Reliability of the Notes
[List: Past Evaluations]
Production of the Notes
Dating the Notes [Table: with Nachlaß Dating]
Lists: [Published Notes]
[Unpublished Notes]
Lists: [Composite]
[> Variant Names]
[Menzer 1912]
Descriptions of the Notes (click below):
The manuscripts have been given a variety of designations over the years. In these pages, which follow the system used at the Kant-Archiv in Marburg, each manuscript is identified by the name of a person or location, and some also have the prefix ‘an-’ (or ‘anonymous-’) attached, or have a number suffix.
The name given is that of the earliest discoverable individual who either wrote the notes, or else owned or used them. If no such individual is identifiable, we use the location where the manuscript was, or is still, housed (Berlin, Königsberg, etc.). If we have good reason to believe that the individual identified attended the relevant lectures and that he possessed (or was in the process of writing) the manuscript at that time, then we omit the ‘an-’ prefix. We can be certain that some of these manuscripts were indeed originally written by the named individual (e.g., Herder); with others, it is unclear if the student was making use of a copy and then annotating it during the lectures (as is clear in the Bauch logic), or making use of a copy when preparing a fair copy from his original class notes (e.g., the Mrongovius 4.2 moral philosophy).
Numbers are occasionally suffixed to the names using the following rule: Multiple sets of notes associated with a single name are distinguished numerically by discipline: anthropology, (philosophical) encyclopedia, (physical) geography, logic, mathematics, metaphysics, moral philosophy, pedagogy, physics, (natural) theology, and then any miscellaneous items. The only exception to this is in those cases (an-Friedländer 4.#, an-Pölitz 3.#, Mrongovius 4.#) where several manuscripts are bound together in a single volume; here the numbers follow the order in which the notes are bound together, distinguished by a decimal.
The first generation of scholars studying the manuscripts containing Kant’s lecture notes (Arnoldt, Erdmann, Heinze) named them according to their location (thus, K1 = Königsberg #1). The next generation of scholars (Adickes, Menzer, Krauß, Beyer) having been more strongly influenced by classical philology, first analyzed the texts for relations of descent, and so arrived at a chronological succession of manuscripts that they then designated with the letters of the alphabet (where ‘A’ stood for the oldest). I have collected here whatever variant names I’ve come across in the literature, many of which are simply ad hoc titles following neither of the above schemes.
Anthropology Adickes assigned numbers to the manuscripts: 2 → Brauer 1 3 → Busolt 1 4 → Collins 1 5 → Mrongovius 1 6 → Elsner 7 → Flottwell 8 → an-Gotthold 1 9 → an-Königsberg 1 10 → Matuszewski 11 → an-Ostpreußische Regierung 12 → an-Parow 13 → Philippi 1 14 → Pohl 15 → Puttlich 1 16 → Reichel 18 → an-Reicke 1 19 → an-Starke 1 an-Leningrad → an-Petersburg Anweisung → an-Starke 2 Königsberg 4 → an-Königsberg 1 Marburger Anthropologie → an-Friedländer 4.3 Menschenkunde [B/S 1997] → an-Starke 1 an-Messina [Lehmann 1966, 973] → an-Messina (geog) Ms germ Quart. 399 [B/S 1997] → an-Friedländer 1 Ms germ Quart. 400 [B/S 1997] → an-Friedländer 4.3 Encyclopedia Philosophische Enzyklopädie [Lehmann] → an-Friedländer 4.1 Geography Letter designations for physical geography notes are from Adickes [1911a]. A → Herder 1 B → Holstein-Beck C → an-Karmann D → an-Friedländer 2 E → an-Königsberg 2 F → Powalski G → an-Königsberg 4 H → an-Barth I → an-Pillau 3 K → an-Reicke 4 L → Crueger M → Fehlhauer N → an-Prussia O → Busolt 2 P → Volckmann 1 Q → Puttlich 2 R → an-Reicke 3 S → an-Königsberg 3 T → Vigilantius 1 W → an-Werner Z → Wolter |
Law Naturrecht Feyerabend [Lehmann] → Feyerabend Logic Blomberg [Lehmann] → an-Blomberg Breslau [Adickes, AA 15?] → Bauch Busolt [Lehmann] → Busolt 3 Dohna-Wundlacken [Lehmann] → Dohna-Wundlacken 3 Herder [Lehmann] → Herder 2 Logik-Auszüge Schlapp [Lehmann] → Hintz, Hoffmann Mrongovius [Lehmann] → Mrongovius 4.3 Philippi [Lehmann] → Philippi 3 Pölitz [Lehmann] → an-Pölitz 3.1 Wiener Logik [Lehmann] → an-Wien Mathematics Mathematik Herder [Lehmann] → Herder 3 Metaphysics Letter designations for metaphysics notes are from Adickes. A → an-Pölitz 1 B → an-Korff C → Rosenhagen D → an-Pölitz 3.2 E → an-Königsberg 5 F → Vigilantius 3 Arnoldt [Lehmann] → Vigilantius 3 Danziger [Adickes] → Mrongovius 2 Dohna [Lehmann] → Dohna-Wundlacken 4 H [Heinze 1894; Lehmann] → Rosenhagen Hamburger Metaphysik (Lehmann 1966, 1968) → Rosenhagen Herder [Lehmann] → Herder 4 K1 [Heinze 1894; Lehmann] → an-Korff K2 [Heinze 1894; Lehmann] → an-Königsberg 5 K3 [Lehmann 1983] → Vigilantius 3 Königsberg [Lehmann, AA 28: 1339] → an-Reicke 6 Königsberg [Erdmann 1883, 1884] → an-Korff Korff [Arnoldt 1894] → an-Korff L1 [Heinze 1894; Lehmann] → an-Pölitz 1 L2 [Heinze 1894; Lehmann] → an-Pölitz 3.2 Marienstift-Gymnasium Stettin [Lehmann AA 28: 1339] → Willudovius Metaphysik 1794 [Schlapp 1901] → an-Königsberg 5 Mrongovius [Lehmann] → Mrongovius 2 Nachschrift vom Semester 1794/95 [Arnoldt 1894] → Vigilantius 3 Nachschrift vom Wintersemester 1793/94 [Arnoldt 1894] → an-Königsberg 5 Nachschrift vom Winter 1794 [Arnoldt 1894] → an-Königsberg 5 Pölitz [Arnoldt 1894; Lehmann] → an-Pölitz 1, an-Pölitz 3.2 Stettiner-Marienstift [Adickes] → Willudovius von Schön Ontologie [Lehmann] → von Schön 2 Volckmann [Lehmann] → Volckmann 3 |
Moral Philosophy Letter designations for moral philosophy notes from Krauß [1926/32]. A → an-Berlin 2 B → an-Gotthold 2 C → an-Friedländer 3 D → an-Reicke 7 E → an-Königsberg 6 F → an-Mrongovius G → Kutzner H → Brauer 2 J → Collins 2 K1 → an-Gotthold 3 K2 → an-Gotthold 3 L → an-Dilthey M → Brandt P → an-Powalski R → Mrongovius 4.2 Z → Vigilantius 4 Menzer → Brauer 2 Metaphysik der Sitten Vigilantius [Lehmann] → Vigilantius 4 Moralische Vorlesung 1791 [Lehmann] → an-Berlin 2 Moral Mrongovius [Lehmann] → an-Mrongovius Moral Mrongovius II [Lehmann] → Mrongovius 4.2 Moralphilosophie Collins [Lehmann] → Collins 2 Moralphilosophie Kaehler [Lehmann] → Kaehler J. F. Philosophia practica Marburg [Lehmann] → an-Friedländer 3 Philosophische Moral v. Brandt/Aron [Lehmann] → Brandt Philosophische Moral Dilthey [Lehmann] → an-Dilthey Praktische Philosophie Herder [Lehmann] → Herder 5 Praktische Philosophie Powalski [Lehmann] → an-Powalski Physics Berliner Physik [Lehmann] → an-Friedländer 4.4 Danziger Physik [Lehmann] → Mrongovius 4.1 Physik Herder [Lehmann] → Herder 6 Theology Letter designations for theology notes from Beyer [1937]. D → Mrongovius 3 P → an-Pölitz 2 V → Volckmann 4 Danziger Rationaltheologie nach Baumbach [Lehmann] → Mrongovius 3 Fragment einer späteren Rationaltheologie [Lehmann] → Mrongovius 3 Natürliche Theologie Volckmann nach Baumbach [Lehmann] → Volckmann 4 Philosophische Religionslehre nach Pölitz [Lehmann] → an-Pölitz 2 Vernunft-Theologie Magath [Lehmann] → Magath |