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[2010]  Kant Bibliography 2011  [2012]

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[top]Kant    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Editions and translations of the writings of Immanuel Kant

[See also the items listed under Collections]

Die Frage, ob die Erde veralte, physikalisch erwogen (1754)

 ——. “De la question de savoir si la Terre vieillit, considérée d’un point de vue physique.” [French] Translated and introduced by Hicham-Stéphane Afeissa. Philosophie (Paris) 110 (2011): 3-30. [M]

Der einzig mögliche Beweisgrund (1763)

 ——. Der einzig mögliche Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Daseins Gottes. Historisch-kritische Edition. Edited, and with an introduction and notes, by Lothar Kreimendahl and Michael Oberhausen. Hamburg: Meiner, 2011. [clvii, 290 p.] [M]

Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen (1764)

 ——. Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime and Other Writings. [English] Edited by Patrick Frierson and Paul Guyer, with an introduction by Patrick Frierson. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [xlv, 348 p.] [M] [review]


Versuch über die Krankheiten des Kopfes (1764)

 ——. “Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza (1764).” [Spanish] Introduced and translated by Juan Manuel Uribe Cano. Affectio Societatis (Medellín-Colombia) 8.15 (2011): n.p. [online] [WC]

Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781/87)

 ——. 纯粹理性批判 / Chun cui li xing pi pan. [Chinese] Translated by Lan Guangwu. Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian, 2011. [533 p.] [WC]

 ——. Kritika cistega uma. [Slovenian] Translated by Zdravko Kobe. Ljubljana: Drustvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo, 2011. [312 p.] [WC]

 ——. Tīrā prāta kritika. [Latvian] Translated by Rihards Kūlis. Riga: Zinātne, 2011. [597 p.] [WC]

 ——. 纯粹理性批判 / Chun cui li xing pi pan. [Chinese] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue, 2011. [561 p.] [WC]

 ——. Kritika čistogo razuma. [Russian] Translated by N. O. Losskij, C. G. Arzakanjana, and M. I. Itkin. Moscow: Ėksmo, 2011. [736 p.] [WC]

 ——. 純粋理性批判 / Junsui risei hihan. [Japanese] Vols. 4 and 5 (of 5). Translated by Gen Nakayama. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 2011. [366, 431 p.]

 ——. Crítica de la razón pura. [Spanish] Translated by José del Perojo and José Rovira Armengol; edited by Ansgar Klein. Buenos Aires: Losada, 2011. [792 p.] [WC]

Prolegomena (1783)

 ——.  任何一种能够作为科学出现的未来形而上学导论 / Ren he yi zhong neng gou zuo wei ke xue chu xian de wei lai xing er shang xue dao lun. [Chinese] Translated by Jingren Pang.  Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan, 2011.  [249 p.]

Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht (1784)

 ——. Kant: Idée d’une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique. [French] Translated, with analysis, by Paulin Clochec. Paris: Ellipses, 2011. [101 p.] [WC]

“Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?” (1784)

 ——. Răspuns la întrebarea: Ce este Iluminismul? [German/Romanian edition] Translated and notes and introduction by Daniel Mazilu. Piteşti: Paralela, 2011. [131 p.] [WC]

Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (1785)

 ——. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. A German-English Edition. [German/English] Translated by Mary Gregor with revisions by Jens Timmerman; German text edited, and with an introduction by Timmermann. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [xiv, 198 p.] [M] [review]

 ——. Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes. [Portuguese] Translated by Paulo Quintela, with an introduction by Pedro Galvão. Lisbon: Edições 70, 2011. [132 p.] [WC]

Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (1788)

 ——. Kritik af den praktiske fornuft. [Danish] Translated by Tom Bøgeskov. Helsingør: Det lille Forlag, 2011. [162 p.] [WC]

 ——. Krytyka praktycznego rozumu. [Polish] Translated by Jerzy Galecki. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2011. [xii, 290 p.] [WC]

 ——. Crítica de la razón práctica. [German/Spanish] Translated, notes, and analytical index by Dulce María Granja Castro. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011.  [192 p.] [WC]

 ——. 實踐理性批判 / Shi jian li xing pi pan. [Chinese] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue, 2011. [155 p.] [WC]

Erste Fassung der Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft (1789)

 ——. Uvod ke Kritice soudnosti: první verze. [Czech] Translated by Jindrich Karásek. Prague: Oikumene, 2011. [87 p.] [WC]

 ——. Primera introducción de la crítica del juicio. [German/Spanish] Translated, edited, and with an introduction by Nuria Sánchez Madrid. Madrid: Escolar y Mayo, 2011. [343 p.] [WC]

Kritik der Urteilskraft (1790)

 ——. Critica del giudizio. [Italian] Translated by Alfredo Gargiulo, introduction by Paolo D’Angelo. Roma: Laterza, 2011. [765 p.] [WC]

 ——. Critica della facoltà di giudizio. [Italian] Edited, and translated by Emilio Garroni and Hansmichael Hohenegger. Torino: Einaudi, 2011. [lxxxv, 317 p.] [WC]

 ——. Le jugement esthétique. [French] Translated and edited by Florence Khodoss. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2011. [122 p.] [WC]

 ——. 判斷力批判 / Pan duan li pi pan. [Chinese] Translated by Qiuling Li. Beijing: Zhong guo ren min da xue, 2011. [301 p.] [WC]

 ——. Crítica del juicio. [Spanish] Translated by Manuel García Morente; edited by Juan José García Norro and Rogelio Rovira. Madrid: Tecnos, 2011. [461 p.] [WC]

Über das Misslingen aller philosophischen Versuche in der Theodicee (1791)

 ——. Sobre el fracaso de todo ensayo filosófico en la Teodicea. [Spanish/German] Translated by Rogelio Rovira. Madrid: Encuentro, 2011. [59 p.] [WC]

Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft (1793)

 ——. 이성의 한계 안에서의 종교. [Korean] Translated by Jong Hyun Baek. Seoul: Acanet, 2011. [522 p.] [WC]

 ——. Religionen innenfor fornuftens grenser. [Norwegian] Translated by Øystein Skar; introduction by Trond Berg Eriksen. Oslo: Humanist, 2011. [221 p.] [WC]

Welches sind die wirklichen Fortschritte, die die Metaphysik seit Leibnitzens und Wolf’s Zeiten in Deutschland gemacht hat? (1793)

 ——. Sobre el tema del concurso para el año de 1791 propuesto por la Academia Real de Ciencias de Berlín ¿cuáles son los efectivos progresos que la metafísica ha hecho en Alemania desde los tiempos de Leibniz y Wolff?. [Spanish] 2nd ed. Translated by Félix Duque. Madrid: Tecnos, 2011. [ccxxx, 193 p.] [WC]

“Über den Gemeinspruch: Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis.” (1793)

 ——. 속설에 대하여: 그것은 이론에서는 옳을지 모르지만, 실천에 대해서는 쓸모없다는. [Korean] Translated by Oh Jin Seok. Seoul, 2011. [127 p.] [WC]

Zum Ewigen Frieden (1795)

 ——. Hacia la paz perpetua: un esbozo filosófico. [Spanish] Translated by Jacobo Muñoz; preface by Pedro Garcia Cuartango. Barcelona: Ciro, 2011. [89 p.] [WC]

 ——. Zum Ewigen Frieden, und Auszüge aus der Rechtslehre. German text edited and with commentary by Peter Niesen and Oliver Eberl. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011. [416 p.] [M]

 ——. 영원한 평화를 위하여: 하나의 철학적 기획. [Korean] Translated by Oh Jin Seok. Seoul, 2011. [110 p.] [WC]

Die Metaphysik der Sitten in zwei Teilen (1797)

 ——. Doctrine du droit, vol. 1 of Métaphysique des moeurs. [French] Translated and with an introduction by Alexis Philonenko, preface by Michel Villey. Paris: J. Vrin, 2011. [408 p.] [WC]

 ——. 法的形而上学原理: 权利的科学 / Fa de xing er shang xue yuan li: quan li de ke xue [Chinese; The science of right]. Translated by name??. Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan, 2011. [220 p.] [WC]

Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefaßt (1798)

 ——. Anthrōpología apó pragmatologikē ápopsē. Transl. into Greek by Haris Tasakos. Athens: Printa, 2011. [291 p.] [WC]

Jäsche Logik (1800)

 ——. 逻辑学讲义 / Luo ji xue jiang yi [Chinese; Logic lectures]. Transl. into Chinese by Jingzing Xu, edited by Yizhi Yang. Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan, 2011. [155 p.] [WC]


 ——. Réflexions métaphysiques (1780-1789). Transl. into French, and notes, by Sophie Grapotte. Paris: J. Vrin, 2011. [300 p.] [WC]


[Pevatolo/Di Donato 2011] Sette scritti politici liberi. [Italian] Translated, with commentary, of Kant’s political writings by Maria Chiara Pievatolo and Francesca Di Donato. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011. [283 p.] [online] [WC]


[Wloch 2011] Religia w obrebie samego rozumu / Spór fakultetów / Metafizyka moralnosci. [Polish] Translation of Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft, Der Streit der Facultäten, and Die Metaphysik der Sitten by Wojciech Wloch, Aleksander Bobko, Miroslaw Zelazny, and Wlodzimierz Galewicz. Torun: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, 2011. [682 p.] [WC]

[Zick 2011] Începutul şi sfârşitul [Romanian; Beginning and end]. Translation of Conjectural Beginning and The End of all Things by Martin Zick. Bucarest: All, 2011. [70 p.] [WC]

[top]A    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Acerbi, Ariberto. Rev. of Libertà e moralità: A partire da Kant, by Marco Ivaldo (2010). Acta Philosophica: Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce 20.1 (2011): 213-15. [PI]

Achourioti, T., and M. Van Lambalgen. “A Formalization of Kant’s Transcendental Logic.” The Review of Symbolic Logic 4.2 (2011): 254-89. [PI]


Acosta, María del Rosario. Rev. of Correspondencia: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, edited and translated by Jorge Aurelio Díaz, H. Ochoa, and R. Gutiérrez (2011). [Spanish] Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofia 60.147 (2011): 254-63. [text] [PI]

Aframjani, Ali-Akbar Ahmadi, and Amir Naemy. “Gödel: From Relativity to Idealism: The Consistency between Einstein’s Relativity Theory and Kant’s Philosophy of Time.” [Farsi] Hekmat va Falsafeh 7 (2011): 119-142. [PI]


Agard, Olivier, and Françoise Lartillot. “Introduction.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 7-13. [WC]

 —— and Françoise Lartillot, eds. Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Paris: Harmattan, 2011. [221 p.] [WC]


Aka-Evy, Jean-Luc. “L’image de l’Afrique noire à l’épreuve de la théorie critique et de l’anthropologie kantiennes.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 361-66. [M]

Alain, Vincent. “De l’in esse leibnizien à l’Inhalt kantien.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 215-23. [M]

Alegría, Ciro. Rev. of Immanuel Kant — Was bleibt?, by Reinhard Brandt (2010). Arete: Revista de Filosofia 23.2 (2011): 423-26. [PI]

Ales Bello, Angela. “The Transcendental: Husserl and Kant.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 229-43. [PI]


Allais, Lucy. “Transcendental Idealism and the Transcendental Deduction.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 91-107. [M]

 ——. “Idealism Enough: Response to Roche.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 375-98. [M]

Allerkamp, Andrea. “«Dann kann Ich allererst ihn mit Vernunft übersehen.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 155-74. [WC]

Allison, Henry E. Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. [xii, 377 p.] [review] [M]


 ——. “Reason, Revelation, and History in Lessing and Kant.” Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism 7 (2011[sic]): 35-57. [M]

Allouche-Pourcel, Béatrice. Kant et la Schwärmerei: histoire d’une fascination. Paris: l’Harmattan, 2011. [285 p.] [WC]

Altman, Matthew C. Kant and Applied Ethics: The Uses and Limits of Kant’s Practical Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. [x, 320 p.] [WC] [review]


Altuner, Ilyas. “Transcendental Dialectic: Critique of Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Al-Ghazali and Kant.” [Turkish] Felsefe va Sosial-siyasi Elmler (Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences) 1 (2011): 49-57. [PI]


Alves, Pedro. “La question kantienne de l’espace face à la phénoménologie et la nouvelle physique.”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 59-67. [WC]

Ameriks, Karl. “Kant’s Idealism on a Moderate Interpretation.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 29-53. [M]

 ——. “Das Schicksal von Kants Rezensionen zu Herders Ideen.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 119-36. [M]

Andaluz, Ana Maria. “Sistemática de la Naturaleza y vida orgánica en la Crítica del juicio.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 91-137. [M]

Anderson-Gold, Sharon. “Cosmopolitan Right: State and System in Kant’s Political Theory.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 235-49. [M]

Andreica, V. V. “Critica kantiană a argumentului ontologic şi depăşirea acesteia din perspectiva conceptului de existenţă necesară.” [Romanian; Kant’s Critique of the Ontological Argument and Its Overtaking from the View of the Concept of a Necessary Existence] An. Univ. Craiova, Filosofie 28.2 (2011): 147-57. [RC]

Andriopoulos, Stefan. “Kant’s Magic Lantern: Historical Epistemology and Media Archaeology.” Representations 115.1 (2011): 42-70. [JSTOR]


Angelis, Nicolas. “L’objet de la Logique selon Kant et Aristote.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 235-41. [M]

Aportone, Anselmo. “Forma dell’intuizione e intuizione formale: Configurazioni dell’apriori della sensibilità nella filosofia di Kant.” [Italian] Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 66.3 (2011): 4431-70. [PI]


Апресян, Р. Г. (Apresíàn, R. G.). О праве лгать / O prave lgatʹ. [Russian; The Right to Lie] Moscow: Rosspen, 2011. [390 p.] [WC]

Araujo, Saulo de Freitas. “A Questão da psicologia empírica no período pré-crítico: explicando uma ruptura no pensamento.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 59-70. [online] [PW]


Arana, Juan. “Naturaleza y libertad: Kant y la tradición racionalista.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 320-31. [M]

Arias-Albisu, Martín. “El esquema trascendental de las categorías de la cantidad como determinación temporal.” [Spanish] Endoxa: Series Filosoficas 27 (2011): 55-72. [PI]


 ——. “La concepción objetiva de la substancia en la Crítica de la razón pura de Kant.” [Spanish] Revista Estudios de Filosofía 44 (2011): 39-60. [HUM]


Arroyo, Christopher. “Freedom and the Source of Value: Korsgaard and Wood on Kant’s Formula of Humanity.” Metaphilosophy 42.4 (2011): 353-59. [PW]


Asheim, Olav. “What is Said with a Sentence σ in a Context C?” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 161-78. [M]

Asmuth, Christoph, and Patrick Grüneberg, eds. Subjekt und Gehirn, Mensch und Natur. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [350 p.] [WC]


Audard, Catherine. Rev. of Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness, by Robert Taylor (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (October 2011, #6). [online] [M]

Axtmann, Roland. “Cosmopolitanism and Globality: Kant, Arendt, and Beck on the Global Condition.” German Politics and Society 29.3 (2011): 20-37. [PW]


Aydin, Ciano. “Generalizing in a Pluralistic Society: From Kant’s Duty Ethics to Peirce’s Communitarian Ethics of Ideals.” Cognitio: Revista de Filosofia 12.1 (2011): 21-33. [PI]


[top] B    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Bacin, Stefano, and Dieter Schönecker. “Gründlich zerstört oder gründlich gelesen? Eine Replik auf Brandts alternative Lesart des §9 der Tugendlehre.” Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 113-19. [M]

Bächtold, Manuel. “L’espace dans ses dimensions transcendantale et pragmatiste.” Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 145-67. [M]


Baghramian, Maria, ed. Kant and Nonconceptual Content. Abingdon: Routledge, 2011. [320-520 p.] [WC]


Baiasu, Sorin. Kant and Sartre: Re-Discovering Critical Ethics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. [xiii, 291 p.] [M]

 ——. “Space, Time and Mind-Dependence.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 175-90. [M]

 ——. “Metaphysics and Moral Judgement.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 174-95. [M]

 ——, Sami Pihlström, and Howard Williams. “Metaphysics and Politics in the Wake of Kant: The Project of a Critical Practical Philosophy.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 1-27. [M]

 —— and Michelle Grier. “Revolutionary versus Traditionalist Approaches to Kant: Some Aspects of the Debate.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 161-73. [M]


 ——, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström, eds. Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2011. [viii, 277 p.] [M] [review]


Baker, Gideon. “Right of Entry or Right of Refusal? Hospitality in the Law of Nature and Nations.” Review of International Studies 37.3 (2011): 1423-45. [JSTOR]


Balanovsky, Valentin V. “Kant versus Vladimir Solovyov: Gnosiology With Reflection and Without It.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 22-37. [M]

Bambauer, Christoph. Deontologie und Teleologie in der kantischen Ethik. Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2011. [532 p.] [data] [M]

Banham, Gary. “Transcendental Idealism and Transcendental Apperception.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 109-25. [M]

 ——. “New Work on Kant’s Doctrine of Right.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.3 (2011): 549-60. [PW]


 ——. “The Status of the Principles of the Analogies.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 201-10. [M]


Barale, Massimo. Rev. of Leçons sur Kant, by Mario Caimi (2007). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 137-41. [M]

Baranzke, Heike. “Menschenwürde – nichts als ein Rechtsbegriff? Zur notwendigen Differenzierung des Begriffs menschlicher Würde in Recht, Moral und Ethik im Anschluss an die Kantische Moralphilosophie.”  Facetten der Menschenwürde. Eds. Nikolaus Knoepffler, Peter Kunzmann und Martin O’Malley (Freiburg/Munich: Alber, 2011). 191-215. [WC]

Baron, Marcia. “Virtue Ethics in Relation to Kantian Ethics: An Opinionated Overview and Commentary.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 8-37. [M]

Barron, Anne. “Kant, Copyright and Communicative Freedom.” Law and Philosophy: Online First, posted 29 June 2011. [PW]


Barth, Christian, and Holger Sturm, eds. Robert Brandom’s expressive Vernunft: historische und systematische Untersuchungen. Paderborn: Mentis, 2011. [378 p.] [WC] [data]

Bassoli, Selma Aparecida. “L’usage des grandeurs négatives en morale.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 87-96. [M]

Baum, Manfred. “Objects and Objectivity in Kant’s First Critique.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 55-70. [M]

Baumann, Lutz. “La philosophie et les sciences chez Kant et Hegel.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 95-105. [M]

Baur, Michael. “From Kant’s Highest Good to Hegel’s Absolute Knowing.” A Companion to Hegel. Eds. Stephen Houlgate and Michael Baur (op cit.). 452-73. [PI]


Bayne, Steven M. “Marks, Images, and Rules: Concepts and Transcendental Idealism.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 127-42. [M]

Beade, Ileana P. “Concepto, palabra y límite: un análisis de las observaciones kantianas referidas al uso e interpretación de términos filosóficos.” [Spanish; Concept, word and limit: an analysis of Kant’s observations concerning the use and interpretation of philosophical terms] Revista Estudios de Filosofía 44 (2011): 77-97. [HUM]


Bęben, Dariusz, and Andrzej Jan Noras, eds. Filozofia Kanta i jej recepcja. [Polish; Kant’s Philosophy and its reception] Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2011. [269 p.] [contents] [WC]

Becchi, Paolo. Kant diverso: pena, natura, dignità. [Italian] Brescia: Morcelliana, 2011. [114 p.] [WC]

Beck, Lewis White. 实践理性批判》通释. Translation of A Commentary on Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason into Chinese by Liuyisi Beike zhu and Huang Tao yi. Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she, 2011. [394 p.] [WC]

Begley, Ann Marie. “The good, the bad and the ‘not so bad’: Reflecting on moral appraisal in practice.” Nursing Inquiry 18.1 (2011): 21-28. [PQ]


Beiner, Ronald. “Paradoxes in Kant’s Account of Citizenship.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 209-25. [M]

Bencivenga, Ermanno:. “Consequences in Kantian Ethics.” American Dialectic 1.2 (2011): 275-84. [online] [M]

Bennington, Geoffrey. “Kant’s Open Secret.” Theory, Culture and Society 28 (2011): 26-40. [PI]


Berdinesen, Hein. “Transcendental Philosophy and Fundamental Ontology.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 41-55. [PI]


Berg, Hein. “Kant’s Conception of Proper Science.” Synthese 183.1 (2011): 7-26. [M] [online]


Berman, Michael. “‘The Happy Accident’: Merleau-Ponty and Kant on the Judgment of God.” European Legacy 16.2 (2011): 223-36. [PQ]


Bernasconi, Robert. “Kant’s Third Thoughts on Race.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 291-318. [M]

Bernstein, Alyssa R. “Political, not Metaphysical, yet Kantian? A Defence of Rawls.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 47-70. [M]

Besch, Thomas M. “Kantian Constructivism, the Issue of Scope, and Perfectionism: O’Neill on Ethical Standing.” European Journal of Philosophy 19.1 (2011): 1-20. [PW]


Bhattacharyya, Krishnachandra. Implications of the Philosophy of Kant / Kantdarsaner tatparya. Transl. from the Bengali by J. N. Mohanty and Tara Chatterjea New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011. [x, 218 p.] [WC]

Bialek, Przemyslaw. Rev. of Rousseau, Kant, Goethe, by Ernst Cassirer (1991). Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 39.1 (2011): 178-86. [PI]

Becchi, Paolo. Kant diverso. Pena, Natura, Dignità. [Italian] Morcelliana: Brescia, 2011. [114 p.] [WC]


 ——. “Kant rétributiviste?” [Italian] Culpabilité et rétribution: essais de philosophie pénale. Eds. Stefano Biancu, Alberto Bondolfi, and Francesca De Vecchi, eds. . Basel: Schwabe, 2011. 171-96. [WC]

Bird, Graham. “Replies to my Critics.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 257-82. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Inspirations from Kant: Essays, by Leslie Stevenson (2011). Kant Studies Online (2011): 193-214; posted October 28, 2011. [M] [online]

Bird-Pollan, Stefan. “Some Normative Implications of Korsgaard’s Theory of the Intersubjectivity of Reason.” Metaphilosophy 42.4 (2011): 376-80. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom, by Robert Clewis (2009). The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69.1 (2011): 348-50. [PW]

Birken-Bertsch, Hanno. “Die Überschaubarkeit des Logischen. Zu einer Voraussetzung von Kants Philosophieren.”  Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Ed. Elena Ficara (op cit.). 199-207. [WC]

Blanc-Brude, Gilles. “L’Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique est-elle une psychologie?”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 321-29. [M]

Blattner, William. Rev. of Philosophy and Temporality from Kant to Critical Theory, by Espen Hammer (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (November 2011, #36). [online] [M]

Blomme, Henny. “Pourquoi la chimie ne peut-elle aspirer au titre de science proprement dite?”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 159-68. [M]

Blumenberg, Hans. “Kant e la questione del ‘Dio misericordioso’.” [Translated from German into Italian by Nicola Zambon, and with an afterword by Zambon] Dianoia: Annali di Storia della Filosofia 16 (2011): 237-77. [PI]


Bock, Wolfgang. “Kants Rechtsbegriff. Philosophische Bestimmung und geschichtlicher Reichtum.”  Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung. Eds. Christian Krijnen and Kurt Walter Zeidler (op cit.). 43-60. [M]

Bøe, Solveig. “Place and Time in Aristotle, an Opening to Kant?” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 35-47. [M]

Boehm, Omri. “The First Antinomy and Spinoza.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.4 (2011): 683-710. [PW]


Böhr, Christoph. “Die Selbsterfahrung des Handelns in der Unberechenbarkeit des Lebens. Zur Wiederentdeckung von Kants novus rerum ordo der Philosophie.” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 11-23. [M]

 —— and Heinrich P. Delfosse, eds. Facetten der Kantforschung: Ein internationaler Querschnitt. Festschrift für Nobert Hinske zum 80. Geburtstag. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 2011. [180 p.] [M]


Bojanowski, Jochen. “Zweites Stück: Moralische Vollkommenheit.” Immanuel Kant, Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 91-110. [M]

Bonnet, Jean. Dekantations: fonctions idéologiques du kantisme dans le XIXe siècle français. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011. [xvii, 372 p.] [M]

Borbone, Giacomo. Rev. of Discourse on a New Method, edited by Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (2010). Philosophy in Review 31 (2011): 264-66. [online] [M]

Borges-Duarte, Irene. “O monismo da imaginação. Sobre as Bemerkungen de Cassirer ao Kant-Buch de Heidegger.”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 85-102. [WC]

Botul, Jean-Baptiste. La vita sessuale di Kant. Translation of Vie sexuelle d’Emmanuel Kant from French into Italian by Emanuela Schiano Di Pepe. Genoa: Il melangolo, 2011. [92 p.] [WC]


Bourgeois, Patrick. “Hope, Imagination, and Reflective Judgment: Paul Ricoeur and Immanuel Kant.” Paul Ricoeur: Honoring and Continuing the Work. Ed. Farhang Erfani (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books). 119-33. [M]

Bouton, Christophe. “À la recherché du temps profond. La contribution de Kant à l’histoire de l’Univers.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 297-306. [M]

Bowman, Brady. “A Conceptualist Reply to Hanna’s Kantian Non-Conceptualism.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.3 (2011): 417-46. [PI]


Brachtendorf, Johannes. “Die Kritik des Judentums und die Geheimnisse der Vernunft.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 151-72. [M]

Bramer, Marilea. “Domestic Violence as a Violation of Autonomy and Agency: The Required Response of the Kantian State.” Social Philosophy Today: Poverty, Justice, and Markets 27 (2011): 97-110. [PI]


Brandom, Robert B. “Kantische Lehren über Geist, Bedeutung und Rationalität.”  Robert Brandom’s expressive Vernunft. Eds. Barth, Christian and Holger Sturm (op cit.). 27-59. [WC]

Brandt, Reinhard. “Die einheitliche Naturgeschichte der Menscheit (Idee, Achter Satz).” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 91-101. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s ‘Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Aim’: A Critical Guide, edited by Amélie Oksenberg Rorty and James Schmidt (2009). Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 93.3 (2011): 380-89. [PI]

Brewer, Talbot. “Two Pictures of Practical Thinking.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 116-46. [M]

Brinkmann, Klaus. Idealism without Limits: Hegel and the Problem of Objectivity. Dordrecht/Heidelberg/London: Springer, 2011. [xiii, 283 p.] [WC]

Brittan, Gordon. “Graham Bird, The Revolutionary Kant: Introduction.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 211-19. [M]

 ——. “Davidson, Kant, and Double-Aspect Ontologies.”  Dialogues with Davidson. Acting, Interpreting, Understanding. Ed. Jeff Malpas (Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press). 43-59. [M]

Bromand, Joachim. “Kant und Frege über Existenz.”  Gottesbeweise: von Anselm bis Gödel. Eds. Joachim Bromand and Guido Kreis (op cit.). 195-210. [WC]

 ——, and Guido Kreis, eds. Gottesbeweise: von Anselm bis Gödel. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011. [712 p.] [WC]

Brook, Andrew. “Kant y las ciencias cognitivas.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 227-36. [M]

 ——. “Representations and Reality: Kant’s Two Views.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 219-48. [M]

Brudner, Alan. “Private Law and Kantian Right.” University of Toronto Law Journal 61.2 (2011): 279-311. [MUSE]


Bryushinkin, Vladimir N. “Kant’s Logic and Strawson’s Metaphysics.” Kantovskij Sbornik. Selected Articles 2010-2011, pp. 6-15 [M] [pdf (English)]


Buchhammer, Brigitte. Feministische Religionsphilosophie: Philosophisch-systematische Grundlagen. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2011. [424 p.] [WC]

Buckle, Stephen. “Assessing Peter Singer’s Argument for Utilitarianism: Drawing a Lesson from Rousseau and Kant.” Journal of Value Inquiry 45.2 (2011): 215-27. [PI]


Buée, Jean-Michel. “La métaphysique comme science et comme disposition naturelle.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 177-83. [M]

Bunyadzade, Kenul. “The Rationalist Interpretations of the Problem of Man: Kant and Marx.” [Azerbaijani] Felsefe va Sosial-siyasi Elmler (Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences) 2 (2011): 34-46. [PI]


Burbidge, John W. Rev. of The Science of Logic, by G. W. F. Hegel, transl. and edited by George di Giovanni (2010). Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 309-15. [M]

Burchard, Hermann G. W. “The Role of Conscious Attention in Perception: Immanuel Kant, Alonzo Church, and Neuroscience.” Foundations of Science 16.1 (2011): 67-99. [PW]


Burtscher, Cordula, and Markus Hien, eds. Schiller im philosophischen Kontext. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2011. [220 p.] [WC]


Butterman, Ralf. Die Fiktion eines Faktums: Kants Suche nach einer Rechtswissenschaft; Erwägungen zu Begründung und Reichweite der kantischen Rechtsphilosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [311 p.] [WC]


Buzzoni, Marco. “Kant und das Gedankenexperiment. Über eine kantische Theorie der Gedankenexperimente in den Naturwissenschaften und in der Philosophie.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59.1 (2011): 93-107. [M]


Bynum, Gregory Lewis. “Kant's Conception of Respect and African American Education Rights.” Educational Theory 61.1 (2011): 17-40. [PW]


 ——. “The Critical Humanisms of Dorothy Dinnerstein and Immanuel Kant Employed for Responding to Gender Bias: A Study, and an Exercise, in Radical Critique.” Studies in Philosophy & Education 30 (2011): 385-402. [PI]


[top] C    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Cabada, Ladislav. See: Waisová, Sárka and Ladislav Cabada.

Callanan, John J. “Normativity and the Acquisition of the Categories.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 1-26. [PW]


Callender, Lenval A. Kant and Revolution. Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk: Arima, 2011. [113 p.] [WC]

Câmara Leme, José Luís. “Foucault, Kant e a crítica política.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 100-19. [online] [PW]


Camera, Francesco. Rev. of Kants Lösung des Theodizeeproblems, by Volker Dieringer (2009). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 157-62. [M]

Campo, Mariano. “Totalità della problematica kantiana.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 121-30. [M]

Cannon, Joseph. “The Moral Value of Artistic Beauty in Kant.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 113-26. [M]


 ——. “Reply to Paul Guyer.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 135-39. [M]

Cantù, Paola. “Bolzano versus Kant: Mathematics as Scientia Universalis.” Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. Ed. Anne Reboul (Geneva, online at: http://www.philosophie.ch/kevin/festschrift/). 26 p. [online] [PW]


Capeillères, Fabien. “Cassirer lecteur des Prolégomènes. Une interprétation néokantienne – et phénoménologique?”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 13-29. [WC]

 ——. “Chimie, physique, droit, géographie et astronomie. Les paradigmes de la scientificité de la métaphysique kantienne et leurs articulations systématiques.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 155-76. [M]

Capozzi, Mirella. “Le inferenze del Giudizio riflettente nella logica di Kant: l’induzione e l’analogia.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 11-48. [M]

Caranti, Luigi. “Kant e l’agire politico.” [Italian] Rivista di Filosofia 102.1 (2011): 77-104. [PI]


 ——. “The One Possible Basis for the Proof of the Existence of the External World: Kant’s Anti-Sceptical Argument in the 1781 Fourth Paralogism.” Kant Studies Online (2011): 162-92; posted September 19, 2011. [M] [online]

Carmo Temple, Giovana. “Foucault, o acontecimento e os limites da razão kantiana.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 84-99. [online] [PW]


Carrano, Antonio. “La connaissance de l’ignorance et le combat kantien contre le nomadisme sceptique.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 287-96. [M]

Carson, Emily. “Sensibility: space and time, transcendental idealism.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 28-44. [M]

Carson, Siri Granum, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja, eds. Kant, Here, Now, and How: Essays in Honour of Truls Wyller. Paderborn: Mentis, 2011. [299 p.] [M]


Casales García, Roberto. “El papel de la antropología moral dentro de la filosofía práctica de Kant.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 159-81. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of El poder de juzgar en Immanuel Kant, by Carlos Mendiola Mejía (2008). [Spanish] Anuario Filosofico 44.3 (2011): 637-40. [PI]

Cascardi, Anthony J. “Cavell and Kant: The Work of Criticism and the Work of Art.” Stanley Cavell and Literary Studies: Consequences of Skepticism. Eds. Richard Eldridge and Bernard Rhie (New York: Continuum, 2011). 47-61. [PI]

Casey, Edward S. “Is there Still Room for Freedom? A Commentary on David Harvey’s ‘Cosmopolitanism in the Anthropology and Geography’.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 285-89. [M]

Cassirer, Ernst. Rousseau, Kant, Goethe: Deux Essais, transl. Jean Lacoste. Paris: Belin, 2011. [157 p.] [WC]

Castelo Branco, Guilherme. “Kant-Foucault: autonomia e analítica da finitude.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 1-13. [online] [PW]


Castillo, Monique. “L’idée kantienne de république selon le droit, la politique et l’histoire.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 141-53. [WC]

Chadha, Monima. See: Hanna, Robert and Monima Chadha.

Chan, Wing-Cheuk. “Mou Zongsan on Confucian and Kant’s Ethics: A Critical Reflection.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38(supplement) (2011): 146-64. [PI]


Chance, Brian A. “Sensibilism, Psychologism, and Kant’s Debt to Hume.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 325-49. [M]


Chappell, Timothy. “Intuition, System, and the ‘Paradox’ of Deontology.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 271-88. [M]

Chappuis, Cédric. “«Der Keim der Aufklärung». Penser le progrés et l’histoire dans le système critique de Kant.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 69-94. [WC]

Charpenel Elorduy, Eduardo. “Pensar la moral desde la belleza: una lectura del parágrafo cincuenta y nueve de la ‘Kritik der Urteilskraft’.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 183-219. [PI]


Cheng, Chung-Ying. “Incorporating Kantian Good Will: A Confucian-Kantian Synthesis.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 602-38. [PI]


Chignell, Andrew. “The Devil, the Virgin, and the Envoy. Symbols of Moral Struggle in Religion, Part Two, Section Two.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 111-29. [M]

 ——. “Causal Refutations of Idealism Revisited.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 184-86. [online] [M]


 ——. “Real Repugnance and our Ignorance of Things-in-Themselves: A Lockean Problem in Kant and Hegel.” Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism 7 (2011[sic]): 135-59. [M]

Chillón, José Manuel. “La Ilustración pendiente: El legado kantiano en Horkheimer y en Popper.” [Spanish] Contrastes: Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofia 16 (2011): 67-84. [PI]


Chiurazzi, Gaetano. Modalità ed esistenza: dalla critica della ragion pura alla critica della ragione ermeneutica: Kant, Husserl, Heidegger. Rome: Aracne, 2011. [346 p.] [WC]

Church, Michael. “Immanuel Kant and the Emergence of Modern Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 19-46. [M]

Cíbik, Matej. “Kant and Rawls on the Neutrality of a Liberal State.” [Slovak] Filozofia 66.5 (2011): 481-85. [PI]


Cicatello, Angelo. Ontologia critica e metafisica: studio su Kant. Milano: Mimesis, 2011. [174 p.] [abstract] [WC]

 ——. “La questione del soprasensibile nella ‘Preisschrift’ sui progressi della metafisica di Immanuel Kant.” [Italian] Giornale di Metafisica 33 (2011): 99-120. [PI]


Cicovacki, Predrag. “Pure Reason and Metaphors: A Reflection on the Significance of Kant's Philosophy.” Annales Philosophici 2 (2011): 9-19. [HUM]


Clarke, Eric O. “Kant’s Kiss: Reflections on the Philosophy of Lifestyle.” boundary 2, 38.2 (2011): 188-206. [PI]

Clavier, Paul. “Ce que Kant doit à Wolff: l’épuisement de la création.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 203-13. [M]

Cobben, Paul. “The Lord and the Sublime: Free Life’s Transcendence of Finitude.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 133-58. [M]

Costa Rego, Pedro. “Aperception subjective et aperception objective dans la «Déduction» B de la Critique de la raison pure.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 307-15. [M]

Croitoru, Rodica. “La science du «ciel étoilé» et la morale du «moi invisible».”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 369-74. [M]

 ——. “Activismul formal al Criticii raţiunii practice.” [Romanian; The Formal Activism of the Critique of Practical Reason] Cercet. Fil. Psih. 4.2 (201??): 142-45. [RC]

 ——. “Armonia facultăţilor subintelectuale ale sufletului în proiectul antropologic kantian.” [Romanian; The Harmony of the Sub-intellectual Faculties of the Soul in Kant’s Anthropological Project] Studii de istoria filosofiei universale 19 (2011): 124-132. [M]


 ——. “Cadrul necesar al categoriilor libertăţii.” [Romanian; The Necessary Framework of the Categories of Freedom] Studii de teoria categoriilor 4 (2011): 57-68. [RC]

Cubo Ugarte, Óscar. Rev. of Libertad, objeto práctico y acción: La facultad del juicio en la filosofía moral de Kant, by José M. Torralba (2009). Endoxa: Series Filosoficas 27 (2011): 391-94. [PI]

Curci, Stefano. La nascita dell’ateismo: Dai clandestini a Kant. [Italian] Roma: Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, 2011. [192 p.] [PI]

[top] D    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Daly, Aengus. Rev. of The Notion of the A Priori, by Mikel Defrenne, trans. Edward S. Casey (2009). Philosophy in Review 31.2 (2011): 93-95. [online] [PW]

Danz, Christian, and Jürgen Stolzenberg, eds. System und Systemkritik um 1800. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2011. [x, 400 p.] [M]


d’Aviau de Ternay, Henri. “De la science de la première Critique aux sciences de la troisième Critique.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 117-24. [M]

Dávila, Johnny Antonio. “Algunas consideraciones sobre el sentimiento de respeto a la ley moral.” [Spanish] Discusiones Filosóficas 12.18 (2011): 145-54. [PI]


 ——. “Sobre el papel del ‘estado natural’ en el pensamiento jurídico y político de Kant.” [Spanish] Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofia 60 (2011): 65-88. [PI]


De Bianchi, Silvia. “Kant’s concept of the Technique of Nature in the Critique of the Power of Judgment.” Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 12-28. [online][PW]


De Biase, Riccardo. I saperi della vita: biologia, analogia e sapere storico in Kant, Goethe e W. v. Humboldt. Naples: Giannini, 2011. [xxxi, 198 p.] [WC]

De Boer, Karin. “Kant, Reichenbach, and the Fate of A Priori Principles.” European Journal of Philosophy 19.4 (2011): 507-31. [PI]


 ——. “Transformations of Transcendental Philosophy: Wolff, Kant, and Hegel.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 50-79. [PI]


 ——. “Kant, Hegel, and the System of Pure Reason.”  Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Ed. Elena Ficara (op cit.). 77-87. [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Ideal Embodiment: Kant’s Theory of Sensibility, by Angelica Nuzzo (2008). Cosmos & History 7.2 (2011): 236-40. [HUM]

De Federicis, Nico. Rev. of Kant’s "Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Aim". A Critical Guide, edited by Amélie Oksenberg Rorty and James Schmidt (2009). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 171-76. [M]

Degryse, Annelies. “Sensus communis as a Foundation for Men as Political Beings: Arendt’s Reading of Kant’s Critique of Judgment.” Philosophy & Social Criticism 37.3 (2011): 345-58. [PW]


Dekens, Olivier. Comprendre Kant. Paris: A. Colin, 2011. [191 p.] [WC]

Delfosse, Heinrich P. See: Böhr, Christoph and Heinrich P. Delfosse.

Deligiorgi, Alexandra. “Kant’s ‘Was ist Aufklarung?’: Notes on the Foucauldian Reading of the Kantian Reinterpretation of Enlightenment.” Skepsis 21.2 (2011): 23-34. [PI]

Deligiorgi, Katerina. “The Proper Telos of Life: Schiller, Kant and Having Autonomy as an End.” Inquiry 54.5 (2011): 494-511. [PI]


 ——. “What a Kantian Can Know A Priori: An Argument for Moral Cognitivism.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 152-73. [M]

Démuth, Andrej. “Respect for Reason as a Reason of Law and Morality in the World: Some Annotation to Kant’s Conception of World Citizenship.” Kaygi: Uludag Universitesi Felsefe Dergisi (Uludag University Journal of Philosophy) 16 (2011): 53-59. [PI]


Denis, Lara. “A Kantian Conception of Human Flourishing.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 164-93. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide, edited by Jens Timmermann (2009). Philosophy in Review 31 (2011): 235-38. [online] [M]

Depner, Hanno. Kant für die Hand: die Kritik der reinen Vernunft zum Basteln & Begreifen; mit Anleitung und 12 Bogen Bausatz. München: Knaus, 2011. [69 p.] [WC]

De Quincey, Thomas. Immanuel Kant'ın Son Günleri. Translation of The Last Days of Immanuel Kant into Turkish by Tugçe Aytes. Istanbul: MonoKL Sel Yayinlari, 2011. [87 p.] [WC]


De Santis, Daniele. Rev. of Eugen Fink e le interpretazioni fenomenologiche di Kant, by Riccardo Lazzari (2009). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 177-80. [M]

Desch, Michael C. “Benevolent Cant? Kant’s Liberal Imperialism.” Review of Politics 73.4 (2011): 649-56. [PI]

De Vos, Lu. Rev. of Kant et la Schwärmerei, by Béatrice Allouche-Pourcel (2010). Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73.3 (2011): 559-62. [PI]

DiCenso, James. Kant, Religion, and Politics. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [viii, 294 p.] [WC] [review]


Dicker, George. “Kant’s Refutation of Idealism: A Reply to Chignell.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 175-83. [M]


Dimitrov, Ivaylo. “Imagination in Kant: A Faculty or a Power?!” [Russian Philosophical Alternative (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 20.1 (2011): 15-27. [PI]


Dispersyn, Éléonore. “Du mal radical au salut dans la ‘Religion dans les limites de la simple raison’: une instabilité créatrice: Discussion de la lecture de Gordon Michalson.” Revue Philosophique de Louvain 109.3 (2011): 461-88. [PI]


Dlugač, Tamara B. Dve filosofskie refleksii: ot Golʹbacha k Kantu; sravnitelʹno-istoričeskij analiz. [Russian; Two Philosophical Reflections on D’Holbach and Kant] Moscow: Kanon+, 2011. [351 p.] [WC]

Dörflinger, Bernd. “Wozu sind die mathematischen kosmologischen Ideen gut?” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 103-16. [M]

 —— and Günter Kruck, eds. Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Die regulativen Ideen in Kants theoretischer Philosophie. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2011. [164 p.] [M]


Doğan, Aysel. “On the Priority of the Right to the Good.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 316-34. [M]


Dohrn, Daniel. “Brandoms kantische Lehren.”  Robert Brandom’s expressive Vernunft. Eds. Barth, Christian and Holger Sturm (op cit.). 61-90. [WC]

Doyle, Michael W. Liberal Peace: Selected Essays. New York: Routledge, 2011. [243 p.] [WC]


Ducheyne, Steffen. “Kant and Whewell on Bridging Principles between Metaphysics and Science.” Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 22-45. [M]


Dudley, Will, and Kristina Engelhard, eds. Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Durham, England: Acumen, 2011. [x, 237 p.] [M] [review]


Duncan, Samuel. “‘There is None Righteous’: Kant on the Hang Zum Bösen and the Universal Evil of Humanity.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 49.2 (2011): 137-63. [PW]


Dunham, Jeremy, Lain Hamilton Grant, and Sean Watson. Idealism: The History of a Philosophy. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011. [x, 334 p.] [WC]

Dunson, James A. “An Entire Nest of Contradictions: Re-examining Hegel’s Critique of the Kantian Moral Subject.” International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (2011): 23-38. [M]


Dupeyrix, Alexandre. “Le projet de paix perpetuelle. Une relecture de Kant par Habermas.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 201-17. [WC]

Duque, Félix. De la libertad de la pasión a la pasión de la libertad: ensayos sobre Hume y Kant. [Spanish] Valencia: Natán, 2011. [114 p.] [WC]

Durán Migliardi, Mario. “Teorías Absolutas de la Pena.” [Spanish] Revista de Filosophía (Santiago) 67 (2011): 123-44. [WC]


Dutra, Delamar Volpato. “In ricordo di Valerio Rohden.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 131-34. [M]

Dybvig, Dagfinn D. “Kant in the Garden of Infinitely Forking Paths: Time, Causality and the Labyrinth of Philosophy.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 77-93. [M]

Dyck, Corey W. “Kant’s Transcendental Deduction and the Ghosts of Descartes and Hume.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.3 (2011): 473-96. [M]


 ——. “A Wolff in Kant’s Clothing: Christian Wolff’s Influence on Kant’s Accounts of Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, and Psychology.” Philosophy Compass 6.1 (2011): 44-53. [online] [PW]


 ——. “Turning the Game Against the Idealist: Mendelssohn’s Refutation of Idealism in the Morgenstunden and Kant’s Replies.” Studies in German Idealism 13.3 (2011): 159-82. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, edited by Paul Guyer (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (January 2011, #31). [online] [M]

[top] E    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ebels-Duggan, Kyla. “Kantian Ethics.” The Continuum Companion to Ethics. Ed. Christian Miller (London: Continuum, 2011). 168-89. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009). Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41.4 (2011): 549-74. [PI]

Eberl, Oliver. “The Metaphysics of International Law: Kant’s ‘Unjust Enemy’ and the Limitation of Self-Authorization.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 250-69. [M]

Edwards, Jeffrey. “Original Community, Possession, and Acquisition in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 150-82. [M]

 ——. “‘The Unity of All Places on the Face of the Earth’: Original Community, Acquisition, and Universal Will in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 233-63. [M]

Egenhofer, Sebastian. “Für eine Topik der Bildkritik.” Zeitschrift fuer Aesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 56.1 (2011): 143-50. []


Ehrsam, Raphaël. “Le rôle du schématisme dans la connaissance: une interprétation sémiotique.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 145-52. [M]

Elberfeld, Rolf. “Kant’s Doctrine on Virtues and the Buddhist Practice of Exercises.” [Slovenian] Phainomena: Journal of the Phenomenological Society of Ljubljana 20.76-78 (2011): 199-219. [PI]


Elden, Stuart. “Reintroducing Kant’s Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 1-15. [M]

 —— and Eduardo Mendieta, eds. Reading Kant’s Geography. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2011. [vii, 382 p.] [M]


Engelhard, Kristina, ed. See: Dudley, Will and Kristina Engelhard, eds.

Engstrom, Stephen. “Herman on Moral Literacy.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 17-31. [M]


Ennis, Paul. “Copernican Metaphysics.” Continent 1.2 (2011): 94.101. [online] [M]

Erdelack, Wesley. “Antivoluntarism and the Birth of Autonomy.” Journal of Religious Ethics 139.4 (2011): 651-79. [PI]


Erle, Giorgio. Tre prospettive su veridicità e agire morale: Leibniz, Kant, Hegel. [Italian; Three perspectives on truth and moral action: Leibniz, Kant, Hegel] Bologna: Archetipolibri, 2011. [160 p.] [WC]

Ertle, Wolfgang. “Kant and the Early Modern Scholastic Legacy: New Perspectives on Transcendental Idealism.”  Departure for Modern Europe. A Handbook of Early Modern Philosophy (1400-1700). Ed. Hubertus Busche (Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2011), 1262 pp. 1178-1193. [M]

Esenyel, Adnan. “Idealism and Kant’s Conception of Space.” [Turkish] Kaygi: Uludag Universitesi Felsefe Dergisi 17 (2011): 149-62. [PI]


Eterović, Igor. “Kant’s Categorical Imperative and Jahr’s Bioethical Imperative.” JAHR [Croatia] 2.4 (2011): 457-74. [data/pdf] [WC]

 ——. “Kant’s Teleology as the Basis for Orientation in Ecology.” [Croatian] Filozofska Istrazivanja 122 (2011): 299-309. [PI]


[top]F    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Fabbianelli, Faustino. “Penser la réalité, une question de non-contradiction? Réflexions sur Wolff, Crusius et Kant.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 87-97. [M]

Falduto, Antonino. Rev. of Ideal Embodiment. Kant’s Theory of Sensibility, by Angelica Nuzzo (2008). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 401-3. [M]

Fallon, Stephen M. Rev. of Kant and Milton, by Sanford Budick (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (April 2011, #2). [online] [M]

Fantasia, Francesca. Rev. of Kants Begriff der Sinnlichkeit: Seine Unterscheidung zwischen apriorischen und aposteriorischen Elementen der sinnlichen Erkenntnis und deren lateinische Vorlagen, by Takeshi Nakazawa (2009). Giornale di Metafisica 33.3 (2011): 486-88. [PI]

Faradzhev, Kirill. “M. Rubinsteins Projekt der praktischen Philosophie des Neukantianismus: Pädagogik als angewandtes Wertesystem.” Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 191-201. [M]


Faraone, Rosella. Gentile e Kant. [Italian] Florence: Le lettere, 2011. [197 p.] [WC]

Faucher, Jean-Marc. L’automatisme mental: Kant avec de Clérambault. Toulouse: Érès éd., 2011. [158 p.] [WC]

Feldhaus, Charles. “As Diferentes estratégias de enfrentar a controversa posição de Kant a respeito do dever de não mentir por amor à humanidade.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 120-34. [online] [PW]


Feloj, Serena. Rev. of Kant über das Erhabene, by Kap Hyun Park (2009). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 163-66. [M]

Feola, Michael. “Community and Normativity: Hegel’s Challenge ot Kant in the Jena Essays.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 183-208. [M]

Fernandes, Paulo Cezar. “Le droit est-il une science selon Kant? Le droit pénal et le problème de la peine de mort.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 375-83. [M]

Feron, Olivier, ed. Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. [Portuguese] Lisbon: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade, 2011. [247 p.] [WC]


Ferrari, Jean. “Discours d’ouverture.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 15-17. [M]

 ——. “Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans les Leçons d’anthropologie (AK XXV).”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 311-19. [M]

 ——. “Discours d’ouverture.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 15-17. [M]

Ferrari, M. Rev. of Kant, by Allen W. Wood (2005).  Translated from English into Russian by A. Salikov. Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 104-05. [M]

Feuerhahn, Wolf. “Le champ de bataille de l’anthropologie. Kant entre l’héritage wolffien et le défi de la philosophie populaire.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 217-32. [M]

Ficara, Elena, ed. Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2011. [350 p.] [WC]


Fichant, Michel. “Kant, la science et les sciences: la situation architectonique des sciences dans l’accomplissement critique.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 27-42. [M]

Figueiredo, Virginia. “O Sublime explicado às crianças.” [Portuguese] Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 34-supplement #2 (2011): 35-56. [PI]


Fincham, Richard Mark. “Transcendental Idealism and the Problem of the External World.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 49.2 (2011): 221-41. [M]


Fink, Eugen. Epilegomena zu Immanuel Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Ein phänomenologischer Kommentar (1962-1971). 3 vols. Edited by Guy van Kerckhoven. Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 2011. [2050 p.] [M]


Fisher, Talia. Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009). Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence: An International Journal of Legal Thought 24.2 (2011): 387-402. [PI]

Fletcher, Michael. Rev. of Kant and Spinoza: Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze, by Beth Lord (2011). Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 482-88. [M]

Flikschuh, Katrin. “Gottesdienst und Afterdienst: die Kirche als öffentliche Institution?” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 193-210. [M]

 ——. “Political obligation: property, trade, peace.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 136-52. [M]

 ——. “Hope as Prudence: Practical Faith in Kant’s Political Thinking.” Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism 7 (2011[sic]): 95-117. [M]

Formosa, Paul. “Is Kant a Moral Constructivist or a Moral Realist?” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 23 Jan 2011). [abstract] [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Anatomy of Evil, edited by Sharon Anderson-Gold and Pablo Muchnik (2010). Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 150-56. [M]

Forschner, Maximilian. “Über die verschiedenen Bedeutungen des ‘Hangs zum Bösen’.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 71-90. [M]

Förster, Eckart. Die 25 Jahre der Philosophie: Eine systematische Rekonstruktion. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2011. [400 p.] [M] [review]


 ——. “Immanuel Kant.” The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. Eds. Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard (New York: Routledge, 2011), 911 p. 741-49. [M]

Fortino, Mirella. “Kant et la question des fondements de la géométrie dans la doctrine conventionnaliste.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 97-105. [M]

Franco de Sá, Alexandre. “Finitude e liberdade na confrontação de Heidegger com Kant.”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 71-83. [WC]

Frank, Martin. “Kant und der ungerechte Feind.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59.2 (2011): 199-219. [PI]


Fréchette, Guillaume. “Sur le rôle de la psychologie en théorie de la connaissance: Kant à l’école de Brentano.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 351-59. [M]

Frelih, Jasenka. “Schopenhauerova kritika Kantove etike.” [Croation; “Schopenhauer’s criticism of Kant’s ethics.”] Filozofska istraživanja 30.4 (2011): 649-54. [abstract/pdf] [WC]

Fremstedal, Roe. “The Concept of the Highest Good in Kierkegaard and Kant.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 69.3 (2011): 155-71. [PQ]


Frey, Christiane. “Kants proportionierte Stimmung.”  Stimmung: Zur Wiederkehr einer ästhetischen Kategorie. Ed. Anna-Katharina Gisbertz (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2011). 75-94. [WC]

Freyenhagen, Fabian. “Empty, Useless, and Dangerous? Recent Kantian Replies to the Empty Formalism Objection.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 163-86. [PI]


Frierson, Patrick. “Rational Faith: God, Immortality, Grace.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 200-15. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Becoming Human: Romantic Anthropology and the Embodiment of Freedom, by Chad Wellmon (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (October 2011, #25). [online] [M]

Fritzman, J. M. Rev. of Kant, Kantianism, and Idealism: The Origins of Continental Philosophy, edited by Thomas Nenon (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (October 2011, #10). [online] [M]

Fröhlich, Günter. Form und Wert: die komplementären Begründungen der Ethik bei Immanuel Kant, Max Scheler und Edmund Husserl. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [417 p.] [M]

Fuentes, Juan B. “De Kant a Freud: la formación del sujeto modernista en el seno de las crisis románticas del pensamiento kantiano.” Pensamiento: Revista de Investigación e Información Filosofíca 67.253 (2011): 427-58. [PI]


Futch, Michael. Rev. of La métaphysique du temps chez Leibniz et Kant, by Adrian Nita (2008). The Leibniz Review 21 (2011): 171-74. [PI]

[top]G    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Gabriel, Markus. “Absolute Identität und Reflexion. Kant, Hegel, McDowell.” System und Systemkritik um 1800. Eds. Danz and Stolzenberg (op cit.). 211-26. [M]

Gallagher, Daniel B. Rev. of The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, ed. by Paul Guyer (2010). Reviews in Religion & Theology 19.1 (2011): 77-80. [PI]

Gallois, Laurent. “De la philosophie transcendantale à une philosophie de l’esprit dans l’Opus postumum. “un passage possible?”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 341-50. [M]

Galvin, Richard. “Rounding Up the Usual Suspects: Varieties of Kantian Constructivism in Ethics.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 16-36. [online] [M]


 ——. “Maxims and Practical Contradictions.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 28.4 (2011): 407-19. [PI]


Gambriani, Sourénto. La place de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans la philosophie kantienne de l'éducation. Paris: Onde, 2011. [102 p.] [WC]

García, Roberto Casales. Rev. of El poder de juzgar en Immanuel Kant, by Mendiola Mejía (2008). Anuario Filosofico 44.3 (2011): 637-40. [HUM]

García Ferrer, Soledad. “La felicidad como ideal de la imaginación.” [Portuguese] Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 34.2 (2011): 21-51. [PI]


García Morente, Manuel. La filosofía de Kant. [Spanish] Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, 2011. [211 p.] [WC]

García Norro, Juan José. “Las imágenes biológicas en la Crítica de la razón pura.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 165-84. [M]

Gardner, Sebastian. “Kant’s Practical Postulates and the Limits of the Critical System.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 187-215. [PI]


Gare, Arran. “From Kant to Schelling and process metaphysics: on the way to ecological civilization.” Cosmos and History 7.2 (2011): 26-69. [data/pdf] [WC]


Garwood-Gowers, Austen. “International Means for Protecting Humans as Ends in Medicine.” Medicine Law 30.1 (2011): 133-46. [PI]


Gasché, Rodolphe. “Das Vergnügen an Vergleichen. Über Kants Ausarbeitung der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.” Von Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschieden: Vergleich, Analogie und Klassifikation in Wissenschaft und Literatur (18./19. Jahrhundert). Ed. Michael Eggers (Heidelberg: Univ.-Verl. Winter, 2011; 276 p.). 167-82[??]. [GVK]

Gaudet, Pascal. L’anthropologie transcendantale de Kant. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011. [73 p.] [M]

 ——. Kant et la fondation architectonique de l’existence. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011. [94 p.] [WC]

Gava, Gabriele. “Peirce’s ‘Prescision’ as a Transcendental Method.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.2 (2011): 231-53. [ASP]


 ——. “Does Peirce Reject Transcendental Philosophy?” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 93.2 (2011): 195-221. [PI]


Gawlick, Günter, transl. and ed. See: Baumgarten, Alexander.

Geels, Kasha. See: Trafimow, David, Gayle Hunt, Stephen Rice, and Kasha Geels.

Geiger, Ido. “Transcendental Idealism in the Third Critique.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 71-88. [M]

 ——. “Rational Feelings and Moral Agency.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 283-308. [M]


 ——. “Kant on the Affective Moods of Morality.” Philosophy’s Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking. Eds. Hagi Kenaan and Ilit Ferber (Dordrecht: Springer, 2011). 159-72. [PI]

Geise, Anna and Wolfgang Wagner. “How far is it from Königsberg to Kandahar? Democratic peace and democratic violence in International Relations.” Review of International Studies 37.4 (2011): 1555-77. [JSTOR]


Geismann, Georg. Kant und kein Ende, vol 3: Pax Kantiana oder Der Rechtsweg zum Weltfrieden. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [258 p.]

Gentile, Andrea. Rev. of Selbstbewusstsein und Erfahrung bei Kant und Fichte. Über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Transzendentalphilosophie, by Frank Kuhne (2007). [German] Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 267-70. [M]

Geonget, Brigitte. “Le statut épistémique de l’esthétique entendue comme «critique du goût»: art ou science?”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 287-95. [M]

Gerhardt, Volker. “Mutmaßlicher Anfang der Menschengeschichte.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 175-96. [M]

Gerlach, Burkhard. Rev. of Moral und Politik bei Kant. Eine Untersuchung zu Kants praktischer und politischer Philosophie im Ausgang der Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft, by Samuel Klar (2007). [German] Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 265-67. [M]

Gerlach, Stefan. Immanuel Kant. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2011. [144 p.] [M]

Gescinska, Alicja. Rev. of Verbindung freier Personen. Zum Begriff der Gemeinschaft bei Kant und Scheler, by Takahiro Kirihara (2009). [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73.2 (2011): 388-89. [M]

Gibson, Martha I. “A Revolution in Method, Kant’s “Copernican Hypothesis”, and the Necessity of Natural Laws.” Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 1-21. [M]


Gilgen, Peter. Rev. of Kant and Skepticism, by Michael N. Forster (2010). Monatshefte 103.2 (2011): 293-97. [JSTOR]

Gilmanov, Vladimir Kh. “«Spasenie prirody» v treh pis'mah Gamana k Kantu.” [Russian; “‘Salvation of nature’ in three Hamann’s letters to Kant”] Kantovskij Sbornik 37 (2011-3): 44-58. [M]


Ginsborg, Hannah. “Kant.” The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Music. Eds. Theodore Gracyk and Andrew Kania (Oxford: Routledge, 2011). 328-38. [Pre-print] [PW]

Giordanetti, Piero. L’avventura della ragione: Kant e il giovane Nietzsche. [Italian; The Adventure of Reason: Kant and the Young Nietzsche] Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2011. [222 p.] [WC]

 ——. Etica, genio e sublime in Kant. Milan: Mimesis, 2011. [231 p.] [contents] [WC]

Giovanelli, Marco. Reality and Negation - Kant’s Principle of Anticipation of Perception: An Investigation of its Impact on the Post-Kantian Debate. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011. [xii, 252 p.] [M]


 ——. “Leibniz, Kant und der moderne Symmetriebegriff.” Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 422-54. [M]


Godani, Paolo. Rev. of L’existence nue. Essai sur Kant, by Alfonso Cariolato (2009). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 147-49. [M]

Godlove, Jr., Terry F. “Hanna, Kantian Non-conceptualism, and Benacerraf’s Dilemma.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.3 (2011): 447-64. [PI]


Goldenbaum, Ursula. Rev. of Diotima’s Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing, by Frederick C. Beiser (2011). Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2011): 258-59. [M]

Goldman, Lucien. Immanuel Kant. London/New York: Verso, 2011. [236 p.] [WC]


Golob, Sacha. “Kant on Intentionality, Magnitude, and the Unity of Perception.” European Journal of Philosophy [Posted online: 28 Dec 2011]. [PW]


Gondek, Hans-Dieter. Rev. of Einführung in Kants Anthropologie, by Michel Foucault, transl. into German by Ute Frietsch (2010). Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 5.1 (2011): 245-53. [PI]

Gonnelli, Filippo. Rev. of Kant-Index, Band 30: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum “Naturrecht Feyerabend”, Teilband 1, edited by Heinrich Delfosse, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (2010). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 167-69. [M]

González, Ana Marta. Culture as Mediation: Kant on Nature, Culture, and Morality. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2011. [361 p.] [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Philosophy of Education: Between Relational and Systemic Approaches.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 45.3 (2011): 433-54. [PW]


 ——. “Norma moral y cambio social: La aproximación de lso filósofos.” [Spanish] Acta Philosophica: Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce 20.2 (2011): 243-71. [PI]


González, Catalina. “Pyrrhonism vs. Academic Skepticism in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Philosophy Today 55-supplement (2011): 225-30. [PI]

Gordon, Paul. “Nietzsche’s Critique of the Kantian Absolute.”  Philosophy and Literature and the Crisis of Metaphysics. Ed. Sebastian Hüsch (Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann, 2011). 52-65?. [WC]

Gorodeisky, Keren. “A Tale of Two Faculties.” British Journal of Aesthetics 51.4 (2011): 415-36. [PI]


Goubet, Jean-François. “«La logique générale de Wolff est la meilleure que nous possédions.» Sens et portée d’un hommage du professeur Kant.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 45-56. [M]

Grandjean, Antoine. “Esthétique et téléologie de la connaissance de la nature.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 297-305. [M]

Granja, Dulce María. “El postulado de la inmortalidad del alma en la filosofía moral kantiana: Parte I.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 249-80. [PI]


Grant, Lain Hamilton. See: Dunham, Jeremy, Lain Hamilton Grant, and Sean Watson.

Grapotte, Sophie. “Le projet kantien de métaphysique comme science: l’objectivité de la connaissance «pratique» du suprasensible en question.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 185-95. [M]

 ——. “Ontologie critique / ontologie wolffienne: la réforme kantienne de l’ontologie.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 131-46. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Philosophie der Notwendigkeit, by Giuseppe Motta (2007). Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 127-30. [M]

 —— and Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, eds. Kant et Wolff: héritages et ruptures. Paris: J. Vrin, 2011. [235 p.] [M]


 ——, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds. Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Paris: J. Vrin, 2011. [327 p.] [M]


 ——, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds. Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Paris: J. Vrin, 2011. [388 p.] [M]


Green, Garth W. The Aporia of Inner Sense: The Self-knowledge of Reason and the Critique of Metaphysics in Kant. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2011. [vi, 352 p.] [WC]

Green, Ronald Michael. Kant and Kierkegaard on Time and Eternity. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press, 2011. [269 p.] [WC]


Greenberg, Robert. “On a Presumed Omission in Kant’s Derivation of the Categorical Imperative.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 449-59. [M]


Grenberg, Jeanine. “Making Sense of the Relationship of Reason and Sensibility in Kant’s Ethics.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 461-72. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy, by Anne Margaret Baxley (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (May 2011, #3). [online] [M]

Gretic, Goran. “Die gegenwärtige Bedeutung von Pax Kantiana.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 175-82. [WC]

Grier, Michelle. “The Revolutionary Interpretation of the Analytic of Concepts.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 191-200. [M]

 ——. “Reason: syllogisms, ideas, antinomies.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 63-82. [M]

 ——. See: Baiasu, Sorin, and Michelle Grier.

 ——. “Kantian Communities: The Realm of Ends, the Ethical Community, and the Highest Good.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 88-120. [M]

Grillenzoni, Paolo. “El peso de la ciencia en la formación pre-crítica de Immanuel Kant.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 305-11. [M]

Groult, Martine. “Kant et le rassemblement des sciences chez D’Alembert.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 53-63. [M]

Grüne, Stefanie. “Is There a Gap in Kant’s B Deduction?” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.3 (2011): 465-90. [PI]


 ——. “Brandom über Kants Konzeption der intentionalität.”  Robert Brandom’s expressive Vernunft. Eds. Barth, Christian and Holger Sturm (op cit.). 91-115. [WC]

Grüneberg, Patrick, ed. See: Asmuth, Christoph, and Patrick Grüneberg, eds.

Grunert, Frank, and Gideon Stiening, eds. Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779). Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011. [345 p.] [M]


Guenova, Ludmila L. “In Search of a Universal Organic Force: Kant’s Notion of Lebenskraft.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 249-69. [M]

Güzey, Cemil. “Ineffability of the Sublime.” [Turkish] Baykus: Felsefe Yazilari Dergisi 7 (2011): 155-63. [PI]


Gupta, Rajender Kumar. Heidegger on Kant’s First Critique and Other Essays. New Delhi: Apple Books, 2011. [viii, 223 p.] [WC]

Guyer, Paul. “Genius and Taste: A Response to Joseph Cannon, ‘The Moral Value of Artistic Beauty in Kant’.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 127-34. [M]

 ——. “Gerard and Kant: Influence and Opposition.” Journal of Scottish Philosophy 9 (2011): 59-93. [PW]


 ——. “Kant and the Philosophy of Architecture.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69.1 (2011): 7-19. [PI]

 ——. “Kantian Perfectionism.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 194-214. [M]

 ——. “Freedom: will, autonomy.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 85-102. [M]

[top]H    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Haddock, Adrian. “Davidson and Idealism.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 26-41. [M]

Hadji, Salah. “La médiation symbolique entre science et sciences chez Kant.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 75-83. [M]

Hahmann, Andree. Rev. of Einbildungskraft und Erfahrung bei Kant, by Matthias Wunsch (2007). Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 123-26. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and Skepticism, by Michael N. Forster (2008). Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism 7 (2011[sic]): 289-92. [M]

 —— and Veit-Justus Rollmann. “Weltstoff und absolute Beharrlichkeit: Die Erste Analogie der Erfahrung und der Entwurf Übergang 1-14 des Opus postumum.” Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 168-90. [M]


 ——. See: Rollmann, Veit-Justus and Andree Hahmann.

Hall, Brian (with the assistance of Mark Black and Matt Sheffield). The Arguments of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Lanham/Boulder/New York: Rowmann & Littlefield, 2011. [x, 232 p.] [M]


 ——. “A Dilemma for Kant's Theory of Substance.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.1 (2011): 79-109. [M]


Halldenius, Lena. “Kant on Freedom and Obligation Under Law.” Constellations 18.2 (2011): 170-89. [PI]

Hammer, Espen. Philosophy and Temporality from Kant to Critical Theory. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [ix, 260 p.] [WC] [review]


Hammermeister, Kai. Rev. of Diotima’s Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing, by Frederick C. Beiser (2009). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.2 (2011): 353-55. [M]

Hanna, Robert. “Kant’s Non-conceptualism, Rogue Objects, and the Gap in the B Deduction.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.3 (2011): 399-415. [PI]


 ——. “The Myth of the Given and the Grip of the Given.” Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy 27 (2011): 25-46. [online] [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Kant and Skepticism, by Michael N. Forster (2010). The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 635-37.

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Human Sciences: Biology, Anthropology, and History, by Alix Cohen (2009). International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.5 (2011): 777-81. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Inspirations from Kant: Essays, by Leslie Stevenson (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (December 2011, #24). [online] [M]

 —— and Monima Chadha. “Non-Conceptualism and the Problem of Perceptual Self-Knowledge.” European Journal of Philosophy 19 (2011): 184-223. [PW]


Hara, Toshiharu. 生きることへの共感 : カントとマルクスの自由と生活の共存する社会 /Ikiru koto eno kyōkan: kanto to marukusu no jiyū to seikatsu no kyōzon suru shakai. [Japanese] Osaka: Seifūdōshotenshuppanbu, 2011. [295 p.] [WC]

Hare, John E. “Ethics and Religion: Two Kantian Arguments.” Philosophical Investigations 34.2 (2011): 151-68. [PW]


 ——. “Kant, the Passions, and the Structure of Moral Motivation.” Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 28.1 (2011): 54-70. [PI]


Harter, Thomas D. “Reconsidering Kant on Suicide.” The Philosophical Forum 42.2 (2011): 167-85. [PW]


Harvey, David. “Cosmopolitanism in the Anthropology and Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 267-84. [M]

Haumesser, Matthieu. “La Critique de la raison pure, théorie de la science?”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 257-66. [M]

 ——. “Distinction sensible et confusion intellectuelle: comment Kant élabore contre Wolff la problématique des sources de la connaissance.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 71-86. [M]

Heathwood, Chris. “The Relevance of Kant's Objection to Anselm's Ontological Argument.” Religious Studies 47.3 (2011): 345-57. [online] [PW]


Heidemann, Dietmar H., ed. Kant Yearbook: Anthropology. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2011. [166 p.] [M]


 ——. “Appearance, Thing-in-Itself, and the Problem of the Skeptical Hypothesis.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 195-210. [M]

 ——. “Introduction: Kant and Nonconceptual Content – Preliminary Remarks.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.3 (2011): 319-22. [HUM]


 ——. “Understanding: judgements, categories, schemata, principles.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 45-62. [M]


Heilke, Thomas W. “‘Out of such crooked wood’: How Eric Voegelin read Immanuel Kant.” Eric Voegelin and the Continental Tradition: Explorations in Modern Political Thought. Eds. Lee Trepanier and Steven F. McGuire (Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 2011), 272 p. 15-43. [WC]

Heintel, Peter. Rev. of Kant und die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, by Thomas Sturm (2009). [German] Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 256-57. [M]

Heinz, Marion. “Johann Georg Sulzer und die Anfänge der Dreivermögenslehre bei Kant.”  Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779). Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Eds. Frank Grunert and Gideon Stiening (op cit.). 83-100. [M]

Heis, Jeremy. “Ernst Cassirer's Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Geometry.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.4 (2011): 759-94. [PW]


Heller, Michal. Philosophy in Science: An Historical Introduction. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. [xi, 167 p.] [WC]


Hems, Nigel. See: Banham, Gary, Nigel Hems, and Dennis Schulting, eds.

Hennig, Boris. “Kants Modell kausaler Verhältnisse: Zu Watkins’ Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 367-84. [M]


Henning, Tim. “Why Be Yourself? Kantian Respect and Frankfurtian Identification.” Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 725-45. [PW]


Herman, Barbara. “The Difference that Ends Make.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 92-115. [M]

 ——. “Embracing Kant’s Formalism.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 49-66. [M]


Heubel, Fabian. “Kant and Transcultural Critique: Toward a Contemporary Philosophy of Self-Cultivation.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 584-601. [PI]


Hicks, John. Rev. of Looking Away: Phenomenality and Dissatisfaction, Kant to Adorno, by Rei Terada (2009). Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 6 (2011): 66-77. [PI]

Hien, Markus, ed. See: Burtscher, Cordula, and Markus Hien, eds.

High, Jeffrey J. “Crisis, Denial, and Outrage: Kleist (Schiller, Kant) and the Path to the German Novella(s) of Modernity.” Heinrich von Kleist and Modernity. Eds. Bernd Fischer and Timothy J. Mehigan (Rochester, NY: Camden House). 187-203. [WC]

Hill, Jr., Thomas E. “Kantian Constructivism as Normative Ethics.” Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, vol. 1. Ed. Mark Timmons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). 26-50. [PI]


Hiltscher, Reinhard. “Einheit der Anschauung und Einheit des Gegenstandes der Anschauung bei Kant.”  Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung. Eds. Christian Krijnen and Kurt Walter Zeidler (op cit.). 123-59. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Erfahrung und Gegenstand. Das Verhältnis von Sinnlichket und Verstand, by Johannes Haag (2007). Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 130-34. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Logik der Begriffe. Die Begriffslehre der formalen und transzendentalen Logik Kants, by Bernd Prien (2006). [German] Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 261-64. [M]

Hindrichs, Gunnar. “Kants Idee einer transzendentalen Logik und die Transzendentalphilosophie der Alten.”  Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung. Eds. Christian Krijnen and Kurt Walter Zeidler (op cit.). 161-78. [M]

 ——. Rev. of An Introduction to Kant’s Moral Philosophy, by Jennifer K. Uleman (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (February 2011, #35). [online] [M]

Hinske, Norbert. “Kants Glaube an die Macht der Methode. Zum Zusammenhang von dogmatischer, polemischer, skeptischer und kritischer Methode im Denken Kants.” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 25-36. [M]

 ——. “Das Stichwort ,Materie‘ und seine verschiedenen Facetten bei Kant.”  Materia. XIII Colloquio Internazionale: Roma 7-8-9 gennaio 2010. Eds. Delfina Giovannozzi and Marco Veneziani (Rome: L. S. Olschki, 2011), viii, 535p. 481-88. [WC]

 ——. “De l’accueil correct des idées d’autrui. Culture de la conversation et de la lecture de Wolff à Kant.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 19-27. [M]

Hirata, Céli. “Cause et conséquence: la reprise du principe de raison suffisante chez Kant.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 317-23. [M]

Hodge, Joanna. “Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Kant and Derrida.” Women 22 (2011): 204-19. [HUM]


Hoeppner, Till. “Kants Begriff der Funktion und die Vollständigkeit der Urteils- und Kategorientafel.” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 65 (2011): 193-217. [M]


Höffe, Ottfried. Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft: die Grundlegung der modernen Philosophie. Munich: Beck, 2011. [378 p.] [data] [M]

 ——. Geschichtsphilosophie. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011. [x, 230 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Einführung in Kants Religionsschrift.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 1-28. [M]

 ——. “Philosophische Grundsätze der Schritauslegung: Ein Blick in den Streit der Fakultäten.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 231-47. [M]

 ——. “Zum Ewigen Frieden, Erster Zusatz.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 157-73. [M]

 ——. “Geschichtsphilosophie nach Kant: Schiller, Hegel, Nietzsche.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 229-42. [M]

 ——, ed. Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Berlin: Akademie, 2011. [ix, 294 p.] [M]


 ——, ed. Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Berlin: Akademie, 2011. [ix, 254 p.] [M]


 ——, ed. Immanuel Kant, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, 2nd ed. Berlin: Akademie, 2011. [x, 200 p.] [WC]


 ——, ed. Immanuel Kant, Zum Ewigen Frieden, 3rd rev. ed. Berlin: Akademie, 2011. [x, 210 p.] [data] [WC]


 ——. Rev. of Der späte Kant: Für ein anderes Gesetz der Erde, by Peter Fenves (2010). Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 65.2 (2011): 294. [PI]

Hoffmann, Thomas Sören. “ Kants ‚intellektueller Begriff des Geldes‘ und die Aufgabe der Wirtschaftsphilosophie.”  Philosophische Aspekte der Ökonomie. Ed. Hubertus Busche (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011). 137-54. [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Karl Leonhard Reinhold: Korrespondenz 1788-1790, edited by Faustino Fabbianelli, et al. (2007). Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 120-23. [M]

Holtman, Sarah. Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009). Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 473-78. [M]

Honrath, Klaus. Die Wirklichkeit der Freiheit im Staat bei Kant. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [442 p.] [WC]

Horn, Christoph. “Die menschliche Gattungsnatur: Anlagen zum Guten und Hang zum Bösen.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 43-69. [M]

 ——. “Das Interesse der Philosophie an der Menschheitsgeschichte: Aufklärung und Weltbürgertum (Idee, Neunter Satz).” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 103-118. [M]

Houlgate, Stephen. “Nature and history: ultimate and final purpose.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 184-99. [M]


 —— and Michael Baur, eds. A Companion to Hegel. Malden: Wiley Blackwell, 2011. [xviii, 649 p.] [WC]


Howell, Robert. Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analysis of Main Themes in his Critical Philosophy. Dordrecht/London: Springer, 2011. [xxiv, 424 p.] [WC]


Hübner, Dietmar. Die Geschichtsphilosophie des deutschen Idealismus: Kant - Fichte - Schelling - Hegel. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2011. [236 p.] [data] [WC]

Huneman, Philippe. “Hérédité et adaptation: la conception kantienne des races et des espèces.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 97-114. [WC]

 ——. “La place de l’analytique de la biologie dans la philosophie transcendantale.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 253-65. [M]

Hunt, Gayle. See: Trafimow, David, Gayle Hunt, Stephen Rice, and Kasha Geels.

Hurson, Didier. “La question de l’universalité des sciences chez Kant: savoir du monde et connaissance de soi.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 65-73. [M]

Hursthouse, Rosalind. “What does the Aristotelian phronimos Know?” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 38-57. [M]

[top]I    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Iber, Christian. “Über das Verhältnis von Metaphysik und Vernunft in Kants Lehre von den Antinomien im Weltbegriff.” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 71-83. [M]

Insole, Christopher. “Kant’s Transcendental Idealism and Newton’s Divine Sensorium.” Journal of the History of Ideas 72.3 (2011): 413-36. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Transcendental Idealism, Freedom and the Divine Mind.” Modern Theology 27.4 (2011): 608-38. [PI]


 ——. “Intellectualism, Relational Properties and the Divine Mind in Kant’s Pre-Critical Philosophy.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 399-427. [M]


Inutake, Masayuki. カントの批判哲学と自然科学:「自然科学の形而上学的原理」の研究 / Kanto no hihan tetsugaku to shizen kagaku: shizen kagaku no keijijōgakuteki genri no kenkyū. [Japanese; Kant’s critical philosophy and the natural sciences: a study of “The Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science”] Tokyo: Sobunsha, 2011. [219 p.] [WC]

Iofrida, Manlio. “Foucault e la filosofia francese.” [Italian] Dianoia: Annali di Storia della Filosofia 16 (2011): 181-99. [PI]


Irrlitz, Gerd. “Philosophiegeschichte der deutschen Aufklärung. Norbert Hinske zum 75. Geburtstag am 24. Januar 2006.” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 37-71. [M]

Irwin, T. H. “Continuity in the History of Autonomy.” Inquiry 54.5 (2011): 442-59. [PI]


Ivaldo, Marco. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Critica della ragion practica. Un commento, by Giovanni Battista Sala (2009). Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 66 (2011): 174-80.[M]

Izard V., P. Pica, E. S. Spelke, and S. Dehaene. “Flexible intuitions of Euclidean geometry in an Amazonian indigene group.” Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences 108 (2011): 9782-87. [MEDLINE]


[top]J    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Jackson, Richard. Rev. of Terrorism: How to Respond, by Richard English (2009). Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 320-23. [M]

Jähnig, Dieter. Der Weltbezug der Künste: Schelling, Nietzsche, Kant. Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 2011. [151 p.; 16 unnumbered pages of plates] [M]

James, David. Rev. of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation, edited by Allen Wood, translated by Garrett Green (2010). Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 315-17. [M]

Janiak, Andrew. Rev. of Kant and Philosophy of Science Today, edited by Michela Massimi (2008). Metascience 20.1 (2011): 153-57. [online] [PW]

Jauernig, Anja. “Kant, the Leibnizians, and Leibniz.” The Continuum Companion to Leibniz. Ed. Brandon C. Look (London: Continuum, 2011). 289-309. [PI]


Jáuregui, Claudia. “Subjetividad y auto-conocimiento en la filosofía trascendental de I. Kant.” [Spanish] Agora: Papeles de Filosofia 30.1 (2011): 31-47. [PI]


Joerden, Jan C. “WikiLeaks, Kants ‘Princip der Publicität’, Whistleblowing und ‘illegale Geheimnisse’.” Jahrbuch fuer Recht und Ethik 19 (2011): 227-39. [PI]


Johnson, Robert N. Self-Improvement: An Essay in Kantian Ethics. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. [vi, 174 p.] [WC]


Johnson, Ryan J. “An Accord in/on Kantian Aesthetics (or the Sensus Communis: Attunement in a Community of Diverse Sites of Purposiveness).” Kritike 5.1 (2011): 117-35. [online] [HUM]


 ——. “Locating the Abject in the Third Critique.” Consciousness, Literature & the Arts 12.2 (2011): 1-58. [HUM]


Jost, Lawrence, and Julian Wuerth, eds. Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [xiv, 308 p.] [M] [review]


Junga, Kristin. Wissen — Glauben — Bilden: Ein bildungsphilosophischer Blick auf Kant, Schleiermacher und Wilhelm von Humboldt. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2011. [325 p.] [WC]

Jüngel, Eberhard. “Zum Titel und den beiden Vorreden.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 29-42. [M]

[top]K    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Kain, Patrick. “Der Charakter der Gattung.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 137-55. [M]

Kalinnikov, Leonard A. “On the Moral Centrism of Kant’s Transcendental Anthropology.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 37-43. [M]

 ——. “At the Edge of Romanticism or Beyond It? E. T. A. Hoffmann and the Nature of Art in Kant’s Aesthetics.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 38-51. [M]

Kapust, Antje. “Ethics of Respect and Human Dignity. A Responsive Reading.” Etica & Politica [Trieste, Italy] 13 (2011): 151-63. [WC]


Karatani, Kōjin, and Jinghua Zhao. 跨越性批判: 康德与马克思 / Kua yue xing pi pan: Kangde yu Makesi. [Chinese] Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she, 2011. [276 p.] [WC]

Katz, Larissa. “Ownership and Social Solidarity: A Kantian Alternative.” Legal Theory 17.2 (2011): 119-43. [PI]


Kawamura, Katsutoshi. “Die Goldene Regel als Handlungsnorm und ihre Kritik durch Kant.” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 73-86. [M]

Keienburg, Johannes. Immanuel Kant und die Öffentlichkeit der Vernunft. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2011. [viii, 204 p. + unpaginated Personenregister] [content] [M]


Keil, Geert. “Ich bin jetzt hier — aber wo ist das?” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 15-34. [M]

Kemp, Ryan. “The Contingency of Evil: Rethinking the Problem of Universal Evil in Kant’s Religion.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 100-23. [M]

Kendrick, Christopher. Rev. of Kant and Milton, by Sanford Budick (2010). Milton Quarterly 45.3 (2011): 193-97. [HUM]

Kerr, Gaven. “Kant’s Transcendental Idealism: A Hypothesis?” International Philosophical Quarterly 51.2 (2011): 195-222. [M]


Kerstein, Samuel J. “Treating Consenting Adults Merely as Means.” Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, vol 1. Ed. Mark Timmons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). 51-74. [PI]


Kerszberg, Pierre. “Kant et la première idée de Copernic.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 141-49. [M]

Kiliçaslan, Eyüp Ali. “Is Hegel’s Concept of Geist Kant’s Transcendental Ego? A Reply to Hegel’s Kantianization.” Geist? Zweiter Teil. Eds. Andreas Arndt, Paul Cruysberghs, and Andrzej Przylebski (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011). 193-98. [M]


Kinander, Morten. “Rasjonalitet og rettferdighet hos Kant og Rawls. Er John Rawls en kantianer?” [Norwegian; Rationality and Justice in Kant and Rawls] Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 46.4 (2011): pages. [PW]


Kinnaman, Ted. Rev. of Kant and Skepticism, by Michael Forster (2008). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 397-401. [M]

Kiryushchenko, Vitaly. “Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics: Some Consequences of Kant’s Critiques in Peirce’s Early Pragmatism.” European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3.2 (2011): 258-74. [online] [PI]

Kitcher, Patricia. Kant’s Thinker. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. [xiv, 312 p.] [WC] [review]


 ——. “The Unity of Kant’s Active Thinker.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 55-73. [M]

Klein, Hans-Dieter, ed. Ethik als prima philosophia? Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [253 p.] [M]


Kleingeld, Pauline. Kant and Cosmopolitanism: The Philosophical Ideal of World Citizenship. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [232 p.] [WC] [review]


 ——. “Die Bedeutung des weltbürgerlichen Zustandes. Der Siebente Satz der Idee.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 79-89. [M]

 ——. “Kant, história e a ideia de desenvolvimento moral.” [Portuguese] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 18 (2011): 105-32. [M] [online]

Klemme, Heiner. “Johann Georg Sulzers ›vermischte Sittenlehre‹. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sittenlehre.”  Johann Georg Sulzer (1720-1779). Aufklärung zwischen Christian Wolff und David Hume. Eds. Frank Grunert and Gideon Stiening (op cit.). 309-22. [M]

 ——. “Das rechtsstaatliche Folterverbot aus der Perspektive der Philosophie Kants.”  Die Geschichte der Folter seit ihrer Abschaffung. Eds. Karsten Altenhain und Nicola Willenberg (Göttingen: V&R unipress). 39-53. [WC]

Klimowski, Andrzej. See: Want, Christopher and Andrzej Klimowski.

Kneller, Jane. “Aesthetic Reflection and Community.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 260-83. [M]

 ——. “‘Nur ein Gedanke’. Ein Kommentar zum Dritten und Vierten Satz von Kants Idee.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 45-61. [M]

Knowles, Jonathan. “Action, Causes, and Causal Explanation.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 121-33. [M]

Kobe, Zdravko. “Kant’s Critique of the Ontological Proof or: What Does Absolutely Necessary Mean?” [Slovenian] Problemi 49.7-8 (2011): 261-308. [PI]


Koch, Anton Friedrich. “Die Bildtheorie des Elementarsatzes und die Lesbarkeit der Dinge (Wittgenstein, Sellars, Kant).” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 179-92. [M]

Köhnke, Klaus Christian. Surgimiento y auge del neokantismo: la filosofía universitaria alemana entre el idealismo y el positivismo. Translation of Entstehung und Aufstieg des Neukantianismus. Die deutsche Universitätsphilosophie zwischen Idealismus und Positivismus. [Spanish] Translated by José Andrés Ancona Quiroz. México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2011. [570 p.] [WC]

Koistinen, Olli. “Descartes in Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 35 (2011): 149-63. [PI]


Kok, Arthur. “Sublimity, Freedom, and Necessity in the Philosophy of Kant.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 79-114. [M]

Kontos, Pavlos. “Kant’s Categories of Freedom as Rules of Moral Salience.” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 65 (2011): 218-40. [M]


Korkut, Buket. “The Real Virtue of Friedman’s Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Science.” Philosophy of Science 78.1 (2011): 1-15. [PW]


Kornblith, Hilary. “Reasons, Naturalism, and Transcendental Philosophy.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 96-119. [M]

Korsgaard, Christine M. “The Activity of Reason.” Reasons and Recognition: Essays on the Philosophy of T. M. Scanlon. Eds. R. Jay Wallace, Rahul Kumar, and Samuel Freeman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011). 3-22. [PI]


Korte, Tapio, and Arto Repo. “The Problem of Singular Judgments in Kant.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 28.4 (2011): 389-406. [PI]

Kotkas, Toomas. “Kant on the Right of Pardon: A Necessity and Ruler’s Personal Forgiveness.” Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 413-21. [M]


Koukou, Kalliope. “Schillers Kant-Kritik in seiner Schrift Ueber Anmuth und Würde.”  Schiller im philosophischen Kontext. Eds. Cordelia Burtscher and Markus Hien (op cit.). 40-49?. [WC]

Kraft, David. Apriorität und Positivität des Rechts nach Kant. Baden-Baden: Nomod, 2011. [129 p.] [WC]

Kraus, Katharina T. Rev. of Kant und die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, by Thomas Sturm (2009). Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 42.4 (2011): 618-24. [PI]

Kreimendahl, Lothar, transl. and ed. See: Baumgarten, Alexander.

 ——, ed. See: Kant, Immanuel. Der einzig mögliche Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Daseins Gottes.

Kreis, Guido. “Die Kritik der Gottesbeweise in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie.”  Gottesbeweise: von Anselm bis Gödel. Eds. Joachim Bromand and Guido Kreis (op cit.). 210-43. [WC]

 ——, ed. See: Bromand, Joachim, and Guido Kreis, eds.

Kremer-Marietti, Angèle. “Kant et l’ouvrage de Soemmering, De l’organe de l’âme.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 127-38. [WC]

Krijnen, Christian. “Subjektive Logik als Grundlage von objektiver Logik? Husserls Phänomenologie im Kontext der Transzendentalphilosophie Kants und des Neukantianismus.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 57-78. [PI]


 ——. “Das Soziale bei Hegel. Eine Konstruktion in Auseinandersetzung mit kantianisierenden Transzendentalphilosophie.”  Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung. Eds. Christian Krijnen and Kurt Walter Zeidler (op cit.). 189-286. [WC]

 ——. “Teleology in Kant’s Philosophy of Culture and History: A Problem for the Architectonic of Reason.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 115-32. [M]

 —— and Kurt Walter Zeidler, eds. Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung. Transzendentalphilosophie im Anschluss an Werner Flach. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [325 p.] [M]


Krogh, Thomas. “The Past in the Present.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 61-75. [M]

Krouglov, Alexei N. “Kant and Orthodox Thought in Russia.” Russian Studies in Philosophy 49.4 (2011): 10-33. [HUM]


 ——. “Erste oder zweite Wahl? Kant und die Suche nach einem Nachfolder für Meier in Halle (1777/78).” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 87-96. [M]


Kruck, Günter. “Vom Nutzen des Ideals der reinen Vernunft.” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 117-31. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Dörflinger, Bernd and Günter Kruck, eds.

Kryshtop, Ludmila E. “The Concept of Postulate in Kant’s Philosophy.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 24-36. [M]

Kuehn, Manfred. Kant: una biografia. [Italian] Translated from the English by Stefano Bacin. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2011. [663 p.] [WC]

 ——. “‘How, or Why, do we Come to Think of a World of Things in Themselves?’.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 221-33. [M]

Kuhnke, Gerhard. Goethes Wege zu Kant. Frankfurt am Main/New York: P. Lang, 2011. [195 p.] [WC]

Kupka, Thomas. “Feyerabend und Kant: Kann das gut gehen? Paul K. Feyerabends Naturphilosophie und Kants Polemik gegen den Dogmatismus.” Journal 42.2 (2011): 399-409. [PW]

Kuplen, Mojca. “Disgust and Ugliness: A Kantian Perspective.” Contemporary Aesthetics 9 (2011): 1-21. [PI]


Kurtar, Senem. “Time as Pure Form of Intuition or Formal Intuition in Kant: The Paradox of Finitude Which Differentiate Heidegger from Marburg School.” [Turkish] Kaygi: Uludag Universitesi Felsefe Dergisi (Uludag University Journal of Philosophy) 17 (2011): 11-27. [PI]


Kuś, Mira. “Notes on Kant.” [poem] Mid-American Review 31.2 (2011): 165. [HUM]

Kusheshi, Parish. See: Shahabi, Parviz Zia’ and Parish Kusheshi.

Kuster, Friederike. “Verdinglichung und Menschenwürde. Kants Eherecht und das Recht der häuslichen Gemeinschaft.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 335-49. [M]


Kvasz, Ladislav. “Kant’s Philosophy of Geometry — On the Road to a Final Assessment.” Philosophia Mathematica 19.2 (2011): 139-66. [PW]


[top]L    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Labate, Sergio. “The Transcendentalism of Hope from the Rational Religion to the Phenomenology of Hope with Kant and Marcel.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 683-93. [PI]


Lagny, Anne. “Questions de méthode. La réponse de Forster à Kant dans Noch etwas über die Menschenrassen (1786).”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 115-26. [WC]

Lambinet, Julien. “Note sur Kant et le paradigme aristotélicien des sciences.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 85-94. [M]

Lanzillotti, Francesco. Rev. of Kant and Phenomenology, by Tom Rockmore (2011). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 181-84. [M]

La Rocca, Claudio. “Formen des Als-Ob bei Kant.” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 29-45. [M]

Landy, David. “What Incongruent Counterparts Show.” European Journal of Philosophy (pre-print online, posted 23 Feb 2011). [abstract] [PW]

Lang, Dimitri. “Kant et le problème du fondement des normes logiques.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 225-34. [M]

Langewiesche, Dieter. “Über Geschichte a priori und die Machbarkeit von Geschichte als Fortschritt. Der Streit der Fakultäten, 2. Abschnitt, 7-10.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 215-27. [M]

Langlois, Luc. “Finitude morale et ontologie de la création: L’interprétation kantienne de Gerhard Krüger.” Archives de Philosophie 74.1 (2011): 129-47. [PI]


 ——. “Wolff et les débuts de la philosophie morale de Kant: l’héritage oublié.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 173-85. [M]

Langthaler, Rudolf. “‘Das Prinzip der Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft ist das Fundament des Vernunftglaugens.’ Eine frühe programmatische These Kants und ihre spätere systematische Entfaltung.” Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus/International Yearbook of German Idealism 7 (2011[sic]): 58-94. [M]

Lartillot, Françoise. See: Agard, Olivier and Françoise Lartillot.

 ——, ed. See: Agard, Olivier and Françoise Lartillot, eds.

Laschet, Oliver. Metaphysik und Erfahrung in Kants praktischer Philosophie. Freiburg/Munich: Verlag Karl Alber, 2011. [335 p.] [M]

LaVaque-Manty, Mika. “Our Kant.” Political Theory 39 (2011): 261-75. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009). Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy 39.2 (2011): 260-75. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Kant and the Limits of Autonomy, by Susan Meld Shell (2009). Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy 39.2 (2011): 260-75. [PI]

Le Blanc, Guillaume. Foucault lecteur de Kant: le champ anthropologique. Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011. [159 p.] [WC]

Lechner, Silviya. Rev. of Kantian Ethics, by Allen W. Wood (2008). Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 141-50. [M]

Leduc, Christian. “Kant et l’usage méthodologique des hypothèses.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 127-35. [M]

 ——. “Les degrés conceptuels dans les logiques de Wolff et de Kant.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 57-69. [M]

Lee, Sang Hyung. Moralität und Sittlichkeit: Versuch einer Synthese im Hinblick auf die Ethik des Guten. Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag, 2011. [353 p.] [data] [WC]

Lee, Seung-Kee. Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: An Introduction, by Jill Vance Buroker (2006). Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 156-59. [M]

Lee, Yeop. “Vom Leben nach dem Prinzip der Klugheit zum Leben nach dem Prinzip der Sittlichkeit.” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 105-119. [M]

Lefèvre, Wolfgang. Between Leibniz, Newton, and Kant: Philosophy and Science in the Eighteenth Century. Dordrecht/London: Springer, 2011. [304 p.] [WC]

Lennon, Kathleen. “Imagination and the Expression of Emotion.” Ratio 24.3 (2011): 282-98. [PI]


Lequan, Mai. “La théorie des vents de 1756: entre histoire descriptive et physique mathématique.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 213-43. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant-Index, Band 16: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zur ‘Kritik der praktischen Vernunft’, edited by Heinrich P. Delfosse and Michael Oberhausen (1995). Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger 201.4 (2011): 590-91. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Leçons sur Kant: la déduction transcendantale dans la deuxième édition de la Critique de la raison pure, by Mario Caimi (2007). Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 492-95. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Métaphysique et biologie: Kant et la constitution du concept d’organisme, by Philippe Huneman (2008). Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 495-98. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Grapotte, Sophie, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds.

Lerussi, Natalia. “Sobre la justificación para introducir el concepto de “fin natural” (Naturzweck) en la investigación de la naturaleza según Kritik der Urteilskraft.” [Spanish] Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 69-92. [online][PW]


Lessing, Hans-Ulrich, Rudolf A. Makkreel, and Riccardo Pozzo, eds. Recent Contributions to Dilthey’s Philosophy of the Human Sciences. Stuttgart: frommann-holzboog, 2011. [258 p.] [data] [M]

Light, Aimée Upjohn. Rev. of Kant and Theology, by Pamela Sue Anderson and Jordan Bell (2010). Reviews in Religion & Theology 19.1 (2011): 6-8. [PI]

Lima, Newton de Oliveira. “Kant e a Fundamentação do Direito Subjetivo do Cidadão à Publicidade dos Atos Estatais.” [Portuguese] Ethica: Cadernos Acadêmicos 18.1 (2011): 129-47. [PI]

Lin, Shing-Shang. Von den modernen zu den postmodernen Zeitvorstellungen: Kant, Heidegger, Virilio, Baudrillard. Essen: Verlag Die Blaue Eule, 2011. [422 p.] [WC]

Longuenesse, Béatrice. “Kant’s Standpoint on the Whole: Disjunctive Judgment, Community, and the Third Analogy of Experience.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 17-40. [M]

Look, Brandon C. “Leibniz, Kant and Frege on the Existence Predicate.” Natur und Subjekt: Akten des IX. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses. Eds. H. Breger, J. Herbst & S. Erdner (Hannover: Hartmann, 2011). 616-24. [PW]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Thinker, by Patricia Kitcher (2011). Journal of the History of Philosophy 49.4 (2011): 502-3. [PI]

Loose, Donald. “Introduction: The Kantian Sublime and Its Aftermath.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 1-11. [M]

 ——. “The Dynamic Sublime as the Pivoting Point between Nature and Freedom in Kant.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 53-78. [M]

 ——, ed. The Sublime and its Teleology: Kant, German Idealism, Phenomenology: Kant — German Idealism — Phenomenology. Leiden: Brill, 2011. [vi, 230 p.] [M]


Loparic, Zeljko. “Kant entre o ficcionalismo de Vaihinger e a fenomenologia deHeidegger.”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 39-57. [WC]

Lord, Beth. Kant and Spinozism: Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire/ New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. [xiv, 214 p.] [M] [review]


Lorenz, Hilmar. Kants kopernikanische Wende vom Wissen zum Glauben. Systematischer Kommentar zu Vorrede B der Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2011. [450 p.] [M]

 ——. “La doctrine kantienne de la science.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 107-16. [M]

Lories, Danielle. “La légalité du contingent dans les limites de la science de la nature.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 277-85. [M]

Louden, Robert B. Kant’s Human Being: Essays on his Theory of Human Nature. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. [256 p.] [content] [WC] [review]


 ——. “‘The Play of Nature’: Human Beings in Kant’s Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 139-59. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime and Other Writings, edited by Patrick Frierson and Paul Guyer (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (July 2011, #5). [online] [M]

Lowe, Walter. “Kant, Immanuel.” The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology. Ed. Ian McFarland (Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press), xxi, 549 p. 260-61. [M]

Lozano, Valerio Rocco and Marco Sgarbi, eds. Diritto e storia in Kant e Hegel. Trento: Verifiche, 2011. [237 p.] [WC]

Luftig, Jonathan. “Fiction, Criticism and Transcendence: On Carazan’s Dream in Kant’s Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.” MLN 126.3 (2011): 614-29. [MUSE]


Lundestad, Øystein. Rev. of Kant’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, edited by Karl Ameriks and Otfried Höffe (2009). Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 489-95. [M]

Lyssy, Ansgar. “Mit und gegen Hume - Eine Skizze der skeptischen und antiskeptischen Argumente in der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.”  Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Ed. Elena Ficara (op cit.). 155-171. [WC]

[top]M    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Macor, Laura Anna. La fragilità della virtù: dall'antropologia alla morale e ritorno nell'epoca di Kant. [Italian] Milan: Mimesis, 2011. [192 p.] [WC] [contents]

Maddy, Penelope. “Naturalism, Transcendentalism, and Therapy.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 120-56. [M]

Madonna, Luigi Cataldi, and Paola Rumore, eds. Kant und die Aufklärung: Akten der Kant-Tagung in Sulmona, 24.-28. März 2010. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 2011. [421 p.] [WC]

Madore, Joël. Difficult Freedom and Radical Evil in Kant: Deceiving Reason. London/New York: Continuum, 2011. [x, 184 p.] [M]

Mahuzi, Reza. “Meaning of a Perfect Philosophical System in Kant.” [Farsi] History of Philosophy: Journal of the International Society of the History of Philosophy 1.3 (2011): 143-56. [PI]


 ——. “The Importance of the Sublime in Kant’s Philosophy of Art.” [Farsi] Hekmat va Falsafeh 7 (2011): 53-74. [PI]


Makkreel, Rudolf A. See: Lessing, Hans-Ulrich, Rudolf A. Makkreel, and Riccardo Pozzo, eds.

Malandrino, Corrado. “L’invenzione’ della complementarità del pensiero federalista di Kant e Hamilton in Italia.” [Italian] Montesquieu.it: Biblioteca elettronica su Montesquieu e dintorni 3 (2011): 141-64. [PI]


Maliks, Reidar. “Liberal Revolution: the Cases of Jakob and Erhard.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 216-31. [PW]


Malpas, Jeff, and Karsten Thiel. “Kant’s Geography of Reason.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 195-214. [M]

Mancebo Pérez, Pilar. “‘Sich der Menschheit würdig zu machen’: Lenguaje y comunidad en la ‘Antropología en respecto pragmático’.” [Spanish] Convivium: Revista de Filosofia 24 (2011): 73-102. [PI]


Manning, Richard N. “A Spinozistic Deduction of the Kantian Concept of a Natural End.” Philo 14.2 (2011): 176-200. [PDC]


Marafioti, Rosa Maria. Il ritorno a Kant di Heidegger: la questione dell'essere e dell'uomo. Milano: Mimesis, 2011. [469 p.] [contents] [WC]

Marandiuc, Natalia. “Human Will, Divine Grace, and Virtue: Jonathan Edwards Tangos with Immanuel Kant.” Jonathan Edwards and Scotland. Eds. Kelly Van Andel, Adriaan C. Neele, and Kenneth P. Minkema (Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press). 129-46. [M]

Marcon, Loretta. Kant e Leopardi: Saggi. [Italian] Napoli: Guida, 2011. [155 p.] [contents] [M]

Marcucci, Silvestro. “Kant y la ciencia físico-matemática moderna.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 41-47. [M]

Marcuzzi, Max. “Writing Space: Historical Narrative and Geographical Description in Kant’s Physical Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Transl. from the French by Samuel A. Butler. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 115-36. [M]


Marey, Macarena. “¿Es la exigencia kantiana de universalización un procedimiento suficiente para establecer contenidos morales-éticos? Algunas consideraciones acerca de una respuesta negativa a esta pregunta.” [Spanish Arete: Revista de Filosofia 23.1 (2011): 79-108. [PI]


 ——. “¿Es la exigencia kantiana de universalización un procedimiento suficiente para establecer contenidos morales-éticos? Algunas consideraciones acerca de una respuesta negativa a esta pregunta.” [Spanish] Areté: revista de filosofía 23 (2011): 79-108. [WC]

 ——. “Sobre la indeterminación ética del procedimiento kantiano de universalización y su relación con el ‘principio supremo de la doctrina de la virtud’.” [Spanish] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 49-71. [M]

 ——. “Las críticas de Kant al modelo teórico del estado westfaliano.” [Spanish] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade 18 (2011): 13-33. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes. [Portuguese] Translated , and with an introduction and notes, by Guido Antônio de Almeida (2009). Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 318-20. [M]

Mariña, Jacqueline. “Transcendental Arguments for Personal Identity in Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.” Philo 14.2 (2011): 109-36. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie, by Ulrich L. Lehner (2007). Heythrop Journal 52.1 (2011): 148-49. [PI]

Marques, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo. “Science et non-science. Essai d’analogie concernant le rapport entre l’empirique et le transcendantal.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 267-75. [M]

 ——. “Contra os Leibnizianos, a favor de Leibniz? ‘inato’ e ‘a priori’ em Kant.” [Portuguese] Philosophica 37 (2011): 95-107. [M] [online]

Marshall, Colin. Rev. of Kant’s Thinker, by Patricia Kitcher (2011). British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19.6 (2011): 1226-29. [PW]

Martin, Christopher. “Education without Moral Worth? Kantian Moral Theory and the Obligation to Educate Others.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 45.3 (2011): 475-92. [PW]


Martin, John Levy. “Immanuel Kant: An Analytic Grammar for the Relation between Cognition and Action.” Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers: Sociology through Literature, Philosophy, and Science. Eds. Christofer Edling and Jens Rydgren (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger, 2011), 370 p. 279-88. [WC]

Martinello, Francesco. “Direzioni del moto e direzioni nello spazio: Berkeley e Kant.” [Italian] Rivista di Filosofia 102.1 (2011): 105-23. [PI]


Marton, Scarlett. “Nietzsche, Kant et la métaphysique dogmatique.” Nietzsche-Studien 40 (2011): 106-29. [M]

 ——. “Lo spazio e il corpo nel saggio kantiono del 1768.” [Italian] Rivista di Estetica 51 (2011): 163-77. [PI]


Marty, François. “Quand la connaissance du vivant croise la faculté de juger réfléchissante.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 247-52. [M]

 ——. “L’ontologie dans le système wolffien: fortune et infortune d’un chemin de pensée.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 163-70. [M]

Marx, Karianne J. The Usefulness of the Kantian Philosophy: How Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s Commitment to Enlightenment Influenced his Reception of Kant. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2011. [xii, 321 p.] [M]


Massimi, Michela. “Kant’s Dynamical Theory of Matter in 1755, and its Debt to Speculative Newtonian Experimentalism.” Studies in History & Philosophy of Science 42.4 (2011): 525-43. [PI]


 ——. “From data to phenomena: a Kantian stance.” Synthese 182.1 (2011): 101-16. [PW]


Materstvedt, Lars Johan. “What is This Thing Called Medical Ethics: A Kantian Interpretation.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 207-33. [M]

Matsumoto, Dairi. Moralbegründung zwischen Kant und Transzendentalpragmatik: Von der transzendentalen Begründung zur Faktizität des Moralischen. Marburg: Tectum, 2011. [242 p.] [abstract] [WC]

Mauri, Margarita. “Self-Respect and Honesty.” Filozofia 66.1 (2011): 74-82. [PI]


McAleer, Sean. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy, by Anne Margaret Baxley (2010). Ethics 122.1 (2011): 174-78. [PI]

McCall, Corey. Rev. of The Kantian Aesthetic: From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde, by Paul Crowther (2010). Philosophy in Review 31 (2011): 191-94. [online] [M]

McDonough, Richard. “A Synoptic View of Kant’s Emergentism.” Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 60 (2011): 245-74. [PI]


McGaughey, Douglas. “Kants theologischer Kontext: Eine Stichprobe.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 271-82. [M]

McLear, Colin. “Kant on Animal Consciousness.” Philosophers’ Imprint 11.15 (2011): 1-16. [online] [PI]


McMahon, Jennifer A. “Critical Aesthetic Realism.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 45.2 (2011): 49-69. [HUM]


 ——. “The Kantian Aesthetic: From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde.” British Journal of Aesthetics 51.2 (2011): 229-31. [HUM]


McQuillan, Colin. “The History of a Distinction: Sensible and Intellectual Cognition from Baumgarten to Kant.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 180-99. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Plato in German: Kant-Natorp-Heidegger, by Alan Kim (2010). Journal of the History of Philosophy 49.3 (2011): 382-83. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime and Other Writings, by Immanuel Kant, ed. and transl. by Patrick Frierson and Paul Guyer (2011). Philosophy in Review 31.6 (2011): 438-41. [online] [PW]

Meerbote, Ralf. “Hughes on Kant’s Aesthetic Epistemology.” Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 202-12. [M]


Mehigan, Tim. Heinrich von Kleist: Writing after Kant. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2011. [x, 232 p.] [data] [WC]

Meier, Lars. “Kantische Grundsätze? Schillers Selbstinszenierung als Kant-Nachfolger in seinen Briefen Ueber die ästhetische Erhebung des Menschen.”  Schiller im philosophischen Kontext. Eds. Cordelia Burtscher and Markus Hien (op cit.). 50-63?. [WC]

Mendieta, Eduardo. “Geography Is to History as Woman Is to Man: Kant on Sex, Race, and Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 345-68. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Elden, Stuart and Eduardo Mendieta, eds.

Mensch, Jennifer. “Intuition and Nature in Kant and Goethe.” European Journal of Philosophy 19.3 (2011): 431-53. [PW]


Merritt, Melissa McBay. “Kant's Argument for the Apperception Principle.” European Journal of Philosophy 19.1 (2011): 59-84. [online] [PQ]


 ——. “Kant on Enlightened Moral Pedagogy.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 49.3 (2011): 227-53. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts, edited by Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (October 2011, #27). [online] [M]

Mertens, Thomas. “Kant en de traditie van de rechtvaardige oorlog.” [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73.3 (2011): 467-88. [PI]


Messina, James. “Answering Aenesidemus: Schulze’s Attack on Reinholdian Representationalism and Its Importance for Fichte.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2011): 339-69. [M]

Michalski, Krzysztof. Zrozumiec przemijanie. [Polish] Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, 2011. [468 p.] [WC]

Michel, Karin. “Personalität und Stellvertretung: Ethik und Recht stellvertretender Entscheidungen.” Jahrbuch fuer Recht und Ethik 19 (2011): 347-66. [PI]


Mieszkowski, Jan. “Social Demands: Kant and the Possibility of Community.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 284-302. [M]

Mignolo, Walter D. “The Darker Side of the Enlightenment: A De-Colonial Reading of Kant’s Geography.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 319-43. [M]

Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch. “In Defense of Kant’s League of States.” Law and Philosophy 30.3 (2011): 291-317. [PW]


Mikkola, Mari. “Kant on Moral Agency and Women’s Nature.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 89-111. [M]


Milbank, John. “Hume versus Kant: Faith, Reason, and Feeling.” Modern Theology 27.2 (2011): 276-97. [PI]


Miller, David. “Property and Territory: Locke, Kant, and Steiner.” Journal of Political Philosophy 19.1 (2011): 90-109. [PI]

Miller, Elaine P. “Rearranging the Furniture: Irigaray Reads Kant on Temporality.” Philosophy Today 55-supplement (2011): 240-44. [PI]


Millson, Jared A. “Context and Creation: The Significance of Kant's Third Critique to Dilthey’s Hermeneutics of History.” Recent Contributions to Dilthey’s Philosophy of the Human Sciences. Eds. Hans-Ulrich Lessing, et al. (op cit.). 83-103. [M]

Minimah, Fl. “Kant as a Professor: Some Lessons for Today’s Intellectuals.” Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 13.2 (2011): 9-17. [WC]


Mitrovic, Branko. Philosophy for Architects. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2011. [200 p.] [GVK]

Mitscherlich-Schönherr, Olivia. “Glück bei Kant.” Glück: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Eds. Dieter Thomä and Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr (Stuttgart/Weimar: J. B. Metzler, 2011). 183-88. [M]

Mittelstrass, Jürgen. Leibniz und Kant. Erkenntnistheoretische Studien. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2011. [x, 344 p.] [WC]

Mohr, Georg. Immanuel Kant: Kritik der reinen Vernunft. 2nd, improved edition. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011. [366, 431 p.]

 —— and Ulli. F. H. Rühl. “Moral obligation: rights, duties, virtues.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 120-35. [M]


Molander, Bengt. “Subjectivity, Fallibility and the Absence of Doubt.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 107-19. [M]

Moledo, Fernando. Rev. of Kant-Index. Section 2. Vol. 30.1: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum “Naturrecht Feyerabend”, edited by Heinrich Delfosse, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (2010). [Portuguese] Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade vol (2011): 141-45. [M] [online]

Monten, Jonathan. See: Wilson, James Lindley and Jonathan Monten.

Moore, A. W. “Bird on Kant’s Mathematical Antinomies.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 235-43. [M]


 ——. “Vats, Sets, and Tits.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 42-54. [M]

Moran, Kate. “The Ethical Community as Ground of Moral Action: An Interpretation of the Highest Good.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 78-99. [M]

Moretto, Antonio. “L’infini potentiel et actuel dans la philosophie des mathématiques de Kant.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 107-15. [M]

Morgan, Diane. “«La terre est une sphère»: la «globalité» et les sciences de la terre chez Kant.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 191-202. [M]

Morris, David. “The Place of the Organism in Kantian Philosophy: Geography, Teleology, and the Limits of Philosophy.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 173-92. [M]

Morujdo, Carlos. “Kant e a Ideia de Europa: uma Interpretação do Opúsculo para a Paz Perpétua.” [Portuguese]  A ideia de Europa de Kant a Hegel. Eds. Carlos Morujão and Cláudia Oliveira (Lisbon: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2011), 223 p. 11-32?. [WC]

Mosayebi, Reza. “Die ‘Definition’ der Vernunftreligion.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 249-70. [M]

Motta, Giuseppe. “Five Meanings of ‘Contingency’ in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.” Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy 22 (2011): 110-23. [PI]

 ——. “Qu’est-ce qu’un postulat? Considérations sur l’anticonstructivisme de Kant.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 137-43. [M]

 ——. “«Ratio fiendi». La redéfinition kantienne des principes fondamentaux de l’ontologie dans la Nova dilucidatio de 1755.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 119-29. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant und Swedenborg, edited by Friedemann Stengel (2008). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 407-11. [M]

Moutsopoulos, Evanghélos. “À propos de l’«astrophysique» kantienne.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 151-55. [M]

Moya, Eugenio. “Kant y la embriología.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 185-224. [M]

Moyar, Dean. “Kantian Right and the Realization of Free Agency.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 124-56. [M]

Moyn, Samuel, and Azzan Yadin-Israel. “The Creaturely Limits of Knowledge: Martin Heidegger’s Theological Critique of Immanuel Kant.” The Weimar Moment: Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law. Eds. Leonard V. Kaplan and Rudy Koshar (Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2011). 123-44. [WC]

Mueller, Axel. “How to Continue Kant’s ‘Perpetual Peace’ with Addams’ ‘Newer Ideals of Peace’.” Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 46 (2011): 93-122. [PI]


 ——. “Does Kantian Mental Content Externalism Help Metaphysical Realists?” Synthese 182.3 (2011): 449-73. [HUM]


Müller, Olaf L. “Hasserfüllte Pazifisten.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 273-96. [M]

Müller, Tim. Der souveräne Mensch: die Anthropologie Heinrich von Kleists. Göttingen: V & R Unipress, 2011. [240 p.] [data] [GVK]


Muglioni, Jean-Michel. La philosophie de l'histoire de Kant: la réponse de Kant à la question: “Qu'est-ce que l'homme?”. Paris: Hermann, 2011. [282 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Enthusiasmus und moralischer Fortschirtt im Streit der Fakultäten.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 197-214. [M]

 ——. “Pourquoi faut-il une philosophie de l’histoire pour répondre à la question «qu’est-ce que l’homme?»?”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 51-67. [WC]

Myhre, Ronny Selbaek. “Spatial Cognition: Kant Redux.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 49-60. [M]

[top]N    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Naemy, Amir. See: Aframjani, Ali-Akbar Ahmadi and Amir Naemy.

Nakajima, Yoshimichi. 悪への自由 : カント倫理学の深層文法 / Aku eno jiyū : kanto rinrigaku no shinsō bunpō. Tokyo: Keisoshobo, 2011. [228 p.] [WC]

Nakano, Hirotaka. “Selbstaffektion in der transzendentalen Deduktion.” Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 213-31. [M]


Nakhimovsky, Isaac. The Closed Commercial State: Perpetual Peace and Commercial Society from Rousseau to Fichte. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011. [x, 203 p.] [M] [review]

Narholz, Christoph. Die Politik des Schönen. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011. [300 p.] [WC]

Natorp, Paul. Tra Kant e Husserl: scritti 1887-1914 [Italian] Transl. from the German by Massimo Ferrari and Gianna Gigliotti. Florence: Le Lettere, 2011. [194 p.] [WC]

Nelson, Eric S. “Kant and China: Aesthetics, Race, and Nature.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 509-25. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of What Is Enlightenment: Can China Answer Kant’s Question?, by Wei Zhang (2010). Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 666-69. [PI]

Neuber, Matthias. “Zwei Formen des transzendentalen Revisionismus: ‘Wissenschaftliche Philosophie’ beim fruhen Ernst Cassirer und beim fruhen Morirtz Schlick.” Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 455-76. [M]

Nielsen, Karen Margrethe. “The Good Will: Aristotle, Kant and the Stoics on What is Good Without Qualification.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 193-205. [M]

Nigro, Roberto. “Um Episódio do debate contemporâneo ao redor da antropologia filosófica.” Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 14-31. [online] [PW]


Nihon kanto kyōkai / 日本カント協会 [Kant Society of Japan]. カントと日本の哲学 / Kanto to nihon no tetsugaku. [Japanese; Philosophy of Kant and Japan] Matsudo: Risōsha, 2011. [249 p.] [WC]

Nikseresht, Iraj. Kant et la possibilité des jugements synthétiques a priori. Paris: Harmattan, 2011. [126 p.] [WC]

Nonnenmacher, Burkhard. “Der Begriff sogenannter Gnadenmittel unter der Idee eines reinen Religionsglaubens.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 211-29. [M]

 ——. “»Genau zu reden, hat also die Organisation der Natur nichts Analogisches mit irgend einer Causalität, die wir kennen.« Überlegungen zu Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.”  Subjekt und Gehirn, Mensch und Natur. Eds. Christoph Asmuth and Patrick Grüneberg (op cit.). 235-50. [WC]

Noras, Andrzej Jan. See: Bęben, Dariusz and Andrzej Jan Noras, eds.

Norcross, Alastair. “Beastly Violence, or How Kant Screws Everything up Yet Again.” Southwest Philosophy Review 27.2 (2011): 63-66. [PDC]

Norris, Christopher. “‘Second Nature’, Knowledge, and Normativity: Revisiting McDowell’s Kant.” Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy 27 (2011): 64-107. [online] [PI]


Notturni, Loris. “Ontology and Transcendental Critique: A Historical Discussion.” [Bulgarian] Philosophical Alternative (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) 20.5 (2011): 5-18. [PI]


Nuyen, A. T. “The Kantian Good Will and the Confucian Sincere Will.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 526-37. [PI]


Nuzzo, Angelica. “The Voice, the Body, and the Mind: Reflections in the Aftermath of Kant and Herder.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature” 44.1 (2011): 121-37. [MUSE]


[top]O    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Oberhausen, Michael, ed. See: Kant, Immanuel. Der einzig mögliche Beweisgrund zu einer Demonstration des Daseins Gottes.

Ochoa, Hugo. “Encuentros y desencuentros del idealismo alemán: A propósito de la publicación Correspondencia: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel.” [Spanish] Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofia 60.147 (2011): 7-24. [PI]


Øfsti, Audun. “The Turntable: Two Intersecting Transformation Spaces or Frames.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 135-59. [M]

Oittinen, Vesa. “A Kantian Utopia in Russia: Erikh Solov'ëv.” Studies in East European Thought 63.1 (2011): 75-86. [PQ]


Olmedo, Pablo. “Kant, Nietzsche y el problema de la existencia moral.” [Spanish] Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 29-49. [online][PW]


Oktar, Sibel. “Transcendental Ethics.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 213-25. [PI]


Olaru, Bogdan. “Prolegomena at a Critique of Reasonable Reason: On the Practical Gains of the Theoretical Antinomies.” [Romanian] Revista de Filosofie (Romania) 58 (2011): 103-16. [PI]


O'Neill, Onora. “Kant’s Conception of Public Reason.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 138-49. [M]

 ——. “Orientation in Thinking: Geographical Problems, Political Solutions.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 215-32. [M]

Onnasch, Ernst-Otto. “Der Briefwechsel zwischen Immanuel Kant und Jeronimo de Bosch. Oder ein Beitrag zum holländisch-deutschen Austausch über die kritische Philosophie.” Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 89-112. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Königsberg 1724-1804. Materialien zum politischen, sozialen und geistesgeschichtlichen Hintergrund von Leben und Werk Immanuel Kants, edited by Bernd Dörflinger, James Jakob Fehr, and Rudolf Malter (2009). [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73 (2011): 169-70. [M]

Onof, Christian. “Thinking the In-itself and Its Relation to Appearances.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 211-35. [M]

 ——. “Moral Worth and Inclinations in Kantian Ethics.” Kant Studies Online, 116-61; posted April 7, 2011. [M] [online]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide, edited by Jens Timmermann (2009). The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 410-12.

Orth, Ernst Wolfgang. “Husserl und die Idee im Kantischen Sinne.” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 157-64. [M]

[top]P    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Paccioni, Jean-Paul. “Qu’est-ce qui est dogmatique? La pensée wolffienne et l’articulation du critique et du dogmatique selon la Critique de la raison pure.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 101-18. [M]

Palazzo, Sandro. “Sintesi e tempo: Trasformazione del trascendentale kantiano nella filosofia de Deleuze.” [Italian] Dianoia: Annali di Storia della Filosofia 16 (2011): 149-80. [PI]


Palmer, Linda. “On the Necessity of Beauty.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 350-66. [M]


Palmquist, Stephen R. “Introduction: Levels of Perspectives in Kant and Chinese Philosophy.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 505-08. [PI]


 ——. “Architectonic Reasoning and Interpretation in Kant and the Yi jing.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 569-83. [PI]


 ——. “The Kantian Grounding of Einstein’s Worldview: (II) Simultaneity, Synthetic Apriority and the Mystical.” Polish Journal of Philosophy 5.1 (2011): 97-116. [PW]


Panknin-Schappert, Helke. “Emmanuel Kant, Charles Darwin et la science de la biologie au XVIIIe siècle. La dialectique de la faculté de juger téléologique.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 267-74. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Immanuel Kant, Kritik der Urteilskraft, ed. by Otfried Höffe (2008). [German] Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 258-60. [M]

Parellada, Ricardo. “Kant y la geometría.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 30-40. [M]

Parker, Kelly A. Rev. of Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze and Aesthetics, by Steven Shaviro (2009). Review of Metaphysics 64.3 (2011): 658-59. [PI]

Parszutowicz, Przemyslaw, and Maciej Soin, eds. Idea transcendentalizmu: od Kanta do Wittgensteina. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2011. [471 p.] [WC]

Pasternack, Lawrence. “The Development and Scope of Kantian Belief: The Highest Good, the Practical Postulates, and the Fact of Reason.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 290-315. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Doctrinal Belief in God.” Rethinking Kant, vol. 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 200-18. [M]

 ——. “Regulative Principles and the ‘Wise Author of Nature’.” Religious Studies 47.4 (2011): 411-429. [PW]


 ——. Review of Kant and Theology at the Boundaries of Reason, by Chris Firestone (2009). Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 495-98. [M]

Patrone, Tatiana. “Kant’s Rechtslehre and Ideas of Reason.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 115-33. [M]

Patton, Lydia. “The Paradox of Infinite Given Magnitude: Why Kantian Epistemology Needs Metaphysical Space.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 273-89. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science, edited by Mary Domski and Michael Dickson (2010). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (April 2011, #8). [online] [M]

Paulo Rouanet, Luiz. “Da Metafísica da natureza para a física – parte I.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 32-42. [online] [PW]


Pavão, Aguinaldo. “Como concordar com a filosofia moral de Kant e discordar de seu opúsculo sobre a mentira: observações sobre ética e direito em Sobre um suposto direito de mentir por amor à humanidade.” [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 71-83. [online] [PW]


Pavesich, Vida. “The Anthropology of Hope and the Philosophy of History: Rethinking Kant’s Third and Fourth Questions with Blumenberg and McCarthy.” Thesis eleven 104 (2011): 20-39. [PQ]


Pawliszyn, Aleksandra. “Transcendentality as an Ontic Transgression.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 103-10. [PI]


Payne, Charlton. “Kant’s Parergonal Politics: The Sensus Communis and the Problem of Political Action.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 245-59. [M]

 —— and Lucas Thorpe, eds. Kant and the Concept of Community. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2011. [vi, 321 p.] [M] [review]


Pedroso de Lima, João Tiago. “Efeitos e afectos de Kant na estética fenomenológica de M. Dufrenne. A noção de a priori afectivo.”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 219-25. [WC]

Pelletier, Arnaud. “L’érosion et la boule de feu: difficultés et tâches d’une science de la Terre selon Kant (1754-1764).”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 203-11. [M]

Pellisari, Mauro. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Action, by Richard McCarty (2009). [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 102-7. [online] [PW]

Penny, Laura. Rev. of Kant and Milton, by Sanford Budick (2010). Journal of the History of Philosophy 49.4 (2011): 503-4. [M]

Pentzopoulou-Valalas, Thérèse. “Transcendant ontologique et transcendant logique dans la théorie de la connaissance de Kant.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 277-85. [M]

Pereira, Reinaldo Sampaio. “Alguns pontos de aproximação entre a ética aristotélica e a kantiana.” [Portuguese; Some common things between the aristotelian and kantian ethics] Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 34.3 (2011): 31-40. [M]


Perkins, Robert L. Rev. of Freedom and Reason in Kant, Schelling, and Kierkegaard, by Michelle Kosch (2006). Philosophical Review 120 (2011): 134-37. [M]

Peters, Marc. “Le problème des définitions dans l’Ecole de Lwow-Varsovie. Lesniewski versus Kant.” An. Univ. Craiova, Filosofie 28.2 (2011): 129-46. [RC]

Phillips, James. “Placing Ugliness in Kant’s Third Critique: A Reply to Paul Guyer.” Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 385-95. [M]


Philonenko, Alexis. Kant et l’île de la vérité: néant, chose en soi, sujet transcendantal, causalité, grandeur intensive, temps, substance. Paris: Vrin, 2011. [220 p.] [M]

Picardi, Roberta. Rev. of Libertà e moralità. A partire da Kant, by Marco Ivaldo (2009). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 151-55. [M]

Piché, Claude. “Die Entstehung der Illusion in den Paralogismen.” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 47-58. [M]

 ——. “Les triangles sphériques et le paradoxe des objets non congruents.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 55-76. [M]

 ——. “La conscience morale. Kant, héritier de Wolff et de Baumgarten?”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 187-200. [M]

Pickering, Mark. “The Idea of the Systematic Unity of Nature as a Transcendental Illusion.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 429-48. [M]


Pierce, Andrew J. “ Formal Democracy, Structural Violence, and the Possibility of ‘Perpetual Peace’.” Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 21.1 (2011): 31-50. [PDC]


Piercey, Robert. “Kant and the Problem of Hermeneutics: Heidegger and Ricoeur on the Transcendental Schematism.” Idealistic Studies 41.3 (2011): 187-202. [HUM]


Pierobon, Frank. “La conception kantienne des mathématiques.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 25-53. [M]

Pihlström, Sami. “On the Conditions of Discourse and Being: Kantian, Wittgensteinian and Levinasian Perspectives on the Relation between Metaphysics and Ethics.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 71-96. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Baiasu, Sorin, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström, eds.

Pillow, Kirk. “Beauty: subjective purposiveness.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 155-69. [M]

Pinheiro, Letícia Machado. “Kant e o resgate do bem na natureza humana decaída.” [Portuguese] Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 34.2 (2011): 53-69. [PI]


Pinzani, Alessandro. “Botanische Anthropologie und physikalische Staatslehre. Zum Fünften und Sechsten Satz der Idee.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 63-78. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Direitos Humanos em Kant e Habermas, by Milene C. Tonetto (2010). [Portuguese] ethic@ 10.1 (2011): 179-84. [M] [online]

Piper, Mark. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy, by Anne Margaret Baxley (2010). International Philosophical Quarterly 51.3 (2011): 412-15. [M] [online]

Pires, Teresinha Inês Teles. O primado da razão prática em Kant. [Portuguese; The Primacy of Practical Reason in Kant] Núria Fabris, 2011. [#, # p.] [WC]

Pissis, Jannis. “Begründung im Unbedingten als unabweisbares Problem. Die Funktion von Kants transzendentaler Dialektik.”  Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Ed. Elena Ficara (op cit.). 209-19. [WC]

Placencia, Luis. “Kant y la voluntad como ‘razón práctica’.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 63-104. [PI]


Poddyakov, A. N. “Is it acceptable to lie to a murderer in order to prevent a crime: An analysis of historical polemic.” Cultural-Historical Psychology 1 (2011): 28-41. [PsycINFO]


Poliakova, Ekaterina A. “‘Vermöge eines Vermögens’.” Russian Studies in Philosophy 50.1 (2011): 14-33. [HUM]


Pollmann, Arnd. “Der Kummer der Vernunft. Zu Kants Idee einer allgemeinen Geschichtsphilosophie in therapeutischer Absicht.” Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 69-88. [M]


Pollok, Konstantin. “Reflexion und Untersuchung in Kants logischem Expressivismus.”  Robert Brandom’s expressive Vernunft. Eds. Barth, Christian and Holger Sturm (op cit.). 117-45. [WC]

Poma, A. “The Critical Philosophy of Hermann Cohen. Chapter 6: Ethics.” [Russian] Translated from the Italian by Olga A. Popova Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 73-82. [M]

Ponchio, Alice. Etica e diritto in Kant: un’interpretazione comprensiva della morale kantiana. Pisa: ETS, 2011. [190 p.] [WC]

Popova, Varvara S. “Kul’turnye osnovanija stilja filosofstvovanija.” [Russian; “ultural foundations of the style of philosophising (a comparison of N. O. Lossky's oeuvre with I. Kant's anthropology)] Kantovskij Sbornik 38 (2011-4): 75-85. [M]


Povilaitis, Vladas J. “The Basic Concepts of F. A. Stepun’s Philosophy of History.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 55-59. [M]

Pozzo, Ricardo. Rev. of Kant im Spiegel der russischen Kantforschung heute, Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung, edited by Nelly Motroschilowa and Norbert Hinske (2008). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 406-7 [M]

 ——. Rev. of Philosophia transcendentalis: La questione antepredicativa e l’analogia tra la Scolastica e Kant, by Francesco Valerio Tommasi (2008). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 411-12. [M]

 ——. See: Lessing, Hans-Ulrich, Rudolf A. Makkreel, and Riccardo Pozzo, eds.

Presto, Jenifer. “The Aesthetics of Disaster: Blok, Messina, and the Decadent Sublime.” Slavic Review 70 (2011): 259-90. [PI]


Pribytkova, Elena. “Menschenwürde und Gerechtigkeit bei Immanuel Kant, Vladimir Solov'ev und John Rawls.” Pravda: Diskurse der Gerechtigkeit in der russischen Ideengeschichte: Beiträge der Tagung der Forschungsgruppe “Russische Philosophie” und des Verbundprojekts “Kulturen der Gerechtigkeit”, Bochum, 29.-30. Oktober 2009. Eds. Holger Kusse and N. S. Plotnikov (Munich: Sagner). #-#. [WC]

Principe, Salvatore. Kant: la capacità di giudicare: il ruolo del giudizio nell'organon della ragione pratica. [Italian; Kant, The Ability to Judge: The Role of Judgment in the Organon of Practical Reason] Naples: Giannini, 2011. [xxi, 132 p.] [WC]

Pringe, Hernán. “The Fiction of the Affecting Object in Hans Vaihinger’s Philosophy.” Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 105-18. [M]

Protevi, John. Rev. of Kant, Deleuze and Architectonics, by Edward Willatt (2010). Philosophy in Review 31 (2011): 239-41. [online] [M]

Proulx, Jeremy. “Nature, Judgment and Art: Kant and the Problem of Genius.” Kant Studies Online, posted January 31, 2011. 27 pp. [M] [online]

Prunea-Bretonnet, Tinca. “De l’ontologie à la philosophie transcendantale: dans quelle mesure Kant est-il wolffien?”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 147-61. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Grapotte, Sophie and Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet, eds.

Purdy, Daniel L. On the Ruins of Babel: Architectural Metaphor in German Thought. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011. [x, 316 p.] []


[top]Q    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Quarfood, Marcel. “Discursivity and Transcendental Idealism.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 143-58. [M]

Qi, Liangji. 康德的知识学 / Kangde de zhi shi xue. [Chinese; Kant’s Theory of Knowledge] Bejing: Shang wu yin shu guan, 2011. [x, 502 p.] [WC]

[top]R    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Rabaté, Jean-Michel. “Beckett's Three Critiques: Kant’s Bathos and the Irish Chandos.” Modernism/modernity 18.4 (2011): 699-719. [MUSE]

Raulet, Gérard. “Les passages politiques de Kant.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 17-34. [WC]

Reath, Andews. “Will, Obligatory Ends and the Completion of Practical Reason: Comments on Barbara Herman’s Moral Literacy.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 1-15. [M]


Recki, Birgit. “Kant’s Aesthetics of Morals.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 43-52. [M]

Redding, Paul. “The Metaphysical and Theological Commitments of Idealism: Kant, Hegel, Hegelianism.” Politics, Religion, and Art: Hegelian Debates. Ed. Douglass Moggach (Evanston, Ill: Northwestern University Press, 2011; vii, 360 pp.). 47-65. [WC]

 ——. Rev. of Having the World in View: Essays on Kant, Hegel, and Sellars, by John McDowell (2009). Philosophical Review 120 (2011): 137-40. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Karl Leonhard Reinhold and the Enlightenment, edited by George di Giovanni (2010). Philosophy in Review 31.4 (2011): 256-59. [online] [PW]

Rego, Pedro Costa. “Universalidade estética e universalidad lógica: Notas sobre o §8 da ‘Crítica do Juízo’ de Kant.” [Portuguese] Trans/Form/Ação: Revista de Filosofia 34-supplement 2 (2011): 3-20. [PI]


Regvald, Richard. “Kant et le rêve de l’Organon.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 243-53. [M]

Reinhardt, Olaf. “Translating Kant’s Physical Geography: Travails and Insights into Eighteenth Century Science (and Philosophy).” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 103-14. [M]

Reinhold, Karl Leonhard. Essay on a New Theory of the Human Capacity for Representation. Transl. by Timothy J. Mehigan and Barry Empson Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. [xxv, 311 p.] [WC]

Renz, Ursula. “Von Marburg nach Pittsburgh: Philosophie als Transzendentalphilosophie.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59.2 (2011): 249-70. [PI]


Repo, Arto. See: Korte, Tapio and Arto Repo.

Rettig, Cristián. Rev. of Libertad, objeto práctico y acción: La facultad del juicio en la filosofía moral de Kant, by José M. Torralba (2009). Anuario Filosofico 44.3 (2011): 654-57. [PI]

Ribeiro dos Santos, Leonel. “Neokantismo e Ficcionalismo. Hans Vaihinger e a sua «Filosofia do Como se».”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 205-18. [WC]

Ricken, Friedo. “‘Vom Dienst Gottes in einer Religion überhaupt’.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 173-91. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Moraltheologie: Ethische Zugänge zur Religion, by Dieter Witschen (2009). Theologie und Philosophie: Vierteljahresschrift 86.3 (2011): 427-29. [PI]

Rickman, Peter. “Having Trouble with Kant?” Philosophy Now 86 (2011): 10-12. [HUM]


Rice, Stephen. See: Trafimow, David, Gayle Hunt, Stephen Rice, and Kasha Geels.

Rivera de Rosales, Jacinto. El punto de partida de la metafísica transcendental: un estudio crítico de la obra kantiana. [Spanish] Madrid: Xorki, 2011. [325 p.] [WC]

 ——. “La finalidad en la Naturaleza y la biología. Releyendo a Kant.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 138-64. [M]

Rivero, Gabriel. Rev. of La existencia del mundo exterior. Un estudio sobre la refutación kantiana del idealismo, by Santiago Echeverri (2008). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 403-6. [M]

Robinson, Daniel N. How is Nature Possible? Kants Project in the First Critique. New York: Continuum, 2011. [xii, 200 p.] [WC]


Rocco Lozano, Valerio, and Marco Sgarbi. Diritto e storia in Kant e Hegel [Italian; Law and history in Kant and Hegel]. Trento: Verifiche, 2011. [237 p.] [WC]

Roche, Andrew F. “Allais on Transcendental Idealism.” Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 351-74. [M]


Rockmore, Tom. Kant and Phenomenology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011. [258 p.] [M] [review]


Rodi, Frithjof. “Dilthey zwischen Kant and Goethe.” Recent Contributions to Dilthey’s Philosophy of the Human Sciences. Eds. Hans-Ulrich Lessing, et al. (op cit.). 135-53. [M]

Rödl, Sebastian. “Der Inhalt der Kategorien nach Kant, Quine und Brandom.”  Robert Brandom’s expressive Vernunft. Eds. Barth, Christian and Holger Sturm (op cit.). 147-57. [WC]

Römer, Inga. “Das Tragische im Ethischen. Eine Untersuchung des ethischen Personalismus im Ausgang von Kant und Hegel.”  Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität in der Phänomenologie. Ed. Inga Römer (Würzburg: Ergon, 2011), 251 p. 215-31. [WC]

Rößner, Christian. “Das Datum der Vernunft. Zur Rekonstruktion der Grundlegung von Kants praktischer Metaphysik im Ausgang von Emmanuel Levinas.”  Subjektivität und Intersubjektivität in der Phänomenologie. Ed. Inga Römer (Würzburg: Ergon, 2011), 251 p. 187-99. [WC]

Rogozinski, Jacob. “The Sublime Monster.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 159-68. [M]

Rohlf, Michael. “Kant’s Early Ethics.” American Dialectic 1.1 (2011): 137-66. [online] [M]

Rokstad, Konrad. “Historicity and Transcendental Philosophy: Husserl and the Problem of Kant’s Philosophy — A Phenomenological Reflection.” Transcendentalism Overturned. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 13-39. [PI]


Rollmann, Veit-Justus. See: Hahmann, Andree and Veit-Justus Rollmann.

Romagnoli, Nathalie Maillard. “La notion de devoir envers soi-même est-elle logiquement incohérente?” Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie 143.1 (2011): 51-66. [PI]


Rorty, Amelie. “Kant on Two Modalities of Friendship.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 33-51. [M]

Rosas, Alejandro. “Kant y el sueño de la ciencia unificada.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 312-19. [M]

Rosefeldt, Tobias. “Frege, Pünjer, and Kant on Existence.” Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie 82 (2011): 329-51. [PI]


Rosenkoetter, Timothy. “Kant on Construction, Apriority, and the Moral Relevance of Universalization.” British Journal of the History of Philosophy 19.6 (2011): 1143-74. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Theory of Action, by Richard McCarty (2009). European Journal of Philosophy 19.4 (2011): 640-46. [PI]

Rossi, Miguel Ángel, and Luis Félix Blengino. “La lógica del neoliberalismo a partir de la interlocución de Immanuel Kant y la impronta de Michel Foucault.” [Spanish] Crisis y metamorfosis del Estado argentino: el paradigma neoliberal en los noventa. Eds. Miguel Ángel Rossi and Andrea López (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Luxemburg). 19-46??. [WC]

Rostbøll, Christian F. “From the Standpoint of Practical Reason: A Reply to Tønder.” Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy 39.3 (2011): 386-93. [PI]


Roth, Klas. “Principles of the Unification of our Agency.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 43.3 (2011): 283-97. [PQ]


 ——. “Good Will: Cosmopolitan Education as a Site for Deliberation.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (2011): 298-312. [PQ]


Roth, S. “Mathematics and Biology: A Kantian View on the History of Pattern Formation Theory.” Development Genes And Evolution 221 (2011): 255-79. [MEDLINE]


Rovira, Rogelio. “Kant ante la cuestión de la pneumatología.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 281-311. [PI]


 ——. “¿Es 7+5=12 un juicio sintético? Examen de las razones de Kant (y de Schultz).” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 17-29. [M]

Rueger, Alexander. “Systematicity and Symbolisation in Kant’s Deduction of Judgements of Taste.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 232-51. [PI]

Ruffing, Margit. “Pratique de la raison – théorie de l’expérience vécue. Quelques réflexions sur Dilthey et Kant.”  Figuras da Racionalidade: Neokantismo e Fenomenologia. Ed. Olivier Feron (op cit.). 31-37. [WC]

 ——. “Kant-Bibliographie 2009.” Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 499-540. [M]

 ——. “La théologie, une science de la révélation?”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 203-12. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Grapotte, Sophie, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing, eds.

Rühl, Ulli F. H. See: Mohr, Georg and Ulli. F. H. Rühl.

Ruiz Méndez, Alberto. “Kant en la filosofía política contemporánea.” Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 221-47. [PI]


Rumore, Paola. “Logica e metodo. La presenza di Georg Friedrich Meier nella Disciplina della ragion pura.” [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 93-104. [M]

 ——. “Materie und Form der Vorstellung: Kant und sein historischer Hintergrund.” Facetten der Kantforschung. Eds. Christoph Böhr and Heinrich P. Delfosse (op cit.). 121-41. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Metaphysica / Metaphysik, by Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, edited by Günter Gawlick and Lothar Kreimandahl (2011). [Italian] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 185-88. [M]

 ——. See: Madonna, Luigi Cataldi and Paola Rumore, eds.

Rumyantseva, Tatyana G. “I. Kant, Je. Svedenborg i metafizika sverhchuvstvennogo.” [Russian; Immanuel Kant, Emanuel Swedenborg and the metaphysics of the supersensible] Kantovskij Sbornik 38 (2011-4): 7-16. [M]

Rusnock, Paul. “Kant and Bolzano on Logical Form.” Kant-Studien 102.4 (2011): 477-91. [M]


Ruthrof, Horst. “From Kant’s Monogram to Conceptual Blending.” Philosophy Today 55.2 (2011): 111-26. [M]


[top]S    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Saage, Richard. “Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) als politischer Denker.” Politische Theorien des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts: Staat und Politik in Deutschland. Eds. Bernd Heidenreich and Gerhard Göhler (Darmstadt: Verlag Philipp von Zabern). 239-57. [WC]

Sabbatini, Carlo. “Il sovrano come ideale della ragione: sulle implicazioni giuridico-politiche dell’ipostasi kantiana del potere.” [Italian] Filosofia Politica 25.1 (2011): 107-20. [PI]

Sagemüller, Franz. “La métaphysique comme science en raison de la conscience.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 197-201. [M]

Salikov, Alexei N. “The Russians in Kant-Studien. Part I: Vaihinger’s Kant-Studien (1896-1933).” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 95-106. [M]

Sánchez Madrid, Nuria. “La Distribución de la Naturaleza Humana en Temperamentos. Modos de Sentir y Ejercicio de la Libertad en la Antropología en Sentido Pragmático de Kant.” [Spanish] Philosophica 37 (2011): 75-90. [M] [online]


Sans, Georg. Rev. of Kants Deduktion des Rechts als intelligibler Besitz: Kants ‘Privatrecht’ zwischen vernunftrechtlicher Notwendigkeit und juristischer Kontingenz, by Ulli F. H. Rühl (2010). Gregorianum 92.2 (2011): 641-43. [PI]

Santos, Robinson dos. “O Conceito de Klugheit em Kant.” [Portuguese] Philosophica 37 (2011): 91-106. [M] [online]


 ——. “A concepção de justiça penal na Doutrina do Direito de Kant.” [Portuguese; The concept of punishment in Kant’s doctrine of right] ethic@ 10.3 (2011): 103-14. [M] [online]


Sardinha, Diogo. “Kant, Foucault e a antropologia pragmática.” Kant e-Prints 6.2 (2011): 43-58. [online] [PW]


 ——. “Le paradoxe de l’anthropologie.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 331-40. [M]

Sargentis, Konstantinos. “Das Böse als Selbstverhältnis des Guten. Zum Problem der Stufen des ‘bösen Herzens’ bei Kant.” Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 36 (2011): 49-69. [M]


Sarmiento, Gustavo. “De la ontología pre-crítica a la teoría trascendental de la materia: Sobre los puntos de vista de Kant en torno a las fuerzas de la materia y sus antecedentes en las ideas de los seguidores de Newton.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 48-87. [M]

Satkunanandan, Shalini. “The Extraordinary Categorical Imperative.” Political Theory 39.2 (2011): 234-60. [PI]


Sauerwald, Gregor. “Kant resucitado junto a un renacimiento de Hegel en las últimas generaciones de la teoría crítica.” [Spanish] Philosophica 37 (2011): 111-27. [M] [online]

Saunders, Joe. Rev. of Custom and Reason in Hume: A Kantian Reading of the First Book of the Treatise, by Henry Allison (2008). Kant Studies Online (2011): 229-41; posted December 17, 2011. [M] [online]

Schapiro, Tamar. “Foregrounding Desire: A Defense of Kant’s Incorporation Thesis.” Journal of Ethics 15.3 (2011): 147-67. [PI]


Schäfer, Rainer. “Das bipolare Ich - Analytische und synthetische Einheit der Apperzeption in Kants Kategoriendeduktion.”  Die Begründung der Philosophie im Deutschen Idealismus. Ed. Elena Ficara (op cit.). 245-72. [WC]

Schark, Marianne. “Wie aktuell ist Kants Auflösung des Naturteleologie-Problems?” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 14 (2011): 125-54. [PI]


Schedler, George. “Retributivism and Fallible Systems of Punishment.” Criminal Justice Ethics 30.3 (2011): 240-66. [PI]


Scherer, Berta Rieg. “The Concept of Virtue in Kant.” Poiésis - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação 4.7 (2011): 79-90. [online] [WC]


Schick, Friedrike. “Von der Unmöglichkeit eines ontologischen Beweises vom Dasein Gottes. Bleibt das absolutenotwendige Wesen ein denkmögliches Ideal?” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 85-102. [M]

Schick, Stefan. “Die dreifache Stellung des Denkens zur Unmittelbarkeit im Ausgang von Kants Kritik der intellektuellen Anschauung.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59.5 (2011): 679-95. [M]


Schlicht, Tobias. “Non-conceptual Content and the Subjectivity of Consciousness.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19.3 (2011): 491-520. [PI]


Schlosser, Markus. Rev. of Self-Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity, by Christine M. Korsgaard (2009). The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 212-14. [online] [M]

Schmidt, James. “Misunderstanding the Question: ‘What is Enlightenment?’: Venturi, Habermas, and Foucault.” History of European Ideas 37.1 (2011): 43-52. [PQ]


Schmidt, Manuel. Legitime Gewalt in den Naturzuständen bei Kant. Göttingen: V & R Unipress, 2011. [193 p.] [data] [M]


Schmidt, Stephan. “Mou Zongsan, Hegel, and Kant: The Quest for Confucian Modernity.” Philosophy East and West 61.2 (2011): 260-301. [MUSE]


Schneider, Ruben. Kant und die Existenz Gottes: eine Analyse zu den ontologischen Implikationen in Kants Lehre vom transzendentalen Ideal. Münster, Westf.: LIT, 2011. [238 p.] [GVK]

Schönecker, Dieter. “Kants Grundlegung über den bösen Willen. Eine kommentarische Interpretation von GMS 457.25-458.5.” Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 73-91. [M]

 ——, Dennis Schulting, and Niko Strobach. “Kants kopernikanisch-newtonische Analogie.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59.4 (2011): 497-18. [M]


 ——. and Allen W. Wood. Kants Grundlegungen zur Metaphysik der Sitten: ein einführender Kommentar. 4th ed., revised with an updated bibliography. Paderborn/Munich/Vienna/Zürich: Schöningh, 2011. [221 p.] [WC]

 ——. See: Bacin, Stefano and Dieter Schönecker.

Schönwälder-Kuntze, Tatjana. Die Figur des “Wetteifers” und ihre Funktion in Kants Ethik. Halle: Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsethik an der Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 2011. [32 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Auf wen oder was antwortet ‘Verantwortung’? Zur Genealogie (und Pathologie) des Verantwortungsdenkens.” Jahrbuch fuer Recht und Ethik 19 (2011): 367-95. [PI]


Schröder, Wolfgang M. “Freiheit im Großen ist nichts als Natur. Kants Idee zu einer allgemeinen Gechichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Einleitung und Erster und Zweiter Satz.” Immanuel Kant, Schriften zur Geschichtsphilosophie. Ed. Otfried Höffe (op cit.). 29-44. [M]

Schulting, Dennis. “Kant’s Idealism: The Current Debate.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 1-25. [M]


 ——. “Limitation and Idealism: Kant’s ‘Long’ Argument from the Categories.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 159-91. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Transcendental Arguments: Disciplining Pure Reason, by Scott Stapleford (2008). Kant Studies Online, 105-15; posted March 23, 2011. [M] [online]

 —— and Jacco Verburgt, eds. Kant’s Idealism: New Interpretations of a Controversial Doctrine. Dordrecht/Heidelberg/London/New York: Springer, 2011. [xviii, 259 p.] [contents] [M]


 ——. See: Schönecker, Dieter, Dennis Schulting and Niko Strobach.

 ——. See: Banham, Gary, Nigel Hems, and Dennis Schulting, eds.

Schüssler, Ingeborg. “Les mathématiques dans la cosmologie ancienne et dans les sciences modernes de la nature. Aristote et Kant.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 77-85. [M]

Schwaiger, Clemens. Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten — ein intellektuelles Porträt. Studien zur Metaphysik und Ethik von Kants Leitautor. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 2011. [216 p.] [data] [M]


Schwarz, G. and M. Wunsch. “Limitation als Erkenntnisfunktion der Einbildungskraft. Eine Strukturverwandtschaft zwischen reiner Vernunft­erkenntnis und reiner sinnlicher Erkenntnis bei Kant.” Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 52 (2011): #. [PW]

Sedgwick, Sally. “‘Letting the Phenomena In’: On How Herman’s Kantianism Does and Does Not Answer the Empty Formalism Critique.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 33-47. [M]


 ——. “Hegel on the Empty Formalism of Kant’s Categorical Imperative.” A Companion to Hegel. Eds. Stephen Houlgate and Michael Baur (op cit.). 265-80. [PI]

Segura Peraita, Carmen. “Heidegger: La copertenencia de ‘De-sein’ y ser: Una confrontación con Kant.” [Spanish] Pensamiento: Revista de Investigación e Información Filosofíca 67 (2011): 295-320. [PI]


Seidengart, Jean. “La devenir de la Théorie du ciel dans l’oeuvre de Kant et sa réception dans l’astronomie de H. Olbers.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 121-40. [M]

Semenov, Valery E. “Transcendental Logic and Analytic of Concepts.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 7-23. [M]

 ——. “Vtoroe primenenie transcendental’noj logiki.” [Russian; The Second Application of Transcendental Logic] Kantovskij Sbornik 37 (2011-3): 18-32. [M]

Senković, Željko. “Horizont egzistencijalne antropologije — Heidegger, Kant, Scheler.” [Croatian] Filozofska istraživanja 31.3 (2011): 523-35. [data/pdf] [WC]


Sensen, Oliver. Kant on Human Dignity. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2011. [xii, 230 p.] [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Conception of Inner Value.” European Journal of Philosophy 19.2 (2011): 262-80. [PW]


Serck-Hanssen, Camilla. “Der Nutzen von Illusionen. Ist die Idee der Seele unentbehrlich?” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 59-70. [M]

Sesemann, V. E. “The Real Attitude and the ‘Pure’ (Attitudeless) Knowledge. From the Manuscript Heritage.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 83-89. [M]

Sgarbi, Marco. Immanuel Kant, Critica del Juicio. Translation into Spanish, by Jaime González-Capitel, of an updated version of La logica dell’irrazionale. Madrid: Maia, 2011. [202 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Kant e la filosofia trascendentale scolastica.” [Italian] Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana 90 (2011): 163-76. [M]


 ——. “The Historical Genesis of Kantian Concept of Transcendental.” Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte. 53 (2011): 97-117. [PW]

 ——. “Kant e i figli di Diotima.” [Italian] Iride. 62 (2011): 171-179. [PW]

 ——. “Antropologia trascendentale e spontaneità in Kant.” [Italian] Agorà. Papeles de filosofia. 30 (2011): 49-61. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Kant-Index, Band 30: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum Naturrecht Feyerabend: Teilband 1: Einleitung des Naturrechts Feyerabend, edited by Heinrich P. Delfosse, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni (2010). Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 66.3 (2011): 595-97. [PI]

 ——, ed. See: Lozano, Valerio Rocco and Marco Sgarbi, eds.

Shabel, Lisa. Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Philosophy: Reflections on Mathematical Practice. London: Routledge, 2011. [xii, 178 p.] [WC]

Shaddock, Justin. Rev. of Kant and the Concept of Community, edited by Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (July 2011, #35). [online] [M]

Shahabi, Parviz Zia’ and Parish Kusheshi. “Heidegger’s Interpretation of Schematism and Imagination in Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy.” [Farsi] History of Philosophy: Journal of the International Society of the History of Philosophy 1.4 (2011): 25-41. [PI]


Shell, Susan Meld “Kant’s Conception of the Nation-State and the Idea of Europe.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 226-44. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Secular Religion: Philosophical Theodicy and The Book of Job.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 20-32. [M]

Shen, Aimin. The Limits of Language: A Comparative Study of Kant, Wittgenstein, and Lao Tzu. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011. [vi, 221 p.] [WC]

Sherman, Nancy. “Aristotle, the Stoics, and Kant on Anger.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 215-40. [M]

Shilliam, Robbie. “Decolonising the Grounds of Ethical Inquiry: A Dialogue between Kant, Foucault and Glissant.” Millenium 39 (2011): 649-65. [PQ]


Shuster, Arthur. “Kant on the Role of the Retributive Outlook in Moral and Political Life.” Review of Politics 73.3 (2011): 425-48. [PI]


Sidorov, Alexey M. “The ‘Aesthetic Turn’: From Kant and Romanticism to Modern Philosophy.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 52-59. [M]

Siebel, Mark. “‘It Falls Somewhat Short of Logical Precision’: Bolzano on Kant’s Definition of Analyticity.” Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie 82 (2011): 91-127. [PI]


Simian V, Rafael. “La existencia y la fundamentación de la metafísica.” [Spanish] Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofia 60 (2011): 113-41. [PI]


 ——. “Perspectiva, unidad y alcance de las críticas kantianas a dos interpretaciones de ‘existe’: ‘Kritik der reinen Vernunft’ A 592-602/B 620-630 (II).” [Spanish] Anuario Filosofico 44.3 (2011): 583-600. [PI]


Skees, Murray W. “Kant, Adorno, and the ‘Work’ of Art.” Philosophy and Social Criticism 37.8 (2011): 915-33. [PI]


Skjei, Erling. “A Pyrrhonian Critique of Descartes' Critique of Global Scepticism.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 95-106. [M]

Skorupski, John. “Impartiality: Kant, Mill, Sidgwick.” Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Henry Sidgwick: Ethics, Psychics, Politics. Eds. Placido Bucolo, Roger Crisp, and Bart Schultz (Catania: CUECM, 2011). 634-79. [PI]

Slote, Michael. “The Problem We All Have with Deontology.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 260-70. [M]

Smit, Houston, and Mark Timmons. “The Moral Significance of Gratitude in Kant’s Ethics.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 49.4 (2011): 295-320. [PI]


Smith, Joel. “Strawson on Other Minds.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 184-208. [M]

 —— and Peter M. Sullivan. “Introduction: Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 125. [M]

 —— and Peter M. Sullivan, eds. Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. [212 p.] [M]


Sneddon, Andrew. “A New Kantian Response to Maxim-Fiddling.” Kantian Review 16.1 (2011): 67-88. [M]


Soares, Antônio Jorge. “O problema da equidade da pena na doutrina do direito de Kant.” [Portuguese; The issue of the measure’s fairness in Kant’s doctrine of right] Direito e Liberdade 13.2 (2011): 31-44. [online] [M]


Soin, Maciej. See: Parszutowicz, Przemyslaw and Maciej Soin, eds.

Sparling, Robert Alan. Johann Georg Hamann and the Enlightenment Project. Toronto; Buffalo, N.Y.: University of Toronto Press, 2011. [xx, 341 p.] [WC]


Spector, Stanley J. “Solomon Maimon and Immanuel Kant: The Question of Anti-Semitism.” Romanticism/Judaica: A Convergence of Cultures. Ed. Sheila A. Spector (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publ.). 59-68. [M]

Spetschinsky, Sergueї. “Die Natur in der Kritik der Urteilskraft von Kant.”  Subjekt und Gehirn, Mensch und Natur. Eds. Christoph Asmuth and Patrick Grüneberg (op cit.). 251-59. [WC]

Städtler, Michael. Kant und die Aporetik moderner Subjektivität: zur Verschränkung historischer und systematischer Momente im Begriff der Selbstbestimmung. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011. [626 p.] [WC]


Stafecka, Mara. “Kant and the Beginnings of German Transcendentalism: Heidegger and Mamardashvili.” Transcendentalism Overturned. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 261-68. [PI]


Stan, Marius. “Kant and Philosophy of Science Today.” HOPOS: The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 1.2 (2011): 364-67. [HUM]

 ——. “Rebellious Wolffian: Kant’s Philosophy of Mechanics in 1758.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 158-79. [M]

Stang, Nicholas F. “Did Kant Conflate the Necessary and the ‘A Priori’?” Noûs 45.3 (2011): 443-71. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Thinker, by Patricia Kitcher (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (October 2011, #13). [online] [M]

Stanguennec, André. Rev. of Les métamorphoses du transcendantal: Parcours multiples de Kant à Deleuze, edited by Gaetano Rametta (2009). Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger 201.2 (2011): 293-94. [PI]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Begriff der Sinnlichkeit: Seine Unterscheidung zwischen apriorischen und aposteriorischen Elementen der sinnlichen Erkenntnis und deren lateinische Vorlagen, by Takeshi Nakazawa (2009). Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Etranger 201.4 (2011): 591-92. [PI]

Stark, Werner. “Kant’s Lectures on ‘Physical Geography’: A Brief Outline of Its Origins, Transmission, and Development: 1754–1805.” Transl. from the German by Olaf Reinhardt. Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 69-85. [M]

 ——. “Historical and Philological References on the Question of a Possible Hierarchy of Human ‘Races’, ‘Peoples’, or ‘Populations’ in Immanuel Kant — A Supplement.” Transl. from the German by Olaf Reinhardt. Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 87-102. [M]

 ——. “La géographie physique d’Emmanuel Kant – Avec une perspective sur les auteurs français.”  Kant et les sciences. Un dialogue philosophique avec la pluralité des savoirs. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 171-90. [M]

Stepanenko, Pedro. “Introspection and Self-knowledge in Kant.” Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 1-11. [online][PW]


Stephenson, Andrew. “Kant on Non-Veridical Experience.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 1-22. [M]


Stern, Robert. Understanding Moral Obligation: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. [292 p.] [WC] [review] [review]


 ——. “The Value of Humanity: Reflections on Korsgaard’s Transcendental Argument.” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 74-95. [M]

Stevenson, Leslie Forster. Inspirations from Kant: Essays. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. [vii, 181 p.] [WC] [review]


 ——. “Objects of Representation: Kant’s Copernican Revolution Reinterpreted.” Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy 27 (2011): 4-24. [online] [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Kant’s Human Being: Essays on His Theory of Human Nature, by Robert B. Louden (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (September 2011, #22). [online] [M]

Stiening, Gideon. “Facetten des Fortschritts: Iselin und Kant.” Isaak Iselin und die Geschichtsphilosophie der europäischen Aufklärung. Eds. Lucas Marco Gisi und Wolfgang Rother (Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2011). 177-200. [WC]

 ——, ed. See: Grunert, Frank, and Gideon Stiening, eds.

Still, Judith. “Isabelle de Charrière’s Three Women - Adopting and Adapting Hospitality after Kant.” Journal 64.1 (2011): 19-30. [HUM]


Stockwell, Cory. “Kant and the Sublime Murmur of the We.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 42.1 (2011): 19-32. [HUM]


Stohr, Karen. “Kantian Beneficence and the Problem of Obligatory Aid.” Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (2011): 45-67. [PW]


Stolzenberg, Jürgen, ed. See: Rush, Fred and Jürgen Stolzenberg, eds.

 ——, ed. See: Danz, Christian and Jürgen Stolzenberg, eds.

Stone-Davis, Férdia J. Musical Beauty: Negotiating the Boundary between Subject and Object. Eugene, Or.: Cascade Books, 2011. [xvii, 210 p.] [WC]


Strandhagen, Brit. “Aesthetics and Morality in Kant.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 257-71. [M]

Stratêlatês, Kōnstantinos N. Ho politikos Kant sêmera: ta themelia tou dikaiou, tês idioktêsias kai tês syntagmatikês politeias. [Greek] Thessalonikê: Nêsides, 2011. [331 p.] [WC]

Straulino, Stefano. La “refutación del idealismo” en Kant. [Spanish] Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011. [102 p.] [WC]

Streit, Peter. Ethik gegen Machtpolitik: Immanuel Kants Friedensschrift im Kontext des Zeitalters der Aufklärung. Bern/New York: Lang, 2011. [253 p.] [data] [WC]


Strobach, Niko. See: Schönecker, Dieter, Dennis Schulting and Niko Strobach.

Stroud, Scott R. “Moral Cultivation in Kant and Xunzi.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 538-55. [PI]

Strube, Werner. “Die Einbildungskraft und ihre Funktionen in Kants Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft.”  Phantasie und Intuition in Philosophie und Wissenschaften. Historische und systematische Perspektiven. Ed. Gudrun Kühne-Bertram (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011), 273 p. 49-62. [WC]

Sturm, Holger, ed. See: Barth, Christian and Holger Sturm, eds.

Sturm, Thomas. “Freedom and the Human Sciences: Hume’s Science of Man versus Kant’s Pragmatic Anthropology.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 23-42. [M]


Sturma, Dieter. “Kant y la actual filosofía de la mente.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 237-43. [M]

Stutz, Reno. “Was macht einen guten Leitfaden für Ortschronisten aus? ‘Geschichte ist Denken über die Zukunft.’ Immanuel Kant.”  Heimathefte für Mecklenburg und Vorpommern 21 (2011): 40-41. [GVK]

Sullivan, Peter. “Is Logic Transcendental?” Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism. Eds. Joel R. Smith and Peter M. Sullivan (op cit.). 157-83. [M]

 ——. See: Smith, Joel R. and Peter M. Sullivan.

 ——, ed. See: Smith, Joel R. and Peter M. Sullivan, eds.

Surzyn, Jacek. Transcendentalizm Jana Dunsa Szkota i Immanuela Kanta: próba zestawienia [Polish; Transcendental Idealism of John Duns Scotus and Immanuel Kant: An Attempt to Combine. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2011. [175 p.] [WC]

Svare, Helga. Body and Practice in Kant. Dordrecht/London: Springer, 2011. [xii, #328p.] [WC]

Swanton, Christine. “Kant’s Impartial Virtues of Love.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 241-59. [M]

Sweet, Kristi. “Philosophy and the Public Sphere: Kant on Moral Education and Political Critique.” Idealistic Studies 41 (2011): 83-94. [PI]


Symington, Paul. “Metaphysics Renewed: Kant’s Schematized Categories and the Possibility of Metaphysics.” International Philosophical Quarterly 51.3 (2011): 285-301. [M]


Szalek, Piotr. “Kant, Hegel and the Puzzles of McDowell’s Philosophy.” Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy 29 (2011): 110-23. [abstract] [PI]


Szendy, Peter. Kant chez les extraterrestres: philosofictions cosmopolitiques. Paaris: Éditions de Minuit, 2011. [156 p.] [WC]

Szmyd, Jan. “Transcendentalism Revised: The Impact on Transcendental Consciousness and Structure of Reality Created and Emitted by Mass Media.” Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (op cit.). 293-303. [PI]


Szwed, Antoni. Rozum wobec chrześcijańskiego Objawienia: Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard. [Polish] Kęty: Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, 2011. [583 p.] [WC]

[top]T    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Tadros, Victor. Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009). Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31.1 (2011): 193-213. [JSTOR]

Tafani, Daniela. Beiträge zur Rechtsphilosophie des deutschen Idealismus. Translation from Italian into German by Thomas Vormbaum. Berlin: Münster Lit., 2011. [xiii, 138 p.] [WC]

Tagliavia, Grazia. “Libertà e necessità della metafisica.” Giornale di Metafisica 33 (2011): 141-66. [PI]


Takeda, Seiji. 超解読!はじめてのカント「純粋理性批判」/ Chōkaidoku hajimete no kanto junsui risei hihan. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2011. [318 p.] [WC]

Talavera Fernández, Pedro. “Kant y la idea del progreso indefinido de la humanidad.” [Spanish] Anuario Filosofico 44.2 (2011): 335-71. [PI]


Tang, Hao. “Transcendental Idealism in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 598-607. [JSTOR]


Taylor, Robert S. Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011. [xxiii, 336 p.] [WC] [review] [review]


Tenenbaum, Sergio. Rev. of Self-Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity, by Christine M. Korsgaard (2009). Ethics 121 (2011): 449-55. [M]

Teruel, Pedro Jesús. “Kant y la audaz aventura de la razón.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 11-13. [M]

 ——. “La recepción de Kant en la Philosophy of Mind. Una revisión crítica desde las fuentes kantianas” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 244-302. [M]

 ——, ed. Kant y las ciencias. [Spanish] Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2011. [365 p.] [M]


Teufel, Thomas. “Kant’s Non-Teleological Conception of Purposiveness.” Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 232-52. [M]


 ——. “Kant’s Sensationist Conception of Particularity in the Critique of the (Reflecting) Power of Judgment.” Kant Studies Online, posted March 16, 2011. 51 pp. [M] [online]

 ——. “Wholes That Cause Their Parts: Organic ‘Self’-Reproduction and the Reality of Biological Teleology.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42.2 (2011): 252-60. [PI]


Theis, Robert. La raison et son Dieu: étude sur la théologie kantienne. Paris: Vrin, 2011. [320 p.] [WC]

 ——. “Science et système.”  Kant et la science. La théorie critique et transcendantale de la connaissance. Eds. Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, and Margit Ruffing (op cit.). 43-51. [M]

 ——. “La physico-théologie du jeune Kant. Avec Wolff, au-delà de Wolff.”  Kant et Wolff. Eds. Sophie Grapotte und Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (op cit.). 31-42. [M]

Thiebaut, Carlos. “Hacia una historia natural del daño desde Sebald a Kant.” [Spanish] Poligrafi 16 (2011): 231-56. [PI]


Thiel, Karsten. See: Malpas, Jeff and Karsten Thiel.

Thies, Christian. “Kants Geschichtsphilosophie aus heutiger Sicht.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 35-49. [WC]

Thompson, Michael. “Climate, Imagination, Kant, and Situational Awareness.” Journal of Global Ethics 7.2 (2011): 137-47. [PI]


Thorndike, Oliver. “Introduction.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 1-17. [M]

 ——, ed. Rethinking Kant: 3. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2011. [xiv, 272p.] [M]


Thorpe, Lucas. “The Realm of Ends as a Community of Spirits: Kant and Swedenborg on the Kingdom of Heaven and the Cleansing of the Doors of Perception.” Heythrop Journal 52.1 (2011): 52-75. [PI]


 ——. “Kant on the Relationship between Autonomy and Community.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 63-87. [M]

 ——. “One Community or Many? From Logic to Juridical Law via Metaphysics.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 97-114. [M]

 ——. See: Payne, Charlton, and Lucas Thorpe.

Thull, Philipp. Bürger zweier Welten. Nordhausen: Bautz, 2011. [164 p.] [GVK]


Timmermann, Jens. “Value without Regress: Kant’s ‘Formula of Humanity’ Revisited.” European Journal of Philosophy 14 (2011): 69-93. [PW]

 ——. “Good but Not Required? — Assessing the Demands of Kantian Ethics.” Ethics and Moral Philosophy. Ed. Thom Brooks (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2011). 237-57. [M]


Timmons, Mark. See: Smit, Houston and Mark Timmons.

Tobón Giraldo, Daniel Jerónimo. “Kant, Baudelaire y la ruptura del ideal neoclásico de la belleza humana.” [Spanish] Estudios de Filosofia 43 (2011): 109-28. [PI]


Toepfer, Georg. “Kant’s Teleology, the Concept of the Organism, and the Context of Contemporary Biology.” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 14 (2011): 197-24. [PI]


Tolley, Clinton. “Kant on the Content of Cognition.” European Journal of Philosophy [Posted online: 22 Nov 2011]. [PW]


Tomaszewska, Anna. “Experience and Conceptual Content in Kant and McDowell: Remarks on ‘Empty Thoughts’ and ‘Blind Intuitions’.” Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy 28 (2011): 82-100. [online] [PI]


Topakkaya, Arslan. “Die Vernunft in der deutsche Idealismus.” [Turkish] Felsefe Dünyasi: Türk Felsefe Dernegi Yayini 53.1 (2011): 28-40. [PI]


Torralba, José María. “La teoría kantiana de la acción: De la noción de máxima como regla autoimpuesta a la descripción de la acción.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 17-61. [PI]


Tovias, Gabriel Lemkow. Rev. of Craft Objects, Aesthetic Contexts — Kant, Heidegger and Adorno on Craft, by Sandra Corse (2009). Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 46 (2011): 196-200. [PI]

Trafimow, David, Gayle Hunt, Stephen Rice, and Kasha Geels. “Using Potential Performance Theory to Test Five Hypotheses about Meta-Attribution.” Journal of General Psychology 138 (2011): 81-93. [PQ]


Trémoulet, Benjamin. “The Structure of the Theoretical Power of Judgment. Kant and the Value of Our Empirical Cognitions.” Kant-Studien 102.1 (2011): 46-68. [M]


Trotsak, Alexei I. “The Variants of Solutions to the Problem of Life Saving in a Casuistic Situation by Means of I. Kant’s and A. Schopenhauer’s Ethics.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 44-54. [M]

Trucchio, Aldo. Cartografie di guerra: le ragioni della convivenza a partire da Kant. [Italian] Milano: Mimesis, 2011. [227 p.] [WC]

Truwant, Simon. Rev. of Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Rudolf A. Makkreel and Sebastian Luft (2010). [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73 (2011): 175-76. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’. Background Source Materials, edited and translated by Eric Watkins (2009). [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73 (2011): 389-90. [M]

Tsanoff, Radoslav Andrea. Schopenhauer’s Criticism of Kant’s Theory of Experience. New York: Longmans, Green, 1911. Photomechanical reprint: Kessinger Publishing, 2011. [xiii, 77 p.] [WC]

Tubert, Ariela. “Korsgaard’s Constitutive Arguments and the Principles of Practical Reason.” The Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 343-62. [PW]


Tuschling, Burkhard. “Allgemeine Naturgesetze haben ihren Grund in unserem Verstand. Fakt, Illusion oder Reflexion?” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 133-55. [M]

Tyler, Colin. Rev. of The Limits of Ethics in International Relations: Natural Law, Natural Rights, and Human Rights in Transition, by David Boucher (2009). Kantian Review 16.3 (2011): 478-82. [M]

Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa, ed. Transcendentalism Overturned: From Absolute Power of Consciousness Until the Forces of Cosmic Architectonics. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, 2011. [xiii, 726 p.] [PI]


[top]U    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Ursic, Marko. “Starry Sky as ‘The Greatest Museum of Natural History’: Sublimity of the Sky from Kant to Santayana and Beyond.” Poligrafi 16 (2011): 215-29. [PI]


Ursin, Lars Øystein. “Harm to Dead Persons.” Kant, Here, Now, and How. Eds. Siri Granum Carson, Jonathan Knowles, and Bjørn K. Myskja (op cit.). 235-56. [M]

[top]V    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Vaida, Iuliana Corina. “The Problem of Agency and the Problem of Accountability in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.” European Journal of Philosophy [Posted online: 15 Sep 2011]. [PW]


Valentini, Francesco. “Momenti del confronto con Kant nella ‘Scienza della logica’ di Hegel.” [Italian] Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana 90.3 (2011): 492-539. [PI]


Vandenabeele, Bart. “Schopenhauer on Sense Perception and Aesthetic Cognition.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 45.1 (2011): 37-57. [PQ]


 ——. “Het sublieme in de kunst: Van Kant tot Duchamp en verder.” [Dutch] Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73.4 (2011): 701-33. [PI]


Vanden Auweele, Dennis. Rev. of Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy, by Stephen R. Palmquist (2010). Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73.3 (2011): 562-63. [PI]

Vanderlei Costa da Conceição, Jorge. Rev. of Kant y la Biblia: principios kantianos de exégesis bíblica, by Andrés Lema-Hincapié (2006). [Portuguese] Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 93-101. [online] [PW]

Van de Vijver, Gertrudis, and Eli Noé. “The Constraint Is the Possibility: A Dynamical Perspective on Kant’s Theory of Objectivity.” Idealistic Studies 41 (2011): 95-112. [PI]


Van Erp, Herman. “The Genuine Sublime: Kant on the Sublimity of Moral Consciousness.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 13-41. [M]

Vanhaute, Liesbet. “Systematic Classification of Purposive Moralization? On why Teoleology is not the (only) Key to Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 43-66. [M]


 ——. “How Biological is Human History? Kant’s Use of Biological Concepts and Its Implications for History as Moral Anthropology.” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 14 (2011): 155-69. [PI]


Van Impe, Stijn. “Kant on Friendship.” International Journal of Arts & Sciences 4.3 (2011): 127-39. [M]


Van Ingen, John. “Recent Texts on Kant.” Teaching Philosophy 34.3 (2011): 291-305. [PI]


Van Lambalgen, M. See: Achourioti, T. and M. Van Lambalgen.

Varden, Helga. “Kant, Immanuel.” Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen K. Chatterjee (Dordrecht/New York: Springer), xxxvi, 1176 p. 609-10. [WC]

 ——. “Kant, Immanuel: Contemporary Kantian Responses to.” Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Ed. Deen K. Chatterjee (Dordrecht/New York: Springer), xxxvi, 1176 p. 610-13. [WC]

 ——. “A Kantian Conception of Global Justice.” Review of International Studies 37.5 (2011): 2043-57. [JSTOR]


 ——. “Amartya Sen’s ‘The Idea of Justice’ — Some Kantian Rejoinders.” Social Philosophy Today: Poverty, Justice, and Markets 27 (2011): 217-32. [PI]


 ——. Rev. of Kant's Doctrine of Right: A Commentary, by B. Sharon Byrd and Joachim Hruschka (2010). Jurisprudence 2.2 (2011): 547-59. [PW]

Vasil’eva, Marina Jur’evna. Idealizm Immanuela Kanta. Moscow: Kompanija Dimitrejd Grafik Grupp, 2011. [273 p.] [WC]

Vatter, Miguel. “The People Shall Be Judge: Reflective Judgment and Constituent Power in Kant’s Philosophy of Law.” Political Theory 39.6 (2011): 749-76. [PI]


Vázquez Lobeiras, María Jesús. “El ser humano como individuo y la humanidad como ‘condición humana’ y como ‘género humano’ en el pensamiento de Kant.” [Spanish] Agora: Papeles de Filosofia 30.1 (2011): 63-85. [PI]


 ——. “Bibliografía.” [Spanish]  Kant y las ciencias. Ed. Pedro Jesús Teruel (op cit.). 335-55. [M]

 ——. Rev. of La Kritik der reinen Vernunft nel contesto della tradizione logica aristotelica, by Marco Sgarbi (2010). [Spanish] Studi Kantiani 24 (2011): 143-46. [M]

Velkley, Richard L. “Extending the Order of Ends: The Meaning of Kant’s Critical Epoch.” Bijdragen, Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie 72.2 (2011): 201-15. [PI]


Verburgt, Jacco. “How to Account for Reason’s Interest in an Ultimate Prototype? A Note on Kant’s Doctrine of the Transcendental Ideal.” Kant’s Idealism. Eds. Schulting and Verburgt (op cit.). 237-54. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Kants Grundlegung einer kritischen Metaphysik. Einführung in die ‚Kritik der reinen Vernunft‘, edited by Norbert Fischer (2010). Kant Studies Online (2011): 215-28; posted November 15, 2011. [M] [online]

 ——. See: Schulting, Dennis and Jacco Verburgt, eds.

Verene, Donald Phillip. The Origins of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms: Kant, Hegel, and Cassirer. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 2011. [xxii, 142 p.] [WC]


Vigo, Alejandro G. “Ética y derecho según Kant.” [Spanish] Topicos: Revista de Filosofia (Mexico) 41 (2011): 105-58. [PI]


Völker, Jan. Ästhetik der Lebendigkeit: Kants dritte Kritik. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2011. [274 p.] [data] [WC]

[top]W    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Wagner, Wolfgang. See: Geise, Anna and Wolfgang Wagner.

Wahsner, Renate. “Kants Begründung der Ethik - nach Cohen und deren Kritik.”  Ethik als prima philosophia? Ed. Hans-Dieter Klein (op cit.). 151-70. [M]

Waisová, Sárka and Ladislav Cabada. Ethics in Foreign Policy: Postmodern States as the Entrepreneurs of Kantian Ethics. Transl. from Czech by Tereza Bartošková. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2011. [197 p.] [data] [WC]

Walker, Mark Thomas. Kant and Morality: Recovering the Categorical Imperative. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. [xi, 452 p.] [WC]

Walker, Ralph C. S. Rev. of The Kantian Aesthetic, by Paul Crowther (2010). Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2011): 859-61. [PW]

Want, Christopher, and Andrzej Klimowski. Introducting Kant: A Graphic Guide. London: Totem Books, 2011. [176 p.] [WC]


Waszek, Norbert. “Peut-on, avec Kant, passer de l’etat de droit (Rechtsstaat) à un etat de droit social (sozialer Rechtsstaat)?.”  Kant: l’anthropologie et l’histoire. Eds. Olivier Agard and Françoise Lartillot (op cit.). 185-200. [WC]

Watkins, Brian. “The Subjective Basis of Kant’s Judgment of Taste.” Inquiry 54.4 (2011): 315-36. [PW]


 ——. Rev. of The Kantian Aesthetic: From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde, by Paul Crowther (2010). Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69.2 (2011): 244-47. [PW]

Watkins, Eric. “Making Sense of Mutual Interaction: Simultaneity and the Equality of Action and Reaction.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 41-62. [M]

Watson, Sean. See: Dunham, Jeremy, Lain Hamilton Grant, and Sean Watson.

Weinrib, Ernest J. “Private Law and Public Right.” The University of Toronto Law Journal 61.2 (2011): 191-211. [JSTOR]


Weitkamp, Ursula. Selbstbewusstsein — eine Untersuchung im Anschluss an Immanuel Kant. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2011. [186 p.] [WC]


Welten, Ruud. “Melville’s ‘Sublime Uneventfulness’. Toward a Phenomenology of the Sublime.” The Sublime and its Teleology. Ed. Donald Loose (op cit.). 205-22. [M]

Wenning, Mario. “Kant and Daoism on Nothingness.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38.4 (2011): 556-68. [PI]


Wenzel, Christian Helmut. 康德美學 / Kang de mei xue [Chinese; Kant’s Aesthetics]. Taipei: Linking, 2011. [ix, xiv, 270 p.] [WC]

Westphal, Kenneth R. “Comments on Graham Bird’s The Revolutionary Kant.” Kantian Review 16.2 (2011): 245-55. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Moral Constructivism and Rational justification.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 28-46. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Cognitive Semantics, Newton’s Rule Four of Philosophy and Scientific Realism.” Hegel Bulletin 32.1-2 (2011): 27-49. [PI]


 ——. “Practical reason: categorical imperative, maxims, laws.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 103-19. [M]

Wetzel, Manfred. “Kants Anstoß zur Philosophie des sogen. Deutschen Idealismus.”  Ethik als prima philosophia? Ed. Hans-Dieter Klein (op cit.). 65-98. [M]

Whistler, Daniel. “The Discipline of Pious Reason: Goethe, Herder, Kant.” Moral Powers, Fragile Beliefs: Essays in Moral and Religious Philosophy. Ed. Joseph Carlisle, James Carter, and Daniel Whistler (London: Continuum, 2011). 53-80. [PI]


White, Mark D. Kantian Ethics and Economics: Autonomy, Dignity, and Character. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2011. [xi, 270 p.] [content] [M]


Wieland, Nellie. “Finding Love in the Kingdom of Ends.” Jurisprudence 2.2 (2011): 417-23. [PW]

Wike, Victoria S. “Defending Kant Against Noddings’ Care Ethics Critique.” Kant Studies Online, posted January 31, 2011. 26 pp. [M] [online]

Wilks, Anna Frammartino. Rev. of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials, edited by Erik Watkins (2009). Philosophy in Review 31 (2011): 160-63. [online] [M]

Williams, Garrath. “‘Intelligible Facts’: Toward a Constructivist Account of Action and Responsibility.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 196-214. [M]

Williams, Howard. “Metaphysical and not just Political.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 215-34. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Force and Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy, by Arthur Ripstein (2009). Review of Politics 73.2 (2011): 339-42. [PI]

 ——, ed. See: Baiasu, Sorin, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström, eds.

Wilson, Holly L. “The Pragmatic Use of Kant’s Physical Geography Lectures.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 161-72. [M]


 ——. “The Green Kant: Kant’s Treatment of Animals.” Food Ethics. Ed. Paul Pojman (Boston: Wadsworth Publishing). 12-20. []


Wilson, James Lindley, and Jonathan Monten. “Does Kant Justify Liberal Intervention?” Review of Politics 73(4) (2011): 633-47. [PI]

Winkler, Tanja J. Die Freiheit im und vom Staate bei Immanuel Kant. München: Verlag C. H. Beck, 2011. [xv, 288 p.] [M]


Withers, Charles W. J. “Kant’s Geography in Comparative Perspective.” Reading Kant’s Geography. Eds. Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (op cit.). 47-65. [M]

Wittwer, Héctor. Rev. of Ethics Vindicated. Kant’s Transcendental Legitimation of Moral Discourse, by Ermanno Bencivenga (2007). Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 135-37. [M]

 ——. Rev. of An Introduction to Kant’s Moral Philosophy, by Jennifer K. Uleman (2010). [German] Kant-Studien 102.2 (2011): 253-55. [M]

Wood, Allen W. “Ethical Community, Church and Scripture.” Immanuel Kant, die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft. Ed. Ottfried Höffe (op cit.). 131-150. [M]

 —— “Kant and Agent-Oriented Ethics.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 58-91. [M]

 —— “Religion, Ethical Community, and the Struggle against Evil.” Kant and the Concept of Community. Eds. Charlton Payne and Lucas Thorpe (op cit.). 121-37. [M]

 —— See: Schönecker, Dieter and Allen W. Wood.

Woolwine, Sarah. “Systematicity in the Critique of Judgment: The Emergence of a Unified Subject.” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 25.4 (2011): 343-58. [HUM]


Wuerth, Julian. “Moving Beyond Kant’s Account of Agency in the Grounding.” Perfecting Virtue: New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics. Eds. Lawrence Jost and Julian Wuerth (op cit.). 147-63. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Jost, Lawrence and Julian Wuerth, eds.

Wunsch, Matthias. “The Activity of Sensibility in Kant’s Anthropology. A Developmental History of the Concept of the Formative Faculty.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 67-90. [M]


Wyrwich, Thomas. Moralische Selbst- und Welterkenntnis: die Deduktion des kategorischen Imperativs in der Kantischen Philosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011. [203 p.] [WC]

 ——“From Gratification to Justice. The Tension between Anthropology and Pure Practical Reason in Kant’s Conception(s) of the Highest Good.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 91-105. [M]


 ——. Rev. of Moral und Recht im Staat nach Kant und Hegel, by Gerold Prauss (2009). Kant-Studien 102.3 (2011): 396-97. [M]

[top]X    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

[top]Y    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Yadin-Israel, Azzan. See: Moyn, Samuel and Azzan Yadin-Israel.

Yalçin, Sahabettin. “Is Kant’s God Virtual?” [Turkish] Felsefe Dünyasi: Türk Felsefe Dernegi Yayini 53.1 (2011): 15-27. [PI]


Yamane, Yūichirō. カント哲学の射程: 啓蒙・平和・共生 / Kanto tetsugaku no shatei: keimō heiwa kyōsei. [Japanese] Tokyo: Fūkōsha, 2011. [231 p.] [WC]

Yermolaev, Vladimir K. “Kant’s Argumentation in the Scholion to Theorem VI in Nova Dilucidatio: The Problem of Logical Interconnection Between the Theorem and the Scholion.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 35 (2011): 60-67. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Argumentation in the Scholion to Theorem VI in Nova Dilucidatio: A New Interpretation.” [Russian] Kantovskij Sbornik 36 (2011): 60-72. [M] [pdf (English)]


Ypi, Lea. “Practical Agency, Teleology and System in Kant’s Architectonic of Pure Reason.” Politics and Metaphysics in Kant. Eds. Sorin Baiasu, Howard Williams, and Sami Pihlström (op cit.). 134-51. [M]

[top]Z    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Zammito, John. “Organism: objective purposiveness.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 170-83. [M]

 ——. Rev. of Métaphysique et biologie: Kant et la constitution du concept d’organisme, by Philippe Huneman (2008). History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33.2 (2011): 282-83. [PI]

Zeidler, Kurt Walter. “Bestimmung und Begründung. Zu Kants Deduktionen der Ideen.”  Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung. Eds. Christian Krijnen and Kurt Walter Zeidler (op cit.). 297-320. [M]

 ——, ed. See: Krijnen, Christian and Kurt Walter Zeidler, eds.

Zepke, Stephen. “The Sublime Conditions of Contemporary Art.” Deleuze Studies 5.1 (2011): 73-83. [PW]


Zhang, Huiyong. 批判哲学的定向标 : 康德哲学中的道德信仰 / Pi pan zhe xue de ding xiang biao: Kangde zhe xue zhong de dao de xin yang. [Chinese; The guideline of critical philosophy: a study of moral faith in Kant's philosophy] Beijing Shi: Guang ming ri bao chu ban she, 2011. [218 p.] [WC]

Zhang, Xianglong. “Kant’s View on the Parent-Child Relationship and Its Problems — Analyses from a Temporal Perspective as to the Creation and Rearing of a Being Endowed with Freedom.” Frontiers of Philosophy in China 6.1 (2011): 145-60. [online] [PW]


Zhang, Wei. Prolegomena zu einer materialen Wertethik: Schelers Bestimmung des Apriori in Abgrenzung zu Kant und Husserl. Nordhausen: Bautz, 2011. [174 p.] [data][GVK]

 ——. “Rational a priori or Emotional a priori? Husserl and Scheler’s Criticisms of Kant Regarding the Foundation of Ethics.” Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture & Axiology 8.2 (2011): 143-58. [HUM]


Zhao, Jinghua. See: Karatani, Kōjin and Jinghua Zhao.

Zhu, Gaozheng. 从康德到朱熹: 白鹿洞讲演录 / Cong Kangde dao Zhu Xi: Bai lu dong jiang yan lu [Chinese; From Kant to Zhu Xi: The Bailudong Lectures]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she, 2011. [311 p.] [WC]

Zhu, Zhirong. 康德美學思想研究 / Kang de mei xue si xiang yan jiu. [Chinese; Thoughts on Kant’s Aesthetics] Taipei: Hong ma yi tu shu jing xiao, 2011. [239 p.] [WC]

Zimmermann, Stephan. Kants “Kategorien der Freiheit”. Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter, 2011. [321 p.] [M]


Zinkstok, Job. “Anthropology, Empirical Psychology, and Applied Logic.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 107-30. [M]


Zirbel, Ilze. “O Lugar da mulher na antropologia pragmática de Kant.” [Spanish] Kant e-Prints 6.1 (2011): 50-68. [online][PW]


Zizek, Slavoj. “Foreward: Why Is Kant Worth Fighting For?” Ethics of the Real: Kant, Lacan. Alenka Zupanic (op cit.). vii-xiii. [WC]

Zobrist, Marc. Subjekt und Subjektivität in Kants theoretischer Philosophie: Eine Untersuchung zu den transzendentalphilosophischen Problemen des Selbstbewusstseins und Daseinsbewusstseins. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 2011. [viii, 231 p.] [M]


Zöller, Günter. “Der negative und positive Nutzen der Ideen. Kant über die Grenzbestimmung der reinen Vernunft.” Über den Nutzen von Illusionen. Eds. Bernd Dörflinger and Günter Kruck (op cit.). 13-27. [M]

 ——. “Critique: knowledge, metaphysics.” Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Eds. Will Dudley and Kristina Engelhard (op cit.). 13-27. [M]

 ——. “Kant’s Political Anthropology.” Kant Yearbook: Anthropology 3 (2011): 131-61. [M]


 ——. “Eine »Wissenschaft für Götter«. Die Lebenswissenschaften aus der Sicht Kants.” Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft: XXI Deutscher Kongreß für Philosophie. Ed. Carl Friedrich Gethmann (Hamburg: Meiner, 2011), xvi, 1462 p. 877-92. [WC]

 ——. “Between Rousseau and Freud: Kant on Cultural Uneasiness.”  Rethinking Kant: 3. Ed. Oliver Thorndike (op cit.). 52-77. [M]

 ——. “Kant über die Grenzen der Vernunft/Kant sui limiti della ragione.”  Allargare gli orizzonti della razionalità. Un nuovo compito del pensiero europeo/Die Erweiternmg des Horizonts der Rationalität. Eine neue Aufgabe für das europäische Denken. Ed. Mario Signore (Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, 2011). 295-316. [WC]

Zugno, Fracesca. Hölderlin oltre Kant: verso Hyperion (1794-1797). Padova: Il poligrafo, 2011. [285 p.] [WC]

Zupancic, Alenka. Ethics of the Real: Kant, Lacan. London/New York: Verso Books, 2011. [xiii, 266 p.] [WC]


Zuska, Vlastiml. Rev. of Without Criteria: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze and Aesthetics, by Steven Shaviro (2009). Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics 48.2 (2011): 254-61. [PI]

Zweig, Arnulf. Rev. of Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A German-English Edition, by Immanuel Kant, edited and translated by Mary Gregor and Jens Timmermann (2011). The Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (December 2011, #25). [online] [M]

Zyber, Erik. “Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung: Kants List der Natur.” Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 5.1 (2011): 161-75. [PI]

[top]Dissertations    [ Kant  —  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  —  Dissertations ]

Abaci, Uygar. Kant’s Critical Theory of Modality: A Basis for a Moral Metaphysics. Ph.D. diss. University of Pennsylvania, 2011. [515 p.] Advisor: Paul Guyer. [PQ]


Abresch, Rolf. Kausalität bei Kant: der Mensch zwischen Naturnotwendigkeit und Freiheit. Ph.D. diss. Leipzig Universität. Munich: AVM, 2011. [274 p.] Advisor: Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer. [M]


Alam, Justin Shumon. Radical Evil, Freedom and Moral Self-development in Kant’s Practical Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. University of Bristol, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Barnes, Corey L. A View of Perception through Kantian Lenses: Toward a Reanalysis of Kant’s Practical Philosophy in the Light of His Theoretical Assertions. Master’s thesis. Howard University, 2011. [68 p.] Advisor: Charles Verharen. [PQ]


Beaton, Ryan Stuart. Anti-Utilitarians: Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on Motivation, Agency and the Formation of a Higher Self. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2011. [303 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Berg, Hein van den. Kant on Proper Science: Biology in the Critical Philosophy and the Opus postumum. Ph.D. diss. Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), 2011. [455 p.] Advisor: W. R. de Jong. [online] [WC]

Beydoun, Zaki. Le problème de la signification des catégories: son origine et son traitement réflexif chez Kant. Ph.D. diss. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2011. [291 p.] Advisor: Duportail, Guy-Félix. [WC]


Biss, Mavis. Moral Imagination in an Ethics of Principle. Ph.D. diss.  The University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2011. [173 p.] Advisor: Claudia Card. [PQ]


Bohnet, Clayton. Logic, Thought, and the Unconditioned: An Essay on Kant and Hegel. Ph.D. diss. Duquesne University, 2011. [347 p.] Advisor: Tom Rockmore. [PQ]


Bonon, Kléber. Kant philosophe du bonheur? Ph.D. diss. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris), 2011. [381 p.] Advisor: Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel. [WC]


Chiang, Wen-Pin. De “Qu’est-ce que l’Homme?” au “Citoyen du monde”: le rapport entre la philosophie et l’anthropologie chez Kant. Ph.D. diss. Université Paris-Est, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: Monique Castillo. [WC]


Chiovoloni, Margaret Marie. The Moral Point of View in Hume, Kant and Mill. Ph.D. diss. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2011. [125 p.] Advisor: Thomas E. Hill, Jr. [PQ]


Chou, Chiayu. Kant’s Critique of Hobbes? Uncovering the Role and Consequences of Assumption in Political Theory and in the Interpretation of Two Classic Political Theorists. Ph.D. diss. University of York, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Colaner, Nathan R. Other than Omniscient: An Interpretation and Defense of Kant’s Rejection of Aristotle’s Notion of Finite Reasoning. Ph.D. diss. University of Kansas, 2011. [164 p.] Advisor: Scott Jenkins. [PQ]


Cruz, Manuel A. The Ethical Passing of God: Kant and Levinas. Ph.D. diss. University of Chicago/The Divinity School, 2011. [267 p.] Advisor: Jean-Luc Marion. [WC]


Darantière, Louis. Du rôle de la théorie des idées dans la formation du criticisme kantien essai sur l'esthétique transcendantale et sa gestation précritique, comparée à la méthode métaphysique de Descartes et Berkeley. Ph.D. diss. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris), 2011. [# p.] Advisor: Laurent Jaffro. [WC]

Duncan, Samuel. Kant on Freedom, Reason, and Moral Evil. Ph.D. diss. University of Virginia, 2011. [146 p.] Advisor: Jorge Secada. [PQ]


Dusch, Christian. Staat und Strafe: eine Studie zum Verhältnis von Staats- und Straftheorie bei Thomas Hobbes und Immanuel Kant. Ph.D. diss. Universität Freiburg, 2011. [322 p.] Advisor: Hans-Helmuth Gander. [online] [WC]

Falk, Johanna. Freiheit als politisches Ziel: Grundmodelle liberalen Denkens bei Kant, Hayek und Böckenförde. Ph.D. diss. Universität Passau,  [251 p.] Advisor: Barbara Zehnpfennig. [data] [WC]

Fink, Kristina. Die sogenannte “Kantkrise” Heinrich von Kleists: ein altes Problem aus neuer Sicht. Ph.D. diss. Universität Wuppertal, 2011. [440 p.] Advisor: ??. [data] [WC]

Fletcher, Michael Joseph. The Cognitive Significance of Kant’s third “Critique”. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011. [467 p.] Advisor: Anthony Brueckner. [PQ]


Franco, Paul L. The Constitutive A Priori and the Structure of Physical Knowledge. Ph.D. diss. University of Pennsylvania, 2011. [315 p.] Advisor: Paul Guyer. [PQ]


Fulkerson-Smith, Brett Alan. Experimentation in Transcendental Philosophy on the Transition from Experimental Confirmation in Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” to Experimental Discovery in Fichte's “Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre”. Ph.D. diss. University of Kentucky, 2011. [269 p.] Advisor: Daniel Breazeale. [PQ]


Gauthier, Élaine. Les fondements naturels du jugement moral: rationalisme et sentimentalisme à l'ère des neurosciences. Ph.D. diss. Université du Québec à Montréal, 2011. [iii, 135 p.] Advisor: Vincent Guillin. [online] [WC]


Gómez Sánchez, César. Existencia y deber: el gestarse del nihilismo en Heidegger en confrontacion crítica con Kant. [Spanish] Ph.D. diss. Universidad de Granada, 2011. [xxi, 396 p.] Advisor: Miguel García-Baró and Luis Sáez Rueda. [WC]

Gonzalez Vallejos, Miguel. Die Wende im Begriff der praktischen Gesetze bei Kant. Ph.D. diss. Universität Konstanz, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]

Harrington, Katie. Responding to the Scandal of Scepticism: Kant’s Fourth Paralogism and the Refutation of Idealism. Ph.D. diss. University of Sheffield, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]

Heftler, Scott. Kant’s Analytic-Geometric Revolution: Ostensive Judgement As Algebraic Time-State Relation in the Critique of Pure Reason.. Ph.D. diss. University of Texas, Austin, 2011. [312 p.] Advisor: Kathleen Higgins. [M]

Hempel, Tinko. Die Emanzipation der reflektierenden Urteilskraft: eine Untersuchung zur Kritik der Urteilskraft von Immanuel Kant. Ph.D. diss. Berlin, Humboldt-Universität, 2011. [227 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Holberg, Erica A. Pleasure and the Nature of the Ethical Subject. Ph.D. diss. The University of Chicago, 2011. [317 p.] Advisor: Candace Vogler. [PQ]


Horeau, Mathieu. Raison et absolu: histoire d’une triangulation (Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard), 2 vols. Ph.D. diss. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris), 2011. [597 p.] Advisor: Hélène Politis. [WC]


Johnson, Russell. Designing a Sublime Painting of the Grand Canyon. Master’s thesis. Prescott College, 2011. [109 p.] Advisor: Michael Cuddington.


Kessler, Michael Joel. Freedom, Authority, & Neutrality: A Kantian Account of Political Legitimacy. Ph.D. diss. Harvard University, 2011. [244 p.] Advisor: Christine M. Korsgaard. [PQ]


Kim, Eun Ha. Kant und die moderne Medientheorie Anschauung - Bild/Zeichen - Begriff. Ph.D. diss. Universität Würzburg, 2011. [149 p.] Advisor: ??. [data] [WC]

Kukla, Todd Anthony. Kant’s Theory of Cognition: An interpretation of the argument of the transcendental deduction. Ph.D. diss. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011. [326 p.] Advisor: Arthur Melnick. [PQ]


Lallier, Andrew Ragsdale. Writing Duty: Religion, Obligation and Autonomy in George Eliot and Kant. Master’s thesis. University of Tennessee/Knoxville, 2011. [137 p.] Advisor: Allen Dunn. [WC]


Landrum, Ty. The Idea of Humanity. Ph.D. diss. University of Virginia, 2011. [185 p.] Advisor: Talbot Brewer. [PQ]


Landy, Margo. The Moral Point of View in Hume, Kant, and Mill. Ph.D. diss. University of North Carolina, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: Thomas E. Hill. []


Latta, Marcy. Kant’s Problem Regarding Others: Knowing, Seeing, and Treating Others as Free. Ph.D. diss. University of Pennsylvania, 2011. [211 p.] Advisor: Paul Guyer. [PQ]


LeBlanc, Richard. Kant and the Meaning of Freedom in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. Master’s thesis. University of Ottowa (political studies), 2011. [106 p.] Advisor: Douglas Moggach. [PQ]


Lee, Eunah. Ethics of World Citizens : Kantian Cosmopolitanism. Ph.D. diss. State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2011. [187 p.] Advisor: Lorenzo C. Simpson. [PQ]


Leech, Jessica F. The Varieties of Modality: Kantian Prospects for a Relativist Account. Ph.D. diss. University of Sheffield, 2011. [268 p.] Advisors: Fabrice Correia (Geneva) and Bob Hale (Sheffield). [PQ] [online]


Leichtweis, Ursula. Vom Bezug der Kunst zur Natur bei Kant, Schelling und Goethe. Ph.D. diss. Universität-Kassel, 2011. [299 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Love, Brandon. The interpretations and implications of Kant’s two experiments in Religion. Master’s thesis. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2011. [vii, 153 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Lowell, Brian Anthony Harrington. The Problem of Welfare in the Political Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Master’s thesis. Catholic University of America, 2011. [iv, 76 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

MacDonald, Stuart. The Ontologization of Practical Man: The political theories of Marx and Arendt as a response to the ‘problem of freedom’ in Hume and Kant. Master’s thesis.  Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2011. [107 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Mallard, Alison. Freedom Under the Law: Right and Revolution in Kant’s Theory of Justice. Ph.D. diss. London School of Economics and Political Science (government), 2011. [263 p.] Advisor: Katrin Flikschuh. [PQ]


Marwah, Inder Singh. A Matter of Character: Moral Psychology and Political Exclusion in Kant and Mill. Ph.D. diss. University of Toronto, 2011. [299 p.] Advisor: Ronald Beiner. [PQ]


May, Joshua David. The Possibility of Acting from Duty. Ph.D. diss. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011. [272 p.] Advisor: Aaron Zimmerman. [PQ]


Meguid, Ahmed Abdel. The Hermeneutics of Religious Imagination and Human Nature in Kant and Ibn al-`Arabi. Ph.D. diss. Emory University, 2011. [277 p.] Advisor: David Carr. [PQ]


Messina, James Anthony. Kant’s Hidden Ontology of Space. Ph.D. diss. University of California, San Diego, 2011. [xi, 234 p.] Advisor: Eric Watkins. [PQ]


Mudd, Alexandra Rome. Unity in Thought and Action: The Categorical Imperative as the Common Principle of Reason in Kant. Ph.D. diss. University of Cambridge (history and philosophy of science), 2011. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Mumbrú Mora, Alejandro. El Problema de la sensibilización del ámbito de la moralidad en Kant. [Spanish] Ph.D. diss.  Universitat de Barcelona, 2011. [221 p.] Advisor: Salvi Turró. [WC]

Nance, Jerome Michael. Freedom in General: The General Will in Classical German Philosophy. Ph.D. diss. University of Pennsylvania, 2011. [322 p.] Advisor: Paul Guyer. [PQ]


O’Dowd, Ornaith. The Responsibilities of Reason: Kant and Care. Ph.D. diss. City University of New York, 2011. [viii, 215 p.] Advisor: Sibyl A. Schwarzenbach. [WC]


Papish, Laura V. Against Constructivism in Kantian Ethical Theory. Ph.D. diss. Northwestern University, 2011. [234 p.] Advisor: Richard Kraut. [PQ]


Platz, Jeppe. Freedom, Justice, and the Social Contract: A Study in the Moral and Political Philosophies of Rousseau and Kant. Ph.D. diss. University of Pennsylvania, 2011. [316 p.] Advisor: Samuel Freeman. [PQ]


Printzlau, Gry Ardal. Trust and Ethical Selfhood. Ph.D. diss. University of Copenhagen, Det Teologiske Fakultet, 2011. [228 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]


Prunea, Alexandra. L’avènement de la métaphysique kantienne. Recherche sur l’interprétation ontologique de Kant. Ph.D. diss. Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: Jean-Luc Marion. [WC]


Reed, Ryan Lee. Unnatural? Thinking About Kant on Same-Sex Marriage. Master’s thesis. University of California, Davis, 2011. [46 p.] Advisor: Robert S. Taylor and John T. Scott. [PQ]


Repovž, Živa. Tri sinteze in temporalnost: časovni karakter upodobitve moči v treh sintezah transcendentalne dedukcije kritike čistega uma. Ph.D. diss. Univ. v Ljubljani, 2011. [43 p.] Advisor: Zdravko Kobe. [WC]

Santos, Rafael Padilha Dos.  A Moral e a justiça no pensamento de Immanuel Kant. [Portuguese]  Ph.D. diss.  Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2011. [240 p.]  Advisor: Maria de Lourdes Alves Borges. [online] [M]


Sarbazevatan, Sourena.  La place de Jean-Jacques Rousseau dans la philosophie kantienne de l'éducation. Ph.D. diss. Université de Montréal, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: Claude Piché. [online] [WC]


Schwenkler, Angela Marie. Prolegomena to a Kantian Theory of Moral Judgment. Ph.D. diss. University of Notre Dame, 2011. [iv, 205 p.] Advisor: Karl Ameriks. [online] [WC]


Shaddock, Justin Bertin. Kant’s transcendental methodology: An essay on justification, objectivity, and subjectivity in Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories. Ph.D. diss. The University of Chicago, 2011. [154 p.] Advisor: Robert Pippin. [PQ]


Silva, André Luiz da. A Relação entre ética e direito na filosofia de Immanuel Kant. [Portuguese] Ph.D. diss. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2011. [139 p.] Advisor: Delamar Volpato Dutra. [online] [WC]


Stankovic, Sasa. The Ethics of Kant’s Practice: Or Deleuze’s Repetition of Kant. Ph.D. diss. University of Guelph, 2011. [266 p.] Advisor: Jay Lampert. [online] [WC]


Su, Ya. How is Happiness Possible? A Study of Kant’s Concept of Happiness. [Chinese] Ph.D. diss. University, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Täschner, Anna. Mensch und Staat bei Immanuel Kant zu den anthropologischen Grundlagen seiner politischen Theorie. Ph.D. diss. Köln Universität, 2011. [252 p.] Advisor: ??. [data] [WC]

Tinguely, Joseph J. Orientation: Kant and the Aesthetic Content of Cognition. Ph.D. diss. New School University, 2011. [236 p.] Advisor: Jay M. Bernstein. [PQ]


Tinio, Jerilyn. Idealism in Kant and Berkeley: A Defense of Berkeley’s Concept of Objectivity. Master’s thesis. University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, 2011. [60 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Valdez, Edgar. Pre-postulate a priori Intuition: Revisiting Kant’s Account of Space. Ph.D. diss. State University of New York at Binghamton, 2011. [211 p.] Advisor: Robert Guay. [WC]

Viprey, Doris. Banalité et radicalité du mal ce qu'il y a de kantien dans la “banalité du mal” décrite par Hannah Arendt et recherche de ce qui résiste à la comparaison. Ph.D. diss. Université de Franche-Comté, 2011. [58 p.] Advisor: Hervé Touboul. [WC]

Walden, Kenneth Edward Dale. One and the same reason. Ph.D. diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011. [# p.] Advisor: Richard Holton and Rae Langton. [PQ]


Winkelman, Steven J. The Moral Status of the Deceased in Kant’s Ethics. Master’s thesis. University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, 2011. [44 p.] Advisor: ??. [WC]

Wood, Mia Claudia. A Standpoint for Critique: The Metaphorical Status of Critique in Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason”. Ph.D. diss. University of South Carolina, 2011. [280 p.] Advisor: Martin Donougho.


Yeum, Sung Jun. Der Lebensbegriff in Kants kritischer Philosophie. Ph.D. diss. Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 2011. [225 p.] Advisors: Volker Gerhardt and Beatrix Himmelmann. [online] [WC]


Zhong, Hui. Kant’s Problem of Schematism and its Modern Criticism. Ph.D. diss. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. [173 p.] Advisor: ??. [PQ]


Citation Source Key

[ASP] — Academic Search Premier

[GVK] — Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog

[HUM] — Humanities Source


[M] — material copy of the book or journal

[MUSE] — Project Muse

[PDC] — Philosophy Documentation Center

[PI] — Philosopher’s Index

[PQ] — ProQuest


[PW] — publisher’s website

[RC] — Provided by Rodica Croitoru

[WC] — WorldCat

I thank Andrey Zilber for his kind assistance with the articles from the Russian journal Kantovskij Sbornik, and Rodica Croitoru for her help with many of the items from the Romanian literature.