Dr. Gregory W. Clark
Department of Physics
Manchester University

Fall Semester 2023
EXP101 D, EXP101 J - My Manchester Experience [EXP101.F23]
PHYS 111 College Physics I [Syllabus-PHYS111.F23]
PHYS 111 L College Physics I Laboratory
NASC209 Physical Geology [NASC209-PhysicalGeology.F23]
My research interests are diverse. I'm a materials scientist by training and have a high interest in nanotechnology and scanning probe microscopy, among other things. My current research is on quantitative high resolution electric force microscopy phase measurements and conductive polymer systems. I also am very interested in energy-related issues, electronics, climate change, physics pedagogy, the history/philosophy of science, cooperative learning, physical geology, and the physics of music. My January/spring 2021 sabbatical focused on translating a book on life in medieval Paris through the art of the period from French into English and working on writing a simliar book of my own on London.
Useful Links
MU Science Division Seminar
American Physical Society Careers
in Physics
SPS Careers in Physics
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Physics