KANT IN THE CLASSROOM     Materials to aid the study of Kant’s lectures

Kant’s Writings
Academy Edition
Kant’s Life


Kant’s Lectures
The Student Notes

Related Sites

[online texts]    [essays on Kant]    [professional societies]    [journals]

Kant in Olsztyn.

Kant Forschungsstelle der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Includes an online Kant Bibliography (2002- ).

Kant’s gesammelte Schriften at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.

Kants naturtheoretische Begriffe: Eine Datenbank zu ihren expliziten und impliziten Vernetzungen (developed by Wolfgang Lefèvre and Falk Wunderlich).

Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences: chronological listing of members (since 1700), with links to brief biographies.

Berliner Klassik: “an interdisciplinary project linking materials on Berlin culture between 1786-1815 in various databanks.” Linked lists of persons, affiliative groups, theater performances.

Komorowski/Marti: Manfred Komorowski und Hanspeter Marti, Königsberger Universitätsschriften vom Gründungsjahr der Albertina 1544 bis 1800.

Philosophical Libraries: “Private libraries of philosophers from the renaissance to the twentieth centuries” (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa / Università degli Studi di Cagliari). Excellent set of resources (in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish), with this index of personal libraries.

Online Texts (Kant and 18th C.) [top]

[The “Bonner Kant-Korpus” website has been down since some time in late 2022. Some or all of the resources here are still available using the “Wayback Machine” of the Internet Archive. The home page is here; the texts listed below have active links from this home page, and few corresponding links to this archived resource are provided below.]

Das Bonner Kant-Korpus [http://www.korpora.org/Kant/], includes a searchable online version of vols. 1-23 of the Academy edition of Kant’s gesammelte Schriften (i.e., everything but the lecture notes) that follows page and line breaks of the published version. [Caution! While this is an excellent resource, the transcription is not reliable; you should always check against the printed Academy edition.]
  • Academy Edition, vols. 1-23. [archived link]
  • a useful search engine of vols. 1-23. [provisional search engine]
  • Complete list of Kant’s printed correspondence (with links to the letters). [archived link]
  • an online and linked version of the 1969 Personenindex to Kant’s writings.
The site also includes online versions of various other texts, including textbooks used by Kant:
  • Achenwall’s Juris Naturalis (1763).
  • Baumgarten’s Metaphysica (1757) and Initia Philosophiae Practicae (1760).
  • Eberhard’s Vorbereitung zur natürlichen Theologie (1781).
  • Meier’s Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre (1752).

Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften [http://kant.bbaw.de/online-editionen] currently offers four online texts:
  • Kants „Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre“. Eine Synopse der Auflagen 1797 und 1803.
  • Opus Postumum.
  • Dokumentation der Vorlesungen über Physische Geographie.
  • The Herder Notes from Immanuel Kant’s Lectures.

German Periodicals: Retrospektive Digitalisierungwissenschaftlicher Rezensionsorgane und Literaturzeitschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem deutschen Sprachraum. [http://www.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/diglib/aufklaerung/index.htm] This website (sponsored by the Universität-Bielefeld Bibliothek, the Göttingen Academy of Sciences, and the Georg Olms Verlag) has digital scans of over 160 journals from the 18th and 19th centuries, with authors and titles in a searchable database. Journals include:
  • Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek, edited by F. Nicolai (Berlin / Stettin, 1765-94).
  • Berlinische Monatsschrift, edited by J. E. Biester and F. Gedike (Berlin, 1783-1811).
  • Briefe, die Neueste Litteratur betreffend, edited by G. E. Lessing, M. Mendelssohn, and F. Nicolai (Berlin / Stettin, 1759-66).
  • Hamburgisches Magazin, edited by A. G. Kaestner and J. A. Unzer (Hamburg, 1747-1763).
  • Der Philosoph für die Welt, edited by J. J. Engel (Leipzig, 1775-1777).
  • Der Teutsche Merkur, edited by C. M. Wieland (Weimar, 1773-89).

Wochentliche Königsbergische Frag- und Anzeigungs-Nachrichten: issues from 1752, 1753, 1754, courtesy of the Wielkopolska Library.

The Kant Research Group at The University of Western Ontario has prepared several collections of links to online texts:
  • Digital Archive of 18th Century German Texts.
  • Kant’s Books.
  • Women Intellectuals of 18th Century Germany.

Rudolf Eisler, Kant-Lexikon (1930), available on-line at textlog.de.

Johann Georg Hamann, Briefe. This website, prepared by Dr. Sybille Hubach, includes Hamann’s letters as printed in Johann Georg Hamann Briefwechsel, vols. 1-3 edited by Walther Ziesemer and Arthur Henkel, vols. 4-7 edited by Arthur Henkel (Frankfurt/Main: Insel-Verlag, 1955-1979), with commentary.

Kommentar zu Hamann Briefwechsel.

Zedler’s Universal-Lexikon. The Grosses vollständiges Universal Lexicon aller Wissenschafften und Künste, published by Johan Heinrich Zedler, 64 volumes (1731-1754).

Karl Vorländer, Immanuel Kant: Der Mann und das Werk (1924), available on-line at textlog.de.

Kant on the Web (Stephen Palmquist) [http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ppp/Kant.html], includes many useful links to primary texts and other resources, as well as much of Palmquist’s own work.

Essays on Kant and his Philosophy [top]

A searchable database of philosophy literature using keywords that allows for quick thematic searches can be found at PhilPapers.org, with a re-formatted version, based on the same database but devoted just to Kant literature, at KantPapers.org.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
    Tim Jankowiak, “Immanuel Kant.”
    Douglas Burnham, “Immanuel Kant: Aesthetics.”
    Matt McCormick, “Immanuel Kant: Metaphysics.”
    Colin McLear, “Immanuel Kant: Philosophy of Mind.”
    Erik M. Hanson, “Immanuel Kant: Radical Evil.”
    Wayne P. Pomerleau, “Immanuel Kant: Philosophy of Religion.”

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html]  Articles on Immanuel Kant (Michael Rohlf), and on Kant and ... his account of reason (Garrath Williams) ... aesthetics and teleology (Hannah Ginsborg), ... conceptualism/nonconceptualism (Colin McLear), ... critique of metaphysics (Michelle Grier), ... Hume on Causality (Graciela De Pierris / Michael Friedman), ... Hume on morality (Eric Entrican Wilson / Lara Denis), ... Leibniz (Catherine Wilson), ... moral philosophy (Robert Johnson / Adam Cureton), ... his philosophical development (Martin Schönfeld / Michael Thompson), ... philosophy of mathematics (Lisa Shabel), ... philosophy of religion (Lawrence Pasternack / Courtney Fugate), ... philosophy of science (Eric Watkins / Marius Stan), ... social and political philosophy (Frederick Rauscher), ... theory of judgment (Robert Hanna), ... transcendental arguments (Derk Pereboom), ... transcendental idealism (Nicholas Stang), ... view of mind and consciousness of self (Andrew Brook / Julian Wuerth), ... views on space and time (Andrew Janiak).

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Main article on Immanuel Kant by Paul Guyer.

Professional Societies devoted to the study of Kant and his work [top]

Kant-Gesellschaft (founded 1904)

North American Kant Society (founded 1985) [Pacific Study Group] [Midwest Study Group] [Eastern Study Group] [Southern Study Group]

Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française (SEKLF) (founded 1988)

Sociedade Kant Brasileira (founded 1989)

Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani (founded 1991)

U. K. Kant Society (founded 1994)

Norwegian Kant Society (founded 2006)
       [Univ. Oslo]

Sociedad de Estudios Kantianos en Lengua Española (SEKLE) (founded 2010)

Japanese Kant Society

Japanese Study Group
       [website (English/German/Japanese)]

Türkiye Kant Topluluğu
       [website (Turkish)]

Journals [top]

Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy (CSKP) [www.cckp]

Chief-editor: Robert Hannah.

Frequency (vol. 1: 2016) Online journal begun in 2016, its 3rd and final volume will be available in June 2018, after which the journal will be named Borderless Philosophy.

Con-Textos Kantianos (CTK) [www.con-textoskantianos.net]

Chief-editor: Roberto Rodríques Aramayo (Madrid).

Frequency (vol. 1: 2014) Online semi-annual journal publishing in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, and English.

Critique [virtualcritique.wordpress.com]

Chief-editor: Dennis Schulting.

Frequency (occasional) A non-peer-reviewed online journal; all articles (often book symposia with author-responses) are solicited and approved by the board. First articles published in 2013.

Estudos Kantianos [www.marilia.unesp.br]

Chief-editor: Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (Marília, Brazil).

Frequency: (vol. 1.1: 2013) Online semi-annual journal (May/November), publishing in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German, and Engish.

Kant e-Prints [www.cle.unicamp.br]

Chief-editor: Daniel Omar Perez (Sao Paulo, Brazil).

Frequency: (vol. 1.1: June 2002) Online journal, three issues per year; published by the Brazilian Kant Society (vol. 1.1/Jun 2002); currently in its 2nd series (vol. 1.1: Jan-Jun 2006).

Kant-Studien [www.degruyter.com]

Editors: Manfred Baum (Wuppertal), Bernd Dörflinger (Trier), Heiner F. Klemme (Halle).

Frequency: (vol. 1: 1896) Quarterly journal published by the Kant-Gesellschaft (Germany).

Kant Studies Online (KSO) [www.kantstudiesonline.net]

Editor: Don Milligan (Manchester, UK)

Frequency: founded by Gary Banham in 2011.

Kant Yearbook [www.degruyter.com]

Chief-editor: Dietmar Heidemann (Luxembourg)

Frequency: (vol. 1: 2009). Annual volumes are thematic: teleology (2009), metaphysics (2010), anthropology (2011), etc.

Kantian Review [http://www.uwp.co.uk]

Editors: Howard Williams (Aberystwyth University, UK), Graham Bird (University of Manchester, UK), and Professor Richard Aquila (University of Tennessee, USA)

Frequency: (vol. 1: 1998) Initially one volume and issue per year (1997-2004), later three issues per year (2011-16); since 2017, four issues per year. Published by the U.K. Kant Society.

Kantovskij Sbornik / Кантовский сборник [www.kant-online]

Chief-editor: Leonard Kalinnikov (Kaliningrad)

Frequency: (vol. 1: 1975) Begun in 1975 as an annual volume of conference proceedings and given the current name in 1981, it began semi-annual publication in 2008 and quarterly since 2010 (see).

Revista de Estudios Kantianos [https://ojs.uv.es/]

Editors: Pedro Jesús Teruel (Valéncia, Spain) and Hernán Pringe (Santiago, Chile).

Frequency: (vol. 1: 2016) Two issues per year; published by the Sociedad de Estudios Kantianos en Lengua Española (SEKLE).

Studi Kantiani [libraweb.net]

Chief-editor: Claudio La Rocca (Pisa, Italy)

Frequency: (vol. 1/1990) Annual journal.

Studia Kantiana [www.sociedadekant.org]

Chief-editor: Joel Klein (Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil).

Frequency: (vol. 1/1988) Online journal, currently three issues per year; published by the Sociedade Kant Brasileira.

Studia Philosophica Kantiana [www.unipo.sk]

Chief-editor: Ľubomír Belás (Prešova, Slovakia).

Frequency: (vol. 1.1: 2012) Online journal, two issues per year.