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1. Remember that KWL chart you printed off?  Now it's time to fill in that last column: the "L" column tell me what you learned!

If you need some more information about Owls check out this neat site!


Rounded Rectangular Callout: You're going to like this....
2. Let's Get Scientific!


Do you know what

an owl pellet is?

It's like a hairball

that owl's throw

up!  Owls eat their prey whole!  After

they are done with their tasty snack

they throw up the stuff they can't

digest like bones and fur!

Want to see this for yourself?? 

Click Here to dissect a virtual owl pellet!  

When you are done, tell a classmate what you found inside!

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Being a mouse isn't always very fun!  Click Here to go back to the main menu