KANT IN THE CLASSROOM     Materials to aid the study of Kant’s lectures

Kant’s Writings
Academy Edition
Kant’s Life


> Professors

Kant’s Lectures
The Student Notes

Kant’s Rise to Full Professor
Salaries and Benefits
Academic Instruction [Sample Lecture Catalog]
The Academic Schedule
Königsberg Faculty [Deans and Rectors]
Timelines: [Philosophy] [> Theology] [Medicine]

Theology Faculty at Königsberg (18th Century)

The dates have been checked against the lecture catalogs, which are arranged by semester rather than year (so, for instance, two professors might be indicated as holding the same position in any given year, having changed after the summer semester).  The ranks normally depended on seniority (years on the faculty), and individuals would move up in an orderly fashion as older professors retired or died; but there were exceptions.  Each position had its own set of courses to be taught — e.g., the 1st professor was responsible for Dogmatics — and the pay improved considerably with rank: 450 reichsthaler/year for the 3rd professor, 800 for the second, 1000 for the first; I suspect that the lower ranking professors received no salary at all, and lived from honoraria received from their private lectures, and from whatever pastoral job they held on the side.

Key: Associate Prof. 7th Full Prof. 6th Full Prof. 5th Full Prof. 4th Full Prof. 3rd Full Prof. 2nd Full Prof. 1st Full Prof.

Fr. Deutsch Christian Sahme Franz Albrecht Schultz Gotthilf Christian Reccard
1688 1703 1710 1718 1721 32 1733 1766 1772 1776 1783
Gottfr. Wegner Johann Jacob Quandt Georg Christoph Pisanski
1697 1703 1716 1721 32 1733 1773
Bernard v. Sanden Jr. A. Wolf J. D. Kypke Starck Johann Ernst Schulz
1699 1703 1709 1725 32 1733 1745 1772 76 1778 82 1783 99
Heinrich Lysius Daniel Salthenius F. S. Bock Lindner J. H. C. Gräf
1702 1709 1717 1721 32 1734 1745 1753 1759 65 66-70 1773 1783 99
Christian Masecovius Daniel Arnoldt J. G. Hasse
1710 1717 1721 32 33 1735 1745 1750 1759 63 1765 1772 1788 99
Christian Walther Christoph Langhansen
1703 1709 1718 1725 1732-65
M. Schreiber G. F. Rogall Theodor Christoph Lilienthal
1710 17 1725 31 32 1744 51 1753 1759 63 1765 1772 1776
J. E. Segers J. H. Lysius
1710 30 32 1733
Johann Behm
1717 1745 1750
Heinrich Liedert (1672-1751) J. H. D. Moldenhauer
1710 1744 64
David Vogel J. J. Rau
1718 1736