuel Kant Revisited — A Note on the U.S. Innovation Policy.” International Journal of Innovation Science 5.3 (2013): 137-42. [PI]


Andrzejewski, Bolesław. “Transcendental Philosophy and Communication.” Dialogue and Universalism 23.2 (2013): 115-31. [PW]


Angeli, Oliviero. “Das Volk als Transzendenz? Die ‘Erfindung’ des Volkes in Kants rechts- und geschichtsphilosophischen Schriften.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 41-55. [M]

 —— and Nele Schneidereit. “Einleitung: Transzendente Geltungsgründe von Politik und praktische Gültigkeit von Transzendenz.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 9-19. [M]

 ——, Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit, and Hans Vorländer, eds. Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2013. [209 p.] [M]


Angelova, Emilia. “Desubjectivation of Time and Self-Affection.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 653-64. [M]

Anzalone, Mariafilomena. “Kant e la coscienza di sé.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. [Italian] Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 45-59. [M]

Aportone, Anselmo. “Ausformungen des Apriori der Sinnlichkeit.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 3-14. [M]

Aramayo, Roberto R. “Politik und Geschichstphilosophie bei Kant.” [German] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 1-24. [M] [online]


Arango, Rodolfo. “Republicanismo kantiano.” [Spanish; Kantian Republicanism] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 49-72. [M]


Araujo, Saulo de Freitas. “The Question of Empirical Psychology in the Pre-Critical Period. A Case for Discontinuity in Kant’s Thought.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 359-66. [M]

Archard, David, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock, eds. Reading Onora O’Neill. New York: Routledge, 2013. [x, 250 p.] [M][review]


Arndt, Andreas. “Herders Kritik der transzendentalen Dialektik.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 149-62. [M]

Aronson, Danil. “The justification of legal punishment in Kant’s philosophy.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 50-58. [M]


Assiter, Alison. “Kant and Kierkegaard on Freedom and Evil.” Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 72 (2013): 275-96. [PW]


Auweele, Dennis Vanden. “The Lutheran Influence on Kant’s Depraved Will.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73.2 (2013): 117-34. [M]


Azevedo Granato, Marcelo de. “Wicked Happiness?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 677-82. [M]

[top] B    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Babacz, Jan. “Moralnosc w ujeciu Immanuela Kanta.” [Polish] Swidnickie Studia Teologiczne 10 (2013): 45-54. [WC]

Bachmann, Viktoria. Der Grund des guten Lebens: eine Untersuchung der paradigmatischen Konzepte von Sokrates, Aristoteles und Kant. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2013. [266 p.] [WC]


Bacin, Stefano. “The Perfect Duty to Oneself Merely as a Moral Being (TL 6:428-437).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 245-68. [M]

 ——. “Kant on the Relation between Duties of Love and Duties of Respect.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 15-27. [M]

 ——. “Legge e obbligatorietà: la struttura dell'idea di autolegislazione morale in Kant.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 55-70. [PW]

 ——, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca, and Margit Ruffing, eds. Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, 5 volumes. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. [xviii, 817; xviii, 1029; xviii, 983; xviii, 951; xviii, 899 p.] [M] [contents]


Bader, Ralf M. “Self-knowledge in §7 of the Transcendental Aesthetic.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 531-39. [M]

Bagnoli, Carla. “Respect and Obligation.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 29-40. [M]

 ——, ed. Che fare? Nuove prospettive etiche sull'azione. Rome: Carocci, 2013. [207 p.] [WC]


Baiasu, Roxana. “Heidegger and Kant. Space, Time and the Problem of Objectivity.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 541-52. [M]

Baiasu, Sorin. “The Deontic Force of the Formula of Universal Law.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 41-50. [M]

 ——. “Introduction: Practical Justification in Kant.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 1-21. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Rechtfertigung and the Epistemic Character of Practical Justification.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 22-41. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Self-Improvement: An Essay in Kantian Ethics, by Robert N. Johnson (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Apr 2013, #20). [M] [online]

 ——, ed. See: Timmons, Mark, and Sorin Baiasu, eds.

Baile, Giovanni Pietro. “Die Ausgangsfrage von Kants übergangsprojekt und die reflektierende Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 451-64. [M]

Bailey, Tom. “Kant’s Perpetual Peace: Against Moralising Readings.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 577-88. [M]

Banaszkiewicz, Artur. Między światem dostępnym zmysłom a transcendencją: Kanta krytyka rozumu jako próba nowego ufundowania metafizyki. Łódź: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2013. [416 p.] [WC]

Bandyopadhyay, Tirthanath. Three Essays on Morality: Kant, Mill, Rawls. Kolkata: Ebang Mushayera, 2013. [120 p.] [WC]

Banham, Gary. “Regulative Principles and Regulative Ideas.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 15-24. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Observations and Remarks: A Critical Guide, ed. by Susan Meld Shell and Richard Velkley (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.2 (2013): 409-12. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Essays on Kant, by Henry Allison (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.3 (2013): 619-23. [PW]

Barale, Massimo. “Kant e le filosofie della mente.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 665-78. [M]

Baratta, Joseph Preston. “The Complementarity of the Thinking of Kant and Hamilton in the United States.” Immanuel Kant and Alexander Hamilton, the Founders of Federalism. Ed. Roberto Castaldi (op cit.). 253-69. [M]

Barkhatkov Anton S. “Maimon’s critique of I. Kant’s theory of analytic judgements.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 7-15. [M]


Baron, Marcia. “Friendship, Duties Regarding Specific Conditions of Persons, and the Virtues of Social Intercourse (TL 6:468-474).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 365-82. [M]

 ——. “Moral Worth and Moral Rightness, Maxims and Actions.” Reading Onora O’Neill. Ed. David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock (op cit.). 11-16. [M]

Barry, Melissa. “Constructivist Practical Reasoning and Objectivity.” Reading Onora O’Neill. Ed. David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock (op cit.). 17-36. [M]

Barthelmé, Bruno. “Esthétique et théologie. Quel édifice religieux pour la «véritable Église visible»?” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 297-307. [M]

Basile, Giovanni Pietro. Kants Opus Postumum und Seine Rezeption. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. [xv, 536 p.] [PW] [contents]


 ——. “Die Ausgangsfrage von Kants Übergangsprojekt und die reflektierende Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 451-63. [M]

Bassoli, Selma Aparecida. “Le mal radical et la grâce.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 253-60. [M]

Battaglia, Fiorella. “Phänomenales Bewusstsein bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 367-78. [M]

Baum, Manfred. “Prior Concepts of the Metaphysics of Morals (MS 6:221-228).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 113-37. [M]

 ——. “Sittengesetz und Freiheit. Kant 1785 und 1788.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 209-26. [PW]

 ——. “Freiheit und Recht bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 73-92. [M]

 ——. “Herder über Kants ‘Verfehlte Kritik der reinen Vernunft’.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 209-28. [M]

 ——. “Burkhard Tuschling (1937–2012)” Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 141-44. [M]

Baum, Tomas. “How the Critical Achievements Inform the Idea of Eternal Peace.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 589-600. [M]

Baumgarten, Alexander. Metaphysics. A Critical Translation with Kant’s Elucidations, Selected Notes, and Related Materials. Translated and edited with an introduction by Courtney D. Fugate and John Hymers. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. [xvii, 471 p.] [M]

Beade, Ileana Paola. “En torno al sentido epistémico de la distinción crítica entre lo sensible y lo inteligible. Un análisis de la doctrina kantiana del doble carácter” [Spanish; On the epistemic sense of the critical distinction between the sensible and the intelligible. An analysis of the Kantian doctrine of the double character] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 100-26. [M] [online]


 ——. “El concepto kantiano de voluntad pública y su relación con la noción rousseauniana de voluntad general.” [Spanish] Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 59-83. [M]


 ——. “The thing-in-itself and its role in the constitution of objectivity: a critical reading of Onof’s reconstruction of transcendental affection.” Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 107-24. [PW]

Beckenkamp, Joãosinho. “Kant e a analogia teleológica nos primórdios da biologia.” [Portuguese; Kant and teleological analogy in the beginnings of biology] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 40-70. [M] [online]


Beever, Allan. “Kant on the Law of Marriage.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 339-62. [M]


Belás, Ľubomír. Kant a Machiavelli: historicko-filozofická analýza a komparácia. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2013. [125 p.] [WC]

 ——, and Ľudmila Belásová. “Kultúrno-výchovný aspekt Kantovej filozofie dejín.” [Slovak; Cultural and Educational Aspect of Kant’s Philosophy of History] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.2 (2013): 63-74. [M] [online]


Belásová, Ľudmila. See: Belás, Ľubomír, and Ľudmila Belásová.

Bellotti, Luca. “A Neo-Kantian Approach in the Philosophy of Mathematics.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 3-6. [M]

Belov, Vladimir. “The foundations of I. Kant’s and V. Solovyov’s moral philosophies .” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 16-23. [M]


Berg, Hein van den. “The Wolffian Roots of Kant’s Teleology.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Biological & Biomedical Sciences 44.4 (2013): 724-34. [PI]


 ——. “Wolff and Kant on Scientific Demonstration and Mechanical Explanation.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95.2 (2013): 178-205. [HIC]


Berg, Jan. Die theoretische Philosophie Kants. Unter Berücksichtigung der Grundbegriffe seiner Ethik. Stuttgart frommann-holzboog, 2013. [264 p.] [WC]

Berk, Jonathan H. Rev. of Kant’s Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy, by Jennifer Mensch (2013). Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34.2 (2013): 487-91. [PW]

Bernhard, Thomas. Immanuel Kant. Translated into Romanian from the German by Eleonora Ringler-Pascu. Timisoara: Diacritic, 2013. [170 p.] [WC]


Bernstein, Alyssa R. Rev. of Kant and the End of War: A Critique of Just War Theory, by Howard Williams (2012) and Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship, by Pauline Kleingeld (2012). Ethics and International Affairs 27.3 (2013): 354-57. [PW]

Bertani, Corrado. “Equity Presumptions versus Maxim of Distributive Justice in the Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre, §§36–40.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 783-95. [M]

Binkelmann, Christoph. “(Con)sensus communis: Kants Theorie der ästhetischen Vergemeinschaftung.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 23-40. [M]

Bird, Graham. The Revolutionary Kant: a Commentary on the Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Open Court, 2013. [1486 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Reply to Edward Kanterian.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 289-300. [M]


 ——. Rev. of The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, ed. by Paul Guyer (2010). Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 137-43. [M]

Bird-Pollan, Stefan. “Kant, Genius and Moral Development.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 601-10. [M]

Blackmann, Larry Lee. “Kant and Dembski on Intelligent Design, Artistic Wisdom, and the Problem of Theodicy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 823-33. [M]

Blaszke, Marek. “Projekt wiecznego pokoju: de Saint-Pierre, Rousseau, Kant.” [Polish] Sofia 13 (2013): 93-108. [WC]

Blazan, Sladja. “Immanuel Kant’s ‘One Great Republic’ – From Spirit Theory to Moral Philosophy.” Discovering the Human: Life Science and the Arts in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Eds. Ralf Haekel and Sabine Blackmore (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013). 69-82. [PW]

Blecher, Ian S. “Kant on Formal Modality.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 44-62. [M]


Blok, Johan. “The Analogies of Experience as Premises of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 7-18. [M]

 ——. “Können wir den ursprünglichen Raum erkennen?” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 30-39. [M]

Blomme, Henny. “Dieu en vue du système. Le statut de l'«ens summum» dans l'Opus postumum de Kant.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 107-16. [M]

 ——. “Können wir den ursprünglichen Raum erkennen?” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 30-29. [M]

 ——. “On Kiyoshi Chiba’s Kants Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit.” Critique (blog posted: 12 Sep 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

Blöser, Claudia. “Grade der Tugend und Rigorismus.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 51-62. [M]

Bochicchio, Vincenzo. “Criticism and Neurosciences. Doctrines of Space as a Practice of Cosmopolitanism in Between ‘Two Cultures’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 25-36. [M]

Bojanowski, Jochen. “Evil by Nature.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 63-74. [M]

 ——. “Kants Disjunktivismus in GMS 446f.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 189-208. [PW]

Bonaccini, Juan A. “On Kant’s Concept of Analogy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 37-52. [M]

Bondeli, Martin. “Möglichkeit der Erfahrung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 679-90. [M]

 ——. “‘Ohn’ alle Erfahrung’: Herders Kritik an Kants Formalismus.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 105-25. [M]

Borges, Maria de Lourdes. “Kant on Emotions and Williams’ Criticism.” Veritas 58.1 (2013): 131-50. [WC] [online]


Botez, Angela. “Kantianismul în filosofia dreptului. Mircea Djuvara.” [Romanian; Kantianism in Philosophy of Law. Mircea Djuvara] Revista de Filosofie 60.4 (2013): 361-80. [RC]

Bouriau, Christophe. Le comme si: Kant, Vaihinger et le fictionalisme. Paris: Éd. du Cerf, 2013. [245 p.] [WC]

Brague, Rémi. “Kant et la tentation gnostique.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 93-105. [M]

Braider, Christopher. “Groping in the Dark: Aesthetics and Ontology in Diderot and Kant.” Word & Image 29.1 (2013): 105-27. [M]


Brandhorst, Mario. “Über das Recht, aus Menschenliebe zu lügen.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 75-86. [M]

Brandom, Robert. “From German Idealism to American Pragmatism – and Back.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 107-25. [M]

 ——, and Francesco Lanzillotti. “Kant and philosophy in a cosmopolitan sense: Kant's normative turn and its hegelian development. An interview by Francesco Lanzillotti.” Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 17-26. [PW]

Brandt, Reinhard. “Kants ewiger Friede als Natur- und Vernunftzweck.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 127-45. [M]

 ——. “Ein neues Kant-Blatt.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 13-15. [M]

 ——. “Zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eine systematische Rekonstruktion.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 367-85. [M]


Breitenbach, Angela. “Beauty in Proofs: Kant on Aesthetics in Mathematics.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 16 Apr 2013). [PW]


 ——. “Kant on Biology and the Experience of Life.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 19-29. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Construction of Nature: A Reading of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, by Michael Friedman (2013). Times Literary Supplement (29 November 2013): 36. [PI]

Briesen, Jochen. “Is Kant (W)right? - On Kant’s Regulative Ideas and Wright’s Entitlements.” Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge 5 (2013): 1-32. [PW]


Brock, Lothar. “The legitimation and criticism of violence in international law. A political science perspective.” [Russian; translated from the German] Kantovsky Sbornik 46.4 (2013): 30-41. [M]


 ——. “Kants Friedensplan und die heutige Debatte über den ‘Demokratischen Frieden’.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 101-3. [M]

Brown, Garrett Wallace. Grounding Cosmopolitanism: from Kant to the Idea of a Cosmopolitan Constitution. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. [xiii, 234 p.] [WC]

Brucher, Rosemarie. Subjektermächtigung und Naturunterwerfung: künstlerische Selbstverletzung im Zeichen von Kants Ästhetik des Erhabenen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2013. [280 p.] [WC]

Brumlik, Micha. “Religion und Intersubjektivität — Hermann Cohens Ethik.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 123-36. [M]

Bryushinkin, Vladimir N. “The Transcendental Synthesis of World Models in Intellectual Systems.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 691-702. [M]

Bubbio, Paolo. “Kant on Nativism, Scepticism and Necessity.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73.2 (2013): 97-115. [PW]


 ——. “Kant’s Sacrificial Turns.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73.2 (2013): 97-115. [M]


Bunch, Aaron. “The Body as Instrument and as ‘Person’ in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 87-96. [M]

Buroker, Jill Vance. Rev. of How is Nature Possible?: Kant’s Project in the First Critique, by Daniel N. Robinson (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2013, #31). [M] [online]

Busch, Werner. “Philosophie lernen — ein realistisches Weltprogramm?” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 751-63. [M]

[top] C    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Cacciatore, Giuseppe. Problemi di filosofia della storia nell'età di Kant e Hegel: filologia, critica, storia civile. [Italian] Roma: Aracne, 2013. [169 p.] [WC]

Cachel, Andrea. “A noção de "regra" na segunda analogia e a "resposta" kantiana ao problema humeano da indução.” [Portuguese; The notion of "rule" in the second analogy and the Kantian "response" to the Humean problem of induction] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 22-42. [M] [online]


Cafagna, Emanuele. “Die zwei neuen metaphysischen Grundsätze der Nova Dilucidatio und die Definition der Philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 465-77. [M]

Caimi, Mario. “Das Schema der Qualität bzw. der Realität.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 95-108. [M]

 ——. “La imaginación en la Antropología en sentido pragmático. Estructura del texto y estructura del concepto.” [Spanish; Imagination in Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Structure of the Text and of the Concept] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 29-53. [M]

 ——. “Der Gegenstand, der nach der Lehre vom Schematismus unter die Kategorien zu subsumieren ist.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 147-62. [M]

 ——. “The Schema of the Category of Existence.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 209-19. [M]

Calabi, Lorenzo. “Filosofia della storia in Kant e Schiller. Riflessioni su di un confronto.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 239-62. [M]

Callanan, John J. Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. [vii, 138 p.] [M]

 ——. “Kant on Nativism, Scepticism and Necessity.” Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 1-27. [M]


 ——. “Kant on Innate Ideas. Another Look at B 167–168.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 53-64. [M]

Callender, Lenval A. “Puzzle Maxims and the Formula of Universal Law.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 97-107. [M]

Camera, Francesco. “„Sich der heiligen Urkunde als Karte bedienen“. Über die Anfänge der Bibelauslegung bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 835-46. [M]

Campagna, Norbert. “De la religion comme objet d'un devoir envers soi-même.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 195-205. [M]

Cannon, Joseph. “Why Does a Child Cry at Birth without Tears? Kant on Freedom and Radical Evil in Infancy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 379-88. [M]

Cannon, Patrick. “Kant at the Bar. Transcendental Idealism in Daily Life.” Philosophy Now Mar/Apr (2013): 15-17. [HIC]

Cantillo, Giuseppe. “Ragione e Sentimento nella filosofia della religione di Kant.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 13-23. [M]

Capozzi, Mirella. “The Quantity of Judgments and the Categories of Quantity. A Problem in the Metaphysical Deduction.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 65-75. [M]

Caranti, Luigi. “What’s Wrong With a Guarantee of Perpetual Peace?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 611-22. [M]

 ——. “Perpetual Peace and Liberal Peace: Three Misunderstandings.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 103-13. [M]

 ——. “Two Faces of Republicanism: Rousseau and Kant.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 129-44. [M]


Carel, Havi, Darian Meacham, and Alison Assiter. “Kant and Kierkegaard on Freedom and Evil.” Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 72 (2013): 275-96. [PI]


Carl, Wolfgang. “Kants kopernikanische Wende.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 163-77. [M]

 ——. “The Copernican Turn and Stroud’s Argument from Indispensability.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 79-92. [M]

Carrano, Antonio. “A chi è rivolta la filosofia in senso cosmopolitico?” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 479-90. [M]

Carrasco Conde, Ana. “La cara B de la razón u otra vuelta (schellingiana) de tuerca (kantiana).” [Spanish] Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 227-42. [M]


Carrillo Canán, Alberto J. L., and Débora A Vázquez Reyes. Kant y la obra de arte. [Spanish] Puebla, Pue.: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma, 2013. [137 p.] [WC]

Carvalho Chagas, Flávia. “Normatividade moral?” [Portuguese; Moral normativity?] Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 121-34. [M] [online]


Casado Méndez, Rubén. “Sobre el estatuto anómalo de la tercera antinomia.” [Spanish; On the Anomalous Status of the Third Antinomy] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 55-73. [M]

Castaldi, Roberto, ed. Immanuel Kant and Alexander Hamilton, the Founders of Federalism: a political theory for our time. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2013. [308 p.] [M]


Castillo, Monique. “The Policy of Cosmopolitisam: From Universalism to Pluralism.” [Russian (translated from the original French)] Kantovsky Sbornik 44.2 (2013): 19-32. [M]


 ——. “Der kantische Kosmopolitismus in der zeitgenössischen Kultur der Identität.” [Translated from the French by T. Börger] Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 113-22. [M]

 ——. “Philosophisches Erbe Immanuel Kants und die Gegenwart. Philosophia et res publica.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.1 (2013): 3-12. [M] [online]


Cataldi Madonna, Luigi. “Zur Unmöglichkeit der logica probabilium – Kant und Fries.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 77-88. [M]

Catena, Maria Teresa. “Kant e il cosmopolitismo del sentimento.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 13-24. [M]

 ——. “Io sono dove sento: Kant e il sentimento tra riflessione antropologico-trascendentale (e ritorno).” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 33-44. [M]

 —— and Anna Donise, eds. Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. [Italian] Milano: Mimesis, 2013. [177 p.] [M]


Cattaneo, Fabrizio. L'idea di repubblica da Kant a Habermas, with a preface by Ermanno Vitale. Torino: Giappichelli, 2013. [xvii, 167 p.] [WC]

Cauchi, Fracesca. “Nietzsche and Kant: Self-Legislation and the Rational Will in Zarathustra’s Ethics.” Oxford German Studies 42.3 (2013): 280-95. [M]


Cecchinato, Giorgia. “L'ingenuo è interessante? Riflessioni sull'ingenuo e il sentimentale a partire da alcune note riferite a Kant.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 109-30. [M]

Centi, Beatrice. “Formale Ontologie und reflektierte Wahrnehmung bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 89-101. [M]

Chaly, Vadim A. “John Rawls’ Interpretation of Categorical Imperative in Theory of Justice.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 44.2 (2013): 33-38. [M]


 ——, and Alexander Kuteynikov. “Kant’s Political Ideas and Contemporary Theories of International Organization.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 123-29. [M]

Chamberlin, Heidi. “Moral Growth and Relapse: A Puzzle for Kantian Accounts of Moral Transformation.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 109-15. [M]

Chance, Brian A. “Causal Powers, Hume’s Early German Critics, and Kant’s Response to Hume.” Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 213-36. [M]


 ——. “Kant and the Discipline of Reason.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 23 Dec 2013). [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Observations and Remarks: A Critical Guide, ed. by Susan Meld Shell and Richard Velkley (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (February 2013, #30). [M] [online]

Chandler, David H. “Kant on Prayer.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 847-58. [M]

Chen, Xunwu. “Law, Humanity, and Reason: The Chinese Debate, the Habermasian Approach, and a Kantian Outcome.” Asian Philosophy 23.1 (2013): 100-14. [PI]


Chernov, Sergey A. T. “The Categorical Imperative of the Karma-Yogin.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 43.1 (2013): 23-32. [M]


Chevalier, J. M. C. “Peirce’s First Critique of the First Critique: A Leibnizian False Start.” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49.1 (2013): 1-26. [M]


Chiba, Kiyoshi. “Précis of Kants Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit.” Critique (blog posted: 12 Apr 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Chris Onof.” Critique (blog posted: 13 Dec 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Henny Blomme.” Critique (blog posted: 20 Dec 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

Chignell, Andrew. “Ogilby, Milton, Canary Wine, and the Red Scorpion: Another look at Kant’s Deduction of Taste.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 261-82. [M]

 —— and Peter Gilgen. Rev. of Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy, ed. by Rudolf A. Makkreel and Sebastian Luft (2009). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2013, #30). [M] [online]

Chmieliński, Maciej. “Deliberatives Rechtsetzungsverfahren als Gewährleistung der juridischen Autonomie nach Immanuel Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 797-808. [M]

Cholbi, Michael. “The Constitutive Approach to Kantian Rigorism.” Ethical Theory & Moral Practice 16.3 (2013): 439-48. [M]


Chou, Chiayu. “A Pseudo Dichotomy: Hobbism and Kantianism in Political Philosophy.” Political Studies 61.4 (2013): 799-815. [PI]


Clewis, Robert R. “Kant’s Conception of Philosophy, 1764–1765.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 491-502. [M]

 ——. “Reply to Melissa Zinken.” Critique (blog posted: 10 Feb 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Reply to Paul Guyer.” Critique (blog posted: 10 Apr 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Précis of The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom.” Critique (blog posted: 30 Sep 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

Cobben, Paul. “Hegel’s Critical Reception of Kant’s Conception of Objectivity.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 235-47. [M]

Coe, Cynthia D. See: Altman, Matthew C., and Cynthia D. Coe.

Coenen, Ludwig. Immanuel Kant: "Sparsamkeit ist keine Tugend". Münster: ATE, 2013. [837 p.] [WC]

Cohen, Alix. “Kant on the Possibility of Ugliness.” British Journal of Aesthetics 53.2 (2013): 199-209. [PI]


 ——. “Kant’s Categories of Ugliness.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 25-35. [M]

 ——. “Kant on Doxastic Voluntarism and its Implications for Epistemic Responsibility.” Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge 5 (2013): 33-50. [PW]


Cohen-Halimi, Michèle. “Paradoxe implosif, paradoxe explosif: Kant et Rousseau. Une révolution dans la pensée de l’ordre naturel.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 145-59. [M]


Conceição, Jorge Vanderlei Costa da.  “Anthopologie Transscendentalis: uma reorientação da teoria dos juízos em Kant.” [Portuguese; Anthropologie transscendentalis: a reorientation of kantian’s theory of judgment]  Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 131-49. [online]


Congdon, Matthew. Rev. of Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, by Robert Stern (2012). Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34.1 (2013): 230-34. [PW]

Cordeiro, Renato Valois. “Der anscheinende Konflikt zwischen Mechanismus und Teleologie in der Kritik der Urteilskraft.” Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 207-15. [M]


Costa, Vincenzo. “Prima del sentire e del giudicare: la comprensione.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 103-20. [M]

Costello, Diarmuid. “Kant and the Problem of Strong Non-Perceptual Art.” British Journal of Aesthetics 53.3 (2013): 277-98. [M]


Croitoru, Rodica. “Reguli de ordonare a priori a existenței fenomenelor în Critica rațiunii pure.” [Romanian; Rules to Order a priori the Existence of Phenomena in the Critique of Pure Reason] Studii de istoria filosofiei universale 21 (2013): 46-59. [M]


 ——. “The Morals of the “Starry Heavens” and of the Invisible Self.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 117-22. [M]

 ——. “Raţiunea practică. Concepte şi moşteniri.” [Romanian; Practical Reason. Concepts and Inheritances] Revista de Filosofie 60.4 (2013): 465-67. [RC]

 ——. “Deduţia şi schematismul conceptelor a priori în Critica raţiunii pure.” [Romanian; The Deduction and the Schematism of a priori Concepts in the Critique of Pure Reason] Studii de Teoria Categoriilor 5 (2013): 35-55. [M]

Crowell, Steven. Rev. of Understanding Moral Obligation. Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, by Robert Stern (2012). Philosophy in Review 33.5 (2013): 410-14. [M] [online]

Csingár, Péter. Auswirkungen der Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik Kants auf seine Rechtsphilosophie. Berlin: LIT, 2013. [viii, 245 p.] [WC]


Cubo Ugarte, Óscar. “Kants normatives Modell der Demokratie.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 416-35. [M]

 ——. “Razón práctica y arbitrio humano en la ética de Kant.” [Spanish; Practical Reason and Human Will in Kant's Ethics] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 101-12. [M]

Cunha, Bruno. “Sonhos de um Visionário e suas contribuições para a ética de Kant.” [Portuguese] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 22 (2013): 83-106. [M] [online]


Cunico, Gerardo. “Das hermeneutische Problem und die religiösen Traditionen.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 859-69. [M]

Cureton, Adam. “A Contractualist Reading of Kant’s Proof of the Formula of Humanity.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 363-86. [M]


Curran, Kyle. “Change and Moral Development in Kant’s Ethics.” Stance 6 (2013): 21-28.[M]

Curtis-Wendlandt, Lisa. “Legality and morality in the political thought of Elise Reimarus and Immanuel Kant.” Political Ideas of Enlightenment Women: Virtue and Citizenship. Eds. Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt, Paul Richard Gibbard, and Karen Green (Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing, 2013). 91-107. [M]

Czarnecki, Lukasz. “La razón kantiana vs. la acción Heideggeriana en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt y la cuestión mexicana.” [Spanish] Revista del CESLA 16 (2013): 179-93. [WC]

[top] D    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

D'Alessandro, Giuseppe. “Orizzonte del mondo e libertà dell’uomo nello sviluppo del pensiero kantiano tra ragion pura e declinazioni della filosofia pratica.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 503-15. [M]

 ——. “Kant et l'herméneutique.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 309-16. [M]

d’Alfonso, Matteo Vincenzo. “Il confronto con G. E. Schulze nella critica di Schopenhauer alla morale kantiana.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 535-46. [M]

Dall’Agnol, Darlei. “Was Kant a naturalist? Further reflections on Rauscher’s idealist meta-ethics.” Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 142-59. [M] [online]


D’Anna, Giuseppe. “‘Sentire’ l’esterno a priori. Nicolai Hartmann tra neokantismo e fenomenologia.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 139-51. [M]

Dashitshev, Viacheslav. “Traktat von Immanuel Kant Zum ewigen Frieden und internationale Beziehungen der Neuzeit.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 57-70. [M]

Davies, Luke J. “A Kantian Defense of the Right to Health Care.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 70-88. [M]

Dean, Richard. “Humanity as an Idea, as an Ideal, and as an End in Itself.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 171-95. [M]


De Bianchi, Silvia. Rev. of Immanuel Kant: Natural Science, edited by Eric Watkins (2012). Journal for the History of Astronomy 44.4 (2013): 487-88. [PI]

 ——. See: Massimi, Michela and Silvia De Bianchi.

De Federicis, Nico. “Kant’s Defense of a World Republic between 1793 and 1795.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 623-34. [M]

De Jong, Johan E. “The Modesty of Kant’s Metaphysics.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 553-62. [M]

De Kock, Liesbet. “Helmholtz and the Problem of Externality in Perception.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 25-40. [M]

Deligiorgi, Katerina. Rev. of Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, by Sally Sedgwick (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Apr 2013, #1). [M] [online]

Demarest, Boris. “System and Organism: in Defense of an Analogy.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 99-113. [M]

 ——. See: Van De Vijver, Gertrudis, and Boris Demarest.

 ——, ed. See: Van De Vijver, Gertrudis, and Boris Demarest, eds.

Denis, Lara. “Virtue and Its Ends (TL 6:394-398).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 159-81. [M]

De Pascale, Carla. “Against Kant’s Process of Abstraction.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 703-12. [M]

De Quincey, Thomas. Les derniers jours d'Emmanuel Kant. Transl. into French by Marcel Schwob. Paris: l'Herne, 2013. [117 p.] [WC]


 ——. Els últims dies d'Immanuel Kant. Transl. into Catalan by Josep M. Muñoz i Lloret. Barcelona: L'Avenç, 2013. [75 p.] [WC]


Dercová, Marta. “Odkaz Kantovej pragmatickej antropológie v súcasnosti Komentár k práci Gernota Böhmeho Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.1 (2013): 52-55. [M] [online]

Derenbach, Rolf. Weltkenntnis und Lebensklugheit - wie es uns Immanuel Kant empfiehlt. Quintessenzen und Nachgedanken aus der "Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht". Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin Universitätsbibliothek, 2013. [108 p.] [WC]

De Risi, Vincenzo. “La dimostrazione kantiana del Quinto Postulato di Euclide.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 31-42. [M]

Desjardin, Arnaud. Kant, "Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs". Paris: Ellipses, 2013. [85 p.] [WC]

Deveaux, Monique, ed. See: Archard, David, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock, eds.

De Warren, Nicolas. “Refutations of Idealism in Kant and Husserl.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 713-26. [M]

DeWitt, Janelle. “Respect for the Moral Law: the Emotional Side of Reason.” Philosophy (Published online: 14 Oct 2013): 32 pp. [PW] [online]


Dhillon, Pradeep Ajit. “A Kantian approach to writing a global art history: the case from Indian modern art.” The Many Faces of Beauty. Ed. Vittorio Hösle (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013). 302-26. [PI]

Di Bella, Stefano. “The Myth of the Complete Concept.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 309-22. [M]

DiCenso, James J. “The Concept of Urbild in Kant’s Philosophy of Religion.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 100-32. [M]


Diehl, Ulrich. Kants ursprüngliche Einsicht: zur Entstehung seiner kritischen Philosophie. Halle (Saale): Universitätsverl. Halle-Wittenberg, 2013. [51 p.] [WC]

di Giovanni, George. “On Kantianism as a New Form of Cultural Clericy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 635-45. [M]

Dimitriu, Cristian. “The practical interpretation of the categorical imperative: a defense.” Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62 (2013): 105-13. [M]


DiSalle, Robert. “The Transcendental Method from Newton to Kant.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 448-56. [M]


Dispersyn, Eléonore. “Philosophie et mal radical – l’importance des parerga dans la Religion dans les limites de la simple raison.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 871-81. [M]

 ——. “Kant et la foi réfléchissante: une alternative au désespoir moral?” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 227-36. [M]

Dohrn, Daniel. “Das Regelregressproblem in Kants praktischer Philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 123-33. [M]

Domski, Mary. “Kant and Newton on the A Priori Necessity of Geometry.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 438-47. [M]


Donath, Christian R. “Liberal Art: Art and Education for Citizenship in Kant’s Critique of Judgment.” The Review of Politics 75.1 (2013): 3-23. [M]


Donise, Anna. “Sentire il dovere e percepire il valore. Un percorso tra Kant e Husserl.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 61-76. [M]

Dörflinger, Bernd. “Ethische methodenlehre: Didaktik und Asketik (TL 6:477-485).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 383-410. [M]

 ——. “Eine neuere Religionsauffassung im Licht einer älteren – Habermas und Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 179-96. [M]

 ——. “La teología ética de Kant y el deber de fomentar el bien supremo.” [Spanish; translated from the German: Kants Ethikotheologie und die Pflicht zur Beförderung des höchsten Guts (2012)] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 113-41. [M]

 ——. “Kants Ethikotheologie und die Pflicht zur Beförderung des höchsten Guts.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 59-72. [M]

Döring, Sabine, and Eva-Maria Düringer. “Being Worthy of Happiness: Towards a Kantian Appreciation of Our Finite Nature.” Philosophical Topics 41.1 (2013): 123-42. [PW]


Doude van Troostwijk, Chris. “«Weniger konsequent, aber tiefer». La dissertation d'Albert Schweitzer comme déconstruction de la philosophie kantienne de la religion.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 381-89. [M]

Drăghici, Marius Augustin. “A Kuhnian Reconstruction of Kant’s Concept of ‘Copernican Revolution’.” Rev. roum. phil. 57.2 (2013): 215-38. [RC]

Drăgoi, Ioan. “Fenomen şi categorie. Interpretare fenomenologică a nimicului kantian.” [Romanian; Phenomenon and Category. A Phenomenological Interpretation of the Kantian Nothing] Studii de Teoria Categoriilor 5 (2013): 213-39. [RC/M]

Drogalis, Christina. Rev. of Virtue, Rules, and Justice: Kantian Aspirations, by Thomas E. Hill, Jr. (2012). Philosophy in Review 33.4 (2013). [M] [online]

Drolet, Jean-François. “Nietzsche, Kant, the Democratic State, and War.” Review of International Studies 39.1 (2013): 25-47. [M]


Duarte Pardo, Ángela María. See: Rojas Berrío, María Juliana, and Ángela María Duarte Pardo.

Dudchik, Andrey. “Hegel’s critique of eternal peace project.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 37-39. [M]

Dunlop, Katherine. “Mathematical Method and Newtonian Science in the Philosophy of Christian Wolff.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 457-69. [M]


 ——. Rev. of From Kant to Husserl: Selected Essays, by Charles Parsons (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jun 2013, #3). [M] [online]

Düringer, Eva-Maria. See: Döring, Sabine, and Eva-Maria Düringer.

Düsing, Klaus. Immanuel Kant, Klassiker der Aufklärung: Untersuchungen zur kritischen Philosophie in Erkenntnistheorie, Ethik, Ästhetik und Metaphysik. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. [viii, 367 p.] [WC]

Dykhanov, Viacheslav, and Andrey Zilber. “‘Democratic Peace’ and Kant’s precondition of non-intervention in internal affairs: irreconcilable contradiction?” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 70-77. [M]

[top] E    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ebels-Duggan, Kyla. Rev. of Virtue, Rules, and Justice: Kantian Aspirations, by Thomas E. Hill, Jr. (2012). Mind 122.488 (2013): 1098-1102. [PW]

Edwards, Jeffrey. “Kurze Bemerkungen zu den englischen Übersetzungen von Kants Rechtslehre.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 21-24. [M]

 ——. “A Tale of Two Ends: Obligatory Ends and Material Determining Grounds in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 147-75. [M]

Ehrsam, Raphaél. “La conscience morale comme voix: Une Ølucidation kantienne.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 135-46. [M]

 ——. “La critique sans l'herméneutique. Principes kantiens pour l'étude des religions.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 317-27. [M]

Elizondo, E. Sonny. “Reason in its Practical Application.” Philosophers’ Imprint 13.21 (2013): 1-17. [M][online]


Elsenhans, Theodor. Fries und Kant: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und zur systematischen Grundlegung der Erkenntnistheorie. Hamburg: Severus, 2013. [xxvii, 347 p.] [WC]

Emundts, Dina. “Kant über Wahrheit.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 563-74. [M]

 ——. “Kant über Selbstbewusstsein.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 51-77. [M]

 ——. “Kants Grenzziehung in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 39-57. [M]

 ——, ed. Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [347 p.] [M]


Encinar Romero, Pilar. “Notas para una valoración de la "crítica de la razón instrumental" como contribución a una nueva antropología.” [Spanish; Notes for an Appraisal of the "Critique of Instrumental Reason" as a Contribution to a New Anthropology] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 143-62. [M]

Engelhard, Kristina. “Kant’s Theory of Causality. Categories, Laws and Powers.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 575-86. [M]

Engstrom, Stephen. “Unity of apperception.” Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 37-54. [PW]

Ertl, Wolfgang. “‘Nothing but representations’ – A Suárezian Way out of the Mind?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 429-40. [M]

 ——. “‘Ludewig’ Molina and Kant’s Libertarian Compatibilism.” A Companion to Luis de Molina. Eds. Alexander Aichele and Mathias Kaufmann (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013). 405-45. [PW]

Espinet, David. “Read thyself! Hobbes, Kant und Husserl über die Grenzen der Selbsterfahrung.” International Yearbook for Hermeneutics. Ed. Günter Figal (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck). 126-46. [M]


Esposito, Costantino. “Kant and the Problem of Modern Ontology.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 441-54. [M]

Esser, Andrea M. “The Inner Court of Conscience, Moral Self-Knowledge, and the Proper Object of Duty (TL 6:437-444).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 269-91. [M]

 ——. “Die Urteilskraft in der Praxis – Reflexion und Anwendung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 147-59. [M]

Esteves, Julio. “O papel da intuição e dos conceitos nas teorías kantianas da geometria.” [Portuguese; The role of intuition and concepts in the Kantian theories of geometry] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 34-54. [M] [online]


Eterovic, Igor. “Biological Roots of Kant’s Concept of Culture.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 389-401. [M]

 ——. “Mjesto Immanuela Kanta u mišljenju ideje univerziteta.” [Croatian] Filozofska istraživanja 33.3 (2013): 473-92. [WC]


Euler, Werner. “Kants Philosophiebegriff in der „Architektonik der reinen Vernunft“. (KrV, B 865 –879/A 837– 851).” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 517-33. [M]

 ——. “Die Tugendlehre im System der praktischen Philosophie Kants.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 221-299. [M]

 ——. “A felicidade alheia, os pobres e os mendigos na Doutrina da Virtude de Kant.” [Portuguese; The happiness of others, the poor and the beggars in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 160-79. [M] [online]


 ——, and Burkhard Tuschling, eds. Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion: ein Arbeitsgespräch an der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel 2009. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013. [325 p.] [M]


[top] F    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Fabbrizi, Chiara. “Praktische Logik und angewandte Logik.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 103-16. [M]

Faggion, Andrea. See: Marques, José Oscar de Almeida and Andrea Faggion.

Fahmy, Melissa Seymour. “Understanding Kant’s Duty of Respect as a Duty of Virtue.” Journal of Moral Philosophy 10.6 (2013): 723-40. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Self‐Improvement: An Essay in Kantian Ethics, by Robert N. Johnson (2011). The Philosophical Quarterly 63.251 (2013): 382-84. [PW]

Feldhaus, Charles. “Liberdade da Willkür e fraqueza da vontade em Kant.” [Portuguese; Willkür’s liberty and weakness of will in Kant] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 77-84. [M] [online]


Falduto, Antonino. “The Two Meanings of ‘moralisches Gefühl’ in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 161-71. [M]

Feloj, Serena. Il sublime nel pensiero di Kant. Brescia: Morcelliana, 2013. [270 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Towards an Alternative: Crisis of the System or Mediation between Nature and Freedom? The Concept of Einheit der Erfahrung in the Erste Einleitung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 535-42. [M]

Ferdori, Donato. “La saggezza del ‘politico morale’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 647-58. [M]

Fernández Herrero, Beatriz. “Aproximación a la utopía kantiana.” [Spanish; Approach to Kantian Utopia] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 163-83. [M]

Ferrari, Jean. “Le cosmopolitisme de Kant et les fins ultimes de la raison humaine.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 197-211. [M]

 ——. “Foi doctrinale et foi rationnelle dans l'oeuvre de Kant.” Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Eds. Dietmar H. Weidemann and Raoul Weicker (op cit.). 41-50. [M]

 ——. “Théologie transcendantale et religion de la raison.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 13-30. [M]

Ferrari, Massimo. Rev. of Kant’s Transcendental Arguments. Disciplining Pure Reason, by Scott Stapleford (2008). [German] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 254-56. [M]

Ferrarin, Alfredo. “The Unity of Reason: On Cyclopes, Architects, and the Cosmic Philosopher’s Vision.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 213-28. [M]

Ferrarin, Alfredo, ed. See: Bacin, Stefano, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca, and Margit Ruffing, eds. Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht Akten des XI. Kant-Kongresses 2010 5 vols. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013.

Ferraris, Maurizio. Goodbye, Kant! What Still Stands of the Critique of Pure Reason. Translated from the Italian by Richard Davies. Albany: SUNY Press, 2013. [ix, 136 p.] [WC] [review]


 ——. “Kant and Social Objects.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 587-96. [M]

Ferreira, M. Jamie. “Hope, virtue, and the postulate of God: a reappraisal of Kant’s pure practical rational belief.” Religious Studies (Online: 22 Feb 2013). [PW]


Ferretti, Giovanni. “Ontologie et théologie chez Kant.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 31-42. [M]

Ferron, Isabella. “Il pensiero antinomico nella KU.” [Portuguese; The antinomic though in the KU] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 67-76. [M] [online]


Ferry, Luc. Kant et les lumières: la science et la morale. Paris: Le Figaro, 2013. [96 p.] [WC]

Fetisova, Darya. “The principle of sufficient reason in German philosophy of the Enlightenment.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 46.4 (2013): 64-75. [M]


Ficara, Elena. “Kant e il rapporto dello scetticismo con la filosofia.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 543-54. [M]

Figueiredo, Vinicius de. “La funzione sistematica del sublime.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 37-46. [M]

Filho, Edgard José Jorge. “Error and Transcendental Illusion in Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 165-76. [M]

Fimiani, Filippo. “Quando sappiamo cosa sentire. Credenze, retoriche ed esperienze estetiche.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 153-68. [M]

Fincham, Richard. “Kant’s early critics: Jacobi, Reinhold, Maimon.” Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism: The Origins of Continental Philosophy. Ed. Thomas Nenon (op cit.). 49-82. [M]

Fischer, Klaus. “Realismus und Fiktionalismus in der Wissenschaft des späten 19. Jahrhunderts.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 661-90. [M]

Fischer, Norbert. “Kants vollständiges System philosophisch begründeter Theologien.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 506-30. [M]

 ——. “Zum Problem der Geschichtlichkeit in der Philosophie Kants. Eine Auslegung zum Bild der "konzentrischen Kreise" in Kants Religionsschrift.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 45-57. [M]

 ——, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada, eds. Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Prague: Karolinum Press, 2013. [136 p.] [M]


Fistioc, Mihaela C. “Schopenhauer on the Kantian Thing-In-Itself as Platonic Idea.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 547-56. [M]

Fleischacker, Samuel. What is Enlightenment? Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2013. [237 p.] [WC]

Flikschuh, Katrin. “Personal autonomy and public authority.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 169-89. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and Cosmopolitanism. The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship, by Pauline Kleingeld (2011). Philosophical Quarterly 63 (2013): 804-7. [PI]

 ——. “Hope as Prudence: Practical Faith in Kant’s Political Thinking.” Reading Onora O’Neill. Ed. David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock (op cit.). 55-76. [M]

Florescu, Sari Maarit. “Fundamentele filosofice ale consensului politic în Critica facultăţii de judecare a lui Kant.” [Romanian; Philosophical Foundations of the Political Consensus in Kant’s Critique of Judgment] Revista de Filosofie 60.4 (2013): 381-89. [RC]

Føllesdal, Andreas. “Kant, Human Rights, and Courts.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 193-202. [M]

 ——. See: Maliks, Reidar, and Andreas Føllesdal.

 —— and Reidar Maliks, eds. Kantian Theory and Human Rights, with a preface by Thomas Pogge. New York: Routledge, 2013. [xxii, 209 p.] [M]


Fonnesu, Luca. “Entwicklung und Erweiterung der praktischen Absicht.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 173-84. [M]

Fonseca, Renato Duarte. “Aparência, presentação e objeto. Notas sobre a ambivalência de ‘Erscheinung’ na teoria kantiana da experiência.” [Portuguese; Appearance, presentation, and object. Notes on the ambivalence of ‘Erscheinung’ in Kant’s theory of experience] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 80-99. [M] [online]


Forero Mendoza, Sabine, and Pierre Montebello. Kant, son esthétique: entre mythes et récits. Dijon: les Presses du réel, 2013. [214 p.] [WC]

Forgione, Luca. “Kant and the I as Subject.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 117-27. [M]

Forman, David. “Appetimus sub ratione boni.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 323-34. [M]

Formosa, Paul. “Kant’s Conception of Personal Autonomy.” Journal of Social Philosophy 44.3 (2013): 193-212. [PI]


 ——. “Is Kant a Moral Constructivist or a Moral Realist?” European Journal of Philosophy 21.2 (2013): 170-96. [PW]


 ——. “Kant on the Moral Ontology of Constructivism and Realism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 185-96. [M]

Forschler, Scott. “Kantian and Consequentialist Ethics: The Gap Can Be Bridged.” Metaphilosophy 44 (2013): 88-104. [PI]


 ——. “Two Dogmas of Kantian Ethics.” Journal of Value Inquiry 47.3 (2013): 255-69. [M]

Forschner, Maximilian. “Die Gemeinschaft im Glauben. Bemerkungen zu Kants Begriff der Kirche.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 73-84. [M]

Förster, Eckart. “Grenzen der Erkenntnis?” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 207-20. [M]

Förster-Beuthan, Yvonne. Rev. of Zeit — Wirklichkeit — Persistenz. Eine präsentistische Deutung der Raumzeit, by Cord Friebe (2012). Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61.1 (2013): 162-66. [PW]

Forsyth, Murray. “The Scope and Limits of the Political: Hamilton and Kant.” Immanuel Kant and Alexander Hamilton, the Founders of Federalism. Ed. Roberto Castaldi (op cit.). 71-89. [M]

Franke, Mark. “A Critique of the Universalisability of Critical Human Rights Theory: The Displacement of Immanuel Kant.” Human Rights Review 14.4 (2013): 367-85. [PI]


Fragelli, Isabel. “Sobre as Resenhas de Kant às Ideias para uma filosofia da história da humanidade, de Herder.” [Portuguese] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 21 (2013): 47-60. [M] [online]


Franzel, Sean. “A ‘Popular’, ’Private’ Lecturer?: Kant's Theory and Practice of University Instruction.” Eighteenth-Century Studies 47.1 (2013): 1-18. [M]

Fréchette, Guillaume. “Kant, Brentano and Stumpf on Psychology and Anti-Psychologism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 727-36. [M]

Freer, Alexander. “Musicality and the Limits of Meaning in Wordsworth and Kant.” Paragraph 36.3 (2013): 324-43. [PI]


Frey, Dieter. Philosophie der Führung: gute Führung lernen von Kant, Aristoteles, Popper & Co. Berlin: Springer, 2013. [341 p.] [WC]

Fricke, Christel. “Moral Dignity and Moral Vulnerability in a Kantian Perspective.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 197-205. [M]

Friebe, Cord. “War Kant ein B-Theoretiker der Zeit?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 597-603. [M]

Friedman, Michael. Kant’s Construction of Nature: A Reading of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [xix, 624 p.] [WC]

Frierson, Patrick R. What is the Human Being? Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2013. [ix, 322 p.] [WC] [review]

Friesen, Viktor. Die Idee der Verallgemeinerung in der Ethik: eine kritische Untersuchung der moralphilosophischen Entwürfe von I. Kant, M. G. Singer und R. M. Hare. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013. [187 p.] [WC]


Fremstedal, Roe. “The Moral Argument for the Existence of God and Immortality: Kierkegaard and Kant.” Journal of Religious Ethics 41.1 (2013): 50-78. [PI]


Frericks, Hanns. Kant und seine Relevanz für ethische Probleme der Gegenwart: Vorträge und Aufsätze. Stuttgart: Opus Magnum, 2013. [343 p.] [WC]

Frilli, Enrico. “Per una filosofia del senso: Eric Weil interprete di Kant.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 93-106. [PW]

Froeyman, Anton. “The Other and the Subject: On the Conditions of Possibility of the Problem of Values in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 179-87. [M]

Fugate, Courtney. “Teleology, Freedom and Will in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 207-18. [M]

Fukuda, Kiiricho. Untersuchungen zu Kants Religionslehre. Marburg: Verlag Blaues Schloss, 2013. [43 p.] [WC]

Fulkerson-Smith, Brett A. “Bacon’s Illuminating Experiments and Kant’s Experiment of Pure Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 455-66. [M]

[top] G    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Galeazzi, Umberto. “Sulla ragione kantiana separata dal reale: Legge morale, passioni, azioni concrete, felicità e bene.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 219-31. [M]

Gallois, Laurent. “De la doctrine de la vertu à la religion: le fondement critique d'un passage.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 57-73. [M]

Gamberini, Paola. “Guilt and Repentance: Kant on the Experience of Moral Responsibility in the Retrospective Evaluation of Actions.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 233-44. [M]

Gare, Arran. “From Kant to Schelling: The Subject, the Object, and Life.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 129-40. [M]

Garrison, James. “Revolution in Kant’s Relation of Aesthetics to Morality. Regarding Negatively Free Beauty and Respecting Positively Free Will.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 47-57. [M]

Gaston, Sean. The Concept of World from Kant to Derrida. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. [241 p.] [WC] [review]

Gava, Gabriele. “Kant’s Synthetic and Analytic Method in the Critique of Pure Reason and the Distinction between Philosophical and Mathematical Syntheses.” European Journal of Philosophy (Published online: 6 Mar 2013). [PW]


 ——. See: Searle, John, and Gabriele Gava.

Geiger, Ido. “Can Universal History Underwrite Kant’s Substantive Conception of Moral Value?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 245-55. [M]

Gelfert, Axel. “Communicability and the Public Misuse of Communication: Kant on the Pathologies of Testimony.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 257-68. [M]

Geonget, Brigitte. “Délimitation et dépassement. La dynamique de l'excès et le «supplementum» religieux.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 177-85. [M]

Gerardi, Giovanni. “La critica di Hegel al cosmopolitismo kantiano.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 737-48. [M]

Gerhardt, Volker. “Bewusstsein als Funktion der Mitteilung.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 733-50. [M]

 ——. “Öffentlichkeit bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 659-75. [M]

 ——. “The Concept of Life in Kant and Nietzsche.” New Nietzsche Studies 9.1-2 (2013): 35-45. [PW]

Gerlach, Burkhard. Rev. of Kant und kein Ende, Bde. 1-3, by Georg Geismann (2009). [German] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 237-50. [M]

Gheoghian, Maria. “Review of Kant-Studien, vol. 98, no. 1, 2007.” [Romanian] Revista de Filosofie 60.4 (2013): 452-62. [RC]

Giannetto, Giuseppe. Tempo e rappresentazione in Kant. Con uno Studio sul Tempo come struttura ontologica dei mondi possibili in Leibniz. [Italian] Pomigliano D'Arco: Diogene, 2013. [130 p.] [M]

Giannini, Heidi Chamberlin. “Korsgaard and the Wille/Willkür Distinction: Radical Constructivism and the Imputability of Immoral Actions.” Kant Studies Online (2013): 72-101; posted August 8, 2013. [M][online]

Gilgen, Peter. See: Chignell, Andrew and Peter Gilgen.

Gilmanov, Vladimir Hamitovic. I. G. Gaman i I. Kant: bitva za cistyj razum. [Russian; Hamann and Kant] Kaliningrad: Izdatel'stvo Baltijskogo federal'nogo universiteta, 2013. [226 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Thinking and Faith. An Afterword to the Correspondence Regarding Relations Between Hamann and Kant.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 44.2 (2013): 93-101. [M]


Ginsborg, Hannah. “Kant’s Perceiver.” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 87.1 (2013): 221-28. [M]

 ——. “The Appearance of Spontaneity: Kant on Judgment and Empirical Self-Knowledge.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 119-44. [M]

Giordanetti, Piero Emilio. “Kants neue Kritik der reinen Vernunft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 555-65. [M]

Giovannini, Eduardo. “Reflections on Kant’s Theory of Geometrical Concepts Formation.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 43-54. [M]

Giusti, Miguel. “Zoología ético-política. Notas sobre una metáfora de Kant en Hacia la paz perpetua.” [Spanish; Ethical-Political Zoology. Notes on a Kantian Metaphor in Toward Perpetual Peace] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 37-47. [M]


Glazer, Trip. Rev. of Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, by Sally Sedgwick (2012). Review of Metaphysics 66.3 (2013): 600-02. [M]

Glezer, Tal. “Kant on Existence and the Impossibility of an Ontological Proof.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 605-19. [M]

Godlove, Jr., Terry F. “The Objectivity of Regulative Principles in Kant’s Appendix to the Dialectic.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 129-40. [M]

Görg, Erdmann. “Kant und Fries: Kritik des Newtonschen Raumes.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 55-63. [M]

Golob, Sacha. “Heidegger on Kant, Time, and the ‘Form’ of Intentionality.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.2 (2012): 345-67. [M]


Gomes, Anil. “Kant and the Explanatory Role of Experience.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 277-300. [M]


Gonnelli, Filippo. “Moral Teleology and Moral Theology in the Kritik der Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 269-80. [M]

González Fisac, Jesús. “Ilustración y mecanismo. Metafísica del uso privado de razón.” [Spanish] Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 183-205. [M]


Gorner, Paul. Rev. of Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Ein deutscher Philosoph 1762-1814, by Manfred Kuehn (2012). Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 483-87. [M]

Gorodeisky, Keren. “Schematizing without a Concept? Imagine that!” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 59-70. [M]

Gottschlich, Max. “Welche „Natur“ gibt der Kunst die Regel? – Zur Präsenz des spekulativen Vernunftbegriffs in Kants Kunstphilosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 71-83. [M]

Goy, Ina. “Virtue and Sensibility (TL 6:399-409).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 183-206. [M]

 ——. “Die Deduktion des Sittengesetzes in den Jahren 1785, 1788 und 1788–90 und der Wandel in Kants Naturbegriff.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 167-88. [PW]

 ——. “On Judging Nature as a System of Ends.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 65-76. [M]

Grandjean, Antoine. “«Rien pour nous», «Moins qu’un rêve», «autant que rien du tout». Le nerf de la Déduction transcendantale des catégories.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 141-52. [M]

Grapotte, Sophie. “Le concept d'«ens realissimum» dans «l'Idéal transcendantal». La persistance d'un concept dogmatique au sein du criticisme?” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 97-105. [M]

 ——. “Validité et réalité de l'idée de Dieu dans l'usage théorique et pratique de la raison pure.” Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Eds. Dietmar H. Weidemann and Raoul Weicker (op cit.). 51-64. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Early Moderns, edited by Daniel Garber and Béatrice Longuenesse (2008). [French] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 260-65. [M]

Grenberg, Jeanine. Kant’s Defense of Common Moral Experience: A Phenomenological Account. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [xi, 300 p.] [WC] [review]

Gressis, Robert A. “The Relationship Between the Gesinnung and the Denkungsart.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 403-12. [M]

Griswold, Charles. See: Kuehn, Manfred, and Charles Griswold.

Grüne, Stefanie. “Kant and the Spontaneity of the Understanding.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 145-76. [M]

Grünewald, Bernward. “Kant und die Grundlegung der Geisteswissenschaften.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 77-88. [M]

Gubman, Boris Lvovich. “Kant and Derrida on Philosophy in a Cosmopolitan Sense.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 683-94. [M]

Guenova, Ludmila L. “Leibniz, Kant, and the Doctrine of a Complete Concept.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 335-46. [M]

Guyer, Paul. “A Declaration of Interdependence.” European Journal of Philosophy 21.3 (2013): 495-505. [PW]


 ——. “Kant über moralische Gefühle: Von den Vorlesungen zur Metaphysik der Sitten.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 177-209. [M]

 ——. “Progress toward autonomy.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 71-86. [M]

 ——. “Freedom and the Essential Ends of Mankind.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 229-44. [M]

 ——. “The End of Art and the Interpretation of Geist.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 283-306. [M]

 ——. “Constructivism and Self-constitution.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 176-200. [M]

 ——. “On Robert Clewis’s The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom.” Critique (blog posted: 10 Mar 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

 ——. “Kant’s Legacy.” The Philosophers’ Magazine 63.4 (2013): 36-43. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Elliptical Path, by Karl Ameriks (2012). Mind 122.488 (2013): 1053-61. [PW]

[top] H    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Haag, Johannes. “Grenzbegriffe und die Antinomie der teleologischen Urteilskraft.” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 141-72. [M]

 —— and Markus Wild, eds. Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2013. [364 p.] [M]


Hahmann, Andree. “Pflichtgemäß, aber töricht! Kant über Spinozas Leugnung der Vorsehung.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 477-505. [M]

 ——. “Weltbürger und Philosoph im Garten – Wie stoisch ist die kantische Geschichtsphilosophie?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 695-706. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Lösung des Theodizeeproblems. Eine Rekonstruktion, by Volker Dieringer (2009). [German] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 268-70. [M]

Haines, Simon. Redemption in Poetry and Philosophy: Wordsworth, Kant, and the making of the post-Christian imagination. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2013. [xx, 249 p.] [M]

Hajime, Tanabe and Cody Staton. “An Essay on Kant’s Theory of Freedom from the Early Works of Tanabe Hajime.” Comparative & Continental Philosophy 5.2 (2013): 150-56. [M]


Hall, Bryan. “Kant and Quine on the Two Dogmas of Empiricism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 749-60. [M]

Hamm, Christian. “'Erkenntnis nach der Analogie': zu Form und Funktion indirekter Argumentation bei Kant.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 208-18. [M]

 ——. “Freies Spiel der Erkenntniskräfte und ästhetische Ideen.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 85-95. [M]

 ——. “A natureza ‘inatural’ da razão em Kant.” [Portuguese; The ‘unnatural’ nature of reason in Kant] Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 153-64. [M] [online]


Hancock, Curtis. Rev. of Kant and Milton, by Sanford Budick (2010). Review of Metaphysics 66.4 (2013): 828-30. [M]

Hanke, Thomas. “Kein Wunder und keine Instruktion. Kants Umgang mit dem Offenbarungsbegriff vor und in der Religionsschrift als Beitrag zu dessen diskreter Transformation.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 15-28. [M]

Hanna, Robert. “Kant, Hegel, and the Fate of Non-Conceptual Content.” Hegel Bulletin 34.1 (2013): 1-32. [M]


 ——. “Forward to Idealism: On Eckart Förster’s The Twenty-Five Years of Philosophy.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 301-15. [M]

Hare, John. “The Place of Kant’s Theism in His Moral Philosophy.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 300-14. [M]

Hatfield, Gary. “Russell’s Progress: Spatial Dimensions, the From-Which, and the At-Which.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 321-44. [M]

Haumesser, Matthieu. “L’ancrage de la philosophie transcendantale dans l’usage empirique des facultas.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 567-74. [M]

Hay, Carol. Kantianism, Liberalism, and Feminism: Resisting Oppression. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. [xiv, 202 p.] [PW] [review]

Hedrick, Todd. Rev. of Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Idea of World Citizenship, by Pauline Kleingeld (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.3 (2013): 623-27. [PW]

Heflik, Włodzimierz. Problem formy w perspektywie transcendentalnej u Kanta i Wittgensteina: analiza porównawcza na podstawie "Krytyki czystego rozumu" i "Traktatu logiczno-filozoficznego". [Polish] Kraków: Wydawnictwo Antykwa, 2013. [428 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Kants Theorie der Affinität und das Prinzip der prästabilierten Harmonie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 347-58. [M]

Heidegger, Martin. Seminare Kant - Leibniz - Schiller, ed. by Günther Neumann. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2013. [xxxviii, 894 p.] [WC]


Heidemann, Dietmar H. “‘Daß ich bin’. Zu Kants Begriff des reinen Existenzbewusstseins.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 153-64. [M]

 ——. “Skeptizismus und Metaphysikkritik. Untersuchungen zu Kant und Hegel.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 153-70. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant and Non-Conceptual Content. London/New York: Routledge, 2013. [ix, 227 p.] [WC]


 ——, ed. Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [168 p.] [PW]


 —— and Raoul Weicker, eds. Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit / Foi et raison dans la philosophie moderne: Festschrift für Robert Theis / Recueil en hommage à Robert Theis. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: George Olms Verlag, 2013. [xiv, 267 p.] [M]


Heinz, Marion. “Vernunft ist nur Eine: Untersuchungen zur Vernunftkonzeption in Herders Metakritik.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 163-94. [M]

 ——, ed. Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Stuttgart: frommann-holzboog, 2013. [276 p.] [M]


Henschen, Tobias. “Kant’s Pragmatism.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.1 (2012): 165-76. [M]


Herman, Barbara. “Making Exceptions.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 245-61. [M]

Hernández Marcos, Maximiliano, and Tatiana Vaquero Alameda. “Kant's criminal wisdom: a critical reconstruction.” Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Mysli Spolecznej 58 (2013): 93-106. [WC]

Herrera Noguera, Mónica. “Kant’s Exemplary Art – a Philosophy of Art Beyond Rules.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 97-106. [M]

Herrera, Wilson. “Una interpretación constructivista del principio kantiano del derecho y de la idea del contrato original.” [Spanish; A Constructivist Interpretation of the Kantian Principle of Right and of the Idea of the Original Contract] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 85-108. [M]


Hespe, Franz. “Kants Prinzip der Zweckmäßigkeit und Hegels Begriff der Subjektivität.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 263-84. [M]

 ——. “Rechtsbegründung und Sicherung des Meinen nach Kants Einteilung der Rechtslehre.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 809-23. [M]

Hicks, Amanda. “Kant’s Response to the Principle of Sufficient Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 359-70. [M]

Hill, Thomas. “Imperfect Duties to Oneself (TL 6:444-447).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 293-308. [M]

 ——. “Kantian Autonomy and Contemporary Ideas of Autonomy.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 15-31. [M]

 ——. “Varieties of Constructivism.” Reading Onora O’Neill. Ed. David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock (op cit.). 37-54. [M]

Hiltscher, Reinhard. “Gegenstandsbegriff und funktionale Reflexivität in Kants Transzendentaler Deduktion.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 40-61. [M]

Himmelmann, Beatrix. “Vom Umgang mit Widersprüchen – Aufrichtigkeit und ihre Bedeutung für Kants Begriff der Philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 575-87. [M]

Hindrichs, Gunnar. “Subjektivität und System oder anschauender Verstand?” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 173-90. [M]

Hinske, Norbert. “Kants Verankerung der Kritik im Weltbegriff. Einige Anmerkungen zu KrV B 866 ff.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 263-75. [M]

 ——. “The wasted years. Another take on the achievements, problems, and shortcomings of the academic collection of Kant’s works.” [Russian; translated from the German] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 103-11. [M]


Ho, Tsung-Hsing. “Kant and McDowell on Skepticism and Disjunctivism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 761-70. [M]

Hodgson, Louis-Philippe. “Needs and External Freedom in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 825-33. [M]

Hofer, Michael, and Christopher Meiller, Hans Schelkshorn, Kurt Appel, and Rudolf Langthaler. Der Endzweck der Schöpfung: zu den Schlussparagraphen (§§84-91) in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 2013. [432 p.] [WC]


Höffe, Otfried. Kant: crítica da razão pura os fundamentos da filosofia moderna. [Portuguese] Translated from the German by Roberto Hofmeister Pich. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 2013. [355 p.] [WC]


 ——. “Anthropology and Metaphysics in Kant’s Categorical Imperative of Law. An Interpretation of Rechtslehre §§B and C.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 110-24. [M]

Hoffer, Noam. “Kant’s Religion and the Reflective Judgment.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 883-97. [M]

Hogan, Desmond. “Metaphysical Motives of Kant’s Analytic–Synthetic Distinction.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 51.2 (2013): 267-307. [M]


Holtman, Sarah. “Justice, Ethics and the Lessons of Context-Sensitivity.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 835-47. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the End of War: A Critique of Just War Theory, by Howard Williams (2012). Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 334-38. [M]

Horstmann, Rolf-Peter. “Propositional Activity in Kant and Hegel.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 17-39. [M]

Höwing, Thomas. Praktische Lust: Kant über das Verhältnis von Fühlen, Begehren und praktischer Vernunft. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [x, 272 p.] [M]

 ——. “Das Verhältnis der Vermögen des menschlichen Gemüts zu den Sittengesetzen (MS 6:211-214).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 25-58. [M]

Hruschka, Joachim. “Immanuel Kant.” Wörterbuch der Würde. Eds. Rolf Gröschner, Antje Kapust, and Oliver W. Lembcke (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2013). 40. [M]

Hühn, Helmut and James Vigus, eds. Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics. London: Legenda, 2013. [xiii, 214 p.] [M]


Hulshof, Monique. “Die transzendentale Reflexion und der Begriff des Noumenon in negativer Bedeutung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 621-31. [M]

 ——. “La réalité objective de l'idée de Dieu: un «schématisme analogique»?” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 135-43. [M]

Hüning, Dieter. “Humes Wunderkritik und das Problem des Zeugnisses anderer.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 453-76. [M]

 ——. “Utilitarismus und Gerechtigkeit im Strafrecht.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 467-80. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Theory of Criminal Law and the jus talionis.” Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 139-60. [M]


 ——. “‘Rousseau set me aright’ – The Legacy of Rousseau in Kant’s legal and political philosophy and the idealization of the volonté générale.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 107-120. [M]


 ——. “Beccaria, Kant und die kriminalpolitische Aufklärung.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.1 (2013): 36-51. [M] [online]


 ——, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk, eds. Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [xi, 805 p.] [M]


Hunter, Ian. “Kant and Vattel in Context: Cosmopolitan Philosophy and Diplomatic Casuistry.” History of European Ideas 39.4 (2013): 477-502. [HIC]

Hurson, Didier. “L'inhérence de Dieu chez Kant.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 77-85. [M]

Hurtado, Alexandra. “La educación del carácter moral.” [Spanish; The Moral Character Education] Franciscanum: Revista de las Ciencias del Espíritu 55 (2013): 155-97 [PW]


Huseyinzadegan, Dilek. “Teleology and Its Risks for Reason. A Closer Look at the Antinomy of Teleological Judgment.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 899-910. [M]

Hutchings, Kimberly. Kant, Critique and Politics. London: Taylor and Francis, 2013. [175 p.] [WC]

[top] I    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Iacobelli, Natalia. See: Mori, Massimo, and Natalia Iacobelli.

Insole, Christopher J. Kant and the Creation of Freedom: A Theological Problem. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. [xiv, 264 p.] [WC]

Invernizzi, Giuseppe. “Schopenhauer und die Antinomien bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 557-68. [M]

Ivaldo, Marco. “Habitus libertatis. Jacobi e Kant sulla virtù.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 281-92. [M]

 ——. “Sul momento ‘materiale’ della ragione pura pratica. Riflessioni sul sentimento morale nella critica della ragione pratica.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 25-32. [M]

Iwasa, Noriaki. “Reason Alone Cannot Identify Moral Laws.” Journal of Value Inquiry 47.1-2 (2013): 67-85. [M]

[top] J    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

James, David. “Fichte’s Critical Reappraisal of Kant’s Cosmopolitanism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 707-17. [M]

Jankowiak, Tim. “Kant’s Argument for the Principle of Intensive Magnitudes.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 387-412. [M]


Jansson, Bjarne. See: Andersson, E. Roland, Bjarne Jansson, and Jan Lundblad.

Jarzombek, Mark. “PUBLICS: Kant and the modernity of the absent public.” Threshold: Revolution! Ed. Ana María León (Cambridge, Mass.: SA+P Press, 2013). pages. [WC]

Jauernig, Anja. “The Synthetic Nature of Geometry, and the Role of Construction in Intuition.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 89-100. [M]

Jesus, Paulo. “La psycho-logique de l'hypothèse-Dieu ou la nécessité d'une possibilité.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 125-33. [M]

Jiang, Lu. Das Schematismuskapitel in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft: seine transzendental psychologische Bedeutung für Kants Erkenntnistheorie. Munich: AVM, 2013. [211 p.] [WC]


Jiménez, Erick Raphael. “Dimensions of Subjectivity in Kant: Notes on Two Recent Studies.” Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34.1 (2013): 205-25. [PW]

Joerden, Jan C. “Kooperationsregeln und der kategorische Imperativ.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 293-305. [M]

Johnston, James Scott. Kant’s Philosophy: A Study for Educators. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. [vi, 268 p.] [WC]

Jones, Rachel. “Kant, Irigaray, and Earthquakes: Adventures in the Abyss.” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 17.1 (2013): 273-99. [HIC]

Josivofic, Sasa. “The Crucial Role of Pure Apperception within the Framework of Kant’s Theory of Synthesis and Cognition.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 221-33. [M]

[top] K    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Kaag, John. ““Merely” Aesthetic: The Centrality of Aesthetic Judgments of Taste.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 107-17. [M]

Kahn, Samuel. “Reconsidering RGV, AA 06: 26n and the Meaning of ‘Humanity’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 307-15. [M]

Kakol, Tomasz. “Idealizm transcendentalny dzis?: od Kantowskiej metafizyki substancji i czasu w "Krytyce czystego rozumu" do sporu o istnienie swiata.” [Polish] Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8.4 (2013): 7-18. [WC]

Kaldis, Byron. “Worldhood. Between Scholasticism and Cosmopolitanism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 589-601. [M]

Kalinnikov, Leonard A. “A. A. Fet and Kant’s Stars-and-Morals Motif in Russian Philosophical Poetry.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 43.1 (2013): 46-62. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s philosophy of history and the idea of World Federative Union of Nations and States.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 5-9. [M]

Kannisto, Toni. “Modality and Metaphysics in Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 633-45. [M]

Kante, Bozidar. “Leibniz in Kant o popolnosti in pojem piktoresknega pri Kantu.” [Slovenian] Analiza Ljubljana 17.4 (2013): 5-23. [WC]

Kanterian, Edward. “The Ideality of Space and Time: Trendelenburg versus Kant, Fischer and Bird.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 263-88. [M]


 ——. “Bodies in Prolegomena §13: Noumena or Phenomena?” Hegel Bulletin 34.2 (2013): 181-202. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of How Is Nature Possible? Kant's Project in the First Critique, by Daniel N. Robinson (2012). Review of Metaphysics 66.3 (2013): 597-99. [M]

Karásek, Jindřich. “Synthetische Einheit des Mannigfaltigen. Textanalytische Überlegungen zu einem Schlüsselbegriff von Kants Erkenntnistheorie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 177-87. [M]

Kawamura, Katsutoshi. “Kants Stellung zum Urheber des moralischen Gesetzes.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 317-27. [M]

 ——. “Zum Tod von Fumiyasu Ishikawa” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 275-76. [M]

Keller, Pierre.  “Ideas, Freedom, and the Ends of Architectonic.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Freiheit/Freedom, eds. Jürgen Stolzenberg and Fred Rush. 9 (2013): 51-78. [PW]

Kerstein, Samuel J. How to Treat Persons. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. [x, 230 p.] [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Virtue, Rules, and Justice: Kantian Aspirations, by Thomas E. Hill, Jr. (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (February 2013, #19). [M] [online]

Kersting, Wolfgang. “Das ‘Ideal des hobbes’, der Kampf und die Anerkennung. Kants und Hegels Auseinandersetzung mit Hobbes.” Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 11-43. [M]


 ——. “Die Vertragsidee des Contrat social und Kants contractus originarius.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 85-105. [M]


Kerszberg, Pierre. “Kant on the Idea of Science.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 101-12. [M]

Kharitonova, Alyona. “The concept of body and the problem of demarcation in new European metaphysics: from Descartes to Kant.” Kantovsky Sbornik: Selected Articles (Kaliningrad), pp. 4-16. [PW] [online (English)]

 ——. “The Machine and the Body in the Transcendental Cosmology of Chr. Wolff and Chr. A. Crusius.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 43.1 (2013): 7-22. [M]


Khurana, Thomas. “Schema und Bild: Kant, Heidegger und das Verhältnis von Repräsentation und Abstraktion.” Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 58.2 (2013): 203-24. [WC]

Kibanda, Wilfrid K. L'idée de paix perpétuelle au risque de la sélection naturel: discussion des déterminants de la paix. Louvain-la-Neuve: publ, 2013. [249 p.] [WC]

Kinlaw, C. Jeffery. Rev. of Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, by Sally Sedgwick (2012). International Philosophical Quarterly 53.2 (2013): 211-14. [PW]

Kinnaman, Ted. “Kant and McDowell on the Purposiveness of Nature.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 771-80. [M]

Kisser, Thomas. Rev. of Reality and Negation – Kant’s Principle of Anticipations of Perception. An Investigation of its Impact on the Post-Kantian Debate, by Marco Giovanelli (2011). Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Freiheit/Freedom, eds. Jürgen Stolzenberg and Fred Rush. 9 (2013): 291-300. [PW]

Kitcher, Patricia. “Précis of Kant’s Thinker.” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 87.1 (2013): 200-12. [PI]

 ——. “Replies to Rödl, Ginsborg, and Allais.” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 87.1 (2013): 237-47. [PI]

 ——. “Arguing for Apperception.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 189-98. [M]

 ——. “Kant versus the Asymmetry Dogma.” Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge 5 (2013): 51-78. [PW]


Kjosavik, Frode. “A Synthesis into a Whole which Is not a Synthesis out of Parts. On the Original Transcendental Figurative Synthesis of Imagination.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 199-209. [M]

 ——. Rev. of The Continuum Companion to Kant, edited by Gary Banham, Dennis Schulting and Nigel Hems (2012). Kant Studies Online, posted April 2, 2013 (2013): 39-44. [M] [online]

Kleber, Karsten. Der frühe Schelling und Kant: zur Genese des Identitätssystems aus philosophischer Bewältigung der Natur und Kritik der Transzendentalphilosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen et Neumann, 2013. [190 p.] [WC]

Klein, Joel Thiago. “Die Weltgeschichte im Kontext der Kritik der Urteilskraft.” Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 188-212. [M]


 ——. “Kant e a segunda recensão a Herder: comentário, tradução e notas.” [Portuguese; Kant and the second critique of Herder: commentary, translation and notes] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 190-214. [M] [online]


 ——. “Kant sobre o progresso na história.” [Portuguese; Kant on Progress in History] ethic@ 12.1 (2013): 67-100. [M] [online]


 ——. “A dedução do juízo teleológico na terceira Crítica.” [Portuguese; The deduction of teleological judgment in Third critique] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 71-98. [M] [online]


Klemme, Heiner F. Oblicza wolności. Studia z praktycznej filozofii Kanta i jej historia. [Polish; Dimensionen der Freiheit. Studien zu Kants praktischer Philosophie und ihrer Entwicklung] Translated from the German by Dariusz Pakalski. Toruń (Polen): Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, 2013. [258 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Der Transzendentale Idalismus und die Rechtslehre: Kant über den Zusammenhang von moralischer Verbindlichkeit, Recht und Ethik.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 43-53. [M]

 ——. “Freiheit oder Fatalismus? Kants positive und negative Deduktion der Idee der Freiheit in der Grundlegung (und seine Kritik an Christian Garves Antithetik von Freiheit und Notwendigkeit).” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 59-102. [PW]

 ——. “Zweckmäßigkeit mit Endzweck: Über den Übergang vom Natur- zum Freiheitsbegriff in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 113-24. [M]

 ——. “Moralized nature, naturalized autonomy: Kant’s way of bridging the gap in the third Critique (and in the Groundwork).” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 193-211. [M]

 ——. “Kant, Hume a aristotelovské antiosvietenstvo Kritika.” [Slovak; Kant, Hume and Aristotelian Anti-Enlightenment. A Critique] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.1 (2013): 13-26. [M] [online]


 ——. “A liberdade do arbítrio e o domínio do mal: a doutrina de Kant do mal radical entre moral, religião e direito.” [Portuguese; Freedom of the will and the domain of evil: Kant’s doctrine of radical evil among moral, religion and right] Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 5-37. [M] [online]


 ——.  “Kants Erörterung der „libertas indifferentiae“ in der Metaphysik der Sitten und ihre philosophische Bedeutung.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Freiheit/Freedom, eds. Jürgen Stolzenberg and Fred Rush. 9 (2013): 22-50. [PW]

Kley, Andreas. Kants republikanisches Erbe: Flucht und Rückkehr des freiheitlich-republikanischen Kant - eine staatsphilosophische Zeitreise. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013. [80 p.] [WC]

Klingner, Stefan. Technische Vernunft: Kants Zweckbegriff und das Problem einer Philosophie der technischen Kultur. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [xii, 334 p.] [WC]


 ——. “Zum Problem der objektiven Realität von Kants Naturzweckbegriff.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 238-62. [M]

 ——. “Kultur als Gegenstand der Transzendentalphilosophie?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 603-15. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant Yearbook: Teleology, edited by Dietmar H. Heidemann (2009).  Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 555-58. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Hüning, Dieter, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk, eds.

Knappik, Franz, and Erasmus Mayr. “Gewissen und Gewissenhaftigkeit beim späten Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 329-41. [M]

Kneller, Jane. “Aesthetic Reflection and Cultural Judgments.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 119-29. [M]

 ——. “‘Mere Nature in the Subject’: Kant on Symbolic Representation of the Absolute.” Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics. Eds. Helmut Hühn and James Vigus (op cit.). 44-59. [M]

Koch, Anton Friedrich. “Metaphysik bei Hegel oder analytische, synthetische und hermeneutische Philosophie.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 307-19. [M]

Koch, Lutz. “Kants kosmopolitische Erziehungsidee.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 719-28. [M]

Kögler, Hans-Herbert. “Interpretation as Reflective Judgment? Toward a Critique of Hermeneutic Experience.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 189-205. [M]

Kohler, Georg. “Docta spes. Zu Kants politischer Theorie begründeter Hoffnung und kollektiven Lernens.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 69-84. [M]

Kohnen, Josef. “A Königsberg society of friends without Kant.” [Russian; translated from the German] Kantovsky Sbornik 46.4 (2013): 76-86. [M]


Kok, Arthur. Kant, Hegel, und die Frage der Metaphysik: über die Möglichkeit der Philosophie nach der kopernikanischen Wende. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2013. [287 p.] [WC]


Kolen, Filip. “Symmetry: the Co-Constitutive Between.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 57-63. [M]

Korsgaard, Christine M. “Kantian Ethics, Animals, and the Law.” Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33.4 (2013): 629-48. [M]


Koßler, Matthias. “Schopenhauers Weg vom transzendentalen Subjekt zum willenlosen Subjekt des Erkennens.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 623-34. [M]

 ——. “„Ein kühner Unsinn“ – Anschauung und Begriff in Schopenhauers Kant-Kritik.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 569-78. [M]

Krasnoff, Larry. “Constructing Practical Justification. How Can the Categorical Imperative Justify Desire-Based Actions?” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 87-109. [M]

Kraus, Katharina Teresa. “Quantifying Inner Experience?—Kant's Mathematical Principles in the Context of Empirical Psychology.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 5 Dec 2013). [abstract] [PW]


 ——. “Kants Zwei Standpunkte und die Möglichkeit der Naturerkenntnis.” Die Natur Denken. Eds. Myriam Gerhard and Christine Zunke (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013). 143-67. [WC]

Krause, Joachim. “Kant und seine Zeit — die Schrift „Zum ewigen Frieden” vor der Hintergrund der Französischen Revolution und der nachfolgenden Kriege.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 9-23. [M]

Krieger, Gerhard. “'Factum der Vernunft': Zu einer Parallele zwischen Kant und mittelalterlichem Denken (Johannes Buridan).” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 343-54. [M]

 ——. “Zweifelsglaube oder religiöser Glaube? Zum Verhältnis von Vernunft glaube und Religion.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 593-604. [M]

Krijnen, Christian. “Geschichtsphilosophie bei Kant.” Der Begriff der Geschichte im Marburger und südwestdeutschen Neukantianismus. Eds. Christian Krijnen and Marc de Launay (op cit.). 29-57. [M]

 ——, and Marc de Launay, eds. Der Begriff der Geschichte im Marburger und südwestdeutschen Neukantianismus. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013. [214 p.] [M]

Krouglov, Alexei N. “Tetens und die Deduktion der Kategorien bei Kant.” Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 466-89. [M]


 ——. “Das Problem des Friedens am Ende des 19. — am Anfang des 20. Jh. im Dialog der drei Zaren: I. Kant, Nikolaus II. und L. N. Tolstoj.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 40-44. [M]

 ——. “Die frühe Rezeption der Konzeption des Naturrechts Kants in Russland.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 129-43. [M]

 ——. “Bulhakow i Kant.” [Polish] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.4 (2013): 81-101. [WC]

Kruck Günter. “'Verträge ohne das Schwert sind bloße Worte...'. Zur unterschiedlichen Begründung des Zwangscharakters des Rechts.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 386-400. [M]

 ——. “Eine Verrücktheit des Geistes oder der Natur der Vernunft eingeschrieben. Zu Kants Antinomienlehre.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 211-20. [M]

Kruglow, Aleksiej Nikołajewicz. “Bułhakow i Kant.” [Polish] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.4 (2013): 81-101. [PW] [online]

Kryshtop, Ludmila. “Postulaty w filozofii Kanta.” [Polish; Postulates in Kant’s Philosophy] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.1 (2013): 69-84. [PW] [online]


Krzymuski, Edmund, and Jan Widacki. Teoria karna Kanta: ze stanowiska jego ogólnej nauki o rozumie praktycznym. [Polish] Kraków: Krakowskie Towarzystwo Edukacyjne, 2013. [vii, 113 p.] [WC]

Kuehn, Manfred, and Charles Griswold. “Obituary for John R. Silber (1926–2012)” Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 419-20. [M]

Kühnemund, Burkhard. “Die systematische Stellung der Eigentumslehre in Kants praktischer Philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 849-59. [M]

Kukla, Todd. “Assessing the Anti-Skeptical Results of Kant’s Refutation of Idealism.” Southwest Philosophy Review 29.1 (2013): 145-53. [PW]

Kumar, Apaar. Rev. of Kant’s Idealism: New Interpretations of a Controversial Doctrine, ed. by Dennis Schulting and Jacco Verburgt (2011). Journal of the History of Philosophy 51.3 (2013): 492-94. [PI]

Kuneš, Jan. “Heidegger und Kants Weltbegriff.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 781-92. [M]

Kuplen, Mojca;. “Kant and the Problem of Pure Judgments of Ugliness.” Kant Studies Online (2013): 102-43; posted December 12, 2013. [M] [online]

Kups, Tomasz. “Czy Immanuel Kant jest prekursorem "idealu osobowosci"? (na marginesie opracowan Franciszka Sawickiego).” [Polish] Studia Philosophiae Christianae 49.1 (2013): 49-69. [WC]

Kuteyniko, Alexander. See: Chaly, Vadim, and Alexander Kuteynikov.

[top] L    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Lahat, Golan. The Political Implications of Kant’s Theory of Knowledge: Rethinking Progress. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. [xvi, 298 p.] [WC]

Land, Thomas. “Intuition and Judgment. How Not To Think about the Singularity of Intuition (and the Generality of Concepts) in Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 221-31. [M]

Landolfi Petrone, Giuseppe. “La lotta per la ragione.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 793-804. [M]

Landy, David. “What Incongruent Counterparts Show.” European Journal of Philosophy 21.4 (2013): 507-24. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, by Sally S. Sedgwick (2012). Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 157-62. [M]

Langlois, Luc. “Wolff and the Beginnings of Kant’s Moral Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 355-69. [M]

Langthaler, Rudolf. “Der Ort des ‘Zweifelglaubens’ innerhalb einer differenzierten Idee der kantischen Ethikotheologie. Anmerkungen zu Bernd Dörflingers Interpretation eines wichtigen kantischen Lehrstückes.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 564-92. [M]

 ——. “Eine ‘noo-theologisch’ erweiterte Ethiktheologie? Perspektiven der ‘absoluten Transzendenz’ beim späten Kant.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 107-33. [M]

 ——. “„… unseren Horizont zur Absicht der species zu erweitern“ – Aspekte einer erweiterten geschichtsphilosophischen Konzeption bei Kant?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 617-29. [M]

Lanzillotti, Francesco. See: Brandom, Robert, and Francesco Lanzillotti.

Laos Igreda, Claudia María. “Das Erfahrungsurteil. Nebensächliche Anekdote oder Schlüssel des Kantischen Denkens?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 233-44. [M]

 ——. “La "libertad de crítica" como medio y fin de la "razón humana universal".” [Spanish; "Freedom of Critique" as Means and End of the "Uiversal Human Reason"] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 185-211. [M]

Larmore, Charles.  “Kant and the Meanings of Autonomy.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Freiheit/Freedom, eds. Jürgen Stolzenberg and Fred Rush. 9 (2013): 3-21. [PW]

La Rocca, Claudio. “Kant on Self-Knowledge and Conscience.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 364-85. [M]

 ——. “Methode und System in Kants Philosophieauffassung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 277-97. [M]

 ——. “Conciencia moral y Gesinnung.” [Spanish; Moral Consciousness and Gesinnung] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 133-52. [M]


 ——. “La formazione dei concetti in Kant: su un'interpretazione recente.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 137-46. [PW]

 ——, ed. See: Bacin, Stefano, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca, and Margit Ruffing, eds.

Lawler, James M. The Intelligible World: Metaphysical Revolution in the Genesis of Kant’s Theory of Morality. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. [478 p.] [WC]

Lazos, Efraín. “Idealidad y subjetividad en la estética trascendental de Kant.” [Portuguese; Ideality and subjectivity in Kant’s transcendental aesthetic] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 152-83. [M] [online]


Leder, Andrzej. “Strangeness and Unity. Freud and the Kantian Condition of Synthetic Unity of Apperception.” Dialogue and Universalism 23.2 (2013): 55-72. [PW]

Leduc, Christian. “Les critères kantiens de validité de l’hypothèse physique.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 125-37. [M]

Lee, Michael G. The German Mittelweg: Garden Theory and Philosophy in the Time of Kant. London: Routledge, 2013. [x, 335 p.] [WC]

Lee, Ming-huei. Konfuzianischer Humanismus: transkulturelle Kontexte. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013. [170 p.] [WC]

Lequan, Mai. “Foi morale et foi historique: du conflit des Facultés à la définition criticiste iréniste de l'Université.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 215-26. [M]

Lerussi, Natalia. “La teoría kantiana de las razas y el origen de la epigénesis.” [Spanish; Kantian theory of races and the origin of epigenesis] Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 85-102. [M] [online]


Leserre, Daniel Oscar. “The Use of Words in Philosophy as Self-Examination of Pure Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 245-55. [M]

Leśniewski, Norbert. “Ontologization of Transcendentalism. Historical-Intentional Aspect of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Dialogue and Universalism 23.2 (2013): 87-99. [PW]


Leszczak, Oleg. “Socialinė ir empirinė. I. Kanto transcendentinio antropocentrizmo prigimtis — žmonijos problemos esmė.” [Polish; On the social and empirical nature of Kant's transcendental anthropocentrism: the problem of human nature] Respectus Philologicus 24.29 (2013): 21-34. [HIC]


Lettow, Susanne. “Modes of Naturalization: Race, sex and biology in Kant, Schelling and Hegel.” Philosophy & Social Criticism 39.2 (2013): 117-31. [PI]


Li, Haifeng. 康德 = Kant. [Chinese] Changchun Shi: Changchun chu ban she, 2013. [180 p.] [WC]

Licht dos Santos, Paulo R. “The Real Use of the Understanding and Ontology in Kant’s Inaugural Dissertation.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 64758. [M]

Likanen, Ray. “Beyond Kant and Hegel: In Answer to the Question, ‘How are Synthetic Cognitions A Priori Possible?’” Review of Metaphysics 66.3 (2013): 469-93. [M]

Linguiti, Gennar Luigi. “Aspetti del concetto di storia della natura in Kant.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 139-46. [M]

Linnebo, Øystein. “Freges oppfatning av logikk: fra Kant til Grundgesetze.” [Norwegian; Frege’s conception of logic: From Kant to Grundsätze] Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 48.3-4 (2013): 219-28. [PW]


Lisak, Andrzej. “Neoneo-Kantianism—Transcendental Philosophy as a Reflection on Validity (Geltung).” Dialogue and Universalism 23.2 (2013): 101-14. [PW]


Litvin, T. V. Vremja, vosprijatie, voobrazenie: fenomenologiceskie studii po probleme vremeni u Avgustina, Kanta i Gusserlja. [Russian] Sankt-Peterburg: Gumanitarnaja Akademija, 2013. [206 p.] [WC]

Liu, Jing. “Kant’s Virtue as Strength.” Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8.3 (2013): 451-70. [PW]


Lockhart, Jennifer Ryan. “Kierkegaard’s Indirect Communication of Kant’s Existential Moment.” Res Philosophica 90.4 (2013): 503-23. [PW]


Lomonaco, Fabrizio. “The Biblical Text in the Philosophy of History of the 1780s.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 729-39. [M]

Loncar, Samuel. “Converting the Kantian Self: Radical Evil, Agency, and Conversion in Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 346-66. [M]


Longuenesse, Béatrice. “Kant and Freud on ‘I’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 299-320. [M]

 ——. “Kant and Hegel on the Moral Self.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 93-117. [M]

Look, Brandon C. “Matter, Inertia, and the Contingency of Laws of Nature in Leibniz and Kant – Some Points of Comparison.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 147-57. [M]

Lorenz, Andreas. Gewißheit versus Hypothese: postmetaphysische Untersuchungen zur Philosophieauffassung bei Kant, Newton und Schopenhauer. Würzburg: Königshausen et Neumann, 2013. [386 p.] [WC]


Lorenz, Hilmar. “Le tournant copernicien chez Kant: du savoir à la foi.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 207-14. [M]

Lories, Danielle. “De la portée des parerga dans la Religion.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 329-37. [M]

Lorini, Gualtiero. “Raum und Zeit als Bedingungen für Kants neue Definition der Ontologie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 659-68. [M]

 ——. “Die Rolle der Vorlesungen über Metaphysik in Kants stillem Jahrzehnt (1770-1781): Der Begriff Ontologie.” Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 105-24. [M]


Louden, Robert B. “Reply to Pablo Muchnik.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 473-77. [M]

 ——. “El Kant de Foucault.” [Spanish] Translated from the English by Nuria Sánchez Madrid. Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 163-82. [M]


 ——. “Unidade cosmopolítica: o destino final da espécie humana.” [Portuguese; Cosmopolitical unity: the final destiny of human species] Translated from the English by Alexandre Hahn Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 201-22. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of The Scope of Autonomy: Kant and the Morality of Freedom, by Katerina Deligiorgi (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.2 (2013): 412-15. [M]

 ——. Rev. of What is the Human Being?, by Patrick R. Frierson (2013). Philosophy in Review 33.6 (2013): 461-63. [M] [online]

Ludwig, Bernd. “Die Einteilungen der Metaphysik der Sitten im Allgemeinen und die der Tugendlehre im Besonderen (MS 6:218-221 und RL 6:239-242 und TL 6:388-394, 410-413).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 59-84. [M]

 ——. “Die Freiheit des Willens und die Freiheit zum Bösen. Inhaltliche Inversionen und terminologische Ausdifferenzierungen in Kants Moralphilosophie zwischen 1781 und 1797.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 227-68. [PW]

 ——. “Kants Bruch mit der schulphilosophischen Freiheitslehre im Jahre 1786 und die 'Consequente Denkungsart der speculativen Critik'.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 371-84. [M]

Lundblad, Jan. See: Andersson, E. Roland, Bjarne Jansson, and Jan Lundblad.

Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias. “Responsabilidad cosmopolita: sobre la ética y el derecho en un mundo global.” [Spanish] Revista de Estudios Sociales (Bogota) 46 (2013): 178-83. [WC]

[top] M    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Machado Santos, Ricardo. “Kant, Foucault e o cuidado de si.” [Portuguese; Kant, Foucault and the care of the self] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 85-101. [M] [online]


Maciejczak, Marek. “Ideas and Principles in Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Dialogue and Universalism 23.2 (2013): 161-80. [PW]


Macor, Laura Anna. Die Bestimmung des Menschen (1748-1800). Eine Begriffsgeschichte. Stuttgart: frommann-holzboog Verlag, 2013. [433 p.] [WC]


 ——. “I fondamenti concettuali del cosmopolitismo kantiano – pensiero autonomo, egoismo logico e universale ragione umana.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 631-42. [M]

 ——. “‘Intendere un autore meglio di quanto egli stesso si sia inteso’. Schiller interprete dell'etica kantiana.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 185-203. [M]

 ——. “Kant and Schiller on Pure Ethics: Why Philosophers Should Concern Themselves with German Literature (and vice versa).” Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 125-38. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Universal Human Reason. A Polyphonic, Functional, and Open Concept.” Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 184-200. [M] [online]


 ——. “Das Erbe der Aufklärungstheologie bei Kant: Vorüberlegungen zum Einfluss Johann Joachim Spaldings.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 107-21. [M]

Madore, Joël. Difficult Freedom and Radical Evil in Kant: Deceiving Reason. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. [viii, 184 p.] [WC]

Magrì, Elisa. Rev. of Diritto e storia in Kant e Hegel, edited by Valerio Rocco Lozano and Marco Sgarbi (2011). Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 193-98. [M]

Maharaj, Ayon. The Dialectics of Aesthetic Agency: Revaluating German Aesthetics from Kant to Adorno. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. [xv, 212 p.] [WC]

Mahootian, Farzad. “Paneth’s epistemology of chemical elements in light of Kant’s Opus postumum.” Foundations of Chemistry 15.2 (2013): 171-84. [PI]


Makeeva, Lolita B. “Analytic Philosophy, its History, and Kant.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 44.2 (2013): 56-68. [M]


Makino, Eiji. “Weltbürgertum und die Kritik an der postkolonialen Vernunft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 321-37. [M]

Makino, Eiji, and Kazuhiko Uzawa. “Bericht über die japanische Edition von Kants Gesammelten Schriften. Immanuel Kant: Gesammelte Schriften. Herausgegeben von Megumi Sakabe (†), Kougaku Arifuku und Eiji Makino. Tokio/Japan: Iwanami Shoten-Verlag, 1999–2006.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 386-94. [M]

Makkreel, Rudolf A. “Differentiating Wordly and Cosmopolitan Senses of Philosophy in Kant. According to a World-Concept and his Cosmopolitanism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 643-52. [M]

Malandrino, Corrado. “The 'Invention' of Complementarity of the Federalist Thought of Kant and Hamilton in Italy.” Immanuel Kant and Alexander Hamilton, the Founders of Federalism. Ed. Roberto Castaldi (op cit.). 271-301. [M]

Maliks, Reidar. “Kant, the State, and Revolution.” Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 29-47. [M]


 ——. “Kant and the Debate over Theory and Practice.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 741-51. [M]

 ——. “Kantian Courts: On the Legitimacy of International Human Rights Courts.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 153-74. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy, by Anne Margaret Baxley (2010). The Philosophical Quarterly 63.252 (2013): 616-18. [PW]

 ——, and Andreas Føllesdal. “Kantian Theory and Human Rights.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 1-7. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Føllesdal, Andreas, and Reidar Maliks, eds.

Manson, Neil. “Informed Consent and Referential Opacity.” Reading Onora O’Neill. Ed. David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock (op cit.). 79-93. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Archard, David, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock, eds.

Maraguat, Edgar. “Kant’s Underlying Metaphysics of Mind.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 669-76. [M]

Marciniak, Milena. “Die Rezeption der Philosophie Immanuel Kants in Polen um die Wende des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts.” [German; The reception of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant in Poland near the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.4 (2013): 103-12. [PI] [online]


Marey, Macarena. “Kant’s Law of Peoples and the League of Democracies: How to Reconcile Human Rights with National Borders.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 861-71. [M]

Marino, Stefano. “Giudizio estetico e Giudizio etico-politico. Gadamer e Arendt interpreti di Kant.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 131-40. [M]

Marques, António. “Imputation Judgment in Kant’s Practical Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 385-93. [M]

Marques, José Oscar de Almeida and Andrea Faggion. “Causality, antinomies, and Kant’s way to the Critique.” [Portuguese] Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 72-84. [M] [online]


Marques, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo. “Philologische Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch der Begriffe "angeboren" und "ursprünglich" in Kants praktischer und theoretischer Philosophie.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 344-53. [M]

 ——. “Osservazioni sull’innato in Kant.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 321-29. [M]

 ——. “Consideraciones filológicas a propósito del “genio” en Kant.” [Portuguese] Philosophica 41 (2014): 147-61. [M] [online]


Marschall-Bradl, Beate. “Wahrhaftigkeit und Menschenwürde.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 395-405. [M]

Marshall, Colin. “Kant’s Appearances and Things in Themselves as Qua-Objects.” Philosophical Quarterly 63.252 (2013): 520-45. [PI]


 ——. “Kant’s One Self and the Appearance/Thing-in-itself Distinction.” Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 421-41. [M]


Marthaler, Ingo. Bewusstes Leben: Moral und Glück bei Immanuel Kant. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [x, 155 p.] [M]


Martinelli, Riccardo. “Vom Ich zur Welt. Formen der Weltbeziehung in Kants Anthropologie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 413-23. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant und die Wissenschaften vom Menschen , by Thomas Sturm (2009). The Philosophical Quarterly 63.250 (2013): 178-80. [PW]

Martins, Clélia Aparecida. “Teleologie, Subjekt und Gott.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 531-44. [M]

 ——. “Bemerkungen zum philosophisch-historischen Aspekt der Kritik der Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 753-63. [M]

 ——. “Die Antinomie zwischen Mechanismus und Finalismus in den spekulativen Überlegungen über die Natur.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.2 (2013): 3-26. [M] [online]


Marty, François. “Dieu, le monde et l'homme dans l'Opus postumum.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 117-23. [M]

Marwah, Inder. “Elateres Motiva: From the Good Will to the Good Human Being.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 413-37. [M]


 ——. “What Nature Makes of Her: Kant’s Gendered Metaphysics.” Hypatia 28.3 (2013): 551-67. [PI]


Marwede, Florian. “Die moralische Notwendigkeit des höchsten Guts.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 407-17. [M]

Marzolf, Hedwig. Libéralisme et religion: réflexions autour de Habermas et Kant. Paris: les Éd. du Cerf, 2013. [271 p.] [WC]

Masi, Felice. “La “bilancetta” di pensiero ed esperienza. Grandezza e quantità nella formazione della fenomenologia.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 77-102. [M]

Massimi, Michela. “Philosophy of Natural Science from Newton to Kant.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 393-95. [M]

 —— and Silvia De Bianchi. “Cartesian Echoes in Kant’s Philosophy of Nature.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 481-92. [M]


Masullo, Paolo Augusto. “Laddove si dà qualcosa che sente, s’insinua la probabilità di un significato.” [Italian] Sentire e pensare: tra Kant e Husserl. Eds. Maria Teresa Catena and Anna Donise (op cit.). 121-38. [M]

Matherne, Samantha. “The Inclusive Interpretation of Kant’s Aesthetic Ideas.” British Journal of Aesthetics 53.1 (2013): 21-39. [PI]


Mathieu, Frédéric. Kant et la subjectivité: un commentaire critique du 24 de la Déduction transcendentale. Saint-Denis: Édilivre, 2013. [109 p.] [WC]

Matsuno, Koichiro. “Naturalizing the Kantian Regulative Principle.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 65-79. [M]

Mattos, Fernando Costa. “Repensando a presença de Rousseau na filosofia moral kantiana: seria Kant um piedoso?” [Portuguese] Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 121-28. [M]


Mayr, Erasmus. See: Knappik, Franz, and Erasmus Mayr.

McAndrew, Matthew. Rev. of The Scope of Autonomy: Kant and the Morality of Freedom, by Katerina Deligiorgi (2012). Journal of the History of Philosophy 51.4 (2013): 682-83. [PI]

McCumber, John. Understanding Hegel’s Mature Critique of Kant. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013. [xiii, 216 p.] [WC]

McGaughey, Douglas. “Historical and Pure Religion: A Response to Stephen Palmquist.” Journal of Religion 93.2 (2013): 151-76. [PI]


McLaughlin, Peter. “Actualism and the Archaeology of Nature.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 159-70. [M]

McMullin, Irene. “Kant on Radical Evil and the Origin of Moral Responsibility.” Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 49-72. [M]


McQuillan, Colin. Rev. of The Continuum Companion to Kant, ed. by Gary Banham, Dennis Schulting, and Nigel Hems (2012). Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 162-66. [M]

 ——. Rev. of The Kantian Aesthetic: From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde, by Paul Crowther (2010). Mind 122.488 (2013): 1075-78. [PW]

McWherter, Dustin. The Problem of Critical Ontology: Bhaskar Contra Kant. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. [xi, 187 p.] [WC]

Meattini, Valerio. “Im margine al ‘Ding an sich’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 579-90. [M]

Mehigan, Timothy J. Heinrich von Kleist: Writing after Kant. New York: Boydell & Brewer Group, 2013. [416 p.] [WC]

Meier-Oeser, Stephan. “Kant’s Transformation of the Symbol-Concept.” Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics. Eds. Helmut Hühn and James Vigus (op cit.). 21-43. [M]

Melnick, Arthur. “Two Charges of Intellectualism against Kant.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 197-219. [M]


Mendonça, Marta. “Les erreurs de Hume et le dépassement du scepticisme.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 257-71. [M]

Mensch, Jennifer. Kant’s Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013. [xi, 246 p.] [WC]


Meo, Oscar. “Logik und Pragmatik der ästhetischen Kommunikation. Bemerkungen zum zweiten Moment des Geschmacksurteils.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 141-52. [M]

Merle, Jean-Christophe. “Envy and Interpersonal Dependence in Kant’s Conception of Economic Justice.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 765-75. [M]

 ——. “Como os argumentos de Kant sobre o estado de necessidade são refutados quando traduzidos em um experimento mental de duplo nível.” [Portuguese] Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 69-80. [M]


Mertens, Thomas. Rev. of Kant’s Doctrine of Right. A Commentary, edited by B. Sharon Byrd and Joachim Hruschka (2010). ethic@ 12.2 (2013): 355-58. [M] [online]

Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch. “Kant and Habermas on International Law.” Ratio Juris 26.2 (2013): 302-24. [PI]


Mikkelsen, Jon M., ed., tr. See: Kant, Immanuel.

Mikolajczyk, Hubert. Kantowskie a priori i problem jego uhistorycznienia. [Polish] Slupsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej, 2013. [217 p.] [WC]

Miksa, Joanna. “Religia i granice uprawnien instytucji panstwa wobec jednostki w filozofii Immanuela Kanta.” [Polish] Etyka 46 (2013): 50-64. [WC]

Milkov, Nikolay. “Kant’s Transcendental Turn as a Second Phase in the Logicization of Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 653-66. [M]

Milstein, Brian. “Kantian Cosmopolitanism beyond ‘Perpetual Peace’: Commercium, Critique, and the Cosmopolitan Problematic.” European Journal of Philosophy 21.1 (2013): 118-43. [PI]


Milz, Bernhard. “Kants Deduktion des kategorischen Imperativs in entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Perspektive.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 133-66. [PW]

Minazzi, Fabio. “Actualité philosophique et civile du droit cosmopolitique de Kant – le problème de la paix perpétuelle selon Immanuel Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 777-88. [M]

Mishra, Samir Kumar. Gita and Kant: an ethical study. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2013. [xxxi, 338 p.] [WC]

Mitchell, Albert. The Concept of Religious Passion. According to Immanuel Kant. Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibris Corp., 2013. [378 p.] [WC]

Mittelstrass, Jürgen. Leibniz, Kant und die Welt im Kopf des Philosophen. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2013. [39 p.] [WC]

Møller, Sofie. “Human Rights Jurisprudence Seen through the Framework of Kant’s Legal Metaphors.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 52-69. [M]

 —— “The Court of Reason in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 301-20. [M]


Mohr, Georg. “Kant über Musik als schöne Kunst.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 153-67. [M]

Moledo, Fernando. “Bemerkungen hinsichtlich des Arguments über die objektive Gültigkeit der Relationskategorien im Duisburgischen Nachlass von Immanuel Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 273-82. [M]

 ——. “El antropocentrismo moral kantiano. Enfoque sistemático e histórico-evolutivo.” [Spanish; Kantian Moral Anthropocentrism] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 213-24. [M]

Molina Cantó, Eduardo. “Kant y el ideal del sabio.” [Spanish; Kant and the Ideal of the Sage] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 171-83. [M]


 ——. “Finalidad y Contingencia: La Concepción Kantiana de los Organismos.” [Spanish] Anuario Filosófico 46.3 (2013): 523-41. [PW]

Molloy, Seán. “An ‘All-Unifying Church Triumphant’: A Neglected Dimension of Kant's Theory of International Relations.” International History Review 35.2 (2013): 317-36. [HIC]


Montebello, Pierre. See: Forero Mendoza, Sabine, and Pierre Montebello.

Monod, Jean-Claude. “Toward Perpetual War? The Stakes and Limits of Schmitt’s Critique of Kant’s Cosmopolitanism.” The New Centennial Review 13.1 (2013): 137-60. [M]

Moore, A. W. “Freedom, Temporality, and Belief. A Reply to Hare.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 315-18. [M]

Moran, Kate. “For Community’s Sake – A Self-Respecting Kantian Account of Forgiveness.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 419-30. [M]

Mordacci, Roberto. “Kantian Naturalism in Moral Theory.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 431-42. [M]

Mori, Massimo. “Reine Vernunft und Weltburgertum – Recht, Politik und Geschichte in Kants Kosmopolitismus.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 339-56. [M]

 ——. “Alexander Hamilton and Immanuel Kant: A Comparison of Two Federalisms.” Immanuel Kant and Alexander Hamilton, the Founders of Federalism. Ed. Roberto Castaldi (op cit.). 59-70. [M]

 ——, and Natalia Iacobelli. “Kant and Historical Knowledge.” Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34.1 (2013): 21-42. [PW]

Moretto, Antonio. “Con Euclide e contro Euclide: Kant e la geometria.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 71-92. [PW]

Morris, Michael. “Realism and Representation: The Case of Rembrandt’s Hat.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 14 Apr 2013). [PW]


Morrison, Scott. “Jupiter and the god of morality: the paradox of individual autonomy and national self-determination in Kant.” Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 55-79. [M] [online]


Mosayebi, Reza. Das Minimum der reinen praktischen Vernunft: Vom kategorischen Imperativ zum allgemeinen Rechtsprinzip bei Kant. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. [viii, 274 p.] [PW] [contents]


 ——. “Die „Antinomie“ des §3 der Tugendlehre.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 443-55. [M]

Motorina, Ľubov E. “I. Kant on the Anthropological Era, Man and his Attitude towards the World.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.1 (2013): 27-35. [M] [online]


Motroschilowa, Nelly W. “Kants Metaphysik der Sitten im Kontext der russischen Kant-Rezeption und der Übersetzungen.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 11-9. [M]

Motta Giuseppe. “Kants Begriff der exemplarischen Notwendigkeit innerhalb der modalen Architektur der Analytik des Schönen.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 219-37. [M]

 ——. “‘Was mit den formalen Bedingungen der Erfahrung übereinkommt, ist möglich’ (Kritik der reinen Vernunft, A 216/B 265). Vorgeschichte und Bedeutung einer Definition.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 677-88. [M]

Moutsopoulos, Evanghélos. “L'emprise du bien sur le mal dans les limites de la religion d'après Kant.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 247-52. [M]

 ——. Formă şi subiectivitate în estetica kantiană. [Romanian; Form and Subjectivity in Kantian Aesthetics] Translated from the Greek by Rodica Croitoru. Bucharest: Antet, 2013. [223 p.] [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Religia doar în limitele raţiunii, transl. of Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft into Romanian by Rodica Croitoru (2007); Critica facultăţii de judecare, transl. of Kritik der Urteilskraft into Romanian by Rodica Croitoru (2007); Observaţii asupra sentimentului de frumos şi sublim, transl. of Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen into Romanian by Rodica Croitoru (2008); Spre pacea eternă, transl. of Zum ewigen Frieden into Romanian by Rodica Croitoru (2008). [French] Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 133-39. [M]

Moyar, Dean. Rev. of Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, by Sally Sedgwick (2012). Mind 122.488 (2013): 1188-92. [PW]

Muchnik, Pablo. “Reflections on Robert Louden’s Kant’s Human Being: Essays on His Theory of Human Nature.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 461-71. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide, ed. by Lara Denis (2010). Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 143-48. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: A Commentary, by James J. DiCenso (2012). International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73.2 (2013): 151-55. [M]

Mühlmann, Heiner. Kants Irrtum: Kritik der Neuroästhetik. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2013. [171 p.] [WC]

[top] N    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Nadai, Bruno. “Le mal radical et l'insociable sociabilité.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 261-69. [M]

Naeve, Nico. Naturteleologie bei Aristoteles, Leibniz, Kant und Hegel: eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung. Freiburg: Alber, 2013. [487 p.] [WC]

Nakamura Hiroo. “Kant’s way to the perpetual peace in the XXIst century.” [Russian; translated from the German] Kantovsky Sbornik 46.4 (2013): 7-14. [M]


Nance, Michael. “The Categorical Imperative and the Universal Principle of Right.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 873-83. [M]

Naragon, Steve, and Werner Stark. “Ein Geschenk für Rose Burger. Notizen und Hinweise zu einem neu aufgefunden Kant-Blatt.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 1-12. [M]


Nedoh, Bostjan. “Kantova estetizacija prostora.” [Slovenian] Znanstveni simpozij mladih raziskovalcev 3 (2013): pages??. [WC]

Nehring, Robert. Kritik des Common Sense gesunder Menschenverstand, reflektierende Urteilskraft und Gemeinsinn — der Sensus communis bei Kant. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013. [294 p.] [WC]


Nenon, Thomas. “Immanuel Kant’s turn to transcendental philosophy.” Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism: The Origins of Continental Philosophy. Ed. Thomas Nenon (op cit.). 15-47. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism: The Origins of Continental Philosophy. Durham, England: Acumen, 2013. [xv, 343 p.] [M]


Newton, Alexandra Mary. “Kant on the Form of Aesthetic Judgment.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 169-79. [M]

Nickl, Peter. “Lügenverbot und Liebespflicht.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 457-69. [M]

Noller, Jörg U. Rev. of Kant’s Human Being. Essays on His Theory of Human Nature, by Robert C. Louden (2011).  Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 414-18. [M]

Nonnenmacher, Burkhard. “‘Vom Fürwahrhalten aus einem Bedürfnisse der reinen Vernunft.’ Zum Verhältnis von theoretischer und praktischer Vernunft in Kants Postulatenlehre.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 911-24. [M]

 ——. “Wie soll nach Kant das, was für die spekulative Vernunft transzendent ist, in der praktischen Vernunft immanent sein?” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 87-106. [M]

Noras, Andrzej Jan. “Debata Trendelenburg - Fischer: problem obiektywnosci Kantowskich form zmyslowosci.” [Polish] Przeglad Filozoficzny 22.1 (2013): 267-97. [WC]

Novembre, Alessandro. “Il circolo vizioso nella deduzione trascendentale delle categorie.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 591-602. [M]

Nuzzo, Angelica. “Moral Space and the Orientation of Practical Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 471-82. [M]

 ——. “Sein und Sinnlichkeit — Sensibility in Kant and Herder’s Metakritik.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 17-42. [M]

Nyholm, Sven. “On Kant’s Idea of Humanity as an End in Itself.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 30 Aug 2013). [PW]


[top] O    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Obadia, Claude. Kant prophète? Éléments pour une europhilosophie. Nice: Ovadia, 2013. [245 p.] [WC]

Oggionni, Eva. “Hat Kant die Sinnlichkeit aus der Moralität je ausgeschlossen? Eine Studie zu Kants moralischer Psychologie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 425-34. [M]

Ognyov, A. “On Hartmann’s transcendental realism.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 91-102. [M]


Olesti Vila, Josep. “Quelques considérations sur la notion kantienne de duratio noumenon.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 689-96. [M]

Olk, Carsten. “Das Transzendentale Schema: Ein Produkt der Einbildungskraft?” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 62-94. [M]

 ——. See: Hüning, Dieter, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk, eds.

Olmedo, Pablo. “El Kant del joven Nietzsche. Una discusión sobre el problema de la teleologia.” [Portuguese; Kant of young Nietzsche. A discussion about teleogy’s problem] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 113-31. [M] [online]


O’Neill, Onora. “Cosmopolitanism Then and Now.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 357-67. [M]

 ——. “Postscript: heteronomy as the clue to Kantian autonomy.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 282-88. [M]

Onnasch, Ernst-Otto. “Der Zweck von Kants Übergangswerk.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 667-78. [M]

 —— and Werner Stark. “Ein neuer Brief Immanuel Kants an Samuel Gottlieb Wald.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 16-22. [M]

Onof, Christian. “The Cost of Discarding Intuition – Russell’s Paradox as Kantian Antinomy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 171-83. [M]

 ——. “On Kiyoshi Chiba’s Kants Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit.” Critique (blog posted: 12 May 2013 / 12 Jun 2013) n.p. [PW] [Online: part one / part two]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and Sartre: Rediscovering Critical Ethics, by Sorin Baiasu (2011). Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 323-28. [M]

Orlov, Alexander. “The problem of reasonable peace order in I. Kant’s treatise To the Eternal Peace.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 24-26. [M]

Orsi, Rocío. Rev. of Body and Justice, by Maria de Lourdes Borges and Cinara Nahra (2011). Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 199-206. [M]

Orth, Ernst Wolfgang. “Ernst Cassirer und die Philosophie der Renaissance.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 691-703. [M]

Ortiz de Landázuri, Carlos. Rev. of Kant and Phenomenology, by Tom Rockmore (2011). [Spanish] Anuario Filosofico 46.2 (2013): 464-66. [HIC]

Osborne, Gregg David. “Dryer and Allison on Kant’s Move to Absolute Permanence in the First Analogy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 697-706. [M]

O’Shea, Tom. “A Law of One’s Own: Self-Legislation and Radical Kantian Constructivism.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 25 Aug 2013). [PW]


Ostaric, Lara. “Aesthetic Judgment and the Completion of Kant’s Critical System.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 679-90. [M]

Ottaviani, Osvaldo. “Metaphysical vs. Transcendental Moment. Note on the Deduction of Categories.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 707-18. [M]

Otterman, Steven. See: Palmquist, Stephen R. and Steven Otterman.

Ottonello, Irene. “‘Psychologizing’ Practical Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 805-16. [M]

Ovídio Romero, Eduardo, and Rafael da Silveira Falcão. “Kant e a escritura da fundamentação última. Reflexões sobre uma tentativa de esclarecer desde um ponto de vista ético normativo os problemas do início da vida humana.” [Portuguese; Kant and the scripture of ultimate foundation. Reflections on an attempt to clarify from an ethical normative point of view the problems from the beginning of human life] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 151-59. [M] [online]

Özgür, Özlem Ayse. “Human Rights Duties are Collective Duties of Justice.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 89-112. [M]

[top] P    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Pakalski, Dariusz. “Opozycja logiki i estetyki w tradycji leibnizjanskiej i jej wplyw na koncepcje Kanta.” [Polish] Ruch Filozoficzny 70.4 (2013): 703-17. [WC]

 ——. “Pytanie o ontologiczny status Kantowskich idei regulatywnych.” [Polish Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo 19 (2013): 221-37. [WC]

Palacios, Juan Miguel. El idealismo transcendental. [Spanish] Madrid: Avarigani,, 2013. [160 p.] [WC]

Palermo, Sandra V. “Der intuitive Verstand in der Architektonik der menschlichen Vernunft. Überlegungen zu den §§76 und 77 der Kritik der Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 283-95. [M]

Pallikkathayil, Japa. “Kant and the Limits of Global Governance.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 885-92. [M]

Palmer, Linda C. “An Old Approach to a New Riddle – Kantian Purposiveness and Goodman’s Projectibility.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 185-96. [M]

Palmquist, Stephen. “The Idea of Immortality as an Imaginative Projection of an Indefinite Moral Future.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 925-35. [M]

 ——. “Kantian Causality and Quantum Quarks: The Compatibility between Quantum Mechanics and Kant’s Phenomenal World.” Theoria. Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28.2 (2013): 283-302. [PW]


 —— and Steven Otterman. “The Implied Standpoint of Kant’s Religion: An Assessment of Kant’s Reply to (and an English Translation of) an Early Book Review of Religion Within the Bounds of Bare Reason.” Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 73-97. [M]


Paltrinieri, Gian Luigi. “Die Ausnahme bestätigt nicht die Regel. Kant zwischen Phronesis und Klugheit.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 789-800. [M]

Pandolfi, Carmelo. Kant, Hegel, Heidegger in Cornelio Fabro. [Italian] Roma: Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 2013. [367 p.] [WC]

Panknin-Schappert, Helke. “Moral und Religion. Kants Rezeption der Moral-Sense-Philosophie von Francis Hutcheson.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 605-20. [M]

Papish, Laura. “Moral Feeling and Moral Conversion in Kant’s Religion.” Idealistic Studies 43.1-2 (2013): 11-26. [PW]


Park, Peter K. J. Arica, Asia, ad the History of Philosophy: Racism in the Formation of the Philosophical Canon, 1780-1830. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2013. [xv, 237 p.] [M]


Parszutowicz, Przemyslaw. “On the transcendental philosophy in the light of the Kantian aggregate-system opposition.” Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Mysli Spolecznej 58 (2013): 253-66. [WC]

Pascoe, Jordan. “To Love, Honor, and Contract: Engagement and Domesticity in Kant’s Rechtslehre.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 41.3-4 (2013): 195-209. [M]

Pasternack, Lawrence. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant on Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2013. [xv, 272 p.] [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: A Commentary, by James J. DiCenso (2012). Kantian Review 18.3 (2012): 479-83. [M]

Patberg, Markus. “Extraordinary Politics and the Democratic Legitimacy of International Human Rights Courts.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 130-52. [M]

Patellis, Ioli. “Kant on Independence, Ideal and Empirical.” Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 442-65. [M]


Patrone, Tatiana. “Making Sense of Kant’s Casuistry.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 483-94. [M]

Patton, Lydia. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Natural Science, ed. by Eric Watkins (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 2013, #31). [M] [online]

Pavão, Aquinaldo. “Mal radical e psicologia moral em Kant segundo John Rawls.” [Portuguese; Radical evil and moral psychology by Kant according to John Rawls] ethic@ 12.1 (2013): 101-11. [M] [online]


 ——. “Notas preliminares para uma possível crítica à teoria da justiça como equidade de Rawls a partir da filosofia jurídica de Kant.” [Portuguese; Preliminary notes for a possible criticism to Rawls’ theory of justice as fairness from the legal philosophy of Kant] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 24-39. [M] [online]


 ——. See: Stobbe, Emanuel Lanzini, and Aguinaldo Pavão.

Peeters, Marc. Discrépance et simulacre: Kant, Lesniewski et l'ontologie. Bruxelles: Lamiroy, 2013. [350 p.] [WC]

Pelletier, Arnaud. “Les catégories sont-elles définissables?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 719-29. [M]

Pereda, Carlos. “La autonomía y dos de sus patologías más recurrentes.” [Spanish; Autonomy and Its Two Most Recurrent Pathologies] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 153-70. [M]


Pérez, Berta M. “Die Kantische Ästhetik und das Denken der Endlichkeit.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 181-90. [M]

Perni, Romina. “Un’analisi della repubblica kantiana in una prospettiva cosmopolitica.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 801-14. [M]

Petrescu, Alexandru. “Unele semnificații ale imaginației în filosofia kantiana.” [Romanian; Some Meanings of Imagination in Kant’s Philosophy] Studii de istoria filosofiei universale 21 (2013): 60-78. [M]


Picardi, Roberta. “The “Guiding Thread” of Universal History.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 817-30. [M]

Piché, Claude. “Kant et l’esprit de secte en philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 691-714. [M]

 ——. “La conscience morale en matière de foi chez Kant.” Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Eds. Dietmar H. Weidemann and Raoul Weicker (op cit.). 153-67. [M]

Pickle, Jonathan. Rev. of The Origins of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Kant, Hegel, and Cassirer, by Donald Phillip Verene (2011). Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 34.1 (2013): 234-38. [PW]

Pierobon, Frank. “Quelques considérations sur l'analogie faite par Kant entre les mystères de la liberté, de la foi et de la pesanteur universelle dans la Religion dans les limites de la simple raison.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 187-96. [M]

 ——. “A Shift in Paradigms: Kant’s Intuition and Newton’s Science.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 3-23. [M]

Pietropaoli, Matteo. Ontologia fondamentale e metaontologia: una interpretazione di Heidegger a partire dal Kantbuch. [Italian] Milan: Mimesis, 2013. [331 p.] [WC]

Pinna, Giovanna. “Metamorfosi del sublime. Schiller e Kant.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 167-83. [M]

Pinzani, Alessandro. “In the beginning was the deed. On the origin of property and society in Rousseau and Kant.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 11-24. [M]


Piper, Adrian M. S. “Practical Action – First Critique Foundations.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 495-507. [M]

Pirni, Alberto. “Freedom of the Will in Communitarian Perspective.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 509-19. [M]

Placencia, Luis. “Die Subjektivität der Maximen bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 521-32. [M]

Platz, Jeppe von. “Freedom as both Fact and Postulate.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 533-45. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary, by Henry E. Allison (2011). Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 317-22. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant on Moral Autonomy, ed. by Oliver Sensen (2013). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jun 2013, #34). [M] [online]

Pluder, Valentin. Die Vermittlung von Idealismus und Realismus in der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie: eine Studie zu Jacobi, Kant, Fichte, Schelling und Hegel. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 2013. [684 p.] [WC]

Pogge, Thomas. “Kants Vision einer gerechten Weltordnung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 369-86. [M]

Poggi, Davide. “Kant and Locke: 'Das: Ich denke' and I think. Between Transcendental Apperception and Empirical Consciousness.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 297-306. [M]

Poljakova, Ekaterina. Differente Plausibilitäten: Kant und Nietzsche, Tolstoi und Dostojewski über Vernunft, Moral und Kunst. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013. [x, 560 p.] [WC]


Pollok, Konstantin. “Naturalism and Kant’s Resolution of the Third Antinomy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 731-42. [M]

Polyanskiy, Dmitriy. “Kant and contemporary international relations philosophy: between idealism and realism.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 130-32. [M]

Porcheddu, Rocco. “Der Zweck an sich selbst und die Deduktion des kategorischen Imperativs.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 547-58. [M]

 ——.  “Das Verhältnis von theoretischer und praktischer Freiheit in der Deduktion des kategorischen Imperativs.”  Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism: Freiheit/Freedom, eds. Jürgen Stolzenberg and Fred Rush. 9 (2013): 79-99. [PW]

Potocnik, Aljaz. “Diabolicno pripoznanje pri Kantu.” [Slovenian; Diabolical recognition in Kant] Phainomena Ljubljana 22.86/87 (2013): 155-71. [WC]

Poznyakova, Оlga. “Kant’s idea of a “cosmopolitan state” as a fundamental worldview universal of the contemporary civilization.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 132-35. [M]

Pozzo, Riccardo. “Homo Noumenon – Intellectual Property Abuse and Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 893-903. [M]

Pradelle, Dominique. Généalogie de la raison: essai sur l'historicité du sujet transcendantal de Kant à Heidegger. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2013. [458 p.] [WC]

Prange, Martine. “Two Cosmopolitan Paradoxes. The Productive Role of ‘conflict’ in Kant and Nietzsche’s Cosmopolitan Theories.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 815-25. [M]

Prantenda, Maria Antonietta. “Lust, Schmerz, Apathie: Über einige Quellen der vorkritischen Psychologie Kants.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 481-96. [M]

Prauss, Gerold. “Das Kontinuum bei Kant und Aristoteles.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 3-29. [M]

Pringe, Hernán. “On the Metaphysical Principles of Quantum Theory.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 197-207. [M]

Proulx, Jeremy. “Art and the Fecundity of Nature.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 191-201. [M]

Prunea-Bretonnet, Tinca. “Kant et le mysticisme. La relecture des Rêves d'un visionnaire à la lumière des leçons kantiennes de métaphysique.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 349-57. [M]

Puls, Heiko. Funktionen der Freiheit: die Kategorien der freiheit in Kants “Kritik der praktischen Vernunft”. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [viii, 148 p.] [WC]


 ——. Rev. of Kant und die „Eigentliche Methode der Metaphysik“, by Karsten M. Thiel (2008). [German] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 256-60. [M]

[top] Q    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Quarfood, Marcel. “Discursivity and Transcendental Idealism.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 143-58. [M]

 ——. “Interpretations of Kantian Disjunctive Judgment in Propositional Logic.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 307-19. [M]

Quintana, Laura. “The Judgment of Taste in a Cosmopolitan Sense.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 203-13. [M]

[top] R    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Rampazzo Bazzan, Marco. “‘Kant’ contro Kant nella Dottrina del diritto di Fichte.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 831-44. [M]

Rancadore, Maria Antonia. “La religion de Kant dans les lettres à Lavater.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 341-48. [M]

Raser, Gerald. Kwasi Wiredu statt Immanuel Kant. Diskurs ob der Notwendigkeit einer interkulturellen Philosophiedidaktik. Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag, 2013. [#, # p.] [WC]

Rauscher, Frederick. “Chaos and Control – The Nature of Practical Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 559-70. [M]

 ——. “Os limites externos da filosofia prática e as limitações da Dedução na Fundamentação III.” [Portuguese; The outer boundary of practical philosophy and the limitations of the Deduction in Groundwork III] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 127-41. [M] [online]


Reath, Andrews. “‘The ground of practical laws’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 571-81. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Conception of Autonomy of the Will.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 32-52. [M]

 ——. “Formal Approaches to Kant’s Formula of Humanity.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 201-28. [M]

Reboul, Olivier. “Nietzsche’s Critique of Kant.” New Nietzsche Studies 9.1-2 (2013): 21-34. [PW]

Rechter, Ofra. “On Kant on Arithmetic, Time, and Irrationals.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 209-21. [M]

Recki, Birgit. “Deduktion oder Faktum? Kants Freiheitstheorie im dritten Abschnitt der Grundlegung.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). vii-xiv. [PW]

Refsdal, Kari. “Kant’s Theory of Rational Agency as Free Agency.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 583-95. [M]

Rehberg, Andrea. “Nietzsche Beyond Kant: From Critique to Physiological Thinking.” New Nietzsche Studies 9.1-2 (2013): 121-33. [PW]

Rentsch, Thomas. “Kants Analyse der Sünde — das radikale Böse und sein Transzendenzbezug.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 149-64. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Angeli, Oliviero, Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit, and Hans Vorländer, eds.

Repa, Luiz. “A cooriginariedade entre direitos humanos e soberania popular: a crítica de Habermas a Kant e Rousseau.” [Portuguese; The co-originality between human rights and popular sovereignty: Habermas’s critique of Rousseau and Kant] Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 36, special issue (2013): 103-20. [M] [online]


Ribeiro Vollet, Lucas. “The transcendental problem of space and time.” Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 135-52. [M] [online]


Richter, Philipp. Kants “Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten”: ein systematischer Kommentar. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2013. [184 p.] [WC]

Ricken, Friedo. “Die Religionslehre als Lehre der Pflichten gegen Gott liegt außerhalb der Grenzen der reinen Moralphilosophie (TL 6:486-491).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 411-30. [M]

 ——. “Religion als Pflicht des Menschen gegen sich selbst.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 135-48. [M]

Riefling, Markus. Die Kultivierung der Freiheit bei der Macht. Eine pädagogische Betrachtung von Grenzziehung und Grenzüberschreitung. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2013. [208 p.] [WC]


Riha, Rado. “Drugi kopernikanski obrat Kantove filozofije.” [Slovenian] Filozofski vestnik 34.1 (2013): 25-46. [WC]

Rivera Castro, Faviola. “A Substitute for Coercion – Kant and Rawls on Compliance with International Laws of Justice.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 905-14. [M]

Rivera de Rosales, Jacinto. “Versuch, den Begriff des eigenen Körpers in die Kritik der reinen Vernunft einzuführen.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 109-30. [M]

 ——. “Die vierfache Wurzel des Dings an sich.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 743-53. [M]

 ——. “Heidegger and Kant’s ‘Refutation of Idealism’.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 249-78. [M]

 ——. “A finalidade na Natureza e a biologia: relendo Kant.” [Portuguese] Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 45-67. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Die Form der Erkenntnis. Immanuel Kants theoretische Einbildungskraft, by Karl Hepfer (2006). [German] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 250-54. [M]

Rizo-Patrón de Lerner, Rosemary. “Husserl, lector de Kant: la razón y sus límites.” [Spanish; Husserl Reading Kant: The Limits of Reason] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 225-45. [M]

 —— and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras, eds. La razón y sus fines. Elementos para una antropología filosófica en Kant, Husserl y Horkheimer [Spanish]. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. [295 p.] [M]


Robinson, Hoke. “Empirical Intuitions, Schemata, and Concepts in Kant’s Critical Epistemology.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 331-43. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Blinde Anschauung: Die Rolle von Begriffen in Kants Theorie sinnlicher Synthesis, by Stephanie Grüne (2009).  Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 550-55. [M]

Rocha Oliveira, Ivo da. “Kant and the Map of Perceptions.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 371-80. [M]

Roche, Andrew F. “Transcendental Idealism: A Proposal.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 51.4 (2013): 589-615. [PI]


 ——. “Kant’s Theory of Perception.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 345-56. [M]

Rodríguez Aramayo, Roberto. “La política y su devenir histórico en el pensamiento de Kant.” [Spanish; Politics and Its Historical Development in Kant’s Thought] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 15-36. [M]


Rölli, Marc. “Reiner und empirischer Charakter. Kritische Überlegungen zur kantischen Anthropologie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 435-46. [M]

Rödl, Sebastian. “Self-Consciousness and Knowledge.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 357-69. [M]

 ——. “The Single Act of Combining.” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 87.1 (2013): 213-20. [PI]

 ——. “Why Ought Implies Can.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 42-56. [M]

Rössner, Christian. “Pour une religion d'adultes. Kant et Levinas.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 391-98. [M]

Roff, Heather. Global Justice, Kant and the Responsibility to Protect: A Provisional Duty. London/New York: Routledge, 2013. [ix, 201 p.] [WC]

Rogerson, Kenneth. “Kant on Negative Judgments of Taste.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 215-24. [M]

Rohden, Valerio. “Facoltà appetitiva e razionalità.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 447-57. [M]

Rohlf, Michael. “Emotion and Evil in Kant.” Review of Metaphysics 66.4 (2013): 749-73. [M]

 ——. “Promissory Notes – Kant’s Argument for Transcendental Idealism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 371-81. [M]

 ——. “The Rationality of Induction in Kant (and Hume).” Idealistic Studies 43.3 (2013): 153-69. [PW]


 ——. “Happiness in Kant and Rousseau.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 25-42. [M]


Roinila, Markku. “Kant and Leibniz on the Singularity of the Best of All Possible Worlds.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 381-90. [M]

Rojas Berrío, María Juliana, and Ángela María Duarte Pardo. Rev. of El imperativo de la humanidad. La fundamentación estética de los derechos en Kant, by Juan Manuel Garrido. (2012).  Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 205-10. [M]

Roldán, Concha. “Ni virtuosas ni ciudadanas: inconsistencias prácticas en la teoría de Kant.” [Spanish; Neither Virtuous nor Citizens: Practical Inconsistencies in Kant's Theory] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 185-203. [M]


Rollmann, Veit-Justus. Rev. of Kant und die Zukunft der europäischen Aufklärung, by Heiner F. Klemme (2009).  Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 541-45. [M]

Rolweski, Jarosław. Pojęcie prawdy u Kanta i "późnego" Husserla. [Polish] Toruń: Wydawnictwo Tako, 2013. [164 p.] [WC]

Romano, Bruno. Giudizio giuridico e giudizio estetico: da Kant verso Schiller. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2013. [224 p.] [WC]

Rosefeldt, Tobias. “Subject-Dependence and Trendelenburg’s Gap.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 755-64. [M]

 ——. “Dinge an sich und der Außenweltskeptizismus: Über ein Missverständnis der frühen Kant-Rezeption.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 221-59. [M]

 ——. “Die 36 Jahre der Philosophie: zum transzendentalphilosophischen Potential von Kants Inauguraldissertation.” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 23-37. [M]

Rosenkoetter, Timothy. “A Non-Embarrassing Account of the Modal Functions of Judgment.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 383-94. [M]

Rossi, Caterina. “Libertà come libertà nel fenomeno. La rivisitazione estetica del concetto kantiano di libertà nei Kallias-Briefe.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 217-37. [M]

Rossi, Philip J. “Cosmopolitanism – Kant’s Social Anthropology of Hope.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 827-37. [M]

Rovina, Rogelio. “Kant’s Division of Philosophy – An Attempt at a Systematic Reconstruction.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 715-26. [M]

Roy, Manuel. “Kant condamne-t-il la métaphysique?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 765-74. [M]

 ——. “Le finalisme de Kant.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 145-53. [M]

Rudolph, Enno. “Die politische Vernunft der Teufel: Kant zwischen Hobbes und Rousseau.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 57-67. [M]

Rueger, Alexander. “Beauty as a Symbol and the Deduction of Judgments of Taste.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 225-35. [M]

Ruffing, Margit. “La filosofia della religione in Kant e Schopenhauer.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 603-14. [M]

 —— “Kant-Bibliographie 2011.” Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 499-540. [M]

 ——. “Das eigentlich Politische bei Kant.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 436-49. [M]

 ——. “‘Pensar por sí mismo’ y ‘Publicidad’.” [Spanish; ‘Thinking for Oneself’ and ‘Publicity’] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 73-84. [M]


 ——. “M'est-il, au fait, permis d'espérer?” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 237-45. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Bacin, Stefano, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca, and Margit Ruffing, eds.

Rumore, Paola. L'ordine delle idee: la genesi del concetto di rappresentazione in Kant attraverso le sue fonti wolffiane (1747-1787). Firenze: Le Lettere, 2013. [306 p.] [WC]

 ——. “La concezione kantiana della psicologia razionale.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 459-72. [M]

Rumyantseva, Tatiana. “The Hegelian idea of moral significance of wars versus the Kantian idea of perpetual peace.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 45-50. [M]

Rush, Fred. “Art and Sociality in Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 237-47. [M]

Rusnock, Paul. “Kant and Bolzano on Analyticity.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95.3 (2014): 298-335. [PW]


Rutnik, Vedran. “Kantov pojam genija i smisao umjetnosti.” [Croation; Kant’s Concept of Genius and the Meaning of Art]  Filozofska istraživanja 33.1 (2013): 69-81. [M]


[top] S    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Sá Pereira, Roberto de. “What is nonconceptualism in Kant's philosophy?” Philosophical Studies 164.1 (2013): 233-54. [PI]


Sadler, Brook J. “Marriage: A Matter of Right or of Virtue? Kant and the Contemporary Debate.” Journal of Social Philosophy 44.3 (2013): 213-32. [PI]


Salikov, Alexsej Nikolaevic. “Kant’s perpetual peace project and the project of the European Union.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 24-32. [M]


 ——. “Kants Friedensprojekt und die Ansätze zur Lösung des Sicherheitsdilemmas in der modernen Theorie der internationalen Beziehungen.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 135-44. [M]

 ——, and AndreY Sergeevic Zilber. Kantovskij proekt vecnogo mira v kontekste sovremennoj politiki, 20-22 aprelâ 2012 r., Kaliningrad: materialy mezdunarodnogo seminara. [Russian] Kaliningrad: Izdatel'stvo Baltijskogo federal'nogo universiteta, 2013. [196 p.] [WC]

 ——, ed. See: Zilber, Andrey, and Alexei Salikov, eds.

Sánchez, Manuel. “The Conclusion of the Deduction of Taste in the Dialectic of the Power of Judgment Aesthetic in Kant.” Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 36.2 (2013): 45-62. [M] [online]


Sánchez Madrid, Nuria. “Die Anwendung der skeptischen Methode auf die Auflösung der Antinomien und das Leben theoretischer Vernunft.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 171-86. [M]

 ——. “Legislazione negativa, ostacoli e disprezzo. La funzione della disciplina nell’idea di un’educazione dal punto di vista cosmopolitico.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 473-85. [M]

 ——. “Las pasiones y sus destinos. El examen de las emociones en las Lecciones de antropología de Kant.” [Spanish; Passions and Their Fate. An Examination of Emotions in Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology] Ideas y Valores (Colombia) 62, Suppl. #1 (2013): 109-32. [M]


 ——. “Private property and a priori general united will in Kant’s Rechtslehre. Some troubles with Kant’s alleged foundation of liberalism.” Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 103-20. [M] [online]


 ——. “Bemerkungen zur Kants Auffassung der menschlichen Würde.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.2 (2013): 27-47. [M] [online]


 ——. Rev. of Ideia de uma heurística transcendental, by Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (2012). Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 247-53. [M]

Sánchez Rodríguez, Manuel. “Witz und reflektierende Urteilskraft in Kants Philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 487-96. [M]

 ——. “La humanidad como fin suprasensible de la razón humana en la estética y la antropología de Immanuel Kant.” [Spanish; Humanity as the Supra-sensible End of Human Reason in Immanuel Kant's Aesthetics and Anthropology] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 247-61. [M]

Sandford, Stella. “Spontaneous Generation: The Fantasy of the Birth of Concepts in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Radical Philosophy 179 (2013): 15-26. [M]

Sandkühler, Hans Jörg. “Moral, Recht und Staat in weltbürgerlicher Perspektive. Überlegungen im Anschluss an Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 387-405. [M]

 ——. Idealismus in praktischer Absicht: Studien zu Kant, Schelling und Hegel. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013. [237 p.] [WC]


Sans, Georg. Sintesi a priori: la filosopfia critica di Immanuel Kant. [Italian] Napoli Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2013. [183 p.] [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Gestalten der transzendentalen Einheit. Bedingungen der Synthesis bei Kant, by Anselmo Aportone (2009).  Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 395-400. [M]

 ——. “Wissen und Glauben bei Kant – ein historisches Missgeschick?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 937-47. [M]

Santi, Marco. “Kant and Leibniz on Relations and Their Place in the Monadology.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 391-404. [M]

Santini, Barbara. “La critica a Kant nei Fragmente aus Schillers ästhetischen Vorlesungen: una strategia argomentativa sospetta.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 91-108. [M]

Santos, Leonel Ribeiro dos. “Breve apresentação de: «Do carácter da humanidade em geral» [das “Lições sobre Antropologia” [1775/76].” [Portueguese] Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 255-64. [M]

Santos, Robinson dos. “Considerações sobre a perfectibilidade humana a partir de Rousseau e Kant.” [Portuguese] Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 43-58. [M]


Santozki, Ulrike. Rev. of La Kritik der reinen Vernunft nel contesto della tradizione logica aristotelica, by Marco Sgarbi (2010).  Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 545-50. [M]

Sardinha, Diogo. L'émancipation de Kant à Deleuze. Paris: Hermann, 2013. [243 p.] [WC]

Sassen, Brigitte. “Common Sense as the Answer to the Paradox of Taste.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 249-59. [M]

Satne, Paula. “Kant’s Two Internalist Claims.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 597-607. [M]

 ——. “Reliability of motivations and the moral value of actions.” Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 5-33. [M] [online]


Saunders, Joe. Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary, by Henry Allison (2011). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.3 (2013): 616-19. [PW]

Savi, Marina. “Filosofia kantiana e neuroscienze.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 845-58. [M]

Schadow, Steffi. Achtung für das Gesetz: Moral und Motivation bei Kant. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [xvii, 328 p.] [WC]


 ——. “Recht und Ethik in Kants Metaphysik der Sitten (MS 6:218-221 und TL 6:390f.).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 85-111. [M]

Schalow, Frank. Departures: At the Crossroads between Heidegger and Kant. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [ix, 243 p.] [M]

Schepelmann, Maja. “Seele – Welt – Gott. Kants Neuordnung der traditionellen Gliederung der Metaphysik und der damit verbundene methodologische Status des Kantischen Zweckbegriffs.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 775-86. [M]

Schliesser, Eric. “On Reading Newton as an Epicurean: Kant, Spinozism and the Changes to the Principia.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A, 44.3 (2013): 416-28. [M]


Schlösser, Ulrich. “Concept Formation, Synthesis and Judgment: Kant’s Theory of the Logical and Cognitive Activities of the Mind.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 177-205. [M]

 ——. “Kants Begriff des Transzendentalen und die Grenzen der intelligiblen und der sinnlichen Welt.” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 117-39. [M]

Schmitz, Friederike. “On Kant's Conception of Inner Sense: Self-Affection by the Understanding.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 8 May 2013). [PW]


Schneewind, J. B. “Autonomy after Kant.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 146-68. [M]

Schneider, Ruben. “Die transsubjektive Existenz Gottes bei Kant.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 29-44. [M]

Schneidereit, Nele. “Praktiken der Sinngebung: Immanenz der Transzendenz bei Kant.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 183-204. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Angeli, Oliviero, Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit, and Hans Vorländer, eds.

Schönecker, Dieter. “Kant’s Moral Intuitionism: The Fact of Reason and Moral Predispositions.” Kant Studies Online (2013): 1-38; posted September 19, 2011. [M] [online]

 ——. “‘A free will and a will under moral laws are the same’: Kant’s concept of autonomy and his thesis of analyticity in Groundwork III.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 225-45. [M]

 ——. “Warum es in der Grundlegung keine Faktum-These gibt. Drei Argumente.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 1-14. [PW]

 ——. “Quare errat disceptator. Eine Erwiderung auf Heiko Puls.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 35-44. [PW]

 ——. “Kant’s Argument for the Existence of Duties to Oneself in § 2 of the Tugendlehre.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 609-21. [M]

 ——. “Duties to Others from Love (TL 6:448-461).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 309-41. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. A German-English Edition, ed./transl. by Mary Gregor and Jens Timmermann (2011). Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. 95.2 (2013): 238-43. [M]

Schönfeld, Martin. “The Thing-in-itself in Nietzsche and Kant: Analysis of a Misunderstanding.” New Nietzsche Studies 9.1-2 (2013): 71-83. [PW]

Schönrich, Gerhard. “Kants Werttheorie? Versuch einer Rekonstruktion.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 321-45. [M]


Schorn, Remi. “Da metafísica à metodologia: Kant e Popper.” [Portuguese; From metaphysics to methodology: Kant and Popper] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 43-66. [M] [online]


Schulting, Dennis. “Kant’s Transcendental Religious Argument – The Possibility of Religion.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 949-61. [M]

Schulze, Peter. “Europäische Sicherheit jenseits der NATO: Bauelemente einer Gesamteuropäischen Friedensordnung.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 78-84. [M]

Schüssler, Ingeborg. “L’interprétation pratico-morale de la Trinité chez Kant.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 285-96. [M]

Schwaiger, Clemens. “Kant über den Begriff des Güìcks.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 623-32. [M]

Schwarz, Gerhard. “Intuitive Rationalität in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 727-38. [M]

Schwember Augier, Felipe. Libertad, derecho y propiedad: el fundamento de la propiedad en la filosofía del derecho de Kant y Fichte. [Spanish] Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. [423 p.] [WC]

Sciacca, Fabrizio. “Focusing Rights through a Kantian Lens.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 839-46. [M]

Searle, John R. “Reconciling the Basic Reality and the Human Reality – Post Kantian Themes.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 407-29. [M]

 ——, and Gabriele Gava. “Kant and philosophy in a cosmopolitan sense: intentional and social phenomena, and their place in nature. An interview by Gabriele Gava.” Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 27-36. [PW]

Seeberg, Ulrich. “Ästhetik in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Kants Erklärung des Schönen als Brücke zwischen Natur und Freiheit.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 261-72. [M]

Seebohm, Thomas, M. “Kants Theorie einer eigentlich rationalen Naturwissenschaft und die Revolutionen der Mathematik und der Physik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 189-207. [M]

Seel, Gerhard. “'Ich bin mir meiner Selbst als Weltwesens unmittelbar und ursprünglich bewust'. The Leningrad-Reflection 'On Inner Sense' and Kant’s Refutation of Idealism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 395-407. [M]

Seide, Ansgar. “Kant on Empirical Knowledge and Induction in the Two Introductions to the Critique of the Power of Judgment.” Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge 5 (2013): 79-106. [PW]


Sensen, Oliver. “Kant’s Other Arguments For Freedom.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 633-43. [M]

 ——. “Introduction.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 1-12. [M]

 ——. “The moral importance of autonomy.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 262-81. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant on Moral Autonomy. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [xii, 301 p.] [M] [review]


 ——. “Duties to Others from Respect (TL 6:462-468).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 343-63. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Trampota, Andreas, Oliver Sensen, and Jens Timmermann, eds.

Sepper, Dennis Lee. “Cognitive Pluralism as Obligation?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 497-506. [M]

Serban, Claudia-Cristina. Philosophie transcendantale, phénoménologie, déconstruction. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2013. [(159)-259 p.] [WC]

 ——. “L’idéal de la raison pure et la fracture du fonctionnement ontothéologique du possible dans la philosophie critique de Kant.” Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 167-87. [M]


 ——. “Le possible pratique selon Kant – qu’est-ce qui est ‘en mon pouvoir (in meiner Gewalt)’ et qu’est-ce qui ne l’est pas?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 645-56. [M]

 ——. “L'ontothéologie du possible. Kant critique de Leibniz.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 87-95. [M]

 ——. “Plus haut que la possibilité se tient l’effectivité: la critique hégélienne du statut du possible dans la philosophie transcendantale de Kant.” La Philosophie et le sens de son histoire: Études l'histoire de la philosophie autour de Jean-François Marquet et Jean-Luc Marion. Ed. Patrick Cerutti (Bucarest: Zeta Books, 2013). 205-25. [WC]

 ——. “La réforme transcendantale du possible, de l’Analytique des concepts à l’Analytique des principes.” Révue de Métaphysique et de Morale 80.4 (2013): 557-80. [M]


Şerban, Henrieta Anişoara. “Review of Kant-Studien, vol. 104, no. 1, 2013.” [Romanian] Revista de Filosofie 60.4 (2013): 462-64. [RC]

Serck-Hanssen, Camilla. “The Significance of Infinite Judgment.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 409-19. [M]

Setton, Dirk. “Absolute Spontaneity of Choice: The Other Side of Kant’s Theory of Freedom.” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 17.1 (2013): 75-99. [HIC]


Sgarbi, Marco. Kant e l'irrazionale. Milano/Udine: Mimesis, 2013. [200 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason Within the Tradition of Modern Logic.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 497-508. [M]

 ——. “Immanuel Kant, universal understanding and the meaning of Averroism in the German enlightenment.” Renaissance Averroism and its Aftermath: Arabic Philosophy in Early Modern Europe. Eds. Anna Akasoy and Guido Giglioni (Dordecht: Springer, 2013). 255-69. [WC]

 ——. “The University of Königsberg in transition (1689-1722): aristotelianism and eclecticism in Johann Jakob Rohde’s Meditatio philosophica.” Studi Kantiani 26 (2013): 125-36. [PW]

Shaddock, Justin B. “Why is Kant’s Transcendental Deduction So Difficult?” Southwest Philosophy Review 29.1 (2013): 155-62. [PW]

Shapshay, Sandra. “Schopenhauer and the Trendelenburg Objection.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 615-26. [M]

Shell, Susan Meld. “Autonomy, Personhood and the Moral Limits of Contemporary Liberal Theory.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 847-61. [M]

 ——. “Kant and the “paradox” of autonomy.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 107-28. [M]

 ——. Rev. of The Scope of Autonomy: Kant and the Morality of Freedom, by Katerina Deligiorgi (2012). Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 328-34. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship,, by Pauline Kleingeld (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (August 2012, #17). [M] [online]

Shiller, Aviva. “Why Kant Is Not a Democratic Peace Theorist.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 175-92. [M]

Shimono, Masatoshi. “Kant’s Conception of Internal Purposiveness Revisited.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 223-32. [M]

Siani, Alberto L. “Kant, Schiller, Hegel e la parabola dell'estetica.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 147-66. [M]

 —— and Gabriele Tomasi. “Introduzione.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 5-10. [M]

 —— and Gabriele Tomasi, eds. Schiller lettore di Kant. [Italian] Pisa: ETS, 2013. [264 p.] [M]


Sieroka, Norman. “A Post-Kantian Approach to the Constitution of Matter.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 41-55. [M]

Sikora, Ondřej. “Kant a metafyzika K reakci Stanislava Sousedíka na článek „K pozitivnímu významu Kantovy kritiky metafyziky“.” [Czech] Studia Neoaristotelica 10.3 (2013): 99-108. [PW]

Silveira Falcão, Rafael da. See: Ovídio Romero, Eduardo, and Rafael da Silveira Falcão.

Simon, Robert. Freiheit - Geschichte - Utopie: Schellings positive Philosophie und die Frage nach der Freiheit bei Kant. Freiburg im Breisgau: Alber, 2013. [224 p.] [WC]

Sirovátka, Jakub. “Zu Kants Auslegung grundlegender christlicher Theologumena.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 95-105. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Mensch und Unbedingtes im Denken Kants. Eine kritische Darlegung, by Margot Fleischer (2009).  Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 400-5. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Fischer, Norbert, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada, eds.

Sisáková, Oľga. “Immanuel Kant v kontexte kritiky „antropologizmu“ v 20. storocí.” [Slovak; Immanuel Kant in the Context of the “Anthropologism” Critique in the 20th Century] Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2013.2 (2013): 48-62. [M] [online]


Siyar, Jamsheed. “The Conditionality of Hypothetical Imperatives.” Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 439-60. [M]


Skorupski, John. Rev. of Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, by Robert Stern (2011). The Philosophical Quarterly 63.252 (2013): 603-7. [PW]

Smit, Houston. “Kant on the Apriority and Discursivity of Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 739-50. [M]

 ——, and Mark Timmons. “Kant’s Grounding Project in The Doctrine of Virtue.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 229-68. [M]

Smith, Sheldon R. “Kant’s Picture of Monads in the Physical Monadology.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A. 44.1 (2013): 102-11. [M]


 ——. “Does Kant Have a Pre-Newtonian Picture of Force in the Balance Argument? An Account of How the Balance Argument Works.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 470-80. [M]


Soboleva, Maja. “Kant on evil in the human nature.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 46.4 (2013): 15-29. [M]


Soni, Raji Singh. “In the Letter of Mere Reason: Rethinking the Universal Secular Intellectual with Immanuel Kant, Jacques Derrida and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.” Culture and Religion 14.2 (2013): 146-79. [HIC]


Sørli, Richard. “Logisk fremmed tenkning: Frege (og Kant).” [Norwegian; Logically Alien Thought: Frege (and Kant)] Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 48.3-4 (2013): 208-17. [PW]


Sosoe, Lukas K. “«Du Golgotha, viens siéger à ma droite».” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 359-70. [M]

Southgate, Henry. “Kant’s Critique of the Identity of Indiscernibles.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 405-20. [M]

Sowiński, Józef Edmund. Filozofia prawa Immanuela Kanta: wybrane zagadnienia. [Polish] Warszawa: Instytut Wiedzy i Umiejętności, 2013. [104 p.] [WC]

Specht, Roman. “Pojęcie wzniosłości w filozofii Kanta.” [Polish; The Notion of the Sublime in Kant’s Philosophy] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.2 (2013): 167-84. [PW] [online]


Speidel, Markus. Erziehung zur Mündigkeit und Kants Idee der Freiheit. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013. [236 p.] [WC]

Spetschinsky, Sergueï. “Leopold II, Transcendental Philosopher: Reason and Race in Kant.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 115-27. [M]

Spinelli, Letícia Machado. “A religião nos limites da simples razão.” [Portuguese; Religion within the boundaries of mere reason] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 127-51. [M] [online]


Städtler, Michael. “Kants Religionsbegriff als kosmopolitisches Modell der Moral.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 963-74. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant – Was bleibt?, by Reinhard Brandt (2010).  Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 409-14. [M]

Stan, Marius. “Kant's Third Law of Mechanics: The Long Shadow of Leibniz.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 493-504. [M]


Stang, Nicholas. “Freedom, Knowledge and Affection: Reply to Hogan.” Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 99-106. [M]


 ——. “Adickes on Double Affection.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 787-98. [M]

Stanković, Saša. “Kant’s Deduction of Morality: The Actualization of Freedom.” Kant Studies Online (2013): 45-71; posted May 23, 2013. [M][online]

Stark, Werner. “Naturgeschichte bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 233-48. [M]

 ——. See: Naragon, Steve and Werner Stark.

 ——. See: Onnasch, Ernst-Otto and Werner Stark.

Staton, Cody. See: Hajime, Tanabe and Cody Staton.

Stegemann, Ekkehard W. “Paulus, die antike Philosophie und Immanuel Kant.” Paulus unter den Philosophen. Eds. Christian Strecker and Joachim Valentin (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2013). 31-47. [M]

Steigerwald, Joan. “Natural Purposes and the Purposiveness of Nature: The Antinomy of the Teleological Power of Judgment.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 83-97. [M]

Steinmann, Michael. “‘Geläuterte Emperie’: Johann Christian Reils (1759-1813) Versuch zur Grundlegung der Medizin im Spannungsfeld von Tradition, Kantianismus und spekulativer Philosophie.” Medizinhistorisches Journal 48.2 (2013): 186-216. [WC]

Stern, Robert. “Kant, Moral Obligation, and the Holy Will.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 125-52. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Hegel's Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity, by Sally Sedgwick (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.4 (2013): 807-10. [PI=W]

Stilz, Anna. Rev. of Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship, by Pauline Kleingeld (2012). Social Theory and Practice 39.3 (2013): 548-54. [PW]

Stingl, Alexander I. Rev. of The Body Problematic: Political Imagination in Kant and Foucault, by Laura Hengehold (2007). Foucault Studies 15 (2013): 199-202. [M]

Stobbe, Emanuel Lanzini, and Aguinaldo Pavão. “A dignidade da pessoa humana em Kant relacionada à teoria da justiça de Rawls.” [Portuguese; The dignity of the human person in Kant related to Rawls’ justice theory] Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 102-12. [M] [online]


Stolz, Violetta. “Der Nonsense der Metaphysik: Kant, Herder und Horne Tooke.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 81-104. [M]

Storrie, Stefan. “Kant’s 1768 Attack on Leibniz’ Conception of Space.” Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 145-66. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Understanding of ‘idealism’ in the Metaphysik Herder.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 509-18. [M]

Stratton-Lake, Philip. “Morality and autonomy.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 246-61. [M]

Strobel, Benedikt. “αγαθον (‘gut’): ein Ausdruck für viele Eigenschaften?: eine logisch-semantische Untersuchung im Hinblick auf Arist. EN 1096a23-29.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 307-43. [M]

Strohmeyer, Ingeborg. “Kausalität und Freiheit.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 63-99. [M]


Stroud, Barry. “Judgement, Self-Consciousness, Idealism.” Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Ed. Dina Emundts (op cit.). 41-50. [M]

Sturm, Christian. “Zur rechtlichen Verfassung der Kantischen Tugendgemeinschaft.” Kant und die Biblische Offenbarungsreligion / Kant a biblické Zjevené Náboženství. Eds. Norbert Fischer, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada (op cit.). 85-93. [M]

Sturm, Thomas. “What Did Kant Mean by and Why Did He Adopt a Cosmopolitan Point of View in History?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 863-75. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Anthropology, ed. by Allen W. Wood and Robert B. Louden (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Dec 2013, #5). [M] [online]

Sudakow, Andrej. “Person und Persönlichkeit: Ansätze zum konkreten Personalismus in Kants Metaphysik der Sitten.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 211-220. [M]

 ——. “The Ethical and Philosophical Antinomy of Foundations of Kant’s Theory of Family Law.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 44.2 (2013): 7-18. [M]


 ——. “The communication of persons: Kant’s theory of marriage law held captive by pagan anthropology.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 33-49. [M]


Sugasawa, Tatsubumi. “Kant und das Problem des Lügens: Über Nebeneinanderbestehen der moralischen Pflichten.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 657-68. [M]

Šustar, Predrag. “Normativity and Biological Lawlikeness – Three Variants.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 249-60. [M]

Sweet, Kristi E. Kant on Practical Life: From Duty to History. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [xi, 223 p.] [WC]


Szczepański, Jakub. “Perpetual Peace: Philosophical Jest or Serious Proposal?” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 33-34. [M]

Szendy, Peter. Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials: Cosmopolitical Philosofictions. Translated from the French by William Bishop. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. [184 p.] [WC]

[top] T    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Tafani, Daniela. “The Boundaries of Law: Kant and the Secularity of the State.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 915-27. [M]

Tai, Terence Hua. “Kant’s Transcendental Strategy in the First Critique.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 421-29. [M]

Tanaka, Mikiko. “'Eitle Großthuerei'. Kants Auseinandersetzung mit seinen zeitgenössischen Gegnern (Feder, Meiners, Tittel, Flatt, Eberhard und Rehberg) in der Kritik der teleologischen Urteilskraft.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 545-63. [M]

 ——. “‘Instinct, that voice of God’ Rousseau’s influence on Kant’s interpretation of the Genesis.” Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 183-92. [M]


Tedesco, Salvatore. “Dominio dello spirito e vivificazione dell'animo: sul rapporto fra volontario e involontario nel saggio schilleriano Grazia e dignità.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 51-66. [M]

Telegdi-Csetri, Aron. Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Politics and Philosophy in a Global Debate. Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2013. [### p.] [WC]

Terra, Ricardo. “Die Freiheit der Alten und die Freiheit der Heutigen: eine Antinomie?” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 401-15. [M]

 ——. “Hat die kantische Vernunft eine Hautfarbe?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 431-47. [M]

 ——. “Notes sur la position systématique de la Religion dans les limites de la simple raison.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 165-76. [M]

Teruel, Pedro Jesús. “Die äußere Schaale der Natur. Eine Fußnote zum Versuch über die Krankheiten des Kopfes (1764).” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 23-43. [M]


 ——. “Significato, senso e ubicazione strutturale del termine Gemüt nella filosofia kantiana.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 507-17. [M]

Teskey, Gordon. Rev. of Kant and Milton, by Sanford Budick (2010). Eighteenth-Century Studies 46.2 (2013): 315-17. [PI]

Teufel, Thomas. “‘Merely Mechanistic Laws’ – Causal Mechanism and Kant’s Antinomy of the Teleological Power of Judgment.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 261-70. [M]

Theis, Robert. “Le Christ comme archétype de toute moralité.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 271-84. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant, théologie et religion. Paris: J. Vrin, 2013. [402 p.] [M]


 ——. De Wolff a Kant: etudes = Von Wolff zu Kant: Studien. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. [xix, 201 p.] [WC]

Theunissen, L. Nandi, and Nandi Theunissen. “Kant's Commitment to Metaphysics of Morals.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 27 Aug 2013). [PW]


Thiel, Detlef. “Der kritische Krimi. Friedlaender/Mynona als Kantianer.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 704-32. [M]

Thielke, Peter. “Recent Work on Early German Idealism (1781–1801).” Journal of the History of Philosophy 51.2 (2013): 149-92. [PI]

Thisted, Marco A. “Le concept d’imagination dans les Rêves d’un Visionnaire.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 519-28. [M]

Thomason, Krista K. “Shame and Contempt in Kant's Moral Theory.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 221-40. [M]


Thompson, Michael L. Imagination in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [225 p.] [WC]

Thumfart, Johannes. “Kolonialismus oder Kommunikation: Zu Kants Auseinandersetzung mit Francisco de Vitorias ius communicationis.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 929-39. [M]

Timmermann, Jens. “Kantian Dilemmas? Moral Conflict in Kant’s Ethical Theory.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95.1 (2013): 36-64. [M]


 ——. “Divine Existence and Moral Motivation.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 669-78. [M]

 ——. “Duties to Oneself as Such (TL 6:417-420).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 207-19. [M]

 ——. “Autonomy and moral regard for ends.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 212-24. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Trampota, Andreas, Oliver Sensen, and Jens Timmermann, eds.

Timmons, Mark. “The Perfect Duty to Oneself as an Animal Being (TL 6:421-428).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 221-243. [M]

 ——. See: Smit, Houston, and Mark Timmons.

 ——, and Sorin Baiasu, eds. Kant on Practical Justification. Interpretive Essays. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. [xi, 324 p.] [M] [review]

Tinguely, Joseph J. “Kantian Meta-Aesthetics and the Neglected Alternative.” British Journal of Aesthetics 53.2 (2013): 211-35. [PI]


 ——. “What is Orientation Not in Thinking? Aesthetics, Epistemology, and the “Kantian Circle”.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 273-85. [M]

Toepfer, Georg. “Wechselseitigkeit – Organisation – Teleologie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 271-82. [M]

Tolley, Clinton. “The Non-Conceptuality of the Content of Intuitions: A New Approach.” Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 107-36. [M]


 ——. “Kant on the Generality of Logic.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 431-41. [M]

Tomasi, Gabriele. “Kant on the Reality of Beauty.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 287-300. [M]

 ——. “Schiller, Kant e l'oggettività della bellezza.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 67-89. [M]

 ——. See: Siani, Alberto L. and Gabriele Tomasi.

 ——, ed. See: Siani, Alberto L. and Gabriele Tomasi, eds.

Tomaszewska, Anna. “Transcendental Idealism, Intuitions and the Contents of Perceptual Experience.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 443-55. [M]

 ——. “Etyka Spinozy a problem poznania transcendentalnego.” [Polish] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.4 (2013): 113-25. [WC]

Tommasi, Francesco Valerio. “Tra male radicale e comunità morale cosmopolitica. La chiesa visibile come schema efficace in Kant.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 975-86. [M]

 ——. “Du saint au sacré. La réception du schématisme de l'analogie kantien chez Otto (Fries et Apelt).” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 371-79. [M]

Tonetto, Milene Consenso. “A perfeição própria e a felicidade alheia na Doutrina da Virtude.” [Portuguese; One’s own perfection and the happiness of others in the Doctrine of Virtue] Studia Kantiana 11.14 (2013): 180-89. [M] [online]


 ——. “The concept of dignity and duties of virtue in Kant.” Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 217-25. [M]


Torralba, José M. “The Two Objects of Practical Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 679-91. [M]

Trampota, Andreas, Oliver Sensen, and Jens Timmermann, eds. Kant’s Tugendlehre: A Comprehensive Commentary. Boston: De Gruyter, 2013. [xiii, 442 p.] [M]


 ——. “The Concept and Necessity of an End in Ethics (TL 6:379-389).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 139-57. [M]

Tredanaro, Emanuele. “Sul rapporto tra Io penso e soggetto pratico.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 457-69. [M]

Trentani, Federica. “Per difendere Kant: «sympathia moralis» e «humanitas practica» nella Dottrina della virtù.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 205-16. [WC]

 ——. “La concretezza dell’esperienza morale nella filosofia pratica di Kant.” [Italian] Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 81-103. [M]


 ——. “Kant e il dibattito sulle questioni di fine vita.” [Italian; Kant and the debate on end-of-life questions] ethic@ 12.2 (2013): 227-37. [M] [online]


Trotsak, Alexey. “Kant und sein Traktat Zum ewigen Frieden — Historische Voraussetzungen und philosophische Gründe.” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 26-33. [M]

Troxell, Mary. “Kant and the Problem of Ugliness.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 301-10. [M]

Trullinger, Joseph S. “Kant’s Two Touchstones for Conviction: The Incommunicable Dimension of Moral Faith.” The Review of Metaphysics 67.2 (2013): 369-403. [PW]


Tucker, Irene. The Moment of Racial Sight: A History. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013. [xiv, 274 p.] [WC]


Tuschling, Burkhard. “Recht aus dem Begriff: Schwerpunkte einer Einführung in Kants Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 71-128. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Euler, Werner, and Burkhard Tuschling, eds.

[top] U    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Uleman, Jennifer. “Everyday Noumena – The Fact and Significance of Ordinary Intelligible Objects.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 799-807. [M]

Unna, Yvonne. “The Philosopher’s and the Physician’s Business. Kant and Gaub on Matters of Health.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 529-38. [M]

Utteich, Luciano Carlos. “Entre moral e religião: destinação e afeto desinteressado no debate Kant-Schiller.” [Portuguese; Between morality and religion: destination and uninterested affection in the Kant-Schiller debate] Studia Kantiana 11.15 (2013): 38-71. [M] [online]


 ——. “Kant e Fichte e a ‘corrida de estafetas’ da questão do idealismo transcendental.” [Portuguese] Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 22.43 (2013): 165-86. [M] [online]


 ——. “Às expensas da intuição intelectual: para uma fundamentação da atividade da razão transcendental.” [Portuguese; At the expenses of intellectual intuition: towards a rationale for the activity of transcendental reason] Kant e-Prints 8.1 (2013): 99-126. [M] [online]


Uzawa, Kazuhiko. See: Makino, Eiji, and Kazuhiko Uzawa.

[top] V    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Valaris, Markos. “Spontaneity and Cognitive Agency: A Kantian Approach to the Contemporary Debate.” Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge 5 (2013): 107-26. [PW]


Valdez, Edgar. “Kant, Augustine, and Room for Faith.” Forum Philosophicum 18.1 (2013): 19-33. [PW]


Vandenabeele, Bart. “Disinterested Pleasure and the Universal Voice of Beauty. Kant’s Response to Burke.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 311-23. [M]

Vanden Auweele, Dennis. “The Lutheran Influence on Kant’s Depraved Will.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73.2 (2013): 117-34. [PW]


Van der Linden, Harry. Rev. of Kant and the End of War: A Critique of Just War Theory, by Howard Williams (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (February 2013, #18). [M] [online]

Van De Vijver, Gertrudis, and Boris Demarest. “Objectivity: its Meaning, its Limitations, its Fateful Omissions.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). vii-xxviii. [M]

 ——, and Boris Demarest, eds. Objectivity after Kant: its meaning, its limitations, its fateful omissions. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013. [xxviii, 286 p.] [M]


Vanhaute, Liesbet. “Kant’s Enlightenment Ideal and the Concerns of ‘the Public, i. e. the World at Large’.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 877-89. [M]

Van Impe, Stijn. “Kant’s Realm of Ends and Realm of Grace Reconsidered.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 693-704. [M]

Van Poucke, Joris. “Transcendental Epistemology in Biological Theory.” Objectivity after Kant. Eds. Gertrudis Van De Vijver and Boris Demarest (op cit.). 141-54. [M]

Vanzo, Alberto. “Kant on Empiricism and Rationalism.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 30.1 (2013): 53-74. [PW]


 ——. “La formazione dei concetti in Kant: Risposta a Claudio La Rocca.” [Italian; Kant on Concept Formation: Reply to Claudio La Rocca] Studi kantiani 26 (2013): 147-51. [PI]


Varden, Helga. Rev. of Kant’s Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications, ed. by Elisabeth Ellis (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2013, #33). [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kantianism, Liberalism, and Feminism: Resisting Oppressions, by Carol Hay (2013). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Nov 2013, #5). [M] [online]

Vasconi, Paola. “Giustizia internazionale ed elementi di diritto umanitario nella filosofia del diritto di Kant.” [Italian] Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 941-52. [M]

Vasilescu, Oana. “Umanitatea ca scop în sine la Kant.” [Romanian; Humanity as a Purpose in Itself in Kant] Revista de Filosofie 60.4 (2013): 390-94. [RC]

Vázquez Lobeiras, María Jesús. “Vorurteile als Grenzen der auszuübenden Vernunft.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 285-304. [M]

 ——. “Racionalidad, libertad y finalidad: elementos para una antropología filosófica en Kant y Husserl.” [Spanish; Rationality, Freedom, and Finality: Elements for a Philosophical Anthropology in Kant and Husserl] La razón y sus fines. Eds. Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner and María Jesús Vázquez Leibeiras (op cit.). 263-90. [M]

 ——. “Zwischen Wissenschaft und Weisheit. Die Hinwendung zum Praktisch-Anthropologischen in Kants Verständnis der Philosophie.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 751-62. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Primera Introducción de la Crítica del Juicio, edited and translated by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2011). Estudos Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 243-45. [M]

Vázquez Reyes, Débora A. See: Carrillo Canán, Alberto J. L., and Débora A Vázquez Reyes.

Velkley, Richard. “Transcending nature, unifying reason: on Kant’s debt to Rousseau.” Kant on Moral Autonomy. Ed. Oliver Sensen (op cit.). 89-106. [M]

Vigus, James. See: Hühn, Helmut and James Vigus.

Villacañas Berlanga, J. L. Dificultades con la Ilustración: variaciones sobre temas kantianos. Madrid: Verbum, 2013. [292 p.] [WC]

Villarán, Alonso. “Overcoming the Problem of Impossibility in Kant’s Idea of the Highest Good.” Journal of Philosophical Research 38 (2013): 27-41. [PW]


Vinci, Tom. “Solving the Triviality Problem in the B-Edition Transcendental Deduction.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 471-82. [M]

 ——. “Why the ‘Concept’ of Spaces is not a Concept for Kant.” ProtoSociology 30 (2013): 238-50. [PW]


Völker, Jan. “Das Werk des Urteils: zu Kants ästhetischer Wiederholung.” Konturen des Kunstwerks. Ed. Frédéric Döhl (Munich: Fink, 2013). 263-74. [WC]

Volpe, Medi Anne. “Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).” The Student’s Companion to the Theologians. Ed. Ian S. Markham (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013). 287-89. [WC]

Voprada, David, ed. See: Fischer, Norbert, Jakub Sirovátka, and David Voprada, eds.

Vorländer, Hans, ed. See: Angeli, Oliviero, Thomas Rentsch, Nele Schneidereit, and Hans Vorländer, eds.

[top] W    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Wagner, Helmut. “Das Kant Dilemma — Sein ‘Weltstaat’. Wie lässt sich heute eine Weltgemeinschaft denken?” Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 85-98. [M]

Waibel, Violetta L. “Die Notwendigkeit der Verbindung von Ursache und Wirkung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 519-32. [M]

 ——. “Il libero gioco di immaginazione e intelletto di Kant e l'impulso al gioco di Schiller.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 31-50. [M]

Waleszczuk, Zbigniew. “Die Ökologie der Person - Kantische Motive des Personbegriffs in Karol Wojtylas Person und Tat.” Logos i Ethos 2 (2013): 235-58. [WC]

Walker, John, ed. The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought, Volume II: Historical, Social and Political Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. [397 p.] [WC]

Walter, Martin. “Welche Aristotelesausgabe befand sich im Besitz Kants?” Kant-Studien 104.4 (2013): 490-98. [M]


Ware, Owen. Rev. of Virtue, Rules, and Justice: Kantian Aspirations, by Thomas E. Hill (2012). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21.5 (2013): 1005-8. [PW]

Warren, Daniel. Reality and Impenetrability in Kant's Philosophy of Nature. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2013. [114 p.] [WC]

Watkins, Brian. “How Kant Explains the Delusion that Some Actions are Supererogatory.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 705-12. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Observations and Remarks: A Critical Guide, edited by Susan Meld Shell and Richard Velkley (2012). Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 487-91. [M]

Watkins, Eric. “The Early Kant’s (Anti-) Newtonianism.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science, Part A 44.3 (2013): 429-37. [M]


 ——. “Kant on Infima Species.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 283-94. [M]

 ——. “Shifts and Incompleteness in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason?” Ubergänge — diskursiv oder intuitiv? Essays zu Eckart Försters Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie. Eds. Johannes Haag and Markus Wild (op cit.). 81-98. [M]

Waxman, Wayne. Kant’s Anatomy of the Intelligent Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. [582 p.] [WC]

Weicker, Raoul. “Kants Kryptoanthropologie.” Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Eds. Dietmar H. Weidemann and Raoul Weicker (op cit.). 231-44. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Heidemann, Dietmar H. and Raoul Weicker, eds.

Weidenfeld, Matthew C. “Visions of Judgment: Arendt, Kant, and the Misreading of Judgment.” Political Research Quarterly 66.2 (2013): 254-66. [PI]


Weil, Eric. Probleme des Kantischen Denkens. Transl. and introduction by Hector Wittwer. Duncker & Humblot, 2013. [151 p.] [WC]

Weinstock, Daniel, ed. See: Archard, David, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock, eds.

Welchman, Alistair. “The Art of Willing.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 627-38. [M]

Weltecke, Manfred. “How Robust is Kant’s Realism?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 809-19. [M]

Wennersten, Annika. “Kant’s Non-Egoistic Hedonism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 713-24. [M]

Wesche, Tilo. “Moral in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Kant über moralischen Fortschritt.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 891-900. [M]

Westphal, Kenneth R. “Kant’s Cognitive Semantics, Newton’s Rule 4 of Experimental Philosophy and Scientific Realism Today.” Kant Yearbook: Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge 5 (2013): 127-68. [WC]


White, Gabrielle D. V. “Should We Take Kant Literally? On Alleged Racism in Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.” Philosophy & Literature 37.2 (2013): 542-53. [M]

Wicks, Robert. European Aesthetics: a critical introduction, from Kant to Derrida. London: Oneworld, 2013. [xii, 347 p.] [WC]


Wike, Victoria S. “Reconsidering Kant’s Concept of Friendship: A Comparison with the Highest Good.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 725-32. [M]

Wild, Markus, ed. See: Haag, Johannes, and Markus Wild, eds.

Willaschek, Marcus. “Kant’s Two Conceptions of (Pure) Reason in the Critique of Pure Reason.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 483-92. [M]

 ——. “"Spontanicznosc poznania": zaleznosc "Analityki transcendentalnej" od rozwiazania trzeciej antynomii.” [Polish] Transl. from the German by Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz Argument 3.2 (2013): 491-511. [WC]

Wille, Katrin. “Moralische Kompetenzen des Weltbürgers: Die drei Ebenen der praktischen Urteilskraft.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 733-44. [M]

Williams, Howard. “Kant and Libertarianism.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 901-12. [M]

 ——. “Kantian Underpinnings for a Theory of Multirights.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 8-26. [M]

 ——. “Kant and Libertarianism.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 269-83. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Human Being: Essays on his Theory of Human Nature, by Robert B. Louden (2011). Kantian Review 18.1 (2013): 154-57. [M]

Williams, Robert R. “Overcoming the Kantian Frame: Tragedy, Recognition, and the Death of God.” The Owl of Minerva 45.1-2 (2013): 85-100. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Subject of Critique: On the Regulative Role of the Psychological Idea, by Avery Goldman (2012). Review of Metaphysics 67.1 (2013): 164-65. [M]

Williams, Seán M. “Kant’s Novel Interpretation of History.” seminar — A Journal of Germanic Studies 49.2 (2013): 171-90. [M]

Williamson, Diane. “‘Let There Be Light’ – Reconsidering Kant’s Philosophy of Emotion.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 539-50. [M]

Wilson, Eric Entrican. “Kant on Autonomy and the Value of Persons.” Kantian Review 18.2 (2013): 241-62. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, by Robert Stern (2012). Kantian Review 18.3 (2013): 492-96. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Limits of Autonomy, by Susan Meld Shell (2009). Journal of the History of Philosophy 51.2 (2013): 322-23. [M]

Wilson, Holly L. “Is Kant’s Worldly Concept of Philosophy really “Regional Philosophy”?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 763-72. [M]

Wimmer, Reiner. “Kants Religionsphilosophie im Opus postumum.” Transzendenz, Praxis und Politik bei Kant. Eds. Angeli, Rentsch, Schneidereit, and Vorländer (op cit.). 165-82. [M]

Winegar, Reed. “An Unfamiliar and Positive Law: On Kant and Schiller.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95.3 (2013): 275-97. [M]


Wines, Ryan H. “The Importance of the Third Proposition in Groundwork I’s Analysis of Duty.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 745-56. [M]

Winkelman, Steven J. “Duties to the Deceased in Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 757-68. [M]

Wisbert, Rainer. “Die Idee der philosophischen Selbstbildung: Herders pädagogische Auseinandersetzung mit Kant in der Metakritik.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 231-52. [M]

Wittwer, Héctor. Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. An Introduction, by Sally Sedgwick (2008). [German] Kant-Studien 104.2 (2013): 265-68. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Menschenwürde, Recht und Staat bei Kant. Fünf Untersuchungen, by Dietmar von der Pfordten (2009).  Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 405-9. [M]

Wolff, Michael. “Kant über Freiheit und Determinismus.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 27-42. [M]

 ——. “Trias politica: Erläuterungen zu Kants Verfassungstheorie in seinen Metaphysischen Anfangsgründen der Rechtslehre.” Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion. Eds. Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling (op cit.). 57-70. [M]

Wood, Allen W. “Kant on Practical Reason.” Kant on Practical Justification. Eds. Mark Timmons and Sorin Baiasu (op cit.). 57-86. [M]

 ——. “Kant, Immanuel.” The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Ed. Hugh LaFollette (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013). ##-##. [PW]

Woodard, Christopher. “The Common Structure of Kantianism and Act-Utilitarianism.” Utilitas (Online: 9 May 2013): 1-20. [PI]


Woolley, J. Patrick. “Kaufman’s Debt to Kant: The Epistemological Importance of the ‘Structure of the World Which Environs Us’.” Zygon 48.3 (2013): 544-64. [PI]


Wu, Feng-Wei. “The Significance of Taste – Does Kant Celebrate Humanity Itself?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 325-31. [M]

Wuerth, Julian. “Sense and Sensibility in Kant's Practical Agent: Against the Intellectualism of Korsgaard and Sidgwick.” European Journal of Philosophy 21.1 (2013): 1-36. [PI]


Wunderlich, Falk. “Kant and Hume contra Materialist Theories of the Mind.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 493-504. [M]

Wunsch, Matthias. “Zum ,Schematismus‘ der reinen Verstandesbegriffe in Kants Inauguraldissertation von 1770.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 505-16. [M]

Wyrwich, Thomas. “Kants Galgen-Beispiel und Adornos Verurteilung.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 769-80. [M]

[top] X    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Xhignesse, Michel-Antoine. “Willingly Disinterested.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 5. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 639-50. [M]

[top] Y    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Yamane, Yuichiro. “Mystik, Mystizismus und Kritizismus bei Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 987-97. [M]

Yermolayev Vladimir. “On the logical inconsistency of Kant’s critique of the cosmological argument.” [Russian] Kantovsky Sbornik 45.3 (2013): 86-90. [M]


Ypi, Lea. “The Problem of Systematic Unity in Kant’s Two Definitions of Philosophy.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 1. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 773-85. [M]

[top] Z    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Zagirnyak, Mickhail. “Rezeption der Kantischen Idee des ewigen Friedens im rechtsphilosophischen Konzept von S. I. Hessen.” [Translated from the Russian by Andrey Zilber] Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics. Eds. Andrey Zilber and Alexei Salikov (op cit.). 51-54. [M]

Zagzebski, Linda. “Intellectual Autonomy.” Philosophical Issues 23.1 (2013): 244-61. [HIC]


Zákutná, Sandra. “Civil Society in Kant’s Philosophy of History.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 913-20. [M]

Zinkin, Melissa. “Kant’s Supersensible Substratum of Humanity.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 333-42. [M]

Zangwill, Nick. “Nietzsche on Kant on Beauty and Disinterest.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 30.1 (2013): 75-91. [M]


Zheng, Jiliang. 王陽明與康德道德哲學的比較研究 / Wang Yangming yu Kangde dao de zhe xue de bi jiao yan jiu. [Chinese; "A comparative study of Wang Yangming and Kantian moral philosophy"] Taibei Shi: Wen shi zhe chu ban she, 2013. [244 p.] [WC]

Zilber, Andrey. See: Dykhanov, Viacheslav, and Andrey Zilber.

 ——, and Alexei Salikov, eds. Kant’s Project of Perpetual Peace in the Context of Contemporary Politics: proceedings of international seminar. Kalingrad: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Press, 2013. [147 p.] [M]


Zimmermann, Stephan. “Faktum statt Deduktion. Kants Lehre von der praktischen Selbstrechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes.” Kants Rechtfertigung des Sittengesetzes in Grundlegung III: Deduktion oder Faktum? Ed. Heiko Puls (op cit.). 103-32. [PW]

Zinkin, Melissa. “On Robert Clewis’s The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom.” Critique (blog posted: 10 Jan 2013) n.p. [PW] [online]

Zinkstok, Job. “Indemonstrable Propositions and Analysis in Kant’s Preisschrift.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 2. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 517-27. [M]

Zöller, Günter. “‘Religion libre’. La Religion dans les Limites de la simple raison de Kant comme traité théologico-politique.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 43-56. [PI]

 ——. “Hoffen-Dürfen: Kants kritische Begründung des moralischen Glaubens.” Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Eds. Dietmar H. Weidemann and Raoul Weicker (op cit.). 245-57. [M]

 ——. “Idee und Notwendigkeit einer Metaphysik der Sitten (MS 6:205-209, 214-218 und TL 6:375-378).” Kant’s Tugendlehre. Eds. Trampota, Sensen, and Timmermann (op cit.). 11-24. [M]

 ——. “The Musically Sublime. Richard Wagner’s Post-Kantian Philosophy of Modern Music.” Das Leben der Vernunft: Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Eds. Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, and Carsten Olk (op cit.). 635-60. [M]

 ——. “Genesis und Klima. Geo-Anthropologie bei Herder und Kant.” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 551-63. [M]

 ——. “Entre Rousseau e Freud: Kant sobre o mal-estar cultural.” [Portuguese; translated from the English: “Between Rousseau and Freud. Kant on Cultural Uneasiness”]Estudos Kantianos 1.2 (2013): 161-82. [M]


 ——. “Potere musicale. Filosofia della musica come filosofia politica.” [Italian] Schiller lettore di Kant. Eds. Alberto L. Siani and Gabriele Tomasi (op cit.). 131-46. [M]


 ——. “Not seeing and seeing nothing. Kant on the twin conditions of objective reference.” Kant e-Prints 8.2 (2013): 1-21. [M] [online]


 ——. “«Religion libre». La Religion dans les limites de la simple raison de Kant comme traité théologico-politique.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 43-56. [M]

 ——. “Mensch und Erde: die geo-anthropologische Parallelaktion von Herder und Kant.” Herders “Metakritik”: Analysen und Interpretationen. Ed. Marion Heinz (op cit.). 253-71. [M]

Zuckert, Rachel. “Is There Kantian Art Criticism?” Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht: Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 4. Eds. Bacin, Ferrarin, La Rocca, and Ruffing (op cit.). 343-56. [M]

 ——. “Antinomies cachées de la raison pratique.” Kant, théologie et religion. Ed. Robert Theis (op cit.). 155-62. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Subject of Critique: On the Regulative Role of the Psychological Idea, by Avery Goldman (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (February 2013, #26). [M] [online]

Żuromski, Daniel. “Podmiot i przedmiot poznania jako efekt syntezy transcendentalnej jedności apercepcji w sformułowaniu neopragmatycznym. Stanowisko Roberta B. Brandoma.” [Polish; The subject and object of knowledge as a result of the synthesis of the transcendental unity of apperception. The neopragmatic reading of Robert B. Brandom] Diametros 37 (2013): 169-92. [PW] [online]


Zylberman, Ariel. “Kant’s Juridical Idea of Human Rights.” Kantian Theory and Human Rights. Eds. Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks (op cit.). 27-51. [M]

[top] Dissertations    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Addison, Daniel Stephen. Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Standpoint of Finitude. Ph.D. diss. University of Pittsburgh, 2013. [149 p.] Advisor: Stephen Engstrom. [PQ]


Antonini, David. The Conception of the Productive Imagination in the Critique of Pure Reason: Kant and Heidegger. Master’s thesis. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2013. [70 p.] Advisor: Sara Beardsworth. [PQ]


Archer, Crina. Time For Democracy: Continuity and Rupture in the Political Thought of Kant, Tocqueville, and Arendt. Ph.D. diss. Northwestern University, 2013. [258 p.] Advisor: Linda Zerilli. [PQ]


August, Karan. Building Beauty: Kantian aesthetics in a time of dark ecology. Ph.D. diss. Technische Universiteit Delft, 2013. [xii, xviii, 254 p.] Advisor: Arie Graafland. [M][online]


Bachour, Omar. Kantian Ethics and the Formula of Humanity: Towards Virtues and Ends. Master’s Thesis. University of Ottawa, 2013. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Baghai, Farshid. The Epigenesis of Pure Reason: Systematicity in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2013. [346 p.] Advisor: Paul Franks. [PQ]


Blazej, Adam. Second Nature in Kant’s Theory of Artistic Creativity. Master’s thesis. University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, 2013. [46 p.] Advisor: William Bristow. [PQ]


Brewer, Cameron David. Kant, Hume, and the Notion of Material Substance. Ph.D. diss. University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013. [206 p.] Advisor: Sally Sedgwick. [PQ]

Bruno, G. Anthony. The Bounds of Life: The Role of Death in Schelling’s Internal Critique of German Idealism. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2013. [214 p.] Advisor: Paul Franks. [PQ]


Choi, Yoon Hee. Kant's Theory of Self-Consciousness. Ph.D. diss. University of Cambridge, 2013. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]

Chou, Elaine. A Strategy for American Innovation: Applying Immanuel Kant’s Theory ofKknowledge to Tech Patent Law. M.A.L.S. thesis. Georgetown University, 2013. [104 p.] Advisor: John Reuscher. [PQ]


Conarroe, Roger Graydon. In futuro: a sketch of the task of logic in Immanuel Kant and Charles Peirce. Master’s thesis. University of Virginia, 2013. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]

Daily, Micah. Pleasures, Principles and Lies an Ascension from Manners to Morals in the Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Ph.D. diss. The New School, 2013. [287 p.] Advisor: Jay M. Bernstein. [PQ]


Deimling, Wiebke. Kant’s Theory of Emotions. Ph.D. diss. University of Pennsylvania, 2013. [230 p.] Advisor: Paul Guyer. [PQ]


DeWitt, Janelle A. The Structure and Function of Emotion in Kant’s Moral Theory. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Los Angeles, 2013. [112 p.] Advisor: Barbara Herman. [PQ]


Diosan, Alexandru Cristian. Imaginatia transcedentala în cadrul proiectului criticist kantian. Ph.D. diss. Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", 2013. [188 p.] Advisor: Virgil Ciomos. [WC]

Drogalis, Christina. Kant's Change of Heart: Radical Evil and Moral Transformation. Ph.D. diss. Loyola University/Chicago, 2013. [194 p.] Advisor: Victoria Wike. [PQ] [online]


Falkenberg, Dana. Practical Reason, Character and Morality. Ph.D. diss. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013. [163 p.] Advisor: Thomas E. Hill. [PQ]


Fang, Bo. Politischer Reformismus: ein philosophischer Entwurf Immanuel Kants. Ph.D. diss. Berlin, Freie Universität, 2013. [iii, 216 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]


Fedorko, Joshua. Kant and Hegel on Things in Themselves: Critical and Exegetical Issues. Ph.D. diss. University of Sheffield, 2013. [205 p.] Advisor: Robert Stern and Christopher Hookway. [PQ] [online]


Ferguson, Mark Smith. A Prolegomenon on Evil: “What Does It Mean to Be Evil?”. Master’s thesis. Oklahoma State University, 2013. [139 p.] Advisor: Lawrence Pasternack. [PQ]


Filcheva, Krasimira Dimitrova. Kant’s Transcendental Schematism of the Understanding. Master’s thesis. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013. [66 p.] Advisor: Alan Nelson. [PQ]


Giannini, Heidi Chamberlin. Neo-Kantian Wickedness: Constructivist and Realist Responses to Moral Skepticism. Ph.D. diss. Baylor University, 2013. [151 p.] Advisor: Robert C. Roberts and Kyla S. Ebels Duggan. [PQ]


Giladi, Paul. Hegel’s Critique and Development of Kant: The Passion of Reason. Ph.D. diss. University of Sheffield, 2013. [162 p.] Advisor: Bob Stern and Chris Hookway. [PQ] [online]


Gofton, B. Tyson. Analysis, Systematicity and the Transcendental in Hermann Cohen’s System of Critical Idealism. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2013. [338 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Harrison, Rebecca D. The Failure of Desire: A Critique of Kantian Cognitive Autonomy in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Master’s thesis. Georgia State University, 2013. [vi, 61 p.] Advisor: Sebastian Rand. [WC]


Hewitt, Howard Harris, II. Kantian Constructivism and Practical Authority. Ph.D. diss. University of Nebraska, 2013. [97 p.] Advisor: Mark van Roojen. [PQ]


Ivanova, Velia. Twelve-Tone Identity: Adorno Reading Schoenberg through Kant. Master’s thesis (Musicology). University of Ottawa, 2013. [v, 110 p.] Advisor: Murray Dineen. [M]


James, Seferin. The Closure of the Opening: Derrrida and the idea in the Kantian sense. Ph.D. diss. University College Dublin, 2013. [x, 341 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Janssen, Brian David. Kant’s Natural Law. Master’s thesis. Iowa State University, 2013. [67 p.] Advisor: Alex Tuckness. [PQ]


Kaldewaij, Frederike Emma. The Animal in Morality: justifying duties to animals in Kantian moral philosophy. Ph.D. diss. Uni-Utrecht, 2013. [316 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]

Kazarinov-Hawk, Christopher Daniel. Constructivism and the Question of Objectivity: Fichte’s Ethics as Critique of Kant’s. Ph.D. diss. University of London, King's College, 2013. [89 p.] Advisor: John Callanan, Andrea Sangiovanni, and John Milton. [PQ] [online]


Kelsey, Matthew Allen. The Mother of Chaos and Night: Kant’s Metaphilosophical Attack on Indifferentism. Ph.D. diss. Loyola University/Chicago, 2013. [719 p.] Advisor: Andrew Cutrofello. [PQ]


Kirkby, David James. On Judgement: Psychological Genesis, Intentionality and Grammar. Ph.D. diss. University of Durham, 2013. [216 p.] Advisor: Wolfram Hinzen. [PQ] [online]


Komasinski, Andrew James. Moral Selfhood from Kant to Kierkegaard. Ph.D. diss. Fordham University, 2013. [250 p.] Advisor: Merold Westphal. [PQ]


Kump, Ziga. "Hegel skozi Kanta": Heglova recepcija Kantove filozofije v zgodnjih jenskih spisih. [Slovenian; "Kant through Hegel": Hegel's reception of Kant's philosophy in the early Jena writings] Ph.D. diss. University of Ljubljana, 2013. [85 p.] Advisor: Zdravko Kobe. [WC]

Lincoln, James William. Kant, Infinity and His First Antinomy. Master’s Thesis. Boston University, 2013. [35 p.] Advisor: Manfred Kuehn and Judson C. Webb. [PQ]


Lithgow, Michael Andrew. Beautiful & Ambiguous News: An Aesthetic Approach to the Limits of Discursive “Truth”. Ph.D. diss. Carleton University (Canada), 2013. [244 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Lundestad, Øystein. The Realm of Right: on the development and final formulation of Kant’s legal philisophy. Ph.D. diss. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet/Trondheim, 2013. [435 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

MacKenzie, Jordan. Self-Knowledge in Kant’s Practical Philosophy. Master’s thesis. University, 2013. [53 p.] Advisor: Thomas E. Hill. [PQ]


Maldonado, Dylan. The Universal Law of Nature Formulation of the Categorical Imperative. Master’s thesis. University of Arizona, 2013. [27 p.] Advisor: A. Houston Smit. [PQ]


Matherne, Samantha Marie. Art in Perception: Making Perception Aesthetic Again. Ph.D. diss. University of California/Riverside, 2013. [221 p.] Advisor: Pierre Keller. [PQ]


McAndrew, Matthew. Kant’s Theory of Judgment: The Concept of Judgment in Kant’s Logic and Metaphysics. Ph.D. diss. Emory University, 2013. [324 p.] Advisor: Rudolf A. Makkreel. [PQ]


Mohrmann, Judith. Affekt und Revolution: Politisches Handeln nach Arendt und Kant. Ph.D. diss. University?, 2013. [230 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Nance, Zach. An Evaluation of Plantinga’s Critique of Kant’s Metaphysic: an exercise in apriorism. Master’s thesis. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013. [viii, 108 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Newhouse, Marie E. Kant’s Typo, and the Limits of the Law. Ph.D. diss. Harvard University, 2013. [143 p.] Advisor: Arthur Applbaum. [PQ]


Olson, Michael J. Kant’s Transcendental and Metaphysical Idealism. Ph.D. diss. Villanova University, 2013. [271 p.] Advisor: Julie R. Klein. [PQ]


Panjwani, Imranali. Exploring the role of the self in the Islamic-Western human rights discourse: a comparative examination of foundational texts of key scholars from the Shi'i-Muslim and Western philosophical tradition - 'Ali b. Abi Talib, Zayn al-'Abidin, Søren Kierkegaard and Immanuel Kant.. Ph.D. diss. King’s College London (Theology and Religious Studies), 2013. [247 p.] Advisor: Carool Kersten and Clemens Sedmak. [WC]


Parekh, Mihir Surya. The Cosmopolitics of Race, Gender, and Indigeneity in Kant. Ph.D. diss. University of California/Santa Cruz, 2013. [283 p.] Advisor: Angela Y. Davis and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. [PQ]


Peine, Daniela. Moralische Motivation bei Kant. Eine philosophisch-psychologische Studie. Ph.D. diss. Aachen Technische Hochschule, 2013. [xiv, 251 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Pickering, Mark. A Phenomenalist Interpretation of the “Critique of Pure Reason”. Ph.D. diss. Boston University, 2013. [228 p.] Advisor: Manfred Kuehn. [PQ]


Polla, Cauê Cardoson. O ABC do cosmopolitismo: Kant e a educação. [Portuguese; The abc of cosmpolitanism: Kant and education] Ph.D. diss. Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. [220 p.] Advisor: Ricardo Ribeiro Terra. [PQ]


Psilojannopoulos, Anastassios. Von Thomasius zu Tetens: eine Untersuchung der philosophiegeschichtlichen Voraussetzungen der theoretischen Philosophie Kants in repräsentativen Texten der Deutschen Aufklärung. Ph.D. diss. Berlin, Humboldt-Universität, 2013. [541 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Renton, Paul. Synthesis and harmony: a study of Kant’s theory of sensible experience in the Critique of Pure Reason. Ph.D. diss. University of Aberdeen, 2013. [146 p.] Advisor: Beth Lord. [WC]


Roberts, Debbie Lee. A Kantian Defense of Regulatory Law and Penalty: Consumer Protection in the Canadian Automotive Industry. Ph.D. diss. York University, 2013. [344 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Ryall, Julian. Worlds Apart: A Copernican Critique of Kantian Idealism. Ph.D. diss. Cardiff University, 2013. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Saemi, Amir. On the Nature of Practical Reasons. Ph.D. diss. University of California/Santa Barbara, 2013. [210 p.] Advisors: Kevin Falvey and Matthew Hanser. [PQ]


Santos, Gustavo Adolfo P. D. Practical Reason and the Metaphysics of Human Dignity: A Dialogue between Christian Personalists and Kantian Liberalism. Ph.D. diss. The Catholic University of America, 2013. [280 p.] Advisor: David J. Walsh. [PQ]


Schmidt, Elke Elisabeth. Kants Begriff der Demütigung in der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Master’s Thesis. Uni-Siegen, 2013. [80 p.] Advisors: Dieter Schönecker and Marion Heinz. [M][online]

Smith, Simon David. The Role of Concepts in Kant’s Account of Aesthetic Experience. Ph.D. diss. University of London, University College London, 2013. [169 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ] [online]


Snow, Mathew J. The Modal Status of Kant’s Postulate of God’s Existence. Master’s Thesis. The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2013. [58 p.] Advisor: Julius O. Sensat. [PQ]


Steen-Mikkelsen, Morten. På Kant med den æstetiske erfaring: En undersøgelse af Alexander Gottlieb Baumgartens og Immanuel Kants filosofiske æstetik. [Danish] Ph.D. diss. Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet, 2013. [102 p.] Advisor: Sune Frølund. [WC]


Stephenson, Andrew Charles. Kant’s Theory of Experience. Ph.D. diss. University of Oxford, 2013. [viii, 212 p.] Advisors: Ralph C. S. Walker and Adrian W. Moore. [WC]


Tester, Steven Eric. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Reflections on Knowledge, Nature, and the Self. Ph.D. diss. Northwestern University, 2013. [442 p.] Advisor: Peter Fenves. [PQ]


Thomson, Cameron Matthew. Morality, id est, worthiness to be happy: Kants retributivism, the law of unhappiness, and the eschatological reach of Kants law of punishment. Ph.D. diss. The University of Edinburgh, 2013. [# p.] Advisor: Nick Adams and Michael Purcell. [WC]


Tuling, Kari Hofmaister. Between Maimonides and Kant: Hermann Cohen’s Religion of Reason. Ph.D. diss. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, 2013. [iv, 156 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Vaha, Milla Emilia. The Metaphysics of Moral Subjectivity: Theory without Practice? Ph.D. diss. Florence, European University Institue/Dept. of Political and Social Sciences, 2013. [x, 237 p.] Advisor: Christian Reus-Smit. [PQ]


Valdez Oyague, Martín. El mal radical del corazón humano: problemas fundamentales de la ética de Kant. [Spanish] Master’s thesis. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Escuela de Posgrado, 2013. [86 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Vande Veire, Frank. Tussen vrijheid en Uber Ich: de kantiaanse en lacaniaanse achtergrond van Slavoj Zizeks theorie van de ideologie. [Dutch] Ph.D. diss. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 2013. [291 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Vaprin, Nathanael W. Immanuel Kant and the Theory of Radical Democracy. Ph.D. diss. Vanderbilt University, 2013. [191 p.] Advisor: Gregg Horowitz. [WC]


Velarde La Rosa, Gisele. Prolegomena to Kant’s Theory of the Derangement of the Cognitive Faculties. Ph.D. diss. Loyola University/Chicago, 2013. [275 p.] Advisor: Andrew Cutrofello. [PQ]


Watt, Robert. Kant’s Deduction of the Categories. Ph.D. diss. University of Oxford, 2013. [250 p.] Advisor: Ralph Walker. [PQ] [online]


Yin, Jie. The I think, Self-awareness and Reflexivity: A Reconstructed Kantian Model of Self-awareness. Ph.D. diss. State University of New York at Albany, 2013. [260 p.] Advisor: Robert C. Howell. [PQ]


Yudelman, Jonathan. The Beginning of the End: Kant’s Philosophy of History and the Paths of Rational Messianism. Master’s thesis. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2013. [iii, 104 p.] Advisor: Christoph Schmidt. [WC]

Zinkstok, Johannes Theodoor. Kant’s Anatomy of Logic: Logic and Method in the Critical Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. University of Groningen, 2013. [285 p.] Advisors: Lodi Nauta and Detlev Pätzold. [WC]

Zhouhuang, Zhengmi. Der Begriff des sensus communis bei Kant. Ph.D. diss. Ludwigs-Maximilian-Universität, Munich, 2013. [iii, 153 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Citation Source Key

[ASP] — Academic Search Premier

[GVK] — Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog

[HIC] — Humanities International Complete


[M] — material copy of the book or journal

[MUSE] — Project Muse

[PI] — Philosopher’s Index

[PQ] — ProQuest

[PW] — publisher’s website

[RC] — Rodica Croitoru

[WC] — WorldCat

I thank Andrey Zilber for his kind assistance with the articles from the Russian journal Kantovskij Sbornik, Rodica Croitoru for her help with many of the items from the Romanian literature, and Elizabeth McKenney for her work as my student assistant.