LOGIC (PHIL 230) | |
Course RequirementsReading and Homework. I assign homework for each day. This will not be collected, but the daily quiz will draw from it, and we will be working through it on the board during class. You must get in the habit of working through your homework before class, or else you will fall behind, you will be unable to participate easily in class, you will be under-prepared for the exams, and you will either fail the course or withdraw. I’ve tried to assign just enough homework for you to understand the necessary concepts, learn the basic skills, and then repeat them enough to get them well stuck in your head. If you honestly believe that you’ve mastered the material before finishing the homework set, then there is no reason to keep working through the remaining exercises. If you work through the text, the homework exercises, and participate in class, you will almost certainly do well in this class and become a much stronger and more agile thinker. LogicCoach: Follow this link to a page where you can download the homework program LogicCoach (available for both Macs and Windows systems). You can do your homework here and have it instantly checked. It’s no-frills, but it’s also free and it works. Attendance and Participation. The occasional student will be able to master this material simply by working through the text, but most students will need some help from class in order to fully understand what’s going on. Apart from that, I will try to make the class amusing. Most class sessions will consist of four parts: (1) a brief quiz drawn from the homework for the current day and on the material discussed the previous day, (2) an explanation of the new material for that day, (3) a consideration of one or two practice exercises, and (4) a review of homework exercises (either orally or on the board). You should come to class each day having completed your homework to the best of your ability, and prepared to ask questions regarding concepts or homework exercises you didn’t understand. Exams. There will be four exams. [Makeup: Exams missed due to an excused absence are to be taken as soon as possible or else will be forfeited. It is your responsibility to see me about this.] Quizzes. There will be a brief quiz nearly every day, given at the beginning of class, on the assigned homework or the material discussed the previous class day. [Makeup: Missed quizzes can be made up in my office the following day or at the beginning of the next class session; it is your responsibility to make this arrangement with me.] Argument Analsysis and Evaluation. About once each week you will need to find what you take to be a “bad” argument somewhere in the literature (book, magazine, newspaper, website). (Do not simply run a search for “logically flawed arguments” – or something to that effect – and then copy out the argument from a website devoted to such matters; this needs to be something you locate on your own.) Your brief, 1-2 pp. essay should include three parts: (1) Type or copy out the relevant text, along with the bibliographical information. (2) Analyse the argument: What is the main claim of the argument? and What reasons are given to believe that claim? (3) Evaluate the argument: Explain what you find troubling with the argument. As the semester progresses you will begin to learn technical terms for some of the errors that you’ll find. Until then, just describe the problem as best you can. If the argument seems salvageable, how might you improve it? Otherwise, offer a brief rebuttal to the argument, based on your analysis. More details are available on the Argument Analysis page. [Submit on Canvas.] Grading. The set of three exams is worth 40% (15%, 13%, and 12%, respectively); the set of short essays is worth 30%; the set of discussion forums is worth 20%; and the set of daily paragraphs is worth 10%. I use the following letter grade conversion scale: A (94-100), A- (90-93), B+ (87-89), B (83-86), B- (80-82), C+ (77-79), C (73-76), C- (70-72), D+ (67-69), D (63-66), D-(60-62), F (0-59). Cell Phones. Laptops. I have yet to meet the student who took good notes on a laptop. Apart from that, various studies have shown that handwritten notes are much more conducive to learning, remembering, and synthesizing new information. Unless you have a documented disability that requires the use of a laptop or tablet, prepare to take notes the old fashioned way, with paper and pencil. Cheating and Plagiarism. When life happens… If circumstances in your life occur that affect your performance in class (e.g., childcare issues, unreliable transportation, a sick grandparent, expected recurring absences for any reason), you should talk to me and to your other professors immediately. We can figure something out. [The following material comes to you courtesy of the University Administration]Academic Support. Manchester University has a commitment to the success of its students; therefore, the Success Center services will serve you well! Whether you are in the honors program, need a little help getting started with an essay, or need some extensive tutoring for a math class, familiarize yourself with the Success Center on the second floor of the Switzer Center! Student Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy. Manchester University, in compliance with federal guidelines, is committed to assuring students with disabilities equal access to programs and activities however, it is the student’s responsibility to self-disclose the disability. Students who feel they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact Mia Miller, the Disability Support Coordinator, to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. Students whose accommodation requests are approved will be provided with confidential letters to deliver to their professors. Each letter verifies the disability and documents the need for auxiliary aids and services and/or academic adjustments/accommodations. Students are encouraged to meet with each professor early in the semester to discuss academic implications as they relate to each specific course and to request appropriate accommodation. The Disability Support Services office is in the Success Center (second floor of the Jo Young Switzer Center) and can be reached by phone at 260-982-5888 or 260-982-5499 to schedule an appointment. Medical Emergency/Evacuation Assistance Statement. Students should speak to the instructor immediately if (1) they may require medical attention during class, or (2) they have a disability, chronic condition, or a temporary injury that may limit or affect their ability to evacuate the classroom/building in an emergency. The student and the instructor should discuss the student’s specific needs and the types of precautions that should be made in advance of such an event. In the event of a fire or other situation requiring emergency evacuation, students with ambulatory disabilities are to go with or without assistance to the nearest stairwell area. Faculty and staff will assist with evacuation management efforts until such time as the Campus Safety and/or Police and Fire Departments arrive on the scene to assist in student evacuation from the building. Elevators are not to be used for evacuation by any persons. Students who need special arrangements in the event of an evacuation should also register with Mia Miller in the Success Center as early as possible in the semester to help facilitate the provision of needed emergency assistance. [This paragraph courtesy of the University Administration] Title IX Student Conduct Reporting Requirement. Manchester University is committed to fostering a safe community where the infinite worth of all individuals is respected. Title IX and institutional policy prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex and gender identity. Consequently, sexual misconduct – including harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking – is also prohibited at Manchester. Faculty, staff and administrators encourage anyone experiencing sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, or stalking to talk to someone about what happened, so they can get the support they need and Manchester University can respond appropriately. To speak confidentially with a Manchester employee/on-campus representative about an incident of sexual misconduct, please contact: MU Counseling Services (260-982-5306) MU Health Services (260-982-5306) MU Campus Pastor (260-982-5243) North Manchester Campus Victim Advocate (260-563-4407) CARE Initiative (260-982-5027) Off-campus resources include the following: Hands of Hope (Service to North Manchester Campus-24/7 Hotline 260-563-4407) Fort Wayne Sexual Violence Treatment Center (Service to both Fort Wayne & North Manchester Campuses-24/7 Hotline 260-423-2222) YWCA of Northeast Indiana (Domestic Violence & Sexual Violence: 260-447-7233) Individuals who wish to file a report of sexual misconduct should contact the Title IX Coordinator (260-470-5721) or/and Manchester University Campus Safety (260-982-5999). For questions about institutional policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct, please contact the Title IX Coordinator. To make a police report, contact the North Manchester Police Department (260-982-8555) or Fort Wayne Police Department (260-472-1222). Learn more about Title IX and survivor support at the following websites: https://www.manchester.edu/about-manchester/university-priorities/title-ix https://www.manchester.edu/student-life/care-initiative/care-intitiative-home **Manchester University strives to uphold privacy and confidentiality as much as possible and only shares information received with those who have a need to know in order to respond. Individuals who desire anonymity in discussing and seeking assistance about sexual misconduct should contact and/or be referred to a confidential employee.** |
Manchester University // Registrar // Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies // Last updated: 1 Aug 2019 |