Writings Falsely Attributed to Kant

(1) (anon.), Betrachtungen über das Fundament der Kräfte und die Methoden, welche die Vernunft anwenden kann, darüber zu urtheilen. Königsberg: Gottlieb Liebrecht Hartung, 1784. [67 p.]

Misattributed in: Borowski [1804, 73-74], listed as “Nr. 29” in his bibliography of Kant’s published writings.

The actual author: Privy Councillor Ernst Ludwig von Elditten (1729-1797).⁠ We learn this from Kant himself, in his 13 September 1785 letter to Christian Gottfried Schütz [AA 10: 407]:
“I have not yet seen any reviews of Die Betrachtungen über das Fudament der Kräfte, etc. The author, Privy Councillor von Elditten of Wickerau in Prussia, asked me to request that you have it reviewed and, if the review turns out to be more or less favorable, to feel free to name him as the work’s author.”

(2) Antwortschreiben des Professors Kant in Königsberg an den Abt Sieyes in Paris, 1796. Aus dem lateinischen Originale übersetzt. (no publisher, no location), 1797. [112 p.] [online]

The actual author: Samuel Flick (?)[M][WorldCat]

(3) (anon.), Wahrheitsgetreuer Bericht über meine Reise in den Himmel. Verfaßt von Immanuel Kant. Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1877. [iv, 47 p.]

The actual author: Gustav Teichmüller (1832-1888).

