Molly Bannaky
During Reading:
Activity 1:
First: Read the first 6 pages in Molly Bannaky.
When you reach page 6....
Next: What do you think an indentured servant is? Using this KWL Chart fill out what you know about an indentured servant. Note: You should have at least 3 things you would like to learn. If you are not sure take a guess. Next fill out what you may want to learn about an indentured servant.
Last: Read the remainder of the book Molly Bannaky. As you read fill out the what you learned part of the KWL chart. After you have read the book and included new information about indentured servants look at the column what you want to learn. Is there anything you wanted to learn but didn't from reading the book? Explore the different websites (listed below) to try to expand your knowledge about indentured servants. As you are looking for the answers to your questions write down at least 3 new facts about indentured servants in the what you learned column. Please place this chart in your GREEN reading folder.
Activity 2:
First: Print out this paper: Vocabulary in Molly Bannaky
Next: Reread the book Molly Bannaky. As you read fill out the vocabulary worksheet. Please find 10 words that you do not know the meaning to. (Trust me there will be plenty!)
Last: Make sure to fill out all the information, the page number the word is found on, the sentence it is used in, and the definition of the word. Find the definition of each word using Please place this worksheet in your GREEN reading folder.
To continue please click the After Reading button.