Steve NaragonProfessor of Philosophy
Books(3) Portraits of Kant: Reflections from 18th and 19th-Century Europe, 3 vols. (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2025). Vol. 1: Kant as Child and Student; vol. 2: Kant as Professor and Socialite; vol. 3: Kant as Philosopher and World-Citizen. (2) Immanuel Kant, Lectures on Metaphysics, co-translated and co-edited with Karl Ameriks (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), xlvii, 642 pp. [Re-issued with revisions as a paperback in 2001.] (1) Reason and Animals: Descartes, Kant, and Mead on the Place of Humans in Nature. Ph.D. diss. University of Notre Dame, 1987. [450 p.] Advisors: Karl Ameriks and Neil Delaney. [Re-formatted, 190 p. draft: pdf] Websites(3) Kant in Translation (2018 f.). This is a set of two pages on the Kant in the Classroom website, but contains (if printed out) about 150 pages of text, and is essentially a separate project, consisting primarily of a bibliography of Kant’s writings in translation, as well as various resources for translating Kant. The aim of the bibliography is to include the first edition (and significantly revised editions) of each translation of Kant’s published writings, as well as of his Nachlaß, correspondence, and the student lecture notes. These are listed chronologically by date of the original Kant publication, and then by date of the translation publication. This project began in August 2018 as an online appendix to an article I was preparing on "Internet Resources for Translating Kant" (see below). (2) J. G. Herder’s Student Notes from Immanuel Kant’s Metaphysics Lectures (2015). This is a new transcription, with an introduction, explanatory and textual notes (in English, eventually to be translated into a parallel German version), a linked text of Alexander Baumgarten’s Metaphysica (the textbook from which Kant lectured), and high-resolution images of the original manuscripts. The work was funded by the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften during 2013 and 2014. The transcription will eventually be included in a separate volume of Kant's gesammelte Schriften (De Gruyter) that will bring together all of Herder’s notes from Kant’s lectures. (1) Kant in the Classroom (2006 f.), consisting of about 5 MB of text, coded as .html documents (of which there are c. 100 web pages). This project focuses on Kant’s lecturing activity and the student lecture notes, and brings together much of the research conducted during my 1998-99 sabbatical. A related project, on Kantian iconography, is also part of this website. Articles / Book Chapters / Encyclopedia Entries(16) “Introduction.” Herder’s Notes from Kant’s Lectures, edited by Steve Naragon and Werner Stark (de Gruyter, forthcoming). [pdf (draft)] (15) “Recursos de Internet para traducir a Kant.” Con-Textos Kantianos. International Journal of Philosophy, 20: 133-43 (2024). [online] (14) “Lectures.” The Kantian Mind, edited by Sorin Baiasu and Mark Timmons (London / New York: Routledge, 20234), pp. 479-93. [pdf] (13) Karl Gottfried Hagen, “Memorial Address for William Motherby,” edited and translated by Steve Naragon. Kant und Köngsberg in Kaliningrad, website of the Freunde Kants und Königsberg e.V.. Posted 2022. [pdf] (12) “Lectures on Metaphysics.” The Cambridge Kant Lexicon, edited by Julian Wuerth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), pp. 770-77. [pdf] (11) “Internet Resources for Translating Kant.” Kants Schriften in Übersetzungen, edited by Gisela Schlüter, unter Mitwirkung von Hansmichael Hohenegger (Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2020), pp. 305-21. [Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, Sonderheft 15] [pdf] (10) “Chronology of Kant’s Life” and “Kant’s Life.” The Palgrave Kant Handbook, edited by Matthew C. Altman (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. xxxi-xliv, 21-47. [pdf] (9) “Herder’s Student Notes from Kant’s Metaphysics Lectures.” Herder: From Cognition to Cultural Science/Herder: Von der Erkenntnis zur Kulturwissenschaft, edited by Beate Allert (Heidelberg: Synchron, 2016), pp. 249-58. (8) Kant-Lexikon, 3 vols., edited by Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr, and Stefano Bacin (New York/Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015). Total of 19 articles: Automat [pdf], Betastung [pdf], Gehirn [pdf], Gehör [pdf], Geruch [pdf], Hautfarbe [pdf], Herz [pdf], Leib [pdf], Maschine [pdf], Nerven [pdf], Physiognomik [pdf], Physiologie [pdf], Schall/Ton [pdf], Sehen [pdf], Samuel Thomas Soemmering [pdf], Kant’s “Anhang zu Soemmering: Über das Organ der Seele” [pdf], Taubheit [pdf], Täuschung der Sinne [pdf], and Technizismus [pdf]. (7) “Reading Kant in Herder’s Notes.” Reading Kant’s Lectures, edited by Robert R. Clewis (Berlin / Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2015), pp. 37-62. [pdf] (6) “Kant’s Career in German Idealism.” The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism, edited by Matthew C. Altman (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), pp. 15-33. [pdf] (5) —— and Werner Stark, “Ein Geschenk für Rose Burger. Notizen und Hinweise zu einem neu aufgefundenen Kant-Blatt.” Kant-Studien, 104: 1-12 (2013). [pdf] (4) The Dictionary of Eighteenth-Century German Philosophers, 3 vols. (London / New York: Continuum, 2010). General editors: Manfred Kuehn (Boston University) and Heiner Klemme (Wuppertal). Total of 46 articles: Alberti, Michael (1682-1757); Ammon, Christian Friedrich (1696-1742); Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich (1706-1775); Baumgarten, Christoph Friedrich (16??-1746); Beseke, Johann Melchior Gottlieb (1746-1802); Bock, Friedrich Samuel (1716-1785); Bock, Johann Georg (1698-1762); Bohl, Johann Christoph (1703-1785); Buck, Friedrich Johann (1722-1786); Büttner, Christoph Gottlieb (1708-1776); Burckhard, Thomas (1686-1744); Busolt, Gotthilf Christoph Wilhelm (1771-1831); Chmelnitzki, Johann (1742-1794); Christiani, Karl Andreas (1707-1780); Danovius, Ernst Jakob (1741-1782); Friedländer, Michael (1769-1824); Gatterer, Johann Christoph (1727-1799); Gensichen, Johann Friedrich (1759-1807); Hagen, Karl Gottfried (1749-1829); Herrmann, Christian Gotthilf (1764-1823); Hoffmann, Friedrich (1660-1742); Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm Friedrich (1762-1836); Jachmann, Reinhold Bernhard (1767-1843); Jäsche, Gottlieb Benjamin (1762-1842); Kiesewetter, Joh. Gottfried Karl Christian (1766-1819); Kreutzfeld, Johann Gottlieb (1745-1784); Kypke, Georg David (1724-1779); Kypke, Johann David (1692-1758); Lilienthal, Michael (1686-1750); Michaelis, Christian Friedrich (1770-1834); Pisanski, Georg Christoph (1725-1790); Pölitz, Karl Heinrich Ludwig (1772-1838); Pörschke, Karl Ludwig (1751-1812); Reidenitz, Daniel Christoph (1760-1842); Reil, Johann Christian (1759-1813); Rogall, Georg Friedrich (1701-1733); Salthenius, Daniel Lorenz (1701-1750); Sanden, Christian Bernhard von (1707-1756); Sanden, Heinrich von (1672-1728); Schultz, Johann (1739-1805), Schulz, Joachim Christoph Friedrich (1762-1798); Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas (1755-1830); Starck, Johann August (1741-1816); Teske, Johann Gottfried (1704-1772); Wlochatius, August Wilhelm (1744-1815); Zöllner, Johann Friedrich (1753-1804). (3) “‘A Good, Honest Watchmaker’: J. C. F. Schulz’s Portrait of Kant from 1791.” Kant-Studien, 101: 217-26 (2010). [pdf] (2) “The Metaphysics Lectures in the Academy Edition of Kants Gesammelte Schriften.” Zustand und Zukunft der Akademie-Ausgabe von Kants Gesammelten Schriften, edited by Reinhard Brandt and Werner Stark (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2000), pp. 189-215. [pdf] (1) “Kant on Descartes and the Brutes.” Kant-Studien, 81: 1-23 (1990). [pdf] Book reviews(5) Review of Corey W. Dyck, Kant and Rational Psychology (Oxford University Press, 2014). Journal of the History of Philosophy, 53.2: 336-37 (2015). (4) Review of Immanuel Kant, Notes and Fragments, edited by Paul Guyer, translated by Curtis Bowman, Paul Guyer, and Fred Rauscher (Cambridge University Press, 2002). Notre Dame Philosophical Review (an on-line journal of invited book reviews), posted January 5, 2006. (3) Review of Mihaela Fistioc, The Beautiful Shape of the Good: Platonic and Pythagorean Themes in Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgement (Routledge, 2002). Notre Dame Philosophical Review (an on-line journal of invited book reviews), posted December 5, 2002. (2) Review of Patricia Kitcher, Kant’s Transcendental Psychology (Oxford University Press, 1994). International Studies in Philosophy, 23: 126-127 (1991). (1) Review of Lewis White Beck, ed., Kant Selections (Pearson, 1988). Teaching Philosophy, 11: 263-264 (1988). Current Projects(1) J. G. Herder’s Student Notes from Immanuel Kant’s Lectures (book and website). This builds on the transcription of Herder’s metaphysics notes (above). Still in draft form, this website includes Herder’s notes from Kant’s lectures on physical geography, moral philosophy, and logic, and is intended as a companion to a new volume in Kant’s gesammelte Schriften – Vorlesungsnachschriften von Immanuel Kant aus der Zeit zwischen 1762 und 1764 von Johann Gottfried Herder, Abt. IV: Kant’s Vorlesungen – dedicated to Herder’s notes from Kant’s lectures, which I am in the process of preparing with Werner Stark. The work is underwritten by the Berlin-Brandenburg Akademy of Sciences. [(working draft)] (2) Johann Gottfried Herder, A Metacritique towards the Critique of Pure Reason and Kalligone. Volume 5 of The Cambridge Edition of the Philosophical Writings of J. G. Herder. (Cambridge University Press [anticipated completion: 2024]) (4) A translation into English of Herder’s metaphysics notes. |
Manchester University // Registrar // Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies // Last updated: 22 Feb 2025 |