Post-reading Activities
When finished reading and completing prior activities, do
activities 1 and 2 below. Then, choose between activity 3 and 4 to complete a
third assignment.
1. Create a postcard to the punctuation mark of your choice. Include a greeting, why you want them to return from vacation, and a salutation. Draw a picture that you think would urge the punctuation marks to return and design a stamp of your choice. Be creative! Print off the page and cut out the post card.
2. Make a bar graph representing the tally marks in which you recorded as you read the book. Correctly label the graph including axis and the numbers in which each punctuation mark was used. Be sure to include all seven punctuation marks and give your graph a title. Color each bar to represent different punctuation marks. Print off the graph sheet and complete the activity.
3. Go to the following website to create your own comic about punctuation marks and what they did on vacation.
4. Write a newspaper article expressing the classes' feelings when the punctuation marks returned. Was the class happy? Was the class mad? Be specific in your descriptions. Also write your predictions on what the punctuation did while they were on vacation and how they will effect the class now that they have returned. Be creative and feel free to interview a punctuation mark!