A Manchester College Education

If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness,

for self-direction, and for self-initiated learning.                          

                                                                                                                 Carl Rogers                                                 


Curriculum: The student will construct and deliver appropriate curriculum for students.

Assessment: The student will assess student learning and development with a variety of measures.

Relationships: The student will establish professional and reciprocal relationships with others invested in students' learning.

Environment: The student will create positive and caring environments for student development and learning.


Education Classes Completed

111 Introduction to Education                                                                             Spring 2003                                

130 Introduction to Early Childhood                                                                 Spring 2004         

206 Foundations of Exceptional Learners                                                            Fall 2003             

223 Child Development                                                                                      Spring 2004        

235 Ed. Psych                                                                                                        Fall 2003             

251 Conflict Resolution                                                                                         Fall 2005             

263 Learners with Mild Disabilities                                                                 Spring 2004         

301 Corrective Reading                                                                                          Fall 2005             

315 Mild Interventions: Strategies for Instruction                                               Fall 2004             

319 Natural Science/Social Science Methods                                                       Fall 2005              

340 Literacy Block                                                                                            Spring 2005         

350 Evaluation and Implementation of Mild Interventions                            Spring 2005          

360 Classroom Behavioral Man.                                                                         Fall 2005              

410 The Teacher in Today's School                                                                  Spring 2006     

474 Early and Middle Childhood Student Teaching                                        Spring 2006

478 Mild Interventions Student Teaching                                                        Spring 2006


Department of Education Course Offerings and Descriptions

111 Introduction to Education: An introduction to the role of the teacher as a professional.  Content includes: professional development, decision-making, effective teaching, family involvement, culture of and in schools, professional standards, collaboration, and teachers as lifelong learners.  Field experience required.  Required for all teacher certification programs.  (3 hours)

130 Introduction to Early Childhood: An introduction to early childhood education by studying the history, theory, and characteristics of various programs for young children.  Also examines the parent-teacher-child relationship.  Field experiences is required.  (2 hours)

206 Foundations of Exceptional Learners: An introduction to 13 areas of exceptionality with concentration on characteristics, etiology, treatment, and implication for educational programming.  (3 hours)

223 Child Development: A study into the physiological, intellectual, sociological, and psychological factors influencing the child from the time of conception to puberty.  Field experience is required.  (3 hours)

235 Educational Psychology: Applications of theories of learning.  Content develops an awareness of the growth and development of learners from early childhood through adolescence.  May required a field experience.  (2 hours)

251 Conflict Resolution and Mediation in Elementary Schools: The study and practice of skills and processes for effective conflict resolution and mediation in elementary schools.  (1 hour)

263 Learners With Mild Disabilities: An in-depth study of the characteristics and causes of mental retardation, including the psychological, physiological, environmental, and cultural factors.  (3 hours)


301 Corrective Reading: Study of the informal and formal assessment of children's reading disabilities, uses and interpretation of standardized and teacher constructed tests, and remedial techniques.  Includes tutoring experience in diagnosis and correction.  Taken as part of the Elementary Methods Block.  (3 hours)


310 Practicum in Elementary Education: Practical experience in the public school classroom under the direction of a classroom teacher and College representative.  The student will assume approximately one-half of the responsibilities of the classroom teacher.  Outside readings related to the level of instruction will complement the daily experience in the classroom.  (3  hours)


315 Mild Interventions: Strategies for Instruction: Examination of curriculum, effective teaching methods, and materials appropriate to teach learners with mild disabilities.  (3 hours)


319 Natural Science/Social Science Methods: The study of the curriculum, methods, computer applications, materials, and assessment for the elementary school natural and social science programs.  Taken as part of the Elementary Methods Block, where field experiences are a required component.  (3 hours)


331 Early Childhood Curriculum and Methods: The study of the curriculum, methods, and materials used to teach young children.  Field experience in preschool or kindergarten is required. (3 hours)


340 Literacy Block: Integrated study of the language arts.  Emergence and development of listening, speech writing, and reading, including word recognition and comprehension strategies.  Includes the evaluation and use of instructional and recreational reading materials, methods, curriculum, assessment, and computer applications.  Requires participation in school classrooms and wide reading in children's literature.  (8 hours)


350 Evaluation and Implementation of Mild Interventions: Informal and formal testing, individual educational programs, classroom management and organization to meet the educational needs of learners.  (3 hours)


360 Classroom Behavioral Management: The study of current models of classroom discipline and techniques to manage individual and group behavior.  Taken as part of the Methods Block.  (2 hours)


410 The Teacher in Today's School: An examination of critical issues facing teachers in today's schools.  Topics are variable but will include classroom management, conflict resolution, and legal rights and responsibilities of teachers.  Taken concurrently with student teaching.


474 Early and Middle Childhood Student Teaching: Full-time teaching experiences in the public schools.  Initial experiences include observing the classroom teacher and working with small groups.  These experiences are gradually expanded until the student is in complete charge of the learning experiences of an elementary school classroom.  Taken as part of the Professional Term in elementary education.  (7-13 hours)


478 Mild Interventions Student Teaching: Full-time teaching experiences in the public school special education classroom.  Involvement is increased until the student assumes the responsibilities of the regular classroom teacher.  Must be complemented with a similar experience in EDUC 474.  (6 hours)




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