Step Four
1. As a class discuss the story The Mystery of the Grindlecat you read for today.
2. Following the class discussion of the story, create a concept map as a class for the character of Ms. Quimby.
3. Using the criteria for assessing concept maps, check the concept map you and your peers have created as a large group. Discuss the concept map in light of these characteristics. Make necessary changes to the concept map.
4. Participate in a class discussion about the differences in the three different ways of making concept maps:
Step Two – making own concept map with no feedback
Step Three – make own concept map, then create a group one following group discussion
Step Four – make class concept map
Which of the three concept maps was the hardest to make? Why?
Which was the easiest why?
5. For the next class period, on the Discussion Board of Blackboard post your feelings about making concept maps. Post any questions you have about concept mapping or about the assignment.
6. We will meet in the Communications computer lab for our next class to work with the Kidspiration software package. Please bring a children’s book of your choice.