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Manchester's Teacher Education Program Mission
Manchester College prepares teachers of ability and conviction who are enthusiastic and effective educators with a passion for teaching and compassion for students.
Teacher Education Program and Goals and Objectives
The following four goals and their related objectives addresses the desired outcomes for each student completing the Manchester College Teacher Education Program
CURRICULUM-construct and deliver appropriate curriculum for students
Relate content areas to other subject areas
Teaches subject matter accurately.
Teaches content from multiple view points.
Teaches students to use critical thinking and problem solving strategies.
Models appropriate oral communication skills.
Models appropriate written communication skills.
Teaches from a personal philosophical base.
Uses interdisciplinary instruction as appropriate.
Uses effective questioning strategies.
ASSESSMENT-assess student learning and development with a variety of measures
Develops appropriate tools to assess learning.
Assesses learning through appropriate standardized and teacher-constructed tests.
Assesses learning through appropriate alternative measures.
Keeps records to determine and report student progress.
RELATIONSHIPS-establishes professional and reciprocal relationships with others invested in students' learning.
Collaborates with students, colleagues, parents, and community agencies, exhibiting sensitivity for cultural diversity.
Acts with full awareness of ethical and legal responsibilities of teachers.
Values life-long learning and personal/professional development.
Engages in research and reflection on teaching and practice.
Exhibits a service orientation to students and teaching, valuing all aspects of students' well-being.
ENVIRONMENT -creates a positive and caring environments for student development and learning.
Plans informative lessons and units, alone and in teams.
Plans learning opportunities that respond to individual differences.
Uses a variety of teaching methods and materials.
Uses a variety of appropriate media and technology.
Motivates students to want to learn individually, collaboratively, and cooperatively.
Manages students behavior in positive, safe ways.