About Me

My name is Jeremiah Sanders and I'm currently a sophomore at Manchester College.

 During my time at Manchester, I have gained an amazing group of friends, became an

 active  student leader on campus, and developed an ambition to be a person of ability

and conviction. I hope in a few years I can become an exceptional educator. I believe

 education is indispensable and ensures better lives. It is my duty as a

 teacher to be a positive, influential force that affects the lives of my students.

2006, Above is a picture of me performing at Community School of the Arts' (CSA's) Dance Recital.

2010, Below is a picture of me in high school fulfilling my presidential duties and collecting our first place trophy at a National Competition. .

"Life is a sequences of events in which awaits a person’s response. My life has been a

 mixture trying obstacles as well as positive outcomes. I am both blessed and excited to

 be able to pursue post-secondary education.  I want to give back to all kinds of

 students. In education, I will  be enriching lives culturally and emotionally. I value

 these three traits: perseverance, commitment, and courage; furthermore, I would like to

 incorporate those with the skills and resources Manchester College has provided me.

 In doing so, I shall be an influential and positive force in whatever community I am

 called to."


2010, Above is a picture of me singing a duet at my high school graduation.

2011, Below  is me performing at a talent showcase.



 "There are multiple ways a person can handle tragedies and victories. A person must

 be responsible for his or her actions in any circumstance. I believe all of the struggles

 and blessings are what have shaped me to be the person that I am. I know that, with

 the checkered past I have, I will be able to make a significant impact on a student’s

 life. I am striving to be an educator because I am passionate about it. I not only want to

 serve as a wonderful teacher, but I want to initiate change in individuals' lives."


2011, Above is a picture of me as a Student Orientation Leader (SOL) with my SOL partner, Joseph Myers.

2011, Below is a picture of (from left to right) Zabrian Mills, me, Joseph Myers, and Xuny Haley presenting at a Manchester College Values Ideas and the Arts (VIA) convocation.

2011, Below is a photo of me as a Resident Assistant along with my co-workers and Hall Director.