Step Three


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1.       In groups of four, share your concept map that characterizes the character of Patty Jane Pepper.


2.       After everyone in the group has shared his/her concept map, use the criterion the class developed on the first day to assess concept maps to discuss which characteristics should be listed for the character.


3.       Following the discussion, create a new concept map for Patty Jane Pepper that pulls in the ideas of the group.


4.       Turn the group’s new concept map in.


5.       As a class, discuss the web site’s article “Using Inspiration to Organize Reading and Writing.” 


6.       Create a Venn diagram as a class of the pros and cons of using a computer-generated concept map in your future classroom.


7.       For the next class, read the children’s story The Mystery of the Grindlecat by Valiska Gregory.


8.       Make a list of characteristics of Ms. Quimby as you read and bring the list with you to the next class meeting.