Problems From The Last Research Project
1. Biological Warfare (Alicia South,
John Wilson, D. Kreps)
Define biological warfare
and give two examples that:
a. occurred before 1700's.
b. occurred during the 1700's.
c. occurred during the 1900's.
What international meeting
took place which set up guidelines to ban the use of biological
and chemicals in times
of war? When did this meeting occur?
Name three specific microorganisms
that have been used at one time or another as biological
2. Ebola (Alan Cambell, John Magley,
D. Kreps)
What are the characteristic
signs of an ebola infection?
What are the known ways
that ebola is transferred from person to person? What animal may
serve as a reservoir of
the virus?
Name one place in Africa where an ebola epidemic has broken out. When did it occur?
3. The Historical Development of Hospitals
(Brandi Blackburn, Erin Sample, D. Kreps)
Describe how religious
groups influenced the development of hospitals.
What were the biggest changes
in one's perceptions of hospitals after the 1800's? (Think of the
people associated with
medicine during this period and the scientific theories and technologies
that appeared during the
end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th.)
What was the main role of
the early Greek and Roman hospitals compared to those of the
17th and 18th centuries?
4. Irish potato famine (Brandon Matthews, Bridget
Sanders, D. Kreps)
What causing the potatoes
to suddenly die and rot?
What were some of the effects
of the Irish Potato Famine that would indicate that is was a
plague of sorts?
Why were the famine victims
dying even though they did not have the same disease that rotted
the potatoes?
5. Joseph Lister (Lindsey Harlin, Dave Hoffman,
D. Kreps)
What contribution did Joseph
Lister make to the field of surgery?
After what event did Lister earn the general respect of the medical community?
What techniques did Lister use to reduce disease in hospitals?
6. Louis Pasteur (Bosko Kalinic, Shaun Tilghman,
D. Kreps)
List three contributions
that Pasteur made toward the prevention of disease.
Name three diseases that Pasteur worked with.
What process did Pasteur develop that bares his name today?
7. Mary Mallon (Elizabeth Doellman, Brandie
Poppe, D. Kreps
Define the term "carrier"
and explain why "Typhoid Mary" did not accept the fact that she
was a carrier.
How did "Typoid Marry" transmit typhoid fever?
What role did George A.
Soper play in identifying Mary as the carrier of typhoid and in her
8. Mother Teheresa ( Misty Minniear, Mary Weldon,
D. Kreps)
What was the unique purpose
of the Missionaries of Charity?
What group of people in
India were a part of the early focus of Mother Teheresa? Describe
her typical
method of operation in
dealing with this group.
What major "prize" did she receive and what did she do with the money that came with it?
9. The Panama Canal and Yellow Fever (Ryan
Field, Greg Heater, D. Kreps)
Who first started building
the Panama canal and why did they fail?
What was done by the United States to make their attempt at building the Panama Canal successful?
What was the role of Major
W.C. Gorgas and Walter Reed in the study of yellow fever and the successful
completion of the Panama
10. The Link Between Slavery In The New World
And Yellow Fever
(Carylyn Beyer,
Erica Glunt, D. Kreps)
What is meant by the "yellow
fever construct" as it relates to slaves in the New World?
What is the link between slavery and the appearance of yellow fever in the New World?
How did the vector of yellow
fever and the organism that causes the disease arrive on the shores of
the New