Reliability of the Notes
[List: Past Evaluations]
Production of the Notes
Dating the Notes [Table: with Nachlaß Dating]
Lists: [Published Notes]
[Unpublished Notes]
Lists: [Composite]
[Variant Names]
[> Menzer 1912]
Descriptions of the Notes (click below):
Max Heinze was assigned the general editorship of the fourth division of the Academy edition of Kant’s gesammelte Schriften (1900 ff.), which was to include all of the student notes from Kant’s lectures. The area editors for this division were Heinze (for the notes on metaphysics, logic, and natural religion), Paul Gedan (physical geography), Oswald Külpe (anthropology), Paul Menzer (moral philosophy), and Rudolf Stammler (physics) [Kant-Studien, 1: 150 (1897)].
Paul Menzer assumed the duties of general editor upon the death of Heinze on 17 September 1909. Paul Gedan, Rudolf Stammler, and Menzer continued serving as area editors, with Bruno Bauch joining this group as the moral philosophy editor, with Menzer taking over Heinze’s assignment [AA 1: xvii (1910)].
It was in this context that Menzer prepared a list in 1912 of all the currently available sets of lecture notes. Many of these manuscripts were with Menzer in Halle, and then were sent back to the Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1922, and from there some were sent back to private owners.
Menzer’s numbers are followed by the current names of the manuscripts. This list is made available here in order to facilitate the interpretation of any references to the list found in the older literature.
Physical Geography [Menzer lists the physical geography notes using Adickes’s letter designations. Unlike with the other notes, he does not provide titles.] 1. Herder 2. Holstein-Beck 3. an-Karman 4. an-Friedländer 2 5. an-Königsberg 2 6. Powalski 7. an-Königsberg 4 8. an-Barth 9. an-Pillau 3 10. an-Reicke 4 11. Crueger 12. Fehlhauer 13. an-Prussia 14. Busolt 2 15. Volckmann 1 16. Puttlich 2 17. an-Reicke 3 18. an-Königsberg 3 19. Vigiliantius 1 20. Wolter 21. an-Werner |
Anthropology 1. an-Messina (geography)
2. an-Friedländer 1 3. an-Elbing 4. Matuszewksi. 5. Mrongovius 1 6. Elsner 7. an-Königsberg 1 8. Reichel 9. Dohna-Schlobitten 1 10. an-Berlin 1 11. an-Gotthold 1 12. an-Prieger 13. Flothwell [sic] 14. an-Pillau 15. Busolt 16. Philippi 1 17. Jacobi 18. an-Ostpreußische Regierung 19. Nicolai 1 20. Pohl 21. Brauer 22. an-Parow 23. Puttlich 1
Logic 1. Busolt 3 2. Philippi 3 3. Hintz 4. an-Reicke 5 5. Grünheide 6. Bauch 7. Hoffmann 8. Vigilantius 2 9. Dohna-Schlobitten 10. an-Blomberg 11. Volckmann 2 12. Mrongovius 4.3 Metaphysics 1. Nicolai 2 2. an-Pölitz 1 3. Rosenhagen 4. Herder
5. Mrongovius 6. Volckmann 7. von Schön 2 8. Willudovius 9. an-Korff 10. an-Königsberg 5 11. an-Reicke 6 12. Vigilantius 3 |
Moral Philosophy 1. an-Dilthey 2. an-Berlin 2 3. Dohna-Schlobitten 3 4. Brandt 5. Vigilantius 4 6. an-Powalski 7. Herder 8. an-Friedländer 3 9. an-Gotthold 2 10. an-Reicke 7 11. an-Mrongovius 12. Collins 13. an-Gotthold 3 (2 vols) 14. Mrongovius 4.2 15. Brauer 2 16. Kutzner
Natural Theology 1. 2. 3.
Natural Law 1.
Philosophical Encyclopedia 1.
Physics 1.[one of these will be Mrongovius 4.1] 2. |