Manchester University   MEDICAL PRACTICUM

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 Short-Term Experiences in Global Health
 Global Health
 International Development
Manchester University College of Pharmacy, Natural & Health Sciences  Health Promoters in U.S.
 Movies and Video


Ethical Principles
Brocher Declaration is a statement of ethical principles for guiding policy on short-term global health engagements.
Guidelines for Responsible Short-Term Global Health Activites: Developing Common Principles by Lasker et al.
Ethics and Best Practice Guidelines for Training Experiences in Global Health by Crump et al.
Ethical Obligations Regarding Short-Term Global Health Clinical Experiences: An American College of Physicians Position Paper.
Short Term Global Health Experiences and Local Partnership Models: A Framework.
Beyond Medical “Missions” to Impact-Driven Short-Term Experiences in Global Health (STEGHs): Ethical Principles to Optimize Community Benefit and Learner Experience.
Short-Term Volunteer Health Trips: Aligning Host Community Preferences and Organizer Practices.
More Harm than Good? The Questionable Ethics of Medical Volunteering and International Student Placements.
Best Practices in Global Health Missions.
Pre-Departure Training and the Social Accountability of International Medical Electives.
Contemplation in Action: Lessons from Medical Mission Work by Georgetown University.
Calling Bull on Service Trips and Voluntourism
NPR article about evolution from "Fly-In" medical missions.

Hoping to Help: The Promises and Pitfalls of Global Health Volunteering by Judith N. Lasker.
When Healthcare Hurts by Greg Seager.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman, provides a non-fiction account of how a Hmong family in California navigates culture and language divides within the modern U.S. medical system.

Pre-Departure Training Resources
Foundations for Community Health Workers, 2nd Ed. by Timothy Berthold. Excellent resources for pre-departure training, especially Chapter 6 "Practicing Cultural Humility". Extensive instructor companion site.
Ethical Challenges in Short-Term Global Health Training. Online training through case studies.
The Global Healthcare Volunteer's Handbook: What you Need to Know Before You Go is a recommended book.

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Brief wisdom from Paul Farmer.
Towards a Common Definition of Global Health.
Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder.
Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor by Paul Farmer.
Comprehensive Rural Health Project in rural India.

Hesperian books (Where there is no Doctor, Where there is no Dentist, etc.) available as free pdf files.
Hesperian HealthWiki provides answers to health questions.
Where Women Have No Doctor is a comprehensive, free, health guide for women.
Community-led total sanitation empowers local people to improve their living conditions.
Latin American Medical School (ELAM) is the world's largest medical school, free to the poor from underserved areas who commit to return to their impoverished communities all over the world. Ted Talk about ELAM.
Global Health Now is leading news site from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

"See and Treat" method for treating precancerous cervical lesions in Haiti, from USA Today.
Colpscopy is a diagnostic procedure for cervical cancer that implements a by the New York Times.
World Health Organization guidelines for screening and treatment of precancerous lesions for cervical cancer prevention in resource poor settings.
Thermal ablation treatment article and device
Simple treatment for iron deficiency with the Lucky Iron Fish described in this video.

Evidence-Based Dentistry Update on Silver Diamine Fluoride is the best summary of worldwide oral health problems.
The Use of Salt Fluoridation to Prevent Dental Caries identifies adding fluoride to table salt as the most economical and practical fluoridation method.
The Dos and Don'ts of Silver Diamine Fluoride.
Silver Diamine by the Alliance for a Cavity Free Future.
Silver Diamine Fluoride Fact Sheet by the Association of State & Territorial Dental Directors.
Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment Considerations in Children's Caries Management Brief Communication and Commentary in Pediatric Dentistry.

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Lest Best Intentions Become the Enemy of the Good by Gerald Schlabach.
To Hell with Good Intentions by Ivan Illich.
Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen, lays out freedom as the guiding principle for sustainable development.
Human Development Index data from United Nations.

Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is especially relevant.
The U.S. is the only country to have not ratified or acepted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (note article 24).
Introductory video to Paul Farmer's ideas.
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.
Latin American Medical School (ELAM) is the world's largest medical school, free to the poor from underserved areas who commit to return to their impoverished communities all over the world. Ted Talk about ELAM.

John Perkins's Confessions of an Economic Hitman describes his former duties as one of the “highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars."

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Promoting Health Equity: A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health by the CDC.
Rural Health Information Hub provides lots of information about training Community Health Workers in rural U.S.
Resources from the CDC to enable community health workers.
Recruiting the Heart, Training the Mind describes community health worker successes in California.
Indiana Community Health Workers Association.
The Promotora model used in California.

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FUNDENOR Aq’Ab’Al is the non-governmental organization (non-profit) with which we work.
Guatemala Family Development (Facebook and Youtube) is a U.S. non-profit, to which one can donate, that supports only FUNDENOR Aq'Ab'Al.
Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social is the Guatemalan Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance with which we'll work.
Cardomom is a major cash crop for the people with whom we will work.
Map of the communities where we will work.
UN Human Development Index for Guatemala.

Building Partnerships in the Americas: A Guide for Global Healthcare Workers Chapter 2 provides the best introduction to healthcare in Guatemala (highly recommended).
Moon Guatemala Good travel guide.
Lonely Planet Guatemala A top notch travel guide.
The Rough Guide to Guatemala An excellent travel guide.
Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala by Stephen Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer is an account of how the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954 (highly recommended).
Washington Trained Guatemalas Killers for Decades provides context for Guatemalans migrating to the U.S.
A motorcycle-riding lawyer searches Guatemala’s remotest corners to reunite families separated by the U.S.

The Indigenous World publishes yearly the best overview of current issues facing indigenous in Guatemala: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
NOVA - Ancient Maya Metropolis The ancient ancestors of today’s Maya people thrived in large sophisticated cities across Central America for centuries. Investigates new evidence of the catastrophic droughts and instability that pushed Maya cities beyond their limits.
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann, highlights the cultural and technological advancements attained by the indigenous people living in the Americas before Columbus.
Laser Scans Reveal Maya "Megalopolis" Below Guatemalan Jungle is a recent article by National Geographic.
Science Magazine Lidar study on northern Guatemala lowland ancient Maya structures.
Losing Maya Heritage to Looters is another recent National Geographic article.
The Maya's Ingenious Secret to Survival briefly describes Tikal's water purification system.
The Maya by Coe and Houston provides the best deep introduction to the Maya.

An great Fall of Civilizations episode video and podcast about the collapse of the powerful Maya civilization.
500 Years is an excellent 2017 documentary movie about the current indigenous situation in Guatemala (highly recommended).
When the Mountains Tremble is a 1983 documentary movie that helped expose the genocide of the Maya.
La Camioneta: The Journey of One American School Bus is a 2012 documentary about how U.S. school buses find a second life in Guatemala (and other parts of Central America).

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Medical Abbreviations and Phrases
Medical Spanish Dictionary The best portable one I've found.
Spanish Bescherelle A small book that conjugates 22,000 verbs.

La Prensa newspaper.
El Nuevo Diario newspaper.
The voseo is used.

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¡Salud! A documentary about the world's largest medical school, which trains people from around the world gratis. "Healthcare is a right, not a commodity."

A great Fall of Civilizations episode video and podcast about the collapse of the powerful Maya civilization.
500 Years is an excellent 2017 documentary movie about the current indigenous situation in Guatemala (highly recommended).
When the Mountains Tremble is a 1983 documentary movie that helped expose the genocide of the Maya.
La Camioneta: The Journey of One American School Bus is a 2012 documentary about how U.S. school buses find a second life in Guatemala (and other parts of Central America).

Canto de Bosawas documents Mayangna music and the destruction of the beautiful Bosawas rainforest.
Dreaming Nicaragua interviews remarkable, poor, Nicaraguan children.
Globe Trekker: Central America includes parts of Nicaragua.
Carla's Song is set during the Contra War.
Sandino: The Movie is about Augusto Sandino's life.

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Clinic Supplies
Blessings International: Medicines for Missions Our main supplier of medicines and supplies in the U.S.
IDA Foundation Best international source for high-quality essential medicines for developing countries.
Clia Waived Great source for laboratory testing supplies.
Mountanside Medical Good commercial source for medical and dental supplies.
Model Lists of Essential Medicines from the World Health Organization details the minimum medicines needed in a basic health care system.

Coordination and Lodging
FUNDENOR Aq’Ab’Al is our partner non-governmental organization (non-profit) doing most of the coordination.
Guatemalan Ministry of Public Health and Social Assitance (MASPAS) With whom we work under in Guatemala.
Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala faculty and students support our work.
Farm House small hotel near Tactic.
Hotel Maya near Flores.
La Bendición de Dios small hotel and restaurant in Río Dulce.
Villa del Marques Small hotel in Antigua.

Group Supplies
Outback Bucket water purifer We use this water purification system.
AtwaterCarey Sleep Screen Pop-Up Net We use this mosquito net in Guatemala (includes how-to videos)
Yukon Outfitter Mosquito Hammock We have used this hammock, with a built-in mosquito net.
WintMing 75L Hiking Backpack with Rain Cover used by students in 2024.
Goodwill Industries A great place to find inexpensive, light, quick-drying clothing. Polyester works well, cotton doesn't.
REI Outlet Reduced prices on camping equipment.
Backcountry Outlet Reduced prices on camping equipment.
Campmor Reduced prices on camping equipment (click on deals).

Timmy Global Health Facilitates trips similar to the Manchester University Medical Practicum, but student-led.
Tie a bowline knot A great knot for hanging hammocks.

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Moon Nicaragua The best travel guide for Nicaragua.
Lonely Planet Nicaragua A top notch travel guide for Nicaragua.
Howard Zinn's Graphical History about Nicaragua's 20th Century Struggles (pages 209-230) Engaging political history.
Building Partnerships in the Americas: A Guide for Global Healthcare Workers Chapters 5 and 6 provide the best introduction to Nicaragua (highly recommended).
The Country Under My Skin by Gioconda Belli, a passionate autobiography from a female, Sandinista leader (highly recommended).
Blood of Brothers by Stephen Kinzer, an excellent first-hand reporting on the Contra War (highly recommended).
Nicaragua in Focus by Hazel Plunkett, a well-done, concise overview of the country.
Nicaragua: Living in the Shadow of the Eagle by Thomas W. Walker, a detailed social, economic and political history.
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann, highlights the cultural and technological advancements attained by the pre-Columbian people living in the Americas.

Canto de Bosawas documents Mayangna music and the destruction of the beautiful Bosawas rainforest.
Biodiversity in Central America
Moon Nicaragua Online
Lonely Planet Nicaragua Online
Wikitravel article
Wikipedia article
Original Science article about Río Coco
Adventure tours on Ríos Coco and Bocay (Spanish)
Córdoba is Nicaraguan currency
IR loop of Nicaragua weather
Larger IR loop of Nicaragua weather

Indigenous in Nicaragua  
The Indigenous World publishes yearly the best overview of current issues facing indigenous in Nicaragua: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
Indigenous Territorial Government (GTI) of Alto Wangki-Bocay (Spanish)
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide's Defenders of the Earth Report on environmental activists murdered
Culture of water
Pre-Columbian, post-Classical Maya civilization recently found in Honduras just across the border from the Alto Wangki-Bocay: book, article
Ethnological Survey of the Miskito and Sumu [Mayangna] Indianas of Honduras and Nicaragua by Eduard Conzemius

Good PBS news segment (October 2020) on U.S. beef consumption and Mayangna land displacement.
Canto de Bosawas documents Mayangna music and the destruction of the beautiful Bosawas rainforest.
Caracterización de la comunidad indígena Mayangna Amak, zona de règimen especial alto Bocay (highly recommended)
the People
Mapping Dreams in Nicaragua's Bosawas Reserve by Anthony Stocks.
Indigenous Ecological Activism in Nicaragua: The Case of Bosawas by Stocks et al.
Mayangna Knowledge
Interdependence of People and Nature: Fish and Turtles (large PDF in Spanish) overviewed here.
Guía de educación ambiental para las comunidades indígenas de Bosawas
Mayangna: Apuntes sobre la historia de los indígenas Sumu en Centroamérica by Götz von Houwald (In Spanish and digitized by Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Alto Wangki-Bocay Human Security (Spanish)
Alto Wangki-Bocay Human Security from Indigenous Territorial Government (Spanish)
UN Trust Fund for Human Security on Alto Wangki-Bocay

Grammar and 10 cultural Facts.
Article about travel on the Río Coco (Spanish).
Research study analyzing costs and benefits of the Mayangna/Miskito hunting dogs.

Development in Nicaragua  
Building Partnerships in the Americas: A Guide for Global Healthcare Workers Chapters 5 and 6 provide the best introduction to Nicaragua (highly recommended).
Human Development Index
Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina educates some Nicaraguan and U.S. doctors (Wikipedia page).
Centro Humboldt is a leader in Alto Wangki-Bocay development
Cervical cancer screening by Grounds for Health in Jinotega.
Heifer International has a variety of documents available.
Financing the Nicaragua canal.
Outside magazine article about the Nicaragua canal.
Another article about the Nicaragua canal.

Alto Wangki-Bocay  
Canto de Bosawas documents Mayangna music and the destruction of the beautiful Bosawas rainforest.
Caracterización de la comunidad indígena Mayanhna Amak, zona de règimen especial alto Bocay
Centro Humboldt is an NGO that works with the indigenous in the BOSAWAS.
Change for Children school in BOSAWAS.
Acción Médica Cristiana's development work with Foods Resource Bank.
UN Trust Fund for Human Security project.
A Travel journal from UC Davis One Health Institute project with Mayangnan dogs.

Denis García  
"¿Por qué me expulsan de Nicaragua?, la policía respondió con amenazas si no subía al avión" article in 100% Noticias on 7 Feb 24
"Social and Political Situation in Nicaragua since April 2018" presentation at Manchester University (starts at 16:20)
Café con Voz interview
Amnesty International-Nicaragua a Cry for Justice: Five years of opression and resistance (featured on p. 8) (English, Spanish)
Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette article (direct link)
Wabash Plain Dealer article
García and Velasquez presentation at MU

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Healthcare professionals volunteer their time and pay their own way.

Medicine and medical/dental supply expenses are covered by financial contributions for that year's trip and by earnings from the Medical Practicum Endowment fund.

Financial and Material Contributers for Trip
Manchester Family Dentistry
North Manchester Rotary   A longtime supporter.
North Manchester Kiwanis
Hospital Laundry Service, Inc.    (Fort Wayne)
Estate of Donald B. Miller
Matthew and Janel Sprunger
36 other individuals

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Jeff Osborne, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
College of Pharmacy, Natural & Health Sciences
Director of Biology-Chemistry & Medical Practicum Programs
Manchester University
604 E. College Avenue
North Manchester, IN  46962
260-982-5075  Fax 260-901-8240

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"This is not about saving the world by going to some far off place. This is about saving the world by thinking about equity and about social justice in general." - Paul Farmer

Manchester University College of Pharmacy, Natural & Health Sciences
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