Manchester College Department of Education

Goals and Objectives

based on the INTASC Principles


Curriculum                           Assessment                             Relationships                                 Environment


Each Manchester College Teacher Candidate…


constructs and delivers appropriate curriculum for P-12 students.


C1- Plans informative, developmentally appropriate lessons and/or units INTASC 2, 3, 4, 7 NBPTS 1,2

C2- Teaches subject matter accurately to insure that students can meet P-12 academic standards INTASC 1, 3, 4, 7 NBPTS 1,2

C3- Uses interdisciplinary instruction as appropriate INTASC 1, 7 NBPTS 1,2

C4- Addresses subject matter from various points of view INTASC 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 NBPTS 1,2

C5- Teaches students to use critical thinking and problem solving strategies INTASC 4, 5, 7 NBPTS1,2

C6- Uses effective questioning strategies INTASC 4, 5, 7 NBPTS 1,2

assesses students’ learning and development with a variety of measures to aid in appropriate and effective instructional planning


A1- Develops appropriate tools to assess learning INTASC 4, 8 NBPTS 3

A2- Assesses learning through standardized and/or teacher constructed tests to drive future instruction INTASC 8 NBPTS 3

A3- Assesses learning through appropriate alternative measures to drive future instruction INTASC 4, 8 NBPTS 3

A4- Uses a variety of appropriate, authentic assessment tools and methods INTASC 4, 8 NBPTS 3


establishes professional and reciprocal relationships with others invested in P-12 students’ learning


      R1- Demonstrates sensitivity for diversity with students, colleagues, parents, college faculty, and/or community agencies  INTASC 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 NBPTS 5

R2- Demonstrates with full awareness of ethical and legal responsibilities of teachers INTASC 7, 8, 9 NBPTS 4,5

R3- Values life-long learning, personal/professional development, and/or service orientation INTASC 9 NBPTS 4, 5

R4- Models appropriate oral communication skills INTASC 6 NBPTS 1, 2

R5- Models appropriate written communication skills INTASC 6 NBPTS 1, 2

R6- Motivates students to learn individually, collaboratively, and cooperatively INTASC 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 NBPTS 1,2, 3

R7- Plans lessons in collaborative teams INTASC 6, 10 NBPTS 5


creates positive and caring environments for student development and learning


E1- Differentiates learning opportunities that respond to individual learning styles and learning challenges INTASC 2, 3, 4, 5 NBPTS 1, 2, 3

E2- Uses a variety of teaching methods and materials INTASC 2, 3, 4 NBPTS 1, 2, 3

E3- Uses a variety of appropriate media and technology INTASC 2, 3, 4 NBPTS 1, 2, 3

E4- Keeps records to monitor, document, and report student progress INTASC 8, 10 NBPTS 1, 3

E5- Manages student behavior in positive, safe ways INTASC 2, 5 NBPTS 1,3

E6- Models conflict resolution skills INTASC 2, 5, 8 NBPTS 1, 3

E7- Engages in research and reflection on best practices in teaching strategies INTASC 1, 2, 7, 9 NBPTS 4, 5