KANT IN THE CLASSROOM     Materials to aid the study of Kant’s lectures


> Kant’s Writings

Academy Edition
Kant’s Life


Kant’s Lectures
The Student Notes

Kant’s Writings

Kant in Translation

This bibliography of Kant’s writings in translation – in perpetual development – aims to include the first edition (and significantly revised editions) of each translation of Kant’s published writings, as well as of his Nachlaß, correspondence, and the student lecture notes. These are listed chronologically by date of the original Kant publication, and then by date of the translation publication.

Many translations are published in a collection or as part of a more comprehensive collected works of Kant in translation. A collection is any publication that includes a translation of more than one of Kant’s writings, and every translation found in one of these collections is also included in the primary list of translations (and linked to their separate entries). Missing links mean that I’ve not yet located the more specific information. (Help with this is always appreciated!)

Individual writings can be located in the chronological list below, or else by using this alphabetized index, which includes variant English titles. [The links in the pop-up window will open a new tab/window – sorry.]

The entries are color coded by language, and the language is also indicated with the publication year: ara(bic), arm(enian), bas(que), bul(garian), cat(alan), chi(nese), cro(atian), cze(ch), dan(ish), dut(ch), eng(lish), est(onian), fin(nish), fre(nch), geo(rgian), ger(man), gre(ek), heb(rew), hun(garian), ita(lian), jap(anese), kor(ean), lat(in), latv(ian), lit(huanian), nor(wegian), per(sian), pol(ish), por(tuguese), rom(anian), rus(sian), ser(bian), sl(o)v(ak), slo(venian), spa(nish), swe(dish), tur(kish), ukr(ainian), uzb(ek), vie(tnamese), .... This small coding feature with “(year/language)” makes comparative searches in a web browser relatively simple and reliable.

Sources: Each entry is based directly on a paper copy or digital pdf of the text (indicated with an [M]) when one is available; otherwise the source is a database (such as WorldCat [WC], The European Library [TEL], Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [DNB], Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog [GVK], Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog [KVK], Bibliothéque nationale de France [BnF], Catalogo del servizio bibliotecario nazionale [SBN] – a longer list is given here), a publisher’s website [PW], a review attached to the entry [Rev], or one of the “translation bibliographies” listed at the bottom of this page.

Working Bibliographies (at bottom of page)

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

Other page: [Links to Internet Resources for Translating Kant]


Living Forces


Rotation of Earth

Age of the Earth


Theory of the Heavens

On Fire

New Elucidation


Earthquakes 1-3

Physical Monadology

Theory of Winds


West Winds


Motion and Rest






False Subtlety


Only Possible Argument

Neg. Magnitudes




Maladies of the Head

Rev. of Silberschlag

Prize Essay




Dreams of a Spirit-Seer


Directions in Space


Inaugural Dissertation


Rev. of Moscati


Races of Human Beings




Sensory Illusion


Critique of Pure Reason


Lambert’s Letters

Note to Physicians



Rev. of Schulz


Universal History



Rev. of Herder 1-3



Counterfeiting Books

Concept of Race


Conjectural Beginning

Metaphysical Foundations

Rev. of Hufeland


Remarks on Jakob


Critique of Practical Reason

Teleological Princ.

Kraus Review

Philosopher’s Medicine


First Introduction (KU)


Critique of Judgment


On a Discovery

Illegitimate Edition

Schultz Review








Progress in Metaphysics



Influence of the Moon

End of All Things


Perpetual Peace


New Tone


Mathematical Dispute

Peace in Philosophy


Metaphysics of Morals

On Hippel

Against Schlettwein

Right to Lie


Making Books

Power of Mind

Explanatory Notes




Against Fichte


Jachmann Preface

Mielcke Afterword



Against Vollmer


Physical Geography


On Pedagogy

Lecture Notes






Moral Phil

Nat. Law

Nat. Theology


Opus Postumum



Collected Works

Smaller Collections

[top]  Living Forces (1747) [text]


Ovejero y Maury, Eduardo, tr. (1921/spa). Principios Metafísicos da las Ciencias Naturales. Madrid: Reus. [249 p.] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish; Palacios notes that the work is mistitled.


Handyside, John, tr. (1929/eng). [selections] [Handyside/Smith 1929, 3-15] [M]

Translation into English.


Arana Cañedo-Argüelles, Juan, tr. (1988/spa). Pensamientos sobre la verdadera estimacion de las fuerzas vivas. Traducción y Comentario de Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles. Bern / Frankfurt am Main / New York / Paris: Peter Lang. [476 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 81.3 (1990): 371-72.


Petrocchi, Ivano, tr. (2000/ita). Pensieri sulla vera valutazione delle forze vive. Edited by Ivano Petrocchi with a preface by Silvestro Marcucci. Pisa/Rom: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. [203 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.
Review: Riccardo Pozzo, Kant-Studien 94.4 (2003): 537-38.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Myśli o prawdziwej mierze sił żywych oraz ocena dowodów, którymi w tej spornej kwestii posługiwał się Leibniz i inni mechaniści wraz z kilkoma wstępnymi uwagami dotyczącymi sił ciał w ogóle.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 13-168??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Edwards, Jeffrey B., and Martin Schönfeld, trs. (2012/eng). “Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces.” [Watkins 2012, 11-155] [M]

Translation into English, based on Kant (1747).


Veneroni, Stefano, tr. and ed. (2019/ita). Pensieri sulla vera valutazione delle forze vive. Edited by Stefano Veneron; with facing German text. 4 volumes Milano-Udine: Mimesis. [1567 p.] [PW]

[top]  Rotation of the Earth (1754) [text]


Hastie, W[illiam], tr. and ed. (1900/eng). “Examination of the Question [...] Whether the Earth has Undergone an Alteration of its Axial Rotation.” [Hastie 1900, 1-11] [M]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy ruch wirowy Ziemi wokół własnej osi, dzięki któremu zachodzi zmiana dnia i nocy, uległ jakimś zmianom od czasu jej powstania oraz dzięki czemu można się o tym przekonać, która w mijającym roku została poddana ocenie Królewskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 169-76??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “Examination of the Question whether the Rotation of the Earth on its Axis, by which it Brings About the Alternation of Day and Night, has Undergone any Change Since its Origin, and How One Can be Certain of This, which was set by the Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin as the Prize Question for the Current Year.” [Watkins 2012, 159-64] [M]

Translation into English.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2014/rom). “Cercetarea chestiunii, dacă Pământul în rotaţia lui în jurul axei, prin care ia naştere alternarea zilei şi a nopţii, a suferit vreo schimbare de la primele timpuri ale originii sale, de care am putea fi asiguraţi anticipat; cercetare care pentru anul în curs a fost pusă ca Premiu de către Academia Regală de Ştiinţe din Berlin.” [Boboc 2014, 147-52] [M]

Translation into Romanian.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “En undersökning av frågan: Har jordens rotation runt sin axel, varigenom växlingen mellan dag och natt uppkommer, genomgått någon förändring sedan de första tiderna för dess uppkomst, vilken skulle orsaken till denna kunna vara och hur kan man förvissa sig därom?” [Welin 2015, 11-20??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Indagine sul quesito se la Terra, nel ruotare attorno al proprio asse, da cui produce l'alternarsi del giorno e della notte, abbia subito un qualche cambiamento dalla sua origine e su come si possa essere certi di questo.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Pelletier, Arnaud tr. (2017/fre). “Recherche sur la question de savoir si la terre a subi depuis les premiers temps de son origine quelque modification dans sa rotation axiale.” [Pelletier 2017, 274-94??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2018/rom). “Cercetarea chestiunii, dacă Pământul în rotaţia lui în jurul axei, prin care produce alternarea zilei şi a nopţii, a suferit vreo schimbare de la primele timpuri ale originii sale şi cum am putea fi siguri de aceasta, temă propusă de Academia Regală de Ştiinţe din Berlin pentru premiul anului în curs.” Revista de Filosofie 65.1: 103-7. [PW]

Translation into Romanian.

[top]  Age of the Earth (1754) [text]


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Pytanie, czy pod względem fizycznym Ziemia się starzeje.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 177-94??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Afeissa, Hicham-Stéphane, tr. (2011/fre). “De la question de savoir si la terre vieillit, considérée d’un point de vue physique.” Philosophie (Paris) 110 (2011): 3-30. [WC]

Translation into French.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “The Question, Whether the Earth is Ageing, Considered From a Physical Point of View.” [Watkins 2012, 167-81] [M]

Translation into English.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Frågan Åldras jorden? fysikaliskt betraktad.” [Welin 2015, 21-40??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Se la Terra invecchi da un punto di vista fisico.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Pelletier, Arnaud tr. (2017/fre). “La question du vieillissement de la terre, considérée d’un point de vue physique.” [Pelletier 2017, 305-36??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2018/rom). “Chestiunea dacă Pământul îmbătrâneşte, considerată fizicalist.” Revista de Filosofie 65.2: 191-203. [PW]

Translation into Romanian.

[top]  Theory of the Heavens (1755) [text]


Pflueg 1806

Pflueg 1806

Pflueg, C. C., tr. and ed. (1806/dan). Forsøg / om / den hele Verdenbygnings / Forsatning og mekaniske Sprindelse. / Afhandlet / ester Nevtoniske Grundsatninger / af / Immanuel Kant. / Efter den 1797 af M. F. Besørgede / nye Udgave / oversat / af / C. C. Pflueg, / Major. Copenhagen: A & S. Soldins Forlag. [xlii, 245 p.] [M]

Translation into Danish of Kant, Theory of the Heavens (1755).


anon?, tr. (1808/fre). Histoire universelle de la nature et théorie du ciel. Zeiss: W. Webel. [(24), 142 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. A copy is held at Oxford (Radcliffe Science Library [1842 e.249]


Wolf, C.[harles Joseph Etienne], tr. (1886/fre). Les Hypotheses cosmogoniques. Examen des théories scientifiques modernes sur l’origine des mondes, suivi de la traduction de la théorie du ciel de Kant. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. [xiii, 255 p.] [M]

Translation into French.


Hastie, W[illiam], tr. and ed. (1900/eng). Kant’s Cosmogony, as in his essay on the retardation of the rotation of the earth and his natural history and theory of the heavens, with introduction, appendices, and a portrait of Thomas Wright of Durham. Glasgow: J. Maclehose and Sons. [cix, 205 p.] [Hastie 1900, 13-167] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Bertrand Russell, Mind 10.39 (1901): 405-7.
Review (of the 1969 edition): M. Kleinschnieder, Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 321.



Merton Pedro, tr. (1946/spa). Historia natural y teoría general del cielo. Ensayo sobre la constitución y el origen mecánico del universo, tratado de acuerdo a los principios de Newton. Nota preliminar de Manuel Sadosky. Buenos Aires: Lautaro. [196 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Araki, Toshima, tr. (1952/jap). カント・宇宙論: 天界の一般自然史と理論 / Kanto uchūron: Tenkai no ippan shizenshi to riron. Tokyo: Kōseisha Kōseikaku. [(10) 232 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Krońska, Irena, tr. (1966/pol). “Granice mechanicznej interpretacji swiata.” [Kroński 1966, 63-68] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


Lunqt, Jorge E., tr. (1969/spa). Historia general de la naturaleza y teoría del cielo. Traducción de Jorge E. Lunqt, prólogo de A. Llanos. Buenos Aires: Juarez. [xv, 210 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Jaki, Stanley L., tr. and ed. (1981/eng). Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. [302 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.
Reviews: Simon Schaffer, Isis 74.1 (1983): 132-33; Holly L. Wilson, Kant-Studien 78.1 (1987): 119-20.


Selvi, Seçkin (Cılızoğlu), tr. (1982/tur). Evrensel Doğa Tarihi ve Gökler Kuramı. Istanbul: Havass Publishing House. [pages p.] [Türkiye Kant Topluluğu]

Translation into Turkish. Later printings: 2002, 2003, 2007.


Kerszberg, Pierre, Anne-Marie Roviello, and Jean Seidengart, trs. (1984/fre). Histoire générale de la nature et théorie du ciel, 1755. Paris: J. Vrin. [315 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.
Reviews: Jean Ferrari, Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 335.


Velotti, Stefano, tr., (1987/ita). Storia universale della natura e teoria del cielo ovvero saggio sulla costituzione e sull'origine meccanica dell'intero universo secondo i princìpi newtoniani. A cura di Giacomo Scarpelli e Stefano Velotti. Rome / Naples: Theoria. [174 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. New edition: Roma, Bulzoni, 2009.


Barroso, Graça, tr. (2004/por). Teoria do Céu: história natural e teórica do Céu ou ensaio sobre a constituição e a origem mecânica do universo segundo as leis de Newton. Pref. e rev. científica de Joaquim Fernandes. Lisboa: Centro Transdisciplinar de Estudos da Consciência da Universidade Fernando Pessoa. [166 p.] [Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Johnston, Ian, tr. (2008/eng). Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens. Arlington, Virginia: Richer Resources Publ. [160 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Powszechna historia naturalna i teoria nieba albo szkic o układzie oraz mechanicznym pochodzeniu całości świata opracowany zgodnie z prawami Newtona.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 195-386??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens, or Essay on the Constitution and Mechanical Origin of the Entire Universe, treated in accordance with Newtonian Principles.” [Watkins 2012, 191-308] [M]

Translation into English.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2013/swe). Himlens allmänna naturhistoria och teori eller essä om beskaffenheten av och det mekaniska ursprunget till hela världsalltet, avhandlade enligt Newtonska grundsatser. Möklinta: Gidlund. [159 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.

Wisser, Willem, tr. (2013/dut). Het ontstaan van het heelal en de goede God. Amsterdam: Sjibbolet. [240 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2014/rom). “Istoria generală a naturii şi teoria cerului.” [Boboc 2014, 11-144] [M]

Translation into Romanian.

Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2014/rom). Istoria generală a naturii şi teoria cerului. Cluj-Napoca: Edit. Grinta. [192 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Estratto della Storia della natura e Teoria del cielo di Kant.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian of the selection reprinted by Gensichen as an appendix to his German translation of three essays by Herschel (Über den Bau des Himmels, 1791).

Rujević, Goran, tr. (2016/ser). “Opšta istorija prirode i teorija neba, ili ogled o ustrojstvu i mehaničkom poreklu čitave svetske zgrade sproveden prema njutnovim načelima.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 11-146??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.


Alcoberro i Pericay, Ramon, tr. (2020/cat). Sobre els Extraterrestres: teoria del cel (1755). Traducció, edició i pròleg a cura de Ramon Alcoberro; il lustracions de Rafater. Edicions del Reremús. [87 p.] [WC]

Translation into Catalan of a selection from Theory of the Heavens.

[top]  On Fire (1755) [text]


Beck, Lewis White, tr. (1986/eng). “Succinct Exposition of Some Meditations on Fire.” Introduction (pp. 19-21) and notes (pp. 44-46) by Beck. [Beck 1986, 24-46] [M]

Translation into English.


Grillenzoni, Paolo, tr. (1987/ita). La dissertazione del 1755 di Kant: il “De igne”. Milano: EDUCatt. [83 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. New edition: 2012.


Canterla González, Cinta, tr. (1991/spa). “Breve esbozo de algunas meditaciones acerca del fuego." Cuadernos de Illustración y Romanticismo 1 (1991): pages? [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish, with an introduction and notes by the translator.


Domínguez, Atilano, tr. (1992/spa). “Sobre el fuego.” [Domínguez 1992, pages??] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Goldgewicht, Mathieu, tr. (1999/fre). “Esquisse sommaire de quelques méditations sur le feu.” Philosophie 63: 13-30. [Grapotte 2021, 92]

Translation into French.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. (2012/eng). “Concise Outline of Some Reflections on Fire.” [Watkins 2012, 311-26] [M]

Translation into English.


Agostini, Igor, tr. (2014/ita). “Sul fuoco.” [Agostini 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  New Elucidation (1755) [text]


Tieftrunk, J. H., tr. (1807/ger). Neue Erklarung der ersten Grundsatze der metaphysischen Erkenntniss. Königsberg: Friedrich Nicolovius. [IV, pp. 173-248] [M]

Translation into German (the original Latin is printed at IV, 121-73).


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Explication nouvelle des premiers Principe de la Connaissance métaphysique.” [selection] [Tissot 1840, 374-81] [M]

Translation into French.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Explication nouvelle des premiers Principes de la Connaissance métaphysique.” [Tissot 1862, 1-77] [M]

Translation into French.


England, F. E., tr. (1929/eng). Kant’s Conception of God. A Critical Exposition of its Metaphysical Dvelopment, Together with a Translation of the Nova Dilucidatio. Foreward by G. Dawes Hicks. London: G. Allen & Unwin. [256 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Takeda, Shinichi, tr. (1939/jap). “內容:形而上学的認識第一原理の新解釈.” [Takeda 1939, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Assunto, Rosario, tr. (1953/ita). “Nuova illustrazione dei principi della conoscenza metafisica.” [Carabellese 1953, 3-54] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into Italian.


Maas de Zagalsky, Beatriz, tr. (1973/spa). “Nueva Dilucidación de los Primeros Principios del Conocimiento Metafísico.” Cuadernos de Filosofía (Univ. de Buenos Aires) 11 (1973): 447-80. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


García Bacca, Juan David, tr. (1974/spa). “Nueva Dilucidación de los Primeros Principios del Conocimiento Metafísico.” [García Bacca 1974, 73-143] [WC/Palacios/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish. Title from Granja Castro; Palacios lists the title as: “Nueva Dilucidación de los Principios Primeros del Conocimiento Metafísico.”


Ferrari, Jean, tr. (1980/fre). “Nouvelle explication des premiers principes de la connaissance métaphysique.” [Alquié 1980, i.109-63] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Andrade, José, tr. (1983/por). “Nova explicação dos primeiros principíos do conhecimento metafísico.” [Magalhães 1983, 33-78] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Reuscher, John A., tr. (1986/eng). “A New Exposition of the First Principles of Metaphysical Knowledge.” Introduction (pp. 47-55) and notes (pp. 106-9) by Reuscher. [Beck 1986, 57-83] [M]

Translation into English.


Uña Juárez, Agustín, tr. (1987/spa). Nova dilucidatio o nueva explicación de los primeros principios del conocimiento metafísico. Madrid: Editorial Coloquio. [106 p.] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “New Elucidation of the First Principles of Metaphysical Cognition.” [Walford 1992, 5-45] [M]

Translation into English.


Agostini, Igor, tr. (2014/ita). “Nuova delucidazione dei primi principi della conoscenza metafisica.” [Agostini 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  Earthquakes 1-3 (1756) [text]


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1799/eng). “History and Physiography of the Most Remarkable Cases of the Earthquake of 1775.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.93-142] [M]

Translation into English of [Earthquake 2].


Silveira, Luís, tr. (1955/por). Ensaios de Kant a proposito do terramoto de 1755. Lisboa: Publicações da Câmara Municipal. [iii, 64 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese of [Earthquake 1] [Earthquake 2] [Earthquake 3].


Manganaro, Paolo, tr. (1984/ita). Scritti sui terremoti. A cura di Paolo Manganaro, presentazione di Augusto Placanica. Salerno: Edizioni 10/17. [79 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of [Earthquake 1] [Earthquake 2] [Earthquake 3].


Palmquist, Stephen, tr. and ed. (1994/eng). “History and Physiography of the Most Remarkable Cases of the Earthquake of 1775.” [Palmquist 1994, 1-30] [M]

Translation into English of [Earthquake 2]. Revised translation of Richardson [1799].


Bettencourt, Benedith, tr. (2005/por). Escritos sobre o terramoto de Lisboa. Edited by João Duarte Fonseca. Coimbra: Ed. Almedina. [137 p.] [Serrão 2020/WC]

Translation into Portuguese of [Earthquake 1] [Earthquake 2] [Earthquake 3]..


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “O przyczynach trzęsień ziemi, w związku z nieszczęściem, które pod koniec ubiegłego roku nawiedziło kraje Europy Zachodniej.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 387-96??] [PW]

Translation into Polish of [Earthquake 1].

Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Historia oraz opis natury najdziwniejszych przypadków trzęsienia ziemi,które pod koniec 1755 roku wstrząsnęło dużą częścią Ziemi.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 397-426??] [PW]

Translation into Polish of [Earthquake 2].

Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Dalsze rozważania dotyczące spostrzeganych od niedawna wstrząsów ziemi.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 427-36??] [PW]

Translation into Polish of [Earthquake 3].


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “On the Causes of the Earthquakes, on the Occasion of the Calamity that befell the Western Countries of Europe towards the End of Last Year.” [Watkins 2012, 329-36] [M]

Translation into English of [Earthquake 1].

Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “History and Natural Description of the Most Noteworthy Occurrences of the Earthquake that Struck a Large Part of the Earth at the End of the Year 1755.” [Watkins 2012, 339-64] [M]

Translation into English of [Earthquake 2].

Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “Continued Observations of the Terrestrial Convulsions that have been Perceived for Some Time.” [Watkins 2012, 367-73] [M]

Translation into English of [Earthquake 3].

Placanica, Augusto, tr., Maurizio Barletta, ed. (2012/ita). Scritti sui terremoti. Rome: Robin. [97 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of ??.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Om orsakerna till jordskalven vid tillfället för den olycka som drabbade Europas västliga länder mot slutet av förra året.” [Welin 2015, 41-50??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of [Earthquake 1].

Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Historia och naturbeskrivning av de märkvärdigaste fallen av jordbävningar, vilka mot slutet av år 1755 skakade en stor del av jorden.” [Welin 2015, 51-84??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of [Earthquake 2].

Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Betraktelse över de sedan en tid upplevda jordskalven.” [Welin 2015, 85-94??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of [Earthquake 3].


Pelletier, Arnaud tr. (2017/fre). “Sur les causes des tremblements de terre, à l’occasion du malheur qui a frappé la partie occidentale de l’Europe vers la fin de l’année dernière.” [Pelletier 2017, 347-62??] [WC]

Translation into French of [Earthquake 1].

[top]  Physical Monadology (1756) [text]


Tieftrunk, J. H., tr. (1807/ger). Nutzen der Verbindung der Metaphysik mit der Geometrie in der Natur-Philosophie von welcher der erste Versuch die physische Monadologie enthält. Königsberg: Friedrich Nicolovius. [IV, pp. 285-316] [M]

Translation into German (the original Latin is printed at IV, 260-84).


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1923/ita). “Monadologia fisica.” [Carabellese 1923, pages] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “Monadologia fisica.” [Carabellese 1953, 55-76] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Zac, Sylvain, tr. (1970/fre). “La monadologie physique.” [Zac 1970, 31-51] [WC/Walford 1993]

Translation into French.


Torretti, Roberto, tr. (1978/spa). “La monadología física.” Diálogos (Universidad de Puerto Rico) 32 (1978): 173-90. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Andrade, José, tr. (1983/por). “Uso da metafisica unida à geometria em filosofia natural cujo especimen I contém a monadologia fisica.” [Magalhães 1983, 79-97] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. (1986/eng). “The Use in Natural Philosophy of Metaphysics Combined with Geometry. Part One: Physical Monadology.” Introduction (pp. 111-14) and notes (pp. 133-34) by Beck. [Beck 1986, 114-32] [M]

Translation into English.


Domínguez, Atilano, tr. (1992/spa). “Monadologia física.” [Domínguez 1992, pages??] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.

Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “The Employment in Natural Philosophy of Metaphysics combined with Geometry, of which Sample One Contains the Physical Monadology.” [Walford 1992, 51-66] [M]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “O zastosowaniu metafizyki, o ile połączona jest ona z geometrią, w filozofii przyrody, której pierwsza próba zawiera monadologię fizyczną.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 437-54??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Agostini, Igor, tr. (2014/ita). “Monadologia fisica.” [Agostini 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Rujević, Goran, tr. (2016/ser). “Korist metafizike povezane s geometrijom za filozofiju prirode.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 147-63??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.

[top]  Theory of Winds (1756) [text]


Caimi, Mario, tr. (1993/spa). “Nuevas observaciones para una explicación de la teoría de los vientos, con las cuales invita a la vez a asistir a sus lecciones.” Traducción del alemán por Mario Caimi, estudio preliminar de Emilio A. Caimi y Mario Caimi. Homenaje a Kant. Ed. José Sazbón. Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. 121-43. [M]

Translation into Spanish.


Inutake, Masayuki, tr. (2000/jap). “title.” [Inutake 2000, ??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Nowe uwagi do objaśnienia teorii wiatrów.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 455-80??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “New Notes to Explain the Theory of the Winds, in which, at the same time, he Invites Attendance at his Lectures. Königsberg, the 25th of April, 1756.” [Watkins 2012, 375-85] [M]

Translation into English.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Några anmärkningar till belysning av teorin för vindarna.” [Welin 2015, 95-108??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Nuovi appunti per spiegare la teoria dei venti.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  West Winds (1757) [text]


Bolin, Ronald, tr. (1968/eng). “Outline and Announcement of a Course of Lectures on Physical Geography together with a Brief Consideration of the Question whether the West Winds in our Region are Moist because they come across a Great Sea.” [Bolin 1968, 224-33] [M]

Translation into English of AA 2: 3-9, omitting the list of lectures announced for that semester as well as the appendix on the west winds (AA 2: 9-12).


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Plan wykładów poświęconych geografii fizycznej i zawiadomienie o nich wraz z dołączonym krótkim rozważaniem na temat problemu: czy wiatry zachodnie w naszym regionie dlatego są wilgotne, bo wieją nad rozległym morzem.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 469-80??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “Plan and Announcement of a Series of Lectures on Physical Geography, with an Appendix Containing a Brief Consideration of the Question, Whether the West Winds in our Regions are Moist because they Travel over a Great Sea.” [Watkins 2012, 387-95] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Motion and Rest (1758) [text]


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “Nuova dottrina del moto e della quiete e dele loro conseguenze rispetto ai primi principi della scienza naturale.” [Carabellese 1953, 77-89] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Bolin, Ronald, tr. (1968/eng). “Appended to ‘Neuer Lehrbegriff der Bewegung und Ruhe’.” [Bolin 1968, 234] [M]

Translation into English of AA 2: 25 (the brief paragraph mentioning the lectures being offered for summer semester 1758.


Zac, Sylvain, tr. (1970/fre). “Nouvelle définition du mouvement et du repos.” [Zac 1970, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Torretti, Roberto, tr. (1979/spa). “Nuevo concepto del movimiento y el reposo.” Diálogos (Universidad de Puerto Rico) 18.34 (1979): 143-52. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Domínguez, Atilano, tr. (1992/spa). “Del movimiento y del reposo.” [Domínguez 1992, pages??] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Inutake, Masayuki, tr. (2000/jap). “title.” [Inutake 2000, ??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Nowa teoria ruchu i spoczynku.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 481-92??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “New Doctrine of Motion and Rest, and the Conclusions associated with it in the Fundamental Principles of Natural Science, while at the same time his lectures for this semester are announced, the 1st of April, 1758.” [Watkins 2012, 399-408] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Optimism (1759) [text]


Festugière, Paul, tr. (1931/fre). “Considérations sur l'Optimisme.” [Festugière 1931, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Assunto, Rosario, tr. (1953/ita). “Saggi di talune considerazioni sull’ ottimismo nel quale l’autore annuncia al contempo le lezioni che terra nel prossimo semestre (1759).” [Carabellese 1953, pages] [Walford 1992]

Translation into Italian.


Ferrari, Jean, tr. (1980/fre). “Essai de quelques considérations sur l’optimisme de M. Emmanuel Kant par lequel il annonce en même temps son cours pour le prochain semestre le 7 Octobre 1759.” [Alquié 1980, i.165-74] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (1991/rom). “Incercare asupra unor consideratii privind optimismul de Dl. Immanuel Kant, prin care el îşi anunţă totodată prelegerile pentru semestrul următor al anului.” [Croitoru 1991, 441-47] [M]

Translation into Romanian.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “An Attempt at Some Reflections on Optimism by Immanuel Kant, also containing an announcement of his lectures for the coming semester. 7th October 1759.” [Walford 1992, 67-83] [M]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Esej o kilku spostrzeżeniach na temat optymizmu.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 493-500??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Tomšič, Samo, tr. (2010/slo). “Poskus nekaterih razmišljanj o optimizmu.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 75-83] [M]

Translation into Slovenian.

[top]  Funk (1760) [text]


Tissot, Joseph, tr. and ed. (1854/fre). “Consolation d'une mère a la mort de son fils. Pensées inspirées par la perte prématurée de M. Jean-Frédéric de Funk, dans une lettre a Mme. Agnès-Élisabeth [...].” [Tissot 1854, 429-40] [M]

Translation into French.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1855/fre). “Consolation adressée a une mère au sujet de la mort de son fils.” [Barni 1855, 267-72] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Rozważania związane z przedwczesną śmiercią Jaśnie Wielmoznego Pana Johanna Friedricha von Funk.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 501-8??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Wielgus, Margot, Nelli Haase, Patrick Frierson, and Paul Guyer, trs. (2011/eng). “Thoughts on the Occasion of Mr. Johann Friedrich von Funk’s Untimely Death.” [Frierson/Guyer 2011, 3-8] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  False Subtlety (1762) [text]


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “The False Subtilty of the Four Syllogistic Figures Evinced.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.135-57] [M]

Translation into English.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “La fausse subtilité des quatre figures du syllogisme démontrée.” [Tissot 1840, 252-78] [M]

Translation into French.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. (1885/eng). “The Mistaken Subtilty of the Four Syllogistic Figures.” [Abbott 1885, 79-95] [M]

Translation into English.


Sato, Nobue, tr. (1939/jap). “三段論法に四格を分けるのは精し過ぎた謬であること.” [Takeda 1939, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Torretti, Roberto, tr. (1970/spa). “La Falsa Sutileza de las Cuatro Figuras del Silogismo.” Diálogos (Univ. de Puerto Rico) 7.19: 7-22. [Palacios]

Translation into Spanish.

Zac, Sylvain, tr. (1970/fre). “De la fausse subtilité des quatre figures du syllogisme.” [Zac 1970, 69-88] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Courtès, Francis, tr. (1972/fre). Etude historique et critique sur “La fausse subtilité des quatre figures syllogistiques” démontrée par Kant. Paris: J. Vrin. 53-67. [196 p.] [WC]

Translation into French).


Ferrari, Jean, tr. (1980/fre). “La fousse subtilité des quatre figures du syllogisme.” [Alquié 1980, i.175-94] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Reis, Alberto, tr. (1983/por). “Acerca da falsa subtileza das quatro figuras do silogismo.” [Magalhães 1983, 99-116] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures Demonstrated by M. Immanuel Kant.” [Walford 1992, 89-105] [M]

Translation into English.


translator?? (2005/por). “A falsa sutileza das quatro figuras silogísticas.” [Barboza 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Błędna drobiazgowość czterech figur sylogistycznych.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 509-26??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Tomšič, Samo, tr. (2010/slo). “Lažno dlakocepstvo štirih silogističnih figur.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 85-101] [M]

Translation into Slovenian.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2017/rom). “Falsa subtilitate a celor patru figuri silogistice.” Revista de Filosofie 64.3: 413-24. [PW]

Translation into Romanian.

[top]  Only Possible Argument (1763) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Argumentum quo, deum esse, uno potest evinci.” [Born 1796-98, iv.428-538] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “The Only Possible Arguent for the Demonstration of the Existence of God.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.217-366] [M]

Translation into English.


Richardson, John, tr. (1836/eng). Various passages. [Richardson 1836, 1-28, 51-64, 133-44] [Micheli 1997, 94]

Translation into English.


Festugière, Paul, tr. (1931/fre). “L'unique fondement possible d'une démonstration de l'existence de Dieu.” [Festugière 1931, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Matsuoka, Yoshikazu, tr. (1935/jap). “內容:神の現存在の証明の唯一可能なる証明根拠.” [Matsuoka 1935, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “L’unico argomento possibile per una dimostrazione dell’esistenza di Dio.” [Carabellese 1953, 103-213] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Quintana Cabanas, José María, tr. (1972/spa). “El Único fundamento posible de una demostración da la existencia de Dios.” [Quintana 1972, 59-159] [WC/Palacios/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Treash, Gordon, tr. and ed. (1979/eng). The One Possible Basis for a Demonstration of the Existence of God. Introduction by Treash. New York: Abaris Books. [247 p.] [M]

Translation into English, with a reproduction of the German text of the Academy edition (AA 2: 63-163) on facing pages.


Zac, Sylvain, tr. (1980/fre). “L’unique fondement possible d’une demonstration de l’existence de Dieu.” [Alquié 1980, i.317-435] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Quintana Cabanas, José María, tr. (1989/spa). El único fundamento posible de una demostración de la existencia de Dios (1763). Introducción y traducción de José Maria Quintana Cabanas. Barcelona: PPU. [184 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1972.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God.” [Walford 1992, 111-201] [M]

Translation into English.


Theis, Robert, tr. (2001/fre). L'unique argument possible pour une démonstration de l'existence de Dieu. Paris: J. Vrin. [226 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


García Belsunce, Eduardo, tr. (2004/spa). El único argumento posible para una demostración de la existencia de Dios. Buenos Aires: Prometio Libros. [155 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

Morujão, Carlos, Inès Bolinhas, Inês Ribeiro Ferreira, and Joana Quaresma, trs. (2004/por). O único argumento possível para uma demostração da existência de Deus. Trad., introd., notas e glossários de Morujão, Bolinhas, Ribeiro Ferreira e Quaresma. Lisboa: Impr. Nacional, Casa da Moeda. [180 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Jedyna możliwa podstawa dowodu na istnienie Boga.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 527-650??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Tomšič, Samo, tr. (2010/slo). “Edini možni argument za demonstracijo obstoja boga.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 103-96??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.

[top]  Negative Magnitudes (1763) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Specimen de conceptu quantitatum negativarum in philosophiam introducendo.” [Born 1796-98, iv.161-99] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Essai ayant pour but d'introduire dans la Philosophie le Concept des quantités négatives.” [Tissot 1840, 279-343] [M]

Translation into French.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Essai sur l'introduire dans la Philosophie le Concept des quantités négatives.” [Tissot 1862, 127-88] [M]

Translation into French.


Irvine, D., tr. (1911/eng). “Attempt to Introduce the Conception of Negative Quantities into Philosophy.” D. Irvine, The Metaphysical Rudiments of Liberalism. London. 117-56. [Walford 1992]

Translation into English.


Sato, Nobue, tr. (1939/jap). “負量の考を哲学に応用する試み.” [Takeda 1939, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Kempf, Roger, tr. and ed. (1959/fre). Essai pour introduire en philosophie le concept de grandeur negative. Introduction and notes by Kempf. Paris: J. Vrin. [126 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Assunto, Rosario, tr. (1953/ita). “Tentativo per introdurre nella filosofia il concetto delle quantità negative.” [Carabellese 1953, 249-90] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into Italian.


García Belsunce, Eduardo, tr. (1977/spa). “Ensayo para introducir en la filosofía el concepto de magnitudes negativas.” Diálogos (Universidad de Puerto Rico) 29-30 (1977): 137-76. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Ferrari, Jean, tr. (1980/fre). “Essai pour introduire en philosophie le concept de grandeurs négatives.” [Alquié 1980, i.175-94] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Domínguez, Atilano, tr. (1992/spa). “Las magnitudes negativas.” [Domínguez 1992, pages??] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.

Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “Attempt to Introduce the Concept of Negative Magnitudes into Philosophy.” [Walford 1992, 207-41] [M]

Translation into English.


Tasakos, Charēs, tr. (2001/gre). Dokimio gia tēn eisagōgē tēs ennoias tu arnētiku megethus stē philosophia. Athēna: Printa. [70 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


translator?? (2005/por). “Ensaio para introduzir a noção de grandezas negativas em filosofia.” [Barboza 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Translator? (2010/slo). “Poskus uvedbe pojma negativnih velikosti v filozofijo.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 225-64??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Tasakos, Haris, tr. (2014/gre). Dokímio gia ten eisagoge tes énnoias tou arnetikoú megéthous ste philosophía. Athens: Printa. [71 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Smiljanić, Damir, tr. (2016/ser). “Pokušaj da se u svetsku mudrost uvede pojam negativnih veličina.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 164-97??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2017/rom). “Încercare de a introduce în filosofie conceptul de mărimi negative.” Revista de Filosofie 64.1: 149-60. [PW]

Translation into Romanian of Sections 1-2 (partial) (AA 2:165-88).

Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2017/rom). “Încercare de a introduce în filosofie conceptul de mărimi negative.” Revista de Filosofie 64.2: 275-88. [PW]

Translation into Romanian of Section 2 (partial) to the end of the essay (AA 2:184-204).

[top]  On the Beautiful and the Sublime (1764) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Observationes de sensu pulcritudinis et sublimitatis.” [Born 1796-98, iv.325-80] [M]

Translation into Latin.

Peyer-Imhoff, Hercule, tr. (1796/fre). Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime. Paris: J. J. Lucet. [123 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. Includes frontispiece of an engraving of Kant (derived ultimately from the Schnorr pencil sketch) by Benizy.

translator??, tr. (1796/swe). Om känslan af det sköna och höga. Stockholm: Kumblin. [101 (1) p.] [M] [online]

Translation into Swedish. Cited in Kant-Studien 6 (1901): 245.

translator??, tr. (1804/dut). Waarnemingen over het gevoel van het schoone en verhevene. Groningen: Wouters en Nieman. [104 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch; likely an earlier edition of Croockewit 1804.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.1-78] [M]

Translation into English.


Croockewit, Hendrik, tr. (1804/dut). Waarnemingen over het gevoel van het schoone en verhevene. Groningen: Wijbe Wouters (Amsteldam: J. F. Nieman). [(6) 104 p.] [WC] [online]

Translation into Dutch.


Peyer-Imhoff, Hercule, tr. (1823/fre). Examen philosophique des Considérations sur le Sentiment du Sublime et du Beau, dans le rapport des caractères, des tempéraments, des sexes, des climats, et des religions d'Emmanuel Kant. Introductory essay by Auguste Hilarion Kératry. Paris: Bossange Fréres. [xxviii, 380 p.] [M]

Translation into French (pp. 257-378), prefaced by a long analysis.

Veyland, M. tr. (1823/fre). Essai sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime. Paris: J. G. Dentu. [viii, 326 p.] [M]

Translation into French.


Brodzinski, Kazimierz, tr. (1825/pol). “O uczuciu pi^knosci i wznioslosci.” Archiwum do dziejow literatury i oswiaty w Polsce 12: 341-76. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


[anon.], tr. (1826/ita). Considerazioni sul sentimento del sublime e del bello. Napoli: Tipografia di Palma. [x, 104 p.] [WC/Petrone]

Translation into Italian from the French (1823).


Barni, J.[ules], tr. and ed. (1846/fre). “Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime.” [Barni 1846, ii.233-320] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


García Moreno, Alejo, and Juan Ruvira, trs. (1876/spa). “Las Observaciones sobre el Asentimiento de lo Bello y lo Sublime.” [García Moreno/Ruvira 1876, vol. 2] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish, from the Barni translation into French.


Blok, Harry P, tr. (1919/dut). Opmerkingen over het gevoel van het schoone en verhevene. Introduction by H. T. de Graaf. Sneek: Van Druten. [viii, 216 p.] [M]

Translation into Dutch.

Sánchez Rivero, Ángel, and Francisco Rivera Pastor, tr. (1919/spa). Lo bello y lo sublime. Ensayo de estética y moral. Madrid: Talleres Calpe. [82 p.] [WC/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: Hans Widmer, Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 319-21.


Translator? (1922/spa). Observaciones sobre el Sentimiento de lo Bello y lo Sublime. Buenos Aires: Claridad. [pages? p.] [Palacios/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Vidari, Giovanni, tr. (1923/ita). Osservazioni sul sentimento del bello e del sublime. Turin: (publ?). [?? p.] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into Italian.


Ueno, Naoaki, tr. (1939/jap). “美と崇高との感情性に関する観察.” [Takeda 1939, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Machado Cruz, A., tr. (1943/por). O belo e o sublime (Ensaio de Estética e Moral). Porto: Livraria Educação Nacional. [102 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993]

Translation into Portuguese.


Ueno, Naoteru, tr. (1948/jap). 美と崇高との感情性に関する観察 / Bi to sūkō tono kanjōsei ni kansuru kansatsu. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [82 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. First published in 1938. Lter editions: 1979, 1981.


Kempf, Roger, tr. and ed. (1959/fre). Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime. Introduction and notes by Kempf. Paris: J. Vrin. [84 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.
Review (of the 1969 2nd edition): Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 133.


Goldthwait, John T., tr. and ed. (1960/eng). Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime. Introduction by Goldthwait. Berkeley: University of California Press. [124 p.] [M]

Translation into English; originally published as a dissertation (Northwester University, 1957).
Review: Price Charlson, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20.1 (1961): 109-10.


Sanchez Rivero, Ángel, tr. (1964/spa). “Lo bello y lo sublime.” [Sanchez Rivero 1964, 11-84] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; this is a 4th edition.


Krońska, Irena, tr. (1966/pol). “O zmiennosci poczucia piejcna.” [Kroński 1966, 69-70] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


Larroyo, Francisco, tr. (1973/spa). “Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y lo sublime.” [Larroyo 1973, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Lortholary, Bernard, tr. (1980/fre). “Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime.” [Alquié 1980, 449-509] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


translator?, tr. (1982/ita). “title.” [Pupi 1982, 215-48] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into Italian.


Oyarzún Robles, Pablo, tr. (1983/spa). “Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y de lo sublime.” [Oyarzún Robles 1983, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Novati, Laura, tr. (1989/ita). Osservazioni sul sentimento delbello e del sublime. Edited and introduction by Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue. Milan: Rizzoli. [137 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


David-Ménard, Monique, tr. (1990/fre). “Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime.” [David-Ménard 1990, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.

Moreno, Luis Jiménez, tr. and ed. (1990/spa). Observaciones acerca del sentimiento de lo bello y de lo sublime. Introduccíon y notas de Luis Jiménez Moreno. Madrid: Alianza. [109 p.] [WC/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Figueiredo, Vinícius de, tr. (1993/por). “Observações sobre o sentimento do belo e do sublime.” [Figueiredo 1993, pages??] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Tasakos, Chares, tr. (1999/gre). Paratereseis pano sto aisthema tou oraiou kai tou hyperochou. Athens: Printa. [97 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Granja Castro, Dulce María, tr. (2004/spa). Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y lo sublime. German-Spanish edition. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. [xcccii, 63, 63 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; bilingual edition. Further printings: Mexico City (2005), Madrid (2005). 2nd edition: 2012.
See →Biblioteca Immanuel Kant.


Kamphof, Ike, tr. (2006/dut). Opmerkingen over het gevoel van het schone en het verhevene. Budel Damon. [156 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Guyer, Paul, tr., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 23-62] [M]

Translation into English.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2008/rom). Observatii asupra sentimentului de frumos si sublim. Note la Observaţii asupra sentimentului de frumos şi sublim. Traducere, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, bibliografie selectiva, index de concepte germano-român, index de concepte de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Editura BIC ALL. [304 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian. See →[Kant, Opere].
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 133-39.


Yildirim, Ahmet Fethi, tr., Bahadir Vural, ed. (2010/tur). Güzellik ve yücelik duyguları üzerine gözlemler. Istanbul: Hil Yayınları. [63 p.]

Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Rozważania o uczuciu piękna i wzniosłości .” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 651-94??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “Razmišljanja o občutju lepega in vzvišenega.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 265-314??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Guyer, Paul, tr. (2011/eng). “Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime.” [Frierson/Guyer 2011, 65-204??]

Translation into English; originally published in 2007.

[top]  Komarnicki (1764) [text]


Schmidt, Claudia, tr. (2007/eng). “On the Adventurer Komarnicki.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 63-64] [M]

Translation into English.

??, tr. (2007/fre). “Raisonnement à propos d'un aventurier exalté.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.

[top]  Maladies of the Head (1764) [text]


David-Ménard, Monique, tr. (1990/fre). “Essai sur les maladies de la tête.” [David-Ménard 1990, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Figueiredo, Vinícius de, tr. (1993/por). “Ensaio sobre as doenças mentais.” [Figueiredo 1993, pages??] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Rábano Gutiérrez, Alberto, and Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, tr. (1995/spa). “Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza.” Archivos de Neurobiología 58.1 (1995): 31-59. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


D’Ortenzi, Luisa, tr. (2001/ita). Saggio sulle malattie della mente. Edited and with an introduction by Luciano Dottarelli. Bolsena: Massari. [111 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Rábano Gutiérrez, Alberto, and Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, trs. (2001/spa). Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza. Introducción de Agustín Béjar Trancón; traducción y notas de Alberto Rábano Gutiérrez y Jacinto Rivera Rosales. Madrid: Antonio Machado Libros. [91 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; 2nd ed: 2009.
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Ágora 23.1 (2004): 227-29.


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). “Essay on the sickness of the head.” [excerpt] [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Wilson, Holly, tr., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Essay on the Maladies of the Head.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 65-77] [M]

Translation into English.

Godderis, Jan, tr. (2007/dut). Immanuel Kant over de ziekten van het hoofd. Antwerp/Apeldoorn: Garant. [125 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.

??, tr. (2007/fre). “Essai sur les maladies de la tête.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Panarra, Pedro, Miguel, tr. (2010/por). “Ensaio sobre as doenças da cabeça de 1764.” Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 19: 201-24.

Translation into Portuguese.

Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Esej o schorzeniach głowy.”[??] [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 695-708??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “Poskus o boleznih glave.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 315-28??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Uribe Cano, Juan Manuel, tr. (2011/spa). “Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza (1764).” Affectio Societatis (Medellín-Colombia) 8.15: n.p. [M][online]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Review of Silberschlag (1764) [text]


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Przegląd Silberschlaga: Teoria kuli ognia, która pojawiła się 23 sierpnia 1762.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 709-12??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Watkins, Eric, tr. (2012/eng). “Review of Silberschlag’s Work: Theory of the Fireball that Appeared on July 23, 1762.” [Watkins 2012, 411-13] [M]

Translation into English.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Recensione dell'opera di Silberschlag sulla cometa del 23 luglio 1762.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Pelletier, Arnaud tr. (2017/fre). “Recension de l’écrit de Silberschlag: Théorie de la boule de feu qui est apparue le 23 juillet 1762.” [Pelletier 2017, 373-78??] [WC]

Translation into French.

[top]  Prize Essay: Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality (1764) [text]


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “An Inquiry Concerning the Perspicuity of the Principles of Natural Theology and of Moral.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.339-83] [M]

Translation into English.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Essai sur la clarté des principes de la Théologie naturelle et de la Morale.” (selection) [Tissot 1840, 344-47] [M]

Translation into French.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Recherche sur la clarté des principes de la Théologie naturelle et de la Morale.” [Tissot 1862, 79-126] [M]

Translation into French.


Balduf, Emerey Winfield, tr. (year/eng). Kant’s Prize Essay on Natural Theology and Morals. Dissertation, University of Chicago. [112 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Tanaka, Keitaro, tr. (1935/jap). “自然神学及び道徳学の原理の判明性に関する研究.” [Matsuoka 1935, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “An Inquiry into the Distinctness of the Principle of Natural Theology and Morals.” [Beck 1949, 261-85] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into English.


Assunto, Rosario, tr. (1953/ita). “Indagine sulla distinzione dei principi della teologia naturale e della morale.” [Carabellese 1953, 215-48] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into Italian.


Fichant, Paul, tr. (1966/fre). “Recherche sur l'évidence des principes de la théologie naturelle et de la morale.” [Fichant 1966, 25-63] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Walford, D. E., tr., (1968/eng). “Enquiry concerning the clarity of the principles of natural theology and of ethics.” [Kerferd/Walford 1968, 3-35] [M]

Translation into English.


Torretti, Roberto, tr. (1974/spa). “Sobre la nitidez de los principios de la teología natural y de la moral.” Diálogos. 27 (1974): 57-87. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Ferrari, Jean, tr. (1980/fre). “Recherche sur l’évidence des principes de la théologie naturelle et de la morale.” [Alquié 1980, i.215-49] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Reis, Alberto, tr. (1983/por). “Investigação sobre a evidência dos princípios da teologia natural e da moral.” [Magalhães 1983, 127-57] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “Inquiry concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality.” [Walford 1992, 247-75] [M]

Translation into English.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2004/ro). “Cercetare asupra evidentei principiilor teologiei naturale si ale moralei: raspuns la întrebarea pusa de Academia Regala de ştiinţe din Berlin, în anul 1763.” Revista de filosofie 51.3-4: 325-46. [PW]

Translation into Romanian.


translator?? (2005/por). “Investigação sobre a evidência dos princípios da teologia natural e da moral.” [Barboza 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Morujão, Carlos, Américo Pereira, and Mónica Dias., trs. and eds. (2006/por). Investigação sobre a clareza dos princípios da teologia natural e da moral. Tradução, introdução, notas e glossário de Carlos Morujão, Américo Pereira e Mónica Dias. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. [150 p.] [Serrão 2020/PW]

Translation into Portuguese; bilingual edition.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Rozprawa o jasności naczelnych teologii naturalnej i filozofii moralnej.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 713-40??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “Raziskava o razločnosti načel naravne teologije in morale. Odgovor na vprašanje, ki ga je za leto 1763 zastavila kraljeva akademija znanosti v berlinu.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 197-224] [M]

Translation into Slovenian.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2014/rom). “Cercetare asupra evidentei principiilor teologiei naturale si ale moralei: raspuns la întrebarea pusa de Academia Regala de ştiinţe din Berlin, în anul 1763.” [Boboc 2014, 153-80] [M]

Translation into Romanian.


Montserrat, Miquel (2015/cat). “Investigació sobre la distinció dels principis de la teologia natural i de la moral.” In: Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia (Barcelona), 26: 57-85. [Clusa] [online]

[top]  Announcement (1765) [text]


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Avertissement d'Emmanuel Kant sur l'ensemble de ses leçons pendant le semestre d'hiver.” [Tissot 1862, 189-206] [M]

Translation into French.


Fichant, Paul, tr. (1966/fre). “Annonce du programme des leçons de M.E. Kant durant le semestre d'hiver 1765-1766.” [Fichant 1966, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Bolin, Ronald, tr. (1968/eng). “Section #4 in his ‘Nachricht von der Einrichtung seiner Vorlesungen in dem Winterhalbjahre von 1765-1766’.” [Bolin 1968, 235-37] [M]

Translation into English of AA 2: 312-13.


Ferrari, Jean, tr. (1980/fre). “Annonce de M. Emmanuel Kant sur le programme de ses leçons pour le semestre d’hiver 1765-1766.” [Alquié 1980, i.511-23] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Santos, Leonel Ribeiro dos, tr. (1988/por). “Informação acerca dos seus cursos no semestre do. inverno de 1765/66.” Filosofia — Publicação da Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia, 2.1-2: 166-78. [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese of a selection (AA 2: 305-8), with a preface and notes by the translator. Reprinted at: Santos, A Razão Sensível. Estudos Kantianos (Lisboa: Colibri, 1994), pp. 188-91.


Freire, Alfonso, tr. (1991/spa). “Aviso sobre la orientación de sus lecciones en el semestre de invierno 1765-1766.” Traducción, introducción y notas de Alfonso Freire. Ágora (Santiago de Compostela) 10: 131-52. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “Announce­ment of the Programme of his Lectures for the Winter Semester 1765-1766.” [Walford 1992, 291-300] [M]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Powiadomienie o urządzeniu wykładów w semestrze zimowym 1765-1766.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 741-50??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “Najava magistra Immanuela Kanta o poteku njegovih predavanj v zimskem semestru 1765–1766.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 329-40??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Ježić, Ljudevit Fran, tr. (2013/cro). “Obavijest g. Immanuela Kanta o ustroju njegovih predavanja u zimskome polugodištu 1765.-1766.” Čemu: časopis studenata filozofije 11.21: 241-46. [WC]

Translation into Croatian.

[top]  Dreams of a Spirit-Seer (1766) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Somnia pneumatoptae per somnia metaphysices illustrata.” [Born 1796-98, iv.97-160] [M]

Translation into Latin.


translator?, tr. (year/swe). E. Svedenborgs Tankar och syner i andeliga ämnen. En psychologisk och literarhistorisk merkvärdighet frän adertonde seklet i utdrag um omkring 40 volumer af den namnkunnige Visionärens andeliga skrifte, jemte en kort underrättelse om hans lefverne och författareskap samt ... Kants öfversigt af hans andelära. Stockholm. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of selections.


Kozłowski, Władysław Mieczysław, tr. (1899/pol). Marzenia jasnowidzaicego objasnione przez marzenia metafizyki. Warszawa. [ p.] [Andrzejewski 1977]

Translation into Polish.


Goerwitz, Emanuel F., tr. (1900/eng). Dreams of a Spirit-Seer. Introduction and notes by Frank Sewall. London: S. Sonnenschein & Co. [xiv, 161 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Venturini, Maria, tr. (1920/ita). Sogni d'un visionario chiariti con sogni della metafisica. Introduction by the translator. Milano: Isis. [83 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; see the 1920 edition.


Briem, Efraim, tr. (1921/swe). En andeskådares drömmar i ljuset av metafysikens drömmar. Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup. [153 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


Ogawa, Yoshiaki, tr. (1922/jap). 視霊者の夢: 形而上学の夢により說明されたる / Shireisha no yume: Keijijogaku no yume ni yori setsumeisaretaru. Tokyo: Rogosusha. [158 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1923/ita). “Sogni di un visionario chiariti con i sogni della metafisica.” [Carabellese 1923, pages] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Nagashima, Kizo, tr. (1935/jap). “或る視霊者の夢.” [Matsuoka 1935, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “Sogni di un visionario chiariti con i sogni della metafisica.” [Carabellese 1953, 347-408] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Krońska, Irena, tr. (1966/pol). “Sceptycyzm i prawdy praktyczne.” [Kroński 1966, 71-76] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


Courtès, Francis, tr. (1967/eng). Rêves d'un visionnaire. Paris: J. Vrin. [195 p.] [WC]

Translation into French; see also 1989 and 2013.


Manolesco, John, tr. (1969/eng). Dreams of a Spirit Seer, and other related writings. New York: Vantage Press. [192 p.] [WC]

Translation into English. Originally appeared as the author’s master’s thesis (McGill University, 1967).


Salmona, Bruno, tr. and ed. (1970/ita). Sogni di un visionario chiariti con sogni della metafisica. Padova: RADAR. [114 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Lortholary, B., tr. (1980/fre). “Rêve d’un visionnaire expliqués par des rêves métaphysiques.” [Alquié 1980, i.525-92] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.


Venturini, Maria, tr. (1982/ita). I sogni di un visionario spiegati coi sogni della metafisica. Introduction by Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue. Milano: Rizzoli. [164 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; see the 1920 edition.
Review: Claudio La Rocca, Kant-Studien 80.1 (1989): 95-98.


Chacón, Pedro, and Isidoro Reguera, trs. (1987/spa). Los sueños de un visionario explicados por los sueños de la metafísica. Trad., introd. y notas de Pedro Chacón e Isidoro Reguera. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [127 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd ed: 1994.

Wawrzyniak, Zdzislaw, tr. (1987/pol). “Marzenia jasnowidza objasnione marzeniami metafizyki.” Pismo literacko-artystyczne 6.61: 65-86. [Mainz 1987]

Translation into Polish of the second part.


Canderla González, Cinta, tr. (1989/spa). Sueños de un visionario explicados mediante los ensueños de la metafísica. Prólogo de Rudolf Malter, edición crítica del texto alemán, introducción, traducción y notas de Cinta Canterla. Universidad de Cádiz. [176 p.] [WC/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.

Courtès, Francis, tr. (1989/fre). Rêves d'un visionnaire. 3rd corrected edition. Paris: J. Vrin. [195 p.] [WC]

Translation into French; improved edition. First edition (1967).


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “Dreams of a Spirit-Seer Elucidated by Dreams of Metaphysics.” [Walford 1992, 305-59] [M]

Translation into English.


Venturini, Maria, tr. (1995/ita). I sogni di un visionario spiegati coi sogni della metafisica. Introd. di Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue. Milano: Rizzoli. [164 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; bilingual edition. See the 1920 edition.


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). “Dreams of a Spirit-Seer Elucidated by Dreams of Metaphysics.” [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2003/rom). “Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii.” [Croitoru 2003, 43-103] [M]

Translation into Romanian. See 2013 edition.


Correas, Carlos, tr. (2004/spa). Sueños de un visionario aclarados por sueños de la metafísica. Traducción, prólogo y notas de Carlos Correas. Buenos Aires: Leviatán. [151 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Doude van Troostwijk, Chris, tr. (2005/dut). Dromen: kritiek van de paranormale ervaring. Kampen: Ten Have. [153 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.

translator?? (2005/por). “Sonhos de um visionário explicados por sonhos da metafísica.” [Barboza 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Marzenia jasnowidza wyjaśnione przez marzenia metafizyki.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 751-800??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “Sanje duhovidca, pojasnjene s sanjami metafizike.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 341-98??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Courtès, Francis, tr. (2013/fre). Rêves d'un visionnaire. Paris: J. Vrin. [256 p.] [WC]

Translation into French; improved edition. First edition (1967).

Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). “Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii.” [Croitoru 2013b, 31-74] [M]

Translation into Romanian; see 2003 edition. See →[Kant, Opere]
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

Kanamori, Seiya, tr. (2013/jap). カント「視霊者の夢」/ Kanto shireisha no yume. Tokyo: Kodansha. [173 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

[top]  Directions in Space (1768) [text]


Irvine, D., tr. (1911/eng). “Concerning the First Ground of the Difference of Environs in Space.” D. Irvine, The Metaphysical Rudiments of Liberalism. London. 157-65. [Walford 2001]

Translation into English.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1923/ita). “Del primo fondamento della distinzione delle regioni nello spazio.” [Carabellese 1923, pages??] [Walford 2001]

Translation into Italian.


Handyside, John, tr. (1929/eng). “title.” [Handyside/Smith 1929, 19-29] [M]

Translation into English.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “Del primo fondamento della distinzione delle regioni nello spazio.” [Carabellese 1953, 409-17] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Kerferd, G. B., and D. E. Walford, tr. and ed. (1968/eng). “Concerning the ultimate foundation of the differentiation of regions in space.” [Kerferd/Walford 1968, 36-43] [M]

Translation into English.


Trevijano, Manuel, tr. (1969/spa). “Sobre el primer fundamento de la distinción de las regiones del espacio. En el bicentenario de un opúscuo kantiano.” Sapientia (Buenos Aires) 24 (1969): 181-200. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Zac, Sylvain, tr. (1970/fre). “Du premier fondement de la différence des régions dans l'espace.” [Zac 1970, 89-98] [WC/Walford 2001]

Translation into French.


Torretti, Roberto, tr. (1972/spa). “Sobre el fundamento primero de la diferencia entra las regiones del espacio.” Diálogos 8.22 (1972): 139-46. [Palacios]

Translation into Spanish.


Reis, Alberto, tr. (1983/por). “Acerca do primeiro fundamento da diferença das zonas no espaço.” [Magalhães 1983, 165-74] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Posada Kubissa, Luisa, tr. (1989/spa). “Sobre el primer fundamento de la diferencia de las regiones del espacio.” Presentación, traducción y notas de Luisa Posada Kubissa Er (Sevilla) 9.10 (1989): 243-55. [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Olesti i Vila, Josep, tr. (1991/cat). “Del primer fonament de la diferència de les regions en l'espai.” [Olesti i Vila 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Domínguez, Atilano, tr. (1992/spa). “Las regiones del espacio.” [Domínguez 1992, pages??] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.

Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “Concerning the Ultimate Ground of the Differentiation of Directions in Space.” [Walford 1992, 365-72] [M]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Pierwszy powód rozróżniania stron w kosmosie.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 801-10??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “O prvem temelju razlikovanja smeri v prostoru.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 399-408??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Smiljanić, Damir, tr. (2016/ser). “O prvom razlogu razlike među krajevima u prostoru.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 198-204??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.

[top]  Inaugural Dissertation (1770) [text]


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “De la forme et des principes du monde sensible et de l'intelligible.” [Tissot 1862, 207-75] [M]

Translation into French.


Eckoff, William Julius, tr. (1894/eng). Kant’s Inaugural Dissertation of 1770. New York: Columbia College. [xi, 101]

The English translation of the Dissertation appears on pp. 43-85.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “La forma e i principi del mondo sensibile e intelligibile.” [Carabellese 1923, pages] [WC/Walford 1992]

Translation into Italian.


Handyside, John, tr. (1929/eng). “On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and the Intelligible World.” [Handyside/Smith 1929, 33-85] [M]

Translation into English.

Takeda, Shin’ichi, tr. (1929/jap). 可感界並に可想界の形式と原理とに就いて / Kakankai narabini kasōkai no keishiki to genri toni tsuite. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [113 (22) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 12 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


Noica, Constantin, tr. (1936/rom). Despre forma si principiile lumii sensibile si ale celei inteligibile. Bucureşti: Tipografia “Bucovina”. [125 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Mouy, Paul, tr. (1942/fre). La dissertation de 1770. Introduction and notes by Mouy. Paris: J. Vrin. [98 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Mendes da Luz, Francisco Paulo, tr. (1943/por). Da forma e dos principios do mundo sensivel e do mundo inteligivel. Coimbra: Editorial Saber. [69 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1953/ita). “La forma e i principi del mondo sensibile e intelligibile.” [Carabellese 1953, 419-61] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Ceñal Lorente, Ramón, tr. (1961/spa). La "dissertatio" de 1770. Sobre la forma y principios del mundo sensible y del inteligible. Traducción e introducción de Ramón Ceñal Lorente. Edición bilingüe. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. [178 p.] [WC/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish, with facing Latin text. See 1996 edition.


Lamacchia, Ada, tr. (1967/ita). La forma e i princìpi del mondo sensibile e del mondo intelligibile: (dissertazione del 1770). Traduzione, introduzione, commento [di] Ada Lamacchia. Padova: Liviana. [vii, 119 p.] [WC]
Review: Margit Ruffing, Kant-Studien 87.4 (1996): 481.

Translation into Italian.


Kerferd, G. B., tr. (1968/eng). “On the form and principles of the sensible and intelligible world.” [Kerferd/Walford 1968, 45-92] [M]

Translation into English.


Translator? (1969/spa). La Disertación de 1770. Buenos Aires: Juárez. [pages? p.] [Palacios/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


García Bacca, Juan David, tr. (1974/spa). “Forma y Principios del Mundo Sensible e Inteligible.” [García Bacca 1974, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish.


Alquié, Ferdinand, tr. (1980/fre). “La dissertation de 1770: De la forme et des principes du monde sensible et du monde intelligible.” [Alquié 1980, i.623-78] [Walford 1992]

Translation into French.

Vélez Sánchez, Jaime, and Guillermo Hoyos, trs. (1980/spa). La forma y los principios del mundo sensible y del inteligible, sequidos de la Carta a Marcus Herz. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. [ p.] [Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Andrade, José, tr. (1983/por). “Acerca da forma e dos principios do mundo sensivel e do mundo inteligivel.” [Magalhães 1983, 185-229] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Santos, Leonel Ribeiro dos, tr. (1985/por). “La dissertacão de 1770.” [Santos/Marques 1985, 7-124] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Handyside, John, tr., revised by Lewis White Beck (1986/eng). “On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and the Intelligible World.” Introduction (pp. 135-43) and notes (pp. 188-92) by Beck. [Beck 1986, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Olesti i Vila, Josep, tr. (1991/cat). “[title?].” [Olesti i Vila 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Catalan of Section Three.


Walford, David, and Ralf Meerbote, trs. (1992/eng). “On the Form and Principles of the Sensible and the Intelligible World.” [Walford 1992, 377-416] [M]

Translation into English.


Lamacchia, Ada, tr. (1995/ita). La forma e i principi del mondo sensibile e del mondo intelligibile: dissertazione del 1770. Introduzione, traduzione e apparati di Ada Lamacchia. Milano: Rusconi libri. [184 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; see 1967 edition.


Ceñal Lorente, Ramón, tr. (1996/spa). Principios formales del mundo sensible y del inteligible (Disertación de 1770). Versión castellana de Ramón Ceñal Lorente. Estudio preliminar y complementos de José Gómez Caffarena. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. [178 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish, with facing Latin text. See 1961 edition.
Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 91.2 (2000): 252-54.


translator?? (2005/por). “Forma e princípios do mundosensível e do mundo inteligível.” [Barboza 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Pelletier, Arnaud, tr. (2007). Dissertation de 1770. Introduction, édition, traduction et notes par Arnaud Pelletier. Paris: J. Vrin. [216 p.] [WC]

Translation into French, with the Latin text.
Review: Robert Theis, Kant-Studien 100.4 (2009): 589-91.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “O formie i zasadach zmysłowego i zrozumiałego świata.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 811-54??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2010/slo). “O formi in temeljih inteligibilnega in senzibilnega sveta.” [Kobe/Riha 2010, 409-50??] [PW]

Translation into Slovenian.


Agostini, Igor, tr. (2014/ita). “La Forma e i principi del mondo sensibile e intelligibile.” [Agostini 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Ceñal, Ramón, tr. (2014/spa). La “Dissertatio” de 1770: sobre la forma y los principios del mundo sensible y del inteligible. Madrid: Encuentro. [140 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Review of Moscati (1771) [text]


Gonnelli, Filippo, tr. (1995/ita). “Recensione allo scritto di Moscati: Della essenziale differenza corporea fra la struttura di animali e uomini.” [Gonnelli 1995, 3-6] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Zöller, Günter, tr. and ed. (2007/eng). “Review of Moscati’s Work: Of the Corporeal Essential Differences between the Structure of Animals and Humans.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 79-81] [M]

Translation into English.

??, tr. (2007/fre). “Compte-rendu de l'écrit de Moscati sur “La différence essentielle entre la structure des animaux et des hommes”.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Recenzja czasopisma Moscati: Znacząca różnica w strukturze zwierząt i ludzi.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 855-58??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Hahn, Alexandre, tr. (2012/por). “Resenha do escrito de Moscati: 'Da diferença corpórea essencial entre a estrutura dos animais e a dos homens', de Immanuel Kant.” Kant e-Prints 7.2: 4-6. [M][online]

Translation into Portuguese.

[top]  Races of Human Beings (1775) [text]


Bolin, Ronald, tr. (1968/eng). “Statement appended to ‘Von den verschiedenen Racen der Menschen’.” [Bolin 1968, 238-39] [M]

Translation into English of AA 2: 443.


Gonnelli, Filippo, tr. (1995/ita). “Delle diverse razze di uomini.” [Gonnelli 1995, 7-22] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Bernasconi, Robert and Tommy L. Lott, eds. (2000/eng). The Idea of Race. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. [170 p.]

Includes a translation into English of [Races of Human Beings].

Translation into English.


Sanches, Manuela Ribeiro, tr. (2002/por). “Das diversas raças humanas.” [Sanches/Serrão 2002, 103-15] [Epifânio 2004/Serrão 2020/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Wilson, Holly, and Günter Zöller, trs., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Of the Different Races of Human Beings, and to announce the lectures on physical geography for the summer semester 1775.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 84-97] [M]

Translation into English.


Hahn, Alexandre, tr. (2010/por). “Das Diferentes Raças Humanas.” Notes by Alexandre Hahn.  Kant e-Prints 5.5: 10-26. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese.

Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “O różnych rasach ludzkich.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 859-76??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.


Mikkelsen, Jon M., tr. (2013/eng). “Of the Different Human Races. An Announcement of Lectures in Physical Geography in the Summer Semester 1775.” [Mikkelsen 2013, 41-54] [M]

Translation into English. Mikkelsen also offers a separate translation of the 1777 revised edition of this essay at pp. 55-71.


Smiljanić, Damir, tr. (2016/ser). “Orazličitim ljudskim rasama.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 205-20??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.


Lerussi, Natalia A., and Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez, tr. (2021/spa). “Sobre las diversas razas humanas.” [Lerussi 2021, 103-28] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Philanthropinum (1776-77) [text]


Tissot, Joseph, tr. and ed. (1854/fre). “Au preédicateur royal Chrichton, a Königsberg. 1772.” [Tissot 1854, 441-47] [M]

Translation into French.


Pascual, José Luis, tr. (1983/spa). “Miscelánea concerniente al Instituto Filantrópico.” [Fernández Enguita 1983, 95-101] [Aramayo]

Translation into Spanish.


Louden, Robert, tr. and ed. (2007/eng). “Essays Regarding the Philanthropinum.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 100-4] [M]

Translation into English.


Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. (2010/pol). “Rozprawy dotyczące Philantropinum.” [Kupś/Jankowski 2010, 877-86??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

[top]  Sensory Illusion (1777) [text]


Schmidt, Bernhard Adolf, tr. (1911/ger). “Eine bisher unbekannte lateinische Rede Kants über Sinnestäuschung und poetische Fiktion.” Kant-Studien 16: 5-21.

The translation (from the original Latin into German) appears on pp. 7-21.


Meerbote, Ralf, tr. (1992/eng). “Concerning Sensory Illusion and Poetic Fiction.” Introduction (pp. 193-201) and notes (pp. 213-16) by Meerbote. [Beck 1986, 202-13] [M]

Translation into English.


Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel, tr. (2014/por). “Sobre a ilusão poética e a poética da ilusão.” Estudos Kantianos 2.2: 291-313. [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Mas, Salvador, tr. (2015/spa). “Sobre la ilusión poética y la poética de la ilusión (Esbozo de un discurso “Sobre las ficciones poéticas”) [AA 15: 22, 903-935].” Con-Textos Kantianos 1: 235-52. [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Critique of Pure Reason (1781) [text]

Mantovani 1820

Mantovani 1820


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). Critica rationis purae. i.i-xliv, 1-587. [Born 1796-98, vol. 1] [M]

Translation into Latin. Translator’s preface (i-iv), Preface A/B and Table of Contents (v-xliv).

On this and the translations by Mantovani, Tissot, and Barny (below), see Plack (2020, 754-58).


Fremling, Matthaeus [anon.], tr. (1798/swe). Valda Stycken, Till Uplysning i Den Kantiska Philosophien. Stockholm: And. Jac. Nordström. [62 p.] [M] [online]

Translation into Swedish of a short excerpt; primarily includes materials for introducing Kant. A translation of Johann Schultz’s commentary (which?) was published the following year: Uplysningar öfver herr professor Kants critik af rena förnuftet (Lund: J. Lundblad, 1799).


Mantovani, Vincenzo tr. and ed. (1820-22/ita). Critica della ragione pura. 8 vols. Pavia: Presso i Collettori Coi Tipi di Pietro Bizzoni. [v1 (275 p.), v2 (279 p.), v3 (258 p.), v4 (291 p.), v5 (240 p.), v6 (266 p.), v7 (239 p.), v8 (277 p.)] [WC/Petrone]

Vols. 1-3 (1820),vols. 4-8 (1822). Translation into Italian, based on the 1794 German edition, with reference to Born’s Latin translation (Petrone 2004, 489). Cited in Allgemeine Literature-Zeitung #64 (March 1824), pp. 506-7.


Tissot, C. J., tr. and ed. (1835-36/fre). Critique de la Raison Pure. 2 vols. Paris: Ladrange. [482, 472 p.] [M]

Translation into French. 2nd edition (1845), 3rd edition (1864).

Haywood 1838

Haywood 1838


Richardson, John, tr. (1836/eng). Various passages from the Tr. Dialectic. [Richardson 1836, 65-77, 117-32, 187-24] [Micheli 1997, 94]

Translation into English.


[Haywood, Francis], tr. (1838/eng). Critick of Pure Reason. London: William Pickering. [xxxvi, 655 p.] [M]

Translation into English. Translator's preface (v-vii). B-edition preface (ix-xxxii), Translator's "Explanation of Terms" (643-55).
Review: [anon.], The North American Review 49.104 (1839): 44-68.


Meiklejohn, J[ohn] M[iller] D[ow], tr. (1855/eng). Critique of Pure Reason. London: Henry G. Bohn. [xliii, 517 p.] [M]

Translation into English. Translator's Preface (xi-xv); the translation begins with p. xvii (A-edition Preface). Revised edition (1900): London/New York: Colonial Press. [xxv, 480 p.]
Review: Rudolf Malter, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 136.


Grabowski, Leon, tr. (1864/pol). “Krytyka czystego rozumu.” Leon Grabowski, Ekonomia Polityczna, Oddz. 1: Teoria ekonomii politycznej. Warszawa. [pp. 25-48] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of selections from the second Preface, the Introduction, Transcendental Aesthetic, and Transcendental Analytic.


Rey y Heredia, José María, tr. (1865/spa). “Crítica de la razon pura, por E. Kant. Fragmento de la lógica transcendental.” Included as an appendix to José María Rey y Heredia, Teoría transcendental de las cantidades imaginarias. Madrid: Imprenta Nacional. Pp. 295-305. [M]

Translation into Spanish (from Tissot’s French translation) of a selection from the Transcendental Logic (A64/B89-A82/B108 and B110-13).


Pflueg 1806

Vladislavlev 1867

Vladislavlev, Mikhail Ivanovich, tr. (1867/rus). Критика чистаго разума / Kritika chistago razuma. Sankt-Petersburg: Tipografiya N. Tiblena. [iv, xxxviii, xxxiii, 627 p.] [WC; Krouglov 2020] [online]

Translation into Russian.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1869/fre). Critique de la raison pure. 2 vols., with an introduction by the translator. Paris, G. Baillière. [Vol. 1: i-viii (preface), i-cxlvii (introduction), 393 p.; Vol. 2: 480 p.] [WC]

Two volumes of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant. Translation into French. Later editions: Revised edition by P. Archambault. Chronologie, présentation et bibliographie de Bernard Rousset. Paris 1976.


Mahaffy, John P., tr. and ed. (1872/eng). Kritik of the Pure Reason. [selections] [Mahaffy 1872, 191-281] [M]

Translation into English.


Müller, F. Max, tr. (1881/eng). Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Two Volumes. London: Macmillan. [lxii, 511; xxxi, 735 p.] [M]

Translation into English. Volume 1: Müller Preface (i-lxii), Historical introduction by Ludwig Noire (1-359), "Supplements of the Second Edition of the Critique" (361-511). Volume 2: The translation itself. Reprinted with alterations: New York, The Macmillan Company, 1896. 2nd ed, revised: New York, The Macmillan Company / London: Macmillan & Co., 1915.

Stirling, James Hutchison, tr. (1881/eng). Text-book to Kant: the critique of pure reason; aesthetic, categories, schematism, translation, reproduction, commentary, index. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. [xxviii, 548 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of selections from the KdrV.


Perojo, José del, tr. (1883/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Texto de las dos ediciones precedido de “Vida de Kant” y de “Historia de los orígenes de la filosofía crítica” de Kuno Fischer. Madrid: Gaspar. [xii, 415 p.] [WC/Granja Castro/Thisted 2014]

Translation into Spanish of a selection, stopping at A235/B294. Later editions: 1940, 1961 (5th), 1973 (7th). The material on Kant’s life and on the origins of the KdrV are translations of German texts by Kuno Fischer.


Mahaffy, John P., and John H. Bernard, trs. and eds. (1889/eng). Kritik of the Pure Reason. [selections] [Mahaffy/Bernard 1889, 155-239] [M]

Translation into English.


Watson, John, tr. (1895/eng). “Critique of Pure Reason.” (extracts) [Watson 1895, 1-222] [M]

Translation into English.


Sokolov, Nikita Matveyevich, tr. (1896-97/rus). Kritika chistago razuma. Sankt-Petersburg: Popov. [Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian. New edition: 1902.


Chmielowski, Piotr, tr. (1904/pol). Krytyka czystego rozumu. Warszawa: publisher??. [pages?? p.] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.

Marketis, Georg, and Alexander Pallis, trs. (1904/gre). Kritikes tou adolou logismou meros proto. Athens: Estia. [63 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek (of “Part one”? The length makes clear that this is a selection).


Tremesaygues/Pacaud 1905


Tremesaygues, A., and B. Pacaud, trs. (1905/fre). Critique de la raison pure. Preface by A. Hannequin. Paris: F. Alcan. [xxiv, 676 p.] [M/WC]

Translation into French. 8th edition: Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 2012, introduction by Charles Serrus.


Losskiy, Nikolay Onufriyevich, tr. (1907/rus). Kritika chistago razuma. Sankt-Petersburg: Tipografiya Stasyulevicha. [464 p.] [WC; Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian. New edition: 1915, 1994, 1998, 2006.


Gentile, Giovanni, and Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, trs. (1910/ita). Critica della ragion pura. 2 vols. Bari: G. Laterza. [xxvi, 700 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. 1975 edition.


Losskiy, Nikolay Onufriyevich, tr. (1915/rus). Kritika chistago razuma. Sankt-Petersburg: Tipografiya Stasyulevicha. [Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian.


Amano, Teiyu, tr. (1921/jap). カント純粹理性批判 / Kanto junsui risei hihan. Two vols. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [?? p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. Later editions: 1947, 1949, 1971, 1979.


Heijll, Richard, tr. (1922/swe). Kritik av rena förnuftet. Lund: Gleerup. [197 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of a selection.


Cervini, Maria Luisa, tr. (1925/ita). Critica della ragion pura. Nuova versione di estratti con introduzione e note di M. Luica Cervini. Torino: Società editrice internazionale. [152 p.] [WC/EL]

Translation into Italian.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1928/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Two vols. Madrid: Librería General de Victoriano Suárez. [309 p.; 376 p.] [WC] [online]

Translation of a selection into Spanish, breaking off at the end of A 460/B488. See later editions of this translation: 1960 (2nd ed.), 1972 (combination with the Fernández Núñez translation), 1998, 2002, 2009.

Smith, Norman Kemp, tr. (1929/eng). Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. London: Macmillan. [xiii, 681 p.] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: G. Dawes Hicks, Journal of Philosophical Studies 6.21 (1931): 111-15; Wolfgang Schwarz, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26.3 (1966): 449-51.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (1930/rom). Critica raţiunii pure. Bucureşti: Editura Casei Scoalelor. [xv, 664] [WC]

Translation into Romanian of selections.


Andō, Haruo, tr. (1931/jap). 純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan. Three volumes. Tokyo: Shunjūsha. [424 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Fernández Nuñez, Manuel, tr. (1934/spa). “Crítica de la razón pura.” Estudio preliminar de Juan Bautista Bergua. [Bergua 1934, pages??] [WC/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish.


Alvárez, F. L., tr. (1945/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Precedida de La vida de Kant e historia de los orígenes de la filosofía crítica. Two vols. Buenos Aires: Sopena Argentina. [ p.] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish. Palacios claims that this is a completion of the translation begun by Perojo (1883); vol. 1 consists of the Perojo translation, while vol. 2 is by Alvárez, beginning with A 235/B 294.


Ueda, Mitsuo, tr. (1948-49/jap). 意譯・純粋理性批判上卷 / Iyaku jiyunsui risei hihan. Three volumes. Tokyo: Hikarino-shobo. [vol. 1: 326 p. (1948); vol. II: 312 p. (1949); vol. III: ??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


López y López, José, and Manuel Fernández Núñez, trs. (1950/spa). “Crítica de la razón pura.” [López y López 1950, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Khodoss, Florence, tr. (1953/fre). La raison pure. Extraits de la «Critique». Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [viii, 228 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. Many editions.


Masuda, Keizaburō, and Ichigu Takamine, trs. (1956/jap). 純粋理性批判上. Two volumes. Tokyo: Kawade-shobo. [321, 374 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Ingarden, Roman, tr. (1957/pol). Krytyka czystego rozumu. Z oryg. niem. przel. oraz opatrzyl wstepem i przypisami Roman Ingarden. Two vols. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydaw. [xxiv, 483 p.; viii, 622 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish. Later editions: 1986, 2001, 2010.


Mereje, J. Rodrigues de, tr. (1958/por). Crítica da razão pura. 3rd edition. São Paulo: Brasil Editora. [238 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 1959 (2nd), 1965 (4th; 246 p.), 1966/1993 edition with an by introduction by C. D. Leoni (Rio de Janeiro: Tecnoprint, Edições de Ouro), 271 p.


Rovira Armengol, José, tr. (1960/spa). Crítica de la razón pura: Dialética trascendental y metodología transcendental. Prólogo de Francisco Romero, edición revisada por Ansgar Klein. 2 vols. Buenos Aires: Losada. [WC/Granja Castro]

Translation into Spanish. As with Alvárez (1945), this is a completion of the Perojo 1883 translation. Vol. I is the translation by Perojo, while vol. II is translated by Armengol. Later editions: 1984 (Barcelona), 2003 (Buenos Aires: Biblioteca de obras maestras del pensamiento).
Review of the 1979 edition: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 72.2 (1981): 204-5.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1961, 1961, 1962/jap). 純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan. Three volumes. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [371, 375, 431 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Takamine, Ichigu, tr. (1965/jap). 純粋理性批判. Tokyo: Kawade-shobo-shinsha. [572 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. This is vol. 10 of The Great Ideas of the World (Japanese).

Hara, Tasuku, tr. (1966/jap). カント全集. 第4卷 / Kanto zenshū. Dai4kan. Tōkyō: Risōsha. [457 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See →[カント全集 / Kant Complete Works]

Hara, Tasuku, tr. (1966/jap). カント全集. 第5卷 / Kanto zenshū. Dai5kan. Tōkyō: Risōsha. [431 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See →[カント全集 / Kant Complete Works]


Chiodi, Pietro, tr. and ed. (1967/ita). Critica della ragion pura. Turin: UTET. [704 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Torbov, TSeko, tr. (1967/bul). Kritika na chistiia razum. Sofia: Izd-vo pri Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite. [xi, 844 p.] [WC]

Translation into Bulgarian; 3rd edition (1998).


Bagdasar, Nicolae, and Elena Moisuc, trs. (1969/rom). Critica raţiunii pure. Bucureşti: Editura Stiintifică. [xcx, 700 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian.
Review: W. Theodor Elwert, Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 221-22.


García Morente, Manuel, and Manuel Fernández Núñez, trs. (1972/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Introducción y analisis Francisco Larroyo, traducción de Manuel García Morente. Mexico: Porrúa. [liv, 377 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Based on earlier editions: 1928, 1934. Later editions: 1982, 1998, 2002.

Quintana Cabanas, José María, tr. (1972/spa). “Discusión de las Pruebas de la Existencia de Dios (de la Crítica de la Razón Pura).” [Quintana 1972, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of A 583-642 / B 611-670.


Barni, Jules, and Paul Archambaut, trs. (1973/fre). Critique de la raison pure: préfaces et introduction. Foreward by Roger Verneaux. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne. [190 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. See Barni 1869.

Hara, Tasuku, tr. (1973/jap). カント全集. 第6卷 / Kanto zenshū. Dai6kan. Tōkyō: Risōsha. [431 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See →[カント全集 / Kant Complete Works]

Hara, Tasuku, tr. (1973/jap). “純粋理性批判 .” [Hara/Yumoto 1973, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. This is part of volume 6 of カント全集 / Kant Complete Works (see); the Critique of Pure Reason is also translated in vols. 4-5 (1966). The remainder of this volume is a translation of the Prolegomena.


Vier, Raimundo, tr. (1974/por). “Prefácios à primeira e segunda edições.” [Vier/Fernandes 1974, 11-41] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese of the Prefaces to the 1781 and 1787 editions.

Rohden, Valério, and Udo Baldur Moosburger, trs. (1974/por). “title?” [Chaui 1974, pages??] [Hamm 2020/Terra 2022]

Translation into Portuguese of the Transcendental Analytic through §27.


Eminescu, Mihai, tr. (1975/rom). Lecturi kantiene: traduceri din Critica raţiunii pure. Edited by C. Noica and Al. Surdu. Bucureşti: “Univers”. [xlviii, 162 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian of selections.


Vial Larraín, Juan de Dios, tr. (1976/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Selección, glosas y comentarios de Juan de Dios Vial Larraín. Santiago: Universitaria. [174 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1983.

Archambault, Paul, tr. (1976/fre). Critique de la raison pure. Traduction de Jules Barni, revue par P. Archambault, Chronologie, présentation et bibliographie de Bernard Rousset. Paris: Flammarion. [720 p.] [BnF]

Translation into French.


Gentile, Giovanni, and Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, trs. (1977/ita). Critica della ragion pura. 2 vols. Con una introduzione di Vittorio Mathieu. 6th edition. Bari: G. Laterza. [lxiv, 775 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; see the 1910 1st edition.
Review: Friedrich Pfurtscheller, Kant-Studien 71.4 (1980): 509.


Ribas, Pedro, tr. (1978/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Traducción, prólogo, notas e índices de Pedro Ribas. Madrid: Alfaguara. [xlviii, 694 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 2005, 2010, 2013, 2014.


Giannara, Anastousiou, tr. (1979/gre). Kritike tou katharoú lógou. Two volumes. Athens: Ekdoseis Papazese. [ p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Papuaschwili, Schalwa, tr. (1979/geo). title. Preface by Guram Tewsadse. Tbilissi: Quizia. [pages?? p.] [Mainz]

Translation into Georgian.


Delamarre, A. J.-L., and François Marty, tr. (1980/fre). Critique de la raison pure. Based on the translation by Jules Barni. Paris: Gallimard. [1018 p.] [Alquié 1980, 719-1470] [WC]

Translation into French.

Rohden, Valério, and Udo Baldur Moosburger, trs. (1980/por). Crítica da razão pura. Introduction over the life and work of Kant by M. de Souza Chauí. São Paulo: Abril Cultural. [xxiv, 415 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese, based on the Weischedel German edition. Later editions: 1983, 1991, 1996, 1999, 2005.


Schwarz, Wolfgang, tr. (1982/eng). Critique of Pure Reason. Concise text in a new faithful terminologically improved translation exhibiting the structure of Kant’s argument in thesis and proof. Aalen: Scientia Verlag. [xxxvi, 281 p.] [M]

Abridged translation into English (roughly one-half the text).
Review: Paul Foulkes, Philosophy 59(230) (1984): 555-57.


Rovira Armengol, José, and José del Perojo, trs. (1984/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Traducción: José del Perojo desde el inicio de la obra hasta el capítulo III del libro II de la Analítica Trascendental; José Rovira Armengol desde ese capítulo hasta el final; revisión de la traducción, Ansgar Klein; nota preliminar, Francisco Romero. 2 vols. Barcelona: Orbis. [515 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1960.

Sonnenfeld, Viktor D, tr. (1984/cro). Kritika cistoga uma. Zagreb: Nakladni Zavod Matice Hrvatske. [438 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian.


Santos, Manuela Pinto dos, and Alexandre Fradique Morujão, trs. (1985/por). Crítica da Razão Pura. Trad. de Manuela Pinto dos Santos e Alexandre Fradique Morujão ; introd. e notas de Alexandre Fradique Morujão. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. [xxvi, 680 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese, based on the Schmidt German edition. Later editions: 1989, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2018 (9th ed.).


Llinares Chover, Joan B., tr. (1991/cat). “Crítica de la raó pura.” [Llinares Chover 1991, pages??]

Translation into Catalan of the Preface and Introduction to the B-edition.


Yardimli, Aziz, tr. (1993/tur). Arı usun eleştirisi. Istanbul: Idea. [400 p.] [WC]

Translation into Turkish.


Losskiy, Nikolay Onufriyevich, tr. (1994/rus). Kritika chistago razuma, перевод с немецкого Н. Лосского; сверен и отредактирован Ц. Г. Арзаканяном и М. И. Иткиным; примечания Ц. Г. Арзаканяна. Moskau: Mysl. [591 p.] [WC; Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian. Original: 1907.


Dotti, Jorge E., tr. (1996/spa). Deduccio ́n trascendental de las categorías – versión de 1781. Dos cartas a Marcus Herz. Buenos Aires: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. [80 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of the Transcendental Deduction (A-edition) as well as two of Kant’s letters to Marcus Herz (21 Feb 1771 and 24 Nov 1776).
Review: Maximiliano Hernändez Marcos, Kant-Studien 92.2 (2001): 223-25.

Pluhar, Werner S., tr. (1996/eng). Critique of Pure Reason. Introduction by Patricia Kitcher. Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing. [lix, 1030 p.] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 51.2-3 (1999): 357-63; Paul Lennon, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9.4 (2001): 530-42; James Jakob Fehr, Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 106-9; Hoke Robinson, Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 109-15.


Renaut, Alain, tr. and ed. (1997/fre). Critique de la raison pure. Paris: Aubier. [749 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. 2nd edition: 2001.


Guyer, Paul, and Allen W. Wood, tr. and eds. (1998/eng). Critique of Pure Reason. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xi, 785 p.] [M]

Translation into English.
See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.
Review: Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 51.2-3 (1999): 357-63; Emily Carson, Isis 91.2 (2000): 361-62, Seung-Kee Lee, The Review of Metaphysics 54.2 (2000): 444-45; Paul Lennon, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9.4 (2001): 530-42; James Jakob Fehr, Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 106-9; Hoke Robinson, Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 109-15; Günter Zöller, The Philosophical Review 111.1 (2002): 113-16.

Losskiy, Nikolay Onufriyevich, tr. (1998/rus). Kritika chistago razuma, mit den Varianten der Übersetzung ins Russische und in die anderen europäischen Sprachen. Ed. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zhuchkov. Moskau: Nauka. [654 p.] [WC; Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian. Original: 1907.


Dimitrakopoulos, Michail F., tr. (1999/gre). Kritike tou katharoú lógou: yperbatike dialektike kai yperbatike methodología. Athens: Ch.e. [xiii, 106, xv, 107-246, xxii, 247-353, xxvii, 357-492 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Uribarri, Ibon, tr. (1999/bas). Arrazoimen hutsaren kritika. Preface by Burkhard Tuschling. Bilboa: Klasikoak. [644 p.] [WC]

Translation into Basque.


Burkovsʹkij, Igor, tr. (2000/ukr). Kritika čistogo rozumu. Kyïv: Junivers. [501 p.] [WC]

Translation into Ukrainian.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2002/spa). Immanuel Kant, Crítica de la razón pura. Edición abreviada, introducción, notas y anexos de Juan José García Norro y Rogelio Rovira. Madrid: Tecnos. [386 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of an abridged version of the Garcîa Morente translation, first published in 1928 (partial) and 1972.
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Agora 23.1 (2004): 231-32.


Serrano, Gonzalo, tr. (2003/spa). “Deducción trascendental de los conceptos puros del entendimiento” Ideas y Valores. 123: 73-102. [M]

Translation into Spanish of the Transcendental Deduction (B 129-B 169); see Serrano 2014.


Emt, Jeanette, tr. (2004/swe). Kritik av det rena förnuftet. Introduction by Markku Leppäkoski. Stockholm: Thales. [743 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.

Esposito, Costantino, tr. (2004/ita). Critica della ragion pura: testo tedesco a fronte. Introduzione, traduzione, note e apparati di Constantino Esposito. Milan: Bompiano. [xlv, 1488 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Veenbaas, Jabik, and Willem Visser, tr. (2004/dut). Kritiek van de zuivere rede. Amsterdam: Boom. [689 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Stepányan, Sergey, tr. (year/arm). Zut banakanut'yan k'nnadatut'yun. T'argmanowt'yowne germanerenic' arajabane k canot'agrowt'yownnere Sergey Stepányani. Erevan: Sargis Xac'enc'. [xlviii, 781 p.] [WC]

Translation into Armenian.

Losskiy, Nikolay Onufriyevich, tr. (2006/rus). Kritika chistago razuma, ed. Tsolak Gevorkovich Arzakanyan, Moisey Isaakovich Itkin, Nelli Vasilyevna Motroshilova. Vol. 2.1-2 of: Immanuil Kant, Сочинения на немецком и русском языках, ed. Nelli Vasilyevna Motroshilova and Burkhard Tuschling. Moskau: Nauka. [ix, 1081, 935 p.] [WC; Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian, with German original. See 1907.


Coghi Anselmi, Lucimar A., and Fulvio Lubisco, trs. (2007/por). Crítica da Razão Pura. Tradução de Lucimar A. Coghi Anselmi e Fulvio Lubisco. São Paulo: Ícone. [541 p.] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Portuguese.

Caimi, Mario, tr. (2007/spa). Immanuel Kant, Crítica de la razón pura. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas de Mario Caimi. Índices de Esteban Amador, Mariela Paolucci y Marcos Thisted. Buenos Aires: editorial Colihue. [1040 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish; 2nd edition (2009).


Renaut, Alain, tr. (2008/fre). “Critique de la raison pure.” [Droit 2008, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French of the B-edition Preface and the Introduction.


Caimi, Mario, tr. (2009/spa). Immanuel Kant, Crítica de la razón pura. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas de Mario Caimi. Índices de Esteban Amador, Mariela Paolucci y Marcos Thisted. Tabla de correspondencias de traducción de términos de Dulce María Granja, María de Jesús Gallardo, Ernesto Aguilar y Óscar Palancares. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [cx, 927 p.] [M/DNB]

Translation into Spanish; bilingual edition. Later editions: 2011, 2022.

See →Biblioteca Immanuel Kant.
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Kant-Studien 101.3 (2010): 405-8.

Skar, Øystein, Stiner Mathisen, and Camilla Serck-Hanssen, trs. (2009/nor). Kritikk av den rene fornuft. Oslo: Pax. [736 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.


Haumesser, Matthieu, tr. (2010/fre). De l’amphibologie des concepts de la réflexion. Introduit, traduit et annoté par Matthieu Haumesser. Paris: J. Vrin. [272 p.] [WC]

Translation into French, with commentary, of the “Amphiboly of Concepts of Reflection” section of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.

Nakayama, Gen (2010-11/jap). 純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan.  5 vols. (Tokyo: Kobunsha). Vol. 1 (2010): 422 p.; vol. 2 (2010): 423 p.; vol. 3 (2010): 541 p.; vol. 4 (2011): 366 p.; vol. 5 (2011): 431 p. [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Ribas, Pedro, tr. (2010/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 1, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Teroyan, Varazdat, tr. (2010/arm). Zut banakanut`yan k`nnadatut`yun. (Erevan: HH GAA "Gitut`yan" hratarakch`ut`yun), 951 pp. [WC]

Translation into Armenian.


Guangwu, Lan, tr. (2011/chi). 纯粹理性批判 / Chun cui li xing pi pan. Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian. [533 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

Kobe, Zdravko, tr. (2011/slo). Kritika cistega uma. Ljubljana: Drustvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo. [312 p.] [WC]

Translation into Slovenian.

Kūlis, Rihards, tr. (2011/latv). Tīrā prāta kritika. Riga: Zinātne. [597 p.] [WC]

Translation into Latvian.

Li, Qiuling, tr. (2011/chi). 纯粹理性批判 / Chun cui li xing pi pan. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue. [561 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

Losskij, N. O., C. G. Arzakanjana, and M. I. Itkin, trs. (2011/rus). Kritika čistogo razuma. Transl. into Russian by N. O. Losskij. Moscow: Ėksmo. [736 p.] [WC]

Translation into Russian.

Perojo, José del, and José Rovira Armengol, trs., edited by Ansgar Klein (2011/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Buenos Aires: Losada. [792 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See Rovira Armengol 1960.


Costa Mattos, Fernando, tr. (2012/por). Crítica da Razão Pura. Tradução e notas de Fernando Costa Mattos. Petrópolis: Ed. Vozes. [621 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Additional printings: 2013, 2015.

Kumano, Sumihiko, tr. (2012/jap). 純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan. Tokyo: Sakuhinsha. [863 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Nakayama, Gen, tr. (2012/jap). 純粋理性批判: 7 / Junsui risei hihan: 7. Tokyo: Kobunsha. [361 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Sokolov, N. M., tr. (2012/rus). Kritika v predelach tol’ko razuma. Moscow: Kniznyj dom "LIBROKOM". [304 p.] [WC]

Translation into Russian.

Llinares, Joan B., tr. (2012/cat). Llegir Crítica de la raó pura Pròleg de la segona edició. Edited by Paula Camacho Martínez. Valencia: Universitat València. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Catalan of the B-Preface.


Nikkarla, Markus, and Kreeta Ranki, trs. (2013/fin). Puhtaan järjen kritiikki. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. [599 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.

Ribas, Pedro, tr. (1978/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Traducción, prólogo, notas e índices de Pedro Ribas. Madrid: Taurus. [lxxvii, 688 p.] [DNB]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1978.

Yovel, Yirmiyahu, tr. (2013/heb). ביקורת התבונה הטהורה / Biḳoret ha-tevunah ha-ṭehorah. Tel Aviv: ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad. [654 p.] [WC]

Translation into Hebrew.

Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (2013/pol). Krytyka czystego rozumu. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika. [770 p.] [PW]

Translation into Polish. Vol. 2 of [Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta / Collected Works of Immanuel Kant], 6 vols.


Colli, Giorgio, tr. (2014/ita). Critica della ragione pura. Milan: Adelphi. [xxiv, 910 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Ishikawa, Fumiyasu, tr. (2014/jap). 純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan. Three volumes. Tokyo: Chikumashobō. [vol. 1: 373 p.; vol. 2: 562 p.; vol. 3: 562 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Ribas, Pedro, tr. (2014/spa). Crítica de la razón pura. Introduction by José Luis Villacañas. Madrid: Gredos. [cxxvii, 623 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, tr. (2014/spa). “title.” [Serrano 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of passages related to the transcendental deduction; see Serrano 2003.
Review: Pedro Stepanenko, Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 215-19.

Son, Bui Van Nam, tr. (2014/vie). Phan phan ly tinh tuan tuy - Tap mot. Ho Chi Minh City: NXB Van hoc. [584 p.] [WC]

Translation into Vietnamese.


Losskii, N. O., tr. (2015/rus). Критика чистого разума / Kritika chistogo razuma. Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. [734 p.] [WC]

Translation into Russian.

Naẓarī, Bihrūz, tr. (2015/per). Naqd-i ʻaql-i muḥaṣṣ. Tehran: Intishārāt-i Quqnūs, 2015. [732 p.] [WC]

Translation into Persian.

Oh, Chung Myoung, tr. (2015/kor). 순수이성비판. Seoul: East and West Cultural History. [ p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

Wehbe, Moses, tr. (2015/ara). نقد الʻقل المحض. Beirut/Cairo: Enlightenment, 2015. [504 p.] [WC]

Translation into Arabic.

Baciu, Claudiu, tr. (2015/rom). Critica raţiunii pure. Bucureşti: Paideia. [163 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian. (selections?)


Jeong, Myeongo, tr. (2016/kor). 순수이성비판 / Sunsu iseong bipan. Seoul: Dongseo Munhwasa. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

[top]  Lambert’s Letters (1782) [text]


Watkins, Eric, tr. (2012/eng). “A Notice of Johann Bernoulli’s Edition of Lambert’s Correspondence.” [Watkins 2012, 415-17] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Note to Physicians (1782) [text]


Zöller, Günter, tr. and ed. (2007/eng). “A Note to Physicians.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 106] [M]

Translation into English.

??, tr. (2007/fre). “Avis aux médecins.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Clewis, Robert R., tr. (2020/eng). “Note to Physicians.” Published online at Freunde Kants und Königsbergs e.V. [online]

Translation into English.

[top]  Prolegomena (1783) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Prolegomena ad metaphysicam quamque futuram quae qua scientia poterit prodire.” [Born 1796-98, ii.1-138] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Wirgman, Thomas, tr. (1817/eng). “Prolegomena to all future Metaphysics that shall deserve the name of a science.” Encyclopedia Londinensis 15: 212-35. [M]

Translation into English. This is a slightly-abridged translation of the text corresponding to AA 4: 265-367 – nearly the entirety of the Prolegomena, with a word count equivalent to c.70% of the Cambridge translation into English. It is preceded by a general introduction to Kant’s metaphysical system (pp. 198-212), followed by two pages of diagrams and a three page summary in the form of propositions and proofs (pp. 238-40.


Richardson 1819

Richardson 1819

Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1818/eng). Prolegomena / to every future / metaphysic, / which can appear as a science. London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall. [xviii, 17-206 p.] [WC]

Translation into English. Re-issued under a new cover in [Richardson 1836].


Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. (1865/fre). “Prolégomènes a toute métaphysique future.” [Tissot 1865, 1-207] [M]

Translation into French.


Mahaffy, John P., tr. and ed. (1872/eng). “Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysic.” [Mahaffy 1872, 1-187] [M]

Translation into English, based on the Richardson (1819) translation.


Bax, Ernest Belfort, tr. and ed. (1883/eng). “Prolegomena to every future system of metaphysics which can claim to rank as science.” [Bax 1883, 1-134] [M]

Translation into English.


Mahaffy, John P., and John H. Bernhard, trs. and eds. (1889/eng). “Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysic.” [Mahaffy/Bernard 1889, 1-151] [M]

Translation into English.


Kozlowski, Wladystaw M., tr. (1899/pol). Marzenia jasnowidz^cego objasnione przez marzenia metafizyki. Warszawa: publisher??. [pages?? p.] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Piatkowski, Romuald, tr. (1901/pol). Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszlej metafizyki, ktora bgdzie mogla wystapic jako nauka. Warszawa: publisher??. [pages?? p.] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Carus, Paul, tr. and ed. (1902/eng). Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that can qualify as a science. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing. [v, 301 p.]

Translation into English, based on the Mahaffey (1872) translation.


Loen, Bernard van, tr. (1907/dut). Immanuel Kant's Prolegomena tot iedere metaphysica, die in de toekomst als wetenschap zal willen optreden. Amsterdam: Vivat. [96 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Besteiro, Julián, tr. (1912/spa). Prolegómenos: a toda metafísica del porvenir que haya de poder presentarse como una ciencia. Madrid: Daniel Jorro. [xvi, 387 p.]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1954 (Madrid, Buenos Aires), 1959 (Buenos Aires), 1965 (Buenos Aires), 1968 (Buenos Aires), 1984 (Madrid), 2005 (Buenos Aires).


Martinetti, Piero, tr. (1913/ita). Prolegomeni ad ogni metafisica futura, che vorrà presentarsi come scienza. Traduzione, introduzione e commento di Piero Martinetti. Milano-Torino-Roma: Fratelli Bocca. [309 p.] [SBN]

Translation into Italian. Translator’s introduction (pp. 3-16), translation of the Prolegomena (pp. 19-167), translation of the 1782 Garve/Feder review (pp. 171-77), correspondence between Garve and Kant, 13 July 1783 and 7 August 1783 (pp. 178-82), commentary by Martinetti (pp. 193-304), index (pp. 305-9), errata (p. 310). Later editions: 1926, 1939, 1945, 1946, 1958, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1972, 1995, 2014.


Kuwaki, Genyoku, and Teiyū Amano, trs. (1914/jap). 哲学序說 : プロレゴメナ / Tetsugaku josetsu. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [316 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. See the 1926 edition.


Bornstein, Benedykt, tr. and ed. (1918/pol). Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki która bedzie mogła wystąpić jako nauka. Warsaw: J. Mianowski. [167 p.]

Translation into Polish. Later editions: 1927, 1928, 1960, 2010.


Yanai, Wasuke, tr. (1923/jap). カントの哲学序論: 批判哲学入門 / Kanto no tetsugaku joron: hihan tetsugaku nyūmon. Tōkyō: Chūō Shuppansha. [294 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Antoniade, Mihail, tr. (1924/rom). Prolegomene la orice metafizica viitoare care se va putea înfatisa ca stiinta. Bucureşti: Cultura Natională. [205 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1925/ita). Prologomeni ad ogni futura metafisica. Bari: Laterza. [226 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. See 1967 edition (with revisions by Rosario Assunto).


Kuwaki, Genyoku, and Teiyū Amano, trs. (1914/jap). プロレゴメナ / Puroregōmena. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [336 (18) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See the 1914 edition. Vol. 6 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1930/fre). Prolégomènes à toute métaphysique future qui pourra se présenter comme science. Paris: J. Vrin. [183 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.
Review (of the 1968 edition): Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 133-34.

Mìrčuk, Ìvan, tr. (1930/ukr). Пролеґомена до кожної майбутньої метафізики, яка могтиме виступати як наука / Proljegomena do koznoiï majbutnoiï metafiziki. Lviv: Vyd. Nedili. [xx, 131 p.] [WC]

Translation into Ukrainian.


Fernández Núñez, Manuel, tr. (1934/spa). “Seguida de los Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura.” [Bergua 1934, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Rufino, Natal A., tr. (1939/spa). Metafísica Futura. Buenos Aires: Tor. [ p.] [Palacios]

Translation into Spanish.


Ueda, Mitsuo, tr. (1949/jap). プロレゴーメナ / Puroregomena.[??] Tokyo: Hikarino-shobo. [370 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1950/eng). Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. New York: Liberal Arts Press. [xxiv, 136 p.]

Translation into English.
Review: Robert D. Mack, The Journal of Philosophy 48.16 (1951): 507-8.

López y López, José, and Manuel Fernández Núñez, trs. (1950/spa). “Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura.” [López y López 1950, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1950/jap). プロレゴーメナ / Puroregomena. Tokyo: Sogensha. [264 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Sonnenfeld, Viktor D, tr. (1953/cro). Dvije rasprave. I., II., Prolegomena za svaku buducu metafiziku. Osnov metafizike cudoreda. Zagreb: Maatica Hrvatska. [252 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian.


Besteiro, Julián, tr. (1954/spa). Prolegómenos. Traducción del alemán por Julián Besteiro, prólogo de Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar. Madrid: Aguilar. [227 p.]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd ed. (1st edition: 1912).


Pinto de Carvalho, A. tr. (1959/por). Prolegômenos a toda a metafísica futura que possa apresentar-se como ciência. São Paulo: Ed. Nacional. [viii, 219 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, and Rosario Assunto, trs. (1967/ita). Prolegomeni ad ogni futura metafisica che si presenterà come scienza. Introduction by Rosario Assunto. Bari: Laterza. [205 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. Carabellese 1925 translation, revised by Assunto.


Torbov, TSeko, tr. (1969/bul). Prolegomeni: kam vsjaka badesta metafisika, kojato moshe da se predstavi kato nauka. Sofia: Nauka i iskustvo. [276 p.] [WC]

Translation into Bulgarian.


Toki, Kunio, and Setsuyo Miyama, trs. (1972/jap). “プロレゴーメナ.” [Noda 1972, pages??] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Yumoto, Kazuo, tr. (1973/jap). “プロレゴメナ / Puroregomena.” [Hara/Yumoto 1973, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. This is part of volume 6 of カント全集 / Kant Complete Works (see).

Larroyo, Francisco, tr. (1973/spa). “Prolegómenos a toda metafísica del porvenir.” [Larroyo 1973, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Bernkopf, Tânia Maria tr. (1974/por). “Prolegômenos” [Chaui 1974, 99-193] [Hamm 2020]

Translation into Portuguese.


Ellington, James W., tr. and ed. (1977/eng). Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. [xv, 122 p.] [M]

Translation into English. Extensively revised edition of the 1902 Paul Carus translation.

Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1977/jap). プロレゴメナ / Puroregomena. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [295 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


van de Velde, Hans, and Frans Montens, trs. (1979/dut). Prolegomena. Inleiding en aantekeningen van Hans van de Velde. Meppel/Amsterdam: Boom. [132 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Bernkopf, Tânia Maria, tr. (1980/por). Prolegômenos a qualquer metafísica futura que possa vir a ser considerada como ciência. São Paulo: Abril Cultural. [?? p.] [Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese (presumably identical translation with the following entry).

Bernkopf, Tânia Maria, tr. (1980/por). “Prolegômenos.” [Chauí 1980, 5-99] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1982/por). Prolegómenos a toda a metafísica futura: que queira apresentar-se como ciência. Lisboa: Edições 70. [191 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Based on the Weischedel German edition. Later editions: 1987, 1988, 2003.

Saar, Jüri, tr. (1982/est). Prolegomena igale tulevasele metafüüsikale, mis on vöimeline esinema teadusena. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat Verlag. [197 p.] [WC]

Translation into Estonian.
Review: Ülo Matjus, Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 333-34.

Tzavaros, Giannis, tr. (1982/gre). Prolegomena se káthe mellontike Metaphysike pou tha mporeí na emphanízetai hos episteme. Athens: Ekd. Dodone. [211 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek. [There may be an earlier translation by Ianes Lo Skokko (ed. Kostas Metrinos), Athens, Anagnostide.]

Vilar, Gerard, tr. (1982/cat). Prolegòmens: a tota metafísica futura que vulgui presentar-se com a ciència. Traducció de Gerard Vilar, edició a cura de Pere Lluís Font. Barcelona: Laia. [236 p.] [Clusa/WC]

Translation into Catalan. 1996 edition (Barcelona: Edicions 62).


Kuçuradi, Ioanna, and Yusuf Örnek, trs. (1983/tur). Gelecekte bilim olarak ortaya çikabilecek her metafizige prolegomena. Ankara: Hacettepe Universitesi Felsefe Bölümüne. [158 p.] [WC/Rev]

Translation into Turkish, with facing German text.
Review: Alexius J. Bucher, Kant-Studien 76.2 (1985): 225.


Caimi, Mario, tr. (1984/spa). Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura que pueda presentarse como ciencia. Traducción y notas de Mario Caimi. Buenos Aires, Charcas. [ p.]

Translation into Spanish, bilingual edition; see also 1999.
Review: Mario A. Presas, Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 336.


Gabriel, Asunción, tr. (1986/spa). Prolegomenos a toda metafisica futura que quira presentarse como sciencia. Edicion y material didäctico de Luis Maria Cifuentes. Madrid: Alhambra. [vii, 111 p.] [Mainz]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1987, 1994.


Flonta, Mircea, and Thomas Kleininger, trs. (2005/rom). Prolegomene la orice metafizica viitoare care se va putea înfăţişa drept ştiinţă. Bucureşti: Editura Ştiinţifică si Enciclopedică. [215 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian. 3rd revised edition (2005).


Kūlis, Rihards, tr. (1990/latv). Prolegomeni. Riga: Zvaigzne. [155 p.] [WC]

Translation into Latvian.


Olesti i Vila, Josep, tr. (1991/cat). “[title?].” [Olesti i Vila 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Catalan (of a selection?).


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1993/fre). Prolégomènes à toute métaphysique future qui pourra se présenter comme science. Introd. de Jules Vuilllemin. Deuxième éd. corrigée et augmentée d'un index. Paris: J. Vrin. [185 p.][WC]

Translation into French.


Mendizabal, Fernando, tr. (1995/bas). Prolegomenoak: zientzia bezala agertu nahi duen etorkizuneko edozein metafisikarentzat. Bilboa: Klasikoak. [207 p.] [WC]

Translation into Basque.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, and Hansmichael Hohenegger, trs. (1996/ita). Prolegomeni ad ogni futura metafisica che potrà presentarsi come scienza. Introduction and notes by Hansmichael Hohenegger. Roma/Bari: Laterza. [xlix, 326 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. Carabellese 1925 translation, revised by Hohenegger. Later edition: 2002, 2007, 2009, 2011..


Hatfield, Gary, tr. (1997/eng). Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xliv, 188 p.] [M]

Translation into English; see 2002 edition.
Reviews: Patricia Kitcher, Isis, 89.3 (1998): 547-48; Konstantin Pollok, Kant-Studien 92.2 (2001): 239-41.

Oittinen, Vesa, tr. (1997/fin). Prolegomena, eli, Johdatus mihin tahansa metafysiikkaan, joka vastaisuudessa voi käydä tieteestä. Suomentanut ja selitykset laatinut Vesa Oittinen. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. [254 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.


Caimi, Mario, tr. (1999/spa). Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura que haya de poder presentarse como ciencia. Edición bilingüe. Traducción directa del alemán, comentarios y notas por Mario Caimi. Epílogo de Norbert Hinske. Madrid: editorial Istmo. [387 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish; see also 1984.

Antoniade, Mihail, tr. (1999/rom). Prolegomene la orice metafizica viitoare care se va putea înfăţişa ca ştiinţă. Edited by Eugeniu Nistor. Targu Mures: Editura Ardealul. [139 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian; see the 1924 edition.

Veenbaas, Jabik, and Willem Visser, tr. (2012/dut). Prolegomena. Amsterdam: Boom. [191 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch. Later edition: 2012.


Stepanyan, Sergey, tr. (2000/arm). Prolegomenner apaga amen metafizikayi. Erevan: Sargis Khach`ents`. [xxx, 192 p.] [WC]

Translation into Armenian.


Hatfield, Gary, tr. (2002/eng). “Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to come forward as a science.” [Allison/Heath 2002, 51-169] [M]

Translation into English; see 1997 edition.

Quarfood, Marcel, tr. (2002/swe). Prolegomena till varje framtida metafysik som skall kunna uppträda som vetenskap. Stockholm: Thales. [149 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


Flonta, Mircea, and Thomas Kleininger, trs. (2005/rom). Prolegomene la orice metafizică viitoare care se va putea înfatisa ca stiinta. 3rd revised edition. Pitesti/Bucureşti/Cluj-Napoca: Paralela 45. [226 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian. 1st edition (1987).


Li, Mingui, tr. (2008/chi). 切能作为学问而出现的未来形上学之序论 / Yi qie neng zuo wei xue wen er chu xian de wei lai xing shang xue zhi xu lun . Taibei: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. [273 p.]

Translation into Chinese.


Gonzalez Ruiz, Agustin, tr.[?] (2010/spa). Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura. [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 1, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Pang, Jingren, tr. (2011/chi). 任何一种能够作为科学出现的未来形而上学导论 / Ren he yi zhong neng gou zuo wei ke xue chu xian de wei lai xing er shang xue dao lun. Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan. [249 p.]

Translation into Chinese.


Bornstein, Benedykt, tr. (2012/pol). “Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki, która ma wystąpić jako nauka” [Kupś 2012, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Polish. Reprint of the 1918 Bornstein translation, with modernized spelling and syntax. Included in volume five of Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta.


Jun, Seung, tr. (2013/kor). 프롤레고메나. City: Publisher. [229p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

Li, Qiuling, tr. (2013/chi). 未来形而上学导论: 注释本 / Wei lai xing er shang xue dao lun: Zhu shi ben. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue chu ban she. [119 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Flonta, Mircea, and Thomas Kleininger, tr. (2014/rom). Prolegomene la orice metafizică viitoare care se va putea înfăţişa drept ştiinţă. 6th ed. Bucureşti: Humanitas. [263 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian.

Marques, José Oscar de Almeida, tr. (2014/por). Prolêgomenos a qualquer metafísica futura que possa apresentarse como ciência. São Paulo: Estação Liberdade. [176 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.

Martinetti, Piero, tr. (2014/ita). Prolegomeni ad ogni metafisica futura. Commentary by Martinetti; edited by Francesco Saverio Festa. Rome: Castelvecchi. [302 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, trs. (2014/spa). “title.” [Serrano 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of passages related to the transcendental deduction.


Tasakos, Haris, tr. (2015/gre). Protes Metaphysikés Archés tes Physikes Epistemes. Athens: Ekdóseis Printa. [186 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Pettoello, Renato, tr. (2016/ita). Prolegomeni ad ogni futura metafisica che possa presentarsi come scienza. Brescia: La scuola. [306 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

(no date)

Gierou, Ch., tr. (??/gre). Prolegomena eis pasan mellousan meta physiken etis tha dynatai na parousiazetai os episteme. Athens: Oikou Bibliou. [xxiii, 211 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

[top]  Review of Schulz (1783) [text]


Tissot, Joseph, tr. and ed. (1854/fre). “Sur l'essai d'une introduction a une morale pour tous les homees, sans distinction de religion, par Schulz.” [Tissot 1854, 449-58] [M]

Translation into French.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1855/fre). “De l’essai d’un enseignement moral, applicable a tous les homees sans distinction de religion, par Schulz.” [Barni 1855, 259-64] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Compte rendu de l’Essai d’une introduction à la doctrine des moeurs de Schulz.” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “Review of Johann Heinrich Schulz’s Essay on the Moral Instruction of all Humans, regardless of their Religion.” [Gregor 1996, 7-10] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Universal History (1784) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Idea historiae universalis respectu cosmopolitico.” [Born 1796-98, iv.200-16] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Villers, Charles de [anon.], tr. and ed. (1798/fre). Idée / de ce / que pourrait être une histoire universselle dans les vues d'un citoyen du monde. / Par / M. Kant. / 1798 [n.p.] [40 p.] [online]

Translation into French. Includes a preface by the translator (pp. 5-7). The above is a separate pamphlet. This was also published in Le Spectateur du Nord, Journal Politique, Littéraire et Moral (April 1798), pp. 1-39. [pdf] (scan courtesy of BnF). In the previous issue (March) of this journal appeared Villers’s “Notice littéraire sur Mr. Kant” (pp. 335-68).

Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “An Idea of an Universal History in a Cosmopolitical View.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.409-32] [M]

Translation into English.


Bychowiec, Józef Władysław, tr. (1799/pol). Wyobrazenie do historyi powszechney w wzgledzie kosmopolitycznym p/ rzez Kanta. W. Królewiec: Heering i Haberland. [56 p.] [WC; Andrzejewski 1977; Kaśkiewicz-Kupś 2018]

Translation into Polish. 2nd edtion: 1832 (Breslau). Probably translated from Villers 1798 French translation (Kaśkiewicz/Kupś 2018, 136).


Richardson, John, tr. (1800/eng). “Idea of a Universal History, with a Cosmopolitical View.” The German Museum 2: 584-97. [Micheli 1997, 90]

Translation into English.


De Quincey, Thomas, tr. (1824/eng). “Idea of a Universal History on a Cosmo-Political Plan.” The London Magazine 10 (Oct): 385-93. [M]

Translation into English.


Hastie, W[illiam], tr. (1891/eng). “The Idea of a Universal Cosmo-political History.” [Hastie 1891, 1-29] [M]

Translation into English.


Kimura, Motomori, tr. (1926/jap). “世界公民的見地に於ける一般歴史考.” [Kimura 1926, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Imaz, Eugenio, tr. (1941/spa). “Idea de una historia universal en sentido cosmopolita.” [Imaz 1941, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (1943/rom). “Ideea unei istorii universale.” [Brăileanu 1943, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1948/jap). “世界公民の見地に於ける一般歴史の考案.” [Toyokawa 1948, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1948/jap). “世界公民的見地における一般史の構想.” [Shinoda 1950, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Idea de una Historia Universal desde el punto de vista cosmopolita.” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. (1963/eng). “title.” [Beck 1963, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Krońska, Irena, tr. (1966/pol). “Pomysly do ujecia historii powszechnej w aspekcie swiatowym.” [Kroński 1966, 174-93] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Freitas, Ana de, tr. (1969/por). “Ideia de uma História universal de um Ponto de vista cosmopolita.” In: P. Gardiner, Teorias da História. Lisboa: Fundação Gulbenkian. Pp. 28-41. [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “Ideia de uma história universal com um propósito cosmopolita.” [Morão 1980, 21-37] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Muglioni, Jean-Michel, tr. (1981/fre). Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique. Trad. et commentaire par Jean-Michel Muglioni. Paris: Ed. Pédagogie moderne. [191 p.]

Translation into French. Later editions: 1983, 1988, 1993, 2008.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. (1983/eng). “Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Intent.” [Humphrey 1983, 29-40] [M]

Translation into English.


Delamarre, Alexandre J.-L., and Jean-Marie Ladmiral, trs. (1985/fre). “Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique.” [Delamarre/Ladmiral 1985, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.

Ferry, Luc, tr. (1985/fre). “Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique.” [Alquié 1985, 187-205] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


Naves, Rodrigo, and Ricardo Terra, trs. (1986/por). Idéia de uma História universal de um ponto de vista cosmopolita. Bilingual edition. Commentary by Terra, Gerard Lebrun, and Jose Arthur Giannotti. Säo Paulo: Ed. Brasiliense. [150 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). “Ideas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita.” [Aramayo 1987, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Delfgaauw, Bernard, tr. (1988/dut). “Idee voor een algemene geschiedenis in het perspectief van de wereldburger.” [Delfgaauw 1988, 31-60] [WC/Mainz]

Translation into Dutch.


Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose.” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 41-53] [M]

Translation into English.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1995/pol). “title??.” [Żelazny 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Leroy, Gérard, tr. (1999/fre). “Idée pour une histoire universelle d'un point de vue cosmopolitique.” [Leroy 1999, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.

(anon.) (1999/por). Idéia de uma História Universal do ponto de vista cosmopolitico. Lisboa: Didáctica. [185 p.] [Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “Idea d’una història universal amb intenció cosmopolita” [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2004/spa). “Idea para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita.” [Aramayo 2004, 99-126??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish (page numbers correspond with the 2nd edition (2013).


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Ideas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Perspective.” [Kleingeld 2006, 3-16] [M]

Translation into English.

Granja Castro, Dulce Maria, tr. (2006/spa). Idea para una historia universal en sentido cosmopolita. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [68 p.]

Translation into Spanish.


Wood, Allen W., tr., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Aim.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 108-20] [M]

Translation into English.


García Belsunce, Eduardo, tr. (2008/spa). Idea de una historia universal desde un punto de vista cosmopolita. Traducción y estudio preliminar, Eduardo García Belsunce. Buenos Aires: Prometio Libros. [107 p.]

Translation into Spanish.


Ferry, Luc, tr. (2009/fre). Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique. Traduit de l'allemand par Luc Ferry, dossier et notes réalisés par Heidi Barré, lecture d'image par Christine Cadot. Paris: Gallimard. [125 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Laffitte, Jacqueline, tr. (2009/fre). “Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique.” Avec la collaboration de Noëlla Baraquin. [Laffitte 2009, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Idea para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 11-28(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Clochec, Paulin, tr. (2011/fre) “Idée d’une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique,” with analysis by Muglioni. Paris: Ellipses. [101 p.]

Translation into French.

Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “Idea per una storia unisersale in un intento cosmopolitico.” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 27-39] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2013/spa). “Idea para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita” [Aramayo 2013, 99-125] [M]

2nd edition. Translation into Spanish. Revision by Aramayo of a translation first published (with Concha Roldán) in 1987 (see).

??, tr. (2013/cze). “Idea všeobecných dějin ve světoobčanském smyslu.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 9-22??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. (2014/spa). “Idea para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita.” [Aramayo 2014b, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Bacin, Stefano, and Francesca Pongiglione, trs. (2015/ita). Idea per una Storia Universale in Prospettiva Cosmopolitica. Milan: Mimesis. [109 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.
Review: Roberta Picardi, Studi Kantiani 29 (2016): 217-19.

García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2015/spa). “Idea para una historia Universal en clave cosmopolita.” [García Morente 2015, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Poirier Martinsson, Rolan, tr. (2017/swe). Tankar kring en universell historieskrivning för en kosmopolitisk plan. Stockholm: Timbro förlag. [40 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.

[top]  Enlightenment (1784) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Responsio ad quaestionem: quidnam est mentis collustratio?” [Born 1796-98, iv.217-24] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “What is Enlightening?” [Richardson 1798-99, i.1-14] [M]

Translation into English.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “Réponse a cette question: Qu’est-ce que les lumières?” [Barni 1853, 281-88] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Tanaka, Keitaro, tr. (1926/jap). “啓蒙とは何ぞやの問題に対する解答.” [Kimura 1926, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Imaz, Eugenio, tr. (1941/spa). “Qué es la ilustración?” [Imaz 1941, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1948/jap). “啓蒙とは何ぞや.” [Toyokawa 1948, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “title.” [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1948/jap). “啓蒙とは何か.” [Shinoda 1950, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Respuesta a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. (1963/eng). “title.” [Beck 1963, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Landman, Adam, tr. (1966/pol). “Co to jest Oswiecenie?” [Kroński 1966, 164-73] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Fernandes, Floriano de Sousa, tr. (1974/por). “Resposta à pergunta: que é o Esclarecimento?” [Vier/Fernandes 1974, 100-17] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “Resposta à pergunta: Que é o lluminismo?” [Morão 1980, 11-19] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. (1983/eng). “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” [Humphrey 1983, 41-48] [M]

Translation into English.


Pereira, José Esteves, tr. (1984/por). “Resposta à pergunta: o que são as Luzes?” Cultura: História e Filosofia (Lisboa) 3: 153-68. [M/Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese. Introduction and notes by Pereira: introduction (pp. 153-60), translation (pp. 160-68).


Delamarre, Alexandre J.-L., and Jean-Marie Ladmiral, trs. (1985/fre). “Réponse à la question: Qu'est-ce que les lumières?” [Delamarre/Ladmiral 1985, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Delfgaauw, Bernard tr. (1988/dut). Wat is Verlichting? Kampen: Kok Agora. [98 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch. 2nd edition: 1992.
Review: Pauline Kleingeld, Kant-Studien 84.2 (1993): 235-37.


Llinares Chover, Joan B., tr. (1991/cat). “¿Qué és il·lustració?” [Llinares Chover 1991, pages??]

Mondot, Jean, tr. (1991/fre). Qu'est-ce que les Lumières? Saint-Etienne: Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne. [143 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “An Answer to the Question: ‘What is Enlightenment?’” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 54-60] [M]

Translation into English.

Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Qu’est-ce que les lumières?” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1995/pol). “title.” [Żelazny 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” [Gregor 1996, 17-22] [M]

Translation into English.


Muglioni, Jean-Michel, tr. (1999/fre). Qu'est-ce que les Lumières? Texte intégral, traduction originale, analyse. Paris: Hatier. [96 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2001/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” Isegoria 25: 287-91. [Aramayo]

Translation into Spanish; reprinted in Aramayo 2004, 2013.


Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “Resposta a la pregunta: Què és il•lustració?” [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2004/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” [Aramayo 2004, 85-98??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Qué es la Ilustración?” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.

Monreal, Haritz, tr. (2005/bas). “Zer da ilustrazioa? Itaunari erantzuna.” Pentsamendu ilustratua: idazlan hautatuak II. Bilbao: Klasikoak. pages??. [WC]

Translation into Basque.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “An Answer to the Question: What Is Enlightenment?.” [Kleingeld 2006, 17-23] [M]

Translation into English.


Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (2008/fre). “Qu'est-ce que les Lumières?” [Droit 2008, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Boboc, Alexandru, trs. (2010/rom). “Ce este luminarea?" [Boboc 2009, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Laffitte, Jacqueline, tr. (2009/fre). “Réponse à la question "Qu'est-ce-que les Lumières?” Avec la collaboration de Noëlla Baraquin. [Laffitte 2009, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


García Belsunce, Eduardo, and Sandra Giron, trs. (2010/spa). ¿Qué es la ilustración? Buenos Aires: Prometio Libros. [75 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

Granja Castro, Dulce Maria, tr. (2010/spa). ¿Qué es ser ilustrado? Prólogo, traducción y cronología: Dulce María Granja. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [63 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿qué es la ilustración?” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 1-10(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Mazilu, Daniel, tr. (2011/rom). Răspuns la întrebarea: Ce este Iluminismul? Bilingual edition, with notes and introduction by Mazilu. Piteşti: Paralela. [131 p.]

Translation into Romanian.

Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “Risposta alla domanda: Che cos'è l'illuminismo?” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 43-59] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Espinosa, Baltasar, Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2012/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” [Espinosa/Aramayo/Roldán 2012, 7-18??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2013/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” [Aramayo 2013, 85-98] [M]

2nd edition. Translation into Spanish. First published in 2001 (see).

Bensi, Matteo, tr. (2013/Ita). Risposta alla domanda: che cos'è l'illuminismo? Afterword by Alfonso Iacono. Pisa: ETS. [67 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, tr. (2013). “Answer the question: What is Enlightenment?” [M] [online]

Translation into English.

Romeur, Anne-Laure, tr. (2013/fre). Qu'est-ce que les Lumières? Traité de philosophie politique. Paris: Larousse. [94 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

??, tr. (2013/cze). “Zodpovězení otázky: Co je osvícenství?” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 148-54??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. (2014/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” [Aramayo 2014b, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2015/spa). “Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?” [García Morente 2015, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Muglioni, Jean-Michel, tr. (2015/fre). Qu'est-ce que les Lumières? 1784: suivi d'une analyse critique et d'un dossier sur la notion de liberté. city: publisher. [127 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Merker, Nicolao, tr. and ed. (2017/ita). Che cos'è l'illuminismo? Roma: Editori riuniti. [196 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Araujo, Saulo de Freitas, tr. (2020/por). “Resposta à pergunta: O que é Esclarecimento?” Estudos Kantianos (Marília) 8.2: 179-90. [M] [online]

Translation into Portugese.

[top]  Review of Herder 1-3 (1785) [text]


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Sobra el libro Ideas para una Filosofía de la Historia de la Humanidad de J. G. Herder.” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Anchor, Robert E., tr. (1963/eng). “Reviews of Herder’s Ideas for a Philosophy of the History of Mankind.” [Beck 1963, 27-52] [M]

Translation into English.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). “Recensiones sobre la obra de Herder Ideas para una filosofía de la Historia de la Humanidad.” [Aramayo 1987, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; reprinted in Aramayo (2004, 2014).


Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “Reviews of Herder’s Ideas on the Philosophy of the History of Mankind.” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 201-20] [M]

Translation into English.


Gonnelli, Filippo, tr. (1995/ita). “Recensione di J. G. Herder: Idee per la filosofia della storia dell’umanità. Parti I e II.” [Gonnelli 1995, 53-72] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “Recensions de l’obra de Herder Idees per a una filosofia de la història de la humananitat [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2004/spa). “Recensiones sobre la obra de Herder: «Ideas para una Filosofía de la Historia de la Humanidad».” [Aramayo 2004, 127-66??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish (page numbers correspond with the 2nd edition (2013).


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Recensiones sobre la obra de Herder: ideas para una filosofía de la historia de la humanidad.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


Wood, Allen W., tr., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Review of Herder, Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Humanity.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 124-42] [M]

Translation into English.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2013/spa). “Recensiones sobre la obra de Herder: Ideas para una Filosofía de la Historia de la Humanidad [Aramayo 2013, 127-66] [M]

2nd edition. Translation into Spanish. First published in 1987 (see).

Klein, Joel Thiago, tr. (2013/eng). “Kant e a segunda recensão a Herder: comentário, tradução e notas.” Studia Kantiana 11.14: 190-214. [M]

Translation into English.

??, tr. (2013/cze). “Recenze Herderových Idejí kfilosofii dějin lidstva.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 23-45??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.

[top]  Volcanoes (1785) [text]


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1799/eng). “On the Volcanoes in the Moon.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.145-57] [online]

Translation into English.


Palmquist, Stephen, tr. and ed. (1994/eng). “On the Volcanoes in the Moon.” [Palmquist 1994, 31-37] [M]

Translation into English; revision of Richardson [1799].


Inutake, Masayuki, tr. (2000/jap). “title.” [Inutake 2000, ??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “On the Volcanoes on the Moon.” [Watkins 2012, 419-25] [M]

Translation into English.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Om vulkanerna på månen.” [Welin 2015, 109-20??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Sui vulcani della Luna.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  Groundwork (1785) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Constitutio Metaphysices Morum.” [Born 1796-98, ii.253-346] [M]

Translation into Latin.

Zwantziger, Johann Christian, tr. (1796/lat). Constitutio principii metaphysicae morum. Leipzig: Christian Gottlob Hilscher. [xxii, 141 p.] [M]

Translation into Latin. Cited in Tissot (1854, viii), briefly described in Adickes (1896, 575), and available digitally with the Hathi Trust.




Boëthius, Daniel, tr. (1797/swe). Grundläggning till metaphysiken för seder. Upsala: Johann F. Edman. [(11)(3) 166 p.] [M] [online]

Translation into Swedish. Cited in Kant-Studien 6 (1901): 246.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “The Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.15-133] [M]

Translation into English.

Koenig, G. L., tr. (1799/lat). Elementa metaphysica juris doctrinae. Amstelaedami: Apud Petrum den Hengst. [xx, 235 p.] [WC]

Translation into Latin.


Ruban, Yakov Andreyevich, tr. (1803/rus). Kantovo osnovaniye dlya metafiziki nravov. transl. Ruban. Nikolayev: V tipografii Chernomorskago shturmanskago uchilishcha. [Krouglov 2020]

Translation into Russian.


Semple, J[ohn] W[illiam], tr. and ed. (1836/eng). “The Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Ethics.” [Semple 1836, 1-84] [M]

Translation into English; reprinted 1869, 1871. Judged unusable by Abbot [1873, iii-iv]; apart from apparently misunderstanding the text (“when Kant speaks of a maxim as not being without contradiction conceivable as a universal law, Mr. Semple speaks of it as not fit to be a universal law,” reading fitness in consequentialist terms), he also omits text without notifying the reader.


Barni, J.[ules], tr. and ed. (1848/fre). “Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs.” [Barni 1848, 1-126] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Tissot, Joseph, tr. and ed. (1854/fre). “Fondement de la métaphysique des moeurs.” [Tissot 1854, 1-154] [M]

Translation into French.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. (1873/eng). “Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals.” [Abbott 1873, 1-122] [M]

Translation into English; based on the Rosenkranz/Schubert edition, occasionally able to use the more carefully edited Hartenstein edition [1873, vi].


García Moreno, Alejo, tr. (1876/spa). “Los fundamentos de la metafisica de las costumbres.” [García Moreno 1876, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; dependent on Barni 1848 (Plack 2020, 762).


Zozaya, Antonio, tr. (1881/spa). Fundamentos de una metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Biblioteca Económica Filosófica. [xix, 155 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; dependent on Barni 1848 (Plack 2020, 762).


Wartenberg, Mścisław, tr. (1906/pol). Uzasadnienie metafizyki moralnosci. Lwów: Polskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficznego. [114 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish. Later editions: 1953, 1971, 1984.


Delbos, Victor, tr. (1907/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Paris: C. Delagrave. [210 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. Re-issued 2014 (with many editions using this translation).

Leffler, G., tr. (1907?/swe). Grundläggning av sedernas metafysik. Stockholm: Björk & Börjesson. [115 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish. 2nd edition (1920).


Leffler, G., tr. (1908/swe). Grundvalen för sedernas metafysik. Stockholm: Ljus. [106 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


Palanga, Nicola, tr. (1910/ita). Il fondamento della metafisica dei costumi. Prima traduzione italiana di Nicola Palanga, prefazione di B. Varisco. Roma : Editrice romana. [xx, 137 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; dependent on Barni 1848 and Tissot 1854 (Plack 2020, 762).

Vidari, Giovanni, tr. (1910/ita). Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi. Pavia: Speroni. [109 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; dependent on Delbos 1907 (Plack 2020, 762).


Abe, Yoshishige, and Tadashi Fujiwara, trs. (1919/jap). 道徳哲学原論 / Dōtoku tetsugaku genron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [163 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See 1933 editions


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1921/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Filosofía moral. Madrid: Calpe. [143 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1932, 1942, 1946, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1980, 1983, 1992, 2003, 2005.
Review (of the 1972 edition): Hans Widmer, Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 319-21.
Review (of the 1992 edition): Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 86.1 (1995): 105-6.

Lemaire, Paul, tr. (1921/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Traduction nouvelle, avec notice biographique, analyse et notes par Paul Lemaire. Paris: A. Hatier. [84 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (1929/rom). Întemeierea metafizicei moravurilor. Bucureşti: Editura Casei Scoalelor. [167 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Salomaa, J. E., tr. (2013/fin). “title.??” [Salomaa 1931, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.


Abe, Yoshishige, and Tadashi Fujiwara, trs. (1933/jap). 道徳哲学原論 / Dōtoku tetsugaku genron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [170 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See 1919 editions. Vol. 7 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


Queiroz Henkel, Lourival de, tr. (1936/por). Fundamento da metaphísica dos costumes. Preface by Affonso Bertagnoli. São Paulo: Ed. Brasil. [?? p.] [Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese. See later edition: 1967.


Korkofigas, N. D., tr. (1937/gre). E ethike filosofia: I. Oi arches tes metafusikes ton ethon. Athens: Papadogiannes. [xcxiv, 125 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Manthey-Zorn, Otto, tr. (1838/eng). The Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics. New York/London: D. Appleton-Century Company. [ p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1939/ita). Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi. Firenze: Sansoni. [xii, 137 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Tang, Yue, tr. (1939/chi). 道德形上學探本 / Dao de xing shang xue tan ben. Changsha: Shang wu yin shu guan. [119 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese (apparently from the English translation of Thomas Kingsmill Abbott).

Translator? (1939/spa). Fundamentos de la metafísica de las costumbres. Santiago/Bogotá: Ercilla. [112 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1942/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. 15th edition. La traducción del alemán ha sido hecha por Manuel G. Morente, edición de Luis Martínez de Velasco. Madrid: Espasa Calpe. [143 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1921. Later editions: 1946, 1970, 1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2016, 2017 (Mexico).


Paton, H. J., tr. (1948/eng). The Moral Law; or, Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. London: Hutchinson University Library. [151 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.
Review: Walter A. Wick, Ethics 59.4 (1949): 291-92.

Takase, Hisataro, tr. (1948/jap). Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Tokyo: Komine-shoten. [155 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “title.” [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.

Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1949/jap). 道徳形而上学の基礎 / Dotoku keijijogaku no kiso. Tokyo: Sogensha. [215 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1951/spa). “Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres.” [Miñana y Villagrasa/García Morente 1951, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Quintela, Paulo, tr. (1960/por). Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes.  Coimbra: Atlântida. [119 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Based on the Cassirer German edition (1922). Many editions, including an early anthology published in São Paulo (1974); see 1986 for additional information.

Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1960/jap). 道徳形而上学原論 / Dōtoku keijijōgaku genron. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [xv, 157 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese. New edition: 1976.


Martín Ramírez, Carlos tr. (1961/spa). Cimentación para la metafísica de las costumbres. Buenos Aires: Aguilar. [182 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Vidari, Giovanni, tr. (1963/ita). Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi. Traduzione di Giovanni Vidari, a cura di Vittorio Mathieu. 3rd edition. Torin: Paravia. [xl, 146 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. 3rd edition: 1973.


Pinto de Carvalho, A., tr. (1964/por). Fundamentação da Metafisica dos Costumes.  São Paulo: Editora Nacional. [170 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Queiroz Henkel, Lourival de, tr. (1967/por). Fundamentação da Metafisica dos Costumes. Preface by A. Bertagnoli.  Rio de Janeiro: Tecnoprint, Edições de Ouro. [255 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese. See 1936, 1993.

Shimoji, Keijo, tr. (1967/jap). 道徳哲学原論: 訳並びに解說 / Dotoku tetsugaku genron: Yaku narabini kaisetsu. Tokyo: Seibundo. [214 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Chiodi, Pietro, tr. (1970/ita). “Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi.” [Chiodi 1979, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Storheim, Eivind, tr. (1970/nor). “title??” [Storheim 1970, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian (selection?).

Liddell, Brendan E. A., tr. (1981/eng). Kant on the Foundation of Morality. A Modern Version of the Grundlegung. Bloomington / London: Indiana University Press [x, 277 p.] [WC]

Translation into English, interspersed with commentary.


Bagdasar, Nicolae, tr. (1972/rom). “Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor.” [Bagdasar 1972, pages??] [DNB]

Translation into Romanian.
Review: Vasile Zamfirescu, Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 224-25.

Larroyo, Francisco, tr. (1972/spa). “Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres.” [Larroyo 1972, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Noda, Matao, tr. (1972/jap). “人倫の形而上学の基礎づけ.” [Noda 1972, pages??] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Topusova, Valentina, tr. (1974/bul). Osnowi na metafisikata na nrawite. Sofia: Verlag Nauka i Iskustvo. [157 p.] [Rev]

Translation into Bulgarian.
Review: Iwan Slawov, Kant-Studien 70.3 (1979): 350-52.

Quintela, Paulo, tr. (1974/por). “Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes” [Chauí 1974, 195-256] [Hamm 2020]

Translation into Portuguese. See 1960 edition published in Portugal.


Lange, Ilonka de, tr. (1978/dut). Grondslagen van de ethiek: grondslag voor de metafysica van de zeden. Introduction by G. A. van der Wal. Meppel: Boom. [142 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Delbos, Victor, tr.; revised by Alexis Philonenko. (1980/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Introduction and notes by Philonenko. Paris: J. Vrin. [153 p.] [WC]

Translation into French, based on Delbos (1907).
Review: Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 72.2 (1981): 205.

??, tr. (1980/por). “Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes” [Chauí 1980, ??-??] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Ellington, James W., tr. (1981/eng). Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Pub. Co. [xvii, 62 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.

translator? (1981/por). “Metafisica dos costumes” in Textos classicos de filosofia do direito. Edited by Anacleto de Oliveira Faria. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese (presumably of a selection).

Popovic, Nikola M., tr. (1981/cro). Zasnivanje metafizike morala. Predgovor Veljko Korac, preveo Nikola M. Popovic, redakcija Milos Arsenijevic. Beograd: Beogradski izdavacko-graficki zavod. [120 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croation.


Kuçuradi, İoanna, tr.; Mete Tunçay, ed. (1982/tur). Ahlâk metafiziğinin temellendirilmesi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü. [95 p.] [WC]

Translation into Turkish. Later edition: 1995.


Leita, Joan, tr. (1984/cat). Fonamentació de la metafísica dels costums. Traducció de Joan Leita, edició a cura de Pere Lluís Font. Barcelona: Laia. [183 p.] [Clusa/WC]

Translation into Catalan. 1995 (Barcelona: Edicions 62), 2009 (Barcelona: Labutxaca).

Tzavaros, Johann, tr. (1984/gre). Ta themelia tes metaphysikes ton ethon. Athens: Ekd. Dodone. [143 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Quintela, Paulo, tr. (1986/por). Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes. Trad. do alemão por Paulo Quintela. Lisboa: Edições 70. [119 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. See: 1960. Later editions: 1995 (Introd. e enquadramento crítico de Viriato Soromenho-Marques, 123 p.), 1997, 2000 (117 p.), 2005 (Análise de Manuel Matos, 128 p.), 2007 (117 p.), 2011 (Introdução de Pedro Galvão, 132 p.).


Muglioni, Jacques, tr. (1988/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Paris: Bordas. [191 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Delbos, Victor, tr.; revised by Pierrette Bonnet. (1989/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Presentation et commentaire de Pierrette Bonnet. Paris: Nathan. [112 p.] [WC]

Translation into French, based on Delbos (1907).
Review: Georges Barthel, Kant-Studien 87 (1996): 251-52.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1992/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Filosofía moral. Edited by Juan Miguel Palacios. Madrid: Real Sociedad Economica Matritense de Amigos del Pais. [120 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; see 1921 edition.
Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 86.1 (1995): 105-6.


Delbos, Victor, tr. (1993/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Trad. et notes par Victor Delbos, preface de Monique Castillo, postface par Victor Delbos. Paris: Librairie générale française. [252 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.
Review: Jean Ferrari, Kant-Studien 88.3 (1997): 382-83.

Queiroz Henkel, Lourival de, tr. (1993/por). Fundamentos da metafísica dos costumes. Trad.: Lourival de Queiroz Henkel. Pref.: Afonso Bertagnoli. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro. [130 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. See: 1967.


Brito, José Henrique Silvera de, tr. (1994/por). Introdução à Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes de I. Kant. Porto: Ed. Contraponto. [95 p.] [DNB]

Translation into Portuguese.

Colin, Isidor, tr. (1994/rom). Bazele metafizicii moravurilor. Bucureşti: Antet. [94 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Mathieu, Vittorio, tr. (1994/ita). Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi. Milan: Rusconi. [262 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. Later editions: 2008, 2014, 2017. See also: 1963 (Vidari translation).

Renaut, Alain, tr. (1994/fre). Métaphysique des moeurs. I. Fondation de la métaphysique des moeurs, Introduction à la métaphysique des moeurs. Paris: Flammarion. [203 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Gottschalk, Filipa, tr. (1995/por). Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes. Edited by Marcello Fernandes and Nazaré Barros. Lisboa: Lisboa Ed. [144 p.] [Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese. 6th edition: 2000.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.” [Gregor 1996, 43-108] [M]

Translation into English.

Mardomingo, José, tr. (1996/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Barcelona: Ariel. [280 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Smilg Vidal, Norberto, tr. (1996/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Traducción, estudio y notas por Norberto Smilg Vidal. Madrid: Santillana. [104 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Dreyer, P. S., tr. (1997/dut). Fundering vir die metafisika van de sedelikheid: n'vertaling van “Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten”. Pretoria: University of Pretoria. [iv, 134 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.

Mertens, Thomas, tr. (1997/dut). Fundering voor de metafysica van de zeden. Amsterdam: Boom. [132 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch. 5th edition (2008).

Retzlaff, Joachim, tr. (1997/swe). Grundläggning av sedernas metafysik. Göteborg: Daidalos. [94 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish. 2nd edition (1920).

Renaut, Alain, tr. (2008/fre). “Fondation de la métaphysique des moeurs.” [Droit 2008, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Rocha, António Maia da, tr. (1999/por). Fundamentos da metafísica dos costumes. Comentário, notas, anotações bibliográficas por Jacques Muglioni; tradução António Maia da Rocha.  Lisboa: Didáctica. [191 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2000/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Edición preparada por Javier Echegoyen Olleta, Miguel García-Baró; traducción de Manuel García Morente; traducción revisada por Juan Miguel Palacios. Madrid: Mare Nostrum. [232 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See the (original) 1921 and (revised) 1992 editions.
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Ágora 23.1 (2004): 226-27.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2002/spa). Fundamentación para una metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [222 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd edition (2012).
Review: Silvia del Luján di Sanza, Con-Textos Kantianos 2014.1 (2014): 146-49. [online]

Translation into Spanish; see 1946 edition.

Wood, Allen W., tr. (2002/eng). Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. New Haven/London: Yale University Press. [xviii, 194 p.] [M]

Translation into English. The translation is based on the Kraft/Schönecker edition (Meiner Verlag, 1999).


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2003/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Ediciones Encuentro. [124 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See the 1921/1992 editions.


Holzbach, Leopoldo, tr. (2004/por). Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes e outros escritos.  São Paulo: Martin Claret. [141 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. The WC record does not indicate which other writings are included.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2005/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Con los comentarios de H. J. Paton. Ed. de M. Garrido. Trad. de Manuel García Morente (texto de Kant) y Carmen García Trevijano (texto de Paton). Madrid: Tecnos. [260 p.] [DNB]

Translation into Spanish.

Quintela, Paulo, tr. (2005/por). Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes. Texto integral, análise e leitura orientada da obra, questes de exames nacionais, cotaçes e critérios de classificação, tópicos de conteúdo. Análise de Manuel Matos, trad. de Paulo Quintela. Perafita: AREAL Ed. [128 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. See the 1960 edition. Based on the Cassirer German edition (1922). Later editions: 1986, 1995 (Introd. e enquadramento crítico de Viriato Soromenho-Marques), 1997, 2000, 2005 (Análise de Manuel Matos), 2007, 2011 (Introdução de Pedro Galvão).


Gottschalk, Filipa, tr. (2006/por). Fundamentação da Metafisica dos Costumes. Introd. e análise de Marcello Fernandes e Nazaré Barros; trad. de Filipa Gottschalk.  Lisboa: Lisboa Ed. [143 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Hansen-Løve, Ole, tr. (2007/fre). Fondement pour la métaphysique des moeurs. Traduction originale et analyse: Ole Hansen-Løve. Paris: Hatier. [191 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Almeida, Guido Antônio de, tr. (2009/por). Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes. Trad. nova com introdução e notas por Guido Antônio de Almeida. São Paulo: Barcarolla. [501 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.
Review: Macarena Marey, Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 318-20..

Menzel, Ladislav, tr. (2009/cze). Základy metafyziky mravů. Introduction by Milan Znoj. 2nd edition. Prague: Svoboda. [128 p.] [WC]

Translation into Czech. 3rd revised edition, prepared by Marina Barabas and Pavel Kouba (2014).


Almeida, Guido Antônio de, tr. (2010/por). Fundamentação da metafisica dos costumes. Introduction and notes by Guido Antônio de Almeida. São Paulo: Editora Barcarolla. [501 p.]

Translation into Portuguese.

Bonet, Pierrette, tr. (2010/fre). Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs. Notes and commentary by Pierrette Bonet. Paris: Nathan, 2010. [167 p.]

Translation into French.

translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Fundamentación para una metafísica de las costumbres.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 29-110(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Gregor, Mary J., and Jens Timmermann, trs. and eds. (2011/eng). Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. A German-English Edition. Translated by Mary Gregor with revisions by Jens Timmerman; German text edited, and with an introduction by Timmermann. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. [xiv, 198 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.
Reviews: Arnulf Zweig, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Dec 2011, #25) [online]; Dieter Schönecker, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95.2 (2013): 238-43.


Gregor, Mary J., and Jens Timmermann, trs. and eds. (2012/eng). Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Introduction by Christine M. Korsgaard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xliv, 87 p.] [WC]

Translation into English. See 2011.

Miao, Litian, tr. (2012/chi). 道德形而上学原理 / Dao de xing er shang xue yuan li. Shanghai: Shang hai ren min chu ban she. [115 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

Nakayama, Gen, tr. (2012/jap). 道徳形而上学の基礎づけ / Dotoku keijijogaku no kisozuke. Tokyo: Kobunsha. [410 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (2012/pol). “Ugruntowanie metafizyki moralności.” [Kupś 2012, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Polish. Included in volume five of Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta.

Aramayo, Roberto R., tr. (2012/spa). Fundamentación para una metafísica de las costumbres. Versión castellana y estudio preliminar de Roberto R. Aramayo. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [248 p.] [M] [online]

Translation into Spanish.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). “Intemeierea metafizicii moravurilor.” [Croitoru 2013a, 47-101] [M]

Translation into Romanian. See →[Kant, Opere]
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

Kumano, Sumihiko, tr. (2013/jap). 倫理の形而上学の基礎づけ / rinri no keijijōgaku no kisozuke.” [Kumano, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz, and Juan Miguel Palacios, trs. (2014/spa). “Fundamentación para una metafísica de las costumbres.” [Aramayo 2014a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Mureşan, Valentin, tr. (2014/rom). Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Bucureşti: Edit. All. [112 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Nikkarla, Markus, tr. (2014/fin). Moraalin metafysiikan perustus. Turku: Areopagus. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.

Sun, Shaowei, tr. (2014/chi). 道德形而上学基础 / Dao de xing er shang xue ji chu. Nan chang: Jiangxi jiao yu chu ban she. [79 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Li, Minghui, tr. (2015/chi). 道德底形上學 / Dao de di xing shang xue. Tai bei shi: Lian jing. [482 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


García Moreno, Alejo, tr. (2016/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Deloitte. [150 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; see the 1876 edition.


Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel, ed. and tr. (2024/spa). Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Akal. [224 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Counterfeiting Books (1785) [text]


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “On the Injustice of Counterfeiting Books.”[Richardson 1798-99, i.225-39] [M]

Translation into English.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “De l’illégitimité de la contrefaçon des livres.” [Barni 1853, 271-80] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “De l’illégitimité de la contrefaçon des livres.” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Palmquist, Stephen, tr. and ed. (1994/eng). “On the Injustice of Counterfeiting Books.” [Palmquist 1994, 38-45] [M]

Translation into English; revision of Richardson [1798].


Benoist, Joceleyn, tr. (1995/fre). “De l'illégitimité de la reproduction des livres.” [Benoist 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “On the Wrongfulness of Unauthorized Publication of Books.” [Gregor 1996, 29-35] [M]

Translation into English.


Pozzo, Riccardo, tr. (2005/ita). “title??.” [Pozzo 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “L’illegittimità della ristampa dei libri.” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 69-75] [M]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  Concept of Race (1785) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Determinatio conceptus de progenie hominum.” [Born 1796-98, iv.271-88] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Détermination de la notion d'une race humaine” [Tissot 1862, 343-72] [M]

Translation into French.


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Definición de la Raza Humana.” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Sanches, Manuela Ribeiro, tr. (2002/por). “Definição do conceito de raça humana.” [Sanches/Serrão 2002, 116-30] [Epifânio 2004/Serrão 2020/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Wilson, Holly, and Günter Zöller, trs., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Determination of the Concept of a Human Race.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 145-59] [M]

Translation into English.


Hahn, Alexandre, tr. (2012/por). “Determinação do conceito de uma raça humana, de Immanuel Kant.” Kant e-Prints 7.2: 28-45. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese.


Mikkelsen, Jon M., tr. (2013/eng). “Determination of the Concept of a Human Race.” [Mikkelsen 2013, 125-41] [M]

Translation into English.


Lerussi, Natalia A., and Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez, tr. (2021/spa). “Definición del concepto de raza humana.” [Lerussi 2021, 129-52] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Conjectural Beginning (1786) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Initium probabile historiae generis humani.” [Born 1796-98, iv.225-41] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “The Conjectural Beginning of the History of Man.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.317-38] [M]

Translation into English.


Bychowiec, J[ózef] W[ładysław], tr. (1799/pol). Wyobrazenie do historyi powszechney w wzgleedzie kosmopolitycznzm przez Kanta. Krolewcu: G. L. Heering and G. C. Haberland. [56 p.] [M] [online]

Translation into Polish, with a 6 pp. preface by the translator and 4 pp. of notes.


Kimura, Motomori, tr. (1926/jap). “人間歴史の臆測的起原.” [Kimura 1926, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Imaz, Eugenio, tr. (1941/spa). “Comienzo presunto de la historia humana.” [Imaz 1941, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (1943/rom). “Începutul istoriei omenirii.” [Brăileanu 1943, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1948/jap). “臆測による人類の歴史の起源.” [Toyokawa 1948, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1948/jap). “人類の歴史の臆測的起源.” [Shinoda 1950, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Comienzo Verosímil de la Historia Humana.” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Fackenheim, Emil L., tr. (1963/eng). “title.” [Beck 1963, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Surowska, Barbara, tr. (1973/pol). “Domniemany poczatek historii ludzkiej.” In: Tadeusz Namowicz, Karol Sauerland, Marek J. Siemek, eds., Filozofia niemieckiego Oswiecenia. Warszawa. Pp. 472-78. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. (1983/eng). “Speculative Beginning of Human History.” [Humphrey 1983, 49-60] [M]

Translation into English.


Ferry, Luc, and Heinz Wismann, trs. (1985/fre). “Conjectures sur le commencement de l'histoire humaine.” [Alquié 1985, 503-20] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana.” [Aramayo 1987, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Delfgaauw, Bernard, tr. (1988/dut). “Vermoedelijk begin van de menselijke geschiedenis.” [Delfgaauw 1988, 61-94] [WC/Mainz]

Translation into Dutch.


Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “Conjectures on the Beginning of Human History.” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 221-34] [M]

Translation into English.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1995/pol). “Przypuszczalny poczatek ludzkiej historii.” [Żelazny 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Leroy, Gérard, tr. (1999/fre). “Conjectures sur le commencement de l'histoire humaine.” [Leroy 1999, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “Conjectures sobre el començament de la història humana” [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan.

Sanches, Manuela Ribeiro, tr. (2002/por). “Começo conjectural da história do homem.” [Sanches/Serrão 2002, 315-28] [Epifânio 2004/Serrão 2020/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2004/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana.” [Aramayo 2004, 167-92??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish (page numbers correspond with the 2nd edition (2013).


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


Wood, Allen W., tr., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Conjectural Beginning of Human History.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 163-75] [M]

Translation into English.


Hansen-Løve, Ole, tr. (2008/fre). Conjectures sur le commencement de l’histoire humaine. Analysis by Éric Zernik. Paris: Hatier. [95 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Nadai, Bruno, tr. (2009/por). “Começo Conjetural da História Humana, de Immanuel Kant.” Cadernos de Filosfia Alemã 13: 95-107. [M][online]

Translation into Portuguese.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Problable inicio de la historia humana.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 111-28(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Klein, Joel Thiago, tr. (2010/por). “Início conjectural da história humana.” Studia Kantiana 8: 137-51. [M][online]

Translation into Portuguese.

Menezes, Edmilson, tr. (2010/por). Começo conjectural da história humana. São Paulo: Editora UNESP. [131 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Zick, Martin (2011/rom). “Presupusul început al istoriei omenirii.” [Zick 2011, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Romanian.


Espinosa, Baltasar, Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2012/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana.” [Espinosa/Aramayo/Roldán 2012, 99-118??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2013/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana” [Aramayo 2013, 167-92] [M]

2nd edition. Translation into Spanish. First published in 1987 (see).

??, tr. (2013/cze). “Domnělý počátek dějin lidstva.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 46-59??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. (2014/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana.” [Aramayo 2014b, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2015/spa). “Probable inicio de la historia humana.” [García Morente 2015, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (1786) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Elementa metaphysica physices.” [Born 1796-98, ii.139-252] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Bax, Ernest Belfort, tr. and ed. (1883/eng). “The metaphysical foundations of natural science.” [Bax 1883, 137-245] [M]

Translation into English.


Ovejero y Maury, Eduardo, tr. (1921/spa). Principios metafísicos de las ciencias naturales. Madrid: Reus. [249 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Tosaka, Jun, tr. (1928/jap). 自然哲学原理 / Shizen tetsugaku genri. Tōkyō: Iwanamishotenr. [277 (11) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 11 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1952/fre). Premiers principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature. Paris: J. Vrin. [165 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Ellington, James W., tr. (1970/eng). Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company. [xxxi, 230 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Másmela, Carlos, tr. (1989/spa). Principios metafísicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza. Introducción de Carlos Másmela. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [165 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1990/por). Princípios Metafísicos da Ciência da Natureza,. Lisboa: Edições 70. [123 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Aleu Benítez, José, tr. (1991/spa). Principios metafísicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza. Estudio preliminar y traducción de José Aleu Benítez. Madrid: Tecnos. [lxiv, 143 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Nemirovsky, Samuel, tr. (1993/spa). Primeros principios metafísicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza. Traducción y estudio preliminar de Samuel Nemirovsky. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [205 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Inutake, Masayuki, tr. (2000/jap). “title.” [Inutake 2000, ??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Friedman, Michael, tr. (2002/eng). “Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science.” [Allison/Heath 2002, 171-270] [M]

Translation into English.


Pecere, Paolo, tr. (2003/ita). Principi metafisici della scienza della natura. Milan: Bompiani. [422 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr.[??] (2012/pol). “Metafizyczne podstawy przyrodoznawstwa.” [Kupś 2012, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Polish. Included in volume five of Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta.


Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, tr. (2014/spa). “title.” [Serrano 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of passages related to the transcendental deduction.


Soklić, Milan, tr. (2016/ser). “Metafizička polazna načela prirodne znanosti.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 221-320??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.


Pelletier, Arnaud tr. (2017/fre). “Principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature.” [Pelletier 2017, 55-237??] [WC]

Translation into French.

[top]  Review of Hufeland (1786) [text]


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “De l’essai de G. Hufeland, Sur le principe du droit naturel.” [Barni 1853, 267-70] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Olesti i Vila, Josep, tr. (1991/cat). “[title?].” [Olesti i Vila 1991, pages??] [Clusa/WC]

Translation into Catalan (of a selection).

Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Compte rendu de l'Essai sur le principe du droit naturel de Gottlieb Hufeland.” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Wood, Allen W., tr. and ed. (1996/eng). “Review of Gottlieb Hufeland’s Essay on the Principle of Natural Right.” [Gregor 1996, 115-17] [M]

Translation into English.


Marey, Macarena, tr. (2014/spa). “Sobre las Críticas de Kant a Gottlieb Hufeland, con una Traducción de Recensión del Ensayo Sobre el Principio del Derecho Natural, de Gottlieb Hufeland.” Estudos kantianos 2.1: 107-4. [M]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Orientation in Thinking (1786) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Quid significat Francogallorum illud: s’orienter dans le penser?” [Born 1796-98, iv.308-24] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “What Means: To Orient One’s Self in Thinking.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.385-407] [M]

Translation into English.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Qu'est-ce que s'orienter dans la pensée?” (selection) [Tissot 1840, 354-59] [M]

Translation into French.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Qu'est-ce que s'orienter dans la pensée?” [Tissot 1862, 315-419] [M]

Translation into French.


Sato, Nobue, tr. (1939/jap). “思考の方角を定めるとは.” [Takeda 1939, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “title.” [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Zucchi, Hernán, tr. (1952/spa). “¿Qué Significa Orientarsa en Materia de Pensamiento?” Notas y Estudios de Filosofía 3: 135-50. [Palacios]

Translation into Spanish.


Philonenko, Alexis, tr. and ed. (1840/fre). Qu'est-ce que s'orienter dans la pensée. Commentary and notes by Philonenko; preface by Ferdinand Alquié. Paris: J. Vrin. [104 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Fernandes, Floriano de Sousa, tr. (1974/por). “Que significa orientar-se no pensamento?” [Vier/Fernandes 1974, 70-99] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “Que significa orientar-se no pensamento?” [Morão 1980, 39-55] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Che casa significa orientarsi nel pensiero.” [Desideri 1990, 3-16] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “What is Orientation in Thinking?” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 237-49] [M]

Translation into English.

De Flaviis, Giuseppe, tr. (1991/ita). “Cosa significa orientarsi nel pensare?” [De Flaviis 1991, 13-29] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Que signifie s’orienter dans la pensée?” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Grillenzoni, Paolo, tr. (1992/ita). Cosa significa orientarsi nel pensare? Milano: I.S.U. Università cattolica,. [106 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. 2nd ed. (1998).
Review: Anselmo Aportone, Kant-Studien 87 (1996): 253.


Rovira, Rogelio, tr. (1995/spa). ¿Qué significa orientarse en el pensamiento? Madrid: Fac. de Filosofía de la Univ. Complutense. [27 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Wood, Allen W., tr. (1996/eng). “What does it mean to orient oneself in thinking?” [Wood/di Giovanni 1996, 7-18] [M]

Translation into English.

Gentile, Andrea, tr. (1996/ita). Che cosa significa orientarsi nel pensare? Rome: Studium. [168 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Wood, Allen W., tr. (1998/eng). “What does it mean to orient oneself in thinking?” [Wood/di Giovanni 1998, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Giorgiantonio, Michele, tr. (2014/ita). Che cosa significa orientarsi nel pensare. Lanciano: Carabba. [185 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Desideri, Fabrizio, and Mariagrazia Portera, tr. (2015/ita). Che Cosa Significa Orientarsi nel Pensiero? Milan: Mimesis. [53 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, tr. (2014). “What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?” [M] [online]

Translation into English.

[top]  Remarks on Jakob (1786) [text]


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Quelques observations sur l'examen des Matinées de Mendelssohn par Jacob.” (selection) [Tissot 1840, 352-53] [M]

Translation into French.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Alcune osservazioni sull’esame di L. H. Jacob delle Ore mattutine di Mendelssohn.” [Desideri 1990, 17-21] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Zöller, Günter, tr. (2007/eng). “Some Remarks on L. H. Jakob’s Examination of Mendelssohn’s Morgenstunden.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 178-81] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Critique of Practical Reason (1788) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). Critica rationis practicae. [Born 1796-98, iii.i-xxviii, 1-168] [M]

Translation into Latin. Kant’s preface and the table of contents to the Critique: i-xxviii.

Nitsch, August, tr. (1796/eng). “Fundamental Principles of Pure Practical Reason.” The English Review 26: 106-11. [Micheli 1997, 82]

Translation into English. Micheli reports that this was a translation of §§1-8 of the Critique of Practical Reason. The citation he gives (and that I repeat here) is problematic. I was able to find a copy of the journal from 1796, but the corresponding volume number was 28, and no translation was to be found; I’ve not yet been able to inspect vol. 26 (presumably dated 1794).


Semple, J. W., tr. and ed. (1836/eng). [selections from the Critique of Pure Reason] [Semple 1836, 85-161] [M]

Translation into English.

Richardson, John, tr. (1836/eng). Various passages. [Richardson 1836, 85-90, 90-95, 98-112, 112-114] [Micheli 1997, 94]

Translation into English.


Barni, J.[ules], tr. and ed. (1848/fre). “Critique de la raison pratique.” [Barni 1848, 127-393] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Miñana y Villagrasa, E., tr. (1863/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. city: publisher. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. (1873/eng). “Dialectic of Pure Practical Reason.” [Abbott 1873, 123-209] [M]

Translation into English. A complete translation of the Critique of Pure Reason appeared in the 1879 2nd edition (pp. 125-379).


García Moreno, Alejo, tr. (1876/spa). “Crítica de la Razón Práctica.” [García Moreno 1876, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish from Barni’s French translation.


Zozaya, Antonio, tr. (1886/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Two vols. Madrid: Sociedad General Española de Libreria. [155, 174 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish from Barni’s French translation. Later editions: 1904, 1907, 1908, 2001 (edited by Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo).


1888 KdpV Picavet

Picavet 1888

Picavet, François, tr. (1888/fre). Critique de la raison pratique. Nouvelle traduction française, avec un avant-propos sur la philosophie de Kant en France de 1773 à 1814, des notes philologiques et philosophiques Paris: Alcan. [xxxvii, 326 p.]

Translation into French, making use of Born’s Latin translation, Barni’s out-of-print French translation, and Abbot’s English translation. Later editions: 1902 (2nd edition, revised, with an introduction on the study of Kant’s moral theory), 1906, 1921, 1943 (introduction: Ferdinand Alquié), 1960, 1966, 1974, 1993, 2012, 2016.
Review: Frank d’Arvert, Revue internationale de l'enseignement 16 (1888): 307-8 [online].


Watson, John, tr. (1895/eng). “Critique of Practical Reason.” (extracts) [Watson 1895, 261-303] [M]

Translation into English.


Capra, Francesco, tr. (1909/ita). Critica della ragion pratica. Bari: G. Laterza. [196 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian, making use of Picavet (1888, 1902); cf. Plack (2020, 758-59).


Kierski, Feliks, tr. and ed. (1911/pol). Krytyka praktycznego rozumu. Preface by Mścisław Wartenberg. Lwów: Polskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficznego. [xxxvii, 224 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Bornstein, Benedykt, tr. and ed. (1911/pol). Krytyka praktycznego rozumu. Warsaw: E. Wende. [217 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1913/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Madrid: Libr. General de Victoriano Suarez. [ix, 330 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1863, and 1975, 1994, 2017 editions.


Hatano, Seiichi, and Wakichi Miyamoto, trs. (1918/jap). カント實踐理性批判 / Kanto jissen risei hihan. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [365 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. Later editions: 1927, 1948, 1959, 1979. The catalog record of a digital copy available in the HathiTrust gives 1919 as the publication year.


Cervini, Maria Luisa, tr. (1925/ita). La Critica della ragion pratica. Nuova versione di estratti con inquadramento e note a cura di M. L. Cervini. Torino: Società editrice internazionale. [134 p.] [WC/EL]

Translation into Italian.


Salomaa, J. E., tr. (2013/fin). “title.??” [Salomaa 1931, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.


Lollini, V. E., tr. (1939/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Buenos Aires-Madrid: Librería Perlado. [xxxi, 215 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Picavet, François, tr. (1943/fre). Critique de la raison pratique. Introduction by Ferdinand Alquié. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [xxxii, 192 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. See 1888 edition.


Skourtses, G. D., tr. (1944/gre). Kritike tou praktikou logou. Athens: Anagnostides. [221 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Watanabi, Takashi, tr. (1948/jap). 實踐理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan. Gifu: Fukuyama-shoten. [308 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “Critique of Practical Reason.” [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.

Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1949/jap). 実践理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan. Tokyo: Sogensha. [378 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Kashiyama, Kinshirō, tr. (1951/jap). 実践理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan. Tokyo: Mikasa-shobo. [190 (12) p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1951/spa). “Crítica de la razón práctica.” [Miñana y Villagrasa/García Morente 1951, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Khodoss, Claude, tr. (1956/fre). Critique de la raison pratique. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [vii, 248 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Sonnenfeld, Viktor D, tr. (1956/cro). Kritika prakticnoga uma. Zagreb: Kultura. [215 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian; 3rd edition (1990).


Bertagnoli, Afonso, tr. (1959/por). Crítica da razão prática. Tradução e prefacio de Afonso Bertagnoli. 3rd edition. São Paulo: Edições e publicaçoes Brasil. [247 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC/DNB]

Translation into Portuguese. Unable to determine the dates of earlier editions. WorldCat reports a 2nd edition, also in 1959 [249 p.]. Epifânio gives the São Paulo 3rd edition (251 p.), and another edition: Rio de Janeiro: Edições de Ouro, 1967/1970, 255 p. See also: 1970.


Rovira Armengol, José, tr. (1961/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Ed. by Ansgar Klein. Buenos Aires: Losada. [182 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.
Review of the 4th edition (1977): Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 72.2 (1981): 206.


Mathieu, Vittorio, tr. (1962/ita). Critica della ragion pratica. Trad., introd. e note di Vittorio Mathieu. Brescia: La Scuola. [xliii, 148 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. See 1993.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1963/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Traducción del alemán por Emilio Miñana y Villagrasa y Manuel García Morente, introducción y revisión por Oswaldo Market. Madrid: Librería General de Victoriano Suarez. [xxx, 343 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1863.


Amzar, Dumitru Cristian, and Raul Visan, trs. (1964/rom). Critica raţiunii practice. Introductory essays by C. Radulescu-Motru. Bucureşti: Editura Institutului Social Român. [xlvi, 158 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1965/fre). Critique de la raison pratique. Paris: J. Vrin. [186 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. Review (of 1983 edition): Jean Ferrari, Kant Studien 77.2 (1986): 268-69.

Kashiyama, Kinshiro, tr. (1965). “実践理性批判.” [Kashiyama/Sakata/Toki 1965, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Bertagnoli, Afonso, tr. (1970/por). Crítica da razão prática. Tradução e prefacio de Afonso Bertagnoli. 3rd edition. Rio de Janeiro: Edições de Ouro. [255 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC/DNB]

Translation into Portuguese. See also: 1959.

Chiodi, Pietro, tr. (1970/ita). “Critica della ragion pratica.” [Chiodi 1979, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Storheim, Eivind, tr. (1970/nor). “title??” [Storheim 1970, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian (selection?).


Bagdasar, Nicolae, tr. (1972/rom). “Critica raţiunii practice.” [Bagdasar 1972, pages??] [DNB]

Translation into Romanian.
Review: Vasile Zamfirescu, Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 224-25.

Gałecki, Jerzy, tr. (1972/pol). Krytyka praktycznego rozumu. Warsaw: Państwowe Wydaw. Naukowe. [290 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish. 3rd edition: 2012.

Larroyo, Francisco, tr. (1972/spa). “Crítica de la razón práctica.” [Larroyo 1972, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Torbov, TSeko, tr. (1974/bul). Kritika na prakticheskiia razum. Sofia: Izd-vo pri Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite. [vii, 241 p.] [WC]

Translation into Bulgarian.
Review: Iwan Slawov, Kant-Studien 70.3 (1979): 350-52.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1975/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, Colecion Austral 1589. [243 p.] [WC/Rev]

Translation into Spanish; see 1863 and 1913.
Review: Juan-Miguel Palacios, Kant-Studien 70.3 (1979): 352-53.


Basta, Danilo N., tr. (1979/cro). Kritika praktickog uma. Beograd: Beogradski izdavacko-graficki zavod. [177 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian. Later editions: 1990, 2004

Hatano, Seiichi, Wakichi Miyamoto, and Hideo Shinoda, trs. (1979/jap). 実践理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [352 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Kuçuradi, Ioanna, Ülker Gökberk, and Füsun Akatli, trs. (1980/tur). Pratik Aklin Elestirisi. Edited by Ioanna Kucuradi. Ankara: Hacettepe Universitesi Felsefe Bölümü. [201 p.] [WC/Rev]

Translation into Turkish, with original German.
Review: Yusuf Örnek, Kant-Studien 73.4 (1982): 485.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1984/por). Crítica da razão prática. Lisboa: Ediçes 70. [195 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 1989, 1994 (192 p.), 1997, 1999, 2008 (9th edition, 234 p.).


Ferry, Luc, and Heinz Wismann, trs. (1985/fre). Critique de la raison pratique. Édition publiée sous la direction de Ferdinand Alguié. Paris: Gallimard. [252 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Plečkaitis, Romanas, tr. (1987/lit). Praktinio proto kritika. Vilnius: Mintis. [205 p.] [WC]

Translation into Lithuanian.


Kūlis, Rihards, tr. (1988/latv). Praktiska prata kritika. Riga: Zvaigzne. [188 p.] [WC]

Translation into Latvian.


Muglioni, Jean-Michel, tr. (1990/fre). Théorie et pratique. Paris: Hatier. [78 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Mathieu, Vittorio, tr. (1993/ita). Critica della ragion pratica. Introduzione, traduzione, note e apparati di Vittorio Mathieu. Milan: Rusconi. [352 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. See 1962 edition.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1994/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Revised by Juan Miguel Palacios. Salamanca: Ediciones Sigueme. [218 p.] [WC/Rev]

Translation into Spanish; see 1863 and 1913 editions.
Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 89.3 (1998): 383.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “Critique of Practical Reason.” [Gregor 1996, 139-271] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Carol W. Voeller, Ethics 109.2 (1999): 444-46 [this reviews the Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy edition published in 1997].


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2000/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Madrid: Alianza. [345 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd edition: 2013.


Granja Castro, Dulce María, tr. (2001/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. German-Spanish edition, with notes and analytical index by Granja Castro. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. [199 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See also: 2005.
Review: Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, Kant-Studien 96.2 (2005): 265-67.

Lundquist, Agne, tr. (2001/swe). Kritik av praktiska förnuftet. Lund: Argos. [220 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


Pluhar, Werner, tr. (2002/eng). Critique of Practical Reason. Introduction by Stephen Engstrom. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. [liv, 284 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.
Review: Jeffrey Kinlaw, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Mar 2003, #3) [online].

Rohden, Valério, tr. (2002/por). Crítica da razão prática. Com introdução e notas de Valério Rohden. São Paulo: Martins Fontes. [lxv, 294 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. 2003 bilingual edition (620 p.). Later editions: 2015.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (2003/rom). Critica raţiunii practice. Bucureşti: Paideia. [164 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian of selections.

Costa, Miquel, tr. (2003/cat). Crítica de la raó pràctica. Traducció de Miquel Costa, edició a cura de Pere Lluís Font. Barcelona: Edicions 62. [316 p.] [Clusa/WC]

Translation into Catalan.

Fussler, Jean-Pierre, tr. (2003/fre). Critique de la raison pratique. Traduction, introduction et notes par Jean-Pierre Fussler. Paris: Flammarion. [473 p.] [M]

Translation into French.


Andrulidakes, Kostas, tr. (2004/gre). Kritike tu praktiku logu. Athens: Bibliopoleion tes "Hestias" Kollaru. [299 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Burkovsʹkij, Igor, tr. (2004/ukr). Kritika praktyčnoho rozumu. Kyïv: Junivers. [238 p.] [WC]

Translation into Ukrainian.
Review: Victor Chorny, Філософія освіти / Philosophy of Education 26.2 (2020): 130-54.


Barrera, Paulo, tr. (2005/por). Crítica da razão prática. Tradução Paulo Barrera, revisão da tradução Saulo Krieger. São Paulo: Ícone. [160 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.

Granja Castro, Dulce María, tr. (2005/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Edición bilingüe alemán-español. Traducción, estudio preliminar, notas e índice analítico Dulce María Granja Castro. Revisión técnica de la traducción Peter Storandt. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica. [liii, 192 p., lv-cxviii] [M]

Translation into Spanish; bilingual edition. 2nd edition: 2012. See also: 2001.
Includes a 16-page glossary: German, English (Beck, Gregor), Italian (Capra, Mathieu), French (Ferry/Wismann), Portuguese (Rohden), Spanish (García Morente, Rodríguez, Granja). Front-matter and end-matter has continuous pagination. The volume that I inspected did not include the German text.
See →Biblioteca Immanuel Kant.
Review: Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, Kant-Studien 96.2 (2005): 265-67.

Uribarri, Ibon, tr. (2005/bas). Arrazoimen Praktikoaren Kritika. Preface by Otfried Höffe. Bilboa: Klasikoak. [206 p.] [WC]

Translation into Basque.


Braga, Antonio Carlos, tr. (2006/por). Crítica da Razão Prática. Tradução de Antonio Carlos Braga. Araçatuba-SP: Escala. [?? p.] [Hamm]

Translation into Portuguese.

Veenbaas, Jabik, and Willem Visser, trs. (2006/dut). Kritiek van de praktische rede. Amsterdam: Boom. [230 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Skar, Øystein, tr. (2007/nor). Kritikk av den praktiske fornuft. Oslo: Aschehoug. [209 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Crítica de la razón práctica.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 129-298(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Bøgeskov, Tom, tr. (2011/dan). Kritik af den praktiske fornuft. Helsingør: Det lille Forlag. [162 p.] [WC]

Translation into Danish.

Galecki, Jerzy, tr. (2011/pol). Krytyka praktycznego rozumu. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe. [xii, 290 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Li, Qiuling, tr. (2011/chi). 實踐理性批判 / Shi jian li xing pi pan. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue. [155 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Bornstein, Benedykt, tr. (2012/pol). “Krytyka praktycznego rozumu” [Kupś 2012, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Polish. Reprint of the 1911 Bornstein translation, with modernized spelling and syntax. Included in volume five of Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). “Critica raţiunii practice.” [Croitoru 2013a, 111-225] [M]

Translation into Romanian. See →[Kant, Opere]

Nakayama, Gen, tr. (2013/jap). 実践理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan. Tokyo: Kōbunsha. [362 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Kumano, Sumihiko, tr. (2013/jap). “実践理性批判 / Jissen risei hihan.” [Kumano, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz, and Juan Miguel Palacios, trs. (2014/spa). “Crítica de la razón práctica.” [Aramayo 2014a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: Ileana P. Beade, Con-Textos Kantiano 2014.1 (2014): 150-52 [online].

Zhang, Yongqi, tr. (2014/chi). 实践理性批判 / Shi jian li xing pi pan. Nan chang: Jiangxi jiao yu chu ban she. [130 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Gregor, Mary, tr. (2015/eng). Critique of Practical Reason. Introduction by Andrews Reath. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xli, 141 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.
Review: Niels Feuerhahn, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 57.3 (2018): 646-48.

Skar, Øystein, and Bjarne Hansen, trs. (2015/nor). Kritikk av den praktiske fornuft. Foreward by the translators, afterword by Skar. Oslo: Aschehoug Fondet. [209 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.


Hulshof, Monique, tr. (2016/por). Crítica da Razão Prática. Tradução de Monique Hulshof. Petrópolis-RJ: Editora Vozes. [240 p.] [Hamm/PW]

Translation into Portuguese.

Nikkarla, Markus, tr. (2016/fin). Käytännöllisen järjen kritiikki. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. [240 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (2017/spa). Crítica de la razón práctica. Edited by Maximiliano Hernández Marcos. Madrid: Tecnos. [357 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; see 1863 and 1913.

[top]  Teleological Principles (1788) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “De usu principiorum teleologicorum in philosophia.” [Born 1796-98, iv.242-70] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Sur l'usage des principes téléologiques en philosophie.” (selection) [Tissot 1840, 360-64] [M]

Translation into French.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “De l'usage des principes téléologiques en philosophie.” [Tissot 1862, 373-419] [M]

Translation into French.


Ferry, Luc, tr. (1985/fre). “Sur l'usage des principes téléologiques en philosophie.” [Alquié 1985, 561-93] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


De Flaviis, Giuseppe, tr. (1991/ita). “Sull’impiego dei princip teleologici in filosfia.” [De Flaviis 1991, 31-60] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Sanches, Manuela Ribeiro, tr. (2002/por). “Acerca do uso de princípios teleológicos na filosofia.” [Sanches/Serrão 2002, 353-77] [Epifânio 2004/Serrão 2020/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Zöller, Günter, tr. (2007/eng). “On the Use of Teleological Principles in Philosophy.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 195-218] [M]

Translation into English.


Mikkelsen, Jon M., tr. (2013/eng). “On the Use of Teleological Principles in Philosophy.” [Mikkelsen 2013, 169-94] [M]

Translation into English.


Pires, Marcio, tr. (2013/por). “Sobre o Uso de Princípios Teleológicos na Filosofia, de Kant.” Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 36.1: 211-38. [WC]

Translation into Portuguese, with an introduction and notes.


Smiljanić, Damir, tr. (2016/ser). “O upotrebi teleoloških principa u filozofiji.” [Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016, 321-??] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.


Lerussi, Natalia A., and Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez, tr. (2021/spa). “Sobre el uso de principios teleológicos en la filosofía.” [Lerussi 2021, 153-95] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Kraus Review (1788) [text]


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “Kraus’s Review of Ulrich’s Eleutheriologie.” [Gregor 1996, 125-31] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Philosopher’s Medicine (1788) [text]


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1986/eng). “On Philosophers’ Medicine of the Body.” [Beck 1986, 228-38] [M]

Translation into English. Introduction (pp. 217-27) and notes (pp. 238-43) by Gregor.


Bochicchio, Vincenzo, tr. (2007/ita). De medicina corporis. Traduzione, note e postfazione di Vincenzo Bochicchio; prefazione di Reinhard Brandt. Napoli: Guida. [121 p.] [M]

Translation into Italian.

Gregor, Mary J., tr. (2007/eng). “On the Philosophers’ Medicine of the Body.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 184-91] [M]

Translation into English.

??, tr. (2007/fre). “La médecine du corps qui est du ressort des philosophes.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.

[top]  First Introduction to the Critique of the Power of Judgment (1789) [text]


Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. (1865/fre). “De la philosophie en général, 1794.” [Tissot 1865, 431-80] [M]

Translation into French.


Kabir, Humayun, tr. (1935/eng). On Philosophy in General. Calcutta: The University Press. [cl, 90 p.]

Translation into English, with four introductory essays by the translator.


Haselberg, Pedro von, tr. (1948/spa). La filosofía como sistema. Buenos Aires: Inst. de Filosofía de la Fac. de Filosofía y Letras. [86 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Haden, James, tr. and ed. (1965/eng). First Introduction to the Critique of Judgment. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. [xv, 55 p.]

Translation into English.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1968/fre). “Première introduction à la critique de la faculté de juger.” [Guillermit 1968, pages??] [PW]

Translation into French.

Migliorini, Ermanno, tr. and ed. (1968/ita). Prima introduzione alla critica del giudizio. Firenze: Il fiorino. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.
Review: Karlo Oedingen, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 135-36.


Altmann, Arturo, tr. (1969/spa). La Filosofía como un Sistema. Primera Introducción a la «Crítica del Juicio». Preface by Carlos Astrada. Buenos Aires: Juárez. [xvii, 111 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Manganaro, Paolo, tr. (1969/ita). Prima introduzione alla critica del giudizio. Notes by Manganaro, introduction by Luciano Anceschi. Bari: Laterza. [138 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. 2nd edition (1979).


Torres Filho, Rubens Rodriques, tr. (1974/por). “la lntr. a Critica do Juizo.” [Chauí 1974, ??-??] [Hamm 2020/Terra 2022]

Translation into Portuguese.


See → Popovic, Kritika moci sudenja. 1975.


Torres Filho, Rubens Rodriques, tr. (1980/por). “la lntr. a Critica do Juizo.” [Chauí 1980, 163-208] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


See → Noica, et al., Critica facultatii de judecare. 1981.


Zalabardo, José Luis, tr. (1987/spa). Primera introducción a la "Crítica del Juicio". Madrid: Visor. [120 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd edition (Madrid, Antonio Machado, 2011).
Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 80.4 (1989): 485-86.

See → Pluhar, Critique of Judgment. 1987.


Raymaekers, Bart, tr. (1989/dut). Over filosofie: de eerste inleiding tot de Kritik der Urteilskraft. Kampen: Kok Agora. [101 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.
Review: Pauline Kleingeld, Kant-Studien 84.2 (1993): 235-37.


Nowotniak, Justyna, tr. (1993/pol). “Pierwsze wprowadzenie do Krytyki wladzy s^dzenia.” IDEA — studia nad Struktura i rozwojem pojec filozoficznych Bialystok. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.

??, tr. (1993/ita). Prima introduzione alla critica del giudizio. Roma: A. Curcio. [79 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Terra, Ricardo Ribeiro, tr. (2013/por). “??.” [Terra 1995, ??] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


See → Croitoru, Critica facultatii de judecare: prima introducere la Critica facultatii de judecare. 2007.


Karásek, Jindrich, tr. (2011/cze). Uvod ke Kritice soudnosti: první verze. Prague: Oikumene. [87 p.]

Translation into Czech.

Sánchez Madrid, Nuria, tr. (2011/spa). Primera introducción de la crítica del juicio. Spanish-German critical edition, with an introduction by Sánchez Madrid. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo. [343 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd edition (2017).
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Estudios Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 243-45; Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez, Kant-Studien 106.3 (2015): 535-38.


Valagussa, Francesco, tr.[??] and ed. (2012/ita). Prima introduzione alla "Critica della capacità di giudizio". Italian-German edition. Milano/Udine: Mimesis. [159 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


See → Marassi, Critica del giudizio, con l’aggiunta della “Prima introduzione alla critica del giudizio”. 2015.

[top]  Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). Critice facultatis iudicandi. [Born 1796-98, 169-516] [M]

Translation into Latin.

Peyer-Imhoff, Hercule, tr. (1796/fre). [title??]. Place: publisher. [pages p.] []

[Bernard (1914, xiv) claims that Imhoff published a French translation of this work in 1796; WC does not list one.]


Richardson, John, tr. (1836/eng). Various passages. [Richardson 1836, 79-84, 233-37] [Micheli 1997, 94]

Translation into English.


Barni, J.[ules], tr. and ed. (1846/fre). “Critique du jugement.” [Barni 1846, i.1-343, ii.1-232] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


García Moreno, Alejo, and Juan Ruvira, trs. (1876/spa). “Crítica del Juicio.” [García Moreno/Ruvira 1876, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish, from the French translation of Barni.


Bernard, J. H., tr. (1892/eng). Kant’s Kritik of Judgment. London/New York: Macmillan and Co. [xlviii, 429 p.] [M]

Translation into English. 2nd revised edition (1914).


Watson, John, tr. (1895/eng). “Critique of Judgment.” (extracts) [Watson 1895, 307-49] [M]

Translation into English.


Gargiulo, Alfredo, tr. (1907/ita). Critica del giudizio. Bari: Laterza. [xiv, 362 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian, with some dependency on Barni’s French translation (Plack 2020, 760).


Meredith, James Creed, tr. (1911/eng). Critique of Aesthetic Judgement. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [clxx, 333 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of the second part of the KU.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1914/spa). Crítica del juicio teleológico. Madrid: Librería general de Victoriano Suárez. [ p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1977, 1990, 2009.


Saitō, Kaname, tr. (1926/jap). 判断力批判 / Handanryoku hihan. Tōkyō : Shinchōsha. [206 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Gherincea, I., tr. (1927/rom). Critica puterii de judecata estetica. Galati: Arta Grafica. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian of the first part of the KU.


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1928/fre). Critique du jugement. Rennes/Paris: Impr. G. Varat/J. Vrin. [296 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Meredith, James Creed, tr. (1928/eng). Critique of Teleological Judgement. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [xcvii, 208 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of the second part of the KU.


Ōnishi, Yoshinori, tr. (1932/jap). 判断力批判 / Handanryoku hihan. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [693 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 4 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]

Sakata, Tokuo, tr. (1932/jap). 判断力批判 / Handanryoku hihan. Tokyo: Tettō Shoin. [681 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (1940/rom). Critica puterii de judecare. Bucureşti: Monitorul Oficial si Imprimeriile Statului. [378 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. (1951/spa). “Crítica del juicio.” [Miñana y Villagrasa/García Morente 1951, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Sonnenfeld, Viktor D, tr. (1957/cro). Kritika rasudne snage. Introduction by Marijan Tkalcic. Zagreb: Kultura. [349 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian.


Rovira Armengol, José, tr. (1961/spa). Crítica del Juicio. Ed. by Ansgar Klein. Buenos Aires: Losada. [344 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 2007.


Cerf, Walter, tr. (1963/eng). Analytic of the Beautiful, from the Critique of Judgment: with excerpts from Anthropology from a Pragmatic Viewpoint, second book. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. [lvi, 141 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.


Gałecki, Jerzy, tr. (1964/pol). Krytyka władzy sądzenia. Warsaw: Państwowe Wydaw. Naukowe. [xv, 550 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1964/jap). 判断力批判 / Handanryoku hihan. Two volumes. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [354, 408 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Philonenko, Alexis, tr. (1965/fre). Critique de la faculté de juger. Paris: J. Vrin. [308 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.
Review (of the 1968 edition): Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 134-35.

Hara, Tasuku, tr. (1965/jap). カント全集. 第8卷 / Kanto zenshū. Dai8kan. Tōkyō: Risōsha. [598 (41) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. See →[カント全集 / Kant Complete Works]

Sakata, Tokuo, tr. (1965jap). “判断力批判.” [Kashiyama/Sakata/Toki 1965, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1966/fre). L'élucidation critique du jugement de goût selon Kant. Edited by Elisabeth Schwartz and Jules Vuillemin. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. [295 p.] [WC]

Translation into French of the part one of the Critique of the Power of Judgment.


Larroyo, Francisco, tr. (1973/spa). “Crítica del juicio.” [Larroyo 1973, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Torres Filho, Rubens Rodriques, tr. (1974/por). “Critica do Juizo.” (selections) [Chauí 1974, ??-??] [Hamm 2020/Terra 2022]

Translation into Portuguese (selections).


Popovic, Nikola, tr. (1975/ser). Kritika moci sudenja. Preveo Nikola Popovic, pogovor Milan Damjanovic. Beograd: Beogradsko izdavacko-graficki zavod. [384 p.] [WC]

Translation into Serbian; includes a translation of the “First Introduction.”

Špalek, Vladimír, and Walter Hansel, trs. (1975/cze). Kritika soudnosti. Introduction by Milan Sobotka. Prague: Odeon. [271 p.] [WC]

Translation into Czech. 2nd edition (expanded): 2015.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1977/spa). Crítica del juicio. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe. [406 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 1st edition: 1914; see also 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015.

Villegas, Jaime Antonio, tr. (1977/spa). El juicio estetico en Kant. México: Universidade Nacional Autonoma de México. [156 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. [Uncertain of this text.]


Rondas, Jean-Pierre, and Jacques de Visscher, trs. (1978/dut). Over schoonheid: ontledingsleer van het schone. Meppel: Boom. [106 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch of part one of the KU. 2nd edition: 1987. 3rd edition: 2002.


Torbov, TSeko, tr. (1980/bul). Kritika na sposobnostta za suzhdenie. Sofia: Izd-vo pri Bulgarskata Akademiia na naukite. [429 p.] [WC]

Translation into Bulgarian.
Review: J. Slawov, Kant-Studien 73.2 (1982): 255-57.

Torres Filho, R. R., tr. (1980/por). “Critica do Juizo.” [Chauí 1980, 209-69] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese of selections: Analytic of Beauty, §§1-22 (pp. 209-40); Art and Genius, §§43-54 (pp. 241-69). Epifânio attributes the translation to T. M. Bernkopf.


Noica, Constantin, Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, and Alexandru Surdu, trs. (1981/rom). Critica facultatii de judecare. Notes, bibliography, and indices by Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica. [571 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian, including translation of the “First Introduction.” See also the 1995 edition: Bucureşti, Editura Trei, 367 p.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1983/fre). Analytique du beau. Introduction et commentaire par Ole Hansen-Love ; trad. de Jules Barni, revue par Ole Hansen-Love. Paris: Hatier. [95 p.] [WC]

Translation into French; see 1846.

Oyarzún Robles, Pablo, tr. (1983/spa). “Crítica de la facultad de juzgar estética” and “Del sentimiento de placer y displacer.” [Oyarzún Robles 1983, pages?] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Delamarre, Alexandre J.-L., and Jean-Marie Ladmiral, trs. (1985/fre). “Critique de la faculté de juger.” [Delamarre/Ladmiral 1985, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Pluhar, Werner, tr. (1987/eng). Critique of Judgment. Foreward by Mary J. Gregor. Indianapolis: Hackett Publ. [cix, 576 p.] [M]

Translation into English, including translation of the “First Introduction.”


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (1990/spa). Crítica del juicio. Prólogo: Jorge Luis Villate Díaz. La Habana Editorial de Ciencias Sociales. [312 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 1st edition: 1914.

Marques, António, and Valério Rohden, trs. (1990/por). Crítica da faculdade do juízo. Introd. de António Marques. Trad. e notas de António Marques e Valério Rohden. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. [473 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 1992, 1993, 1995, 2008, 2012.


Oyarzún Robles, Pablo, tr. (1992/spa). Crítica de la facultad de juzgar. Traducción, introducción, notas e índices Pablo Oyarzún. Venezuela: Monte Avila Eds. [487 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Marques, António, and Valério Rohden, trs. (1993/por). Crítica da faculdade do juízo. Introd. de António Marques. Trad. e notas de António Marques e Valério Rohden. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense Universitária. [381 p.] [Hamm 2020/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. 1st edition printed in Brazil; previously translated in Lisbon (1990).


Amoroso, Leonardo, tr. (1995/ita). Critica della capacità di giudizio. Two vols. Milan: Rizzoli. [897 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Hammer, Espen, tr. (1995/nor). Kritikk av dømmekraften. Oslo: Pax. [238 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian of a selection from the KU.

Noica, Constantin, tr. (1995/rom). Critica facultatii de judecare. Bucureşti: Editura Trei. [368 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Renaut, Alain, tr. (1995/fre). Critique de la faculté de juger. Paris: Flammarion. [540 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Terra, Ricardo Ribeiro, tr. (2013/por). “??.” [Terra 1995, ??] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese of the Introduction.


Meitani, Paraskevi, tr. (1996/gre). E prote eisagoge sten Kritike tes kritikes dýnames. Athens: Polis. [202 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Gargiulo, Alfredo, tr. (1997/ita). Critica del Giudizio. Trad. di Alfredo Gargiulo, riv. da Valerio Verra, introd. di Paolo D’Angelo. Bari: Laterza. [lxiv, 768 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; see 1907 edition.
Review: Silvestro Marcucci, Studi Kantiana 11 (1998): 151-54.


Garroni, Emilio, and Hansmichael Hohenegger, trs. and eds. (1999/ita). Critica della facoltà di giudizio. Torino: Einaudi. [lxxxv, 317 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. Later edition: 2011.


Guyer, Paul, tr. and ed. (2000/eng). Critique of the Power of Judgment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [lii, 423 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.
Review: Hannah Ginsborg, The Philosophical Review 111.3 (2002): 429-35.

Tasakos, Chares, tr. (2000/gre). Kritike tes kritikes hikanotetas. Athens: Printa. [312 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Andrulidakes, Kostas, tr. (2002/gre). Kritike tes kritikes dynames. Athens: Ideogramma. [478 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Salvador Mas, trs. and eds. (2003/spa). Crítica del discernimiento Madrid: A. Machado Libros. [536 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, Kant-Studien 100.1 (2009): 119-22.

Wallenstein, Sven-Olov, tr. (2003/swe). Kritik av omdömeskraften. Stockholm: Thales. [413 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


Jaques Pi, Jèssica, tr. (2004/cat). Crítica de la facultat de jutjar. Traducció i edició a cura de Jèssica Jaques Pi. Barcelona: Edicions 62. [590 p.] [Clusa/WC]

Translation into Catalan.

Marassi, Massimo, tr. (2004/ita). Critica del giudizio. Introduzione, traduzione, note e apparati di Massimo Marassi. Milan: Bompiani. [xxi, 838 p.] [M]

Translation into Italian, with facing German.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “Critique of Judgment, §83-§84.” [Kleingeld 2006, 37-43] [M]

Translation into English.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2007/rom). Critica facultatii de judecare: prima introducere la Critica facultatii de judecare. Traducere, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, bibliografie selectiva, index de concepte germano-român, index de concepte de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Editura BIC ALL. [552 p.] [M]

Translation into Romanian, including translation of the “First Introduction.” See →[Kant, Opere].
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 133-39.

García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2007/spa). Crítica del juicio. Ed. de Juan José García Norro y Rogelio Rovira. Trad. de Manuel García Morente. Madrid: Tecnos. [461 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1914.


Guedes, Daniela Botelho B., tr. (2009/por). Crítica da faculdade de julgar. São Paulo: Ícone. [336 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.

Veenbaas, Jabik, and Willem Visser, tr. (2009/dut). Kritiek van het oordeelsvermogen. Amsterdam: Boom. [480 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.
Review: Bart Raymaekers, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 335-37.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Crítica del juicio.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 299-604(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Gargiulo, Alfredo, tr. (2011/ita). Critica del giudizio. Introduction by Paolo D’Angelo. Roma: Laterza. [765 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. 1st edition (1907).

Khodoss, Florence, tr. and ed. (2011/fre). Le jugement esthétique. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [122 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Li, Qiuling, tr. (2011/chi). 判斷力批判 / Pan duan li pi pan. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue. [301 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2011/spa). Crítica del juicio. Edited by Juan José García Norro and Rogelio Rovira. Madrid: Tecnos. [461 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; see 1977 edition.

Sgarbi, Marco, tr. (2011/spa). Crítica del juicio. Madrid: Maia Ediciones. [202 p.] [Rev]

Translation into Spanish; see 1977 edition.
Review: Santiago Esteban Peppino, Kant e-Prints 7.2 (2012): 70-80. [online].


Aramayo, Roberto R., and Salvador Mas, trs. (2012/spa). Critica del discernimiento. Madrid: Alianza. [784 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Barni, Jules, tr. (2012/fre). Analytique du beau: texte intégral. Analysis by Ole Hansen-Løve. Paris: Hatier. [127 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2013/eng). Crítica del juicio. Barcelona: Espasa. [462 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; see 1977 edition.

Popović, Nikola, tr. (2013/ser). Kritika moći suđenja. Podgorica: Oktoih. [299 p.] [WC]

Translation into Serbian.

Valagussa, Francesco, tr. (2013/ita). Critica del giudizio. Brescia: La Scuola. [155 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. (2014/spa). “Crítica del juicio.” [Aramayo 2014b, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (2014/pol). Krytyka wladzy sadzenia. Edited by Marta Agata Chojnacka, Milena Marciniak, and Kinga Kaskiewicz. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. [403 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish. Vol. 4 of [Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta / Collected Works of Immanuel Kant], 6 vols.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2015/spa). “Crítica del Juicio.” [García Morente 2015, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; see 1977 edition.

Kumano, Sumihiko, tr. (2015/jap). 判断力批判 / Handanryoku hihan. Tokyo: Sakuhinsha. [590 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Marassi, Massimo, tr. (2015/ita). Critica del giudizio, con l’aggiunta della “Prima introduzione alla critica del giudizio”. 2nd ed. Milan: Bompiani. [xxvii, 1024 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian, with German original, including translation of the “First Introduction.”

Son, Bui Van Nam, tr. (2015/vie). Phê phán năm lúc phân đoạn: Mỹ học và mục đích luận. Ho Chi Minh City: NXB Tri Thuc. [583 p.] [WC]

Translation into Vietnamese.

Špalek, Vladimír, and Walter Hansel, trs. (2015/cze). Kritika Soudnosti. Praha: Oikoymenh. [343 p.] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Costa Mattos, Fernando, tr. (2016/por). Crítica da faculdade de julgar. Petrópolis: Vozes. [390 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Lee, Seok-yoon, tr. (2017/kor). 판단력비판: 부록: 판단력비판 제1서론. Seoul: Bagyeongsa. [509 p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.


Pitkänen, Risto, tr. (2018/fin). Arvostelukyvyn kritikikki. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. [599 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.

[top]  Fanaticism (1790) [text]


Zweig, Arnulf, tr. and ed. (1999/eng). “On the Propensity to Fanaticism and the Means to Oppose it.” [Zweig 1999, 337-39] [M]

Translation into English. Zweig treats this as one of Kant’s letters (To Ludwig Ernst Borowski, March 6, 1790), and thus without a title. It was an essay solicited by Borowski and then published in his Cagliostro, einer der merkwürdigsten Abentheurer unsres Jahrhunderts. Seine Geschichte, nebst Raisonnement über ihn und den schwärmerischen Unfug unsrer Zeit überhaupt (Königsberg: Gottlieb Lebrecht Hartung, 1790), pp. 160-62.


??, tr. (2007/fre). “Du penchant à l'exaltation et de ses remèdes.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Oliveira, André Renato de, and Luís Gustavo das Mercês Muniz, trs. (2015/por). “Apresentação da carta de Kant à Borowski.” Kant e-Prints 10.3: 1-8. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese of Kant’s letter to Borowski, from between 6-22 March 1790 (AA 11: 141-43).

[top]  On a Discovery (1790) [text]


Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. (1865/fre). “Sur une découverte d’apres laquelle toute nouvelle critique de la raison pure doit etre rendue inutile par une plus ancienne.” [Tissot 1865, 209-310] [M]

Translation into French.


Castaño Piñán, José, tr. (1955/spa). Por qué no es inútil una nueva crítica de la razón pura: Respuesta a Eberhard. Buenos Aires / Madrid: Aguilar. [121 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1960, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1975, 1981, 1984, 1985.
Review of the 7th edition (1981): Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 74.4 (1983): 508.


Kempf, Roger, tr. and ed. (1959/fre). Réponse à Eberhard. Introduction and notes by Kempf. Paris: J. Vrin. [124 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Allison, Henry (1973/eng). The Kant-Eberhard Controversy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [xii, 186 p.] [M]

Translation into English of On a Discovery (1790), as well as three appendices of translated materials: (A) Kant’s letters to Reinhold (12 and 19 May 1789), (B) selections from Johann Schultz’s review of Eberhard’s Philosophisches Magazin, and (C) a collection of Eberhard’s comparisons of Leibniz and Kant. [Allison confuses the Königsberg mathematician Johann Schultz [bio] with the Jena philosopher and journal editor Christian Gottfried Schütz [bio]], referring to both as “J. G. Schulze.”]


Pugliesi, Marcílio, and Edson Bini, trs. (1975/por). Da Utilidade de uma nova Crítica da Razao Pura (Resposta a Eberhard). Trad. e notas de Márcio Pugliesi e Edson Bini. São Paulo: Hemus. [117 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Castaño Piñán, Alfonso[?], tr. (1984/spa). Nueva crítica de la razón pura. Madrid: SARPE. [139 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1955.


La Rocca, Claudio, tr. (1994/ita). “Su una scoperta secondo la quale ogni nuova critica della ragion pur sarebbe resa superflua da una più antica.” [La Rocca 1994, 57-138] [WC]

Translation into Italian.
Review: Manfred Gawlina, Kant-Studien 89 (1998): 253-54.


Benoist, Jocelyn, tr. (1999/fre). Réponse à Eberhard . Paris: J. Vrin. [173 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Caimi, Mario, tr. (2002/spa). La polémica sobre la crítica de la razón pura: respuesta a Eberhard. Introducción de Claudio La Rocca, Edición, traducción del alemán y notas por Mario Caimi. Madrid: editorial Mínimo tránsito/Antonio Machado. [203 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, Kant-Studien 97.1 (2006): 127-28.


Banaszkiewicz, Artur, and Slawomir Stasikowski, edited by Banaszkiewicz (2010/pol). Spór z Eberhardem. Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Slowo/Obraz Terytoria. [372 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Tasakos, Haris, tr. and ed. (2017/gre). E diénexe me ton Eberhard: Peri mia anakálypses sýmphona me ten opoía káthe néa kritike tu katharú lógu tha kathistatai peritte lógo mia palaióteres. Athens: Printa. [126 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

[top]  Illegitimate Edition (1790) [text]

[top]  Schultz Review (1790) [text]

[top]  Theodicy (1791) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “De vanitate omnium tentaminum philosophicorum in theodicea.” [Born 1796-98, iv.289-307] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “On the Failure of All the Philosophical Essays in the Theodicee.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.189-215] [M]

Translation into English.


Richardson, John, tr. (1836/eng). “The Theodicy.” [Richardson 1836, 133-44] [Micheli 1997, 94]

Translation into English.


Festugière, Paul, tr. (1931/fre). “Sur l'insuccès de tous les essais de Théodicée.” [Festugière 1931, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Krońska, Irena, tr. (1966/pol). “O niepowodzeniu wszelkich prob filozoficznych w przedmiocie teodycei.” [Kroński 1966, 194-214] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


Despland, Michel, tr. (1973/eng) Kant on History and Religion, with a translation of Kant’s “On the failure of all attempted philosophical theodicies”. Montreal/London: McGill-Queen’s University Press. [355 p.] [M]

Translation into English. The translation is found on pp. 283-97.
Review: Rudolph Malter, Kant-Studien 67.2 (1976): 243.


??, tr. (1989/ita). “Sull'insuccesso di ogni saggio filosofico di teodicea.” [Riconda 1989, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Sull’insuccesso di ogni tentativo filosofico in teodicea.” [Desideri 1990, 23-38] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Mayos Solsona, Gonçal, tr. (1991/cat). “Sobre el fracàs de tots els intents filosòfics en la teodicea.” [Mayos Solsona 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Rovira, Rogelio, tr. (1992/spa). Sobre el fracaso de todo ensayo filosófico en la Teodicea.  Madrid Fac. de Filosofía de la Univ. Complutense. [30 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2011 bilingual edition.


di Giovanni, George, tr. (1996/eng). “On the Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1996, 24-37] [M]

Translation into English.


di Giovanni, George, tr. (1998/eng). “On the Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1998, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Grandjean, Antoine, tr. (2009/fre). Sur l’échec de tout essai philosophique en matière de théodicée. Traduit, préfacé, établi et annoté par Antoine Grandjean. Nantes: Éditions Cécile Defaut. [112 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.
Review: Jakub Sirovátka, Kant-Studien 105.2 (2014): 296-97.


Klein, Joel Thiago, tr. (year/por). “Sobre o fracasso de toda tentativa filosófica na teodiceia: comentário, tradução e notas.” Studia Kantiana 13.19: 153-76. [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.

Rovira, Rogelio, tr. (2011/spa). Sobre el fracaso de todo ensayo filosófico en la Teodicea.  Bilingual edition. Madrid: Encuentro. [59 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 1st edition: 1992.

[top]  Fichte (1792) [text]

[top]  Religion (1793) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Religio intra terminos solius rationis.” [Born 1796-98, ii.347-555] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Limkilde, tr. (1798/dan). Theorie af den reenmoralske Religion med Hensyn til den reene Christendom kort fremstillet. Kjøbenhavn: Paa L. Reistrups forlag. [110 p.] [WC]

Translation into Danish.

Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “The Religion Within the Sphere of Naked Reason.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.367-422] [M]

Translation into English of a selection of Kant’s Religion.


Semple, J[ohn] W[illiam], tr. (1838/eng). Religion within the Boundary of Pure Reason. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark. [x, 275 p.] [M]

Translation into English.


Trullard, Jacques, tr. (1841/fre). La religion dans les limités de la raison. Avec une lettre adressée au traducteur par M.E. Quinet. Paris: Ladrange. [xxvii, 392 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Lortet, [Pierre], tr. (1842/fre). Théorie de Kant / sur / la religion / dans les limités / de la raison. Introduction by Francisque Bouillier. Paris: Joubert, Lyon: Ch. Savy [xlii, 106 p.] [M] [BSB-online]

Abridged translation into French.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. (1873/eng). “On the Indwelling of the Bad Principle along with the Good; or, On the Radical Evil in Human Nature.” [Abbott 1873, 212-60] [M]

Translation into English of Part One of the Religion; 2nd edition (1879, 382-430).


Abe, Yoshishige, tr. (1932/jap). 宗教哲學 / Zong jiao zhe xue. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten,. [439 (41) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 5 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works] (This has the same page count as the next entry...)

Anbei, Nengcheng, tr. (1932/jap). 宗教哲學 / Zong jiao zhe xue. Dong jing shi: Yan bo shu dian. [439 (41) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Greene, Theodore M., and Hoyt H. Hudson, trs. (1934/eng). Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone. Chicago/London: Open Court Publishing [lxxxv, 200 p.] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: F. E. England, Philosophy 10.37 (1935): 100-2; D. W. Prall, Isis 24.1 (1935): 143-45.


Poggi, Alfredo, tr. (1941/ita). La religione entro i limiti della sola ragione. Modena: Guanda. [492 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; listed as the first translation from the German.
Review (of the 1980 edition): F. Gentile, Bolletino Filosofico (Padova) 14 (1980): 66-67; G. B. Sala, Theologie und Philosophie (Freiburg) 56 (1981): 128-29.


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1943/fre). La Religion dans les limites de la simple raison. Paris: J. Vrin. [267 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. See 1983 edition.
Review (of the 1968 4th edition): Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 135.

Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1951/jap). 宗教哲学 / Shukyo tetsugaku. Tokyo: Sogensha. [378 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Ozarowski, Jan, tr. (1960/pol). “Religia w granicach samego rozumu. O modlitwie.” Filozofowie o religii Warszawa—Krakow 1960, pp. 99—135. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of selections.


Martínez Marzoa, Felipe, tr. (1969/spa). La Religión dentro de los límites de la mera Razón. Traducción, prólogo y notas de Felipe Martínez Marzoa. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [260 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1995, 2001.


Chiodi, Pietro, tr. (1970/ita). “Religione nei limiti della semplice ragione.” [Chiodi 1979, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Quintana Cabanas, José María, tr. (1972/spa). “La Religión dentro de los Límites de la Sola Razón.” [Quintana 1972, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish.


Bernkopf, Tânia Maria, tr. (1980/por). “A religião dentro dos limites da simples razão.” [Chauí 1980, 271-95] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese of a selection.


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1983/fre). La Religion dans les limites de la simple raison. Revue, introduite, annotée et indexee par M.Naar. Paris: J. Vrin. [228 p.] [WC]

Translation into French; see 1943 edition.
Review: Jean Ferrari, Kant-Studien 77.2 (1986): 267-69.


??, tr. (1989/ita). “La religione nei limiti della semplice ragione.” [Riconda 1989, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Pherentinos, Stathes, tr. (1990/gre). He threskeia. Athens: Gkobostes. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Buţureanu, C. V. and Constantin Radulescu-Motru, trs. (1992/rom). “Religia în limitele raţiunii.” [Buţureanu 1992, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Morão, Artur, tr. (1992/por). A religião nos limites da simples razão. Lisboa: Edições 70. [210 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 2008.


Bobko, Aleksander, tr. (1993/pol). Religia w obrgbie samego rozumu. Kraków. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Cicero, Vincezo, tr., Massimo Roncoroni, ed. (1996/ita). La religione entro i limiti della semplice ragione. Milan: Rusconi libri. [478 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.
Review: Werner Euler, Kant-Studien 92 (2001): 383.

di Giovanni, George, tr. (1996/eng). “Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1996, 57-215] [M]

Translation into English. See also: 2018.
Review: James DiCenso, Con-Textos Kantianos 18 (2023): 135-146 [online]


di Giovanni, George, tr. (1998/eng). “Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1998, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Naar, Monique, tr. (2000/fre). La Religion dans les limites de la simple raison. Traduction, introduite, annotée et indexee par M.Naar. Paris: J. Vrin. [228 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Schweyer, Marc, tr. (2000/fre). La Religion dans les limites de la simple raison. Quatrième partie. Trad. orig. de Marc Schweyer, analyse Michaël Foessel. Paris: Hatier. [157 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Gain, Frédéric, tr. (2001/fre). Sur le mal radical dans la nature humaine = Uber das radicale Böse in der menschlichen Natur. Paris: Edition Rue d’Ulm. [175 p.] [WC]

Translation into French, with facing German text, of the 1792 text published by Kant and that become the first part of the Religion.


Ahlberg, Alf, tr. (2004/swe). Religionen inom det blotta förnuftets gränser. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur. [178 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.

Lehtinen, Markku, tr.[??] (2004/fin). Radikaali paha. Helsinki: Loki-kirjat. [295 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.

Pârvu, Radu Gabriel, tr. (2004/rom). Religia în limitele raţiunii pure. Bucureşti: Humanitas. [291 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Skar, Øystein, tr. (2004/nor). Religionen innenfor fornuftens grenser. Introduction by Trond Berg Eriksen. Oslo: Humanist Forl. [221 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.

Van Eekert, Geert, tr. (2004/dut). De religie binnen de grenzen van de rede. Amsterdam: Boom. [295 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Andrulidakēs, Kōstas, tr. (2007/gre). Ē thrēskeía entós tōn oríōn tou Lógou kai móno. Athens: Polis. [503 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2008/rom). Religia doar în limitele raţiunii. Traducere, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, bibliografie selectiva, index de concepte germano-român, index de concepte de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Editura BIC ALL. [359 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian. See →[Kant, Opere].
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 133-39.


Moranza, Ciro, tr. (2008/por). A religião nos limites da simples razão. São Paulo: Escala. [190 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Pluhar, Werner, tr. (2009/eng). Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason. Introduction by Stephen R. Palmquist. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. [xlix, 289 p.] [M]

Translation into English. Glossary (pp. 223-31).
Review: Anthony N. Perovich, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (January 2010, #24). [online].


Van Eekert, Geert, tr. (2010/dut). De religie binnen de grenzen van de rede. Amsterdam: Boom. [265 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch; see 2004 edition.


Baek, Jong Hyun, tr. (2011/kor). 이성의 한계 안에서의 종교. Seoul: Acanet. [522 p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

Skar, Øystein, tr. (2011/nor). Religionen innenfor fornuftens grenser. Introduction by Trond Berg Eriksen. Oslo: Humanist. [221 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.

Włoch, Wojciech, ed., Aleksander Bobko, Włodzimierz Galewicz and Mirosław Żelazny, trs. (2011/pol). “Religia w obrębie samego rozumu.” [Włoch 2011, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Li, Qiuling, tr. (2012/chi). 纯然理性界限内的宗教(注释本)/ Chun ran li xing jie xian nei de zong jiao (zhu shi ben). Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she. [189 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

Miladinov, Kiril, tr. (2012/cro). Religija unutar granica pukog uma. Zagreb: Naklada Breza. [186 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian.

al-Muskini, Fathi, tr. (2012/ara). حدود مجرد الʻقل. Beirut. [p.] [WC]

Translation into Arabic.

Sokolov, N. M., tr. (2012/rus). Kritika v predelach tolʹko razuma. Moscow: Knižnyj dom "LIBROKOM". [304 p.] [WC]

Translation into Russian.


Šprunk, Karel, tr. (2013/cze). Nábozenství v hranicích pouhého rozumu. Introduction and commentary by Stanislav Sousedík. Prague: Vysehrad. [285 p.] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Celada Ballanti, Roberto, tr. (2014/ita). Il male radicale. Milan: Garzanti. [277 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of the first part of the Religion


Gallois, Laurent, tr. (2015/fre). La Religion dans les Limites de la Simple Raison. Paris: Classiques Garnier. [302 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Paek, Chong-hyŏn, tr. (2015/kor). 이성의 한계 안에서의 종교. Kyŏnggido, P'aju-si: Ak'anet. [522 p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

Renaut, Alain, tr. (2016/fre). La religion dans les limites de la seule raison. Paris: PUF. [344 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


di Giovanni, George, and Robert Merrihew Adams trs. (2018/eng). “Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason.” [Wood/di Giovanni/Adams 2018, 37-230[?]] [WC]

Translation into English (revisions by Adams of di Giovanni 1996).
Review: James DiCenso, Con-Textos Kantianos 18 (2023): 135-146 [online]

(no date)

Papadimitropoulos, Georgios D., tr. (??/gre). E threskeía: téssereis melétes. Athens: Anagnostídes. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

[top]  Bookdealers (1793) [text]

[top]  What Real Progress has Metaphysics Made in Germany (1793) [text]


Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. (1865/fre). “Sur la question proposée par l’académie des sciences de Berlin pour l’année 1794: Quels sont les progrès réels de la métaphysique en Allemagne depuis Leibniz et Wolf.” [Tissot 1865, 311-429] [M]

Translation into French.


Abe, Nosunari, and Kaneko Hiroshi, trs. (1938/jap). “形而上学はライプニッツ・ウォルフの時代以後, ドイツに於て真に如何なる進步を為したるか.” [Kiba 1938, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Anchor, Robert E., tr. (1963/eng). “title.” [Beck 1963, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1968/fre). Les progrès de la métaphysique en Allemagne depuis le temps de Leibniz et de Wolf. Paris: J. Vrin. [143 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Manganaro, Paolo, tr. (1977/ita). I progressi della metafisica. Napoli: Bibliopolis. [176 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. and ed. (1983/eng). What Real Progress has Metaphysics Made in Germany since the Time of Leibniz and Wolff? New York: Abaris Books. [206 p.] [M]

Translation into English, with a reproduction of the German text of the Academy edition on facing pages.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1985/por). Os progresos da metafisica (na Alemanha desde Leibniz e Wolff). Lisboa, Edições 70. [143 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese. 2nd edition: 1995.
Review: Irene Borges Duarte, Kant-Studien 85.1 (1994): 122-23.


Duque, Félix, tr. (1987/spa). Sobre el tema del concurso para el año de 1791 propuesto por la Academia Real de Ciencias de Berlín ¿cuáles son los efectivos progresos que la metafísica ha hecho en Alemania desde los tiempos de Leibniz y Wolff? Madrid: Tecnos. [193 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2nd ed: 2011.


Caimi, Mario, tr. and ed. (1989/spa). Los progresos de la Metafísica desde la época de Leibniz y de Wolff. Traducción del alemán y notas por M. Caimi. Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires. [168 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish. Bilingual edition in 2008.


Heath, Peter, tr. (2002/eng). “What real progress has metaphysics made in Germany since the time of Leibniz and Wolff?” [Allison/Heath 2002, 351-424] [M]

Translation into English.


Caimi, Mario, tr. and ed. (2008/spa). Los progresos de la metafísica. Edición bilingüe. Traducción, estudio preliminar, notas e índices Mario Caimi; tabla de correspondencias de traducción de términos Dulce María Granja y Óscar Palancares. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. [clxxxvi, 115 (90) p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish; bilingual edition. See also 1989.
See →Biblioteca Immanuel Kant.


Duque, Félix, tr. (2011/spa). Sobre el tema del concurso para el año de 1791 propuesto por la Academia Real de Ciencias de Berlín ¿cuáles son los efectivos progresos que la metafísica ha hecho en Alemania desde los tiempos de Leibniz y Wolff? 2nd ed. Madrid: Tecnos. [ccxxx, 193 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 1st ed.: 1987.


Grandjean, Antoine, tr. (2013/fre). Les progrès de la métaphysique. Traduction, présentation, notes, chronologie et bibliographie par Antoine Grandjean. Paris: Flammarion. [274 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

[top]  Theory and Practice (1793) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “De loco communi: istud quidem in theoria verum fuerit, illius autem nullus usus est in praxi.” [Born 1796-98, iv.1-46] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “On the Popular Judgment: That May be Right in Theory, But Does Not Hold Good in Praxis.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.159-223] [M]

Translation into English.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1840/fre). “Sur le dicton que ce qui est juste en théorie ne convient pas toujours dans la pratique.” (selection) [Tissot 1840, 365-73] [M]

Translation into French.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “De ces proverbe: cela peut être bon en théorie, mais ne vaut rien en pratique.” [Barni 1853, 339-80] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Hastie, W[illiam], tr. (1891/eng). “The Relation of Theory to Practice in the Right of the State” and “The Relation of Theory to Practice in International Law.” [Hastie 1891, 31-62, 63-76] [M]

Translation into English of parts two and three of this essay.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1948/jap). “理論と実践.” [Shinoda 1950, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Acerca del Refrán: «lo que es cierto en teoría, para nada sirve en la práctica».” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1967/fre). “Il se peut que ce soit juste en théorie, mais en pratique cela ne vaut rien.” [Guillermit 1967, pages??] [PW]

Translation into French.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “Sobre a expressão corrente: Isto pode ser correcto na teoria, mas nada vale na prática.” [Morão 1980, 57-102] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. (1983/eng). “On the Proverb: That May be True in Theory, But Is of No Practical Use.” [Humphrey 1983, 61-92] [M]

Translation into English.


Correas, Carlos, tr. (1984/spa). Teoría y praxis. Trad. y notas de Carlos Correas. Buenos Aires: Leviatán. [96 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Pérez López, Francisco, and Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, trs. (1986/spa). “Tal vez eso sea correcto en teoría, pero no sirve para la práctica.” [Aramayo 1986, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Revised translation in Aramayo (2013).


Delfgaauw, Bernard, tr. (1987/dut). Over de gemeenplaats: dat kan in theorie wel juist zijn, maar deugt niet voor de praktijk. Kampen: Kok Agora. [90 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.
Review: Pauline Kleingeld, Kant-Studien 84.2 (1993): 235-37.

Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). “Tal vez sea eso correcto en teoría, pero no sirve para la práctica.” [Aramayo 1987, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “On the Common Saying: ‘This May be True in Theory, but it does not Apply in Practice’.” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 61-92] [M]

Translation into English.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1995/pol). “O porzekadle: to może być słuszne w teorii, ale nic nie jest warte w praktyce.” [Klemme 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “On the Common Saying: ‘That may be correct in theory, but it is of no use in practice’.” [Gregor 1996, 279-309] [M]

Translation into English.


Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “De la relació entre teoria i praxi en el dret polític (contra Hobbes)” and “De la relació entre teoria i praxi en el dret de gents, considerada amb intenció filantròpica universal és a dir, cosmopolita (Contra Moses Mendelssohn)“ [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan of parts one and two of this essay.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2004/spa). “Teoría y práctica. En torno al tópico: «Eso vale para la teoría, pero no sirve para la práctica».” [Aramayo 2004, 127-66??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish (page numbers correspond with the 2nd edition (2013).


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “En torno al tópico: ‘Tal vez eso sea correcto en teoría, pero no sirve para la práctica’.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “On the Common Saying: This May Be True in Theory, but It Does Not Hold in Practice, Parts 2 and 3.” [Kleingeld 2006, 44-66] [M]

Translation into English.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “En torno al tópico ‘Eso vale para la teoría pero no sirve de nada en la práctica’.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 605-48(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Seok, Oh Jin, tr. (2011/kor). 속설에 대하여: 그것은 이론에서는 옳을지 모르지만, 실천에 대해서는 쓸모없다는. Seoul. [127 p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “Sul detto comune: questo può essere giusto in teoria, ma non vale per la pratica.” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 91-124] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Igartua, Esteban Antxustegi, and Josu Zabaleta Imaz, trs. (2012/bas). “‘Baliteke hori teorian zuzena izatea, baina praktikan ez du ezertarako balio’: Leloari buruz.” [Igartua/Imaz 2012, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Basque.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Manuel Francisco Pérez López, trs. (2013/spa). “Teoría y práctica. En torno al tópico: «Eso vale para la teoría pero no sirve de nada en la práctica»” [Aramayo 2013, 193-260] [M]

2nd edition. Translation into Spanish. Revision by Aramayo of a translation first published with Pérez López) in 1986 (see).

Mertens, Thomas, tr. (2013/dut). Over de gemeenplaats: dat kan in theorie wel juist zijn, maar deugt niet voor de praktijk. Amsterdam: Boom. [121 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.

??, tr. (2013/cze). “O obecném rčení: Je-li něco správné v teorii, nemusí se to ještě hodit pro praxi.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 66-102??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz, and Juan Miguel Palacios, trs. (2014/spa). “En torno al tópico: ‘Eso vale para la teoría pero no sirve de nada en la práctica’.” [Aramayo 2014a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Influence of the Moon (1794) [text]


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “Something on the Influence of the Moon on the Temperature of the Air.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.79-92] [M] [online]

Translation into English.


Palmquist, Stephen, tr. and ed. (1994/eng). “Something on the Influence of the Moon on the Weather Condition.” [Palmquist 1994, 46-52] [M]

Translation into English; revision of Richardson [1798].


Inutake, Masayuki, tr. (2000/jap). “title.” [Inutake 2000, ??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “Something Concerning the Influence of the Moon on the Weather.” [Watkins 2012, 427-33] [M]

Translation into English.


Welin, Gunnar, tr. (2015/swe). “Något om månens inverkan på väderleken.” [Welin 2015, 121-32??] [WC]

Translation into Swedish.


De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. (2016/ita). “Qualcosa sull'influsso della Luna sul clima.” [De Bianchi 2016, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  End of All Things (1794) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Finis omnium rerum.” [Born 1796-98, iv.381-96] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “The End of All Things.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.423-44] [M]

Translation into English.


Tanaka, Keitaro, tr. (1926/jap). “万物の終局.” [Kimura 1926, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Festugière, Paul, tr. (1931/fre). “La fin de toutes choses.” [Festugière 1931, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Imaz, Eugenio, tr. (1941/spa). “El fin de todas las cosas.” [Imaz 1941, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


De Lorenzo, Giuseppe, tr. (1944/ita). Lo scritto di Kant Su la fine di tutte le cose. Napoli: Genovese. [15 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. (1948/jap). “万物の終末.” [Toyokawa 1948, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1948/jap). “万物の終り.” [Shinoda 1950, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Anchor, Robert E., tr. (1963/eng). “title.” [Beck 1963, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Fernandes, Floriano de Sousa, tr. (1974/por). “O fim de todas as coisas.” [Vier/Fernandes 1974, 154-81] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “O fim de todas as coisas.” [Morão 1980, 103-18] [Borges Duarte 1993]

Translation into Portuguese.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. (1983/eng). “The End of All Things.” [Humphrey 1983, 93-105] [M]

Translation into English.


Żelazny, Miroslaw, tr. (1987/pol). “Koniec wszystkich rzeczy.” Pismo literacko-artystyczne 6.61: 54-66. [Mainz 1987]

Translation into Polish.


Delfgaauw, Bernard, tr. (1988/dut). “Het einde van alle dingen.” [Delfgaauw 1988,95-120] [WC/Mainz]

Translation into Dutch.


??, tr. (1989/ita). “La fine di tutte le cose.” [Riconda 1989, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “La fine di tutte le cose.” [Desideri 1990, 39-51] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1992/pol). “Koniec wszystkich rzeczy.” [Żelazny 1992, pages??] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Badoual, Guillaume, and Lambert Barthélémy, trs. (1996/fre). La fin de toutes choses. Arles: Actes Sud (Montreal: Leméac), 1996. [69 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Wood, Allen W., tr. (1996/eng). “The End of All Things.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1996, 221-31] [M]

Translation into English.


Wood, Allen W., tr. (1998/eng). “The End of All Things.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1998, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “La fi de totes les coses” [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Tetamo, Elisa, tr. (2006/ita). La fine di tutte le cose. A cura di Andrea Tagliapietra, traduzione di Elisa Tetamo. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. [125 p.] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Italian.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “El fin de todas las cosas.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 649-62(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Zick, Martin (2011/rom). “Sfârsitul tuturor lucrurilor.” [Zick 2011, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Romanian.


??, tr. (2013/cze). “Konec všech věcí.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 155-68??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. (2014/spa). “El fin de todas las cosas.” [Aramayo 2014b, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2015/spa). “El fin de Todas las Cosas.” [García Morente 2015, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Perpetual Peace (1795) [text]


Perpetual Peace

Paix Perpétuelle 1796

Huber, L. F. (1796/fre). “Projet de Paix perpétuelle, par Kant.” Gazette nationale, ou Le Moniteur universel, No. 103 (3 January 1796), pp. 410-11. [M]

This is a summary, rather than a translation, but the early date merits its listing here. [Many thanks to Prof. Iris Plack for bringing this to my attention, as well as to its mention in Azouvi/Bourel [1991, 71]. The Gazette nationale is available digitally courtesy of the Münchener Digitalisierungs Zentrum Digitale Bibliothek (MDZ)]

Kant’s former student Johann Gottfried Carl Christian Kiesewetter briefly reported on these two French translations to Kant (25 Nov 1798):

“ich habe neuerdings Nachrichten aus Frankreich über diesen Gegenstand erhalten die ich Ihnen mittheilen will. Ihre Schrift, zum ewigen Friede, erregte [266] wegen des Gegenstandes durch die in Königsberg veranstaltete Übersetzung Aufsehen in Paris, allein man fand die Übersetzung hart, und sie wollte dem eklen Pariser nicht gefallen, nur da erst als ein Pariser Gelehrter, dessen Name mir entfallen ist, in einer Zeitschrift den Inhalt nach französischer Manier aufstellte, woraus nachher im Moniteur Auszüge geliefert wurden, war jedermann enthusiastisch eingenommen und wünschte mit Ihrem System näher ekannt zu werden.” [AA 12: 265-66]

The editor of the letters in the Academy edition suggests that this “Parisian scholar” was Adrien Comte de Lezay Marnesia (1770-1814) and excerpt a passage from the Moniteur article [AA 13: 490].

[Anon.], tr. (1796/fre). Projet / de / Paix Perpétuelle / Essai philosophique / par / Emanuel Kant. / Traduit de l’allemand / avec / un nouveau supplément / de l’auteur. Königsberg: Friedrich Nicolovius. [114 p.] [M] [online]

Translation into French. There appears to have been an identical printing but with a title page listing the Paris publisher (Chez Jansen et Perronneau)[online]. See Jean Ferrari and Simone Goyard-Fabre, eds., L’année 1796. Sur la paix perpétuelle. De Leibniz aux héritiers de Kant (Paris 1998). Re-issued in a German/French/Polish edition (1995).

Adickes [1896, 23] writes: “In 1796 appeared also a French translation under the auspices of Kant, who was dissatisfied with the one edited in Bern in 1795 with the title: Projects de paix perpétuelle.”

Perpetual Peace

Perpetual Peace 1796

[Anon.], tr. (1796/eng). Project for a Perpetual Peace. / A Philosophical Essay / by / Emanuel Kant, / Professor of Philosophy at Konigsberg. / Translated from the German. London: Vernor and Hood. [75 p.] [M]

Translation into English.


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Ad pacem aeternam.” [Born 1796-98, iv.47-96] [M]

Translation into Latin.

Bychowiec, Józef Władysław, tr. (1796/pol). Projekt wiecznego pokoju: rozwaga filozoficzna. Królewiec. [ p.] [Andrzejewski 1977; Kaśkiewicz-Kupś 2018]

Translation into Polish.

Møller, Malthe [Anon.], tr. (1796/dan). Den evige Fred. / Et philosophiskt Udkast / af / Immanuel Kant. / Fordansket med en opinsende Commentar. / Forste Hefte. Copenhagen: J. H. Schubothes Forlag [iv, 91 p.]

Translation into Danish.


Bielski, Szymon, tr. (1797/pol). Projekt wieczystego pokoju; rozwaga filozoficzna przez e. Kanta z jezyka francuskiego z nowymi autora dodatkami. Königsberg/Warszawa. [88 p.] [Żelazny 1998; Rolewski 1998; Kaśkiewicz-Kupś 2018; WC]

Translation into Polish from a French translation. Warsaw edition issued in 1797. Re-issued in a German/French/Polish edition (1995).


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “Eternal Peace.” [Richardson 1798-99, i.241-312] [M]

Translation into English.


translator? (1814/ita). Trattato del diritto delle genti dedicato alle potenze alleate ed ai loro ministri. Milano: Appresso Antonio Fortunato Stella in contrada di Santa Margherita. [23 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “De la paiz perpétuelle.” [Barni 1853, 289-337] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Lemonnier, Charles, tr. (1880/fre). Essai philosophique sur la paix perpétuelle. Paris: G. Fischbacher. [xv, 65 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Massoni, A, tr. (1882/ita). Per la pace perpetua : progetto filosofico / di Emanuele Kant; prima traduzione italiana dal tedesco di A. Massoni. Milano: E. Sonzogno. [87 p.] [SBN/WC]

Translation into Italian (allegedly the first). The WorldCat entry gives “1883” as publication year.


Bajer, Fredrik, tr. (1888/dan). Den evige Fred. Fagerstrand: Bibliothek for de tusen hjem. [iv, 96 p.]

Translation into Danish. Bajer (the translator) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1908.


Hastie, W[illiam], tr. (1891/eng). “Perpetual Peace. A Philosophical Essay.” [Hastie 1891, 77-148] [M]

Translation into English.


Trueblood, Benjamin F., tr. (1897/eng). Perpetual Peace. The American Peace Society. [53 p.] [...]

Translation into English. This publication appears to have been serialized in three issues of The Advocate of Peace (1897): 59.5 (pp. 111-16), 59.6 (pp. 141-43), 59.9 (pp. 219-23). The translation was left unsigned in the journal, but was claimed to be the first American translation. These journals are available digitally on JSTOR.


Campbell Smith, M., tr. (1903/eng). Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Essay. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. [xi, 203 p.]

Translation into English.


Montestruc, Rafael, tr. (1905/spa). Por la paz perpetua. Barcelona: Casa Editorial Sopena. [124 p.] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish from a French translation. See 1994.


Prins, Adriaan Pieter, tr. (1915/dut). Ten eeuwigen vrede. Amsterdam: Maatschappij voor Goede en Goedkoope Lectuur. [xi, 67 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


[Bajer, Fredrik], tr. (1916/nor). Den evige fred. 2nd edition. Kristiania: Cammermeyers Boghandel. [ p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.


Rivera Pastor, Francisco, tr. (1919/spa). La paz perpetua. Ensayo filosófico. Madrid / Barcelona: Talleres Calpe. [86 p.] [WC][online]

Translation into Spanish.


Tuomikoski, Jaakko, tr. (1922/fin). Ikuiseen Rauhaan. Valtio-oikeudellinen Tutkielma. Hämeenlinna: Karisto. [111 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish. Further editions in 1955, 1989, 2015.


Mondschein, Józef, tr. (1924/pol). Wieczny pokój. Warszawa: K. Paszkowski. [50 p.] [WC/Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish. Later edition: 1992.

Takahashi, Masahiko, tr. (1924/jap). 永久平和論 / Eikyū heiwaron. Tōkyō: Kokusairenmeikyōkai. [97 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Takasaka, Masaaki, tr. (1926/jap). “永遠平和の為.” [Kimura 1926, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Tomonaga, Sanjūrō, tr. (1931/jap). カントの平和論 / Kanto no heiwa ron. Tōkyō: Kaizōsha. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Serra, Eduard, tr. (1932/cat). La Pau perpetua. Barcelona: Barcino. [80 p.] [Clusa/WC]

This is the earliest translation of Kant into Catalan and was published during the Second Spanish Republic. The next translation (by Gerard Vilar of the Prolegomena) was published in 1982, four years after the restoration of democracy in Spain (Clusa 2020, 243).


Suhr, R. I., tr. (1938/spa). La paz perpetua. Tratado político-filosófico. Buenos Aires: Araujo. [110 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


A. M. C., tr. (1941/por). A paz perpétua (Ensaio Filosofico). Porto: Livraria Educação Nacional. [102 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (1943/rom). “Spre pacea eterna.” [Brăileanu 1943, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Queiroz, Galvão, tr. (1941/por). A paz perpetua. Foreward by Edouard Herriot. Rio de Janeiro: Vecchi. [117 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Curcio, Carlo, tr. (1946/ita). Progetti per la pace perpetua. Roma: Colombo. [167 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Funayama, Shinichi, tr. (1946/jap). 永遠の平和のために: 一つの哲学的企画 / Eien no heiwa no tameni: hitotsu no tetsugakuteki kikaku. Tokyo: Jūichigumi Shuppanbu. [76 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Otsuki, Naoharu, tr. (1946/jap). Zum ewigen Frieden. [Japanese] Tokyo: Geibunsha. [58 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.

Widmar, B., tr. (1946/ita). Per la pace perpetua. Proggetto filosofico. Torino. [?? p.] [Mainz 1946]

Translation into Italian.


Gibelin, J., tr. (1947/fre). Projet de paix perpétuelle; esquisse philosophique, 1795. Paris: J. Vrin. [xv, 86 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. Review (of 1983 edition): Jean Ferrari, Kant Studien 77.2 (1986): 268-69.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “title.” [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.

Kōsaka, Masaaki, tr. (1949/jap). 永遠平和の為に / Eien heiwa no tameni. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [102 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. First published in 1926. Later editions: 1950, 1974, 2005.


Darbellay, Jean, tr. (1958/fre). Vers la paix perpétuelle; essay philosophique. Traduction précédée d'une introd. historique et critique par Jean Darbellay. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [188 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1963/eng). “title.” [Beck 1963, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Rivera Pastor, Francisco, tr. (1964/spa). “La paz perptua.” [Sanchez Rivero 1964, 86-159] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; this is a 4th edition.


Toki, Kunio, tr. (1965). “永遠の平和のために.” [Kashiyama/Sakata/Toki 1965, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Espinosa, Baltasar, tr. (1966/spa). La Paz Perpetua. Traducción del alemán pr Baltasar Espinosa; prólogo de Juan Martín Ruiz-Werner. Madrid: Aguilar. [123 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. (Some records give 1966 as the publication year.)


Larroyo, Francisco, tr. (1972/spa). “La paz perpetua.” [Larroyo 1972, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Fernandes, Floriano de Sousa, tr. (1974/por). “Sobre a discordância entre a Moral e a Política a propósito da paz perpétua.” [Vier/Fernandes 1974, 130-35] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese of a selection (appendix 1).


Bergman, Samuel Hugo, and Nathan Rotenstreich, trs. (1976/heb). לשלום הנצחי : שרטוט פילוסופי / La-shalom ha-nitshi: śirtut filosofi. Jerusalem: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻal shem Y.L. Magnes ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. [127 p.] [WC]

Translation into Hebrew.


Torbov, TSeko, tr. (1977/bul). Kam vecnija mir: filosofski proekt. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na Balgarskata Akademija na Naukite. [78 p.] [WC]

Translation into Bulgarian.
Review: Iwan Slawov, Kant-Studien 70.3 (1979): 350-52.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “A paz perpétua.” [Morão 1980, 119-71] [Borges Duarte 1993//Fernandes 1974, 130-35]

Translation into Portuguese.


Humphrey, Ted, tr. (1983/eng). “To Perpetual Peace, A Philosophical Sketch.” [Humphrey 1983, 107-43] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Reinhold Aschenberg, Kant-Studien 99.3 (2008): 400-1.


Abellán Garcia, Joaquín, tr. (1985/spa). La Paz perpetua. Presentación Antonio Truyol y Serra, traducción Joaquin Abellán. Madrid: Tecnos. [xxxvi, 69 p.] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish. Later editions: 1994, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2013, 2016.

Lefebvre, Joël, tr. (1985/fre). Pour la paix perpétuelle. Avec un choix de textes sur la paix et la guerre d'Érasme à Freud. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon. [190 p.]

Translation into French.
Review: Jean Ferrari, Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 336-37.

Merker, Nicolao, tr. (1985/ita). Per la pace perpetua: un progetto filosofico e altri scritti. Introd. di Norberto Bobbio, a cura di Nicolao Merker. Roma: Editori Riuniti. [xxxviii, 92 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Delfgaauw, Bernard, tr. (1986/dut). De eeuwige vrede. Kampen: Kok Agora. [100 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.
Review: Pauline Kleingeld, Kant-Studien 84.2 (1993): 235-37.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). “La paz perpetua.” [Aramayo 1987, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1993.


Zingano, Marco A., tr. (1989/por). À paz perpétua. Porto Alegre: L & PM. [85 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (1991/rom). “Spre pacea eterna.” [Croitoru 1991, 326-40] [M]

Translation into Romanian.

Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “Perpetual Peace, A Philosophical Sketch.” [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 93-130] [M]

Translation into English.

Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Vers la paix perpétuelle.” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Potaga, Anna, tr. (1992/gre). Gia ten aionia eirene. Edited by Leuteres Anagnostou. Athens: Ekdoseis Alexandreia. [124 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Bordiga, Roberto, tr. (1993/ita). Per la pace perpetua. Preface by Salvatore Veca, with an essay by Alberto Burgio. Milan: Feltrinelli. [142 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

Przybylak, Feliks, tr. (1993/pol).O wiecznym pokoju. Zarys filozoficzny Wroclaw. [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Montestruc, Rafael, tr. (1994/spa). Por la paz perpetua. Presentación de Roberto R. Aramayo, con prólogo de Juan Alberto Belloch; primera traducción española realizada desde una versión francesa por Rafael Montestruc. Madrid: Ministerio de Justicia e Interior. [xxxiv, 114 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1905.


Jacobsen, Mogens Chrom, tr. (1995/dan). Til den evige fred. Et filosofisk essay. Introduction and notes by the translator. København: Gyldenhal. [109 p.]

Translation into Danish.

Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1995/pol). “Do wiecznego pokoju: projekt filozofizcny.” [Klemme 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Bielski, Szymon, tr. (1995/pol). Zum ewigen Frieden. Projet de paix perpetuelle. Proiekt wieczystego pokoiu. Edited by Jan Garewicz and Barbara Markiewicz. Warszawa: Wydawn. Polskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficznego. [xiv, 127 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish and French, with the original German. See the 1797 Bielski translation.
Review: Jarosław Rolewski, Kant-Studien 89.2 (1998): 247-50.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “Toward Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Project.” [Gregor 1996, 317-51] [M]

Translation into English.

Johansson, Alf W., tr. (1996/swe). Om den eviga freden. Stockholm: Ráben Prisma. [139 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish. Second revised edition (2018).


Cicero, Vincenzo, tr. (1997/ita). Per la pace perpetua. Milan: Rusconi. [186 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian; German-Italian edition.


Muñoz, Jacobo, tr. (1999/spa). Hacia la paz perpetua: un esbozo filosófico. Introducción, traducción y notas de Jacobo Muñoz. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. [134 p.]

Translation into Spanish.


Aguiar, Susana, tr. (2001/spa). La paz perpetua. Traducción, compilación y prólogo, Susana Aguiar. Buenos Aires: Longseller. [160 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Blondel, Éric, tr. (2001/fre). Vers la paix perpétuelle: texte intégral. Analyse Michaël Foessel. Paris: Hatier. [176 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Skar, Øystein, tr. (2002/nor). Den evige fred: en filosofisk plan. Oslo: Aschehoug. [96 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.

Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “La pau perpètua. Un projecte filosòfie” [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Guinsburg, J., tr. (2004/por). “Para a paz perpétua.” In: Guinsburg, A paz perpétua: um projeto para hoje. São Paulo: Perspectiva. [153 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Kant’s essay is one of several included in the book.

Mertens, Thomas, tr. (2004/dut). Naar de eeuwige vrede: een filosofisch ontwerp. Amsterdam: Boom. [126 p.]

Translation into Dutch.


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Sobre la paz perpetua.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “Toward Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch.” [Kleingeld 2006, 67-109] [M]

Translation into English.

Gorun, Ion, tr. (2006/rom). Spre pacea eterna: un proiect filosofic. Bucureşti: Mondero. [79 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Kristensen, Bárbara, tr. (2006/por). Para a paz perpetua. Trad. de Bárbara Kristensen e estudo introd. de Joám Evans Pim. Rianxo (A Coruña): Instituto Galego de Estudos de Segunrança Internacional e da Paz. [116 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.

Sargentēs, Kōnstantinos, tr. (2006/gre). Pros tēn aiōnia eirēnē: hena philosophiko schediasma. Athens: Ekdoseis Polis. [240 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Desmeules, Louis, and Jonathan Mayer, trs. (year/fre). Essai philosophique sur la paix perpétuelle. Anjou, Quebec: Éditions CEC. [82 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

Loya Mateos, José, tr. (2007/spa). Ensayo sobre la paz perpetua. Madrid: Mestas [89 p.] [DNB]

Translation into Spanish.

Marey, Macarena, and Juliana Udi, trs. (2007/spa). Hacia la paz perpetua: un proyecto filosófico. Trad., selección bibliográfica y notas: Macarena Marey y Juliana Udi. Prólogo: Macarena Marey. Buenos Aires: Univ. Nacional de Quilmes Ed. [117 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Marcuzzi, Max, tr. (2007/fre). Vers la paix perpétuelle: un projet philosophique. Introduits, traduits et annotés par Max Marcuzzi. Paris: J. Vrin. [270 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Abellán, Joaquín, tr. (2008/spa). La Paz perpetua. Presentación Antonio Truyol y Serra, traducción Joaquin Abellán. 8th, expanded edition. Madrid: Tecnos. [lxii, 84 p.] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1985

Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2008/rom). Spre pacea eterna: un proiect filosofic. Second revised edition. Traducede, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, bibliografie selectiva, index de concepte de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Editura BIC ALL. [207 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian. See →[Kant, Opere]

Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (2008/fre). “Vers la paix perpétuelle.” [Droit 2008, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Pugliesi, Heloisa Sarzana, tr. (2010/por). Rumo à Paz Perpétua. São Paulo: Ícone. [119 p.] [??]

Translation into Portuguese. Bilingual edition.

translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Hacia la paz perpetua .” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 663-712(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Muñoz, Jacobo, tr. (2011/spa). Hacia la paz perpetua: un esbozo filosófico. Preface by Pedro Garcia Cuartango. Barcelona: Ciro. [89 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

Ferreira, Paulo Cesar Gil, tr. (2011/por). O que é Esclarecimento? Tradução de Paulo Cesar Gil Ferreira e revisão de Marco A. Casanova. Rio de Janeiro: Via Verita. [pages p.] [Terra 2022]

Translation into Portuguese.

Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “Per la pace perpetua. Un progetto filosofico di Immanuel Kant.” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 153-94] [M]

Translation into Italian.

Seok, Oh Jin, tr. (2011/kor). 영원한 평화를 위하여: 하나의 철학적 기획. Seoul. [110 p.]

Translation into Korean.


Espinosa, Baltasar, Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2012/spa). “La paz perpetua.” [Espinosa/Aramayo/Roldán 2012, 19-76??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Fülscher, Kimana Zulueta, tr. (2012/spa). Sobre la paz perpetua. Madrid: Akal. [128 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Igartua, Esteban Antxustegi, and Josu Zabaleta Imaz, trs. (2012/bas). “Betiereko bakerantz.” [Igartua/Imaz 2012, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Basque.

Johnston, Ian, tr. (2012/eng). On perpetual peace - a philosophical sketch. Arlington, Virginia: Richer Resources Publ. [133 p.] [WC]

Translation into English (see 2015 publication).

Mertens, Thomas, and Edwin van Elden, tr. (2012/dut). Naar de eeuwige vrede: een filosofisch ontwerp. 2nd expanded edition, with preface and annotations by Mertens. Amsterdam: Boom. [129 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Foessel, Michaël, tr. (2013/fre). Vers la paix perpétuelle: texte intégral. Paris: Hatier. [159 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

??, tr. (2013/cze). “K věčnému míru. Filosofický projekt.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 103-47??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz, and Juan Miguel Palacios, trs. (2014/spa). “Hacia la paz perpetua.” [Aramayo 2014a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Ikeuchi, Osamu, tr. (2015/jap). Eien Heiwa no tame ni. Tokyo: Shueisha. [114 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Johnston, Ian C., tr. (2015/eng). On Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch. Edited by Brian Orend. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co. [133 p.] [WC]

Translation into English (see 2012 publication).

Kang, Young-Young[??], tr. (2015/kor). 영원한 평화를 위해. Seoul. [116 p.]

Translation into Korean.


Abellán, Joaquín, tr. (2016/spa). La Paz perpetua. Presentación Antonio Truyol y Serra, traducción Joaquin Abellán. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [148 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1985


Pugliesi, Heloisa Sarzana, tr. (2017/por). Rumo à Paz Perpétua. Bilingual edition. São Paulo: Coleção Fundamentos do Direito. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. See 2010.


Leyva, Gustavo, tr. (2018/spa). Hacia la paz perpetua: un bosquejo filosófico. Traducción, estudio preliminar, notas, índices y tablas Gustavo Leyva. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. [cxlv, 55 p.] [DNB]

Translation into Spanish.

Aramayo, Roberto R., tr. (2018/spa). Hacia la paz perpetua: Un diseño filosófico. Traducción e introducción de Roberto Aramayo. Madrid: FEdiciones Alamanda. [134 p.] [M] [online]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  New Tone (1796) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “De tono quodam illustri in philosophia nuper instituto.” [Born 1796-98, iv.397-416] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. and ed. (1798-99/eng). “Of a Gentle Ton Lately Assumed in Philosophy.” [Richardson 1798-99, ii.159-87] [M]

Translation into English.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “D'un ton élevé nouvellement pris en philosophie.” [Tissot 1862, 421-50] [M]

Translation into French.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1968/fre). “D'un ton grand seigneur adopté naguère en philosophie.” [Guillermit 1968, pages??] [PW]

Translation into French.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Di un tono di distinzione assunto di recente in filosofia.” [Desideri 1990, 53-69] [M]

Translation into Italian.

Misch, Jürgen, and Luis Martínez de Velasco, tr. (1990/spa). “Acerca de un tono exaltado que recientemente se alza en la filosofía.” Ágora 9: 137-51. [Aramayo]

Translation into Spanish.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (1992/pol). “O niedawno powstalym wynioslym tonie w filozofii.” [Żelazny 1992, pages??] [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.


Fenves, Peter, tr. and ed. (1993/eng). “On a Newly Arisen Superior Tone in Philosophy.” [Fenves 1993, 51-81] [M]

Translation into English.


Heath, Peter, tr. (2002/eng). “On a recently prominent tone of superiority in philosophy.” [Allison/Heath 2002, 431-45] [M]

Translation into English.


Rohden, Valerio, tr. (2010/por). “Sobre um recentemente enaltecido tom de distinção na Filosofia.” Studia Kantiana 8: 152-70. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese.


Boboc, Alexandru, tr. (2016/rom). Despre un ton elevat adoptat recent în filosofie. Revista de Filosofie 63.4: 515-27 [PW]

Translation into Romanian.

[top]  Soemmerring (1796) [text]


Ferry, Luc, tr. (1986/fre). “Conjectures sur le commencement de l'histoire humaine.” [Alquié 1986, 387-92] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Appendice all’opera di S. Th. Sömmering, Über das Organ der Seele (Sull’organo dell’anima).” [Desideri 1990, 97-101] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). “Lui Sömmerring. Despre organul sufletului.” [Croitoru 2003, 105-9] [M]

Translation into Romanian. See 2013 edition.


Zweig, Arnulf, tr., Günter Zöller, ed. (2007/eng). “Remarks on Sömmering’s On the Organ of the Soul.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 222-26] [M]

Translation into English.

??, tr. (2007/fre). “Lettre à Sömmerring.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). “Lui Sömmerring. Despre organul sufletului.” [Croitoru 2013b, 77-79] [M]

Translation into Romanian; see 2003 edition. See →[Kant, Opere]
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

[top]  Mathematical Dispute (1796) [text]


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Accommodement d'un différend mathématique résultant d'un malentendu.” [Tissot 1862, 451-74] [M]

Translation into French.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Appianamento di un conflitto matematico originato da un malinteso.” [Desideri 1990, 71-72] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Heath, Peter, tr. (2002/eng). “Settlement of a mathematical dispute founded on misunderstanding.” [Allison/Heath 2002, 449] [M]

Translation into English.


Rovira, Rogelio, tr. (2014/spa). “Disolución de una disputa matemática que se funda en un equívoco.” Con-Textos Kantianos 2014.1: 125-26. [M] [online]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Peace in Philosophy (1796) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). “Nuntium pactionis propediem conficiendae ad pacem aeternam in philosophia.” [Born 1796-98, iv.417-27] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Annonce de la prochaine conclusion d'un traité de paix perpétuelle en philosophie.” [Tissot 1862, 457-74] [M]

Translation into French.


Burger, Dionys, tr. (1880/dut). Verkondiging der spoedige sluiting van eene overeenkomst tot eeuwigen vrede in de wijsbegeerte. Amersfoort: Slothouwer. [18 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1968/fre). “Annonce de la proche conclusion d'un traité de paix perpétuelle en philosophie.” [Guillermit 1968, pages??] [PW]

Translation into French.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Annuncio della prossima conclusione di un trattato per la pace perpetua in filosofia.” [Desideri 1990, 73-82] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (1991/rom). “Instiintare asupra incheierii apropiate a unui tratat in vederea pacii eterne in filosofie.” [Croitoru 1991, 432-40] [M]

Translation into Romanian.

Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Annonce de la prochaine conclusion d'un traité de paix perpétuelle en philosophie.” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Fenves, Peter, tr. and ed. (1993/eng). “Announcement of the Near Conclusion of a Treaty for Eternal Peace in Philosophy.” [Fenves 1993, 83-93] [M]

Translation into English.


Heath, Peter, tr. (2002/eng). “Proclamation of the imminent conclusion of a treaty of perpetual peace in philosophy.” [Allison/Heath 2002, 453-60] [M]

Translation into English.


Rovira, Rogelio, tr. (2004/spa). Anuncio de la próxima conclusión de un tratado de paz perpetua en la filosofía. Madrid: Encuentro. [43 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; bilingual edition.

[top]  Metaphysics of Morals (1797) [text]


Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. (1796-98/lat). Metaphysica moram. [Born 1796-98, iv.539-820] [M]

Translation into Latin.


Richardson, John, tr. (1799/eng). Metaphysics of Morals, divided into Metaphysical Elements of Law and Ethics. 2 vols. London.

Translation into English. Listed in William Thomas Lowndes, The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature (London, 1890), p. 1252. Richardson included an advertisement for his translation of the Metaphysics of Morals at the end of his translation of Beck’s Grundriß der kritischen Philosophie (Halle 1796), that he published anonymously as The Principles of Critical Philosophy (London 1797).

König, tr. and ed. (1799/lat). title.

Translation into Latin. Consulted by Semple when preparing his English translation (Semple 1836, viii).


König, G. L., tr. and ed. (1800/lat). Elementa Metaphysica Juris Doctrinae. Amstel.

Translation into Latin. Noted by Hastie (1887, vi), also in Karpe (1803, 155), also in the Intelligenzblatt der Allgem. Literatur-Zeitung, #99 (Saturday, 26 Jun 1802), col. 802: "... in Holland (zu Amsterd.) gedruckten lateinischen Uebersetzung von Kant's Naturrecht (Elementa Metaphysica Juris Docrinae, auct. Im. Kant, lat. vertit G. L. König, Collabor. Gymnas. Oldenburg).


[anon.], tr. (1814/ita). Trattato del diritto delle genti dedicato alle potenze alleate ed ai loro ministri. Milano: Appresso Antonio Fortunato Stella in contrada di Santa Margherita. [23 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of a selection on Weltbürgerrecht.


Tissot, C. J., tr. and ed. (1830/fre). Principes Metaphysiques de la Morale.

Translation into French. Consulted by Semple when preparing his English translation (Semple 1836, viii). See the entry for the 3rd edition: Tissot 1854.


Semple, J. W., tr. and ed. (1836/eng). The Metaphysics of Ethics [selection] [Semple 1836, 165-345]

Translation into English of the introduction to the Metaphysics of Morals and of the Doctrine of Virtue.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “Éléments métaphysiques de la doctrine du droit.” [Barni 1853, 1-264] [M]

Translation into French of The Doctrine of Right. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Tissot, Joseph, tr. and ed. (1854/fre). “Principes métaphysiques de la morale.” [Tissot 1854, 155-328] [M]

Translation into French of The Doctrine of Virtue.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1855/fre). “Éléments métaphysiques de la doctrine de la vertu.” [Barni 1855, 1-184] [M]

Translation into French of The Doctrine of Virtue. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. (1873/eng). “Introduction to the Metaphysics of Morals: and Preface to the Metaphysical Elements of Ethics.” [Abbott 1883, 265-322] [M]

Translation into English. A complete translation of the Critique of Pure Reason appeared in the 1879 2nd edition (pp. 125-379).

Lizárraga, Gabino, tr. (1873/spa). Principios Metafísicos del Derecho. Madrid: Victoriano Suárez. [265 p.] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of the Doctrine of Right.


Hastie, William, tr. and ed. (1887/eng). The Philosophy of Law An Exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence as the Science of Right. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. [xxxvi, 265 p.]

Translation into English of The Doctrine of Right; Hastie claims this to be the first translation into English (with the exception of the Introduction and Preface, that appeared in Semple 1836).


Watson, John, tr. (1895/eng). “Metaphysics of Morals.” (extracts) [Watson 1895, 225-58] [M]

Translation into English.


Vidari, Giovanni, tr. (1923/ita). La metafisica dei costumi. 2 vols. 2nd edition, revised. Bari: Laterza. [xvi, 406 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Shirai, Shigenobu, tr. (1926/jap). 道徳哲学 / Dōtoku tetsugaku Tokyo: Iwanamishoten. [(24) 263 (15) p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese of the Doctrine of Virtue. Vol. 8 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]. Later editions: 1954, 1981.


Tsunetō, Kyō, and Kyōji Funada, trs. (1933/jap). 法律哲学 / Hōritsu tetsugaku Tokyo: Iwanamishoten. [346 (18)) p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese of the Doctrine of Right. Vol. 9 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


Korkofigkas, N.D., tr. (1937/gre). E ethike filosofia: I. Oi arches tes metafusikes ton ethon. Athena: publisher??. [cxciv, 125 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.


Ayala, Franciso, tr. (1943/spa). Principios metafísicos del derecho. Buenos Aires: Editorial Americalee. [215 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Later edition: 2004.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “title.” (selections) [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


González Vicen, Felipe, tr. (1954/spa). Introducción a la teoría del derecho. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Políticos. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of the introduction to the Doctrine of Right.

Shirai, Shigenobu, and Sadahide Ogura, trs. (1954/jap). 道徳哲学 / Dōtoku tetsugaku Tokyo: Iwanamishoten: publisher. [214 (12) p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese of the Doctrine of Virtue. See earlier edition by Shirai (1926).


Cappelletti, Angel J., tr. (1962/spa). Principios metafísicos del derecho. Puebla, Pue., México: Editorial Cajica. [239 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of the Doctrine of Right.


Ellington, James W, tr. (1964/eng). The Metaphysical Principles of Virtue. Introduction by Warner Arms Wick. Indianapolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill Co. [lxiii, 174 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of the second part of the Metaphysics of Morals.
Review: C.W., Kant-Studien Ethics 75.2 (1965): 142-43; Hans Oberdiek, Kant-Studien 78.1 (1987): 120-21 (this is a review of a 1983 edition combining Ellington’s translation of The Metaphysical Principles of Virtue and of the Grounding).

Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1964/eng). The Doctrine of Virtue. Foreward by H. J. Paton. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press (New York: Harper and Row). [xxxvi, 174 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of the second part of the Metaphysics of Morals.


Ladd, John, tr. (1965/eng). The Metaphysical Elements of Justice: Part I of The Metaphysics of Morals. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. (Also: New York, Macmillan; London, Coller Macmillan.) [xxxvi, 150 p.] [WC]

Translation into English. 2nd revised edition: 1999.


Sonnenfeld, Viktor D, tr. (1967/cro). Metafizika cudoreda. Sarajevo: Veselin Maslesa. [305 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian.


Córdova, Arnaldo, tr. (1968/spa). Principios metafísicos de la doctrina del derecho. Seleccíon, prólogo y notas de Arnaldo Córdova. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [222 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of the Doctrine of Right.

Philonenko, Alexis, tr. (1968/fre). Métaphysique des moeurs. Deuxième partie. Doctrine de la vertu. Introduction by Philonenko. Paris: J. Vrin. [182 p.]

Translation into French.


Storheim, Eivind, tr. (1970/nor). “title??” [Storheim 1970, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian (selection?).


Philonenko, Alexis, tr. (1971/fre). Métaphysique des moeurs. Première partie. Doctrine du droit. Introduction by Philonenko. Paris: J. Vrin. [279 p.]

Translation into French.


Kato, Shimpei, Yoshiomi Mishima, Mitsuo Moriguchi, and Masahiro Sato, trs. (1972/jap). “Metaphysics of Morals.” [Noda 1972, pages??] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.

Szyszkowska, Maria, tr. (1972/pol). “Metafizyczne elementy teorii prawa, część I dzieła Metafizyka moralności.” Maria Szyszkowska, U źrodeł wspolczesnej filozofii prawa i filozofii człowieka. Warszawa. Pp. 171-211. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish of selections.


Izquierdo Hernández, José Luis, tr. (1974/spa). Principios metafísicos del derecho. Nota preliminar de José Luis Izquierdo Hernández. Buenos Aires: Américalee. [185 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of the Doctrine of Right; 2nd edition.


Cortina Orts, Adela, and Jesús Conhill Sancho, trs. (1989/spa). La metafísica de las costumbres. Estudio preliminar de Adela Cortina Orts, traducción y notas de Adela Cortina Orts y Jesús Conill Sancho. Madrid: Tecnos. [xci, 374 p.] [M]

First translation into Spanish of the entire Metaphysics of Morals. 4th edition: 2005.
Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 83.2 (1992): 246-47.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (1991/rom). “Metafizica moravurilor.” [Croitoru 1991, 34-324] [M]

Translation into Romanian. Later editions: 1999, 2013.

Gregor, Mary, tr. (1991/eng). The Metaphysics of Morals. Introduction, translation, and notes by Mary Gregor. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. [xii, 307 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.
Review: Daniel Dahlstrom, The Review of Metaphysics 46.4 (1993): 850-53; Stephen Palmquist, Kant-Studien 86.2 (1995): 240-44.

Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “The Metaphysics of Morals.” (selections) [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 131-75] [M]

Translation into English of the "Introduction to the Theory of Right" (AA 6: 229-33) and the section on "Public Right" (AA 6: 309-55).


Bini, Edson, tr. (1993/por). Doutrina do direito. São Paulo: Ícone Ed. [224 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. See: 2003.

Gutesa, Dusica, tr. (1993/cro). Metafizika morala. Red. prevoda Danilo N. Basta. Sremski Karlovci/Novi Sad: Izdavacka Knjizarnica Zorana Stojanovica. [300 p.] [WC]

Translation into Croatian.


Renaut, Alain, tr. (1994/fre). Two volumes. Métaphysique des moeurs. Paris: Flammarion. [203, 411 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. Vol. 1 (Fondation, introduction), vol. 2 (Doctrine du droit, doctrine de la vertu).


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “The Metaphysics of Morals.” [Gregor 1996, 365-492, 509-603] [M]

Translation into English. See 1991 edition.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (1999/rom). Metafizica moravurilor. Oradea: Antaios. [352 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian. Revised 2nd edition.

Ladd, John, tr. (1999/eng). Metaphysical Elements of Justice. 2nd edition. Translated, with introduction and notes, by John Ladd. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing [lx, 194 p.] [M]

Translation into English; 1st edition: 1965. This new edition incorporates textual reorderings suggested by Ludwig (1986).
Review: Georg Geismann, Kant-Studien 94.1 (2003): 121-23; Jeffrey Edwards, “Kurze Bemerkungen zu den englischen Übersetzungen von Kants Rechtslehre” in: Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling, eds., Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion: ein Arbeitsgespräch an der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel 2009 (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013), pp. 21-24.


Cortina Orts, Adela, and Jesús Conill Sancho, trs. (2002/spa). “La metafísica de las costumbres.” [Cortina Orts 2002, pages??] [DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


Bini, Edson, tr. (2003/por). A metafísica dos costumes: Contendo A doutrina de direito e a doutrina da virtude. Tradução, textos adicionais e notas de Edson Bini. Bauru: EDIPRO. [335 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. 2nd edition: 2008. 3rd edition: 2017 (287 p.). See: 1993.


Ayala, Franciso, tr. (2004/spa). Principios metafísicos del derecho. Sevilla: Espuela de Plata. [215 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1943.

Morão, Artur, tr. (2004/por). Metafísica dos costumes. 2 vols: Parte I: princípios metafísicos da doutrina do direito and Parte II: princípios metafísicos da doutrina da virtude. Lisboa: Edições 70. [197 p., 149 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 2006.


Lamego, José, tr. (2005/por). A metafísica dos costumes. Trad., apresentação e notas de José Lamego. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. [xxxiv, 507 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. 2nd edition: 2011.

Pozzo, Riccardo, tr. (2005/ita). Selection: “Was ist ein Buch?” [AA 6:289-91] [Pozzo 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “Metaphysics of Morals, Doctrine of Right, §43–§62.” [Kleingeld 2006, 110-49] [M]

Translation into English.


Renaut, Alain, tr. (2008/fre). “Métaphysique des moeurs.” [Droit 2008, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French of the Introduction.


Włoch, Wojciech, ed., Aleksander Bobko, Włodzimierz Galewicz and Mirosław Żelazny, trs. (2011/pol). “Metafizyka moralności.” [Włoch 2011, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Translator? (2011/chi). 法的形而上学原理: 权利的科学 / Fa de xing er shang xue yuan li: quan li de ke xue [Chinese; The science of right]. Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan. [220 p.]

Translation into Chinese.


Andrulidakēs, Kōstas, tr. (2013/gre). ΜΕΤΑΦΥΣΙΚΗ ΤΩΝ ΗΘΩΝ / Metaphysikḗ tōn ēthṓn. Athens: Smílē. [421 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). Metafizica moravurilor. 3rd edition, revised and augmented. Traducere, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, index de autori, index de concepte german-român, index de concepte, bibliografie de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Antet XX Press. [317 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian; see 1991 edition. See →[Kant, Opere]
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

Martins, Clélia Aparecida, Bruno Nadai, Diego Kosbiau Trevisan, and Monique Hulshof, trs. (2013/por). Metafísicos dos costumes. Tradução da Doutrina do Direito de Clélia Martins, com revisão de Bruno Nadai, Monique Hulshof, et al., e da Doutrina da Virtude de Bruno Nadai, Monique Hulshof e Diego Kosbiau Trevisan. Petrópolis-RJ: Editora Vozes. [319 p.] [Terra 2022/WC]

Translation into Portugues.


Beckenkamp, Joãosinho, tr. (2014/por). Princípios metafísicos da doutrina do direito. São Paulo: WMF Martins Fontes. [lxxv, 198 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese of the Doctrine of Right.

Zelizňaková, Eva, tr. (2014/slv). “Metafyzika mravov.” Studia Philosophica Kantiana 2014.1: 47-69. [WC] [online]

Translation into Slovak of "The Right of a State" (Metaphysics of Morals, AA 6: 311-30). Introduction (pp. 47-53) and translation (pp. 54-69).


Li, Minghuui, tr. (2015/chi). Dao de di xing Shang Xue. Taipei: Lianjing. [482 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

Siemek, Marek Jan, tr. (2015/pol). Metafizyka moralności. Preface and notes by Ewa Nowak. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. [xxxix, 385 p.] [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Gregor, Mary, tr. and ed. (2017/eng). The Metaphysics of Morals. Introduction by Lara Denis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xlii, 264 p.] [WC]

Translation into English.

[top]  On Hippel (1797) [text]

[top]  Against Schlettwein (1797) [text]


Zweig, Arnulf, tr. and ed. (1999/eng). “Declaration against Schlettwein.” [Zweig 1999, 510-11] [M]

Translation into English. Zweig presents this as an open letter to Schlettwein, without a title.

[top]  Right to Lie (1797) [text]


Barni, Jules, tr. (1855/fre). “D’un prétendu droit de mentir par humanité.” [Barni 1855, 249-56] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. (1873/eng). “On a Supposed Right to Tell Lies from Benevolent Motives.” [Abbott 1879, 431-37] [M]

Translation into English; this essay was added as an appendix to the 2nd edition (1879).

Kroeger, A.E., tr. (1873/eng). “Concerning a Pretended Right to Lie From Motives of Humanity.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 7.2: 14-19. [M]

Translation into English.


Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). “title.” [Beck 1949, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1967/fre). “Sur un prétendu droit de mentir par humanité.” [Guillermit 1967, pages??] [PW]

Translation into French.


Fernandes, Floriano de Sousa, tr. (1974/por). “Sobre um suposto direito de mentir por amor à humanidade.” [Vier/Fernandes 1974, 118-26] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese of a selection.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1980/por). “Sobre um suposto direito de mentir por amor à humanidade.” [Morão 1980, 173-79] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Palacios, Juan Miquel, tr. (1986/spa). “Sobre un presunto derecho de mentir por filantropía.” [Aramayo 1986, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Caimi, Mario, tr. (1987/spa). “Sobre un presunto derecho a mentir por amor al prójimo.” Cuadernos de ética (Buenos Aires) 1987: 9-15. [M]

Translation into Spanish.


Ellington, James W., tr. (1992/eng). “On a supposed right to lie because of philanthropic concerns.” [Ellington 1992, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “On a Supposed Right to Lie from Philanthropy.” [Gregor 1996, 611-15] [M]

Translation into English.


Barni, Jules, tr. (2001/fre). Le droit de mentir. établissement de l'édition, rédaction des notes, révision de la traduction des textes de Kant de Jules Barni ; postface par Cyril Morana. Paris: Mille et une nuits. [94 p.] [WC]

Translation into French. See 1855 edition.


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Sobre un presunto derecho de mentir por filantropía.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “Sobre un presunto derecho de mentir por filantropía.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 713-20(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “Su un presunto diritto di mentire per amore degli esseri umani.” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 235-39] [M]

Translation into Italian.


García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2012/spa). ¿Hay derecho a mentir? la polémica Inmanuel Kant/Benjamin Constant sobre la existencia de un deber incondicionado de decir la verdad. Edited by Eloy Garcia; introduction by Gabriel Albiac. Madrid: Tecnos. [lxxvii, 43 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


??, tr. (2013/cze). “O domnělém právu z lásky k lidem lhát.” [Sobotka/Novotný 2013, 60-65??] [WC]

Translation into Czech.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz, and Juan Miguel Palacios, trs. (2014/spa). “Sobre un presunto derecho de mentir por filantropía.” [Aramayo 2014a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Making Books (1798) [text]


Barni, Jules, tr. (1853/fre). “Deuz lettres a M. Friedrich Nicolai.” [Barni 1853, 381-87] [M]

Translation into French. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Konceva, I.D., tr. (1987/rus). “O tom, kak fabrikovat' knigi (Dva pis'ma gospodinu Fridrixu Nikolai) 1798.” Kantovskij Sbornik / Кантовский сборник 12: 121f. [Mainz 1987]

Translation into Russian.


Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. (1991/fre). “Sur la fabricatin des livres.” [Proust 1991, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French.


Benoist, Joceleyn, tr. (1995/fre). “Sur la fabrication des livres.” [Benoist 1995, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French of a selection.


Wood, Allen W., tr. and ed. (1996/eng). “On Turning Out Books. Two Letters to Mr. Friedrich Nicolai from Immanuel Kant.” [Gregor 1996, 623-27] [M]

Translation into English.


Pozzo, Riccardo, tr. (2005/ita). “title??.” [Pozzo 2005, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.

[top]  Explanatory Notes (1798) [text]


Gregor, Mary J., tr. (1996/eng). “Explanatory Notes on the Metaphysical Foundations of the Doctrine of Right.” [Gregor 1996, 492-506] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Conflict of the Faculties (1798) [text]

This work consists of three sections, each discussing a conflict between the philosophy faculty and the faculties of either theology, law, or medicine, respectively. The second and third sections are occasionally translated by themselves: Section two focuses on the question “Ob das menschliche Geschlecht im beständigen Fortschreiten zum Besseren sei”, while section three had been published previously that year as an open letter to Professor W. F. Hufeland: “Von der Macht des Gemüths durch den bloßen Vorsatz seiner krankhaften Gefühle Meister zu sein”.


Høst, J.K., tr. (1798/dan). Om Sindets Magt ved det blotte Forsæt at være Mester over sine syge Følelser. Kjøbenhavn: Popp. [45 p.] [WC]

Translation into Danish of section three.

Stechau, Johan Adolf, tr. (1798/swe). Anmärkningar, rörande människjans hälsa och lifs-längd, i anledning af doct. Christof. Wilh. Hufelands Konst at lefwa länge, upsatte af mag. Immanuel Kant. Edited by Carl Christoffer Gjörwell. Stockholm: Johan Pehr Lindh. [46 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of section three.


Colquhoun, John C, tr. (1807/eng). “On the Power of the Mind in overcoming unpleasant Sensations by mere Resolution.” In: John Sinclair, ed., The Code of Health and Longevity, or, a Concise View of the Principles calculated for the Preservation of Health and the Attainment of Long Life. Volume Three. Edinburgh: Arch. Constable & Co. Pp. 246-59. [WC] [online]

Translation into English of section three.


B., Dr., tr. (1824/dut). Over de macht van den geest door den wil alleen onze ziekelijke gevoelens te beheerschen. Zeist: Swartsenburg. [44 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch of section three. 2nd edition (1910), 3rd edition (1915).


Ebersberg, Josef Sigmund, tr. (1828/ita). Della forza dell’animo / che si richiede / onde l’uomo col solo proponimento / signoreggi le proprie sensazioni morbose / Lettera di Emanuele Kant / al professore Hufeland / aggiuntovi / Dodici lettere sulla felicita / del signor Ebersberg / libera traduzione dal tedesco. Milano: coi tipi di Giovanni Pirotta. [70 (2) p.] [SBN]

Translation into Italian of section three.


Bychowiec, Jozef, tr. (1843/pol). “Pomysly Kanta o wiadzy w umysle iz przez samo mocne postanowienie mozemy niszczyc w sobie uczucia chorobne.” Sztuka zapobiegania chorobom. Wilno. [pp. 88-112] [Żelazny 1998; Kaśkiewicz-Kupś 2018]

Translation into Polish of section three.


??, tr. (1854/dut). De kracht van den wil in het beheerschen van ziekelijke aandoeningen. Leeuwarden: G.T.N. Suringar. [50 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch of section three.


Almogen, David, tr. (1881/rom). Despre puterea sentimentului cu care prin simpla vointa, cineva poate se devie stapan peste simtirile bolnavicioase. Jassy: Tipo-litografia H. Goldner. [23 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian of section three.


[anon.], tr. (1882/ita). Il / potere dello spirito / risultante dalla semplice / volontà di padroneggiare le proprie sensazioni nervose / Lettera / di / Emmanuele Kant / a / Cristoforo Guglielmo Hufeland / a proposito del suo libro / L'arte di prolungare la vita umana. Milano: Gnocchi. [85 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of section three.


Stögbauer, Adam, tr. (1913/pol). 0 potedze ducha, czyli jak panem byc chorobliwych uczuc przez samo tylko postanowienie. Lwów. [ p.] [Andrzejewski 1977]

Translation into Polish of section three.


[Rabenius, Olof], tr. (1923/swe). Tanke och hälsa: Om själens makt att genom blotta föresatsen bli herre över sina sjukliga känslor. Stockholm: Natur och kultur. [62 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of section three.


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1935/fre). Le conflit des facultés, en trois sections, 1798. Paris: J. Vrin. [xii, 147 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Imaz, Eugenio, tr. (1941/spa). “Si el género humano se halla en progreso constante hacia mejor.” [Imaz 1941, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Rabenius, Olof, tr. (1947/swe). Tanke och hälsa: Om själens makt att genom blotta föresatsen bli herre över sina sjukliga känslor. 3rd edition. Stockholm: Natur och kultur. [115 p.] [WC]

Translation into Swedish of section three.


Estiú, Emilio, tr. (1958/spa). “Reiteración de la pregunta de si el género humano se halla en constante progreso hacia lo mejor.” [Estiú 1958, pages??] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Tabernig, Elsa, tr. (1963/spa). El conflicto de las facultades. Buenos Aires: Losada. [152 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See: 2004.


Romano García, Vicente, tr. (1968/spa). El poder de las facultades afectivas. Buenos Aires: Aguilar. [50 p.]

Translation into Spanish of section three.


Iseda, Yōko, tr. (1971/jap). “学部の争い 第1部哲学部と神学部の争い [Der Streit der Fakultäten].” [Katsuta/Iseda 1971, pages??] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese of Part One.


Gregor, Mary J., and Robert E. Anchor, trs. (1979/eng). The Conflict of the Faculties. / Der Streit der Fakultäten. New York: Abaris Books. [xxxiv, 221 p.] [M]

Translation into English, with facing German text. Anchor translated section two (as appears in Beck 1963).


Kopcev, I. D., and A. A. Stoljarov, trs. (1981/rus). “Spor filosofskogo fakuPteta s juridiceskim.” Kantovskij Sbornik 6 (1981): 96-111. [Mainz]

Translation into Russian.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). “Replanteamiento de la cuestión sobre si el género humano se halla en continuo progreso hacia lo mejor.” [Aramayo 1987, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


??, tr. (1989/ita). “Il conflitto delle facoltà.” [Riconda 1989, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian of section one.


Nisbet, H. B., tr. (1991/eng). “A renewed attempt to answer the question: 'is the human race continually improving?'” (selection) [Reiss/Nisbet 1991, 177-90] [M]

Translation into English of section two.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (1992/spa). La Contienda entre las facultades de filosofía y teología. Estudio preliminar de José Gómez Caffarena, versión castellana de Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. German/Spanish edition. Madrid: Debate. [62 p.]

Translation into Spanish of section one.


Morão, Artur, tr. (1993/por). O conflito das faculdades. Lisboa: Edições 70. [137 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Gregor, Mary J., and Robert Anchor (1996/eng). “The Conflict of the Faculties.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1996, 239-327] [M]

Translation into English; see Gregor/Anchor 1979. Anchor translated section two (as appears in Beck 1963).


Kirjavainen, Heikki, tr. (1998/fin). Tiedekuntien riitely. Suomentanut ja johdannolla varustanut Heikki Kirjavainen. Helsinki: Luther-Agricola-seura. [72 p.] [WC]

Translation into Finnish.


Leroy, Gérard, tr. (1999/fre). “Le conflit de la Faculté de philosophie avec la Faculté de droit.” [Leroy 1999, pages??] [WC]

Translation into French of section two.


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). “The Conflict of the Faculties.” [excerpt] [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.

Turró, Salvi, tr. (2002/cat). “Replantejament de la pregunta: Si el gènere humà es troba en progrés constant vers el millor” [Turró 2002, pages??] [Turró/WC]

Translation into Catalan of section two.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2003/spa). El conflicto de las facultades, en tres partes. Traducción del alemán y estudio preliminar de Roberto R. Aramayo, epílogo de Javier Muguerza. Madrid: Alianza. [238 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2003/rom). “Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland.” [Croitoru 2003, 115-33] [M]

Translation into Romanian of section three. See 2013 edition.


Giouras, Athanasios, tr. (2004/gre). He dienexe ton scholon. Athens: Sabbalas. [313 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Tabernig de Pucciarelli, Elsa, tr. (2004/spa). El conflicto de las facultades. Buenos Aires: Losada. [166 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See: 1963.


Maestre, Agapito, tr. (2005/spa). “Replanteamiento de la cuestión sobre si el género humano se halla en continuo progreso hacia lo mejor.” [Garrido 2005, pages?] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Spanish of section two.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “The Contest of the Faculties, Part 2.” [Kleingeld 2006, 150-63] [M]

Translation into English.


??, tr. (2007/fre). “Du pouvoir du mental d'être maître de ses sentiments maladifs par sa seule résolution.” [Chamayou 2007, ??] [WC]

Translation into French of section three.


translator?, tr. (2010/spa). “El conflicto de las facultades.” [Villacañas/Hernández 2010, vol. 2, 721-828(?)] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Włoch, Wojciech, ed., Aleksander Bobko, Włodzimierz Galewicz and Mirosław Żelazny, trs. (2011/pol). “Spór fakultetów.” [Włoch 2011, pages??] [PW]

Translation into Polish.

Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. (2011/ita) “Riproposizione della questione: Se il genere umano sia in costante progresso serso il meglio.” [Pievatolo/Donato 2011, 249-63] [M]

Translation into Italian of section two.


Espinosa, Baltasar, Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2012/spa). “Replanteamiento de la cuestión sobre si el género humano se halla en continuo progreso hacia lo mejor.” [Espinosa/Aramayo/Roldán 2012, 77-98??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of section two.

Seok, Oh Jin, tr. (2012/kor). 학부들의 논쟁: 세 편으로 이루어진 학부들의 논쟁. Seoul. [262 p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

Unna, Yvonne, tr. (2012/eng). “A Draft of Kant’s Reply to Hufeland: Autograph, Transcription, and English Translation.” Kant-Studien 103.1: 1-24. [M]

Translation into English (transcription by Wolfgang B. Bayerer) of text that was later incorporated into section three.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). “Despre puterea sufletului de a îşi stăpâni sentimentele maladive doar printr-o decizie; Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland.” [Croitoru 2013b, 85-98] [M]

Translation into Romanian of section three; see 2003 edition. See →[Kant, Opere]
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. (2014/spa). “El Conflicto de las facultades en tres partes.” [Aramayo 2014b, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Ferrié, Christian, tr. and ed. (2015/fre). Le Conflit des Facultés et Autres Textes Sur la Révolution. Paris: Payot. [395 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.

García Morente, Manuel, tr. (2015/spa). “El Conflicto de las Facultades en tres Partes.” [García Morente 2015, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

[top]  Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1798) [text]

See also the translations of student notes from Kant’s lectures on Anthropology.


[anon.], tr. (1801/pol). “O czlowieku, jego wladzach i namietnosciach.” Nowy Pamietnik Warszawski 4: 58-66, 187-99. [Żelazny 1988]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


[anon.], tr. (1802/pol). “Antropologia czyli nauka o wladzach umyslowych i namietnosciach czlowieka.” Kieszonkowy Kalendarz Krakowski, edited by May. 166-77. [Żelazny 1988]

Translation into Polish of a selection.

Pflueg, Christian Carl, tr. (1802/dan). Anthropologie / udi / pragmatisk Hensigt. Copenhagen: K. H. Seidelin. [x, 428 p.] [M]

Translation into Danish.


Jachimowski, Wincenty, tr. (1819/pol). “Antropologiczne uwagi nad smakiem.” Pamietnik Lwowski 9: 234-43. [Żelazny 1988]

Translation into Polish of a selection.


Tissot, J., tr. (1863/fre). Anthropologie, suivie des divers fragments du même auteur relatifs aux rapports du physique et du moral et au commerce des esprits d’un monde à l’autre. Paris: Lagrange. [xi, 483 p.]

Translation into French.


Kroeger, Adolph Ernest, tr. (1875-77, 1879-82/eng). “Anthropologie from a Pragmatic Point of View.” Eleven installments. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 9-11, 13-16. St. Louis: George Knapp. [Palmquist]

Translation into English of the first book.


Vidari, Giovanni, tr. (1921/ita). Antropologia prammatica. Turin: Paravia. [ix, 278 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Gaos, José, tr. (1935/spa). Antropología en sentido pragmático. Madrid: Revista de Occidente. [238 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 2004 (Madrid: Alianza Ed.); also 2014 (Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica).


Sakata, Tokuo, tr. (1937/jap). 人間学 / Ningengaku. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [506 (21) p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 16 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]. Later editions: 1952.


Shimizu, Kiyoshi, tr. (2013/jap). “人間学.” [Shimizu 1959, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Foucault, Michel, tr. (1964/fre). Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique. Translated and with an introduction and notes by Michel Foucault. Paris: J. Vrin.

Translation into French.
Review (of 2008 edition): Béatrice Han-Pile, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (March 2009, #14) [online]


Guerra, Augusto, tr. (21969/ita). Antropologia pragmatica. Roma-Bari: Biblioteca Universale Laterza. [xvi, 233 p.]

Translation into Italian (revision of Vidari 1921).
Review: Karlo Oedingen, Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 318-19.


Chiodi, Pietro, tr. (1970/ita). “Antropologia.” [Chiodi 1979, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Gregor, Mary J., tr. and ed. (1974/eng). Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Translated and with an introduction and notes by Mary J. Gregor. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. [xxvii, 210 p.] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Patrick Riley, Political Theory 4.2 (1976): 249-52.


Dowdell, Victor Lyle, tr. (1978/eng). Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Revised and edited by Hans H. Rudnick; introduction by Frederick P. Van De Pitte. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. [xxii, 298 p.] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Robert Pettit, Kant-Studien 73.4 (1982): 485-88.


Jalabert, Pierre, tr. (1986/fre). “Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique.” [Alquié 1986, 937-1144] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


Buchner, Wojciech, tr. (1988/pol). “Antropologia w ujgciu pragmatycznym.” Pismo literacko-artystyczne 4: 65-43-63. [Mainz 1987]

Translation into Polish of a selection (AA 7: 196-211).


Gaos, José, tr. (1991/spa). Antropología en sentido pragmático. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [299 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1935.


Renaut, Alain, tr. (1993/fre). Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique. Paris: Flammarion. [349 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Makowiak, Alexandra, tr. (1999/fre). Anthropologie d'un point de vue pragmatique: De la faculté d'imaginer. Traduction nouvelle et commentaire Alexandra Makowiak. Paris: Ellipses. [96 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2001/rom). Antropologia din perspectiva pragmatica. Oradea: Antaios. [328 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Cortina Orts, Adela, and Jesús Conill Sancho, trs. (2002/spa). “Antropología práctica.” [Cortina Orts 2002, pages??] [DNB]

Skar, Øystein, tr. (2002/nor). Hva er mennesket? Antropologi i pragmatisk perspektiv. Oslo: Pax. [242 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.

Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). “Anthropology from a Pragmatic Standpoint.” [excerpt] [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.

Serrão, Adriana Veríssimo, tr. (2002/por). “Prefácio” and “O carácter do género.” [Sanches/Serrão 2002, 49-52, 380-91] [Epifânio 2004/Serrão 2020/WC]

Translation of two selections into Portuguese.


Colclasure, David L., tr. (2006/eng). “Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, Part 2, Section E.” [Kleingeld 2006, 164-76] [M]

Translation into English.

Martins, Clélia Aparecida, tr. (2006/por). Antropologia de um ponto de vista pragmático. Tradução de Clélia Martins, revisão de Márcio Suzuki e Vinicius de Figueiredo. São Paulo: Iluminuras. [255 p.] [Terra 2022/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Louden, Robert B., tr. (2007/eng). “Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 231-429] [M]

Translation into English.
Review: Manfred Kuehn, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Nov 2003, #3) [online]; Richard Swedberg, Contemporary Sociology, 38.3 (2009): 277-79; Gregory Kalyniuk, Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 98-100.


Caimi, Mario, tr. (2009/spa). Antropología desde un punto de vista pragmático. Buenos Aires: editorial Losada. [352 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish.


Bertani, Mauro, and Gianluca Garelli, tr. (2010/ita). Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico, introduction and notes by Michel Foucault. Torino: Einaudi. [ix, 365 p.]

Translation into Italian.

Pleckaitis, Romanas, tr. (2010/lit). Antropologija pragmatiniu poziuriu. Vilnius: Margi Rastai. [305 p.]

Translation into Lithuanian.


Tasakos, Haris, tr. (2011/gre). Anthrōpología apó pragmatologikē ápopsē. Athens: Printa. [291 p.]

Translation into Greek.


Deng, Xiaomang, tr. (2012/chi). 实用人类学 / Shi yong ren lei xue. 2nd edition. City: Publisher. [238 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.

Skar, Øystein, tr. (2012/nor). Hva er mennesket? antropologi i pragmatisk perspektiv. Introduction by Lars Fr. H. Svendsen. Oslo: Pax Forlegger. [242 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.


Croitoru, Rodica, tr. (2013/rom). Antropologia din perspectiva pragmatica. Traducere din limba germana de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Antet XX Press. [204 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian. See 2001 edition. See →[Kant, Opere]
Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

Li, Qiuling, tr. (2013/chi). 实用人类学(外两种): 注释本 / Shi yong ren lei xue(wai liang zhong): Zhu shi ben. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue chu ban she. [250 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Granja, Dulce María, Gustavo Leyva, and Peter Storandt, trs. (2014/spa). Antropología en sentido pragmático. Prologue by Reinhard Brandt. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. [ccliii, 248 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish; bilingual edition. Based on the Gaos (1935) translation.
See →Biblioteca Immanuel Kant.
Review: María Pía Lara Zavala, Signos Filosóficos 16.34 (2015): 150-59. [online]

Visser, Willem, tr. (2014/dut). Pragmatische antropologie. Amsterdam: Boom. [287 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Østergaard, Claus Bratt, tr. (2015/dan). Hvad er mennesket? Antropologi i pragmatisk perspektiv. Copenhagen: Information. [285 p.] [WC]

Translation into Danish.

[top]  Against Fichte (1799) [text]


Hemert, Paulus van, tr. (1800/dut). “Verklaring van Kant, Aangaande de Wetenschapleer van Fichte.” Magazyn voor de Critische Wijsgeerte, en de Geschiedenis van Dezelve. 3.1 (1800): 119-23. [M]

Translation into Dutch.


Oncina, Faustino, tr. (1998/spa). “Declaración a propósito de la Doctrina de la Ciencia de Fichte.” J. G. Fichte, Filosofía y Estética (Valencia), pp. 36-39. [Aramayo]

Translation into Spanish.


Zweig, Arnulf, tr. and ed. (1999/eng). “Declaration concerning Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre.” [Zweig 1999, 559-60] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Jachmann Preface (1800) [text]


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Prefazione all’Esame della filosofia della religione kantiana di Reinhold Bernhard Jachmann.” [Desideri 1990, 83-84] [M]

Translation into Italian.


Wood, Allen W., tr. (1996/eng). “Preface to Reinhold Bernhard Jachmann’s Examination of the Kantian Philosophy of Religion.” [Wood/di Giovanni 1996, 333-34] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Mielcke Afterword (1800) [text]


Miniger, J. D. (2005/eng). “Nachschrift eines Freundes: Kant, Lithuania, and the Praxis of Enlightenment.” Studies in East European Thought 57.1: 1-32.

Translation into English and discussion of the Mielcke Afterword.


Zöller, Günter, tr. (2007/eng). “Postscript to Christian Gottlieb Mielcke’s Lithuanian-German and German-Lithuanian Dictionary.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 432-33] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  Logic (1800) [text]

See also the translations of student notes from Kant’s lectures on Logic.


Pflueg, Christian Carl, tr. (1803/dan). Immanuel Kants / Logik. / En / Haandbog til Forelaesninger. Til Trykken befordret / af/ Dr. Gotlieb Bejamin Jäsche. Copenhagen: K. H. Seidelin. [viii, xviii, 19-310 p.] [M]

Translation into Danish.


Richardson, John (1819/eng). Logic. London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall. [243 p.]

Translation into English of the Jäsche Logic. Re-issued under a new cover in [Richardson 1836].


Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. (1840/fre). Logique de Kant. Paris: Ladrange. [ix, 391 p.] 2nd ed.: 1862, vii, 248 p. [Tissot 1840, 1-248]

Translation into French of the Jäsche Logic.


De Carlo, Alfonso Maria, tr. (1874/ita). Logica. Recata dall'originale tedesco in italiano da Alfonso Maria De Carlo. Salerno: Stab. tip. Migliaccio. [275 p.] [WC/Petrone]

Translation into Italian.


García Moreno, Alejo, and Juan Ruvira, trs. (1875/spa). Lógica. Madrid: Iravedra y Novo (Rio de Janeiro: Tor). [pages p.] [WC/Palacios]

Translation into Spanish from the French translation of Tissot.


Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. (1885/eng). “Introduction to Logic.” [Abbott 1885, 1-78] [M]

Translation into English of the Jäsche Logic.


Saiki, Sensui, tr. (1922/jap). 全訳カントの論理学 / Zen'yaku kanto no ronrigaku. Tōkyō: Chūō Shuppansha. [277 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Tanabe, Jūzō, tr. (1929/jap). 論理学 / Ronrigaku. Tōkyō: Iwanamishoten. [?? p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 10 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


translator? (1938/spa). Tratado de lógica: curso elemental para servir de introducción al estudio de la filosofía. Buenos Aires: Araujo. [viii, 152 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Reprinted: 1975.


García Moreno, Alejo, and Juan Ruvira, trs. (1940/spa). Lógica. Buenos Aires: Editorial Tor. [121 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. Reprinted: 1975.


Marías, Julián (1943/spa). Sobre el saber filosófico. Madrid: Adán. [176 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Guillermit, Louis, tr. (1966/fre). Logique. Paris: J. Vrin. [171 p.]

Translation into French of the Jäsche Logic. 2nd ed (rev. et augm.): 1989.
Review (of the 2nd edition): Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 135.


Barata-Moura, José, tr. (1972/por). “Logik.” In: José Barata-Moura, Kant e o conceito da Filosofia. Com un texto em apresentaçao bilingüe extraído da «Lógica» Lisboa: Sampedro. Pp. 27-95 [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Bilingual edition with detailed commentary. Translation into Portuguese of a selection (AA 9: 21-26).


Hartman, Robert, and Wolfgang Schwartz, trs. and eds. (1974/eng). Logic. Introduction by Robert S. Hartman and Wolfgang Schwarz. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. [cxv, 164 p.]

Translation into English of the Jäsche Logic. The translators’ preface claims that the Jäsche notes stemmed from 1782, but they do not justify this claim and it is likely grounded in some misunderstanding. Little, in fact, is known of the notebook(s) that Jäsche consulted.
Review: Kirk D. Wilson, The Philosophical Review 85.1 (1976): 97-100.


Amoroso, Leonardo, tr. (1984/ita). Logica. RomaBar/i: Laterza. [xv, 163 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian. 5th ed. (2004).


Surdu, Alexandru, tr. (1985/rom). Logica generala. Bucureşti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica. [229 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian. Revised 2nd edition (1996).


Capozzi, Mirella, tr. and ed. (1874/ita). Logica: un manuale per lezioni. Introduction and notes by Mirella Capozzi. Napoli: Bibliopolis. [clxxxvi, 206 p.] [SBN]

Translation into Italian. First published translation into Italian of Jäsche’s Preface. Includes a bilingual glossary (pp. 181-204).


Almeida, Guido Antônio de, tr. (1992/por). Lógica. Rio de Janeiro: Tempo Brasileiro. [182 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. 2nd edition: 1999; 3rd edition: 2003.

Young, J. Michael, tr. (1992/eng). “The Jäsche Logic.” [Young 1992, 519-640] [M]

Translation into English of the Jäsche Logic.


Castilho, Fausto, tr. (1998/por). Manual dos cursos de lógica geral. Tradução, apresentação e guia de leitura Fausto Castilho. Campinas: Ed. da Unicamp. [299 p.] [Epifânio 2004/PW]

Translation into Portuguese. Bilingual edition. 2nd edition: 2003.


Vázquez Lobeiras, María Jesús , tr. (2000/spa). Lógica. Acompañada de una selección de reflexiones del legado de Kant. Prefacio de Norbert Hinske. Traducción de María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras. Madrid: Akal. [207 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish.


Castilho, Fausto, tr. (2003/por). Manual dos cursos de lógica geral. 2nd ed. Tradução, apresentação e guia de leitura Fausto Castilho. Campinas: Ed. da Unicamp. [318 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Bilingual edition. See 1998. 3rd edition: 2014.


Morão, Artur, tr. (2009/por). Lógica. Lisboa: Texto & Grafia. [141 p.] [Bibliografia Nacional Portuguesa]

Translation into Portuguese.


Correas, Carlos, tr. (2010/spa). Lógica. Buenos Aires: Corregidor. [205 p.]

Translation into Spanish.

Li, Qiuling, tr. (2010/chi). “邏輯學 / Luo ji xue.” [Li 2010a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Xu, Jingzing, tr. (2011/chi). 逻辑学讲义 / Luo ji xue jiang yi. Edited by Yizhi Yang. [Chinese; Logic lectures]. Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan. [155 p.]

Translation into Chinese.


Tasakos, Haris, tr. (2014/gre). Logiké. Athens: Ekdóseis Printa. [247 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

[top]  Against Vollmer (1801) [text]

[top]  Physical Geography (1802) [text]

See also the translations of student notes from Kant’s lectures on Physical Geography.


Saigusa, Mitsuyoshi, tr. (1966/jap). title. Tokyo: Risosha. [pages p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 15 of the カント全集 / Kant Complete Works (18 vols., Tasuko Hara, editor). Includes translations of selections from Glasenapp (1954) from the student notes on physical geography.


Bolin, Ronald L., tr. (1968/eng). “Immanuel Kant’s Physical Geography.” [Bolin 1968, 1-223??] [M]

Translation into English of the 1st part (AA 9: 153-308) of the Physical Geography.


May, Joseph A., tr. (1970/eng). Kant’s Cocnept of Geography and its Relation to Recent Geographical Thought. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. [xi, 280 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of the introduction (AA 9: 156-65), in an appendix (pp. 255-64). This is a revised version of his dissertation for the Dept of Geography, University of Toronto (1967).


Cohen-Halimi, Michèle, Max Marcuzzi, and Valérie Seroussi, trs. (1999/fre). Géographie = Physische Geographie. Paris: Aubier. [394 p.]

Translation into French of the Physical Geography, using Gedan [1923]. Includes an introduction by Marcuzzi (pp. 9-55), as well as a translation (pp. 343-58) — “On the interior of the earth,” “On the acceleration of the daily rotation of the earth,” “On the changing direction of gravity,” “On river beds,” “On the configuration of river beds,” “On deserts”, “On the wind” — of two supplemental extracts from Kant’s Nachlaß that had been included in Hartenstein’s 2nd edition of Kant’s collected writings (vol. 8, pp. 436-52). Also included are reproductions of six maps prepared by L’Abbé Grenet (Atlas portatif pour servir à l’intelligence des auteurs classiques, 1781).


Miyajima, Mitsushi, tr. (2001/jap). title. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten. [lxxii, 497 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 16 of the カント全集 / Kant Complete Works (22 volumes).


Li, Qiuling, tr. (2010/chi). “自然地理學 / Zi ran di li xue.” [Li 2010a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Reinhardt, Olaf, tr. (2012/eng). “Immanuel Kant’s Physical Geography.” [Watkins 2012, 441-679] [M]

Translation into English.

[top]  On Pedagogy (1803) [text]


A. E. [= Augusto Eckerlin], tr. (1808/ita). Idee di Emanuele Kant sull’educazione. Milano: Presso Giovanni Silvestri. [xii, 120 p.] [M] [BSB-online]

Translation into Italian. 1811 edition: Napoli, dal torchio di Agnello Nobile.

Heger, Jens Stephen, tr. (1808/dan). Iman. Kant om Opdragelsen. Copenhagen: Kongelig og Universitets-Bogtrykker. [108 p.] [M]

Translation into Danish.


Bobrowski, Jan, tr. (1819/pol). O pedagogice. Wilno. [Żelazny 1988]

Translation into Polish.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1855/fre). “Traité de pédagogie.” [Barni 1855, 187-248] [M]

Translation into French of The Doctrine of Virtue. Part of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant.


Valdarnini, Angelo, tr. (1883/ita). La Pedagogia di Emanuele Kant. Proemio e traduzione di Angelo Valdarnini. Rome. [85 p.] 4th ed.: Torino, G. B. Paravia, 1893; 104 pp. [WC/SBN/Petrone]

Translation into Italian. Later editions: 1886, 1887.

Geluk, Jan, tr. (1883/dut). Immanuel Kant Over pedagogiek. Amsterdam: Versluys. [79 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1886/fre). Traité de pédagogie. Preface, analytic summary, and index by Raymond Thamin. Paris: Félix Alcan. [132 p.]

Translation into French. See 1855 edition, also 1901 and 1981.


Dumesnil, Georges, tr. (1892/lat). De tractatu Kantii paedagogico. Paris: Hatchette. [143 p.]

Translation into Latin.


Churton, Annette, tr. (1899/eng). On Education. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner.

Translation into English. Reprint (1900): Kant on Education. Introduction by C. A. Foley Rhys Davids. Boston: D. C. Heath. [xix, 121 p.] Reprint (1960; Pbk, 1971): Education. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [121 p.] (without the introduction by Davids).


Barni, Jules, tr. (1901/fre). Traité de pédagogie. 2nd edition. Avec une préface des sommaires analytiques et un lexique par Raymond Thamin. Paris: Alcan. [132 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Buchner, Edward Franklin, tr. and ed. (1904/eng). The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant. Philadelphia & London: J. B. Lippincott. [xvi, 309 p.] [WC]

Translation into English, including pedagogically related passages from other writings, such as the Announcement (1765). In the 2nd edition (1908), the translation of Über Pedagogik is from pp. 101-222, followed by other translations. Reprint (1971): New York, AMS Press, 309 p.


Luzuriaga, Lorenzo, tr. (1911/spa). Kant, Pestalozzi y Goethe sobre educacion. Madrid: Daniel Jorro. [197 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. See 1983.


Buţureanu, C. V., tr. (1912/rom). Tratat de pedagogie. Bucuresti: Editura Librariei ‘Universala’ Alacalay. [158 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian, from the French translation by Barni.


Nishida, Hiroshi, tr. (1934/jap). カント教育学: 全訳 / Kanto kyōikugaku: Zen'yaku. Tōkyō: Meguro Shoten. [159 p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Kiba, Jinjō, tr. (1938/jap). “內容:敎育学.” [Kiba 1938, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.

Kiba, Jinjō, tr. (1938/jap). 敎育学其他 / Kyōikugaku sonota. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [393 (10) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Catalfamo, Giuseppe, tr. (31959/ita). Lezioni di pedagogia. Introduction and notes by the translator. Messina: Casa Editrice G. D’Anna. [84 p.]

Translation into Italian.

Shimizu, Kiyoshi, tr. (2013/jap). “教育学.” [Shimizu 1959, pages??] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese.


Philonenko, Alexis, tr. (1966/fre). Réflexions zur l’éducation. Paris: J. Vrin. [160 p.]

Translation into French.


Katsuta, Shuichi, tr. (1971/jap). “內容:敎育学講義 [Pädagogik].” [Katsuta/Iseda 1971, pages??] [Hayashi 1978]

Translation into Japanese.


Barni, Jules, tr. (1981/fre). Traité de pédagogie. revue et actualisée introd. et notes par Pierre-José About. Paris: Hatchette. [107 p.]

Translation into French. See 1886 1st ed.


Luzuriaga, Lorenzo, tr. (1983/spa). “Sobre pedagogía.” [Fernández Enguita 1983, pages??] [Aramayo]

Translation into Spanish. First published in 1911 (see).


Jalabert, Pierre, tr. (1986/fre). “Propos de pédagogie.” [Alquié 1986, 1145-1203] [Zöller 2007]

Translation into French.


Tió, Jaume, tr. (1991/cat). Sobre pedagogía. Pròleg de Joan-Carles Mèlich i Sangrà; traducció de Jaume Tió. Vic: Eumo. [xxxvi, 73 p.] [Clusa/WC]

Translation into Catalan.


Buţureanu, C. V. and Constantin Radulescu-Motru, trs. (1992/rom). “Tratat de pedagogie.” [Buţureanu 1992, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.

Radulescu-Motru, Constantin, tr. (1992/rom). [??] Tratat de pedagogie. Iași: Editura Agora. [148 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian.


Fontanella, Francisco Cock, tr. (year/por). Sobre a Pedagogia. Tradução de Francisco Cock Fontanella. Piracicaba: UNIMEP. [115 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 1999, 2002.


Moss-Petersen, Bengt, tr., Vagn Lyhne, ed. (2000/dan). Om pædagogik. Arhus: Klim. [101p.] [WC]

Translation into Danish; 2nd edition: 2012.


Gentile, Andrea, tr. (2001/ita). L’arte di educare. Rome: Armando. [175 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Brăileanu, Traian, tr. (2002/rom). Despre pedagogie. Bucureşti: Paideia. [80 p.] [WC]

Translation into Romanian of selections.


Luzuriaga, Lorenzo, and José Luis Pascual, trs. (2003/spa). Pedagogía. Edición de Mariano Fernández Enguita ; traducción de Lorenzo Luzuriaga y José Luis Pascual. Madrid: Ediciones Akal. [112 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish. 3rd edition; see 1911.


Sidera-Lytra, Paraskeuē, tr. (2004/gre). Peri paidagōgikēs. Thessalonikē: Kyriakidēs. [108 p.] [WC]

Translation into Greek.

Proença, João Tiago, tr. (2004/por). Sobre a pedagogia. Lisboa: Alexandria editories. [93 p.] [Epifânio 2004/Bibliografia Nacional Portuguesa/WC]

Translation into Portuguese. Later editions: 2012, 2017 (Lisboa: Edições 70. [80 p.]).


Louden Robert, tr. (2007/eng). “On Pedagogy.” [Zöller/Louden 2007, 437-85] [M]

Translation into English.


??, tr. (2009/ita). La pedagogia. A cura di Luciana Bellatalla e Giovanni Genovesi. Roma: Anicia. [263 p.] [WC/DNB]

Translation into Italian.

Caeiro, Oscar, tr. (2009/spa). Sobre pedagogia. Traduccion y nota preliminar por Oscar Caeiro. Cordoba, Argentina: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. [127 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Li, Qiuling, tr. (2010/chi). “教育學 / Jiao yu xue.” [Li 2010a, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Akbarov, Mirzli, tr. (2013/uzb). Pedagogika tugrisida. Introduction by A. Ch. Saidov. Taschkent: Niso Poligraf. [232 p.] [WC]

Translation into Uzbek, with German and Russian text. Notice in Kant-Studien 106.2 (2015): 369.

Jia, Fuming, tr. (2013/chi). 康德論教育 / Kang de lun jiao yu. Tai bei shi: Wu nan. [169 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Abbagnano, Nicola, tr. (2015/ita). Pedagogia. Milan: Luni. [130 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Hansen, Bjarne, tr. (2016/nor). Om pedagogikk. Introduction by Lars Løvlie; afterword by Svein Østerud. Oslo: Aschehoug. [146 p.] [WC]

Translation into Norwegian.


Onnasch, Ernst-Otto, tr. (2021/dut). Over pedagogiek. Ingeleid, vertaald en geannoteerd door Ernst-Otto Onnasch. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers. [126 p.] [WC]

Translation into Dutch.

[top]  Lectures: Anthropology

See also the translations of Kant’s 1798 published Anthropology.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. and ed. (1990/spa). Antropología práctica (según el manuscrito inédito de C. C. Mrongovius, fechado en 1785). Madrid: Tecnos. [xlix, 93 p.] [M][online]

Translation into Spanish of notes on Anthropology [Mrongovius 1 (AA 25: 1367-1429)]. 2nd edition: 2004.


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). [Excerpts from Parow and Starke] [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


García Mayo, Alejandro (2012/spa). Antropología Collins. Translation by Alejandro García Mayo. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo. [WC]

Translation into Spanish of lecture notes on Anthropology [Collins 1].

Wood, Allen W., and Robert B. Louden, eds. (2012/eng). Lectures on Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xii, 627 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of the following sets of lecture notes on Anthropology: [Collins 1, excerpts], [an-Parow, excerpts], [an-Friedländer 1, complete], [an-Pillau 1, excerpts], [an-Starke 1, excerpts], [Mrongovius 1, complete], [Busolt 1, excerpts].
Review: Thomas Sturm, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Dec 2013, #5). [online].

García Mayo, Alejandro, tr. (2012/spa). Antropología Collins. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo. [344 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of [Collins 1].


Silva, Fernando M. F., tr. (2013/por). “«Do carácter da humanidade em geral» [das “Lições sobre Antropologia” (1775/76)].” Estudos Kantianos 1.1: 265-82 [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese of the section on the character of humanity in general from the Friedländer 4.3 notes (AA 25: 675-97). Includes an introduction by Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (pp. 255-64).


Sánchez Rodríguez, Manuel, tr. and ed. (2015/spa).  Immanuel Kant, Lecciones de Antropología. Fragmentos de estética y antropología. Granada: Editorial Comares. [WC]

Translation into Spanish. The second part of this book contains a selection from the anthropology lectures that concern the genesis of Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment. The prologue, along with a detailed table of contents, is available here.

Translation into Spanish of: Anthropology, selections from [Collins 1] [an-Parow] [an-Friedländer 1] [an-Pillau 1] [an-Starke 1] [Mrongovius 1] [Busolt 1].
Reviews: Luciana Martínez, Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33.1 (2015): 334-37; Fiorella Tomassini, Revista de Estudios Kantianos 1.1 (2016): 99-100. [online]; Robinson dos Santos, Kant-Studien 109.4 (2018): 635-37.

Silva, Fernando M. F., tr. (2015/por).  “Do Génio.” [Portuguese; “On Genius”] Introduced by Silva. Estudos Kantianos 3.2: 211-32. [online]

Translation into Portuguese of a selection on genius from lecture notes on Anthropology: [an-Starke 1] (AA 25: 1055-66).

Silva, Fernando M. F., tr. (2015/pr). “«Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar» (Lição de Antropologia de Kant. Anthropologia Mrongovius).” With an introduction by Silva. Con-Textos Kantianos 2: 324-46. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese [«On Wit and Faculty of Judgment» (Kant’s Anthropology Lecture. Anthropologie Mrongovius)].


Silva, Fernando M. F., tr. (2016/por). “As representações obscuras. Lições de Antropologia de Immanuel Kant.” [Portuguese; “Obscure representations. Immanuel Kant's Lectures on Anthropology”] Introduced by Silva. Con-Textos Kantianos 4: 296-304.

Translation into Portuguese of passages on obscure representations from lecture notes on Anthropology: [Friedländer] (AA 25: 479-82), [an-Stark] (AA 25: 867-71), and [Mrongovius] (AA 25: 1221-24).


Silva, Fernando M. F., tr. (2018/por). “‘Sinais que substituem os conceitos das coisas, encontramo-los nos poetas’: Kant sobre a faculdade de designação.” Con-Textos Kantianos 7: 536-45. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese [“Signs that replace the concepts of things, we find them in the poets”] of excerpts from Kant’s lectures on anthropology: [Collins 1] [an-Parow] [an-Starke 1] [Busolt 1] [Dohna-Wundlacken].

[top]  Lectures: Encyclopedia


Banaszkiewicz, Artur, tr. (2001/pol). “Encyklopedia filozoficzna.” Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica - Aesthetica - Practica 14: 191-231. [M]

Translation into Polish of lecture notes on Philosophical Encyclopedia [an-Friedländer 4.1].


Garelli, Gianluca, ed. and tr. (2002/ita). Immanuel Kant: Lezioni di enciclopedia filosofica. Preface by Sergio Givone. Udine: Campanotto. [xxxiv, 53 p.]

Translation into Italian of lecture notes on Philosophical Encyclopedia [an-Friedländer 4.1].


Balbiani, Laura, tr. (2003/ita). Enciclopedia filosofica: Con un'appendice sull'attività didattica di Kant. Introduction to the text by Balbiani, introductory essay and apparatus by Giuseppe Landolfi Petroni. Milan: Bompiani. [275 p.]

Translation into Italian of lecture notes on Philosophical Encyclopedia [an-Friedländer 4.1].

German text from the Akademie-Ausgabe with front-facing Italian translation. The apparatus includes: endnotes on Kant’s text, preface and table of contents of Feder’s Grundriß, an appendix with information on Kant’s teaching activity, a bibliography, and a lexicon of key Kantian terms. The translation is based on the Akademie-Ausgabe, which was compared with Lehmann’s 1961 edition. Some of the corrections proposed in Tonelli [1962] and Hinske [1964] have been accepted. [My thanks to Alberto Vanzo for this additional information. — SN]


Pelletier, Arnauld, tr. and ed. (2009/fre). Abrégé de philosophie, ou leçons sur l'encyclopédie philosophique. Texte allemand révisé, présenté, traduit et annoté par Arnaud Pelletier. Paris: J. Vrin. [186 p.]

Translation into French of lecture notes on Philosophical Encyclopedia [an-Friedländer 4.1]. This is a bilingual edition with facing German/French text, and includes a concordance of corresponding passages in the lecture notes and the Critique of Pure Reason.


García Gómez del Valle, José M., tr. (2012/spa). Enciclopedia filosófica: o un breve compendio de todas las ciencias filosóficas a partir de las lecciones del señor profesor Immanuel Kant, seguido de una selección de reflexiones de lógica y metafísica del legado manuscrito de Kant. Traducción del alemán, introducción y notas de José M. García Gómez del Valle. Girona: Palamedes. [119 p.]

Translation into Spanish of lecture notes on Philosophical Encyclopedia [an-Friedländer 4.1].

[top]  Lectures: Geography

See also the translations of Rink’s edition of Kant’s Physical Geography.


Eckerlin, Augusto, tr. (1807-11/ita). Geografia fisica / di / Emanuele Kant / tradotta dal tedesco. 6 vols. Milano: Giovanni Silvestri. [xxxvi, 460 p.; 580 p.; 612 p.; 400 p.; 452 p.; 508 p.] [SBN/Petrone]

Translation into Italian of Vollmer (1801-5). Vol. 1 (1807), vol. 2 (1808), vol. 3-4 (1809), vol. 5 (1810), vol. 6 (1811).


Nesi, Lorenzo, tr. (1816-17/ita). Storia fisica della terra compilata sulle traccie della Geografia fisica di Kant e sulle più recenti scoperte, ed ultime transazioni politiche d'Europa. 2 vols. Milano: Per Ferdinando Baret. [(4) 460 (2) p.; 325 (1) p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


[anon.], tr. (1843/ita). Manuale della geografia fisica / di Emanuele Kant. Milan: Giovanni Silvestri. [xv, 266 p.] [SBN]

Translation into Italian of ??.


Saigusa, Mitsuyoshi, tr. (1966/jap). title. Tokyo: Risosha. [ p.] [WC]

Vol. 15 of the カント全集 / Kant Complete Works (18 vols., Tasuko Hara, editor). Translation into Japanese of the Rink edition as published in AA (9: 151-436), as well as translations of selections from Glasenapp (1954) from the student notes on physical geography – this includes material on the Far East (India, Tibet, China, Japan, and the Philippines) missing from the Rink edition — long passages from an-Holstein-Beck and shorter fragments from twelve other sets of notes.


Domenico, Nicola de (1986/ita).  “La storia naturale della terra secondo Kant. Il Ms. FN 6 della Biblioteca Regionale di Messina (Kants Physische Geographie. 1782) con un estratto dal testo” in Università di Messina, La Tradizione Kantiana in Italia (Messina 1986), pp. 389-474.

Translation into Italian of selections from notes on Physical Geography [an-Messina]

[top]  Lectures: Logic

See also the translations of Jäsche’s edition of Kant’s Logic.


Young, J. Michael, ed. and tr. (1992/eng). Lectures on Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxi, 695 p.] [M]

Translation into English of notes on Logic [an-Blomberg] [an-Jäsche] [an-Wien] [Dohna-Wundlacken 3] [Hechsel].
Review: Patricia Kitcher, The Philosophical Review 103.3 (1994): 583-85; Salim Kemal, The Review of Metaphysics 47.3 (1994): 624-25; Rolf George, Kant-Studien 89.1 (1998): 92-94.


Bianco, Bruno (2000/ita). Logica di Vienna. Milan: FrancoAngeli. [lxxxviii, 278 p.]

Translation into Italian of lecture notes on Logic [an-Wien] as published in Lehmann 1966. German text from the Akademie-Ausgabe, upon which the translation is based, with front-facing Italian translation. A number of corrections proposed by Hinske [1999] and Young [1992] have been incorporated.
Review: Riccardo Pozzo, Kant-Studien 93.2 (2002): 258-59.

[top]  Lectures: Metaphysics


Tissot, J. tr. (1843/fre). Leçons de métaphysique de Kant, publiées par M. Poelitz, précédées d’une introduction où l’éditeur expose brevement les principaux changements, survenus dans la métaphysique depuis Kant. Paris: Lagrange. [xl, 446 p.]

Translation into French of lecture notes on Metaphysics [an-Pölitz 1] as published by Pölitz (1821).


Uña, Juan, tr. (1877/spa). Metafísica de Kant. Madrid: Librería de Francisco Iravedra/Antonio Novo. [xvi, 336 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of lecture notes on Metaphysics [an-Pölitz 1], from the French translation of Tissot.


Kai, Jitsudō, and Giichi Saitō, trs. (1971/jap). カントの形而上学講義 / Kanto no keijijogaku kogi. Tokyo: Sanshusha. [330 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation into Japanese of lecture notes on Metaphysics [an-Pölitz 1] as published by Pölitz (1821).


De Toni, Gian Antonio, tr. (1986/ita). Lezioni di psicologia. Introduction by Luciano Mecacci. Rome/Bari: Laterza. [157 p.]

Translation into Italian of lecture notes on Metaphysics [an-Pölitz 1] as published in Lehmann 1968.


Castillo, Monique, ed. and tr. (1993/fre). Leçons de métaphysique. Präsentation, traduction et notes par Monique Castillo, preface de Michel Meyer. Paris: Librairie Générale Française. [474 p.]

Translation into French of lecture notes on Metaphysics [an-Pölitz 1] as published in Lehmann 1968.
Review: Charles Kounkou, Kant-Studien 88.3 (1997): 372-74.


Ameriks, Karl, and Steve Naragon, tr. and eds. (1997/eng). Lectures on Metaphysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xlvii, 642 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translation into English of lecture notes on Logic [an-Pölitz 3.1] and Metaphysics [an-Königsberg 5] [an-Pölitz 1] [an-Pölitz 3.2] [Dohna-Wundlacken 4] [Herder 4] [Mrongovius 2] [Vigilantius 3] [Volckmann 3].
Review: John Goodreau, The Review of Metaphysics 52.1 (1998): 154-55; Clive Cazeaux, Kantian Review 2 (1998): 150-55; Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 49 (1998): 221-25; Heiner Klemme, International Philosophical Quarterly 38.4 (1998): 459-60.


Rigobello, Armando, tr. and ed. (1998/ita). Realtà ed esistenza. Lezioni di metafisica: introduzione e ontologia. Introduction and notes by Rigobello. Milan: San Paolo. [173 p.]

Translation into Italian of lecture notes on Metaphysics [an-Pölitz 3.2].


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). [Excerpts from Herder, an-Pölitz 1, Mrongovius, Volckmann, an-Pölitz 3.2, an-Königsberg 5, and Dohna] [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Caimi, Mario (2006/spa). Immanuel Kant, Lecciones de Metafísica (“Metaphysik Dohna”). Traducción de Mario Caimi. Estudio preliminar de María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras. Salamanca: Editora Sígueme. [189 p.] [M]

Translation into Spanish of: Metaphysics [Dohna-Wundlacken 4].
Review: Daniel Leserre, Kant-Studien 100.4 (2009): 567-69.


Mesterházi, Miklós, tr. (2013/hun). Metafizikai és teológiai előadásai. [Lectures on metaphysics and theology] Budapest: Atlantisz. [523p.] [WC] [contents]

Translations into Hungarian from several sets of notes on Metaphysics: [an-Pölitz 1] [an-Pölitz 3.2] [Mrongovius 2] [Volckmann 3] [an-Königsberg 5].


Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, tr. (2014/spa). “title??.” [Serrano 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of passages related to the transcendental deduction.

translator? (2014/kor). 칸트의 형이상학 강의. city: publisher. [318 p.] [WC]

Translation into Korean.

[top]  Lectures: Moral Philosophy


Mrongowiusz, Krzysztof Celestyn (1854/pol). Rozprawa filozoficzna / o / religii I moralnosci / miana / przez / Imanuela Kanta / a na jezyk polski przelozona / przez / Mrongoviusa. [Polish: Philosophical Treatise on Religion and Ethics, from Immanuel Kant and translated into the Polish language by Mrongovius]. Danzig: Szrota. [viii, 223 p.]

Translation into Polish of: Moral Philosophy [Mrongovius 4.2] and selections from Natural Theology [an-Pölitz 2]. While Mrongovius possessed a set of notes from Kant’s lectures on natural theology, it is clear from the text that he was translating the notes published by Pölitz [1817]. Reprint: Żelazny [2006] — a photomechanical reprint with facing German (translated from the Polish) and an essay by Tomasz Kupś on the 1854 edition.


Infield, Louis, tr. (1930/eng). Lectures on Ethics. Introduction by J. MacMurray. London: Methuen and Co. [xiii, 253 p.]

Translation into English of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924].

The MacMurray introduction is, for the most part, a rough translation of Menzer’s introduction to the German edition. Reprint (1963): New York, Harper and Row, xix, 253 pp., with a foreward by Louis White Beck and the 1930 introduction by MacMurray. Reprint (1979): London, Methuen, xix, 253 pp. Reprint (1980): Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing, xix, 253 pp., includes the 1962 foreward by L. W. Beck, but omits the introduction by J. MacMurray.
Review: Radoslav A. Tsanoff, International Journal of Ethics 43.1 (1932): 104-6.


Konishi, Kunio, and Mitsuko Nagano, trs. (1968/jap). カントの倫理学講義 / Kanto no rinrigaku kōgi. Tokyo: Sanshû-sha. [349 p.]

Translation into Japanese of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924].


Guerra, Augusto, tr. (1971/ita). Lezioni di etica. Roma-Bari: Biblioteca Universale Laterza. [xx, 300 p.]

Translation into Italian of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924].


Henriot, Patrice, tr. (1978/fre). “Leçons sur l’Ethique. Extraits traduit en français pour la première foi présentés et annotés.” Revue de l'Enseignement philosophique (Paris) 29.3: 38-60. [Malter (1981): “Kant-Bibliographie 1976-1978,” Kant-Studien 72: 242]

Translation (selection) into French of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924].


Aramayo Rodríguez, Robert, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1988/spa). Lecciones de ética. Introducción y notas de Roberto Rodriquez Aramayo; Traducción castellan de Roberto Rodriquez Aramayo y Concha Roldán Panadero. Barcelona: Crítica. [307 p.] [WC/DNB] [online]

Translation into Spanish of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924]. Later editions: 2001, 2013.


Heath, Peter and J. B. Schneewind, eds. (1997/eng). Lectures on Ethics, tr. by Peter Heath, with an introduction by J. B. Schneewind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxvii, 507 p.]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translation into English of notes on Moral Philosophy [Collins 2] [Herder 5] [Mrongovius 4.2] [Vigilantius 4].

Langlois, Luc, tr. and ed. (1997/fre). Immanuel Kant, Leçons d’éthique. Paris: Librairie Générale Française. [414 p.]

Translation into French of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924]. Introduction by Langlois (pp. 5-65).
Review: John Goodreau, The Review of Metaphysics 51.4 (1998): 937-39; Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 49 (1998): 221-25.


Sudakov, A. K, and V. V. Krylov, trs. (2000/rus). Lekcii po etike. Moscow. [?? p.] [Stark 2004a]

Translation into Russian of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924] and Gerhardt [1990].


Mikoshiba, Yoshiuki, tr. (2002/jap). “コリンズ道徳哲学.” In: カント全集: 講義錄 Tokyo: Iwanami. [?? p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese of notes on Moral Philosophy [Collins] from AA (vol. 27). Vol. 20 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


Jiménez, Alba, tr. and ed. (2017/spa). Immanuel Kant, Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II. Salamanca: Sigueme. [155 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of: Moral Philosophy [Mrongovius 4.2]. Spanish-German bilingual edition.
Review: Jesús Pinto Freire and Adrián Santamaría Pérez, Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 448-51 [online]; Pablo Verza Tonda, Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 89-90.


Cunha, Bruno Leonardo, and Charles Feldhaus, trs. (2018/por). Lições de ética.Trad. e apresentação: Bruno Leonardo Cunha e Charles Feldhaus. São Paulo: Editora Unesp. [509 p.] [WC]

Translation into Portuguese of notes on Moral Philosophy [Brauer 2], i.e., Menzer [1924].

[top]  Lectures: Natural Law


Sadun Bordoni, Gianluca (2007/ita). “Kant e il diritto natural: L'Introduzione al Naturrecht Feyerabend.” Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 84: 201-81.

Translation into Italian, with commentary, of notes on Natural Law [Feyerabend] (the introduction).


Costa Mattos, Fernando (2010/por). “Introdução ao Direito Natural Feyerabend.” Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 15: 99-113.

Translation into Portuguese of notes on Natural Law [Feyerabend] (the introduction).


Sadun Bordoni, Gianluc, tr. (2016/ita). Lezioni sul diritto naturale. Introduction and commentary by Sadun Bordoni; edited by Sadun Bordoni and Norbert Hinske. Milan: Bompiani. [303 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of notes on Natural Law [Feyerabend], with facing German text (the critical edition as published in Delfosse/Hinske/Sadun Bordoni 2010, 2014).
Review: Stefano Bacin, Kant-Studien 109.3 (2018): 482-86.

Marey, Macarena, and Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2016/spa). “La ‘Introducción’ a las Lecciones sobre derecho natural de Kant anotadas por Feyerabend.” [Spanish; The ‘Introduction’ to Kant’s Lectures on Natural Right Written Out by Feyerabend] Translated and introduced by Macarena Marey and Nuria Sánchez Madrid. Con-Textos Kantianos 3: 391-414. [M]

Translation into Spanish, with an introductory essay, of notes on Natural Law [Feyerabend] (the introduction), based on the Delfosse/Hinske/Sadun Bordoni transcription. Available online.

Rauscher, Frederick, tr. and ed., and Kenneth R. Westphal, tr. (2016/eng). Lectures and Drafts on Political Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxv, 431 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translation into English of notes on Natural Law [Feyerabend], based on the Delfosse/Hinske/Sadun Bordoni critical edition.

[top]  Lectures: Natural Theology


Mrongowiusz, Krzysztof Celestyn (1854/pol). Rozprawa filozoficzna / o / religii I moralnosci / miana / przez / Imanuela Kanta / a na jezyk polski przelozona / przez / Mrongoviusa. [Polish: Philosophical Treatise on Religion and Ethics, from Immanuel Kant and translated into the Polish language by Mrongovius]. Danzig: Szrota. [viii, 223 p.]

Translation into Polish of: Moral Philosophy [Mrongovius 4.2] and selections from Natural Theology [an-Pölitz 2]. While Mrongovius possessed a set of notes from Kant’s lectures on natural theology, it is clear from the text that he was translating the notes published by Pölitz [1817]. Reprint: Żelazny [2006] — a photomechanical reprint with facing German (translated from the Polish) and an essay by Tomasz Kupś on the 1854 edition.


Wood, Allen W., and Gertrude M. Clark, tr. and eds. (1978/eng). Lectures on Philosophical Theology. Introduction and notes by Allen Wood. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. [175 p.] [M]

Translation into English of notes on Natural Theology: [anonymous-Pölitz 2].
Review: G. E. Michalson, Jr., Journal of the American Academy of Religion 47.3 (1979): 479-80; Meerbote, Ralf, The Philosophical Review 89.2 (1980): 285-88.


Esposito, Costantino (1988/ita). Lezioni di filosofia della religione. Naples: Bibliopolis. [308 p.]

Translation into Italian of notes on Natural Theology: [anonymous-Pölitz 2].


Fink, William (1993/fre). Leçons sur la théorie philosophique de la religion. Presentation et lecture commentee par William Fink et Gerard Nicolas. Paris: Librairie générale française. [342 p.] [WC/Rev]

Translation into French of notes on Natural Theology: [anonymous-Pölitz 2].
Review: Jean Ferrari, Kant-Studien 87.3 (1996): 282-83.


Wood, Allen W., and George di Giovanni, tr. and eds. (1996/eng). Religion and Rational Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxiv, 518 p.] [M]

Translations into English of the following writings: [Orientation] [Theodicy] [Religion] [End of All Things] [Conflict of the Faculties] [Jachmann Preface] as well as the [anonymous-Pölitz 2] notes on Natural Theology.
Review: Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 49 (1998): 221-25.


Río, Alejandro del, and Enrique Romerales, trs. (2000/spa). Lecciones sobre la filosofía de la religión. Edición a cargo de Alejandro del Rio y Enrique Romerales, notas de Alejandro del Río. Madrid: Ediciones Akal. [164 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Ágora 23.1 (2004): 229-30.


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). [Excerpts from Mrongovius][??] [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Żelazny, Miroslaw, tr. and ed. (2006/pol). Immanuel Kant, Rozprawa filozoficzna o religii i moralnosci / Philosophische Abhandlung über Religion und Moral. Translated into Polish by Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz. Torun. [499 p.] [M]

Translation into Polish of Moral Philosophy [Mrongovius 4.2] and Natural Theology [Mrongovius 3]. This is a photomechanical reprint of Mrongovius [1854], with facing German and an essay (Polish/German) by Tomasz Kupś on the first edition of Kant’s lectures on religion and ethics. Translation into Polish (and reconstruction of the original German) of: Moral Philosophy [Mrongovius 4.2], Natural Theology [Mrongovius 3].
Review: Dariusz Pakalski, Kant-Studien 101.1 (2010): 113-15.


Fugate, Courtney, and John Hymers, trs. (2016/eng). Johann August Eberhard, Preparation for Natural Theology, with Kant’s Notes and the Rational Theology Transcript. London: Bloomsbury. [xlvii, 279 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of (1) Eberhard, Vorbereitung zur natürlichen Theologie (1781) [pp. 1-67], (2) Kant’s annotations written in his copy of Eberhard (Refl. 6206-6310; AA 18:489-606) [pp. 69-129], and (3) notes from Kant’s lectures on Natural Theology [Mrongovius 3] [pp. 131-218].
Review: J. Colin McQuillan, Journal for Eighteenth‐Century 37.4 (2014): 561-62.


Cunha, Bruno, tr. (2019/por). Lições sobre a doutrina filosófica da religião. Petrópolis: Vozes; Bragança Paulista: Ed. Universitária São Francisco. [232 p.] [Terra 2022/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.

[top]Opus Postumum [text]


Gibelin, Jean, tr. (1950/fre). Opus postumum. Textes choisis et traduits par J. Gibelin. Paris: J. Vrin. [198 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Mathieu, Vittorio, tr. and ed. (1963/ita). Opus postumum: passaggio dai principi metafisici della scienza della natura alla fisica. Bologna: Zanichelli. [412 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Duque, Félix, tr. (1983/spa). Transición de los principios metafísicos de la ciencia natural à la física: Opus postumum. Madrid: Editora Nacional. [769 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.
Review: Hans Widmer, Kant-Studien 75.3 (1984): 350-52.


Marty, François, tr. (1986/fre). Opus postumum: passage des principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature à la physique. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. [xvii, 444 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Förster, Eckhart, ed. and tr., Michael Rosen, tr. (1993/eng). Opus postumum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [lvii, 303 p.]

Translation into English.

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Review: Kenneth R. Westphal, The Review of Metaphysics 48.2 (1994): 410-13; Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 43.3 (1995): 405-10; Jeffrey Edwards, The Philosophical Review 104.2 (1995): 280-82.


Kupś, Tomasz, tr. (2010/pol). “Opus postumum.” [selection] Studia z Historii Filozofii 1: 9-30.

Translation into Polish.


Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (2013/pol). “Opus postumum.” [selection] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.1: 9-32. [PW] [online]

Translation into Polish.

Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. (2013/pol). “Opus postumum.” [selection] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.2: 9-18. [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Kupś, Tomasz, tr. (2013/pol). “Opus postumum.” [selection] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.3: 9-31. [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Kupś, Tomasz, tr. (2013/pol). “Opus postumum.” [selection] Studia z Historii Filozofii 4.4: 9-25. [WC]

Translation into Polish.


Kupś, Tomasz, tr. (2014/pol). “Opus postumum.” [selection] Studia z Historii Filozofii 5.2: 17-29. [WC]

Translation into Polish.

Kupś, Tomasz, tr. (2014/pol). “Opus postumum: XXI 308-312; XXII 205-215; XXI 522-527, 475-478, 481-484.” Studia z Historii Filozofii 5.3: 9-34. [WC]

Translation into Polish.

[top]  Correspondence


Tissot, J., tr. and ed. (1862/fre). “Correspondance philosophique entre Kant et Lambert, 1765-1770.” [Tissot 1862, 277-314] [M]

Translation into French.


Shinoda, Hideo, tr. (1937/jap). イマヌエルカント書簡集 / Imanueru kanto shokanshū. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten. [715 (29) p.] [WC]

Translation into Japanese. Vol. 18 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works].


Kerferd, G. B., and D. E. Walford, tr. and ed. (1967/eng). “Correspondance with Lambert, Sulzer, Medelssohn, Herz, and Beck.” [Kerferd/Walford 1968, 93-150] [M]

Translation into English.

Zweig, Arnulf, tr. and ed. (1967/eng). Philosophical Correspondence: 1755-95. Chicago: Chicago University Press. [x, 260 p.]

Translation into English.


Verneaux, Roger, tr. (1968/fre). Lettre à Marcus Herz du 21 février 1772. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne. [134 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Bruch, Jean-Louis, tr. (1969/fre). Lettres sur la morale et la religion. Paris: Aubier. [236 p.] [WC]

Translation into French, with facing German text.


Reis, Alberto, tr. (1983/por). “Carta a Marcus Herz (21 de Fevereiro de 1772).” [Magalhães 1983, 231-39] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Marques, Antonio , tr. (1985/por). “Carta a Marcus Herz.” [Santos/Marques 1985, 125-52] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese.


Ferreira, Manuel J. Carmo, tr. (1988/por). Correspondência Lambert/Kant. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. [111 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translation into Portuguese of the correspondence between Kant and Lambert.
Review: Irene Borges Duarte, Kant-Studien 82.4 (1991): 474-76.


Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Lettere a vari destinatari.” [Desideri 1990, 103-15] [M]

Translation into Italian of letters from Kant to F. H. Jacobi (30 Aug 1789), … L. E. Borowski (6 and 12 Mar 1790), … J. G. Fichte (2 Feb 1792), … Matern Reuß (1793), … F. Schiller (30 Mar 1795), … J. Plücker (26 Jan 1796).

Meo, Oscar, tr. (1990/ita). Epistolario filosofico: 1761-1800. Genoa: Il melangolo. [407 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.
Review: Riccardo Pozzo, Kant-Studien 83.4 (1990): 4485-86.


Challiot, Marie-Christine, tr. (1991/fre). Correspondance. Paris: Gallimard. [909 p.] [WC]

Translation into French.


Li, Qiuling, tr. (1992/chi). 康德书信百封 / Kangde shu xin bai feng. Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she. [298 p.] [WC]

Translation into Chinese.


Zweig, Arnulf, tr. and ed. (1999/eng). Correspondence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xx, 639 p.]

Translation into English.

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.
Review: Werner Euler, Kant-Studien 92 (2001): 384.


Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). “Correspondence with Charlotte von Knoblauch and Moses Mendelssohn.” [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


translator??, tr. (2004/rom). “Scrisoare catre Marcus Herz, Könisberg, 21 februarie 1772.” Revista de filosofie 51.3-4: 347-50. [PW]

Translation into Romanian.


Torrevejano, Mercedes, tr. (2005/spa). Correspondencia. Edición y traducción de Mercedes Torrevejano, presentación de Juan José Carreras Ares. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico. [302 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.


Turunen, Panu, tr. (2010/fin). Kirjeenvaihtoa 1759-1799. Turku: Areopagus. [245 p.]

Translation into Finnish.


Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, tr. (2014/spa). “title.” [Serrano 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of passages from the Herz correspondence related to the transcendental deduction.


Girotti, Márcio tadeu, tr. (2015/por). “Carta de Kant a Christian Garve (Kant: Briefwechsel, AA XII, Brief 820, An Christian Garve, seite 256-258).” Studia Kantiana 13.19: 177-80. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese, with original German.


Menezes, Edmilson, tr. (2016/por). “Cartas sobre educação e ensino, de Immanuel Kant.” Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 21.1: 163-71. [WC]

Translation into Portuguese, with an introduction by the translator, of three letters on education at the Philanthropinum: To Christian Heinrich Wolke (28 March 1776), to Joachim Heinrich Campe (31 October 1777), and to Wilhelm Crichton (29 July 1778)


Stepanenko, Pedro, tr. (2023/por). “Correspondencia entre Kant, Maimon y Herz del 7 de abril al 26 de mayo de 1789.” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 8.2: 600-15. [M] [online]

[top]  Reflections/Nachlaß

Kant’s “Remarks” in his Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen [AA 20]


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (1991/spa). “Acotaciones a las Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y de lo sublime (Selección).” [Aramayo 1991, 155-62] [M]

Translation into Spanish.


Geonget, Brigitte, tr. (1994/fre). Remarques touchant les observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime. Preface by Bernard Bourgeois. Paris: J. Vrin. [274 p.] [WC]

Translation into French of Kant’s “Remarks” in his Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen.
Review: Jean Ferrari, Kant-Studien 87.1 (1996): 128.


Tenenbaum, Katrin, tr. and ed. (2001/ita). Bemerkungen: Note per un diario filosofico. Roma: Meltemi. [272 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of Kant’s “Remarks” in his Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen.


Catena, Maria Teresa, tr. and ed. (2002/ita). Annotazioni alle osservazioni sul sentimento del bello e del sublime. Naples: Guida. [lxx, 201 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of Kant’s “Remarks” in his Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen.


Clewis, Robert R., tr. (2003/eng). Aesthetic and Moral Judgment: The Kantian Sublime in the Observations, the Remarks (translated), and the Critique of Judgment. Ph.D Dissertation, Boston College. [ix, 567 p.] [WC]

Translation into English of Kant’s “Remarks” in his Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (in part three of the dissertation).


See → Croitoru, Opere: Observatii asupra sentimentului de frumos si sublim. 2008.


Frierson, Patrick, Matthew Cooley, Thomas Hilgers, Uygar Abaci, and Michael Nance, trs., Paul Guyer, ed. (2011/eng). “Remarks in the Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.” [Frierson/Guyer 2011, 65-202] [M]

Translation into English.


Cunha, Bruno, tr. (2016/por). “As Anotações nas ‘Observações sobre o sentimento do belo e do sublime’ (seleção de notas).” Kant e-Prints 11.2: 51-79. [WC]

Translation into Portuguese, with original German text.

Kant’s notes on Kästner [AA 20]


La Rocca, Claudio, tr. (1994/ita). “Sulle trattazioni di Kästner.” [La Rocca 1994, 155-64] [WC]

Translation into Italian of a portion (Ak. 20: 410-23) of Kant’s notes for the “Review of Eberhard’s Magazin” (Ak. 20: 381-423) written by his Königsberg colleague and professor of mathematics, Johann Schultz, and published in 1790 [→Schultz].


Fichant, Michel, tr. (2002/fre). “O Kästerjevih Razpravah.” Filozofski vestnik 23.1: 63-69. [M] [online]

Translation into Slovenian.


Fichant, Michel, tr. (2008/fre). “Sur les articles de Kästner.” Kant, sous la direction de Jean-Marie Vaysse. Paris: les Éd. du Cerf [pp. 47-64]. [WC]

Translation into French. A volume of Les cahiers d'histoire de la philosophie.


Onof, Christian, and Dennis Schulting, tr. (2014/eng). “On Kästner’s Treatises.” Kantian Review 19.2: 305-13. [WC]

Translation into English of a portion (Ak. 20: 410-23) of Kant’s notes for the “Review of Eberhard’s Magazin” (Ak. 20: 381-423) written by his Königsberg colleague and professor of mathematics, Johann Schultz, and published in 1790 [→Schultz].


Jerez, Diego Sanhueza, tr. (2015/spa). “Kant. Ensayos sobre Kästner.” Ideas y Valores 64.159: 259-68. [M] [online]

Translation into Spanish.

Leningrad 1

This reflection on Inner Sense was discovered in the 1980s and first published (transcription by Werner Stark, commentary by Reinhard Brandt) in Kant-Forschungen, 1 (1987): 1-30.


Soares, Maria Luísa Couto, tr. (1984/por). “Sobre o sentido interno.” Revista. Quadrimestral de Filosofia, Gab. de Filosofia do Conhecimento (Lisboa), 16: 145-47. [Epifânio 2004]

Translation into Portuguese.


Perrinjaqut, Alain, tr. (1987/fre). “«Du sens interne». Un texte inedit d’Immanuel Kant.” Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie 119.4: 426-33. [M]

Translation into French, with facing German text.

Żelazny, Miroslaw, tr. (1987/pol). “O zmyśle wewnętrznym.” Studia Filozoficzne 6: 3-5. [Żelazny 1998]

Translation into Polish.

Seven Small Essays (1788-91)

Johann G.K.C. Kiesewetter [bio] transferred from Halle to Königsberg in November 1788 in order to study with Kant. He stayed for two semesters, attended Kant’s lectures, and eventually was included as one of Kant’s regular dinner guests. After returning to Berlin he maintained an active correspondence with Kant, returning to Königsberg for a second visit (September-October 1790) to continue their discussions, and it was in this context, during this second visit, that Kant wrote these seven brief essays first collected together and published in Rosenkranz/Schubert, vol. 11.1 (pp. 260-72): (1) Beantwortung der Frage, ist es eine Erfahrung, dass wir denken? [AA 18:318-20], (2) Über Wunder [AA 18: 320-22], (3) Widerlegung des problematischen Idealismus [AA 18:607-12], (4) Über particuläre Providenz [AA 19:636-37], (5) Vom Gebet [AA 19:637-38], (6) Über das Moment der Geschwindigkeit im Anfangsaugenblick des Falls [AA 14:495-96], and (7) Über formale und materiale Bedeutung einiger Worte [AA 18: 322-23].


Hohenegger, Hansmichael, tr. (1986/ita). “Sette piccoli saggi del 1789-90.” Il cannocchiale 1/2: 5-27. [M]

Translation into Italian.



Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. (1990/ita). “Dai Sette piccoli saggi.” [Desideri 1990, 87-85] [M]

Translation into Italian of the first five of the seven essays.



Chenet, François-Xavier, tr. (1988/fre). Manuscrit de Duisbourg (1774-1775). Choix de Réflexions des années 1772-1777. Traduction, présentation et notes par Chenet. Paris: J. Vrin. [185 p.] [M]

Translation into French.
Review: Robert Theis, Kant-Studien 82.1 (1991): 110-12.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (1991/spa). “Antología” [Aramayo 1991, 47-186] [M]

Translation into Spanish of selections from the reflections and drafts.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2001/spa). “title.” [Aramayo 2001, ??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of selected reflections on moral philosophy.


Guyer, Paul, tr. and ed., Curtis Bowman, and Frederick Rauscher, trs. (2002/eng). Notes and Fragments. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxx, 663 p.]

Translation into English.
Review: Steve Naragon, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2006.01, #5) [online]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Johnson, Gregory, and Glenn Alexander Magee, trs. (2002/eng). “Two Reflections.” [Johnson 2002, pages??] [WC]

Translation into English.


Santos Herceg, José G., tr. (2004/spa). Reflexiones sobre filosofía moral. Traducción, estudio introductorio y notas de José G. Santos Herceg. Salamanca: Ediciones Siqueme. [253 p.] [WC]

Translation into Spanish.

Burkovsʹkij, Igor, tr. (2004/ukr). Refleksiï do krytyky čystoho rozumu. Kyïv: Junivers. [454 p.] [WC]

Translation into Ukrainian of reflections related to the Critique of Pure Reason.


Makowiak, Alexandra, tr. (2007/fre). “Réflexions sur l'anthropologie, §117 - §172.” Annales de Phénoménologie 6 (2007): 234-44. [PW]

Translation into French.


Nadai, Bruno, Cauê Cardoso Polla, Fernando Costa Mattos, Monique Hulshof, and Nathalie de Almeida Bresciani, trs. (2009/por). “Reflexões.” Cadernos de Filosfia Alemã 14: 119-21. [M][online]

Translation into Portuguese.


Grapotte, Sophie, tr. (2011/fre). Réflexions métaphysiques: 1780-1789. Présentation, traduction et annotation par Sophie Grapotte. Paris: J. Vrin. [300 p.]

Translation into French.


Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (2013/spa). “Trabajos preparatorios de Teoría y práctica [Aramayo 2013, 261-75] [M]

Translation into Spanish of a draft of Theory and Practice (AA 23: 127-35). Published previously in Aramayo (1991, 175-82).

Blanc-Brude, Gilles, tr. (2013/fre). “Réflexions en vue de l'anthropologie.” Philosophie (Paris) 117 (2013): 3-10, 11-37. [??]

Translation into French.

Gutiérrez-Xivillé, Ana-Carolina, tr. (2013/spa). “Un Regalo para Rose Burger. Notas y comentarios sobre una recién hallada hoja de Kant.” Isegoría: Revista de Filosofia Moral y Politica 48: 333-44. [M]

Translation into Spanish of a recently discovered note of Kant’s, originally published in: Steve Naragon and Werner Stark, “Ein Geschenk für Rose Burger. Notizen und Hinweise zu einem neu aufgefunden Kant-Blatt.” Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 1-12.

Meo, Oscar, tr. (2013/ita). Riflessioni sul gusto. [Italian; Reflections on taste] Introduction by Meo. Palermo: di Estetica [89 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian.


Langlois, Luc, tr., in collaboration with Mathieu Robitaille and Émilie Jade-Poliquin. (2014/fre). Réflexions sur la philosophie morale. Paris: J. Vrin. [419 p.] [WC]

Translation into French; also includes a translation into French of A. G. Baumgarten, Initia philosophiae practicae primae acroamatice.
Review: Mai Lequan, Estudos Kantianos 4.2 (2016): 223-25, and Kant-Studien 109.4 (2018): 637–39.

Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, tr. (2014/spa). “title.” [Serrano 2014, pages??] [WC]

Translation into Spanish of passages related to the transcendental deduction.


Cunha, Bruno, tr. (2015/por). “A importância das Reflexões sobre o otimismo para o desenvolvimento intelectual kantiano.” Studia Kantiana 13.18: 206-26. [M] [online]

Translation into Portuguese (The significance of Reflections on optimism for Kant’s intellectual development), with an introduction by the translator.


Rauscher, Frederick, tr. and ed., and Kenneth R. Westphal, tr. (2016/eng). Lectures and Drafts on Political Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxv, 431 p.]

Translation into English of selected reflections on the philosophy of right (pp. 1-72).

Erdmann, Benno (2017/ita). Riflessioni sulla Critica della ragion pura: da annotazioni manoscritte. Translated from the German by Raffaele Ciafardone. Naples/Salerno: Orthotes. [473 p.] [WC]

Translation into Italian of volume two of Erdmann, Reflexionen Kants zur kritischen Philosophie. Aus Kants handschriftlichen Aufzeichnungen (Leipzig 1884) – the first volume consists of Kant’s reflections on anthropology.


Cunha, Bruno (2019/por). “Immanuel Kant: Reflexóes de filosophia moral [seleçáo de notas].” Estudos Kantianos (Marília), 7.1: 81-101.

Translation into Portuguese of reflections on moral philosophy.

[top]  Kant’s Collected Works in Translation  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

Chinese: Li 2003-10 | English: Guyer/Wood 1992-2016 | French: Barni 1846-55Alquié 1980-86 | Japanese: Iwanami 1926Hara 1965-1988 | Latin: Born 1796-98 | Polish: Żelazny 2010-14 | Romanian: Croitoru 2007- | Russian: Motrosilova/Tuschling 1994-2019 | Spanish: Granja Castro, et al. 2004- .

See also: Specific Translation Projects

[Born 1796-98/lat] Born, Fredericus Gottlob, tr. and ed. Opera ad philosophiam criticam. 4 vols. Leipzig: Schwickert. Photomechanical reprint (1969): Frankfurt/Main, Minerva Verlag.


Born, vol. 4

Born (v4)

Born, vol. 3

Born (v3)

Born, vol. 2

Born (v2)

Born, vol. 1

Born (v1)

Translation of Kant’s writings into Latin.

Vol. 1 (1796) contains the following: [→Critique of Pure Reason].

Vol. 2 (1797) contains the following: [→Prolegomena] [→Metaphysical Foundations] [→Groundwork] [→Religion].

Vol. 3 (1797) contains the following: [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Critique of Judgment].

Vol. 4 (1798) contains the following: [Table of Contents]
I. Quaestiones philosophiae
1. De loco communi: istud quidem in theoria verum fuerit, illius autem nullus usus est in praxi (1-46) [→Theory and Practice]
2. Ad pacem aeternam (47-96) [→Perpetual Peace]
3. Somnia pneumatoptae per somnia metaphysices illustrata (97-160) [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer]
4. Specimen de conceptu quantitatum negativarum in philosophiam introducendo (161-99) [→Negative Magnitudes]
5. Idea historiae universalis respectu cosmopolitico (200-16) [→Universal History]
6. Responsio ad quaestionem: quidnam est mentis collustratio? (217-24) [→Enlightenment]
7. Initium probabile historiae generis humani (225-41) [→Conjectural Beginning]
8. De usu principiorum teleologicorum in philosophia (242-70) [→Teleological Principles]
9. Determinatio conceptus de progenie hominum (271-88) [→Concept of Race]
10. De vanitate omnium tentaminum philosophicorum in theodicea (289-307) [→Theodicy]
11. Quid significat Francogallorum illud: s’orienter dans le penser? (308-24) [→Orientation in Thinking]
12. Observationes de sensu pulcritudinis et sublimitatis (325-80) [→Beautiful/Sublime]
13. Finis omnium rerum (381-96) [→End of All Things]
14. De tono quodam illustri in philosophia nuper instituto (397-416) [→New Tone]
15. Nuntium pactionis propediem conficiendae ad pacem aeternam in philosophia (417-27) [→Peace in Philosophy]
16. Argumentum quo, deum esse, uno potest evinci (428-538) [→Only Possible Argument]
II. Metaphysica moram [→Metaphysics of Morals]
1. Initia metaphysica doctrinae iuris (539-694)
2. Initia metaphysica ethices (695-820).

[Barni 1846-55/fre] Barni, Jules, ed. Oeuvres complètes de Kant. Paris: Ladrange. ?? volumes.

Translation of Kant’s writings into French. [Unclear if this was finished. The advertisement in his 1855 [pdf] suggested (1) a one volume Petites écrits relatifs à la Critique de las raison pure was in the works, and that future volumes included: (2) Critique de la religion (with related writings), (3) Anthropologie (with related writings), (4) Éléments métahysiques de la physique (with related writings), and (5) Kant, sa vie et sa doctrine.]

Critique de la raison pratique [Barni 1848]

Critique du Jugement, 2 vols. [Barni 1846]

Éléments métaphysiques de la doctrine du droit [Barni 1853]

Éléments métaphysiques de la doctrine de la vertu [Barni 1855]

Critique de la raison pure, 2 vols. [Barni 1869]

[Iwanami 1926/jap] The Iwanami publishing house (Tokyo) published カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1926-1939. Eighteen volumes. [WC]

Translation of Kant’s writings into Japanese.

Vols. 1-3 (1930-39[??]; 572 p.): 純粋理性批判. 上卷 / Junsui risei hihan. [Critique of Pure Reason] Translated by Teiyū Amano.

Vol. 4 (1932; 693 p.): 判断力批判 / Handanryoku hihan [Critique of the Power of Judgment] Translated by Yoshinori Ōnishi.

Vol. 5 (1932; 439 [41] p.): 宗教哲学 / Shūkyō tetsugaku [Religion] Translated by Yoshishige Abe.

Vol. 6 (1926; 336 [18] p.): プロレゴーメナ / Puroregāmena [Prolegomena] Translated by Gen'yoku Kuwaki and Teiyū Amano.

Vol. 7 (1933; 170 p.): 道徳哲学原論 / Dōtoku tetsugaku genron [Groundwork] Translated by Yoshishige Abe and Tadashi Fujiwara.

Vol. 8 (1926; 263 [15] p.): イマヌエル・カント道徳哲学 / Imanueru kanto dōtoku tetsugaku [moral philosophy] Translated by Shigenobu Shirai.

Vol. 9 (1933; 346 [18] p.): 法律哲学 / Hōritsu tetsugaku [Doctrine of Right] Translated by Kyō Tsunetō and Kyōji Funada.

Vol. 10 (1929; 300 [18] p.): 論理学 / Ronrigaku [Logic] Translated by Jūzō Tanabe.

Vol. 11 (1928; 277 [11] p.): 自然哲学原理 / Shizen tetsugaku genri [Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science] Translated by Jun Tosaka.

Vol. 12 (1929; 113 [22] p.): 可感界並に可想界の形式と原理とに就いて / Kakankai narabini kasōkai no keishiki to genri toni tsuite [Inaugural Dissertation] Translated by Shin'ichi Takeda.

Vol. 13 (1926; 221 [9] p.): イマヌエル・カント一般歴史考: 其他 / Imanueru kanto ippan rekishi kō [writings on history] Translated by Motomori Kimura. [→Kimura 1926]

Vol. 14 (1935; 540 [16] p.): 神の存在根拠: 其他 / Kami no sonzai konkyo. [early theoretical writings] Translated by Yoshikazu Matsuoka. [→Matsuoka 1935]

Vol. 15 (1939; 355 [4] p.): 美と崇高との感情性に関する観察: 其他 / Bi to sūkō tono kanjōsei ni kansuru kansatsu [Observations on the Beautiful and Sublime, and other writings] Translated by Shin'ichi Takeda. [→Takeda 1939]

Vol. 16 (1937; 506 [21] p.): 人間学 / Ningengaku [Anthropology] Translated by Tokuo Sakata.

Vol. 17 (1938; 393 [10] p.): 教育学其他 / Kyōikugaku sonota [pedagogy and other writings] Translated by Jinjō Kiba. [→Kiba 1938]

Vol. 18 (1937; 715 [29] p.): 書簡集 / Shokanshū [correspondence] Translated by Hideo Shinoda.

Vol. 20 (2002; 682 [14] p.): 講義錄 / Kōgiroku [lectures on Moral Philosophy (Collins), Anthropology (??), Logic (Pölitz)] Translated by Yoshiyuki Mikoshiba, Toru Nakajima, Masahiko Yuasa.

[Hara 1965-1988/jap] Hara, Tasuko, editor, under the direction of Masaaki Kosaka and Takezo Kaneko. カント全集 / Kant Complete Works. Tokyo: Risosha, 1965-1988. Eighteen volumes. [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translation of Kant’s writings into Japanese.

Vol. 1 (1966, 376 p.): Schriften zur Naturphilosophie. Translated by Yutaka Kamei.

Vol. 2 (1965, 312 p.): Vorkritische Schriften I. Translated by Masao Yamashita.

Vol. 3 (1965, 350 p.): Vorkritische Schriften II. Translated by Yoshitake Kawato.

Vol. 4 (1966, 457 p.): Kritik der reinen Vernunft I. Translated by Tasuku Hara. [→1966]

Vol. 5 (1966, 431 p.): Kritik der reinen Vernunft II. Translated by Tasuku Hara. [→1966]

Vol. 6 (1973, 490 p.): Kritik der reinen Vernunft III. Prolegomena. Translated by Tasuku Hara and Kazuo Yumoto. [→Hara/Yumoto 1973]

Vol. 7 (1965, 419 p.): Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Translated by Moribumi Fukasaku

Vol. 8 (1965, 639 p.): Kritik der Urteilskraft. Translated by Tasuku Hara. [→1965]

Vol. 9 (1974, 440 p.): Religion. Translated by Munetaka lijima and Yoshiaki Utsunomiya.

Vol. 10 (1966, 427 p.): Metaphysik der Natur. Translated by Ichigu Takamine.

Vol. 11 (1969, 569 p.): Metaphysik der Sitten. Translated by Denzaburo Yoshizawa and Yukio Oda.

Vol. 12 (1966, 516 p.): Kritische Schriften. Translated by Takuji Kadowaki.

Vol. 13 (1988, 789 p.): Philosophy of history. Translated by Yukiyoshi Ogura.

Vol. 14 (1966, 639 p.): Anthropologie. Translated by Taro Yamashita und Megumi Sakabe.

Vol. 15 (1966, 690 p.): Physische Geographie. Translated by Mitsuyoshi Saigusa.

Vol. 16 (1966, 633 p.): Pädagogik. Kleinere Schriften. Handschriftlicher Nachlaß. Translated by Tatsuo Owatari.

Vol. 17 (1977, 449 p.): Correspondence I. Translated by Takuji Kadowaki and Kageatsu Isoe.

Vol. 18 (1977, 472 p.): Correspondence II. Translated by Setsuyo Miyama and Kohei Ishizaki.

[Alquié 1980-86/fre] Alquié, Ferdinand, ed. Immanuel Kant, Oeuvres philosophiques. Paris: Gallimard. Three volumes.

Translation of Kant’s writings into French. Known as the Pléiade edition.

Vol. 1 (1980): Des premiers écrits à la Critique de la raison pure (1747-1781). [xxxi, 1795 p.]

Review: Michel Malherbe, Archives de Philosophie (Paris) 45 (1982): 476-79.


Vol. 2 (1985): Des Prolégomènes aux écrits de 1791. [xxiii, 1603 p.]


Vol. 3 (1986): Les derniers écrits. [xix, 1561 p.]


[Guyer/Wood 1992-2016/eng] Guyer, Paul, and Allen W. Wood, general editors. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sixteen volumes.

Translation of Kant’s writings into English.

(1992): Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770 [Walford 1992]

(1992): Lectures on Logic [Young 1992]

(1993): Opus postumum [Förster 1993]

(1996): Religion and Rational Theology [Wood/di Giovanni 1996]

(1996): Practical Philosophy [Gregor 1996]

(1997): Lectures on Metaphysics [Ameriks/Naragon 1997]

(1997): Lectures on Ethics [Heath/Scheewind 1997]

(1998): Critique of Pure Reason [Guyer/Wood 1998]

(1999): Correspondence [Zweig 1999]

(2000): Critique of the Power of Judgment [Guyer 2000]

(2002): Theoretical Philosophy after 1781 [Allison 2002]

(2002): Notes and Fragments [Guyer/Rauscher 2002]

(2007): Anthropology, History, and Education [Zöller/Louden 2007]

(2012): Lectures on Anthropology [Wood/Louden 2012]

(2012): Natural Science [Watkins 2012]

(2016): Lectures and Drafts on Political Philosophy [Rauscher 2016]

[Motrosilova/Tuschling 1994-2019/rus] Motrosilova, Nelli (Moskau), und Burkhard Tuschling (Marburg); after 2012: Nelli Motrosilova, Bernd Dörflinger, and Dieter Hüning, general editors. Immanuel Kant, Sočinenija. 5 volumes. Bilingual: German/Russian. Moskova: Kanon-Pljus.

Translation into Russian, with facing German, of Kant’s critical writings.

Vol. 1: Traktaty i stat'i 1784-1796 / Abhandlungen und Aufsätze 1784–1796. Moskva: Kanon-Pljus, 1994. [584 p.]

Vol. 2: Kritika čistogo razuma / Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Moskva: Kanon-Pljus, 2006. [ix, 1081, 935 p.]

Vol. 3: Osnovopoloženie k metafizike nravov/ Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten; Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Moskva: Kanon-Pljus, 1997. [780 p.]

Vol. 4: Kritika sposobnosti suždenija / Kritik der Urteilskraft; Pervoe vvedenie v “Kritiky sposobnosti suzdeniija” / Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft. Moskva: Kanon-Pljus, 2001. [1115 p.]

Vol. 5. 1: Metafizika nravov / Metaphysik der Sitten. 1. Teilband: Metafizičeskie pervonačala učenija o prave / Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre. Moskva: Kanon-Pljus, 2013. [1119 p.] [contents]

Vol. 5. 2: Metafizika nravov / Metaphysik der Sitten. 2. Teilband: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre. Moskva: Kanon-Pljus, 2019.

[Li 2003-10] Li, Qiuling, general editor. 康德著作全集 / Kants werke: akademie textausgabe. 9 volumes. Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.

[Croitoru 2007-/rom] Croitoru, Rodica, editor. Opere. Bucuresti: Editura BIC ALL, Antet, 2007f. [WC]

Translation of Kant’s writings into Romanian of the following texts:

(2007): Religia doar în limitele raţiunii [→2007].

(2007): Critica facultatii de judecare: prima introducere la Critica facultatii de judecare [→2007].

(2008): Observatii asupra sentimentului de frumos si sublim. Note la Observaţii asupra sentimentului de frumos şi sublim. [→2008].

(2008): Spre pacea eterna: un proiect filosofic. [→2008]

(2013): Intemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Critica raţiunii practice. [→2013].

(2013): Metafizica moravurilor. [→2013].

(2013): Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii; Lui Sömmerring. Despre organul sufletului; Despre puterea sufletului de a îşi stăpâni sentimentele maladive doar printr-o decizie; Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland. [→2013].

(2013): Antropologia din perspectiva pragmatica. [→2013].

[Żelazny 2010-14/pol] Żelazny, Mirosław, general editor. Immanuel Kant, Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. Six volumes.

Translation of Kant’s writings into Polish of volumes 1-8 of the Academy Edition (Kants gesammelte Schriften).

Vol. 1 (2010): Pisma przedkrytyczne [Pre-Critical Writings][Kupś/Jankowski 2010]

Vol. 2 (2013): Krytyka czystego rozumu [The Critique of Pure Reason][Żelazny 2013]

Vol. 3 (2013): Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszłej metafizyki, która ma wystąpić jako nauka. Ugruntowanie metafizyki moralności. Metafizyczne podstawy przyrodoznawstwa. Krytyka praktycznego rozumu [Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. The Critique of Practical Reason.][Kupś 2012]

Vol. 4 (2014): Krytyka wladzy sadzenia [The Critique of Judgment][Żelazny 2014]

Vol. 5 (2011): Religia w obrębie samego rozumu. Spór fakultetów. Metafizyka moralności [Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone. The Contest of Faculties. Metaphysics of Morals.][Włoch 2011]

Vol. 6 (2012): Pisma po roku 1781 [Writings after 1787][Jankowski 2012]

[Granja Castro 2004- /span] Granja Castro, Dulce María, general editor[??]. Immanuel Kant, Biblioteca Immanuel Kant. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Translation of Kant’s major writings into Spanish in a critical edition with facing German text; see Granja Castro [2015].

(2004) Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y lo sublime. [→2004].

(2005) Crítica de la razón práctica. [→2005].

(2008) Los progresos de la metafísica. [→2008].

(2009) Crítica de la razón pura. [→2009].

(2014) Antropología en sentido pragmático. [→2014].

[top]  Smaller Collections of Translated Texts  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

Publications containing the translations of more than one of Kant’s writings are listed here (with a separate entry for each of the translated works in the main bibliography), with the following exceptions: (1) editions of the Critique of the Power of Judgment that include a translation of the “First Introduction” (here, a reference will be included with the translations of the “First Introduction”), (2) editions of Observations on the Beautiful and the Sublime that include a translation of Kant’s “Remarks” (with a similar reference).

[Abbott 1873/1879/1883] Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. Kant’s Theory of Ethics or Practical Philosophy. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, & Dyer. [viii p.]

The 2nd edition (1879) includes a complete translation of the Critique of Practical Reason and adds Kant’s 1797 essay on the "Right to Lie"). The 3rd edition (1883) also adds a translation of the general introduction to the Metaphysics of Morals and the preface/introduction to the Doctrine of Virtue.

Translations into English of the following texts: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)] [→Religion (sel.)] [→Right to Lie].

Abbott 1885

Abbott 1885

[Abbott 1885] Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, tr. and ed. Kant’s Introduction to Logic, and his Essay on the Mistaken Subtilty of the Four Figures [...] with a few notes by Coleridge. London: Longmans, Green, & Co. [100 p.]

Translations into English of the following texts: [→Logic] [→False Subtlety].

[Acimovic/Smiljanic 2016] Rujevic, Goran, Damir Smiljanic, and Milan Soklic, trs. Metafizika prirode: Odabrani spisi. Edited by Mirko Acimovic and Damir Smiljani. Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga. [346 p.] [WC]

Translations into Serbian of the following writings: [→Theory of the Heavens] [→Physical Monadology] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Directions in Space] [→Races of Human Beings] [→Metaphysical Foundations] [→Teleological Principles].

[Agostini 2014] Agostini, Igor, tr. Dissertazioni latine. Introduction and notes by Agostini and Gualtiero Lorini. Milan: Bompiani. [cvi, 556 p.]

Translations into Italian of: [→On Fire] [→New Elucidation] [→Physical Monadology] [→Inaugural Dissertation].
Review: Moreno Rocchi, Con-Textos Kantianos 4 (2016): 364-73. [online].

[Allison 2002] Allison, Henry, and Peter Heath, tr. and eds. Immanuel Kant, Theoretical Philosophy after 1781. Additional translations by Gary Hatfield and Michael Friedman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xiii, 530 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Prolegomena] [→Metaphysical Foundations] [→On a Discovery] [→Progress in Metaphysics] [→New Tone] [→Mathematical Dispute] [→Peace in Philosophy].

Review: Manfred Kuehn, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Nov 2003, #3) [online].

[Aramayo 1986] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Juan Miquel Palacios, trs. (1986/spa). Teoría y práctica. Madrid: Technos. [xxxix, 68 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Theory and Practice] [→Right to Lie].

Review: Mario Caimi, Kant-Studien 80.4 (1989): 486-87.

[Aramayo 1987] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (1987/spa). Ideas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita y otros escritos sobre filosofía de la historia. Estudio preliminar de Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, traducción de Concha Roldán Panadero y Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. Madrid: Tecnos. [xliv, 100 p.] [WC]

2nd edition: 1994. (One record shows a 1977 1st edition.) Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Aramayo 1991] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. (1991/spa). Kant. Edición de Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. Barcelona: Ediciones Península. [186 (2) p.] [M] [online]

Translations into Spanish of selections from Kant’s Nachlaß: Reflections on Moral Philosophy (47-93), Law (95-107), Religion (109-11), Anthropology (113-18), Metaphysics (119-23, 125-47), Logic (149-54), “Remarks” in the Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (155-62), and drafts to Religion (163-72), “Teleological Principles” (173-74), “Theory/Practice” (175-82), and Conflict of Faculties (183-86) [→Nachlaß (sel.)]

[Aramayo 2001] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. and ed. (2001/spa). La utopía moral como emancipación del azar. Madrid: Edaf. [220 p.] [WC][online]

Translations into Spanish of selections from the following writings (not a complete list): [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Groundwork (sel.)] [→Critique of Practical Reason (sel.)] [→Nachlaß: on moral philosophy (sel.)]
Review: María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Ágora 23.1 (2004): 231.

[Aramayo 2004] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, ed. ¿Qué es la Ilustración? Y otros escritos de ética, política y filosofía de la historia. Madrid: Alianza, 2004. [254 p.] [WC]

2nd edition: 2013. Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice]. [Table of Contents (2013 ed.)]
Review: Ileana P. Beade, Con-Textos Kantiano 2014.1 (2014): 141-45 [online].

[Aramayo 2013] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, ed. ¿Qué es la Ilustración? Y otros escritos de ética, política y filosofía de la historia. Madrid: Alianza, 2013. [290 p.] [M]

1st edition: 2004. Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice] [→Nachlaß (sel.)]. [Table of Contents (2013 ed.)]
Review: Ileana P. Beade, Con-Textos Kantiano 2014.1 (2014): 141-45 [online].

[Aramayo 2014a] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Jacobo Muñoz, and Juan Miguel Palacios, trs. Fundamentación para una metafísica de las costumbres; Crítica de la razón práctica; En torno al tópico: "Eso vale para la teoría pero no sirve de nada en la práctica"; Hacia la paz perpetua; Sobre un presunto derecho de mentir por filantropía. Introduction by Maximiliano Hernández. Madrid: RBA. [cv, 363 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Right to Lie].

[Aramayo 2014b] Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, Manuel García Morent, Antonio Lastra, and Javier Alcoriza, trs. Crítica del juicio / Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración? / Idea para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita / Probable inicio de la historia humana / El fin de todas las cosas / El Conflicto de las facultades en tres partes. Madrid: RBA. [494 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Critique of Judgment] [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things] [→Conflict of the Faculties].

This may be a version of: En defensa de la ilustracion. Trad. Javier Alcoriza, Antonio Lastra; introd. Jose Luis Villacañas. Barcelona: Alba, 1999. [408 p.], also published in 2017.

[Assunto 1970] Assunto, Rosario, tr. L’estetica di Immanuel Kant: una antologia di degli scritti. Turin: Loescher. [lxxii, 173 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→??].

[Aulard 1917] Aulard, Françoise-Alphonse, ed. Écrits politiques. Introduction and notes by Aulard. Paris: La Renaissance du livre. [200 p.] [WC/BnF]

Les Cent chefs-d’oeuvre étrangers, no 57. Translations into French of the following writings: [→Perpetual Peace] [→Metaphysics of Morals (Doctrine of Right, Pt. 2: Public Right)] [→Anthropology (“The Character of the Peoples” [AA 7: 311-20])] [→Enlightenment].

[Bagdasar 1972] Bagdasar, Nicolae, tr. Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Critica raţiunii practice. Trad., studiu introd., note şi indici: Nicolae Bagdasar; postfaţa: Niculae Bellu. Bucuresti: Editura ştiinţifică. [xxxv, 341 p.] [DNB]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Groundwork].

Re-issued in 1995: Bucureşti: IRI. [288 p.]

Review: Vasile Zamfirescu, Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 224-25.

[Baltador 2004] Baltador, Lia Alexandra, Mihai-Andrei Todoca, and Pop Adriana, trs. Scrisori din anii de tacere: 1770-1788. Cluj-Napoca: Grinta. [139 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→ ??] .

[Barboza 2005] Barboza, Jair, Joãosinho Beckenkamp, Luciano Codato, Paulo Licht dos Santos, and Vinicius de Figueiredo, trs. Escritos pré-críticos. São Paulo: UNESP. [282 p.] [WC]

Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→False Subtlety] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Prize Essay] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Inaugural Dissertation].

[Barni 1846] Barni, J.[ules], tr. and ed. Critique du jugement suivie des observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime. 2 vols. Paris: Ladrange. [393 p.]

Two volumes in Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant. Translations into French of the following texts: [→Critique of Judgment] [→Beautiful/Sublime].

[Barni 1848] Barni, J.[ules], tr. and ed. Critique de la raison pratique, précedée des fondements de la métaphysique des moers. Paris: Ladrange. [xvi, 343 p.; 320 p.]

A volume of Barni’s Oeuvres Completes de Kant. Translations into French of the following texts: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason].

[Barni 1853] Barni, Jules, tr. and ed. Éléments métaphysiques de la doctrine du droit: premiere partie de la Metaphysique des moeurs: suivis d'un essai philosophique sur la paix perpetuelle et d'autres petits ecrits relatifs au noit naturel. Traduit de l'allemand par Jules Barni avec une introduction analytique et critique du traducteur. Paris: Durand. [xcxi, 392 p.]

Volume 4 of Oeuvres Completes de Kant. Translations into French of the following texts: [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)] [→Rev. of Hufeland] [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Enlightenment] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Theory and Practice] [→Making of Books].

[Barni 1855] Barni, Jules, tr. and ed. Eléments métaphysiques de la doctrine de la vertu (2e partie de la Métaphysique des moeurs): suivis d'un Traité de pédagogie. Traduit de l'allemand par Jules Barni avec une introduction analytique et critique du traducteur. Paris: Durand. [vi, cviii, 278 p.]

Volume ?? of Oeuvres Completes de Kant. Translations into French of the following texts: [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)] [→On Pedagogy] [→Right to Lie] [→Rev. of Schulz] [→Funk].

[Basta 1974] Basta, Danilo N., tr. Um i sloboda: spisi iz filozofije, istorije, prava i drzave. Beograd: publisher??. [225 p.] [WC]

Translations into Croatian of the following writings: [→??] .

[Bax 1883] Bax, Ernest Belfort, tr. and ed. (1883/eng). Kant’s Prolegomena and Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. Translated from the original, with a biography and Introduction. London: George Bell and Sons. [cix, 254 p.]

Translations into English of the following texts, each with an introduction: [→Prolegomena] [→Metaphysical Foundations] .

[Beck 1949] Beck, Lewis White, tr. and ed. (1949/eng). Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason and Other Writings in Moral Philosophy. Introduction by Beck. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [xv, 369 p.]

Translations into English of [→Prize Essay] [→Enlightenment] [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Right to Lie] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)].

Review: John E. Smith, The Review of Metaphysics 3.2 (1949): 229-48; T. D. Weldon, The Philosophical Review 58.6 (1949): 625-27; Edgar S Brightman, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10.2 (1949): 271-74; Arthur Child, The Journal of Religion 29.3 (1949): 245-46.

[Beck 1963] Beck, Lewis White, ed. Immanuel Kant, On History. Introduction by Lewis White Beck, translated by Lewis White Beck, Robert E. Anchor, and Emil L. Fackenheim. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. [xv, 369 p.]

Translations into English of [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Beck 1986] Beck, Lewis White, ed. Kant’s Latin Writings: Translations, Commentaries, and Notes. In collaboration with Mary J. Gregor, Ralf Meerbote, and John A. Reuscher. New York: Peter Lang. [251 p.] Second edition: 1992.

Translations into English of all six of Kant’s Latin writings: [→On Fire] [→New Elucidation] [→Physical Monadology] [→Inaugural Dissertation] [→Sensory Illusion] [→Philosophers Medicine].

Review: D. E. Walford, The Philosophical Review 97.3 (1988): 427-29); Hans Seigfried, Kant-Studien 80.2 (1989): 208-14; Hoke Robinson, Idealistic Studies 20.2 (1990): 171-73.

[Benoist 1995] Benoist, Jocelyn, tr. Qu'est-ce qu'un livre? Textes de Kant et de Fichte. Preface by Dominique Lecourt. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. [170 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Making of Books (sel.)].

Review: Riccardo Pozzo, Kant-Studien 90.4 (1999): 489-90.

[Bergua 1934] Fernández Núñez, Manuel, tr. Crítica de la razón pura, seguida de los Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura. Two volumes. Traduccion, noticia preliminar y notas de Juan B. Bergua. Madrid: Librería Bergua. [426, 551 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Prolegomena].

[Bobbio/Firpo/Mathieu 1956] Bobbio, Norberto, Luigi Firpo, and Vittorio Mathieu, eds. Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto. Tradotti da Gioele Solari e Giovanni Vidari, con un saggio di Christian Garve. Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese. [692 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→??] .

[Boboc 2009] Boboc, Alexandru, ed. Ce este luminarea? si alte scrieri. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Grinta. [169 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→??] .

[Boboc 2014] Boboc, Alexandru, ed. Istoria generală a naturii şi teoria cerului. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Grinta. [169 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Theory of the Heavens] [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Prize Essay].

[Bolin 1968] Bolin, Ronald L., tr. Immanuel Kant’s Physical Geography. Aannotations by Bolin. Indiana University, translator’s thesis, A.M., Bloomington, Indiana. [xx, 274 p.]

Translation of the 1st part (AA 9:153-308) of the Physical Geography. Includes endnotes (much of which appears to stem from Gedan’s notes in the Academy volume), as well as four appendices, that are translations into English of the lecture announcements of physical geography from 1757, 1758, 1765/66, and 1775: [→Physical Geography] [→West Winds] [→Motion and Rest] [→Announcement] [→Races of Human Beings].

[Brăileanu 1943] Brăileanu, Traian, tr. Ideea unei istorii universale; începutul istoriei omenirii: spre pacea eterna. Bucureşti: Casa Scoalelor. [174 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Perpetual Peace] .

[Buţureanu 1992] Buţureanu, C. V., and Constantin Radulescu-Motru, trs. Tratat de pedagogie; Religia în limitele raţiunii. Iasi: Ed. Agora. [148 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→On Pedagogy] [→Religion].

[Carabellese 1923] Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr. (1923/ita). Scritti minori. Bari: Laterza. [x, 267 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of ... ?? [→Physical Monadology] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation].

[Carabellese 1953] Carabellese, Pantaleo, tr., Rosario Assunto and R. Hohenemser, eds. (1953/ita). Scritti precritici. Bari: Laterza. [x, 267 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of: [→New Elucidation] [→Physical Monadology] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Motion and Rest] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Prize Essay] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation].

Enlarged edition of Carabellese 1923.

[Chamayou 2007] Chamayou, Grégoire, tr. Écrits sur le corps et l'esprit. Traduction, présentation et notes par Grégoire Chamayou. Paris: Flammarion. [314 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: Leçon sur l'âme (1794) -- Sur l'ouvrage de Sömmerring: De l'organe de l'âme (1795) -- Lettre à Sömmerring (1795) -- Compte-rendu de l'écrit de Moscati sur “La différence essentielle entre la structure des animaux et des hommes” (1771) -- Raisonnement à propos d'un aventurier exalté (1764) -- Essai sur les maladies de la tête (1764) -- Du penchant à l'exaltation et de ses remèdes (1790) -- La médecine du corps qui est du ressort des philosophes (1786) -- Du pouvoir du mental d'être maître de ses sentiments maladifs par sa seule résolution (1798) -- Manuscrit sur la diététique (1797) -- Pensée sur l'hypocondrie et la mort (1798?) -- Lettre du comte de Dohna -- Lettre du docteur Juncker -- Réflexions sur l'inocultation (1800) -- Avis aux médecins (1782).

(including, among others [still needing to check a copy of this anthology]) [→Soemmerring] [→Rev. of Moscati] [→Komarnicki] [→Maladies of the Head] [→Fanaticism] [→Philosopher’s Medicine] [→Power of Mind] [→Note to Physicians] [→Correspondence (sel.)] [→Nachlaß (sel.)].

[Chauí 1974] Chauí Berlinck, Marilena de Souza, ed. Kant, Crítica da razão pura e outros textos filosóficos. São Paulo: Abril Cultural. [397 p.] [Hamm 2020/Terra 2022/WC]

Volume 25 in the series Os Pensadores (“the thinkers”). Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Prolegomena] [→Groundwork] [→First Introduction to the Critique of the Power of Judgment] [→Critique of Judgment (sel.)] [→Religion (sel.)].
It appears that a later edition appeared in 1980 with a different title (see below).

[Chauí 1980] Chauí, Marilena de Souza, ed. Immanuel Kant, Textos selecionados. Seleçao de textos de Marilena de Souza Chauí. Trad. de Tânia Maria Bernkopf, Paulo Quintela, Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho. São Paulo: Abril Cultural. [301 p.][WC: 295 p.; 1984, 302 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

1888 KdpV Picavet

Chauí 1980

This appears to be a second edition with a different title, or else a reconfiguration of Chauí [1974]. Borges Duarte [1993] and Epifânio [2004] list only this edition.
Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Prolegomena] [→Groundwork] [→First Introduction to the Critique of the Power of Judgment] [→Critique of Judgment (sel.)] [→Religion (sel.)].

[Chiodi 1970] Chiodi, Pietro, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Scritti morali. Turin: UTET. [771 p.]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Religion] [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Anthropology].

[Cortina Orts 2002] Cortina Orts, Adela, ed. La metafísica de las costumbres. Antropología práctica. Barcelona: RBA. [xci, 496 p.] [DNB]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Metaphysics of Morals] [→Anthropology]..

[Croitoru 1991] Croitoru, Rodica, tr. Scrieri moral-politice. Bucureşti: Editura Stiintifica. [495 p.] [WC]

Revised 2nd edition (2008). Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Metaphysics of Morals] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Peace in Philosophy] [→Optimism].

[Croitoru 2003] Croitoru, Rodica, tr. Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii; Lui Sömmerring, Despre organul sufletului; Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland; C.V. Hufeland, Despre imperiul sufletului asupra sentimentelor maladive stăpânite prin simpla voinţă. Traducere, nota asupra editiei, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, bibliografie selectiva, index de concepte german-roman, index tematic de Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Editura IRI. [166 p.] [M]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Soemmerring] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)]. See 2013 edition.

[Croitoru 2013a] Croitoru, Rodica, tr. Intemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Critica raţiunii practice. Traducere, prefata, studiu introductiv, studiu asupra traducerii, note, bibliografie selectiva, index de concepte germano-român, index de concepte român-grman: Rodica Croitoru. Bucureşti: Antet XX Press. [264 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason].
See →[Kant, Opere].

Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

[Croitoru 2013b] Croitoru, Rodica, tr. Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii; Lui Sömmerring. Despre organul sufletului; Despre puterea sufletului de a îşi stăpâni sentimentele maladive doar printr-o decizie; Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland. Bucureşti: Antet XX Press. [116 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Soemmerring] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].
See →[Kant, Opere].

Review: Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

[David-Ménard 1990] David-Ménard, Monique, tr. Essai sur les maladies de la tête; Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime. Paris: Flammarion. [180 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Maladies of the Head] [→Beautiful/Sublime].

[De Bianchi 2016] De Bianchi, Silvia, tr. La fenice della natura: scritti di geofisica e astronomia. Milan/Udine: Mimesis. [257 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Age of the Earth] [→Theory of Winds] [→Rev. of Silberschlag] [→Volcanoes] [→Theory of the Heavens (sel.)] [→Influence of the Moon].

[De Flaviis 1991] De Flaviis, Giuseppe, tr. Scritti sul criticismo. Rome: Laterza. [292 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Teleological Principles] [→??].

[Delamarre/Ladmiral 1985] Delamarre, Alexandre J.-L., and Jean-Marie Ladmiral, trs. Critique de la faculté de juger. (suivi de) Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique. (et de) Réponse à la question: Qu'est-ce que les lumières? Paris: Gallimard. [561 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Critique of Judgment] [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment] .

[Delfgaauw 1988] Delfgaauw, Bernard, ed. De idee der geschiedenis. Ingeleid, vertaald en geannoteerd door Bernard Delfgaauw. Kampen: Kok Agora. [121 p.] [WC]

Translations into Dutch of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things].

Review: Pauline Kleingeld, Kant-Studien 84.2 (1993): 235-37.

[Delfgaauw 2000] Delfgaauw, Bernard, ed. Kleine werken: geschriften uit de periode 1784 tot 1795. Kampen: Kok Agora. [312 p.] [WC]

This collects together four texts previously published between 1986-88 in the Agora edition.

Translations into Dutch of the following writings [need to check against a copy]: [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things] [→Theory and Practice]..

[Desideri 1990] Desideri, Fabrizio, tr. Questioni di confine. Saggi polemici (1786-1800). A cura di Fabrizio Desideri. Genova: Marietti. [xliv, 115 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Remarks on Jakob] [→Theodicy] [→End of All Things] [→New Tone] [→Mathematical Dispute] [→Peace in Philosophy] [→Jachmann Preface] [→Nachlaß: “Sieben kleine Aufsätze”] [→Soemmerring] [→correspondence (sel.)].

[Domínguez 1992] Domínguez, Atilano, tr. and ed. Opúsculos de filosofía natural. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. [202 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→On Fire] [→Physical Monadology] [→Motion and Rest] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Directions in Space].

[Droit 2008] Droit, Roger-Pol, ed. Kant ou Les bornes de la raison. Paris: Flammarion. [xxiii, 454 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Groundwork] [→Metaphysics of Morals] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Ellington 1992] Ellington, James W., tr. and ed. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. With, On a supposed right to lie because of philanthropic concerns. 3rd edition. Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett. [xiv, 78 p.]

This appears to be the first publication of Ellington’s translation of “Right to Lie.” Translations into English of: [→Groundwork] [→Right to Lie].

[Espinosa/Aramayo/Roldán 2012] Espinosa, Baltasar, Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo, and Concha Roldán Panadero, trs. (2012/spa). Contestación a la pregunta: ¿qué es la Ilustración? Madrid: Taurus. [138 p.]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)] [→Conjectural Beginning].[Table of Contents]

[Estiú 1958] Estiú, Emilio, tr. Filosofía de la historia. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova. [198 p.] [WC/Palacios]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Review of Herder] [→Concept of Race] [→Theory and Practice] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].
Second edition: 1964.

[Fenves 1993] Fenves, Peter, tr. and ed. Raising the Tone of Philosophy: Late Essays by Immanuel Kant, transformative critique by Jacques Derrida. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [xii, 176 p.]

Translations into English of: [→New Tone] [→Peace in Philosophy].

Review: Theodore Gracyk, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53.4 (1995): 446.

[Festugière 1931] Festugière, Paul, tr. (1931/fre). Pensées successives sur la théodicée et la religion. Paris: J. Vrin. [lv, 180 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Optimism] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Theodicy] [→End of All Things].

[Fernández Enguita 1983] Fernández Enguita, Mariano, ed. Pedagogía. Traducción: Lorenzo Luzuriaga, José Luis Pascual; Edición, prólogo y notas: Mariano Fernández Enguita. Madrid: Akal. [iii, 112 p.] [WC] [review]

3rd edition: 2003. Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→On Pedagogy] [→Philanthropinum].

[Fichant 1966] Fichant, Michel, tr., Recherche sur l'évidence des principes de la théologie naturelle et de la morale. Annonce du programme des leçons de M.E. Kant durant le semestre d'hiver 1765-1766. Paris: J. Vrin. [124 p.]

Translations into French of [→Prize Essay] [→Announcement].

[Figueiredo 1993] Figueiredo, Vinícius de, tr. Observações sobre o sentimento do belo e do sublime. Ensaio sobre as doenças mentais. Campinas: Papirus. [95 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Translations into language of the following writings: [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Maladies of the Head] .

[Frierson/Guyer 2011] Frierson, Patrick, and Paul Guyer, eds. Immanuel Kant, Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime and Other Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xlv, 348 p.]

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Funk] [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Maladies of the Head] [→Prize Essay] [→Announcement] , as well as Kant’s [→Remarks in the Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime], an abridged version of Herder’s student notes from Kant’s lectures on ethics (as translated in Heath/Schneewind 1997), and selected material from Kant’s Nachlaß of the 1760s (as published in Guyer/Bowman/Rauscher 2002).

New translations in this edition are [→Funk] (first published English translation) and [→Remarks], newly-translated, and in their entirety, for this edition.
Review: Robert B. Louden, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jul 2011, #5). [online] [M].

[García Bacca 1974] García Bacca, Juan David, tr. Disertaciones latinas de Kant. Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Central. [142 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→New Elucidation] [→Inaugural Dissertation] .

[García Moreno 1876] García Moreno, Alejo, tr. Crítica de la Razón Práctica: precedida de los fundamentos de la metafísica de las costumbres. Two vols. Madrid: Librerías de Francisco Iravedra. [xiv, 385 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish, from the French translation by Barni, of the following writings: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason].

[García Moreno/Ruvira 1876] García Moreno, Alejo, and Juan Ruvira, trs. Crítica del Juicio, seguida de las observaciones Sobre el Asentimiento de lo Bello y lo Sublime. Traducida al francés por Alejo García Moreno y Juan Ruvira. Two vols. Madrid: Librerías de Francisco Iravedra. [xxix, 310, 296 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish, from the French translation by Barni, of the following writings: [→Critique of Judgment] [→Beautiful/Sublime].

[García Morente 2015] García Morente, Manuel, tr. and ed. Crítica del Juicio, Contestación a la pregunta: ¿Qué es la Ilustración?; Idea para una historia Universal en clave cosmopolita; Probable inicio de la historia humana; El fin de Todas las Cosas; El Conflicto de las Facultades en tres Partes. Madrid: RBA. [494 p.] [WC]


Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Critique of Judgment] [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things] [→Conflict of the Faculties ].

[Garrido 2005] Garrido, Manuel, ed. Ensayos sobre la paz, el progreso y el ideal cosmopolita. Madrid: Cátedra. [214 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Right to Lie] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Gonnelli 1995] Gonnelli, Filippo, tr. Scritti di storia, politica e diritto. Rome/Bari: Laterza. [lxvii, 247 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Rev. of Moscati] [→Race] [→Reviews of Herder] ...[??].

[Gregor 1996] Gregor, Mary, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Practical Philosophy. Introduction by Allen Wood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxii, 668 p.]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

This volume was published posthumously. Two of the selections — “Review of Hufeland” (1786) and “Making Books” (1798) — were edited and translated by Allen Wood.

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Rev. of Schulz] [→Enlightenment] [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Groundwork] [→Rev. of Hufeland] [→Kraus Review] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Metaphysics of Morals] [→Right to Lie] [→Making of Books].

Review: Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 49 (1998): 221-25; Eric Watkins, Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 118-21; Manfred Kuehn, German Studies Review 22.1 (1999): 105-6.

[Guillermit 1967] Guillermit, Louis, tr. Sur l'expression courante "il se peut que ce soit juste en théorie, mais en pratique cela ne vaut rien", 1793. Sur un prétendu droit de mentir par humanité, 1797 Paris: J. Vrin. [100 p.]

Translations into French of [→Theory and Practice] [→Right to Lie].

[Guillermit 1968] Guillermit, Louis, tr. Première introduction à la critique de la faculté de juger; D'un ton grand seigneur adopté naguère en philosophie; Annonce de la proche conclusion d'un traité de paix perpétuelle en philosophie Paris: J. Vrin. [144 p.] 2nd edition: 1975.

Translations into French of [→First Introduction to the Critique of the Power of Judgment] [→New Tone] [→Peace in Philosophy].

[Handyside/Smith 1929] Handyside, John, tr., and Norman Kemp Smith, tr. and ed. (1929/eng). Kant’s Inaugural Dissertation and Early Writings on Space. Chicago/London: Open Court Press. [xii, 85 p.] [M]

Translations into English of [→Living Forces (sel.)] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation].

[Hara/Yumoto 1973] Tasuku Hara and Kazuo Yumoto trs. (1973/jap). カント全集. 第6卷 / Kanto zenshū. Dai6kan. Tōkyō: Risōsha, [465 (25) p.] [WC]

Volume 6 of カント全集 / Kant Complete Works (see). Translations into Japanese of [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Prolegomena].

[Hastie 1891] Hastie, W[illiam], tr. and ed. Kant’s Principles of Politics, including his Essay on Perpetual Peace. A Contribution to Political Science. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. [xliv, 148 p.] [WC]

Translations into English of the following texts: [→Universal History] [→Theory and Practice (sel.)] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Hastie 1900] Hastie, W[illiam], tr. and ed. Kant’s Cosmogony, As in His Essay on the Retardation of the Earth, and in His Natural History and Theory of the Heavens. Introduction, appendices, and a portrait of Thomas Wright of Durham. Glasgow: James Maclehose & Sons. [cix, 205 p.] [WC]

Translations into English of the following texts, each with an introduction: [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Theory of the Heavens].
Review: Caldwell, W., The Philosophical Review 10.3 (1901): 307-12.

The three appendices are: (1) “Dieterich’s Summary of Kant’s Theory” (1876), (2) “The Hamburg Account of the Theory of Thomas Wright of Durham” (1751), and (3) “De Morgan’s Account of Wright’s Speculations” (1848).

Revised and edited, with an introduction and appendix by Willy Ley (New York: Greenwood Publishing, 1968).

[Humphrey 1983] Humphrey, Ted, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace and Other Essays. Indianapolis: Hackett. [ix, 152 p.] [M]

Edited, translated, and with an introduction and notes by Humphrey of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace].

Review: Thomas Mautner, Kant-Studien 79.4 (1988): 481-85; Reinhold Aschenberg, Kant-Studien 99.3 (2008): 400-1.

[Ianosi 1981] Ianosi, tr. Despre frumos si bine. 2 vols. Bucureşti: Minerva. [lxxxiii, 268; 320 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→ ??] .

[Igartua/Imaz 2012] Igartua, Esteban Antxustegi, and Josu Zabaleta Imaz, trs. Etika eta politika: Bakearen auzia. Antonio Hermosa Andújar. Bilbao: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitarapen Zerbitzua. [lviii, 207 p.] [WC]

Translations into Basque of the following writings: [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Imaz 1941] Imaz, Eugenio, tr. Filosofía de la historia. Introduction and notes by the translator. México: El Colegio de México. [147 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)] [→End of All Things].

Review: P.R., The Journal of Philosophy 39.9 (1942): 247-48.

[Inutake 2000] Inutake, Masayuki, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, 自然の形而上学 / Shizen no keijijogaku. City: Publisher. [v, 301 p.] [WC]

Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Metaphysical Foundations] [→Theory of Winds] [→Motion and Rest] [→Volcanoes] [→Influence of the Moon].

[Jankowski 2012] Jankowski, Marek, tr. and ed. Pisma po roku 1781. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. [508 p.] [WC]

Vol. 6 of [Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta / Collected Works of Immanuel Kant], 6 vols. Writings from volume eight of the Academy edition, plus some of the correspondence after 1781.
Translations into Polish of the following writings: [→??].

[Jeppesen 1993] Jeppesen, Moren Haugaard, tr. Oplysning, historie, fremskridt: historiefilosofiske skrifter. Aarhus: Slagmark. [138 p.] [WC]

Translations into Danish of the following writings: [→??].

[Jin 2013] Jin, Wei, tr. and ed. 康德政治著作选 / Kang de zheng zhi zhu zuo xuan. Beijing: Zhong guo zheng fa da xue chu ban she. [371 p.] [WC]

Translations into Chinese of Reiss/Nisbet 1991.

[Johnson 2002] Johnson, Gregory, ed. Kant on Swedenborg: Dreams of a Spirit-Seer and Other Writings. Translation by Johnson and Glenn Alexander Magee. West Chester, Pa.: Swedenborg Foundation. [xxvi, 214 p.] [WC]


Translations into English of the following writings: [→Maladies of the Head (sel.)] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)] [→Anthropology (sel.)]..
Review: Paul Bishop, Journal of Scientific Exploration 17.4 (2003): 761-65; Chris L. Firestone, Journal of Scientific Exploration 17.4 (2003): 765-69.

[Kalinnikov 2009] Kalinnikov, Leonard A., ed. Immanuel KantTraktate. Rezensionen. Briefe. Kaliningrad: Russische Staatliche Kant-Universität. [305 p.] [Rev]

Translations into Russian of the following writings (all previously published in Kantovskij Sbornik): [→??] .

Review: Aleksej Trozak, Kant-Studien 103.1 (2012): 136-37.

[Kashiyama/Sakata/Taki 1965] Kashiyama, Kinshiro, Tokuo Sakata, and Kunio Toki, trs. Kant II: 実践理性批判・ 判断力批判・ 永遠の平和のために / Jissen risei hihan handanryoku hihan eien no heiwa no tameni. Introduction by Takeo Iwasaki. Tokyo: Kawadeshobōshinsha. [509 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

This is vol. 11 of "The Great Ideas of the World" (Japanese). Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Critique of Judgment] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Katsuta/Iseda 1971] Katsuta, Shuichi, and Yōko Iseda, trs. Pädagogik. Der Streit der Fakultäten. Tokyo: Meiji-tosho-shuppan. [203 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

This is vol. 60 of "Selected Writings on Pedagogical Writings of the World" (Japanese). Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→On Pedagogy] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Kerferd/Walford 1968] Kerferd, G. B., and D. E. Walford, trs. and eds., with a contribution by P. G. Lucas. Kant: Selected Pre-Critical Writings and Correspondence with Beck. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press. [xxxvii, 181 p.] [M]

Translations into English of [→Prize Essay] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation] , as well as selections from Kant's [→correspondence] with Lambert (pp. 93-102), Sulzer (pp. 102-3), Mendelssohn (pp. 104-7), Herz (pp. 108-30), and Beck (pp. 131-50).

[Kiba 1938] Kiba, Jinjō, ed. 敎育学其他 / Kyōikugaku sonota. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [393 (10) p.] [WC]

Vol. 17 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]. Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [??] [→On Pedagogy] [→Progress in Metaphysics].

[Kimura 1926] Kimura, Motomori, ed. 般歴史考: 其他 / Ippan rekishikō: sonota. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [221 p.] [WC]

Vol. 13 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]. Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [??] [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Kleingeld 2006] Colclasure, David L., tr. Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History. New Haven/London: Yale University Press. [xxiv, 265 p.] [WC]

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)] [→Anthropology (sel.)].
Review: Elisabeth H. Ellis, Ethics 117.4 (2007): 765-69.

[Klemme 1995] Klemme, Heiner F., ed. O porzekadle: to może być słuszne w teorii, ale nic nie jest warte w praktyce; Do wiecznego pokoju: projekt filozofizcny. Translation by Mirosław Żelazny. Toruń: Wydawn. [cl, 125 p.] [WC]

Translations into Polish of the following writings: [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Kobe/Riha 2010] Tomšič, Samo, and Zdravko Kobe; Kobe and Rado Riha, eds. Predkritični spisi [Slovenian; Pre-Critical Writings], introduction by Kobe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2010. [512 p.] [WC]

Translations into Slovenian of the following writings: [→Optimism] [→False Subtlety] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Prize Essay] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Maladies of the Head] [→Announcement] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation].

[Kroński 1966] Kroński, Tadeusz Juliusz, tr. Kant. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna. [214 p.] [WC/Żelazny 1998]

Translations into Polish (for the first time) of the following writings: [→Theory of the Heavens (sel.)] [→Beautiful/Sublime (sel.)] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer (sel.)] [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Theodicy] as well as selections from texts previously translated: [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Prolegomena (sel.)] [→Groundwork (sel.)] [→Critique of Practical Reason (sel.)] [→Critique of Judgment (sel.)].

[Kumano 2013] Kumano, Sumihiko, tr. 実践理性批判; 倫理の形而上学の基礎づけ / Jissen risei hihan; rinri no keijijōgaku no kisozuke [Japanese; Critique of Practical Reason; Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals] Tokyo: Sakuhinsha. [iv, 386 p.] [WC]

Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Groundwork].

[Kupś/Jankowski 2010] Kupś, Tomasz, and Marek Jankowski, trs. and eds. Immanuel Kant, Pisma przedkrytyczne. [Polish; Pre-Critical Writings] Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. [985 p.] [WC]

Vol. 1 of [Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta / Collected Works of Immanuel Kant], 6 vols. Translations into Polish of the following writings: [→Living Forces] [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Age of the Earth] [→Theory of the Heavens] [→Earthquakes 1] [→Earthquakes 2] [→Earthquakes 3] [→Physical Monadology] [→Theory of Winds] [→West Winds] [→Motion and Rest] [→Optimism] [→Funk] [→False Subtlety] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Maladies of the Head] [→Rev. of Silberschlag] [→Prize Essay] [→Announcement] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation] [→Rev. of Moscati] [→Races of Human Beings] [→Philanthropinum].

[Kupś 2012] Kupś, Tomasz, ed., Mirosław Żelazny, trs. Prolegomena do wszelkiej przyszlej metafizyki, która ma wystapic jako nauka. Ugruntowanie metafizyki moralnosci. Metafizyczne podstawy przyrodoznawstwa. Krytyka praktycznego rozumu [Polish; Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. The Critique of Practical Reason.] Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. [576 p.] [WC]

Vol. 3 of [Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta / Collected Works of Immanuel Kant], 6 vols. Translations into Polish of the following writings: [→Prolegomena] [→Groundwork] [→Metaphysical Foundations] [→Critique of Practical Reason].

[Laffitte 2009] Laffitte, Jacqueline, tr. Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique. Réponse à la question “Qu'est-ce-que les Lumières?” Traduction, notes et commentaires de Jacqueline Laffitte, avec la collaboration de Noëlla Baraquin. Paris: Nathan. [143 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment].

[La Rocca 1994] La Rocca, Claudio, tr. Contro Eberhard: La polemica sulla critica della ragion pura. Pisa: Giardini. [183 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→On a Discovery] [→Nachlaß].

[Larroyo 1972] Larroyo, Francisco, tr. Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres; Crítica de la razón práctica; La paz perpetua. Mexico: Porrúa. [xix, 252 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Larroyo 1973] Larroyo, Francisco, tr. Prolegómenos a toda metafísica del porvenir; Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y lo sublime; Crítica del juicio. Mexico: Porrúa. [xvi, 406 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Prolegomena] [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Critique of Judgment].
Later editions: 1978 (2nd ed.), 1781 (3rd ed.), 1985 (4th ed.), 1991 (5th ed.), 1997 (6th ed.), 1999 (7th ed.), 2003 (8th ed.). 2007 (9th ed.).

[Leroy 1999] Leroy, Gérard, tr. Histoire et politique. Introduction and annotations by Monique Castillo. Paris: J. Vrin. [191 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Lerussi 2021] Lerussi, Natalia A., and Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez, eds./trs. (2021/eng). La cuestión de las razas. Seguido de Georg Forster, “Algo que añadir sobre las razas humanas”. Madrid: Abada. [246 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Races of Human Beings] [→Concept of Race] [→Teleological Principles].
Review: Borja Villanueva, Siglo Dieciocho 117.4 (2022): 230-35. [online]

[Li 2002] Li, Minghui, tr. and ed. 康德歷史哲學論文集 / Kang de li shi zhe xue lun wen ji. [Chinese; Kant's philosophy of history]. Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gong si. [xl, 309 p.] [WC]

Translations into Chinese of ?? [separate texts not listed] .

[Li 2010a] Li, Qiuling, tr. 邏輯學.自然地理學.教育學 / Luo ji xue. zi ran di li xue. jiao yu xue. [Chinese; Logic, Physical Geography, Education] Beijing: Renmin University Press. [510 p.] [WC]

This appears to be a translation of volume 9 of the Academy edition.

[Li 2010b] Li, Qiuling, tr. 1781 年之后的论文 / 1781 nian zhi hou de lun wen. [Chinese; Papers after 1781] Beijing: Renmin University Press. [481 p.] [WC]

This appears to be a translation of volume 8 of the Academy edition; the individual texts have not been listed here.

[Li 2013] Li, Qiuling, tr. 康德著作全集. 第1卷, 前批判时期著作I 1747-1756 [Chinese; Complete Works of Kant's Works. Volume 1, Pre-critical Period Writings I 1747-1756] Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she. [489 p.] [WC]

The individual texts have not been listed here.

[Li.M 2013] Li, Minghui, tr. 康德歷史哲學論文集 (增訂版) / Kangde li shi zhe xue lun wen ji (zeng ding ban) [Chinese; Kant’s essays on the history of philosophy] Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si. [xlii, 316 p.] [WC]

The individual texts have not been listed here.

[Li 2016a] Li, Qiuling, tr. 康德政治哲学文集: 注释版 / Kang de zheng zhi zhe xue wen ji: Zhu shi ban. [Kant’s political philosophy: annotated edition] Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue chu ban she. [289 p.] [WC]

The individual texts have not been listed here.

[Li 2016b] Li, Qiuling, tr. 康德美学文集: 注释版 / Kang de mei xue wen ji: Zhu shi ban. [Kant’s aesthetics: annotated edition] Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue chu ban she. [343 p.] [WC]

The individual texts have not been listed here.

[Llinares Chover 1991] Llinares Chover, Joan B., tr. Crítica de la raó pura. ¿Qué és il·lustració? Introducció i comentaris de Neus Campillo Iborra i Manuel Ramos Valera, traducció dels textos filosòfics a càrrac de Joan B. Llinares. València: Universitat de València. [91 p.] [Clusa/WC]

Translations into Catalan of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)].

[López y López 1950] López y López, José, and Manuel Fernández Núñez, trs. Crítica de la razón pura y Prolegómenos a toda metafísica futura. Buenos Aires: Libr. El Ateneo. [xv, 711 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Prolegomena] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)].

[Magalhães 1983] Magalhães, R., ed. Kant, Textos Pré-críticos. Edited and introduced by Magalhães, translated by José Andrade and Alberto Reis. Porto: Rés. [246 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004]

Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→New Elucidation] [→Physical Monadology] [→False Subtlety] [→Prize Essay] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation] [→correspondence (sel.)].

[Mahaffy 1872] Mahaffy, John P.[entland], tr. and ed. Kant’s Critical Philosophy for English Readers. Three volumes [vol. 2 was not published]. London: Longmans, Green. [xviii, 376 p.; x, 281 p.] [WC]

Vol. 1 is a critical commentary of the Critique of Pure Reason; vol. 3 is a translation with commentary of the Prolegomena (pp. 1-187), along with four appendices (A-D, pp. 191-281) which are long translated passages from the Critique of Pure Reason. See the 1889 second edition. Translations into English of the following texts: [→Prolegomena] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)].

[Mahaffy/Bernard 1889] Mahaffy, John P.[entland], and J. H.[enry] Bernard, trs. and eds. Kant’s Critical Philosophy for English Readers. Two volumes. New and completed edition. London: Macmillan. [xi, 239 p.] [WC]

Translations into English of the following texts, each with an introduction: [→Prolegomena] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)].

[Manganaro 1989] Manganaro, Paolo, tr. Ragione e ipocondria. A cura di Paolo Manganaro. Salerno: Edizioni 10/17. [149 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→??].

[Marcucci 1977] Marcucci, Silvestro, tr. Kant e le scienze: scritti scientifici e filosofici. Padua: Liviana. [x, 298 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→??].

Review: G. L. Linguiti, Filosofia (Torino) 29: 509-11 (1978).

[Matsuoka 1935] Matsuoka, Yoschikazu, ed. 神の存在の証明根拠: 其他 / Kami no sonzai no shōmei konkyo: sonota. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [540 (16) p.] [WC]

Vol. 14 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]. Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Only Possible Argument] [→Prize Essay] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer].

[Mayos Solsona 1991] Mayos Solsona, Gonçal, tr. Escrits sobre teodicea. Barcelona: El Llamp. [119 p.] [WC]

Translation into Catalan of the following writing: [→Theodicy].

[Mikkelsen 2013] Mikkelsen, Jon M., tr. Kant and the Concept of Race: Late Eighteenth-Century Writings.  Albany, NY: SUNY Press. [x, 377 p.] [M]

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Races of Human Beings] [→Concept of Race] [→Teleological Principles].

[Miñana y Villagrasa/García Morente 1951] Miñana y Villagrasa, Emilio, and Manuel García Morente, trs. Crítica de la razón práctica / Crítica del juicio / Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Buenos Aires: Librería El Ateneo Editorial. [549 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Critique of Judgment] [→Groundwork].

[Morão 1980] Morão, Artur, tr., A paz perpétua e outros opusculos. Lisboa: Edições 70. [181 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993/Epifânio 2004/WC]

Based on the Weischedel edition. Further editions: 1988, 1990, 1992, 2002. Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Theory and Practice] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Right to Lie].

[Noda 1972] The Famous Works of the World XXXII: Kant [Japanese] Introduction by Matao Noda. Tokyo: Chuokoronsha. [682 p.] [Hayashi 1978]

Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Prolegomena] [→Groundwork] [→Metaphysics of Morals].

[Nyman 1915] Nyman, Alf, tr. Avhandlingar om fred och rätt. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. [195 p.] [WC]

Translations into Swedish of the following writings: [→ ??] .

[Olesti i Vila 1991] Olesti i Vila, Josep, tr. Kant i Leibniz: la incongruència en l'espai. Preludi de Pere Lluís Font. Bellaterra: Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. [119 p.] [WC]

German-Catalan edition. Translations into Catalan of the following writings: [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation (sel.)] [→Prolegomena (sel.)] [→Metaphysical Foundations (sel.)].

[Oyarzún Robles 1983] Oyarzún Robles, Pablo tr. Textos estéticos. Edición y tr. de Pablo Oyarzún Robles. Santiago: Editorial Andrés Bello. [363 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Critique of Judgment (sel.)] .

[Palmquist 1994] Palmquist, Stephen, tr. and ed. (1994/eng). Immanuel Kant, Four Neglected Essays. Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press [121 p.] [M]

Revised translations into English of four essays originally appearing in Richardson [1798]: [→Earthquakes 2] [→Volcanoes] [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Influence of the Moon] .

[Pelletier 2017] Pelletier, Arnaud, tr. and ed. Principes métaphysiques de la science de la nature; suivi des Premiers articles sur la physique de la terre et du ciel. Paris: Vrin. [403 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Metaphysical Foundations] [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Age of the Earth] [→Earthquakes 1] [→Rev. of Silberschlag] . [contents]

[Pievatolo/Donato 2011] Pievatolo, Maria Chiara, and Francesca Di Donato, trs. and eds. Sette scritti politici liberi. Commentary by Pievatolo and Donato. Florence: Firenze University Press. [283 p.] [M][online]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment] [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Right to Lie] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Piobetta 1947] Piobetta, Stéphane, tr. La philosophie de l'histoire: opuscules. Introd. et trad. par Stephane Piobetta, avec un avertissement de Jean Nabert. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne. [233 p.] [WC]

Reprint: 1964. See new edition: Raynaud 1990.

Translations into French of the following writings: [→??].

[Pozzo 2004] Pozzo, Riccardo, ed. Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Johann A. H. Reimarus. L’autore e i suoi diritti. Scritti polemici sulla proprietà intellettuale. Milano: Biblioteca di via Senato. [142 p.] [WC/Rev]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Making of Books] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)].

Review: Giorgia Cecchinato, Kant-Studien 100.4 (2009): 565-67.

[Proust 1991] Proust, Françoise, and Jean-François Poirier, trs. Vers la paix perpétuelle. Que signifie s’orienter dans la pensée? Qu’est-ce que les Lumières? et autres textes. Paris: Flammarion. [206 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Perpetual Peace] [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Enlightenment] [→Peace in Philosophy] [→Rev. of Schulz] [→Rev. of Hufeland] [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Making of Books].

[Proust 1994] Proust, Françoise, tr. Theorie et pratique, d'un pretendu droit de mentir par humanite, et autres textes. Paris: Flammarion. [190 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following writings: [→Theory and Practice] [→Right to Lie] [→...??].

[Pupi 1982] Pupi, Angelo, ed. Scritti precritici. Roma: Laterza. [xlv, 469 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Beautiful/Sublime] .

[Quintana 1972] Quintana Cabanas, José María, tr. Sobre Dios y la Religión. Barcelona: Zeus. [381 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Only Possible Argument] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Religion].

[Rabel 1963] Rabel, Gabriele, tr. and ed., Kant. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [xx, 381 p.] [WC]

Translations into English of short extracts from nearly all of Kant's writings, including twelve letters. These have not been listed here.

[Raynaud 1990] Raynaud, Philippe, ed. Opuscules sur l’histoire. Traduction de Stéphane Piobetta ; introduction, notes, bibliographie et chronologie par Philippe Raynaud. Paris: Flammarion. [245 p.] [WC]

Reprint 2014. New (revised?) edition of Piobetta 1947.

Translations into French of the following writings: [→??].

[Reiss/Nisbet 1991] Reiss, Hans, ed. Kant’s Political Writings. 2nd expanded ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xi, 210 p.][M]

1st edition: 1970. Edited, with an introduction and notes by Reiss, translations into English by H. B. Nisbet of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)] [Critique of Pure Reason (A 316-17/B 373-74)] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Orientation in Thinking].

Review: Georg Cavallar, Kant-Studien 84.1 (1993): 124-26.

[Richardson 1797] [anonymous], The Principles of Critical Philosophy, / selected from the works of / Emmanuel Kant / [...] / and expounded by / James Sigismund Beck / extraordinary Professor in the University of Halle: / Translated from the German by an auditor of the latter. London. [lxxx, 454 p.] [M]


Richardson 1798

Richardson 1798

[Richardson 1798-99] [anonymous], Essays and Treatises on Moral, Political, and Various Philosophical Subjects. 2 vols. London. [Vol. 1: xv, (5), 432; vol. 2: xix, (1), 444 p.] [M]


Translations into English of the following texts:

Volume One (1798) contains the following: [→Enlightenment] [→Groundwork] [→False Subtlety] [→Theory and Practice] [→Counterfeiting Books] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Prize Essay] [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Universal History] .

Volume Two (1799) contains the following: [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Influence of the Moon] [→Earthquakes 2] [→Volcanoes] [→Theodicy] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Religion] [→End of All Things].


Richardson 1836 (1st title)

[Richardson 1836] Richardson, John, tr. Metaphysical / Works / of the celebrated / Immanuel Kant, / translated from the German, / with / a sketch of his life and writings, / by / John Richardson, / many years a student of the Kantian philosophy. / Containing / 1. Logic. / 2. Prolegomena to Future Metaphysics. / 3. Enquiry into the Proofs for the Existence of God, and into the Theodicy, now first published. / London: / MDCCCXXXVI.


Logic / from the German / of Emmanuel Kant, M.A. / Doctor and late regius professor of pure philosophy in the / University of Koningsberg, and member of the / Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin; / to which is annexed / A Sketch of his Life and Writings: / by John Richardson, / author of A Critical Inquiry into the Grounds of Proof for the Existence of God, and into the Theodicy. / London: / Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationer’s Court, / Ludgate-Street. / 1819. [Table of Contents]

Translation into English of: [→Logic].

Richardson 1836

Richardson 1836 / Enquiry

Prolegomena / to every future / Metaphysic, / which can appear as a science; / from the German / of Emmanuel Kant, M.A. / Doctor and late regius professor of pure philosophy in the / University of Koningsberg, and member of the / Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin: / (same as above). [Table of Contents]

Translation into English of: [→Prolegomena].

An Enquiry, / Critical and Metaphysical, / into the / Grounds of Proof / for the / Existence of God, / and into the / Theodicy, / a sequel to / the Logic and Prolegomena, / translated from the German of Immanuel Kant, / by John Richardson, / many years a student of the Kantian philosophy / London: / printed in 1819, but now first published. / MDCCCXXXVI. [Table of Contents]


Translation into English of: [→Only Possible Argument (sel.)] [→Theodicy] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Critique of Practical Reason (sel.)] [→Critique of the Power of Judgment (sel.)].

[Riconda 1989] Riconda, Giuseppe, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Scritti di filosofia della religione. A cura di Giuseppe Riconda; trad. dal tedesco di Gaetano Durante, Andrea Poma, e Giuseppe Riconda. Milano: Mursia. [310 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→Theodicy] [→Religion] [→End of All Things] [→Conflict of the Faculties (sel.)].

[Salomaa 1931] Salomaa, J. E., tr. Siveysopilliset pääteokset. Porvoo: WSOY. [413 p.] [WC]

Translations into Finnish of the following writings (2nd edition, 1990): [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason].

[Sanches/Serrão 2002] Sanches, Manuela Ribeiro, ed. and tr. A Invenção do “Homem”. Raça, Cultura e História na Alemanha do Século XVIII. Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. [438 p.] [WC]

Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→Races of Human Beings] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Concept of Race] [→Teleological Principles] [→Anthropology (selections)] .

[Sanchez Rivero 1964] Sanchez Rivero, A., ed. Lo bello y lo sublime / La paz perpetua. 4th edition. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe. [159 p.] [WC] [online]

1st edition: 1946[?]. Translations into Spanish of the following writings: [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Perpetual Peace].

[Santos/Marques 1985] Santos, Leonel Ribeiro dos, and Antonio Marques, trs., Dissertação de 1770, seguida de Carta a Marcus Herz. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. [152 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993//Epifânio 2004/WC]

2nd revised edition: 2004. Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→Inaugural Dissertation] [→correspondence] (with Marcus Herz).

[Semple 1836] Semple, J. W. The Metaphysic of Ethics. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark. [cxviii, 378 p.] [WC]

"Preliminary Dissertation by the Translator, being an outline of the critical inquiry..." (ix-cxviii), translated materials (1-345), Appendix and postcript by the translator (349-78) [Table of Contents]. In the third edition (1886), the translator's long introduction and postscript was dropped and a selection from the Doctrine of Right added: [Table of Contents].

Translations into English of the following texts: [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason (sel.)] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)].

[Serrano Escallón 2014] Serrano Escallón, Gonzalo, tr. La deducción trascendental y sus inéditos (1772‒78). Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. [321 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of various texts related to the transcendental deduction, including: [→Correspondence (with Herz)] [→Reflections (sel.)] [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Prolegomena (sel.)] [→Metaphysical Foundations (sel.)] [→Metaphysics Lectures/Volckman (sel.)].

[Shimizu 1959] Shimizu, Kiyoshi, tr. 人間学; 教育学 / Ningengaku. Machida: Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu. [456 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Anthropology] [→On Pedagogy].

[Shinoda 1950] Shinoda, Hideo, tr. 啓蒙とは何か: 他四篇 / Keimō to wa nani ka: hoka yonhen. Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten. [120 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Later edition: 1974. Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things] [→Theory and Practice].

[Sobotka/Novotný 2013] Loužil, Jaromír, Petra Stehlíková, and Karel Novotný, trs. ( Studie k dějinám a politice. Edited by Milan Sobotka and Karel Novotný. Prague: OIKOYMENH. [191 p] [WC]

A corrected 2nd edition was published in 2016. Translations into Czech of the following texts: [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Right to Lie] [→Theory and Practice] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Enlightenment] [→End of All Things].

[Storheim 1970] Storheim, Eivind, tr. Morallov og frihet: moralfilosofiske skrifter. Oslo: Gyldenhdal. [208 p.] [WC]

2nd edition (1997). Translations into Norwegian of the following writings (selections??): [→Groundwork] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Metaphysics of Morals].

[Storheim 1983] Storheim, Eivind and Elling Schwabe-Hansen, trs. Moral, politikk og historie. Edited by Eivind Storheim. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. [162 p.] [WC]

2nd edition (1997). Translations into Norwegian of the following writings: [→ ??] .

[Takeda 1939] Takeda, Shin’ichi, ed. 美と崇高との感情性に関する観察: 其他 / Bi to sūkō to no kanjōsei ni kansuru kansatsu Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten. [355 (4) p.] [WC]

Vol. 15 of [カント著作集 / Kant Collected Works]. Translations into Japanese of the following writings: (??) [→New Elucidation] [→False Subtlety] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Beautiful/Sublime].

[Terra 1995] Terra, Ricardo Ribeiro, tr. Duas introduções à crítica do juízo. São Paulo: Iluminuras. [132 p.] [Epifânio 2004/WC]

Terra [2022] lists the translators as: Rubens R. Torres Filho, Ricardo R. Terra, Márcio Suzuki, Marcos Nobre, and Moacyr Novaes. Translations into Portuguese of the following texts: [→First Introduction to the Critique of the Power of Judgment] [→Critique of Judgment (sel.)].

[Tissot 1840] Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. Logique de Kant. Paris: Ladrange. [ix, 391 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following texts: [→Logic] [→False Subtlety] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Prize Essay (sel.)] [→Announcement (sel.)] [→Remarks on Jakob (sel.)] [→Orientation in Thinking (sel.)] [→Teleological Principles (sel.)] [→Theory and Practice (sel.)] [→New Elucidation] .

The 2nd edition (1862) includes only Tissot’s translation into French of [→False Subtlety].

[Tissot 1854] Tissot, Joseph, tr. and ed. Principes métaphysiques de la morale. 3rd edition, corrected and expanded. Paris: Ladrange. [viii, 474 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following texts: [→Groundwork] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)] [→On Pedagogy] [→Funk] [→Philanthropinum (sel.)] [→Rev. of Schulz].

[Tissot 1862] Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. Mélanges de logique. Paris: Ladrange. [viii, 474 p.] [WC]

In 1862, Tissot issued a second edition of the Logiqe de Kant, which included a translation of just the Jäsche Logic, having collected the other translations of works on logical themes to this present volume. In doing this he re-ordered, expanded some selections, and added and dropped others.

Translations into French of the following texts: [→New Elucidation] [→Prize Essay] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Announcement] [→Inaugural Dissertation] [→Orientation in Thinking] [→Concept of Race] [→Teleological Principles] [→New Tone] [→Mathematical Dispute] [→Peace in Philosophy] , as well as Kant’s philosophical [→correspondence] with Lambert.

[Tissot 1865] Tissot, J.[oseph], tr. and ed. Prolégomènes a toute métaphysique future qui aura le droit de se présenter comme science, suivis de deux autres fragments du même auteur, relatifs à la Critique de la raison pure. Paris: Ladrange. [vii, 484 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following texts: [→Prolegomena] [→On a Discovery] [→Progress in Metaphysics] [→First Introduction to the Critique of the Power of Judgment].

[Toyokawa 1948] Toyokawa, Noboru, tr. 啓蒙とは何ぞや: 其他 / Keimo towa nanzoya. Tokyo: Sogensha. [204 p.] [Hayashi 1978/WC]

Translations into Japanese of the following writings: [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things].

[Turró 2002] Turró, Salvi, tr. Història i política. Traducció i edició a cura de Salvi Turró. Barcelona: Edicions 62. [291 p.] [Clusa/WC]

2nd edition (2008). Translations into Catalan of the following writings: [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment] [→Reviews of Herder] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Theory and Practice (two selections] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Conflict of the Faculties (section two)].

[Vicinanza 2002] Vicinanza, Maria, tr. Primi scritti di filosofia naturale: 1754-1756. Naples: Luciano. [145 p.] [WC]

Translations into Italian of the following writings: [→??].

[Vier/Fernandes 1974] Vier, Raimundo, and Floriano de Sousa Fernandes, trs. Textos seletos. Introdução de Emmanuel Carneiro Leão. Petropolis: Vozes. [181 p.] [Borges Duarte 1993//Epifânio 2004/WC]

Bilingual edition (German from Weischedel edition). Many editions. Translations into Portuguese of the following writings: [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Enlightenment] [→Orientation] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace (sel.)] [→Right to Lie].

[Villacañas/Hernández 2010] Villacañas Berlanga, José Luis, and Maximiliano Hernández, eds. Kant. Estudio introductorio por José Luis Villacañas (vol. 1), Maximiliano Hernández (vol. 2). Two volumes. Madrid: Gredos. [cxxvii, 882 p.; cv, 842 p.] [WC]

Translations into Spanish of the following writings: Volume One [ToC / pdf] [→Critique of Pure Reason] [→Prolegomena] [Relato de la vida y el carácter de Immanuel Kant por Ludwig Ernst Borowski]; Volume Two [→Enlightenment] [→Universal History] [→Groundwork] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Critique of Practical Reason] [→Critique of Judgment] [→Theory and Practice] [→End of All Things] [→Perpetual Peace] [→Right to Lie] [→Conflict of the Faculties].

[Walford 1992] Walford, David, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770. In collaboration with Ralf Meerbote. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [lxxxi, 543 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of the following writings: [→New Elucidation] [→Physical Monadology] [→Optimism] [→False Subtlety] [→Only Possible Argument] [→Negative Magnitudes] [→Prize Essay] [→Announcement] [→Dreams of a Spirit-Seer] [→Directions in Space] [→Inaugural Dissertation].

Review: Frederick C. Beiser, The Philosophical Review 104.2 (1995): 277-79; Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 43.3 (1995): 405-10; Stephen Palmquist, Kant-Studien 89.2 (1998): 219-23.

[Watkins 2012] Watkins, Eric, ed. Immanuel Kant, Natural Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xviii, 802 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Living Forces] [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Age of the Earth] [→Theory of the Heavens] [→On Fire] [→Earthquakes 1] [→Earthquakes 2] [→Earthquakes 3] [→Theory of Winds] [→West Winds] [→Motion and Rest] [→Rev. of Silberschlag] [→Lambert’s Letters] [→Volcanoes] [→Influence of the Moon] [→Physical Geography].
Review: Silvia De Bianchi, Journal for the History of Astronomy 44.4 (2013): 487-88; Lydia Patton, The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 2013, #31) [online]; Marius Stan, Metascience 23.1 (2014): 65-70; Sophie Grapotte, Kant-Studien 107.2 (2016): 396-400.

[Watson 1895] Watson, John, tr. and ed. The Philosophy of Kant in Extracts. New York: Macmillan and Co. [x, 356 p.] [M]

Originally published in 1888; revised translations in 1895. Translations into English of lengthy extracts from the following texts: [→Critique of Pure Reason (sel.)] [→Critique of Practical Reason (sel.)] [→Critique of the Power of Judgment (sel.)] [→Metaphysics of Morals (sel.)].

[Welin 2015] Welin, Gunnar, tr. and ed. Om Fysiska Förhhållanden hos Jorden och Månen. Möklinta: Gidlunds fölag. [144 p.] [WC]

Translations into Swedish of the following writings: [→Rotation of the Earth] [→Age of the Earth] [→Earthquakes 1] [→Earthquakes 2] [→Earthquakes 3] [→Theory of Winds] [→Volcanoes] [→Influence of the Moon].

[Włoch 2011] Włoch, Wojciech, ed., Aleksander Bobko, Włodzimierz Galewicz and Mirosław Żelazny, trs. Religia w obrębie samego rozumu. Spór fakultetów. Metafizyka moralności [Polish; Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, The Contest of Faculties, Metaphysics of Morals] Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. [684 p.] [WC]

Vol. 5 of [Dzieła zebrane Immanuela Kanta / Collected Works of Immanuel Kant], 6 vols. Translations into Polish of the following writings: [→Religion] [→Conflict of the Faculties] [→Metaphysics of Morals].

[Wood 1996] Wood, Allen W., and George di Giovanni, tr. and eds. Immanuel Kant, Religion and Rational Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxiv, 518 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Orientation] [→Theodicy] [→Religion] [→End of All Things] [→Conflict of the Faculties] [→Jachmann Preface] as well as the [anonymous-Pölitz 2] notes on Natural Theology.

Review: Riccardo Pozzo, The Review of Metaphysics 52.1 (1998): 156-57; Stephen Palmquist, Kant-Studien 91.3 (2000): 366-69.

[Wood 1998] Wood, Allen W., and George di Giovanni, tr. and eds. Immanuel Kant, Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason and other writings. Introduction by Robert Merrihew Adams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxix, 229 p.] [M]

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Religion] [→Orientation] [→Theodicy] [→End of All Things].

Review: Georg Geismann, Kant-Studien 92.3 (2001): 368-70.

[Wood 2018] Wood, Allen W., George di Giovanni, tr. and eds. Immanuel Kant, Religion within the Boundarys of Mere Reason. And Other Writings. Revised with an introduction by Robert Merrihew Adams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxviii, 254 p.] [WC]

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Orientation] [→Theodicy] [→Religion] [→End of All Things] .

[Young 1992] Young, J. Michael, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xxxi, 695 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of [→Logic] and the following sets of logic lectures: [an-Blomberg] [an-Wien] [Dohna-Wundlacken 3] [Hechsel].

Review: Peter McLaughlin, Erkenntnis 43.3 (1995): 405-10.

[Zac 1970] Zac, Sylvain, tr. Quelques opuscules précritiques. Paris: J. Vrin. [136 p.] [WC]

Translations into French of the following texts: [→Physical Monadology] [→Motion and Rest] [→False Subtlety] [→Directions in Space].

Review: Joachim Kopper, Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 132-33.

[Żelazny 1992] Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. Koniec wszystkich rzeczy; O niedawno powstalym wynioslym tonie w filozofii. Torun: pub??. [?? p.]

Translations into Polish of the following texts: [→End of All Things] [→New Tone].

[Żelazny 1995] Żelazny, Mirosław, tr. Przypuszczalny pocza̜tek ludzkiej historii i inne pisma historiozoficzne. Torun: Wydawn. [60 p.]

Translations into Polish of the following texts: [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Universal History] [→Enlightenment].

[Zick 2011] Zick, Martin, tr. Începutul şi sfârşitul [Romanian; Beginning and end] Bucureşti: All. [70 p.] [WC]

Translations into Romanian of the following writings: [→Conjectural Beginning] [→End of All Things].

[Zöller 2007] Zöller, Günter, and Robert B. Louden, eds. and trs., Mary Gregor, Paul Guyer, Holly Wilson, Allen. W. Wood, and Arnulf Zweig, trs. Immanuel Kant, Anthropology, History, and Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xvi, 597 p.] [M]

See →The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. General editors: Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood.

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Beautiful/Sublime] [→Maladies of the Head] [→Rev. of Moscati] [→Races of Human Beings] [→Philanthropinum] [→Note to Physicians] [→Universal History] [→Review of Herder] [→Concept of Race] [→Conjectural Beginning] [→Remarks on Jakob] [→Philosopher’s Medicine] [→Teleological Principles] [→Soemmerring] [→Anthropology] [→Mielcke Afterword] [→On Pedagogy].
Review: Patrick Frierson and Ido Geiger, American Philosophical Association Newsletters: Teaching and Philosophy 9 (2010): 9-20; Vilem Mudroch, Kant-Studien 105.3 (2014): 447-52.

[Zweig 1999] Zweig, Arnulf, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Correspondence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [xx, 639 p.] [M]

Translations into English of the following writings: [→Fanaticism] [→Against Schlettwein] [→Against Fichte].

[top]  Lists of Translations  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

This is a list of bibliographies – or of essays with lists – of Kant translations, normally limited to a specific language.

The annual Kant-Bibliographien compiled at the Kant Forschungsstelle der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz under the direction of Margit Ruffing begin with new editions of Kant’s own writings, including translations. These bibliographies are eventually published in Kant-Studien, but more current six-month working-drafts are also available on the Mainz website as part of their Bibliographical information service.

Andrzejewski, Boleslaw (1977). “Kantliteratur in Polen.” [German] Kant-Studien 68: 505-08.

Translations of Kant’s writings are listed on pp. 507-8.

Aramayo, Roberto Rodríguez, tr. and ed. (2001). “Escritos de Kant y sus traducciones al español.” [Spanish] La utopía moral como emancipación del azar. Madrid: Edaf. Pp. 196-211.

Aranitović, Dobrilo (1985). “Kant in Jugoslawien.” [German] Kant-Studien 76: 227-34.

Translations of Kant’s writings are listed on p. 227.

Borges Duarte, Irene (1993). “Kant auf Portugiesisch. Materialien zur Kant-Bibliographie (1914-1992).” [German] Kant-Studien 84.2: 243-54.

Translations of Kant’s writings are listed on pp. 243-47.

Boros, Janos (1998). “New Hungarian Translations of Some of Kant’s Works.” [Hungarian] Magyar Filozofiai Szemle [Hungarian Philosophical Review], 359-377.

Boswell, Terry (1991). “A Bibliography of English Translations of Kant.” [English] Kant-Studien 82: 228-47.

Clusa, Josep (2020). “Die katalanischen Übersetzungen von Kants Schriften.” [German] In: Schlüter, ed., Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen (op cit.), 221-44.

Duncan, George M. (1898). “English Translations of Kant’s Writings.” [English] Kant-Studien 2: 253-58.

Epifânio, Renato (2004). “Bibliografia em Portugal e no Brasil: 1914-2004.” [Portuguese] Philosophica (Lisbon) 24: 183-216.

Granja Castro, Dulce María (1997). Kant en español: elenco bibliográfico. [Spanish] Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [265 p.]

This appears to include an exhaustive bibliography (pp. 23-42) of Kant’s writings translated into Spanish.

Grapotte, Sophie (2020). “Zur Geschichte und zum aktuellen Stand der Kant-Übersetzungen ins Französische.” [German] In: Schlüter, ed., Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen (op cit.), 73-119.

Hamm, Christian (2020). “Zur Übersetzungslage der Schriften Kants in Brasilien.” [German] In: Schlüter, ed., Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen (op cit.), 245-58.

Hatchuel, Patrick (2008). Kant en Français (1796-1917). Bibliographie des traductions françaises de Kant publiées entre 1796 et 1917 (Livres et tirés à part) Librarie Hatchuel. [text]

Hayashi, Masamichi (1978). “Bibliographie der japanischsprachigen Kant-Literatur, September 1945-Januar 1975.” [German] Kant-Studien 69: 225-39.

Translations of Kant’s writings are listed on pp. 225-28.

Kaśkiewicz, Kinga, and Tomasz Kupś (2018). “The First Polish Translations of Kant’s The Contest of the Faculties in the Collections of Vilnius University Library.” [English] Problemos 94: 134-43. [online]

Discusses the early translations of Józef Władysław Bychowiec (does not mention Andrzejewski 1977).

Krouglov, Alexei N. (2020). “Russische Editionen und Übersetzungen Kants. Vorläufige Ergebnisse aufgrund der deutsch-russischen Kant-Ausgabe (1994–2019).” [German] Studia z Historii Filozofii, 11.2: 7–32.[online]

Lateș, Titus (2015). “Traducerile lui Traian Brăileanu din Kant.” [Romanian; Traian Brăileanu’s Translations of Kant] Revista de Filosofie 62.3: 320-34.

Onnasch, Ernst Otto (2006): “Kant en klassieke Duitse filosofie: Niederländische Übersetzungen Kants.” [German] [online]

Pakalski, Dariusz, and Mirosław Żelazny (1998). “Von polnischen Kant-Überstzungen.” [German] Kant-Studien 89.1: 117-22.

Palacios, Juan Miguel (1974). “Kant en español.” [Spanish] Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafisica 9: 195-214.

Palmquist, Stephen (1994). “Exhaustive Bibliography of English Translations of Kant.” [English] In: Palmquist, Four Neglected Essays. Hong Kong: Philopsychy Press, pp. 104-18.

 —— (2011). “Translations into other languages.” [English] Kant on the Web. [online]

Petrone, Giuseppe Landolfi (2004). “Das Gesicht des Götzen: Die italienischen Übersetzungen Kants im 19. Jahrhundert.” [German] Kant-Studien 95: 470-504.

Ruffing, Margit (2023). “Übersetzungen kantischer Werke. Stand März 2023.” Kant-Forschungsstelle, Philosophisches Seminar, Gutenberg-Universität-Mainz. [online]

Schlüter, Gisela, ed. (2020). Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen. [German] Unter Mitwirkung von Hansmichael Hohenegger. Hamburg: Felix Meiner.

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Sonderheft 15.

Serrão, Adriana Verissimo (2020). “Bericht zum Stand der Kant-Übersetzungen ins Portugiesische (Portugal).” [German] In: Schlüter, ed., Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen (op cit.), 259-64.

Silva Fernando M. F. (2020). “Der lusophone Kant. Zum derzeitigen Stand der Übersetzungen kantischer Texte zu Ästhetik, Anthropologie und Geographie ins Portugiesische.” [German] In: Schlüter, ed., Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen (op cit.), 264-73.

Stark, Werner (2004). “Nachwort.” Immanuel Kant, Vorlesung zur Moralphilosophie. [German] Edited by Werner Stark. Berlin: de Gruyter. Pp. 379-80.

Brief list of translations of the lecture notes on moral philosophy.

Terra, Recardo. “Esquema para uma história da recepção da Crítica da faculdade de julgar no Brasil, nos últimos 50 anos a partir de uma visão uspiana.” Studia Kantiana 20.1: 117-25. [M]

Thisted, Marcos A. (2014). “Mario Caimi, traductor de Kant.” [Spanish] Con-Textos Kantianos 1: 127-40. [M] [online].

Türkiye Kant Topluluğu [Kant Society of Turkey]. “KANT’IN ESERLERİNDEN TÜRKÇEYE YAPILAN ÇEVİRİLER.” [Turkish] [online]

Vannerus, Allen (1901). “Der Kantianismus in Schweden.” [German] Kant-Studien 6: 244-69.

Walford, David, tr. and ed. Immanuel Kant, Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770. [English] In collaboration with Ralf Meerbote. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 467-76.

 —— (2001). “Towards an Interpretation of Kant’s 1768 Gegenden im Raume Essay.” [English] Kant-Studien 92.4 (2001): 407-39.

Żelazny, Mirosław (1998). “Bibliographie der polnischen Übersetzungen der Schriften von Immanuel Kant bis 1996.” [German] Kant-Studien 89.1: 122-26.

Zöller, Günter (2007). “Bibliography, Part One: Editions and Translations” [English] Immanuel Kant, Anthropology, History, and Education. Edited by Günter Zöller and Robert B. Louden. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 565-77.

[top]  Reviews of Translations  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

[bul] [dut] [eng] [est] [fre] [gre] [ita] [jap] [pol] [por] [rom] [rus] [spa] [tur] [ukr]

[Bulgarian] [↑reviews]

Slawov, Iwan (1974). Rev. of Kritika na praktitscheskija rasum, by Zeko Torbov (1974); Osnowi na metafisikata na nrawite, by Valentina Topusova (1974); and Kam wetschnija mir, by Zeko Torbov (1977). Kant-Studien 70.3 (1979): 350-52.

 —— (1982). Rev. of Kritika na sposobnostta za suzhdenie, translated by TSeko Torbov (1980). Kant-Studien 73.2 (1982): 255-57.

[Dutch] [↑reviews]

Kleingeld, Pauline (1993). Rev. of De eeuwige vrede (1986), Over de gemeenplaats: dat kan in theorie wel juist zijn, maar deugt niet voor de praktijk (1987), De idee der geschiedenis (1988), and Wat is verlichting? (1988), translated by B. Delfgaauw; and Over filosofie: De eerste inleiding tot de Kritik der Urteilskraft (1989), translated by B. Raymaekers. Kant-Studien 84.2 (1993): 235-37.

Raymaekers, Bart (2010). Rev. of Kritiek van het oordeelsvermogen, edited and translated by Jabik Veenbaas and Willem Visser (2009). Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 72 (2010): 335-37.

[English] [↑reviews]

[anon.] (1839). Rev. of Critick of Pure Reason, translated by Francis Haywood (1838). The North American Review 49.104 (1839): 44-68.

Aschenberg, Reinhold (2008). Rev. of To Perpetual Peace. A Philosophical Sketch, translated by Ted Humphrey (2003). Kant-Studien 99.3 (2008): 400-1.

Beck, Lewis White (1969). Rev. of Kant: Philosophical Correspondence, by Arnulf Zweig (1967). The Philosophical Review 78.4 (1969): 557-59.

Beiser, Frederick C. (1995). Rev. of Theoretical Philosophy 1755—1770, translated and edited by David Walford in collaboration with Ralf Meerbote (1992). The Philosophical Review 104.2 (1995): 277-79.

Brightman, Edgar S. (1949). Rev. of The Critique of Practical Reason and Other Writings in Moral Philosophy, translated by Lewis White Beck (1949). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10.2 (1949): 271-74.

Caldwell, W. (1901). Rev. of Kant’s Cosmogony, translated by W. Hastie (1900). The Philosophical Review 10.3 (1901): 307-12.

Carson, Emily (2000). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). Isis 91.2 (2000): 361-62.

Cavallar, Georg (1993). Rev. of Political Writings, edited with an introduction and notes by Hans Reiss, translated by H. B. Nisbet (1991). Kant-Studien 84.1 (1993): 124-26.

Cazeaux, Clive (1998). Rev. of Lectures on Metaphysics, translated and edited by Karl Ameriks and Steve Naragon (1997). Kantian Review 2 (1998): 150-55.

Charlson, Price (1961). Rev. of Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime, translated by John T. Goldthwait (1960). The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20.1 (1961): 109-10.

Child, Arthur (1949). Rev. of Critique of Practical Reason and Other Writings in Moral Philosophy, translated by Lewis White Beck (1949). The Journal of Religion 29.3 (1949): 245-46.

Dahlstrom, Daniel (1993). Rev. of The Metaphysics of Morals, translated by Mary Gregor (1991). The Review of Metaphysics 46.4 (1993): 850-53.

De Bianchi, Silvia (2013). Rev. of Natural Science, edited by Eric Watkins (2012). Journal for the History of Astronomy 44.4 (2013): 487-88.

DiCenso, James J. (2023). Rev. of Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, translated by George di Giovanni (1996), with revisions by Robert Merrihew Adams (2018). Con-Textos Kantianos, 18: 135-146 [online]

Edwards, Jeffrey (1995). Rev. of Opus postumum, translated by Eckart Förster and Michael Rosen (1993). The Philosophical Review 104.2 (1995): 280-82.

 —— (2013). “Kurze Bemerkungen zu den englischen Übersetzungen von Kants Rechtslehre.” In: Werner Euler and Burkhard Tuschling, eds. Kants “Metaphysik der Sitten” in der Diskussion: ein Arbeitsgespräch an der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel 2009. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. Pp. 21-24.

Ellis, Elisabeth H. (2007). Rev. of Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, andHistory, edited by Pauline Kleingeld (2006). Ethics 117.4 (2007): 765-69.

England, F. E. (1935). Rev. of Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, translated by Theodore M. Greene and Hoyt H. Hudson (1934). Philosophy 10.37 (1935): 100-2.

Euler, Werner (2001). Rev. of Correspondence, translated by Arnulf Zweig Kant-Studien 92 (2001): 384.

Fehr, James Jakob (2001). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Werner Pluhar (1996) and by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 106-9.

Feuerhahn, Niels (2018). Rev. of Critique of Practical Reason, translated by Mary Gregor (2015). Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 57.3 (2018): 646-48.

Foulkes, Paul (1984). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason. Concise text in a new faithful terminologically improved translation exhibiting the structure of Kant’s argument in thesis and proof, translated by Wolfgang Schwarz. Philosophy 59(230) (1984): 555-57.

Frierson, Patrick, and Ido Geiger (2010). Rev. of Anthropology, History, and Education, edited by Günter Zöller and Robert B. Louden, et al (2007). American Philosophical Association Newsletters: Teaching and Philosophy 9 (2010): 9-20.

Geismann, Georg (2001). Rev. of Religion within the boundaries of mere reason and other writings, translated and edited by Allen Wood, George Di Giovanni; with an introduction by Robert Merrihew Adams (1998). Kant-Studien 92.3 (2001): 368-70.

 —— (2003). Rev. of Metaphysical Elements of Justice, translated by John Ladd (1999). Kant-Studien 94.1 (2003): 121-23.

George, Rolf (1998). Rev. of Lectures on Logic, translated by J. Michael Young (1992). Kant-Studien 89.1 (1998): 92-94.

Ginsborg, Hannah (2002). Rev. of Critique of the Power of Judgment, translated by Paul Guyer and Eric Matthews (2000). The Philosophical Review 111.3 (2002): 429-35.

Goodreau, John (1998). Rev. of Lectures on Ethics, translated by Peter Heath and J. B.Schneewind (1997). The Review of Metaphysics 51.4 (1998): 937-39.

 —— (1998). Rev. of Lectures on Metaphysics, translated by Karl Ameriks and Steve Naragon (1997). The Review of Metaphysics 52.1 (1998): 154-55.

Gracyk, Theodore (1995). Rev. of Raising the Tone of Philosophy, translated by Peter D. Fenves (1993). The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53.4 (1995): 446.

Grapotte, Sophie (2016). Rev. of Natural Science, edited by Eric Watkins (2012). Kant-Studien 107.2 (2016): 396-400.

Hicks, G. Dawes (1931). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Norman Kemp Smith (1929). Journal of Philosophical Studies 6.21 (1931): 111-15.

Kalyniuk, Gregory (2010). Rev. of Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated by Robert B. Louden (2006). Philosophy in Review 30 (2010): 98-100.

Kemal, Salim (1994). Rev. of Lectures on Logic, translated by J. Michael Young (1992). The Review of Metaphysics 47.3 (1994): 624-25.

Kinlaw, Jeffrey (2003). Rev. of Critique of Practical Reason, translated by Werner S. Pluhar, introduction by Stephen Engstrom (2002). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Mar 2003, #3). [online]

Kitcher, Patricia (1994). Rev. of Lectures on Logic, translated by J. Michael Young (1992). The Philosophical Review 103.3 (1994): 583-85.

 —— (1998). Rev. of Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science: With Selections from the Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Gary Hatfield (1997). Isis 89.3 (1998): 547-48.

Kleinschnieder, M. (1974). Rev. of Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens, translated by William Hastie, introduction by Milton K. Munitz (1969). Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 321.

Klemme, Heiner F. (1998). Rev. of Lectures on Metaphysics, translated and edited by Karl Ameriks and Steve Naragon (1997). International Philosophical Quarterly 38.4 (1998): 459-60.

Kuehn, Manfred (1999). Rev. of Practical Philosophy, translated by Mary J. Gregor (1996). German Studies Review 22.1 (1999): 105-6.

 —— (2003). Rev. of Theoretical Philosophy after 1781, edited by Henry Allison and Peter Heath, translated by Gary Hatfield, Michael Friedman, Henry Allison, and Peter Heath (2002). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Nov 2003, #3). [online]

Lee, Seung-Kee (2000). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated and edited by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). The Review of Metaphysics 54.2 (2000): 444-45.

Lennon, Paul (2001). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Werner Pluhar (1996) and by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9.4 (2001): 530-42.

Louden, Robert B. (2003). Rev. of Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime and Other Writings, edited by Patrick Frierson and Paul Guyer (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jul 2011, #5). [online]

Mack, Robert D. (1951). Rev. of Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, translated by Lewis White Beck (1950). The Journal of Philosophy 48.16 (1951): 507-8.

Malter, Rudolf (1972). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason., translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn (1934, etc.). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 136.

 —— (1974). Rev. of Kant's Inaugural Dissertation of 1770, translated by William Eckhoff (1894, reprinted). Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 322.

 ——(1976). Rev. of Kant on History and Religion, with a translation of Kant’s “On the failure of all attempted philosophical theodicies”., translated by Michel Despland (1973). Kant-Studien 67.2 (1976): 243.

Mautner, Thomas (1986). Rev. of Perpetual peace and other essays on politics, history and morals, translated by Ted Humphrey (1983). Kant-Studien 79.4 (1986): 481-85.

McLaughlin, Peter (1998). Rev. of Theoretical Philosophy 1755—1770, translated and edited by David Walford in collaboration with Ralf Meerbote (1992); Lectures on Logic by Immanuel Kant and J. Michael Young (1992); Opus Postumum by Immanuel Kant, Eckart Förster and Michael Rosen (1993). Erkenntnis 43.3 (1995): 405-10.

 —— (1998). Rev. of Practical Philosophy, translated and edited by Mary Gregor (1996); Religion and Rational Theology, translated and edited by Allen W. Wood and George di Giovanni (1996); Lectures on Metaphysics, translated and edited by Karl Ameriks and Steve Naragon (1997); Lectures on Ethics, translated and edited by Peter Heath and J. B. Schneewind (1997). Erkenntnis 49 (1998): 221-25.

 —— (1999). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Werner Pluhar (1996) and by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). Erkenntnis 51.2-3 (1999): 357-63.

McQuillan, J. Colin (2014). Rev. of Metaphysics: A Critical Translation with Kant’s Elucidations, Selected Notes, and Related Materials, translated and edited by Courtney D. Fugate and John Hymers (2013). Journal for Eighteenth‐Century 37.4 (2014): 561-62.

Meerbote, Ralf (1980). Rev. of Lectures on Philosophical Theology, translated by Allen W. Wood and Gertrude M. Clark (1978). The Philosophical Review 89.2 (1980): 285-88.

Michalson, G. E., Jr. (1979). Rev. of Lectures on Philosophical Theology, translated by Allen W. Wood and Gertrude M. Clark (1978). Journal of the American Academy of Religion 47.3 (1979): 479-80.

Mudroch, Vilem (2014). Rev. of Anthropology, History, and Education, edited by Günter Zöller and Robert B. Louden, translated by Mary Gregor, Paul Guyer, Robert B. Louden, Holly Wilson, Allen W. Wood, Günter Zöller, and Arnulf Zweig (2011). Kant-Studien 105.3 (2014): 447-52.

Naragon, Steve (2006). Rev. of Notes and Fragments, translated by Paul Guyer, Paul, Curtis Bowman, and Frederick Rauscher (2002). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jan 2006, #5). [online]

Oberdiek, Hans (1987). Rev. of Immanuel Kant: Ethical Philosophy, translated by J. W. Ellington. Kant-Studien 78.1 (1987): 120-21.

Oedingen, Karlo (1972). Rev. of Kant’s Political Writings, edited and notes by Hans Reiss, translated H. R. Nisbet (1970). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 136-37.

Palmquist, Stephen (1995). Rev. of The Metaphysics of Morals, translated by Mary Gregor (1991). Kant-Studien 86.2 (1995): 240-44.

 —— (1998). Rev. of Theoretical Philosophy 1755—1770, translated and edited by David Walford in collaboration with Ralf Meerbote (1992). Kant-Studien 89.2 (1998): 219-23.

 —— (2000). Rev. of Religion and Rational Theology, translated and edited by Allen W. Wood and George Di Giovanni (1996). Kant-Studien 91.3 (2000): 366-69.

Patton, Lydia (2013). Rev. of Natural Science, edited by Eric Watkins, translated by Lewis White Beck, Jeffrey Edwards, Olaf Reinhardt, Martin, Schönfeld, and Eric Watkins (2012). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 2013, #31). [online]

Perovich, Anthony N. (2010). Rev. of Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason, translated by Werner S. Pluhar (2009). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (January 2010, #24). [online]

Pettit, Robert (1982). Rev. of Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated by Victor Lyle Dowdell (1978). Kant-Studien 73.4 (1982): 485-88.

Pollok, Konstantin (2001). Rev. of Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science, translated by Gary Hatfield (1997). Kant-Studien 92.2 (2001): 239-41.

Pozzo, Riccardo (1998). Rev. of Religion and Rational Theology, translated by Allen W. Wod and George Di Giovanni (1996). The Review of Metaphysics 52.1 (1998): 156-57.

Prall, D. W. (1935). Rev. of Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, translated by Theodore M. Greene and Hoyt H. Hudson (1934). Isis 24.1 (1935): 143-45.

Rauscher, Frederick (2007). Rev. of Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, edited and translated by Robert Louden, introduction by Manfred Kuehn (2006). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Jun 2007, #12). [online]

Riley, Patrick (1976). Rev. of Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated and edited by Mary J. Gregor (1974). Political Theory 4.2 (1976): 249-52.

Robinson, Hoke (1990). Rev. of Kant's Latin writings: Translations, Commentaries and Notes, translated by Lewis White Beck, Mary J. Gregor, Ralf Meerbote, and John A. Reuscher (1986). Idealistic Studies 20.2 (1990): 171-73.

 —— (2001). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Werner Pluhar (1996) and by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 109-15.

Russell, Bertrand (1901) Rev. of Kant’s Cosmogony, translated by W. Hastie (1900). Mind 10.39 (1901): 405-7.

Schaffer, Simon (1983). Rev. of Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens, translated by Stanley L. Jaki (1981). Isis 74.1 (1983): 132-33.

Schönecker, Dieter (2013). Rev. of Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. A German-English Edition, translated by Mary Gregor and Jens Timmermann (2011). Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95.2 (2013): 238-43.

Seigfried, Hans (year). Rev. of Kant’s Latin Writings: Translations, Commentaries, and Notes, edited by Lewis White Beck, in collaboration with Mary J.Gregor, Ralf Meerbote, and John A. Reuscher (1986). Kant-Studien 80.2 (1989): 208-14.

Schwarz, Wolfgang (1966). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Norman Kemp Smith (1965). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26.3 (1966): 449-51.

Smith, John E. (1949). Rev. of Critique of Practical Reason and other Writings in Moral Philosophy, translated by Lewis White Beck (1949). The Review of Metaphysics 3.2 (1949): 229-48.

Stan, Marius (2014). Rev. of Natural Science, edited by Eric Watkins (2012). Metascience 23.1 (2014): 65-70.

Sturm, Thomas (2013). Rev. of Lectures on Anthropology, translated by Allen W. Wood and Robert B. Louden (2012). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Dec 2013, #5). [online]

Swedberg, Richard (2009). Rev. of Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated and edited by Robert B. Louden, introduction by Manfred Kuehn. (2007). Contemporary Sociology 38.3 (2009): 277-79.

Tsanoff, Radoslav A. (1932). Rev. of Lectures on Ethics, translated by Louis Infield (1931). International Journal of Ethics 43.1 (1932): 104-6.

Voeller, Carol W. (1999). Rev. of Critique of Practical Reason, edited and translated by Mary Gregor, with an introduction by Andrews Reath. (1997). Ethics 109.2 (1999): 444-46.

C. W. (1965). Rev. of The Doctrine of Virtue, translated by Mary J. Gregor (1964). Ethics 75.2 (1965): 142-43.

Walford, D. E. (1988). Rev. of Kant's Latin writings: Translations, Commentaries and Notes, translated by Lewis White Beck, Mary J. Gregor, Ralf Meerbote, and John A. Reuscher (1986). The Philosophical Review 97.3 (1988): 427-29).

Watkins, Eric (2001). Rev. of Practical Philosophy, translated and edited by Mary Gregor (1996). Kant-Studien 92.1 (2001): 118-21.

Weldon, T. D. (1949). Rev. of Critique of Practical Reason and other Writings in Moral Philosophy, translated by Lewis White Beck (1949). The Philosophical Review 58.6 (1949): 625-27.

Westphal, Kenneth R. (1994). Rev. of Opus postumum, translated by Eckart Förster and Michael Rosen (1993). The Review of Metaphysics 48.2 (1994): 410-13.

Wick, Walter A. (1949). Rev. of The Moral Law, or Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, translated by H. J. Paton (1948). Ethics 59.4 (1949): 291-92.

Wilson, Holly L. (1987). Rev. of Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens, translated by Stanley L. Jaki (1981). Kant-Studien 78.1 (1987): 119-20.

Wilson, Kirk D. (1976). Rev. of Logic, translated by Robert S. Hartman and Wolfgang Schwarz (1974). The Philosophical Review 85.1 (1976): 97-100.

Zöller, Günter (2002). Rev. of Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood (1998). The Philosophical Review 111.1 (2002): 113-16.

Zweig, Arnulf (2011). Rev. of Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A German-English Edition,, edited and translated by Mary Gregor and Jens Timmermann (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (Dec 2011, #25). [online]

[Estonian] [↑reviews]

Matjus, Ülo (1987). Rev. of Prolegomena igale tulevasele metafüüsikale, mis on vöimeline esinema teadusena, translated by Jüri Saar (1982). Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 333-34.

[French] [↑reviews]

Arvert, Frank d’ (1888). Rev. of François Picavet (1888). Revue internationale de l'enseignement 16 (1888): 307-8 [online].

Barthel, Georges (1996). Rev. of Critique de la raison pratique, traduction par Victor Delbos, presentation et commentaire de Pierrette Bonnet (1989). Kant-Studien 87 (1996): 251-52.

Ferrari, Jean (1986). Rev. of La Religion dans les limites de la simple raison, translated by Jean Gibelin (1983). Kant-Studien 77.2 (1986): 267-69.

 —— (1987). Rev. of Histoire générale de la nature et théorie du ciel, 1755, translated by Pierre Kerszberg, Anne-Marie Roviello, and Jean Seidengart (1984). Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 335.

 —— (1987). Rev. of Pour la paix perpétuelle, translated by Joël Lefebvre (1985). Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 336-37.

 —— (1996). Rev. of Remarques touchant les observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, translated by Brigitte Geonget (1994). Kant-Studien 87.1 (1996): 128.

 —— (1996). Rev. of Leçons sur la theorie philosophique de la religion, translated by William Fink (1993). Kant-Studien 87.3 (1996): 282-83.

 —— (1997). Rev. of Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs, translated by Victor Delbos (1993). Kant-Studien 88.3 (1997): 382-83.

Han-Pile, Béatrice (2009). Rev. of Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique., translated by Michel Foucault. The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (March 2009, #14) [online]

Kopper, Joachim (1972). Rev. of Quelques Opuscules précritiques, translated by Sylvain Zac (1970). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 132-33.

 —— (1972). Rev. of Observations sur le Sentiment du Beau et du Sublime, 2nd edition, translated by Roger Kempf (1969). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 133.

 —— (1972). Rev. of Prolégomènes à toute Métaphysique future, new edition, translated by Jean Gibelin (1968). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 133-34.

 —— (1972). Rev. of Critique de la Faculté de Juger, new edition, translated by Alexis Philonenko (1968). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 134-35.

 —— (1972). Rev. of La Religion dans les limites de la simple Raison 1793, 4th edition, translated by Jean Gibelin (1968). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 135.

 —— (1972). Rev. of Logique, 2nd edition, translated by Louis Guillermit (1970). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 135.

 —— (1981). Rev. of Fondements de la métaphysique des moeurs, translated by Victor Delbos, edited by Alexis Philonenko (1980). Kant-Studien 72.2 (1981): 205.

Kounkou, Charles (1997). Rev. of Leçons de métaphysique, translated by Monique Castillo (1993). Kant-Studien 88.3 (1997): 372-74.

Lequan, Mai (2017). Rev. of Réflexions sur la philosophie morale, translated by Luc Langlois, in collaboration with Mathieu Robitaille and Émilie Jade-Poliquin (2014). Estudos Kantianos 4.2 (2016): 223-25; also in: Kant-Studien, 109.4 (2018): 637–39.

Pozzo, Riccardo (1999). Rev. of Qu'est-ce-qu'un livre?, translated by Jocelyn Benoist (1995). Kant-Studien 90.4 (1999): 489-90.

Sirovátka, Jakub (2014). Rev. of Sur l’échec de tout essai philosophique en matière de théodicée, translated by Antoine Grandjean (2009). Kant-Studien 105.2 (2014): 296-97.

Theis, Robert (2009). Rev. of Dissertation de 1770, translated by Arnaud Pelletier (2007). Kant-Studien 100.4 (2009): 589-91.

 —— (1991). Rev. of Manuscrit de Duisbourg (1774 — 1775), translated by François-Xavier Chenet (1988). Kant-Studien 82.1 (1991): 110-12.

[Greek] [↑reviews]

Pissis, Jannis (2017). Rev. of Metaphysiki ton ithon, translated by Kostas Androulidakis (2013). Kant-Studien 108.1 (2017): 155-58.

[Italian] [↑reviews]

Aportone, Anselmo (1996). Rev. of Cosa significa orientarsi nel pensare?, translated by Paolo Grillenzoni (1992). Kant-Studien 87 (1996): 253.

Bacin, Stefano (2018). Rev. of Lezioni sul diritto naturale. Introduction, commentary, and translated by Gianluc Sadun Bordoni; edited by Sadun Bordoni and Norbert Hinske (2016). Kant-Studien 109.3 (2018): 482-86.

Cecchinato, Giorgia (2009). Rev. of L’autore e i suoi diritti. Scritti polemici sulla proprietà intellettuale, translated by Riccardo Pozzo (2004). Kant-Studien 100.4 (2009): 565-67.

Euler, Werner (2001). Rev. of La religione entro i limiti della semplice ragione, translated by Vincenzo Cicero Kant-Studien 92 (2001): 383.

Gawlina, Manfred (1998). Rev. of Contro Eberhard. La polemica sulla Critica della ragion pura, translated by Claudio La Rocca (1994). Kant-Studien 89 (1998): 253-54.

Jiménez Rodríguez, Alba (2016). Rev. of Lezioni sul Diritto Naturale (Naturrecht Feyerabend), edited by Norbert Hinske and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (2016). Con-Textos Kantianos 4 (2016): 338-42. [online]

La Rocca, Claudio (1989). Rev. of I sogni di un visionario spiegati coi sogni della metafisica, translated by Maria Venturini (1982). Kant-Studien 80.1 (1989): 95-98.

Linguiti, G. L. (1978). Rev. of Kant e le scienze. Scritti scientifici e filosofici, translated by Silvestro Marcucci (1977). Filosofia (Torino) 29 (1978): 509-11.

Marcucci, Silvestro (1998). Rev. of Critica del Giudizio, translated by Alfredo Gargiulo (1997). Studi Kantiani 11 (1998): 151-54.

Oedingen, Karlo (1972). Rev. of Prima introduzione alla critica del giudizio, translated and edited by Ermanno Migliorini (1968). Kant-Studien 63 (1972): 135-36.

 —— (1974). Rev. of Antropologia pragmatica, translated by Augusto Guerra (1969). Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 318-19.

Picardi, Roberta (2016). Rev. of Idea per una storia universale in prospettiva cosmopolitica, edited by Roberto Mordacci, translated by Stefano Bacin and Francesca Pongiglione (2015). Studi Kantiani 29 (2016): 217-19.

Pozzo, Riccardo (1992). Rev. of Epistolario filosofico 1761 —1800, translated by Oscar Meo (1990). Kant-Studien 83.4 (1992): 485-86.

 —— (2002). Rev. of Logica di Vienna, translated by Bruno Bianco (2000). Kant-Studien 93.2 (2002): 258-59.

 —— (2003). Rev. of Pensieri sulla vera valutazione delle forze vive, edited by Ivano Petrocchi (2000). Kant-Studien 94.4 (2003): 537-38.

Pfurtscheller, Friedrich (1980). Rev. of Critica della ragion pura, translated by Giovanni Gentile and Giuseppe Lombardo Radice (1977). Kant-Studien 71.4 (1980): 509.

Rocchi, Moreno (2016). Rev. of Dissertazioni latine, translated and edited by Igor Agostini (2014). Con-Textos Kantianos 4 (2016): 364-73. [online]

Ruffing, Margit (1996). Rev. of La forma e i principi del mondo sensibile e del mondo intelligibile (Dissertazione del 1770)., translated by Ada Lamacchia (1995). Kant-Studien 87.4 (1996): 481.

[Japanese] [↑reviews]

Erlinghagen, Helmut (1976). Rev. of カント全集. 第6卷 / Kanto zenshū. dai6kan [Kant Collected Writings, vol. 6], translated by Tasuku Hara and Kazuo Yumoto (1973). Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 223-24.

[Polish] [↑reviews]

Pakalski, Dariusz (2010). Rev. of Rozprawa filozoficzna o religii i moralnosci / Philosophische Abhandlung über Religion und Moral, translated and edited by Miroslaw Żelazny (2006). Kant-Studien 101.1 (2010): 113-15.

Rolewski, Jarosław (1998). Rev. of Zum ewigen Frieden. Projet de paix perpetuelle. Proiekt wieczystego pokoiu, edited by Jan Garewicz and Barbara Markiewicz (1995). Kant-Studien 89.2 (1998): 247-50.

[Portuguese] [↑reviews]

Borges Duarte, Irene (1991). Rev. of Correspondencia Lambert/Kant, translated by Manuel J. Carmo Ferreira (1988). Kant-Studien 82.4 (1991): 474-76.

 —— (1994). Rev. of Os Progresses da Metafisica (na Alemanha desde Leibniz e Wolff), translated by Artur Morão (1988). Kant-Studien 85.1 (1994): 122-23.

Fernandez, J. E. (1982). Rev. of Da Utilidade de uma nova Crítica da Razao Pura (Resposta a Eberhard), traducao, introducão e notas de Marcílio Pugliesi (1975). Kant-Studien 73.3 (1982): 367-68.

Marey, Macarena (2011). Rev. of Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes, translated, with an introduction and notes, by Guido Antônio de Almeida (2009). Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 318-20.

Kosbiau Trevisan, Diego. (2019).  Rev. of Lições de Ética, translated and edited by Bruno Cunha und Charles Feldhaus (2018). Kant-Studien 110.3 (2019): 515-18.

[Romanian] [↑reviews]

Elwert, W. Theodor (1976). Rev. of Critica raţiunii pure, translated by Nicolae Bagdasar and Elena Moisuc (1969). Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 221-22.

Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos (2013). Rev. of Religia doar în limitele raţiunii (2007), Critica facultàţii de judecare. Prima Introducere la Critica facultàţii de judecare (2007), Observaţii asupra sentimentului de frumos ki sublim. Note la Observaţii asupra sentimentului de frumos ki sublim (2008), and Spre pacea eternà. Un proiect filosofic (2008), translated by Rodica Croitoru. Kant-Studien 104.1 (2013): 133-39.

 —— (2016). Rev. of Antropologia din perspectivă pragmatică (2013); Visurile unui vizionar interpretate prin visurile metafizicii. Lui Sömmerring, Despre organul sufletului. Scrisoare profesorului Hufeland. C.-V. Hufeland. Despre puterea sufletului de a îşi stăpâni sentimentele maladive doar printr-o decizie (2013); Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Critica raţiunii practice (2013); Metafizica moravurilor (2013), translated by Rodica Croitoru. Kant-Studien 107.4 (2016): 766-71.

Zamfirescu, Vasile (1976). Rev. of Întemeierea metafizicii moravurilor. Critica raţiunii practice, translated and introduction by Nicolae Bagdasar, afterword by N. Bellu (1972). Kant-Studien 67.1 (1976): 224-25.

[Russian] [↑reviews]

Krouglov, Alexei N., and Dieter Hüning (2019). Revew of Immanuel Kant: Werke. Bd. 5.2: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre. Translated into Russian by Andrej K. Sudakow. Moskau: Verlag Kanon+ (2019). Kant-Studien 110.1: 186-88.

Trozak, Aleksej (2012). Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Traktate. Rezensionen. Briefe. Edited by Leonard A. Kalinnikov (2009). Kant-Studien 103.1 (2012): 136-37.

[Spanish] [↑reviews]

Aramayo, Roberto Rodriguez (1984). Rev. of Pedagogía, translated by Lorenzo Luzuriaga and José Luis Pascual (1983). Logos Anales del Seminario de Metafísica 19 (Jan 1984): 254-56. [online].

Beade, Ileana P. (2014). Rev. of ¿Qué es la Ilustración? Y otros escritos de ética, política y filosofía de la histori, translated by Roberto R. Aramayo (2013). Con-Textos Kantiano 2014.1 (2014): 141-45 [online].

 —— (2014). Rev. of Crítica de la razón práctica, 2nd edition, edited and translated by Roberto R. Aramayo (2013). Con-Textos Kantiano 2014.1 (2014): 150-52 [online].

Caimi, Mario (1981a). Rev. of Crítica de la Razón Pura, translated by José del Perojo, revised by Ansgar Klein. New edition (1979). Kant-Studien 72.2 (1981): 204-5.

 —— (1981b). Rev. of Crítica de la Razón Práctica, translated by J. Rovira Armengol. 4th edition (1977). Kant-Studien 72.2 (1981): 206.

 —— (1983). Rev. of Por qué no es inútil una nueva Crítica de la Razón Pura (Respuesta a Eberhard) translated by Alfonso Castaño Piñan (1981). Kant-Studien 74.4 (1983): 508.

 —— (1989a). Rev. of Primera introducción a la „Crítica del Juicio", translated by José Luis Zalabardo (1987). Kant-Studien 80.4 (1989): 485-86.

 —— (1989b). Rev. of Teoria y Präctica, edited by Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo (1986). Kant-Studien 80.4 (1989): 486-87.

 —— (1990). Rev. of Pensamientos sobre la verdadera estimación de las fuerzas vivas, translated by Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles (1988). Kant-Studien 81.3 (1990): 371-72.

 —— (1992). Rev. of La Metafisica de las Costumbres. Estudio preliminar de Adela Cortina Orts, traduccion y notas de Adela Cortina Orts y Jesus Conill Sancho (1989). Kant-Studien 83.2 (1992): 246-47.

 —— (1995). Rev. of Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres. Filosofia moral. Translation by Manuel Garcia Morente, edited by Juan Miguel Palacios (1992). Kant-Studien 86.1 (1995): 105-6.

 —— (1998). Rev. of Crítica de la razón práctica. Traduccion directa del aleman por E. Miñana y Villagrasa y Manuel Garcia Morente (1994). Kant-Studien 89.3 (1998): 383.

 —— (2000). Rev. of Principios formales del mundo sensible y del inteligible (Disertacion de 1770). Version castellana de Ramon Cenal Lorente. Estudio preliminar y Complementos de Jose Gomez Caffarena. (1994). Kant-Studien 91.2 (2000): 252-54.

Di Sanza, Silvia del Luján (2014). Rev. of Fundamentación para una metafísica de las costumbres, translated by Roberto R. Aramayo (2012). Con-Textos Kantianos 2014.1 (2014): 146-49. [online]

 —— (2014). Rev. of Crítica del Discernimiento (o de la facultad de juzgar), translated by Roberto R. Aramayo and Salvador Mas (2012). Con-Textos Kantianos 2014.1 (2014): 153-57. [online]

La Rocca, Claudio (1989). Rev. of I sogni di un visionario spiegati coi sogni della metafisica, edited by Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue (1982). Kant-Studien 80.1 (1989): 95-98.

Leserre, Daniel (2009). Rev. of Metafísica Dohna, translated by Mario Caimi (2007). Kant-Studien 100.4 (2009): 567-69.

Marcos, Maximiliano Hernändez (2001). Rev. of Deduccio ́n trascendental de las categorías – versión de 1781. Dos cartas a Marcus Herz, translated by Jorge E. Dotti (1996). Kant-Studien 92.2 (2001): 223-25.

Martínez, Luciana (2016). Rev. of Lecciones de Antropología. Fragmentos de estética y antropología, edited/translated by Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez (2015). Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33.1 (2015): 334-37.

P.R. (1942). Rev. of Filosofía de la Historia, translated by Eugenio Imaz (1941). The Journal of Philosophy 39.9 (1942): 247-48.

Palacios, Juan-Miguel (1979). Rev. of Crítica de la razón práctica, translated by Emilio Miñana y Villagrasa and Manuel García Morente (1975). Kant-Studien 70.3 (1979): 352-53.

Peppino, Santiago Esteban (2012). Rev. of Crítica del juicio, translated by Marco Sgarbi (2011). Kant e-Prints 7.2 (2012): 70-80. [online]

Pinto Freire, Jesús, and Adrián Santamaría Pérez (2017). Rev. of Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II, translated and edited by Alba Jiménez Rodríguez (2017). Con-Textos Kantianos 6 (2017): 448-51. [online]

Presas, Mario A. (1987). Rev. of Prolegómenos a toda metafisica futura que pueda presentarse como ciencia, translated by Mario Caimi (1984). Kant-Studien 78.3 (1987): 336.

Rivera de Rosales, Jacinto (2005). Rev. of Crítica de la razón práctica, translated by Dulce María Granja Castro (2002). Kant-Studien 96.2 (2005): 265-67.

 —— (2006). Rev. of La polémica sobre la Crítica de la razón pura. (Respuesta a Eberhard.), translated by Mario Caimi (2002). Kant-Studien 97.1 (2006): 127-28.

 —— (2009). Rev. of Crítica del discernimiento, translated by Roberto R. Aramayo and Salvador Mas (2003). Kant-Studien 100.1 (2009): 119-22.

Sánchez Rodríguez, Manuel (2015). Rev. of Primera Introducción de La Crítica del Juicio, translated by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2011). Kant-Studien 106.3 (2015): 535-38.

Santos, Robinson dos (2018). Rev. of Lecciones de Antropología. Fragmentos de estética y antropología, edited, introduced, and translated by Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez (2015). Kant-Studien 109.4 (2018): 635-37.

Stepanenko, Pedro (2017). Rev. of La Deducción trascendental y sus inéditos, 1772-1788, edited and translated by Gonzalo Serrano (2014). Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.2 (2017): 215-19.

Tomassini, Fiorella (2016). Rev. of Lecciones de Antropología. Fragmentos de estética y antropología, edited and translated by Manuel Sánchez Ródriguez (2015). Revista de Estudios Kantianos 1.1 (2016): 99-100. [online]

Vázquez Lobeiras, María Jesús, “¿Qué es lo que nos interesa saber sobre Kant en el nuevo milenio? Con un balance somero de la investigación sobre Kant en España entre los años 2000 y 2004.” Ágora. Papeles de Filosofía 23.1 (2004): 215-254.

This essay on recent work on Kant in the Spanish literature also includes brief reviews of several translations:
Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres, edición de Echegoyen Olleta, J. y García-Baró, M., ed. Mare-Nostrum Comunicación, Madrid, 2000.
Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza, traducción y notas de Alberto Rábano Gutiérrez y Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, introducción de Agustín Béjar Trancón, ed. Antonio Machado Libros, Madrid, 2001.
Lecciones sobre la filosofía de la religión, edición a cargo de Alejandro del Río y Enrique Romerales, notas de Alejandro del Río, ed. Akal, Madrid, 2000.
Lógica, acompañada de una selección de Reflexiones del legado de Kant, prefacio de Norbert Hinske, edición, traducción y notas de María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, ed. Akal, Madrid, 2000.

 —— (2010). Rev. of Crítica de la razón pura, translated by Mario Caimi (2009). 2nd edition. Kant-Studien 101.3 (2010): 405-8.

 —— (2013). Rev. of Primera Introducción de la Crítica del Juicio, edited and translated by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (2011). Estudios Kantianos 1.1 (2013): 243-45.

Veraza Tonda, Pablo (2017). Rev. of Lecciones de filosofía moral Mrongovius II, translated by Alba Jiménez (2016). Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2.1 (2017): 89-90.

Widmer, Hans (1974). Rev. of La paz perpetua, translated by A. Sanchez Rivero and F. Rivera Pastor (1972), and Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres translated by Manuel Garcia Morente (1972). Kant-Studien 65 (1974): 319-21.

 —— (1984). Rev. of Transición de los Principios Metafísicos de la Ciencia Natural a la fisica, translated by Félix Duque (1983). Kant-Studien 75.3 (1984): 350-52.

Zavala, María Pía Lara (2015). Rev. of Antropología en sentido pragmático, translated by Dulce María Granja, Gustavo Leyva, and Peter Storandt (2014). Signos Filosóficos 16.34 (2015): 150-59. [online]

[Turkish] [↑reviews]

Bucher, Alexius J. (1985). Rev. of Gelecekte bilim olarak ortaya çikabilecek her metafizige, translated by Ioanna Kuçuradi and Yusuf Örnek, edited by Ioanna Kuçuradi (1983). Kant-Studien 76.2 (1985): 225.

Örnek, Yusef (1982). Rev. of Pratik Aklin Elestirisi, translated by Ioanna Kucuradi, Ülker Gökberk, and Füsun Akatli, edited by Ioanna Kucuradi. (1980). Kant-Studien 73.4 (1982): 485.

[Ukrainian] [↑reviews]

Chorny, Victor, “Who Needs Translations: the Difficulties of Assimilating a Foreign-Language Tradition (On the Example of the Ukrainian Translation of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason).” Філософія освіти / Philosophy of Education 26.2 (2020): 130-54. [online]

[top]  Literature on Translating Kant  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

Literature on specific problems or issues related to translating Kant into a particular language; this does not concern Kant research programs as such.


Frey, Michael, and Aysun Aly (2010). “Kant auf Arabisch: Übersetzungsprobleme und deren Lösungen durch die Übersetzer der Schriften ‘Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?’ und Kritik der reinen Vernunft.” Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft 64.3 (2010): 535-79.



Torbov, Zeko (1970). “Probleme der Übersetzung der Kritik der reinen Vernunft in fremde Sprachen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bulgarischen.” Kant-Studien 61 (1970): 83-92.


Walker, Nicholas (2019). “Translating Kant and Hegel.” In: J. Piers Rowling and Philip Wilson, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Philosophy. London / New York: Routledge. Pp. 358–74.


Hohenegger, Hansmichael (2011). “Termini tecnici e traduzione. Note sulla traduzione della Critica della facoltà di giudizio di Kant.” In: Pina Totaro, ed. Tradurre filosofia: esperienze di traduzione di testi filosofici del Seicento e del Settecento. Firenze: Olschki. Pp. 59-92. [xii, 297 p.]


Barboza, Jair (2010). “A crítica de Schopenhauer às Críticas de Kant. Ou como reverenciar um mestre distanciando-se dele.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 75-85.

Caimi, Mario (2010). “Lateinische Strukturen in Kants Stil. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erklärung des Begriffes vom Gegenstand in KrV A 104.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 109-22

Calábria, Olavo (2010).  “Pela tradução mais literal que liberal e invariabilidade dos termos técnicos em Kant.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 123-40.

Esposito, Costantino (2010). “Un pensiero al lavoro: tradurre (in italiano) la Critica della ragion pura di Kant.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 35-51.

Hamm, Christian (2010). “A fusão de campos semânticos: o exemplo de einsehen - verstehen - begreifen.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 53-74.

Klein, Joel Thiago (2010). “Consideracões em torno da traducão de Bedürfnis na obra kantiana.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 87-108.

Perin, Adriano (2010). “Sobre a gênese da distinção crítica entre Schein e Erscheinung.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 11-34.

Pinzani, Alessandro, and Valério Rohden, eds. (2010. Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a difficuldade de traduzir Kant. Florianópolis: Nefiponline, 2010. [online]

Rohden, Valerio (2010). “Jusificação das Ilusões da Metafísica consideraçóes sobre KrV B 294-95.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 161-75.

Santos, Robinson dos (2010). “O Conceito de Klugheit em Kant.” Crítica da Razão Tradutora. Sobre a dificuldade de traduzir Kant. Eds. Alessandro Pinzani and Valério Rohden (op cit.). 141-59.


Croitoru, Rodica (1990). “Reflecţii asupra limbajului filosofic al lui Eminescu. Pe margines traducerii sale din Critica rapunii pure de Imm. Kant.” [Romanian; Überlegungen zur philosophischen Sprache Eminescus. Im Hinblick auf seine Übersetzung aus der Kritik der reinen Vernunft von Imm. Kant] Revista de Filosofie 37 (1990): 12-22.


Croitoru, Rodica (2017). “Comment cette «langue morte et savante» nous a aidé dans la traduction de la Critique de la raison pure en langue roumaine.” Kant-Studien 108.1: 134-45. [PW]



Krouglov, Alexei N. (2020). “Russische Editionen und Übersetzungen Kants. Vorläufige Ergebnisse aufgrund der deutsch-russischen Kant-Ausgabe (1994–2019).” Studia z Historii Filozofii, 11.2: 7–32.


Uribarri, Ibon (2007). “Estudio preliminar sobre traducción, filosofía y censura. El caso de Immanuel Kant.” Traducción y censura en España (1939-1985): Estudios sobre corpus TRACE: cine, narrativa, teatro. Edited by Raquel Merino Álvarez. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 2007. 153-94. [online]


[top]  Literature on Specific Translation Projects  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

Literature announcing or discussing specific translation projects, such as a new set of translations into a particular language.

(anon) (2001). “Kant in Armenia.” Kant-Studien 92.2 (2001): 258.

Announcement of the publication of Armenian translation of the Prolegomena and plans for translating the Kritik der reinen Vernunft.

Bykova, Marina (2015). [Russian] “A Pioneering Contribution to the World Kant Scholarship. On the Russian-German Bilingual Edition of Immanuel Kant’s Works.” History of Philosophy Yearbook 2015. Moscow. Pp. 362–80.

Dimitrakopoulos, Michael (2002). “Bericht zum Übersetzungsstand Kantischer Werke in Griechenland.” Kant-Studien 93.2 (2002): 218-23.

Granja Castro, Dulce María, and Gustavo Leyva Martínez (2015). “Biblioteca Immanuel Kant.” Kant-Studien 106.1 (2015): 165-68.

Grzeliński, Adam, and Tomasz Kupś (2016). “The Research on Kant’s Philosophy in the Institute of Philosophy at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland.” Con-Textos Kantianos 4 (2016): 184-87. [online]


Guyer, Paul (1995). “Report on the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress. Ed. Hoke Robinson. Marquette, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press. Vol. 1, pp. 1325-27.

Kim, Soo Bae (2014). “Übersetzung von Kants Werken ins Koreanisch.” Kant-Studien 105.4 (2014): 641.

Makino, Eiji, and Uzawa Kasuhiko (2013). “Bericht über die japanische Edition von Kants Gesammelten Schriften.” Kant-Studien 104.3 (2013): 386-94.

Malter, Rudolf (1991). “Lettische Kantübersetzung.” Kant-Studien 82.4 (1991): 520.

Motroschilowa, Nelly (2000).  “Kant in Rußland. Bemerkungen zur Kant-Rezeption und -Edition in Rußland anläßlich des Projektes einer deutsch-russischen Ausgabe ausgewählter Werke Immanuel Kants.” Kant-Studien 91.1: 73-95.

Ruffing, Margit (2009). “Neugriechische Kant-Übersetzung.” Kant-Studien 100.1 (2009): 135.

 —— (2014). “Neugriechische Kant-Übersetzung.” Kant-Studien 105.1 (2014): 152.

Tuschling, Burkhard (1995). “The Project of the German-Russian Edition of Kant’s Works.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress. Ed. Hoke Robinson. Marquette, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press. Vol. 1, pp. 1329-32.

[top]  Overviews of Kant Research in a Particular Language or Country  [links]

[Collected Works] – [Smaller Collections] – [Lists of Translations] – [Reviews of Translations] – [On Translating Kant] – [Specific Translation Projects] – [Research in a Particular Language/Country]

Literature surveying Kant research, specific to a language or country, including its first reception.

Akbarov, Mirsali (2012). “Zur Kantforschung in Usbekistan.” Kant-Studien 103.3: 396.

Azouvi, François, and Dominique Bourel, eds. (1991). De Königsberg à Paris. La réception de Kant en France (1788–1804). Paris, Vrin.

Bal, Karol (1995). “Kant in Poland.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress. Ed. Hoke Robinson. Marquette, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press. Vol. 1, pp. 1207-12.

Balbiani, Laura (2007). “La sfida della traduzione e la Critica della ragion pura in Italia.” In: Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99.2: 233–60.

Belás, Ľubomír, and Sandra Zákutná (2016). “Kantian Research in Slovakia.” Con-Textos Kantianos 4 (2016): 180-83. [online]


Boboc, Alexandru (1995). “Zur Kantrezeption in Rumänien.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress. Ed. Hoke Robinson. Marquette, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press. Vol. 1, pp. 1221-23.

Burns, J. H. (2009). “Scottish Kantians: An Exploration.” The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 7.2: 115-31.

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Kalinnikov, Leonid (1995). “Kant Research in Kaliningrad and its Place in Russian Kant Research.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress. Ed. Hoke Robinson. Marquette, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press. Vol. 1, pp. 1201-6.

Excellent summary overview of Kant’s reception in Russia.

Krouglov, A. N. (2012). “Early Kantianism in Russia: J. W. L. Mellmann and J. G. Buhle.” Kanovsky Sbornik. Selected articles 2010-2011. Ed. Vadim A. Chaly. Kaliningrad: I. Kant Baltic Federal University. Pp. 28-39 [online]

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Motroschilowa, Nelly (2000).  “Kant in Rußland. Bemerkungen zur Kant-Rezeption und -Edition in Rußland anläßlich des Projektes einer deutsch-russischen Ausgabe ausgewählter Werke Immanuel Kants.” Kant-Studien 91.1: 73-95.

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I have received many helpful corrections and additions to this bibliography from a number of colleagues, whom I wish to acknowledge on this page: Gisela Schlüter, Hansmichael Hohenegger, Robert Clewis, Mario Caimi, Sophie Grapotte, Paul Guyer, Titus Lateș, Rodica Croitoru, Iris Plack, Mirella Capozzi, Maria Jesus Vazquez Lobeiras, Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez ....

Work on this page, and on the accompanying essay (“Internet Resources for Translating Kant”), has been partially funded by a grant from the DAAD (“Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists, 2018”).