KANT IN THE CLASSROOM     Materials to aid the study of Kant’s lectures

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Academic Instruction [> Sample Lecture Catalog]
The Academic Schedule
Königsberg Faculty [Deans and Rectors]
Timelines: [Philosophy] [Theology] [Medicine]

List: Sample Lecture Catalog

The following is a list of the courses offered during winter semester 1781/82, as printed in Goldbeck [1782, 90-98] and checked against Oberhausen/Pozzo [1999], with textbook bibliographical information coming from the latter.  This is the same information as appeared in the official Vorlesungverzeichnis printed by the university each semester, and more or less in this order, although in Latin (and without separate lists of staff or textbooks).   While only one semester, this list gives some sense of the range and number of course offerings at the university. (Most of the professors, and some of the textbook authors, will have biographical entries on this website.)

G. C. Reccard, the 2nd Full Professor of Theology, served as rector during WS 1781/82, and the four faculty deans were J. E. Schulz (Theology), G. F. Holtzhauer (Law), J. D. Metzger (Medicine), and Kant (Philosophy).

The titles of those courses given publicly (free of charge to students, and for which the professors were salaried) are printed here in red.  The listings were always grouped by faculty in the following order: Theology, Law, Medicine, Philosophy.  Beginning with WS 1770/71, the Philosophy listings were grouped into Philological, Historical, Mathematical, and Philosophical courses, and they also included the offerings of lecturers (Privatdozenten); before that semester, only the lectures of full (ordentliche) and associate (außerordentliche) professors were listed.

T. C. LilienthalDogmatic, pt. 1Heilmann8-9
G. C. ReccardDogmatic, pt. 2Heilmann9-10
T. C. LilienthalCommentary on the religious history in Kings and Chronicles-2-3
J. E. SchulzExegesis of some of the minor Pauline letters-3-4
G. C. PisanskiExegesis of the Beweissprüche of the N.T.--
J. E. SchulzTheological EthicsTöllner4-5
G. C. PisanskiChristian ApologeticsTurretin(2 hrs.)
G. C. PisanskiChurch HistoryMosheim2-3
G. C. ReccardPastoral TheologyTöllner10-11
F. S. BockAdvanced Theology Examinatorium, in Latin-Sat, 10-12
F. S. Bock(same as above)-3-4


Theodor Christoph Lilienthal [bio] (1st Professor)

Gotthilf Christian Reccard [bio] (2nd Professor)

Johann Ernst Schulz [bio] (3rd Professor)

Friedrich Samuel Bock [bio] (lecturer in theology; full professor of Greek)

Georg Christoph Pisanski [bio] (lecturer in theology and philosophy)


Heilmann, Johann David, Compendium theologicae dogmaticae (Göttingen, 1761).

Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von, Institutionum historiae ecclesiasticae antiquae ut recentioris libri quattuor (Helmstedt, 1755).

Töllner, Johann Gottlieb, Grundriß einer erwiesenen Pastoraltheologie (Frankfurt/Oder, 1767).

Turretin, Johann Alphons, De veritate et divinatione religionis christianae (Zürich, 1777).

W. B. JesterDie römischen InstitutionenHoffacker8-9[1]
G. F. HoltzhauerDie römischen InstitutionenMadihn8-9
C. R. BraunDie PandektenHellfeld3-4
G. F. HoltzhauerDie PandektenHellfeld10-12
W. B. JesterCanon LawBöhmer11-12
G. F. HoltzhauerCanon LawBöhmer9-10
W. B. JesterDas LehnrechtBöhmer10-11
G. F. HolzhauerDas LehnrechtBöhmer2-3
W. B. JesterDas Wechselrecht/SeerechtHeineccius/Wedderkop-
W. B. JesterDas weltliche Privatrecht...--
W. B. JesterDas positive Privatrecht--
C. R. BraunNatural LawAchenwall3-4
C. R. BraunPractical Lectures on the Prozessordnung des neuen Corporis Juris Fridericiani-9-11
C. R. BraunTheoretical and Practical Repetitorium--
G. F. HoltzhauerRepetitorium on the Insitutions and Pandekten--

[1] “Along with a public Repetitorio over this.”


Wilhelm Bernhard Jester [bio] (1st Professor)

Christian Renatus Braun [bio] (2nd Professor)

George Friedrich Holtzhauer [bio] (3rd Professor)


Achenwall, Gottfried, Jus naturae, 2nd ed. (Göttingen, 1753).

Böhmer, Georg Ludwig, Principia juris canonici (Göttingen, 1762).

Böhmer, Justus Henning, Jus ecclesiasticum protestantium (Halle, 1714-39).

Hellfeld, Johann August, Jurisprudentia forensis secundum Pandectarum ordinem (Jena, 1764).

Heineccius, Johann Gotlieb, Elementa institutionum iuris civilis et cambialis (Amsterdam, 1742).

Hoffacker, Karl Christoph, Institutiones iuris romani (Göttingen, 1773).

Madihn,Georg Samuel, Institutiones juris civilis (Halle, 1764).

Wedderkop, Henning, Introductio in ius nauticum (Flensburg, 1757).

J. C. BohlCirculation of the BloodBoerhave-
J. D. MetzgerHuman Anatomy[1]-10-11
A. J. OrloviusPathology, in LatinBoerhave9-10
J. D. MetzgerNew Surgical TheoryPlenck-
A. J. OrloviusChemistryVogel4-5
K. G. HagenTheoretical ChemistryBergmann-
K. G. HagenNatural History of Mammals--
J. D. MetzgerMidwifery--
J. D. MetzgerClinical Lectures--
J. D. MetzgerReadings in Latin from the First Book of CelsiusCelsiusSat, 10-11
A. J. OrloviusExaminatorium on Dietics, in Latin--
A. J. OrloviusDisputatorium-Sat, 9-10

[1] “Public as well as private.”


Johann Christoph Bohl [bio] (1st Professor)

Andreas Johann Orlovius [bio] (2nd Professor)

Johann Daniel Metzger [bio] (3rd Professor)

Karl Gottfried Hagen [bio] (Associate Professor)


Bergman, Torbern Olof, Anleitung zu Vorlesungen über die Beschaffenheit und den Nutzen der Chemie (Stocholm and Leipzig, 1770).

Boerhaave, Herman, Institutiones medicae (Leiden, 1708).

Celsius, Aulus Cornelius, De medicina.

Plenck, Joseph Jakob, Compendium institutionum chirurgicarum (Vienna, 1776).

Vogel, Rudolph Augustin, Institutiones chemiae (Göttingen, 1755).

(1) Philological   (2) Historical   (3) Mathematical   (4) Philosophical [top]
J. G. KreutzfeldOn the German LanguageAdelung9-10 (2 hrs)
J. F. WernerGerman Style (privatissime)-2 hrs.
J. F. WernerLatin and German Style (privatissime)-8 hrs.
G. C. PisanskiPractical Course on Latin Style-10-11
J. B. HahnLatin Literature-10-11
J. G. KreutzfeldLatin Exercises, written and oral-2 hrs.
J. F. WernerOn Suetonius’s Life of Julius Caesar...Suetonius9-10
A. W. WlochatiusLatin LiteratureCicero6-7 AM[1]
J. G. KreutzfeldCritical/Archeological CommentaryOvid4-5
F. S. BockTranslating the Gospel of Matthew (etc.)-2-3
J. B. KöhlerOn Ajax and Philoctet (Sophocles) and Plutus (Aristophanes)-11-12
A. W. WlochatiusGreek (Homer and Xenophon)-
J. B. HahnFoundations of the Greek Language--
F. S. BockThe Best of Ancient Greek-3-4
J. B. KöhlerTranslating Genesis and Exodus-9-10
J. B. KöhlerCommentary on the Psalms...-8-9
A. HalterFoundations of the Hebrew Language--

[1] This class was intended for the scholarship students (königliche Alumnen [glossary]).


Friedrich Samuel Bock [bio] (Full Professor of Greek)

Johann Bernhard Köhler [bio] (Full Professor of Oriental Languages)

Johann Gottlieb Kreutzfeld [bio] (Full Professor of Poetry)

Jakob Friedrich Werner [bio] (Full Professor of Rhetoric and History)

Johann Bernhard Hahn [bio] (Lecturer in philosophy)

Andreas Halter [bio] (Lecturer in philosophy)

Georg Christoph Pisanski [bio] (Lecturer in philosophy and theology)

August Wilhelm Wlochatius [bio] (Lecturer in philosophy)


Adelung, Johann Christoph, Über den Ursprung der Sprache und den Bau der Wörter (Leipzig, 1781).

Ovid, Fasti.

Suetonius, De vita Caesarum.

(1) Philological    (2) Historical   (3) Mathematical   (4) Philosophical [top]
J. F. WernerGeneral World History (privatissime)Schröckh2 hrs.
C. J. KrausGeneral World History, up until the fall of RomeSchlözer10-11
C. J. KrausEuropean History, from the Fall of Rome to the PresentMeusel11-12
J. F. WernerStatisticsAchenwall-
C. J. KrausStatistics-9-10
G. C. PisanskiHistory and StatisticsAchenwall-
J. G. KreutzfeldLiterary HistoryHeumann11-12


Christian Jakob Kraus [bio] (Full Professor of Practical Philosophy)

Johann Gottlieb Kreutzfeld [bio] (Full Professor of Poetry)

Jakob Friedrich Werner [bio] (Full Professor of Rhetoric and History)

Georg Christoph Pisanski [bio] (lecturer in philosophy and theology)


Achenwall, Gottfried, Staatsverfassung der europäischen Reiche im Grundrisse, 2nd ed. (Göttingen, 1752).

Heumann, Christoph August, Conspectus reipublicae litterariae (Hannover, 1718).

Meusel, Johann Georg, Anleitung zur Kenntniß der Europäischen Staatenhistorie (Leipzig, 1775).

Schlözer, August Ludwig von, Vorstellung der Universal-Historie (Göttingen, 1772-79).

Schröckh, Johann Matthias, Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Weltgeschichte (Berlun and Stettin, 1774).

(1) Philological   (2) Historical   (3) Mathematical   (4) Philosophical [top]
A. W. WlochatiusPure MathematicsClem1-2
F. J. BuckGeometryWolf8-9
K. D. ReuschGeometryWolf8-9
F. J. BuckTrigonometry and AstronomyWolf10-11
J. SchultzGeometry, Trigonomety, MechanicsWolf11-12
J. SchultzAstronomyWolf2-3
K. D. ReuschMechanical ScienceWolf9-10
F. J. BuckCivil EngineeringWolf1 hr.
A. W. WlochatiusAlgebraClemWed/Sat 10-11, 3-4


Friedrich Johann Buck [bio] (Full Professor of Mathematics)

Karl Daniel Reusch [bio] (Full Professor of Physics)

Johann Schultz [bio] (lecturer in philosophy)

August Wilhelm Wlochatius [bio] (lecturer in philosophy)


Clemm, Heinrich Wilhelm, Erste Gründe aller mathematischen Wissenschaften (Stuttgart, 1759).

Wolff, Christian, Auszug aus den Anfangsgründen aller mathematischen Wissenschaften für die Anfänger auf Schulen (halle, 1717).

(1) Philological   (2) Historical   (3) Mathematical   (4) Philosophical [top]
I. KantEncyclopedia of all PhilosophyFeder, Grundriß8-9
A. W. WlochatiusEncyclopedia of Logic and MetaphysicsFeder, Grundriß9-10
K. D. ReuschLogicBaumgarten, Acroasis10-11
F. J. BuckMetaphysicsFeder, Logik u. Metaphysik2-3
I. KantMetaphysicsBaumgarten, Metaphysica7-8
I. KantAnthropologyBaumgarten, MetaphysicaWed/Sat 8-9[1]
K. D. ReuschThe Best Psychological Truths (Latin)[2] -8-9
K. D. ReuschTheoretical PhysicsKarsten3-4
F. J. BuckExperimental PhysicsEberhardSat, 11-12, 2-3
K. D. ReuschExperimental Physics-2-3
F. J. BuckPractical PhilosophyFeder, LehrbuchMon/Fri, 3-4
C. J. KrausNatural LawAchenwall8-9
C. J. KrausPedagogy-Wed/Sat 8-9
F. J. BuckRepetitorium for mathematics and philosophy, in Latin-Tue/Fri 3-4
I. KantDisputation and Repetition, in Latin-Wed/Sat 7-8
K. D. ReuschRepetitorium & Examinatorium[2]-12-1
G. C. PisanskiDisputation Practice-1 hr.
A. W. WlochatiusDisputatorium--

[1] Kant always taught this class from 8-10 on Wednesday and Saturday; this is likely a misprint.

[2] This class was intended primarily for the scholarship students (königliche Alumnen [glossary]).


Friedrich Johann Buck [bio] (Full Professor of Mathematics)

Immanuel Kant [bio] (Full Professor of Logic and Metaphysics

Christian Jakob Kraus [bio] (Full Professor of Practical Philosophy)

Karl Daniel Reusch [bio] (Full Professor of Physics)

Georg Christoph Pisanski [bio] (lecturer in philosophy and theology)

August Wilhelm Wlochatius [bio] (lecturer in philosophy)


Achenwall, Gottfried, Jus naturae, 2nd ed. (Göttingen, 1753).

Baumgarten, Alexander, Metaphysyica, 4th ed. (Halle, 1757).

Baumgarten, Alexander, Acroasis logica (Halle, 1761).

Eberhard, Johann Peter, Erste Gründe der Naturlehre (Erfurt and Leipzig, 1753).

Feder, Johann Georg Heinrich, Grundriß der philosophischen Wissenschaften nebst der nöthigen Geschichte (Coburg, 1769).

Feder, Johann Georg Heinrich, Logik und Metaphysik im Grundrisse (Göttingen, 1769).

Feder, Johann Georg Heinrich, Lehrbuch der praktischen Philosophie (Göttingen, 1770).

Karsten, Wezesalus Johann Gustav, Anfangsgründe der Naturlehre (Halle, 1780).

Language and Exercise Masters [top]
Charmois and von BergenFrenchLindner and RackwitzRiding
von BergenItalianCartronFencing
von RzepnickiPolishMinden, d'Olmo, Grawe, Schinck, SchildbachDancing
DunkerEnglishRupp, Becker, Nelsen, Vigouroux, Gleinig, TietzPainting
Richter, Podbielski, KornMusic