About Me
"It's not what happens to you that
determines how far you will go in life ;it is how you handle what happens to
Zig Ziglar
General Information
Full Name: Ricky Allen McKee
Hometown: Elkhart, Indiana
Family: Mike and Lisa McKee (father and mother), Robert and Ryan McKee (brothers) and Brandy (sister)
Pets: Cooper - golden retriever, Abbey - golden doodle, Molly and patches - cats
Birthday: September 27, 1987
Educational Background
Elementary School: Concord Westside elementary School
Junior High School: Concord Junior High School
Extracurricular Activities: Basketball manager, Wrestling, Football, Track & Field and Leadership Club
High School: Concord High School
Extracurricular Activities: Football and Wrestling
Graduated: June 2006
College: Manchester College
Extracurricular Activities: SHAPE Club, Jump Rope for Heart and Football